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Little is known about the natural history of wild honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The goal of this research was to examine nest site characteristics of honey bee (A. m. capensis/A. m. scutellata hybrid) colonies sampled from a variety of habitats (nature reserves, livestock farms, and an urban setting) in the Eastern Cape. We also determined how nest site location related to various colony strength parameters. In general, colonies not nesting in ground cavities tended to nest in locations >6 m high when nesting in cliffs and buildings and >2 m high when nesting in trees. Colonies typically nested in cavities whose entrances faced a southeasterly direction and were ~40 L in volume. We sampled a subset of colonies to determine the relationship between nest type and the following colony strength parameters: total area of comb in the colony, the volume of stored honey, pollen, and brood, adult bee population, the weight per adult bee, and the bee/nest cavity volume ratio. In general, colonies nesting in cliffs tended to be stronger than those nesting in the ground or trees. Our findings provide new insights into the nesting biology of honey bees in the Eastern Cape, South Africa, perhaps leading to the formation of conservation recommendations for honey bees in this region.  相似文献   

A successful control or eradication programme using biological control or genetically-mediated methods requires knowledge of the origin and the extent of wasp genetic diversity. Mitochondrial DNA variation in the native and invaded range of the social wasp Vespula germanica was used to examine intra-specific genetic variation and invasive source populations. We also examined wasps for the presence of four viruses found in honey bees: Acute bee paralysis virus, Deformed wing virus, Israeli acute paralysis virus and Kashmir bee virus. German wasps showed reduced genetic diversity in the invaded range compared to that of their native range. Populations in the introduced range are likely to have arrived from different source populations. All four viral honey bee pathogens were found in V. germanica, although they varied in their distribution and strain. Multiple introductions of German wasps have occurred for most invaded regions, though some populations are genetically homogenous. The differing locations of origin will guide researchers searching for biocontrol agents and the reduced genetic diversity may make these wasps a potentially viable target for control via gene drives.  相似文献   

Feral honey bee populations have been reported to be in decline due to the spread of Varroa destructor, an ectoparasitic mite that when left uncontrolled leads to virus build-up and colony death. While pests and diseases are known causes of large-scale managed honey bee colony losses, no studies to date have considered the wider pathogen burden in feral colonies, primarily due to the difficulty in locating and sampling colonies, which often nest in inaccessible locations such as church spires and tree tops. In addition, little is known about the provenance of feral colonies and whether they represent a reservoir of Varroa tolerant material that could be used in apiculture. Samples of forager bees were collected from paired feral and managed honey bee colonies and screened for the presence of ten honey bee pathogens and pests using qPCR. Prevalence and quantity was similar between the two groups for the majority of pathogens, however feral honey bees contained a significantly higher level of deformed wing virus than managed honey bee colonies. An assessment of the honey bee race was completed for each colony using three measures of wing venation. There were no apparent differences in wing morphometry between feral and managed colonies, suggesting feral colonies could simply be escapees from the managed population. Interestingly, managed honey bee colonies not treated for Varroa showed similar, potentially lethal levels of deformed wing virus to that of feral colonies. The potential for such findings to explain the large fall in the feral population and the wider context of the importance of feral colonies as potential pathogen reservoirs is discussed.  相似文献   

