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Osteopeltidae n. fam. is proposed for Osteopelta mirabilis n.gen. & sp., a limpet from whale skulls trawled on the ChathamRise and off the Chatham Islands, New Zealand. Osteopelta mirabiliscombines a pseudococculinid-like shell and radula with an add-isoniid-likeanimal. Apparent homologies in lepe-telloidean and cocculinoideanradulae are discussed. (Received 27 August 1986;  相似文献   

Intraspecific patterns of mitochondrial DNA sequence variation were determined among California sea lions ( Zalophus califomianus californianus ) from three colonies along the Pacific coast of southern and Baja California and one colony in the Gulf of California. We found no variation in 368 base pairs (bp) of cytochrome b sequence among 40 sea lions from these localities, but analysis of 360 base pairs of control region revealed eleven genotypes. The four genotypes found in the Gulf of California population were unique and phylogenetically distinct from those found in sea lions along the Pacific coast. The average sequence divergence between Gulf and Southern California genotypes was 4.3%, suggesting a relatively long period of isolation. However, colonies along the Pacific coast, which are less than 200 km apart, shared mtDNA genotypes, indicating that recent genetic exchange has occurred between them. Therefore, we suggest that regional female philopatry exists in California sea lions. Regional boundaries may be related to oceanic currents or patchiness in the distribution of resources. Further research is needed to better understand the underlying causes of genetic differentiation in the California sea lion.  相似文献   

Low-frequency calls produced by blue whales, Balaenoptera musculus , were recorded in the northeastern Pacific Ocean off central California. Two blue whales were sighted during a vessel-based marine mammal survey, and when sonobuoys were subsequently deployed, blue whale calls were recorded. A third recording was obtained during the survey from a blue whale that was not seen. Recordings with 15, 25, and 55 min of calls were obtained from these individuals. The three recordings all contain two-part, low-frequency calls with slight interindividual variation. The calls consist of an amplitude modulated (AM) signal with a mean center frequency of 16.5 Hz, followed by a downsweep whose mean center frequency sweeps from 18.2 Hz to 16.6 Hz. The recordings are compared with blue whale recordings from the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. The geographic variability suggests that blue whale calls may be used as an acoustic indicator of stock identity.  相似文献   

The relationship between blue whale ( Balaenoptera musculus ) visual and acoustic encounter rates was quantitatively evaluated using hourly counts of detected whales during shipboard surveys off southern California. Encounter rates were estimated using temporal, geographic, and weather variables within a generalized additive model framework. Visual encounters (2.06 animals/h, CV = 0.10) varied with subregion, Julian day, time of day, and year. Acoustic encounters of whales producing pulsed A and tonal B call sequences (song; 0.65 animals/h, CV = 0.06) varied by Julian day, survey mode (transit or stationary), and subregion, and encounters of whales producing downswept (D) calls (0.41 animals/h, CV = 0.09) varied by Julian day and the number of animals seen. Inclusion of Julian day in all models reflects the seasonal occurrence of blue whales off southern California; however, the seasonal peak in visual encounters and acoustic encounters of D calling whales (July–August) was offset from the peak in acoustic encounters of singing whales (August–September). The relationship between visual and acoustic encounter rates varied regionally, with significant differences in several northern regions. The number of whales heard D calling was positively related to the number of animals seen, whereas the number of singing whales was not related to visual encounter rate.  相似文献   

Sperm whales ( Physeter macrocephalus ) and beaked whales ( Mesoplodon spp. and Ziphius cavirostris ) are deep-diving cetaceans that frequent shelf-edge and Gulf Stream waters off the northeast U. S. coast. Sighting data collected during seven summer (1990, 1991, 1993, and 1995–1998) shipboard surveys were analyzed using a geographic information system to determine habitat use based on bathymetric and oceanographic features. Although sighting rates were lower for beaked whales, both taxa occupied similar habitats. Beaked whales were concentrated at the colder shelf edge, whereas sperm whales were associated with warmer off-shelf water. Mean sighting rates for both taxa were higher in canyon features, but only beaked whale sighting rates were significantly different between canyon and non-canyon habitat (Wilcoxon signed rank test P = 0.007). Within the shared habitat, the two taxa were separated at fine-scale based on oceanographic features.  相似文献   

陈亚瞿 《生态学报》1988,8(2):111-117
本文首次描述了本海区中浮游动物生物量及其分布。其平均生物量为41毫克/米~3,仅及东海西部沿海生物量的四分之一,从而表示了一般大洋性的特征。 生物量随水深增加而逐渐下降,其所下降的近似值能以对数关系值表示: logY=α-k~z Y是生物量(湿重),Z是深度, α是常数,k是递减系数。 y=α'e~(-kz) 在东海海槽深海区内,在从表层至100米以内浅水层中,平均生物量为75毫克/米~3,但自500米至2170米水层中,其生物量仅及其上层生物量的1/10或1/20。其变化也可以下列公式来表示: y=58.886e~(-2.074×10~(-3)z) r=-0.7558 r是相关系数。 本文还对浮游动物生物量和渔业水文等之间的关系作了阐述。  相似文献   

