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The ontogeny of the pollen wall was studied in four species of Aristea , from the vacuolated stage of the microspores, to observe the possible formation of an endexine. At this stage, the ectexine is completely formed (tectum, columellae, and structurally homogeneous foot layer), but its maturation is incomplete and variable depending on the species. In all cases, there are one or several tripartite lamellae with a white line under the foot layer, in the apertural and extra-apertural regions. In A. major , and A. pauciflora , the exintine is not yet present, whereas in A. macrocarpa and A. glauca , it has started to initiate. In mature pollen of the four species, the tripartite endexine lamellae of the vacuolated stage disappear and there is no trace of endexine. The tripartite intine is completely formed. Maturation of exine is complete and it appears homogeneous and of medium electron density, except in A. glauca , which has particularly fragile exine, where it remains incomplete with a granular and highly electron dense appearance, which contrasts with the usually mature exine. Despite the very clear presence of endexine lamellae at the vacuolated stage, it is thus very difficult to conclude that endexine exists in pollen of the genus Aristea .  相似文献   

总状花序组隶属于凤仙花亚属凤仙花属,以具多花的总状花序、侧生萼片2枚、子房5室、果实为线状圆柱形、种子多数、迈卵形、种皮表面具指状突起等特征区别于该亚属的其他类群。前人对凤仙花花粉形态的研究表明凤仙花属的花粉形态对于属下分类及种间界定具有重要的分类学价值。而对于总状花序组来说,有关花粉形态方面的研究少有报道,为了进一步探讨该组花粉S的形态特征及其分类学意义,该研究应用扫描电镜技术对总状花序组的21种植物的花粉进行了观察。结果表明:总状花序组植物的花粉粒均具4条萌发沟,两侧对称,极面观为矩圆形、长矩圆形或近方形;长赤道面观多为椭圆形至矩圆形,短赤道面观为椭圆形;长、短赤道轴比值多在1.4~2.4范围内;表面具网状纹饰,网眼在花粉粒表面均匀分布或赤道面的网眼较极面观的小,网脊边缘光滑或具波状突起,网眼内具不同密度的颗粒状突起。该组的花粉形态与宏观形态性状相关性较小,但花粉极面观形状、长短赤道轴的比值、网眼的分布、网脊边缘形状、网眼内颗粒物密度等特征具有种水平上的稳定性和特异性,对该组植物种间界定具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

The pollen morphology of 32 species of the genus Vicia was studied using scanning and transmission electron microscope (SEM and TEM). The interstitia of the pollen of the examined species were found to be either regular columellate, irregular columellate, or granular. The granular pattern was recognized to be apomorphy against the columellate patterns in the tribe Vicieae by comparison with the pollen in the tribes Vicieae, Cicereae, Galegeae, Hedysareae, and Trifolieae. The group of Vicia species having the apomorphy was congruent with that having a known apomorphy of the pistil character. This group with such synapomorphies may be monophyletic, though it is treated as polyphyletic in the present infrageneric system of Vicia.  相似文献   

A new species of Cephalocarida belonging to the genus Lightiella is described. Like all known species of Lightiella , the new species is characterized by reduction of trunk segment 8, which also lacks both pleura and thoracopods. The diagnostic characters of the species are: (1) one seta on the inner distal corner of the penultimate endopodal segment of second maxilla and thoracopods 1–5; (2) only one claw on the distal segment of the endopod of thoracopod 6. A cladistic analysis of 27 morphological characters was used to estimate the phylogeny of all species of Lightiella , with all other cephalocarid species used as outgroups. The discovery of this species in the Mediterranean fills a gap in the distribution of the genus and of the entire class.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 148 , 209–220.  相似文献   

REJDALI, M., 1990. Seed morphology and taxonomy of the North African species of Sideritis L. (Lamiaceae). Seed morphology data are shown to support data from general morphology and palynology; they can be used for taxonomy at the sectional and specific levels. At times clear differences are apparent at the infraspecific level. Seed sculpturing was found to be of great value for separating taxa at all levels of the hierarchy.  相似文献   