The elucidation of species diversity and connectivity is essential for conserving coral reef communities and for understanding the characteristics of coral populations. To assess the species diversity, intraspecific genetic diversity, and genetic differentiation among populations of the brooding coral Seriatopora spp., we conducted phylogenetic and population genetic analyses using a mitochondrial DNA control region and microsatellites at ten sites in the Ryukyu Archipelago, Japan. At least three genetic lineages of Seriatopora (Seriatopora-A, -B, and -C) were detected in our specimens. We collected colonies morphologically similar to Seriatopora hystrix, but these may have included multiple, genetically distinct species. Although sexual reproduction maintains the populations of all the genetic lineages, Seriatopora-A and Seriatopora-C had lower genetic diversity than Seriatopora-B. We detected significant genetic differentiation in Seriatopora-B among the three populations as follows: pairwise F ST = 0.064–0.116 (all P = 0.001), pairwise G′′ST = 0.107–0.209 (all P = 0.001). Additionally, only one migrant from an unsampled population was genetically identified within Seriatopora-B. Because the peak of the settlement of Seriatopora larvae is within 1 d and almost all larvae are settled within 5 d of spawning, our observations may be related to low dispersal ability. Populations of Seriatopora in the Ryukyu Archipelago will probably not recover unless there is substantial new recruitment from distant populations.  相似文献   

The parasitic mite Varroa destructor is responsible for heavy losses in honey bee colonies and represents a major threat to the beekeeping industry. Essential oils offer an attractive alternative to the use of synthetic chemicals for the control of varroa. Amongst them, thymol appears to be particularly promising. However, treatments using thymol as their active substance, such as the gel formulation Apiguard ®, are suspected to have adverse effects on honey bee colonies. In this study, laboratory assays are used to investigate the effects of Apiguard ® exposure on honey bee behaviour. Our results reveal that honey bee responses to this anti-varroa treatment change with honey bee age. While 2-day-old bees respond neutrally to Apiguard ®, older bees generally avoid the Apiguard ® gel. Responses of forager bees were particularly striking. Foragers appear to be repelled by Apiguard ®. Touching their antennae with Apiguard ® induces robust fanning behaviour. Our data suggest, however, that forager bees exposed to Apiguard ® in the hive can become habituated to this treatment. These results offer interesting new perspectives on the effects of Apiguard ® on honey bee behaviour and serve to highlight age-related changes in honey bee responses to gustatory, as well as olfactory cues.  相似文献   

A decline of wild pollinators, along with a decline of bee diversity, has been a cause of concern among academics and governmental organizations. According to IPBES, a lack of wild pollinator data contributes to difficulties in comprehensively analyzing the regional status of wild pollinators in Africa, Latin America, Asia and Oceania. It may have also contributed to the prevailing lack of awareness of the diversity of honey bees, of which the managed Apis mellifera is often considered as “the (only) honey bee,” despite the fact that there are eight other honey bee species extant in Asia. A survey of 100 journal articles published in 2016 shows that 57% of the studies still identified A. mellifera as “the honey bee.” In total, 80% of studies were conducted solely on A. mellifera. This focus on A. mellifera has also caused the honey standard of Codex Alimentarius and the European Union to be based solely on A. mellifera, causing improper evaluation of honeys from other species. We recommend adapting current standards to reflect the diversity of honey bees and in the process correct failures in the honey market and pave the way towards improved protection of honey bee species and their habitats.  相似文献   

Across their introduced range in North America, populations of feral honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) colonies have supposedly declined in recent decades as a result of exotic parasites, most notably the ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor. Nonetheless, recent studies have documented several wild populations of colonies that have persisted. The extreme polyandry of honey bee queens—and the increased intracolony genetic diversity it confers—has been attributed, in part, to improved disease resistance and may be a factor in the survival of these populations of feral colonies. We estimated the mating frequencies of queens in feral colonies in the Arnot Forest in New York State to determine if the level of polyandry of these queens is especially high and so might contribute to their survival success. We genotyped the worker offspring from 10 feral colonies in the Arnot Forest of upstate New York, as well as those from 20 managed colonies closest to this forest. We found no significant differences in mean mating frequency between the feral and managed queens, suggesting that queens in the remote, low-density population of colonies in the Arnot Forest are neither mate-limited nor adapted to mate at an especially high frequency. These findings support the hypothesis that the hyperpolyandry of honey bees has been shaped on an evolutionary timescale rather than on an ecological one.  相似文献   

