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Although most models of mating system evolution assign a central role to the male transmission advantage of selfing genotypes, empirical data on the male fitness consequences of increased self-pollination are still uncommon. Here, I use measures of pollen import and export by focal plants in genotyped arrays to investigate the effects of floral morphology and pollination environment on self and outcross male function. Plants from an autogamous population of Arenaria uniflora (Caryophyllaceae) exhibit complete pollen discounting relative to closely related outcrossers, as do morphologically intermediate F1 hybrids between the two populations. However, the low cumulative male fitness of hybrids probably results from reduced pollen number or competitive ability, rather than a nonlinear relationship with floral morphology. When surrounded by selfers, plants from the outcrosser population self-fertilize at nearly the same rate as selfers (>80%), but have much lower self male fitness due to reduced fruit set. Because outcross siring success is also extremely low (<8%) in this treatment, these mate-limited outcrossers are at male fitness disadvantage to both pseudocleistogamous selfers and nonlimited outcrossers. The relative male fitness of plants with different mating systems appears dependent on the ecological context, as well as on morphological trade-offs.  相似文献   

【目的】在植物的所有生活史特征中,交配格局可能是对宏观进化影响最大的因素。在不确定的传粉环境中,两性花植物常常具有潜在的自交能力,鉴于自交的交配代价,两种交配方式如何权衡,一直是深入理解交配系统演化的关键问题。【方法】为了探讨早春不稳定传粉环境中植物的自交策略,以早春短命植物新疆郁金香为研究对象,通过野外观测及人工控制实验对自然居群的开花习性、传粉者类群、散粉动态、自花粉传递模式和交配系统等进行研究。【结果】(1)新疆郁金香自然种群4月上旬或中旬开花,单花期5-6 d,白天开放晚上闭合,花粉的释放从外轮开始,由下到上呈拉链式次序呈现。(2)传粉者主要为蜂类和食蚜蝇,访花频率普遍较低,且在年份间存在较大差异,但结实率普遍较高。(3)控制授粉实验表明居群为异交为主,部分自交亲和的混合性交配系统类型。傍晚花闭合时雄蕊的自主运动促进了柱头的自花授粉,这一传粉模式促进了竞自交的发生,但大量自花粉的落置发生在开花后的第4 d,占自花粉总落置量的50.22%,为一种延迟自交的机制。【结论】在传粉受限的情况下,新疆郁金香的竞自交和延迟自交促进了柱头的花粉落置,这种集异交、竞自交和延迟自交为一体的交配策略灵活地应对了早春不稳定的传粉环境,是对早春低温度条件下不确定传粉服务的一种适应,也是早春短命植物的一种繁殖保证对策。  相似文献   

繁殖保障和延迟自交的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
阮成江  钦佩  尹增芳 《生态学报》2006,26(1):195-204
尽管植物在进化过程中面临不利自花授粉的选择,但许多植物仍维持混合的授粉机制。繁殖保障假说是解释自交进化的最重要因子之一,一直是植物生殖生态学和进化生物学关注的焦点之一。概述了近年来的主要研究热点及其进展,包括自交进化的遗传和生态机制及理论模型探讨、繁殖保障假说的提出、验证自交能否提供繁殖保障的例证、延迟自交的类型及延迟自交能否提供繁殖保障的例证等方面。介绍了我国在繁殖保障和延迟自交方面研究的现状和不足之处,结合国际上研究繁殖保障假说的发展趋势已由单季节、单种群、单因子的研究阶段过渡到多季节、多种群、多因子(自交方式及其所占比例、花粉折损、种子折损、自交率和近交衰退)的综合研究阶段,及由传统的、经典的研究方法过渡到应用现代实验手段(如SSR、SNP等分子标记)和先进仪器设备的研究阶段,提出今后研究中应注意的问题。有必要借用多学科(植物学、生态学和分子生物学)的方法及手段进行不同物种的对比和综合细致的研究。  相似文献   

Florivores are antagonists that damage flowers, and have direct negative effects on flowering and pollination of the attacked plants. While florivory has mainly been studied for its consequences on seed production or siring success, little is known about its impact on mating systems. Damage to flowers can alter pollinator attraction to the plant and may therefore modify patterns of pollen transfer. However, the consequences of damage for mating systems can take two forms: a decrease in flower number reduces opportunities for intra-inflorescence pollen deposition (geitonogamy), which, in turn, may lead to a decrease in selfing; whereas a decrease in floral display may also reduce overall visitation and thus increase the chances of self-pollination via facilitated or autonomous autogamy. We investigated the effects of damage by a bud-clipping weevil ( Anthonomus signatus ) in Fragaria virginiana in an experimental setting mimicking natural conditions. We found that increased damage led to an increase in selfing, a result consistent with the increased autogamy pathway. We discuss the implications of this finding and evaluate the generality of florivore-mediated mating system expression.  相似文献   