The pollen morphology of Phyllanthus (Euphorbiaceae) section Choretropsis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The pollen grain morphology of the eight South American species of the genus Phyllanthus , subgenus Phyllanthus , section Choretropsis , endemic to Brazil, was investigated using light and scanning electron microscopy. The high homogeneity in pollen shape, as well as aperture number and configuration, allowed the definition of a basic pollen type for this section, viz. prolate spheroidal or subprolate, zonocolporate with 4–5 invaginated colpi, sexine reticulate. Two subtypes have been observed, based on pollen grain apertures and exine sculpture. The first subtype is characterized by straight and narrow colpi provided with costae, lalongate endoapertures and a reticulum of rectilineous muri as in P. choretroides and P. spartioides . The second subtype has wider colpi without costae, circular endoapertures and a reticulum with curvilineous muri as in P. flagelliformis , P. goianensis and P. scoparius , or curvilineous-rectilineous muri as in P. angustissimus , P. gladiatus and P. klotzschianus . It was demonstrated that the pollen shape and the number of colpi varied within and between some of the species. The results suggest that pollen grain morphology, in association with plant architecture and the presence of phylloclades, constitute additional evidence to delimit the species of the section Choretropsis and to further understand their evolutionary origin within the genus Phyllanthus.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 144 , 243–250.  相似文献   

V. N Kosenko 《Grana》2013,52(1):20-30
Pollen of 34 species from 7 genera of the Liliaceae were examined by LM and SEM with respect to the taxonomy of the family. Detailed pollen­morphological characteristics are given for all genera in the family on the basis of the results presented here together with data from the literature. The genera Tulipa and Lilium are heterogeneous in both aperture type and exine ornamentation. Pollen of Tulipa is monosulcate, 3-aperturate or inaperturate, with a microreticulate-striate, reticulate-implecto-striate, scabrate, perforate-rugulate, perforate-striate exine surface. Pollen of Lilium is monosulcate and 3-porate with a macroreticulate exine. The other genera are homogeneous in possessing of single longitudinal aperture (type monosulcate). The pattern of exine ornamentation and the structure of the aperture and its membrane are peculiar features for species and genera. Pollen of Erythronium and Tulipa are occasionally operculate, while in other representatives of the Liliaceae an operculum is lacking. Pollen morphological data support the division of the family into 3 tribes, namely Lloydieae, Lilieae, and Tulipeae.  相似文献   

A comparative palynological study of 25 taxa of the genus Orobanche L. belonging to section Trionychon Wallr. and section Orobanche L. was carried out. A clear difference between the pollen grains of section Trionychon and section Orobanche was observed. The grains of section Trionychon are typically tricolpate, radially symmetrical, more or less oblate spheroidal, with a microreticulate, or scabrate-perforate sculpture. Section Orobanche on the other hand, had spheroidal, more or less inaperturate pollen grains, although some were tricolpate, but without any clear symmetry. The basic surface sculpture of the pollen in section Orobanche was scabrate to rugulate-perforate. Palynoiogicaliy, six groups can be recognized amongst the species of the genus Orobanche , lor which a key is provided.  相似文献   

张奠湘  陈德昭   《广西植物》1994,(1):11-15
羊蹄甲属厚盘组作为一个分类实体包含有约18个种,本组植物主要分布于中国南部及中南半岛等地,其中很多种类在其分布区内地理替代现象相当明显。对此组的分支系统学研究,一方面有助于对本组种类系统进化关系的理解,另一方面又为对热带亚热带亚洲大陆各区系之间关系。的理解提供帮助,为本地区的分支生物地理学研究提供材料.本文用30个形态及叶脉脉序性状对厚盘组进行了分支分析.云南羊蹄甲被选作外类群,内类。群包括龙须藤亚组及攀援羊蹄甲亚组的所有18个种。分析产生了8个最简约的分支图。分析还表明攀援羊蹄甲单独作为一个亚组是不可取的,厚盘组的分类及生物地理学需要进一步的研究.  相似文献   