Hybridisation and introgression can have negative impacts on regional biodiversity through the potential erosion of locally adapted lineages. The honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) occurs in twenty-seven subspecies across Europe, is an extremely economically important insect, yet threatened by multifarious impacts. Transhumance of the most commercially appealing varieties threatens native honey bee diversity by introgression and subsequent loss of locally adapted traits, or even by complete removal of some subspecies from parts of the range. Here levels of admixture and introgression are examined in UK honey bees suspected to be from hives of the dark European honey bee (Apis mellifera mellifera). Microsatellite DNA and STRUCTURE analyses reveal that the studied populations are generally admixed, and discriminant analysis of principal components shows them to be intermediate between A. m. mellifera and Apis mellifera carnica populations. However, examining mitochondrial haplotype data (COI-COII intergenic spacer region) and nuclear DNA reveal that some hives are relatively pure (from 4 to 15 hives, depending on the Q-value threshold). Genetic diversity is relatively high in comparison with other European populations. Implications for conservation and management are discussed.  相似文献   

With a view to identify the pathogens and to establish the role of these pathogens in regulation of the density of honey bee population occurring in the apiaries of the area concerned samples of honeybee were collected from the beekeepers in some parts of central Algeria It is revealed that Nosema sp., Varroa destrutor, Peanibacillus larvae are associated with the disease manifestation in honey bees. The presence of Nosema sp., Varroa destrutor, Peanibacillus larvae was analyzed using standard OIE methods. Spores of Paenibacillus larvae were detected in 56.6 % in winter 52.32 % in spring. 29.33 % in autumn and 11.25 % in summer. Nosema infestation was recorded in 47.91 % bee individuals during spring. Varroa infestation rate was maximum 12.57 % in summer and lowest 3.44 % in spring. Analysis of data indicates that Boumerdes and Tipaza, diseases induced mortality exceeds 10 % in honeybee. There exists a significant correlation between Nosema disease and mortalities in honeybees. Seasons play significant role, irrespective of pathogens, in disease manifestation.  相似文献   

Acacia senegal is endemic to dry forest and woodland ecosystems of Sub-Saharan Africa and provides both ecological and socio-economic benefits. However, these ecosystems are threatened by escalating human disturbances and fragmentation. To investigate the human impacts on genetic diversity and structure of A. senegal, we studied genetic variability and differentiation of 330 individual trees from 11 natural A. senegal populations, grouped into lightly and heavily disturbed, using 12 polymorphic nuclear microsatellite markers. Gene diversity (H E ) ranged from H E = 0.570 to H E = 0.632. Significant differences (P < 0.05) between the levels of disturbances are reported for mean gene diversity, number of alleles and allelic richness with lightly disturbed populations showing higher values. Overall, the indirect estimates of average outcrossing rates ranged from 0.794 (Kiserian) to 0.999 (Kampi ya Moto) with a mean of 0.997 suggesting a predominantly outcrossing species. There was no significant relationship (P > 0.05) detected between genetic and geographic distances, showing lack of isolation by distance. Analysis of population structure using unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean and Bayesian model suggests presence of three gene pools as most probable, although most individuals showed mixed ancestry. The diversity and genetic structure reported in this study revealed negative impacts of human disturbance on A. senegal within this ecosystem. We recommend in-situ conservation strategies to safeguard the woodland ecosystem from further deforestation.  相似文献   

Several honey bee (Apis mellifera) subspecies are in danger of local extinction because their feral population have almost completely disappeared. An important threat to the feral populations of bees is loss of habitat and loss of woodlands. In many places the only habitat suitable for honey bee nesting are rows of trees along roadsides. We studied a feral population of honey bees inhabiting avenues in northern Poland. We inspected 142 km of avenues and found 45 feral colonies. The estimated density of feral population inhabiting the avenues was 0.10 nest km?2. Honey bees preferred to build their nests in trees with a thick trunk and a somewhat weak state of health. There was no strong preference of bees to any species of trees. We stress the importance of protection of existing avenues and creating new ones. This can provide suitable habitat not only for honey bees but also for other endangered species.  相似文献   