Sexual interference of the floral kind   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
Barrett SC 《Heredity》2002,88(2):154-159
Floral hermaphroditism results in conflicts and compromise in the parental roles of plants during pollination and mating. A potential cost of hermaphroditism is sexual interference between maternal and paternal functions resulting in gamete wastage and reduced fitness. Sexual interference may or may not be associated with self-pollination. In cases where self-pollination occurs, ovule or pollen discounting may reduce mating opportunities. Here I describe forms of sexual interference in flowering plants, distinguishing whether physical or biochemical interactions are involved and whether fitness costs associated with gamete wastage arise from intra-floral versus inter-floral processes. I review the limited experimental evidence for interference between sex functions and evaluate the hypothesis that some floral adaptations usually interpreted as anti-selfing mechanisms may serve an alternative function in reducing mating costs arising from this form of sexual conflict.  相似文献   

We model the evolution of plant mating systems under the joint effects of pollen discounting and pollen limitation, using a dynamic model of inbreeding depression, allowing for partial purging of recessive lethal mutations by selfing. Stable mixed mating systems occur for a wide range of parameter values with pollen discounting alone. However, when typical levels of pollen limitation are combined with pollen discounting, stable selfing rates are always high but less than 1 (0.9相似文献   

Knowledge about mixed mating systems can improve our understanding of the evolutionary dynamics of reproductive systems. Here we report a study of the pollination system (floral and reproductive biology, pollen limitation and stigmatic pollen load, floral visitors and inbreeding depression) of Fumana hispidula, a Mediterranean subshrub belonging to a species group with a strong selfing tendency. Autonomous self-pollination, hand self- and hand cross-pollination, open pollination and controls yielded fruits (0.28, 0.65, 0.68, 0.38, and 0.67, respectively); however, autonomous self-pollination resulted in the lowest fruit set. All individuals were fully self-compatible but we found great inter-individual variation in autonomous self-pollination ability, which was probably related to a variable expression of herkogamy degree. Inbreeding depression was low (0.040 for fruit set, 0.015 for seed set and ?0.026 for seed mass). The pollen supplementation experiment did not reveal pollen limitation and pollinators were seen visiting the flowers during the observation periods. These results support the idea that F. hispidula has a mixed mating strategy, which represents a successful reproduction mode in their patchy habitats.  相似文献   

Recent studies of mating system evolution have attempted to include aspects of pollination biology in analysis of both theoretical models and experimental systems. In light of this growing trend, we propose a simple population genetic model for the evolution of gametophytic self-incompatibility, incorporating parameters for pollen discounting and pollen export/capture. In this model, we consider several cases that span the spectrum for dominance of the mutant self-incompatibility allele and for the degree of incompatibility conferred by the allele. We confirm earlier results that inbreeding depression is required for successful invasion of the self-incompatibility allele and we demonstrate that, unless pollen discounting is very low, the level of inbreeding depression must be very high for an allele conferring self-incompatibility to become established. Finally, we show that the dominance of the mutant allele has a greater impact on the fate of a newly arisen self-incompatibility allele than the strength of the incompatibility conferred by the allele. In particular, the more recessive the self-incompatibility expression in heterozygote stigmas and the weaker the response induced, the easier it is for a self-incompatibility allele to invade.  相似文献   

Comparisons of the causes and consequences of cross- and self-fertilization have dominated research on plant mating since Darwin's seminal work on plant reproduction. Here, I provide examples of these accomplishments, but also illustrate new approaches that emphasize the role of floral design and display in pollen dispersal and fitness gain through male function. Wide variation in outcrossing rate characterizes animal-pollinated plants. In species with large floral displays, part of the selfing component of mixed mating can arise from geitonogamy and be maladaptive because of strong inbreeding depression and pollen discounting. Floral strategies that separate the benefits of floral display from the mating costs associated with geitonogamy can resolve these conflicts by reducing lost mating opportunities through male function. The results from experiments with marker genes and floral manipulations provide evidence for the function of herkogamy and dichogamy in reducing self-pollination and promoting pollen dispersal. Evidence is also presented indicating that increased selfing resulting from changes to floral design, or geitonogamy in large clones, can act as a stimulus for the evolution of dioecy. The scope of future research on mating strategies needs to be broadened to include investigations of functional links among flowers, inflorescences and plant architecture within the framework of life-history evolution.  相似文献   