The Anopliidae is one of the most diverse families in the brachiopod suborder Chonetidina. All previous attempts to work out the phylogeny and taxonomy of this family assume that the group is monophyletic. Great phylogenetic significance has been placed on the presence or absence of a single key feature, such as radial external ornament or accessory lateral septa of the brachial valve. In order to evaluate previous classifications of the family and the characters on which they are based, we performed a cladistic analysis of 23 anopliid taxa, two outgroup taxa, Rugosochonetes and Waagenites and three problematic taxa, Trichochonetes, Airtonia and Davoustia whose inclusion within the Anopliidae has been controversial. A single most parsimonious tree was obtained, with a length of 157, CI=0.28 and RI=0.47. The results do not support previous bipartite divisions of the family. In addition, the analysis is inconsistent with the presumption of monophyly for this family. Rather, it supports restriction of the Anopliidae to a clade united by small adult length, removing several large taxa from the family and confirming the non‐anopliid status of Airtonia and Davoustia.  相似文献   

Pollen grains of 16 modern species of Quercus were examined by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and light microscopy (LM). The focus of this investigation was on a small group (c. eight species) of alpine, sclerophyllous oaks that may form a monophyletic group within sect. Ilex. The data were combined with published data for Polar axis (P) and Equatorial diameter (E) for more than 80 species. Based on pollen morphology Quercus pollen grains were divided into three types: (1) The Cyclobalanopsis type is smallest (generally < 23 μm) in size, with P/E ratios of approximately 1.08 and a psilate or fine-grained surface; (2) Quercus sect. Ilex type is 23–29 μm, the P/E ratio is approximately 1.24 (prolate) and it has a rugulate pollen surface; (3) the Quercus sect. Quercus type is generally > 29 μm in size, has a P/E ratio of approximately 1.04, and a clearly verrucate pollen surface. Based on a comparison with modern pollen size and ornamentation, fossil pollen grains of the Quaternary Qinghai Lake core can be assigned to the Chinese southwest mountain oak group of Quercus sect. Ilex (in particular Quercus semecarpifolia). In addition, we show that the pollen percentages of Quercus rapidly increased to the highest level during the glacial period. Using SEM for the identification of fossil Quercus pollen grains is essential to ensure the accuracy of differentiating evergreen Quercus types (sect. Ilex versus sect. Cyclobalanopsis) during the last glacial period in southwest China.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of the Vitrinidae is reconstructed in a cladistic analysis based on characters of the genitalia, the copulation behaviour and the radula. The genera with an atrial stimulator turned out to be the earliest branches of the Vitrinidae, whereas the genera with a glandula amatoria form a monophyletic, taxonomically apomorphic group. The differences between the proposed phylogeny and previous hypotheses are discussed. The ancestral areas of the Vitrinidae and its sister group, the limacoid slugs Boettgerillidae–Limacidae–Agriolimacidae, are estimated using weighted ancestral area analysis. The Vitrinidae and the limacoid slugs might have originated by a vicariance event between Central Europe and the Near East. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 134 , 347–358.  相似文献   