Little is known about the long-finned pilot whale's population size, structure, distribution, and dynamics in the Western Mediterranean basin. The research region covered since 1992 in southeast Spain, at the edge of the Alboran Sea, is considered an important oceanographic transition zone between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean. The research ship Toftevaag carried out surveys covering a total of 10,173 nmi (18,840 km) from April to September each year, 1992-1997, all years pooled. Effort for ten-by-ten-mile quadrants was stratified by depth and sea state to ascertain encounter rates. Tracking was used together with photo-identification of animals to analyze home range of groups. Behavior was recorded ad libitum , and underwater video taping was used to analyze specific behavior patterns. One hundred and nine sightings of pilot whales were made. The average group size was 41.4 ± 58.4, ranging from 1 to 350. The average depth at encounters was 848.7 ± 281.2 m ranging from 300 to 1,800 m. Compatison of results for encounter rate and group size with those for other Mediterranean regions, together with site fidelity shown by photo-identification and observations of reproductive behavior, reflect the importance of the Alboran Sea to the species in the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

灰鲸在中国近海的分布   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
灰鲸(Eschrichtius gibbosus Erxleben 1777)现仅存于北太平洋,曾因各捕鲸国滥捕而几近绝灭,是最早受到保护的鲸种之一。东太平洋群体,经数十年的保护,资源量已恢复到一万头左右。但沿亚洲侧洄游的西太平洋群体,资源仍未有恢复迹象,尚亟待保护。对中国近海的灰鲸只有过少量报道。本文根据作者在海上的实际观察和对南、北方重点渔区的数次调查,就灰鲸在中国近海的分布及洄游探讨如下。  相似文献   

本文对南海北部SCS-N站(116°E,18°30′N,2016年5月)和菲律宾海西部PAC-ST02-34站(129°59.7′E,17°29.7′N,2016年1月)真光层中颗石藻种群结构进行了对比。总体而言,南海北部真光层颗石藻丰度高于西菲律宾海,而物种多样性指数低于西菲律宾海,这与南海北部真光层中营养盐浓度高于同纬度西菲律宾海有关;两个海域颗石藻丰度极大值都出现在次表层,但在南海北部出现的深度要浅于西菲律宾海,这是由于南海北部真光层营养盐、温、盐跃层较西菲律宾海更浅。Florosphera profunda是两个海域颗石藻种群的主要优势种,南海北部次级优势种为Emiliania huxleyi和Gephyrocapsa oceanica,而西菲律宾海次级优势种则为Umbellosphaera irregularis。颗石藻属种的垂直分布构成在两个海域具有相似的特征,其中F.profunda主要分布在真光层中深层(80m);G.oceanica和Gladiolithus flabellatus也主要出现在真光层中深层;Umbellosphaera irregularis,Syracosphaera pulchra,Helicosphaera carteri和Discosphaera tubifera等则主要分布在100m以浅;E.huxleyi和Calcidiscus leptoporus在南海北部主要分布在100m以浅,但在西菲律宾海则出现在深层(150m附近)。  相似文献   

Reifel  K. M.  Tiffany  M. A.    McCoy  M.P.  & Hurlbert  S.H. 《Journal of phycology》2000,36(S3):56-57
Phytoplankton blooms have been implicated in mortality events of diverse groups of organisms including fish, birds and humans. About 300 species have been reported to form "red tides," or surface discolorations due to high densities, but only 60–80 of these species produce harmful blooms. In marine systems, dinoflagellates account for 75% of all harmful algal bloom species. The Salton Sea is a large saline lake located in southeastern California, USA. The lake is eutrophic largely because it is in a closed basin and receives most of its input from agricultural and municipal wastewaters. Dinoflagellates comprise a significant portion of the phytoplankton biomass, particularly in winter, often resulting in "red" or "brown" tides. To date, 16 species of dinoflagellates have been identified from the Salton Sea, and many other unidentified forms have also been documented. In 1992, 150,000 eared grebes were found dead over a period of several months at the Salton Sea. This mortality event was among the largest of any bird species. The principal cause remains unknown, but algal toxins were suspected. A survey of the composition and toxicity of algal blooms was undertaken in 1999, and we report results from blooms where dinoflagellates dominated. Dominant species included Gonyaulax grindleyi , Gymnodinium spp., Gyrodinium uncatenum , Heterocapsa niei , and an unidentified scrippsielloid. Although most samples showed activity in a brine shrimp lethality assay, all were negative in a mouse bioassay. This evidence suggests that toxins from dinoflagellate blooms in the Salton Sea are not responsible for eared grebe mortality events.  相似文献   