Ecological factors that reduce the effectiveness of cross-pollination are likely to play a role in the frequent evolution of routine self-fertilization in flowering plants. However, we lack empirical evidence linking the reproductive assurance value of selfing in poor pollination environments to evolutionary shifts in mating system. Here, we investigated the adaptive significance of prior selfing in the polymorphic annual plant Arenaria uniflora (Caryophyllaceae), in which selfer populations occur only in areas of range overlap with congener A. glabra. To examine the hypothesis that secondary contact between the two species contributed to the evolution and maintenance of selfing, we used field competition experiments and controlled hand-pollinations to measure the female fitness consequences of pollinator-mediated interspecific interactions. Uniformly high fruit set by selfers in the naturally pollinated field arrays confirmed the reproductive assurance value of selfing, whereas substantial reductions in outcrosser fruit set (15%) and total seed production (20–35%) in the presence of A. glabra demonstrated that pollinator-mediated interactions can provide strong selection for self-pollination. Heterospecific pollen transfer, rather than competition for pollinator service, appears to be the primary mechanism of pollinator-mediated competition in Arenaria. Premating barriers to hybridization between outcrossers and A. glabra are extremely weak. The production of a few inviable hybrid seeds after heterospecific pollination and intermediate seed set after mixed pollinations indicates that A. glabra pollen can usurp A. uniflora ovules. Thus, any visit to A. uniflora by shared pollinators carries a potential female fitness cost. Moreover, patterns of fruit set and seed set in the competition arrays relative to controls were consistent with the receipt of mixed pollen loads, rather than a lack of pollinator visits. Competition through pollen transfer favors preemptive self-pollination and may be responsible for the evolution of a highly reduced floral morphology in A. uniflora selfers as well as their current geographical distribution.  相似文献   

Ovule discounting denotes the reduction in the number of ovules available for cross-fertilization due to the interference of inferior pollen. Traditionally, ovule discounting has been discussed solely from the perspective of compromised outcrossing opportunities as a result of selfing, but the principle is more general. Here, we extend its applicability beyond the simple contrast between selfing and outcrossing by showing that, in the cryptically dioecious tree species Fraxinus ornus, ovule discounting through frequent outcrossing with inferior fathers also constitutes a substantial cost of mating. In F. ornus, hermaphrodites produce pollen capable of siring offspring, but these offspring are less viable than those sired by males and are inferred to produce few, if any, surviving progeny. In this paper, we used microsatellite markers to analyze the mating system and paternity in a wild population of F. ornus. We found that the effective number of sires per mother was low (N(ep) = 2.93 to 4.95), and that paternity was correlated among progeny sampled from the same mother, but not among progeny sampled from neighboring mothers. Despite the existence of a local spatial genetic structure (up to 30 m), we found no evidence of biparental inbreeding. There was negligible selfing by hermaphrodites, but they sired approximately one fourth of the seeds produced by other hermaphrodites. Given that these progeny are not inferred to reach reproductive maturity, this constitutes a substantial cost of ovule discounting in the broad sense. We discuss the possible reasons for why hermaphrodites invest resources into inferior pollen.  相似文献   

