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We studied experimental double infections of the cestode Schistocephalus solidus in its stickleback host. In particular, we were interested in how two important components of the cestode's transmission success-establishment and growth within the fish host-were affected by the relatedness of the two parasites in a double exposure and by the timing of the two exposures, that is, whether they occurred simultaneously or sequentially. We found that male sticklebacks more often became infected (singly or doubly) if the two cestodes in the exposures were related, whereas female sticklebacks were more easily infected (singly or doubly) when exposed to two unrelated cestodes. Irrespective of the fish's gender, successful infections more often contained both cestodes when they were related. In sequential exposures with related as well as unrelated cestodes, the cestode in the later exposure survived better and also grew larger than the cestode from the first exposure, despite being one week younger. Our results emphasize that within-host dynamics and factors acting at this level can play an important role in determining a parasite's transmission success.  相似文献   

Variation of host quality affects population dynamics of parasitoids, even at the landscape scale. What causes host quality to vary and the subsequent mechanisms by which parasitoid population dynamics are affected can be complex. Here, we examine the indirect interaction of a plant pathogen with a parasitoid wasp. Under laboratory conditions, parasitoids from hosts fed fungus-infected plants weighed less than those from hosts fed uninfected plants, indicating that the fungus causes the hosts to be of poor quality. However, parasitoids reared from hosts fed fungal-infected diet also tended to be female, a characteristic associated with high host quality. The pathogen, herbivore and parasitoid persist regionally as metapopulations in a shared landscape in Aland, Finland. In an analysis of the metapopulation dynamics of the parasitoid over 6 years, the probability of colonization of a host population increased by more than twofold in patches occupied by the plant pathogen. While we cannot determine that the relationship is causal, a compelling explanation is that the plant pathogen facilitates the establishment by the parasitoid by increasing the fraction of female offspring. This is a novel mechanism of spatial multi-trophic level interactions.  相似文献   

Within-species genetic variation is a potent factor influencing between-species interactions and community-level structure. Species of the hemi-parasitic plant genus Rhinanthus act as ecosystem engineers, significantly altering above- and below-ground community structure in grasslands. Here, we show the importance of genotypic variation within a single host species (barley-Hordeum vulgare), and population-level variation among two species of parasite (Rhinanthus minor and Rhinanthus angustifolius) on the outcome of parasite infection for both partners. We measured host fitness (number of seeds) and calculated parasite virulence as the difference in seed set between infected and uninfected hosts (the inverse of host tolerance). Virulence was determined by genetic variation within the host species and among the parasite species, but R. angustifolius was consistently more virulent than R. minor. The most tolerant host had the lowest inherent fitness and did not gain a fitness advantage over other infected hosts. We measured parasite size as a proxy for transmission ability (ability to infect further hosts) and host resistance. Parasite size depended on the specific combination of host genotype, parasite species and parasite population, and no species was consistently larger. We demonstrate that the outcome of infection by Rhinanthus depends not only on the host species, but also on the underlying genetics of both host and parasite. Thus, genetic variations within host and parasite are probably essential components of the ecosystem-altering effects of Rhinanthus.  相似文献   

Individuals naturally vary in the severity of infectious disease when exposed to a parasite. Dissecting this variation into genetic and environmental components can reveal whether or not this variation depends on the host genotype, parasite genotype or a range of environmental conditions. Complicating this task, however, is that the symptoms of disease result from the combined effect of a series of events, from the initial encounter between a host and parasite, through to the activation of the host immune system and the exploitation of host resources. Here, we use the crustacean Daphnia magna and its parasite Pasteuria ramosa to show how disentangling genetic and environmental factors at different stages of infection improves our understanding of the processes shaping infectious disease. Using compatible host-parasite combinations, we experimentally exclude variation in the ability of a parasite to penetrate the host, from measures of parasite clearance, the reduction in host fecundity and the proliferation of the parasite. We show how parasite resistance consists of two components that vary in environmental sensitivity, how the maternal environment influences all measured aspects of the within-host infection process and how host-parasite interactions following the penetration of the parasite into the host have a distinct temporal component.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity is the ability of a genotype to produce more than one phenotype in order to match the environment. Recent theory proposes that the major axis of genetic variation in a phenotypically plastic population can align with the direction of selection. Therefore, theory predicts that plasticity directly aids adaptation by increasing genetic variation in the direction favoured by selection and reflected in plasticity. We evaluated this theory in the freshwater crustacean Daphnia pulex, facing predation risk from two contrasting size-selective predators. We estimated plasticity in several life-history traits, the G matrix of these traits, the selection gradients on reproduction and survival, and the predicted responses to selection. Using these data, we tested whether the genetic lines of least resistance and the predicted response to selection aligned with plasticity. We found predator environment-specific G matrices, but shared genetic architecture across environments resulted in more constraint in the G matrix than in the plasticity of the traits, sometimes preventing alignment of the two. However, as the importance of survival selection increased, the difference between environments in their predicted response to selection increased and resulted in closer alignment between the plasticity and the predicted selection response. Therefore, plasticity may indeed aid adaptation to new environments.  相似文献   