The Gulf of California harbors about 15% of the total California sea lion ( Zalophus californianus californianus ) population. We studied pup morphometrics from eight Gulf of California rookeries during the 1996 and 1997 reproductive seasons to describe sex differences in body size and body condition indices. Newborn pup body size was not different from previous reports. Male pups were heavier and larger than female pups in terms of all linear dimensions. Morphometric relationships, however, showed that males were 3%-4% denser, and that after removing the effects of length, they were about 2% heavier than females. Sculp depth adjusted for length was 12% larger in female than in male pups. Our data provide further evidence that male otariid pups may allocate a larger fraction of milk energy to muscular and skeletal growth compared to female pups.  相似文献   

Sixty male sea otters ( Enhydra lutris ) were tagged on the rear flippers with colored tags. Of these, 46 (77%) were resighted. Movements of 127 km were documented for adults and 187 km for subadults. Adults maintained breeding territories that averaged 40.3 ha ( n = 10, SE = 4.0). They returned to the same territory seasonally for up to seven consecutive years. Territorial males moved from areas of high male abundance to areas of high female abundance on a seasonal basis. During the winter, 74% of adult males left breeding areas and joined concentrations of males located near the ends of the range. Thirty percent of the subadult males were observed in male groups near the extremities of the range. During the summer and fall, the density of adult males (15/1,000 ha) and adult male to independent otter (non-pup) ratio (1:5) in female areas was highest. The number of adult males in areas of female abundance was inversely related to the number of dependent pups, perhaps because when pup numbers are low (late summer and fall) the number of estrous females is high. Subadult males may remain in female areas on a year round basis until their second or third year. However, they were not generally associated with adult females.  相似文献   

The southern right whale dolphin Lissodelphis peronii is a seldom seen cetacean of southern latitudes. Off southern Africa, observations have been made predominantly in the major upwelling area off Lüderitz, Namibia, but the species has now also been seen south of the Orange River in South African waters. Sightings for the years 1980–1990 are documented and they reveal that L. peronii occurs off southern Africa both inshore and offshore and throughout the year. An opportunity for extended observation in January 1989 afforded the opportunity to record some interesting behavior patterns.  相似文献   

本文从1480个颅骨中发现顶骨凹陷变薄的有16例。对其性别、年龄、颅形以及凹陷的形状、深度和骨质厚度作了观测,利用骨磨片和X线摄片对凹陷部分骨质进行了研究。结果表明此种凹陷均见于老年人,多数为双侧性。凹陷是由外板内凹而成,不涉及周围组织。X线侧位片显示凹陷处有宽带状低密度阴影。骨组织磨片显示在骨改建过程中,出现未满围骨单位增多,骨陷窝闭塞,造成局部的骨萎缩。  相似文献   

The absolute and relative precision of birth timing was assessed in 27 captive harbor seals and 30 captive California sea lions. Data were obtained from zoos and aquaria and only adult females with at least three live births were selected for analysis. Individuals of both species demonstrated very high absolute precision with narrow ranges of birth dates and small standard deviations of the individual mean birth dates. In addition, with the exception of one sea lion, no temporal trends for earlier or later birthing were found. Whereas marked differences in birth timing were found among individual harbor seals, these relative differences tended to disappear when subspecies affiliation and location were taken into account. Moderate inter-individual differences were also found among the California sea lions, but these differences persisted following the partitioning of adult females by location.
The absolute precision in birth timing strongly suggests that environmental regulation of birth timing occurs via a highly precise cue, such as photoperiod. The relative differences among individuals may indicate that birth timing in pinnipeds has a heritable component, and hence may evolve in response to natural selection, thus allowing adaptation of the pupping season to specific seasonal environments.  相似文献   

We observed 40 California sea otters, Enhydra lutris , that were instrumented with implanted radio transmitters and flipper-tagged, and obtained additional data on the reproduction of tagged female otters from the California Department of Fish and Game.
The proportion of instrumented females accompanied by a pup peaked in the spring, with a secondary peak in the fall. Two methods of estimating the annual reproductive rate gave comparable values of 0.90 and 0.94. The average inter-birth interval was 389 d. Two methods of estimating pup survival to weaning gave values of 0.46 and 0.58. Pups either remained with a female less than 80 or more than 120 d. Early mortality of dependent pups appears to be more frequent in California than in Prince William Sound, Alaska.
Two methods of estimation indicated that adult females had the highest survival rates and adult males the lowest. Juvenile females had lower survival rates than adult females but juvenile males had higher survival rates than adult males. The survival rate of juvenile females was lower than that of juvenile males.
The estimated annual loss rate for flipper-tags, based on the instrumented individuals, was 0.26. More individuals lost two tags than would be expected by chance. It is unlikely that accurate estimates of sea otter survival rates can be derived from observations of tagged individuals.  相似文献   

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