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TP53 mutations play a significant role in glioma tumorigenesis. When located in in the DNA binding domain, these mutations can perturb p53 protein conformation and its function, often culminating in altered downstream signaling. Here we describe prevalent pattern of TP53 point mutations in a cohort of 40 glioma patients and show their relevance to gliomagenesis. Point mutations in exon 5–9 of TP53 gene were detected by DNA sequencing. Possible influence of identified mutations at the function of p53 was studied computationally and correlated with the survival. Point mutations in TP53 were detected in 10 glioma samples (25%), out of which 70% were from high grade glioma. A total of 19 TP53 point mutations were identified, out of which 42% were found to be in the DNA binding region of p53. Computational analysis predicted 87.5% of these mutations to be “probably damaging”. In three patients with tumors possessing point mutations R273H, R248Q, Y163H and R175H and poor survival times, structural analysis revealed the nature of these mutations to be disruptive and associated with high risk for cancer progression. In high grade glioma, recurrent TP53 point mutations may be the key to tumor progression, thus, emphasizing their significance in gliomagenesis.  相似文献   

We present an analysis by NMR of a 58 kDa complex of the core domain of the tumour suppressor p53 with DNA that complements and extends the crystal structure analysis. Binding of specific DNA caused significant chemical shifts of residues on the DNA-binding interface that translated into the beta-sheet of the protein. Binding of non-specific DNA caused weak but qualitatively the same shifts, corresponding to weaker binding interactions. The observed chemical shift differences correlate with frequency of cancer-inducing mutations, suggesting that the affected residues contribute to the stability of p53 core domain-DNA complex. We also identified two affected regions on the surface of the protein: helix 1 (residues V173-C182) plus G244 and residues L114-T118, which may represent a dimerisation interface.  相似文献   

The p53 protein is the major tumor suppressor in mammals. The discovery of the p53 homologs p63 and p73 defined a family of p53 members with distinct roles in tumor suppression, differentiation, and development. Here, we describe the biochemical characterization of the core DNA-binding domain of a human isoform of p63, p63-delta, and particularly novel features in comparison with p53. In contrast to p53, the free p63 core domain did not show specific binding to p53 DNA consensus sites. However, glutathione S-transferase-fused and thus dimerized p63 and p53 core domains had similar affinity and specificity for the p53 consensus sites p21, gadd45, cyclin G, and bax. Furthermore, the fold of p63 core was remarkably stable compared with p53 as judged by differential scanning calorimetry (T(m) = 61 degrees C versus 44 degrees C for p53) and equilibrium unfolding ([urea](50%) = 5.2 m versus 3.1 m for p53). A homology model of p63 core highlights differences at a segment near the H1 helix hypothetically involved in the formation of the dimerization interface in p53, which might reduce cooperativity of p63 core DNA binding compared with p53. The model also shows differences in the electrostatic and hydrophobic potentials of the domains relevant to folding stability.  相似文献   

In this study we further characterized the 3'-5' exonuclease activity intrinsic to wild-type p53. We showed that this activity, like sequence-specific DNA binding, is mediated by the p53 core domain. Truncation of the C-terminal 30 amino acids of the p53 molecule enhanced the p53 exonuclease activity by at least 10-fold, indicating that this activity, like sequence-specific DNA binding, is negatively regulated by the C-terminal basic regulatory domain of p53. However, treatments which activated sequence-specific DNA binding of p53, like binding of the monoclonal antibody PAb421, which recognizes a C-terminal epitope on p53, or a higher phosphorylation status, strongly inhibited the p53 exonuclease activity. This suggests that at least on full-length p53, sequence-specific DNA binding and exonuclease activities are subject to different and seemingly opposing regulatory mechanisms. Following up the recent discovery in our laboratory that p53 recognizes and binds with high affinity to three-stranded DNA substrates mimicking early recombination intermediates (C. Dudenhoeffer, G. Rohaly, K. Will, W. Deppert, and L. Wiesmueller, Mol. Cell. Biol. 18:5332-5342), we asked whether such substrates might be degraded by the p53 exonuclease. Addition of Mg2+ ions to the binding assay indeed started the p53 exonuclease and promoted rapid degradation of the bound, but not of the unbound, substrate, indicating that specifically recognized targets can be subjected to exonucleolytic degradation by p53 under defined conditions.  相似文献   