Understanding genetic connectivity is fundamental for ecosystem-based management of marine resources. Here we investigate the metapopulation structure of the edible sea cucumber Holothuria edulis Lesson, 1830 across Okinawa Island, Japan. This species is of economic and ecological importance and is distributed from the Red Sea to Hawai‘i. We examined sequence variation in fragments of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) and 16S ribosomal RNA (16S), and nuclear histone (H3) at six locations across Okinawa Island. We found higher haplotype diversity for mtDNA (COI: Hd = 0.69 and 16S: Hd = 0.67) and higher heterozygosity of nDNA (H3: H E = 0.39) in populations from the west coast of Okinawa compared to individuals from populations on the east coast (COI: Hd = 0.40; 16S: Hd = 0.21; H3: H E = 0.14). Overall population structure was significant (AMOVA results for COI: Φ ST = 0.49, P < 0.0001; 16S: Φ ST = 0.34, P < 0.0001; H3: Φ ST = 0.12, P < 0.0001). One population in the east, Uruma, showed elevated pairwise Φ ST values in comparisons with all other sites and a marked reduction of genetic diversity (COI: Hd = 0.25 and 16S: Hd = 0.24), possibly as a consequence of a shift to a more dominant asexual reproduction mode. Recent reports have indicated that coastal development in this area influences many marine organisms, and ecosystem degradation in this location could cause the observed decrease of genetic diversity and isolation of H. edulis in Uruma. Our study should provide valuable data to help with the urgently needed management of sea cucumber populations in Okinawa, and indicates particular attention needs to be paid to vulnerable locations.  相似文献   

Bees and their host flower populations were studied by identifying pollen to species or genus, from trap nests where bees were reared. Rare plant species in bee diets, and disturbance regimes, have not previously been researched and are emphasized here. Two focal bee groups with one species each (Megachilidae and Apidae) were studied in a 500,000-ha tropical reserve in the Yucatán Peninsula nine complete years. The number of rare or major pollen species in nests had no statistical correlation; thus, rare pollen analysis complements study of major brood provisions. We found most nests (87 % Megachile zaptlana, 93 % Centris analis) contained rare pollen; only 12 % of the 438 nests contained major pollen alone. Rare pollen sometimes indicated an energy source rather than a scarce protein resource. Trichome nectar of Cydista, along with Ipomoea and Caesalpinia, were nectar sources. Malpighiaceae, despite lacking nectar, often provided the complete Centris diet. Considering rare pollen, only Centris responded to drought, or competition from immigrant honeybees. Neither bee responded to hurricanes. Drought years coincided with low bee populations; Centris nests contained more rare species then. After feral Africanized honeybees colonized, Centris had more major species and fewer rare. Some herbarium vouchers from the study area contained exotic pollen, demonstrating in situ floral contamination and ecological generalization by bees, but this rarely occurred in plants found among the bee diets. Megachile and Centris responded differently to competition and resource scarcity, and plausibly evolved under different disturbance regimes, yet appeared well adapted to hurricane disturbance.  相似文献   

To study the genetic diversity of honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) from unmanaged colonies in the United States, we sequenced a portion of the mitochondrial DNA COI–COII region. From the 530 to 1,230 bp amplicon, we observed 23 haplotypes from 247 samples collected from 12 states, representing three of the four A. mellifera lineages known to have been imported into the United States (C, M, and O). Six of the 13 C lineage haplotypes were not found in previous queen breeder studies in the United States. The O lineage accounted for 9% of unmanaged colonies which have not yet been reported in queen breeder studies. The M lineage accounted for a larger portion of unmanaged samples (7%) than queen breeder samples (3%). Based on our mitochondrial DNA data, the genetic diversity of unmanaged honey bees in the United States differs significantly from that of queen breeder populations (p < 0.00001). The detection of genetically distinct maternal lineages of unmanaged honey bees suggests that these haplotypes may have existed outside the managed honey bee population for a long period.  相似文献   