Coevolving hosts and parasites can adapt to their local antagonist. In studies on natural populations, the observation of local adaptation patterns is thus often taken as indirect evidence for coevolution. Based on this approach, coevolution was previously inferred from an overall pattern of either parasite or host local adaptation. Many studies, however, failed to detect such a pattern. One explanation is that the studied system was not subject to coevolution. Alternatively, coevolution occurred, but remained undetected because it took different routes in different populations. In some populations, it is the host that is locally adapted, whereas in others it is the parasite, leading to the absence of an overall local adaptation pattern. Here, we test for overall as well as population-specific patterns of local adaptation using experimentally coevolved populations of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans and its bacterial microparasite Bacillus thuringiensis. Furthermore, we assessed the importance of random interaction effects using control populations that evolved in the absence of the respective antagonist. Our results demonstrate that experimental coevolution produces distinct local adaptation patterns in different replicate populations, including host, parasite or absence of local adaptation. Our study thus provides experimental evidence of the predictions of the geographical mosaic theory of coevolution, i.e. that the interaction between parasite and host varies across populations.  相似文献   

Synopsis Migratory fishes should exhibit higher growth rates and larger body size than nonmigrants. To test this hypothesis, laboratory reared threespine sticklebacks,Gasterosteus aculeatus, representing three populations from a single drainage in northern California, U.S.A. were compared. These populations differ in their migratory patterns, ranging from highly migratory anadromous forms to nonmigratory freshwater residents. The nonmigratory inland population was significantly smaller in standard length at most ages, with correspondingly reduced growth rates compared to the more migratory upstream and estuary populations. Von Bertalanffy growth functions described the growth trajectories of these fish well, accounting for approximately 99% of the variance in body size exhibited by these populations. Broad sense heritability estimates for body size were significant for all three populations at age 60 days but were significant only for the inland population at later ages. The results of this study provide evidence of genetically-based variation in growth rate and body size among these stickleback populations, and these differences are consistent with the hypothesis that adaptation to different migratory lifestyles has occurred.  相似文献   

What selective processes underlie the evolution of parasites and their hosts? Arms-race models propose that new host-resistance mutations or parasite counter-adaptations arise and sweep to fixation. Frequency-dependent models propose that selection favours pathogens adapted to the most common host genotypes, conferring an advantage to rare host genotypes. Distinguishing between these models is empirically difficult. The maintenance of disease-resistance polymorphisms has been studied in detail in plants, but less so in animals, and rarely in natural populations. We have made a detailed study of genetic variation in host resistance in a natural animal population, Drosophila melanogaster, and its natural pathogen, the sigma virus. We confirm previous findings that a single (albeit complex) mutation in the gene ref(2)P confers resistance against sigma and show that this mutation has increased in frequency under positive selection. Previous studies suggested that ref(2)P polymorphism reflects the progress of a very recent selective sweep, and that in Europe during the 1980s, this was followed by a sweep of a sigma virus strain able to infect flies carrying this mutation. We find that the ref(2)P resistance mutation is considerably older than the recent spread of this viral strain and suggest that—possibly because it is recessive—the initial spread of the resistance mutation was very slow.  相似文献   

Emergent infectious diseases represent a major threat for biodiversity in fragmented habitat networks, but their dynamics in host metapopulations remain largely unexplored. We studied a large community of pathogens (including 26 haematozoans, bacteria and viruses as determined through polymerase chain reaction assays) in a highly fragmented mainland bird metapopulation. Contrary to recent studies, which have established that the prevalence of pathogens increase with habitat fragmentation owing to crowding and habitat-edge effects, the analysed pathogen parameters were neither dependent on host densities nor related to the spatial structure of the metapopulation. We provide, to our knowledge, the first empirical evidence for a positive effect of host population size on pathogen prevalence, richness and diversity. These new insights into the interplay between habitat fragmentation and pathogens reveal properties of a host-pathogen system resembling island environments, suggesting that severe habitat loss and fragmentation could lower pathogen pressure in small populations.  相似文献   