Phylogeny of Holothuroidea (Echinodermata) inferred from morphology   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Holothuroids, or sea cucumbers, are an abundant and diverse group of echinoderms with over 1400 species occurring from the intertidal to the deepest oceanic trenches. In this study, we report the first phylogeny of this class, based on a cladistic analysis of 47 morphological characters. We introduce several previously unconsidered synapomorphic characters, examine the relationships between representatives from all extant families and assess the assumptions of monophyly for each order and subclass. Maximum-parsimony analyses using three rooting methods recovered well-supported and identical topologies when two small and apparently derived families, Eupyrgidae and Ge-phyrothuriidae, were removed. The results suggest that the higher-level arrangement of Holothuroidea warrants a considerable revision. Apodida was sister to the other holothuroids. The monophyly of Dendrochirotida was not supported and the group may be paraphyletic. A randomization test using Wills' gap excess ratio found significant congruence between the phylogeny and the stratigraphic record of fossil members, suggesting that the fossil record of holothuroids is not as incomplete as is often stated. The fossil-calibrated tree indicated that several groups of holothuroids survived the end-Permian mass extinction and that the clade composed of Dendrochirotida, Dactylochirotida, Aspidochirotida and Molpadiida rapidly radiated during the Triassic.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of the genera in the geometrid tribe Scopulini (Lepidoptera: Sterrhinae) were examined using 141 characters of adult morphology and ecology. The study material included 92 species, representing all previously recognized genera and covering the morphological variation and full geographical range of the tribe. The cladistic analysis resulted in 20 equally parsimonious trees and a strict consensus cladogram based on these was well resolved. A majority of the recovered synapomorphic characters have been used previously in the taxonomy of the tribe. However, many novel characters were found in the sclerotized structures of the thorax. Many previously recognized genera were found to be nonmonophyletic and based on the present revised, synapomorphy-based classification, the number of recovered genera is reduced considerably. Twenty new generic synonyms and 90 new or revived species combinations are proposed. Seven genera are considered valid, with the large genus Scopula Schrank including over 85% of all species in the tribe. The taxonomic history of the tribe is reviewed and the problems of earlier classifications are discussed. A key to the genera is presented, although an informal diagnosis is preferred. All recognized genera are illustrated and a revised world checklist of the Scopulini is presented.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 143 , 473−530.  相似文献   

A new species of the basal mosasaurid Halisaurus from the Late Cretaceous (Late Maastrichtian) of the Oulad Abdoun Phosphate Basin of Morocco is described on the basis of both cranial and postcranial remains. H. arambourgi sp. nov. is characterized by unique features of the nares, frontal, parietal, girdle and limb bones. A phylogenetical analysis supports the monophyletic status of Halisaurus ; H. platyspondylus (Maastrichtian, New Jersey), H. ortliebi (Maastrichtian, Belgium) and H. arambourgi form an unresolved polytomy. This study does not support the attribution of ' Halisaurus ' sternbergii (Santonian, Kansas) to Halisaurus nor to any known genus. A new genus, Eonatator , is proposed for the reception of this species, Eonatator sternbergii comb. nov. The new taxon Halisaurinae ( Halisaurus  +  Eonatator ) is the sister-group of more advanced mosasaurids (Natantia). Halisaurines are defined by the shape of the lateral premaxilla–maxilla suture; an oblique contact plane between the parietal and the supratemporal; a preaxial ridge present on the distal two-thirds of the radius length; and tibia and fibula long and slender with slightly expanded extremities.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 143 , 447–472.  相似文献   

The foliage leaf epidermis of 35 species representing 12 key genera of woody bamboos of the Asian tropics was investigated using light and scanning electron microscopy. The results indicated that papillae forms and distributional patterns around the stomatal apparatus of the abaxial foliage leaf epidermis were usually constant and were of great taxonomic significance at the specific and generic levels. However, papillae characters were not suitable for dividing subtribes within woody bamboos of the Asian tropics. On the basis of papillae characters, Schizostachyum s.s. and Cephalostachyum were confirmed, but their delimitations should be modified. The transfer of Leptocanna chinensis and Schizostachyum sanguineum into Cephalostachyum was supported, and Cephalostachyum virgatum and C .  pergracile were confirmed to be members of Schizostachyum s.s. The subtribe Racemobambosinae did not obtain support and Racemobambos appeared to be better placed in subtribe Bambusinae. Neomicrocalamus was supported as a close relative and better treated as a synonym of Racemobambos . Gigantochloa was closely related to Dendrocalamus .  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 156 , 411–423.  相似文献   