Information on the pollination ecology and floral visitors of the noxious weed Centaurea solstitialis is available for several populations in its invasive range, but limited information is available in its native range, with most studies conducted on the Greek island of Lesvos. Herein, we document the visitation pattern of bees and explore the relationship of bee body size and nectar availability in weedy populations of C. solstitialis from an urban environment within its native range in northwestern Turkey. Studies were conducted at patches of C. solstitialis in abandoned lots at the Uluda? University near the city of Bursa. A total of 41 species, including honey bees, belonging to five families and 19 genera were recorded. Small megachilid and halictid bee species were the most common visitors. Average nectar standing crop volume per floret was low (0.003–0.117 μL) and did not significantly vary throughout the day. Average bee head width significantly correlated with average nectar standing crop volume but did not significantly change throughout the day. Analyses of pollen loads as well as direct observations of bee foraging behavior indicate that a large number of bees visit C. solstitialis, primarily in search of nectar while carrying a large percentage of pollen grains of this plant species on their bodies. These results are similar to previous observations on a non-weedy population of C. solstitialis from the island of Lesvos.  相似文献   

Twenty-five years ago, Arctomecon humilis, a pollinator-dependent, endangered poppy globally restricted to the extreme northeastern Mojave Desert in southwestern Utah, was pollinated by native bee species and the European honey bee. Follow-up studies beginning in 2012 failed to find the two most important native bee pollinator species, one of which, Perdita meconis, is a strict poppy specialist. We had four objectives: (1) confirm the status of formerly important native bee pollinators; (2) determine the role of the Africanized honey bee which reportedly invaded southern Utah in 2008; (3) examine the effect of the ostensible change in pollinator fauna on fruit set in four populations; (4) describe the pollination proficiency of species that presently visit poppy flowers. For the fourth consecutive survey, P. meconis was absent; its local extinction in Utah now seems certain. Another previously important native pollinator, Eucera quadricincta, was very rare. Also uncommon was the European honey bee, having been largely replaced by Africanized honey bees which have become, in most populations, the prevalent pollinator. Africanized bees forage early in the day and quickly strip flowers of their copious pollen leaving little for native bees. We argue that the invasion of southern Utah by Africanized bees is the most likely cause of the severe disruption of the A. humilis pollination system. The ascension of the Africanized bee is also associated with reduced fruit set in all poppy populations, especially those where plants are sparse. Arctomecon humilis now appears to depend mostly on an invasive species for pollination.  相似文献   

Knowledge of larval dispersal and connectivity in coral reef species is crucial for understanding population dynamics, resilience, and evolution of species. Here, we use ten microsatellites and one mitochondrial marker (cytochrome b) to investigate the genetic population structure, genetic diversity, and historical demography of the powder-blue tang Acanthurus leucosternon across more than 1000 km of the scarcely studied Eastern African region. The global AMOVA results based on microsatellites reveal a low but significant F ST value (F ST = 0.00252 P < 0.001; D EST = 0.025 P = 0.0018) for the 336 specimens sampled at ten sample sites, while no significant differentiation could be found in the mitochondrial cytochrome b dataset. On the other hand, pairwise F ST, PCOA, and hierarchical analysis failed to identify any genetic breaks among the Eastern African populations, supporting the hypothesis of genetic homogeneity. The observed genetic homogeneity among Eastern African sample sites can be explained by the lengthy post-larval stage of A. leucosternon, which can potentiate long-distance dispersal. Tests of neutrality and mismatch distribution signal a population expansion during the mid-Pleistocene period.  相似文献   