The overall rate of self-fertilization can be viewed as the sum of two distinct processes: 1) self-pollination of all ovules in a flower (whole-flower self-pollination); and 2) self-pollination of some of the ovules in a flower, occurring together with outcrossing of the remaining ovules (part-flower self-pollination). In some situations these processes may be equated with different modes of self-pollination. A model of the mating system in which the progeny of separate fruits serve as the unit of observation is presented. The model partitions the overall rate of self-pollination into components attributable to whole- and part-flower selfing. When the mating system is estimated using information on marker genotypes from chasmogamous fruits in two species of Glycine together with the whole- and part-flower selfing model, the results indicate that the chasmogamous flowers in a subalpine population of G. clandestina underwent a significant level of whole-flower selfing, whereas in another, lower elevation population of G. clandestina and in a subtropical population of G. argyrea, they did not. This difference is thought to be related to the contrast in the variability of environmental conditions for insect-mediated pollination between the habitats sampled. In particular, the large component of whole-flower selfing observed in the subalpine population of G. clandestina may be due to self-pollination that is induced during periods unfavorable to insect-mediated pollination. It can be demonstrated that such induced selfing will be selected whenever environmental conditions are such that pollinator activity limits seed set, and moreover that induced selfing can result in the selection of overall levels of self-pollination that are intermediate between 0 and 1. Monte Carlo simulation is employed to show that ignoring the correlation of self-fertilization events that result from whole- and part-flower selfing may lead to biased estimates of mating system parameters.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: A mixture of outcrossing and selfing is often observed in plant populations. Although mixed mating is ubiquitous, it has several potential evolutionary explanations. Mixed mating may be actively maintained by selection, passively determined by the pollination environment, or a transitional stage during the evolution of self-fertilization. ? Methods: We studied patterns of self-compatibility and selfing rates in a population of Leavenworthia alabamica that recently lost self-incompatibility. We also experimentally tested whether natural selection against selfing at the pre- or postzygotic stage is sufficient to explain mixed mating in this population. ? Key results: Visualizing pollen tube growth following self-pollination, we found that nearly all plants were fully self-compatible. Progeny array analysis revealed that the average selfing rate of the population was s = 0.523. The inbreeding coefficient in the parents (F = 0.539) exceeded the amount expected if the selfing rate (s) were constant [F(eq) = s/(2 - s)], indicating either population subdivision or higher selfing rates in the past. Inference of family-level selfing rates revealed substantial variation. Experiments found that self and outcross pollen fertilized nearly equal numbers of ovules in competition. Comparison of seed production following self- or cross-pollination failed to implicate early acting inbreeding depression as a factor maintaining mixed mating. ? Conclusions: The results of our experiments suggest that mixed mating is not maintained by selection against self-pollen or zygotes in this population. Mixed mating is most likely a byproduct of the pollination process but may also be a transitional stage during the evolution of higher selfing rates.  相似文献   

The fixation rates of selfing rate modifiers were found by stochastic simulation in an infinite site model, including effects of several deleterious alleles with variable effects, which were randomly distributed in the genome without assuming any pollen discounting. Previous results on the evolution of selfing obtained by more precise methods were in this study further validated, and it was concluded that the effect of genetic associations on the evolution of mating systems is small except in the case of full pollen discounting. Furthermore, attention was given to the uneven distribution of the genetic load in the population, and the accompanying large among-genome variation in fixation rates. This among-genome variation will be of significance for the evolution of mating systems.  相似文献   

雌雄同体植物的性别干扰及其进化意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
雌雄同体植物在传粉和交配过程中两性功能存在潜在的冲突和妥协。除自交和近交衰退外,人们近年来更加强调导致配子浪费和适合度减少的繁殖代价——性别干扰。性别干扰潜在地存在于雌雄同体植物中,尤其是花粉和柱头空间位置接近而又同时成熟的两性花中。该文首先介绍了雌雄同体植物性别干扰的含义及其各种形式,进而用性别干扰理论来解释各种花部性状的适应意义,同时还回顾了植物中关于性别干扰的少数实验证据。该文强调,通常被解释为避免自交的花部机制实际上更大可能是为了避免性别干扰。从更广泛意义上,自交也可以看成是一种形式的性别干扰。  相似文献   

A comprehensive understanding of plant mating system evolution requires detailed genetic models for both the mating system and inbreeding depression, which are often intractable. A simple approximation assuming that the mating system evolves by small infrequent mutational steps has been proposed. We examine its accuracy by comparing the evolutionarily stable selfing rates it predicts to those obtained from an explicit genetic model of the selfing rate, when inbreeding depression is caused by partly recessive deleterious mutations at many loci. Both models also include pollen limitation and pollen discounting. The approximation produces reasonably accurate predictions with a low or moderate genomic mutation rate to deleterious alleles, on the order of U = 0.02–0.2. However, for high mutation rates, the predictions of the full genetic model differ substantially from those of the approximation, especially with nearly recessive lethal alleles. This occurs because when a modifier allele affecting the selfing rate is rare, homozygous modifiers are produced mainly by selfing, which enhances the opportunity for purging nearly recessive lethals and increases the marginal fitness of the allele modifying the selfing rate. Our results confirm that explicit genetic models of selfing rate and inbreeding depression are required to understand mating system evolution.  相似文献   