This study presents the results of confocal laser scanning microscopy and fluorescence‐labelled phalloidin used to visualize the system of body musculature in Beauchampiella eudactylota. Moreover, the poorly known trophi of B. eudactylota are described based on scanning electron microscopy. In total, four paired longitudinal muscles (musculi longitudinales I–IV) and three circular muscles (musculi circulares I–III) were identified. Among these are the musculus longitudinalis ventralis, the musculus longitudinalis dorsalis and the musculus circumpedalis as documented in previous studies for other rotifer species. Compared to other species, B. eudactylota is characterized by the low number of lateral longitudinal muscles and the absence of some longitudinal muscles (musculi longitudinales capitum) and circular muscles (corona sphincter, musculus pars coronalis). Moreover, scanning electron microscopic data on the trophi of B. eudactylota reveal a number of striking similarities to the trophi in some species of Epiphanidae. This suggests that either (1) these similarities represent plesiomorphic characters present both in Epiphanidae and B. eudactylota or (2) they are synapomorphic features of B. eudactylota and some species of Epiphanidae, which would question the monophyly of Euchlanidae.  相似文献   

The morphology of the acrophallus, the distal portion of the male phallus carrying the phallotreme, was studied in 72 exemplar species representing 56 genera and subgenera of the flesh fly subfamily Sarcophaginae. For 42 of those species, scanning electron microscopy was used to clarify the phallic morphology. Terms used to describe the male genitalia were updated based on new interpretations of homology. Male genitalic characters, combined with other morphological characters of adult males and females and of larvae, were used to construct a phylogeny. The monophyly of the subfamily was supported, and some generic‐level sister‐group relationships proposed in the literature, but without previous cladistic analyses, were also supported. The genus Blaesoxipha Loew, as currently recognized, was not monophyletic in our analysis. The genus Helicobia Coquillett is synonymized with Sarcophaga Meigen syn. nov. and treated as a subgenus of the latter. The Sarcophaga subgenera Neobellieria Blanchard and Mehria Enderlein were not monophyletic. Many of the clades in the analysis were supported primarily or exclusively by male genitalic character states, highlighting the importance of the male genitalia as a source of morphological characters for sarcophagine phylogeny. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 158 , 740–778.  相似文献   

隐匿薹草组(Carex sect.Infossae)为最近建立的薹草属(Carex)的组,当时报导分布于我国安徽和江苏,有2种和1变种,即隐匿薹草(C.infossa)、显穗薹草(变种)(C.infossa var.extensa)和矮秆薹草(C.minuticulmis)。根据描述,另有15种和2变种应归属本组,这些分类群具有较为一致的特征:果囊椭圆球状卵球形或卵球形,通常疏被短毛或近无毛,先端渐狭成中等长的喙,喙口具2小齿;瘦果卵球形,先端钝或微凹。通过文献考证、标本查阅、野外采集,并结合果囊和瘦果的扫描电镜观察,对隐匿薹草组所涉及的种(含种下类群)进行了分类修订。该组仅有2种:百里薹草(C.blinii)和尖叶薹草(C.oxyphylla)。将Carex elmeri、C.granifera、矮秆薹草(C.minuticulmis)、上海薹草(C.shanghaiensis C.blinii subsp.shanghaiensis)、C.sublateralis、C.taihokuensis和锐果薹草(C.tatsutakensis)并入百里薹草;将沟囊薹草(C.canaliculata)、樟木薹草(C.changmuensis)、C.distantiflora、隐匿薹草(C.infossa)、显穗薹草(C.infossa var.extensa)、C.lateralis、C.loheri、无芒长嘴薹草(C.longerostrata var.exaristata)、城湾薹草(C.longerostrata var.hoi)、C.lyi、和平菱果薹草(C.macrandrolepis)和C.sharyotensis并入尖叶薹草。  相似文献   

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