Across the world, the keeping of stingless bees is increasingly popular, providing commercial pollination, high-value honey and a rewarding pass time. The popularity of stingless beekeeping has resulted in large-scale anthropogenic movements of nests, sometimes from outside their native range. Colony movement has the potential to impact local populations via transfer of parasites and pathogens and gene flow across unnaturally large geographic scales. Tetragonula carbonaria is the most widespread and commonly kept stingless bee species in Australia. Concerns have been raised that large-scale artificial propagation of T. carbonaria colonies by Sydney beekeepers, from a small number of colonies that originated in south-east Queensland, may have two consequences. First, the managed population may be becoming increasingly inbred. Second, the wild population may be experiencing significant introgression of south-east Queensland genotypes, potentially diluting local adaptations to the Sydney environment and resulting in the loss of local alleles. Here we show, based on microsatellite and mitochondrial markers, that both the managed and wild Sydney populations are significantly different from the south-east Queensland population. Nonetheless there is evidence that introgression of south-east Queensland alleles is impacting the genetic structure of both wild and managed Sydney populations. The two Sydney populations are indistinguishable, suggesting two-way gene flow in Sydney consistent with expectations of gene flow via male dispersal. All populations have low inbreeding coefficients, suggesting that they are genetically healthy.  相似文献   

Social corbiculate bees such as honey bees and bumble bees maintain a specific beneficial core microbiome which is absent in wild bees. It has been suggested that maintaining this microbiome can prevent disease and keep bees healthy. The main aim of our study was to identify if there are any core bacterial groups in the non-corbiculate bees Ceratina and Megalopta that have been previously overlooked. We additionally test for associations between the core bee microbes and pollen provisions to look for potential transmission between the two. We identify three enterotypes in Ceratina samples, with thirteen core bacterial phylotypes in Ceratina females: Rosenbergiella, Pseudomonas, Gilliamella, Lactobacillus, Caulobacter, Snodgrassella, Acinetobacter, Corynebacterium, Sphingomonas, Commensalibacter, Methylobacterium, Massilia, and Stenotrophomonas, plus 19 in pollen (6 of which are shared by bees). Unlike Apis bees, whose gut microbial community differs compared to their pollen, Ceratina adults and pollen largely share a similar microbial composition and enterotype difference was largely explained by pollen age. Megalopta displays a highly diverse composition of microbes throughout all adults, yet Lactobacillus and Saccharibacter were prevalent in 90% of adults as core bacteria. Only Lactobacillus was both a core bee and pollen provision microbe in all three species. The consequences of such diversity in core microbiota between bee genera and their associations with pollen are discussed in relation to identifying potentially beneficial microbial taxa in wild bees to aid the conservation of wild, understudied, non-model bee species.  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes are excellent markers for the study of adaptive genetic variation occurring over different geographical scales. The Chinese egret (Egretta eulophotes) is a vulnerable ardeid species with an estimated global population of 2600–3400 individuals. In this study, we sampled 172 individuals of this egret (approximately 6 % of the global population) from five natural populations that span the entire distribution range of this species in China. We examined their population genetic diversity and geographical differentiation at three MHC class II DAB genes by identifying eight exon 2 alleles at Egeu-DAB1, eight at Egeu-DAB2 and four at Egeu-DAB3. Allelic distributions at each of these three Egeu-DAB loci varied substantially within the five populations, while levels of genetic diversity varied slightly among the populations. Analysis of molecular variance showed low but significant genetic differentiation among five populations at all three Egeu-DAB loci (haplotype-based ?ST: 0.029, 0.020 and 0.042; and distance-based ?ST: 0.036, 0.027 and 0.043, respectively; all P < 0.01). The Mantel test suggested that this significant population genetic differentiation was likely due to an isolation-by-distance pattern of MHC evolution. However, the phylogenetic analyses and the Bayesian clustering analysis based on the three Egeu-DAB loci indicated that there was little geographical structuring of the genetic differentiation among five populations. These results provide fundamental population information for the conservation genetics of the vulnerable Chinese egret.  相似文献   

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