The evolutionary dynamics of neutral alleles under the Wright-Fisher model are well understood. Similarly, the effect of population turnover on neutral genetic diversity in a metapopulation has attracted recent attention in theoretical studies. Here we present the results of computer simulations of a simple model that considers the effects of finite population size and metapopulation dynamics on a mating-system polymorphism involving selfing and outcrossing morphs. The details of the model are based on empirical data from dimorphic populations of the annual plant Eichhornia paniculata, but the results are also of relevance to species with density-dependent selfing rates in general. In our model, the prior selfing rate is determined by two alleles segregating at a single diploid locus. After prior selfing occurs, some remaining ovules are selfed through competing self-fertilisation in finite populations as a result of random mating among gametes. Fitness differences between the mating-system morphs were determined by inbreeding depression and pollen discounting in a context-dependent manner. Simulation results showed evidence of frequency dependence in the action of pollen discounting and inbreeding depression in finite populations. In particular, as a result of selfing in outcrossers through random mating among gametes, selfers experienced a "fixation bias" through drift, even when the mating-system locus was selectively neutral. In a metapopulation, high colony turnover generally favoured the fixation of the outcrossing morph, because inbreeding depression reduced opportunities for colony establishment by selfers through seed dispersal. Our results thus demonstrate that population size and metapopulation processes can lead to evolutionary dynamics involving pollen and seed dispersal that are not predicted for large populations with stable demography.  相似文献   

雌雄异位和花部行为适应意义的研究进展   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
雌雄异位和花部行为影响植物的传粉和交配格局。二者的适应意义一直是植物生殖生态学和进化生物学研究的热点之一。该文概述了近年来雌雄异位和花部行为适应意义的研究进展,包括对雌雄异位适应意义的最早期、最传统的认识——避免自交和当前的主流观点——避免雌雄干扰;花内性别干扰的形式及其例证;花部行为在避免雌雄功能干扰、避免自交、实现延迟自交、应对不良环境等方面的适应意义。讨论了使雌雄异位程度减小的锦葵科一些植物中的单体雄蕊柱头运动可能涉及到的适应意义。针对目前在雌雄异位和花部行为适应意义研究上存在的不足,结合国际上研究二者适应意义的发展趋势正在从前期以描述性的研究为主转变到应用现代分子生物学手段(尤其是分子标记,如SSR、SNP、AFLP等)和传统方法相结合,以及随着田间实验和控制条件能力的发展正由经典的野外调查、观察为主过渡到包括花操纵在内的人工试验和野外试验相结合,提出了今后研究中应注意的问题。有必要借用多学科的手段,以可作为研究雌雄异位和花部行为的有着研究基础的植物为材料,设计和操纵不同的对比试验,系统而深入地探讨雌雄异位和花部行为的适应意义。  相似文献   

Seed production in many plants is pollen limited, likely because of unpredictable variation in the pollinator environment. One way for plants to escape the consequences of pollinator variability is to evolve mating systems, such as autonomous selfing, that assure reproduction without relying on pollinators. We explore this hypothesis through the construction and analysis of heuristic models of plant population dynamics in seed- or site-limited populations. Our analysis suggests several important points: the familiar rule that inbreeding depression greater than 0.5 maintains outcrossing significantly underestimates the threshold required under pollen limited conditions with prior selfing; variability in the pollination environment erodes the ability of inbreeding depression to maintain outcrossing; and variable pollination environments can result in stable intermediate rates of prior selfing. The results reflect the importance of geometric mean fitness (which in a variable environment is less than the arithmetic mean) in the face of temporal variation.  相似文献   

We describe the evolutionary dynamics of a modifier of selfing coevolving with a locus subject to symmetric overdominance in viability under general levels of reduction in pollination success as a consequence of self-fertilization (pollen discounting). Simple models of the evolution of breeding systems that represent inbreeding depression as a constant parameter do not admit the possibility of stable mixed mating systems involving both inbreeding and random mating. Contrary to this expectation, we find that coevolution between a modifier of selfing and a single overdominant locus situated anywhere in the genome can generate evolutionarily attracting mixed mating systems. Two forms of association between the modifier locus and the viability locus promote the evolution of outcrossing. The favored heterozygous genotype at the viability locus develops positive associations with modifier alleles that enhance outcrossing and with the heterozygous genotype at the modifier locus. Associations between outcrossing and high viability evolve immediately upon the introduction of a rare modifier allele, even in the absence of linkage.  相似文献   

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