Epistasis (gene-gene interaction) is a ubiquitous component of the genetic architecture of complex traits such as susceptibility to common human diseases. Given the strong negative correlation between circulating adiponectin and resistin levels, the potential intermolecular epistatic interactions between ADIPOQ (SNP+45T > G, SNP+276G > T, SNP+639T > C and SNP+1212A > G) and RETN (SNP-420C > G and SNP+299G > A) gene polymorphisms in the genetic risk underlying type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and metabolic syndrome (MS) were assessed. The potential mutual influence of the ADIPOQ and RETN genes on their adipokine levels was also examined. The rare homozygous genotype (risk alleles) of SNP-420C > G at the RETN locus tended to be co-inherited together with the common homozygous genotypes (protective alleles) of SNP+639T > C and SNP+1212A > G at the ADIPOQ locus. Despite the close structural relationship between the ADIPOQ and RETN genes, there was no evidence of an intermolecular epistatic interaction between these genes. There was also no reciprocal effect of the ADIPOQ and RETN genes on their adipokine levels, i.e., ADIPOQ did not affect resistin levels nor did RETN affect adiponectin levels. The possible influence of the ADIPOQ gene on RETN expression warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

Crustaceans are important hosts for a number of helminth parasites, and they are increasingly used as models for studying the physiology, ecology and evolution of parasite-host interactions. In ecological studies, this interaction is commonly described only in terms of prevalence and number of larvae per infected host. However, the volume of helminth parasites can vary greatly, and this variation can potentially give important insights into the nature of a parasite-host relationship. It may influence and be influenced, for example, by within-host competition, host size, growth, and life history. Here we present a simple method that allows rapid approximation of the absolute and relative volumes of cestode larvae within copepod hosts of various developmental stages (nauplii, copepodites and adults). The measurements are taken in vivo without much disturbance of the animals, i.e. the technique allows study of growth and development of the parasites in relation to that of their hosts. The principles of this technique can be adopted to other helminth parasites and other crustacean hosts. Using this method in the copepod Macrocyclops albidus infected with the cestode Schistocephalus solidus, we found that the relative parasite size (= `parasite index') ranged from 0.5% to 6.5% of host size 14 days after infection. It was greater in male than in female hosts. With increasing number of parasites per host, the total parasite volume increased while the mean volume of the individual parasites decreased. The magnitude of the observed parasite indices, the large variation that was found within a sample of 46 infected adult copepods, and the observed correlates suggest that this new index can indeed be an important measure of parasite success and its pathogenecity.  相似文献   

Giant freshwater prawns Macrobrachium rosenbergii (14-19 g) were challenged with Enterococcus (3 x 10(5) cfu prawn(-1)) previously incubated in TSB medium for 24 h, then placed in water having concentrations of dissolved oxygen (DO) at 7.75, 4.75, 2.75 and 1.75 mg l(-1). Onset of mortality occurred after 6 h exposure to 1.75 mg l(-1) DO, and after 12 h exposure to 2.75 mg 1(-1) DO. Cumulative mortality of prawns at 1.75 mg l(-1) DO was significantly higher than that at 4.75 and 2.75 mg l(-1) DO, and cumulative mortality of prawns at 4.75 and 2.75 mg l(-1) DO was significantly higher than that at 7.75 mg l(-1) DO after 96 h. The prawns (20-30 g) which had been placed in water for 0 to 120 h at 7.75, 4.75, 2.75 and 1.75 mg l(-1) DO were examined for the THC (total haemocyte counts), DHC (differential haemocyte counts), phenoloxidase activity, respiratory burst, percentage phagocytosis and clearance efficiency. No significant difference in semi-granular cells and granular cells of prawns was observed among four treatments. The prawns following 120 h exposure to 2.75 mg l(-1) DO decreased significantly the hyaline cells and THC by 39% and 36%, respectively. Phenoloxidase activity and respiratory burst decreased significantly by 33% and 11% when the prawns were exposed to 2.75 mg l(-1) DO after 24 h, respectively. Percentage phagocytosis and clearance efficiency to Enterococcus decreased significantly by 44% and 54% for the prawns following 12 h exposure to 2.75 mg l(-1) DO, respectively. It is concluded that DO as low as 2.75 mg l(-1) and 4.75 mg l(-1) causes depression in immune system of M. rosenbergii, and increases its susceptibility to Enterococcus infection.  相似文献   

Acquired immunity is known to be a key modulator of the dynamics of many helminth parasites in domestic and human host populations, but its relative importance in natural populations is more controversial. A detailed long-term dataset on the gastrointestinal nematode Trichostrongylus retortaeformis in a wild population of European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) shows clear evidence of seasonal acquired immunity in the age-structured infection profiles. By fitting a hierarchy of demographic infection-immunity models to the observed age-structured infection patterns, we are able to quantify the importance of different components (seasonality, immunity and host age structure) of the parasite dynamics. We find strong evidence that the hosts' immunocompetence waxes and wanes with the seasons, but also contains a lifelong cohort factor, possibly acting through a maternal effect dependent on the host's month of birth. These observations have important and broad implications for the ecology of parasite infection in seasonal natural herbivore systems.  相似文献   

G Dharmarajan  J C Beasley  O E Rhodes  Jr 《Heredity》2011,106(2):253-260
Population genetics is increasingly being used to study the biology of parasites at the scales of both the host (infrapopulation, IP) and host population (component population, CP). In this study we tested three mechanistic hypotheses that could explain deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) expectations due to heterozygote deficits (HDs) at the CP scale in raccoon ticks (Ixodes texanus; n=718) collected from raccoons (Procyon lotor; n=91) and genotyped at 11 microsatellite loci. These hypotheses were presence of technical issues (for example, null alleles), hierarchical structure (for example, host demography) and cryptic structure (for example, kin structure). Although statistical support for null alleles existed, their presence would also be expected to lead to an underestimation in levels of relatedness, and thus kin structure. However, we found the opposite pattern: significant HD at the IP scale being more likely in CPs with significant vs non-significant levels of kin structure. Our analyses revealed that pooling of kin groups could lead to highly variable levels of FIS among loci, a pattern usually suggestive of null alleles. We used Monte–Carlo (MC) simulations to show that the existence of subdivided breeding groups and high variance in individual reproductive success could adequately explain deviations from HWE in I. texanus. Thus, our results indicate that biological factors can lead to patterns that have usually been interpreted as technical issues (for example, null alleles), and that it is important to take such factors into consideration because loci deviating from HWE likely reflect the effects of real biological processes.  相似文献   

Linking measures of immune function with infection, and ultimately, host and parasite fitness is a major goal in the field of ecological immunology. In this study, we tested for the presence and timing of a cellular immune response in the crustacean Daphnia magna following exposure to its sterilizing endoparasite Pasteuria ramosa. We found that D. magna possesses two cell types circulating in the haemolymph: a spherical one, which we call a granulocyte and an irregular-shaped amoeboid cell first described by Metchnikoff over 125 years ago. Daphnia magna mounts a strong cellular response (of the amoeboid cells) just a few hours after parasite exposure. We further tested for, and found, considerable genetic variation for the magnitude of this cellular response. These data fostered a heuristic model of resistance in this naturally coevolving host–parasite interaction. Specifically, the strongest cellular responses were found in the most susceptible hosts, indicating resistance is not always borne from a response that destroys invading parasites, but rather stems from mechanisms that prevent their initial entry. Thus, D. magna may have a two-stage defence—a genetically determined barrier to parasite establishment and a cellular response once establishment has begun.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Biomass accumulation and allocation patterns are critical to quantifying ecosystem dynamics. However, these patterns differ among species, and they can change in response to nutrient availability even among genetically related individuals. In order to understand this complexity further, this study examined three ephemeral species (with very short vegetative growth periods) and three annual species (with significantly longer vegetative growth periods) in the Gurbantunggut Desert, north-western China, to determine their responses to different nitrogen (N) supplements under natural conditions.


Nitrogen was added to the soil at rates of 0, 0·5, 1·0, 3·0, 6·0 and 24·0 g N m−2 year−1. Plants were sampled at various intervals to measure relative growth rate and shoot and root dry mass.

Key Results

Compared with annuals, ephemerals grew more rapidly, increased shoot and root biomass with increasing N application rates and significantly decreased root/shoot ratios. Nevertheless, changes in the biomass allocation of some species (i.e. Erodium oxyrrhynchum) in response to the N treatment were largely a consequence of changes in overall plant size, which was inconsistent with an optimal partitioning model. An isometric log shoot vs. log root scaling relationship for the final biomass harvest was observed for each species and all annuals, while pooled data of three ephemerals showed an allometric scaling relationship.


These results indicate that ephemerals and annuals differ observably in their biomass allocation patterns in response to soil N supplements, although an isometric log shoot vs. log root scaling relationship was maintained across all species. These findings highlight that different life history strategies behave differently in response to N application even when interspecific scaling relationships remain nearly isometric.  相似文献   

To fulfill its function, the immune system must detect and interpret a wide variety of signals and adjust the magnitude, duration, and specific traits of each response during the complex host-parasite relationships in parasitic infections. Inflammation must be tightly regulated since uncontrolled inflammation may be as destructive as the triggering stimulus and leads to immune-mediated tissue injury. During recent years, increasing evidence points to regulatory T cells (Tregs) as key anti-inflammatory cells, critically involved in limiting the inflammatory response. Herein, we review the published information on the induction of Tregs and summarize the most recent findings on Treg generation in parasitic diseases.  相似文献   

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