The p53 tumor suppressor forms stable tetramers, whose DNA binding activity is allosterically regulated. The tetramerization domain is contained within the C-terminus (residues 323-355) and its three-dimensional structure exhibits dihedral symmetry, such that a p53 tetramer can be considered a dimer of dimers. Under conditions where monomeric p53 fails to bind DNA, we studied the effects of p53 C-terminal mutations on DNA binding. Residues 322-355 were sufficient to drive DNA binding of p53 as a tetramer. Within this region residues predicted by the three-dimensional structure to stabilize tetramerization, such as Arg337 and Phe341, were critical for DNA binding. Furthermore, substitution of Leu344 caused p53 to dissociate into DNA binding-competent dimers, consistent with the location of this residue at the dimer-dimer interface. The p53 DNA site contains two inverted repeats juxtaposed to a second pair of inverted repeats. Thus, the four repeats exhibit cyclic-translation symmetry and cannot be recognized simultaneously by four dihedrally symmetric p53 DNA binding domains. The discrepancy may be resolved by flexible linkers between the p53 DNA binding and tetramerization domains. When these linkers were deleted p53 exhibited novel DNA binding properties consistent with an inability to recognize four contiguous DNA repeats. Allosteric regulation of p53 DNA binding may involve repositioning the DNA binding domains from a dihedrally symmetric state to a DNA-bound asymmetric state.  相似文献   

p53 is a conformationally flexible sequence-specific DNA binding protein mutated in many human tumors. To understand why the mutant p53 proteins associated with human tumors fail to bind DNA, we mapped the DNA binding domain of wild-type p53 and examined its regulation by changes in the protein conformation. Using site-directed mutagenesis, residues 90-286 of mouse p53 were shown to form the sequence-specific DNA binding domain. Two highly conserved regions within this domain, regions IV and V, were implicated in contacting DNA. Wild-type p53 bound DNA as a tetramer, each subunit recognizing five nucleotides of the 20 nucleotide-long DNA site. Conformational shifts of the oligomerization domain propagated to the tetrameric DNA binding domain, regulating DNA binding activity, but did not affect the subunit stoichiometry of wild-type p53 oligomers. Interestingly, conformational shifts could also be propagated within certain p53 mutants, rescuing DNA binding. One of these mutants was the mouse equivalent of human histidine 273, which is frequently associated with human tumors.  相似文献   

The DNA-binding domain (DBD) of wild-type p53 loses DNA binding activity spontaneously at 37 degrees C in vitro, despite being thermodynamically stable at this temperature. We test the hypothesis that this property is due to kinetic misfolding of DBD. Interrupted folding experiments and chevron analysis show that native molecules are formed via four tracks (a-d) under strongly native conditions. Folding half-lives of tracks a-d are 7.8 seconds, 50 seconds, 5.3 minutes and more than five hours, respectively, in 0.3M urea (10 degrees C). Approximately equal fractions of molecules fold through each track in zero denaturant, but above 2.0M urea approximately 90% fold via track c. A kinetic mechanism consisting of two parallel folding channels (fast and slow) is proposed. Each channel populates an on-pathway intermediate that can misfold to form an aggregation-prone, dead-end species. Track a represents direct folding through the fast channel. Track b proceeds through the fast channel but via the off-pathway state. Track c corresponds to folding via the slow channel, primarily through the off-pathway state. Track d proceeds by way of an even slower, uncharacterized route. We postulate that activity loss is caused by partitioning to the slower tracks, and that structural unfolding limits this process. In support of this view, tumorigenic hot-spot mutants G245S, R249S and R282Q accelerate unfolding rates but have no affect on folding kinetics. We suggest that these and other destabilizing mutants facilitate loss of p53 function by causing DBD to cycle unusually rapidly between folded and unfolded states. A significant fraction of DBD molecules become effectively trapped in a non-functional state with each unfolding-folding cycle.  相似文献   

Oncogenic mutations in the tumor suppressor protein p53 are found mainly in its DNA-binding core domain. Many of these mutants are thermodynamically unstable at body temperature. Here we show that these mutants also denature within minutes at 37 degrees C. The half-life (t(1/2)) of the unfolding of wild-type p53 core domain was 9 min. Hot spot mutants denatured more rapidly with increasing thermodynamic instability. The highly destabilized mutant I195T had a t(1/2) of less than 1 min. The wild-type p53-(94-360) construct, containing the core and tetramerization domains, was more stable, with t(1/2) = 37 min at 37 degrees C, similar to full-length p53. After unfolding, the denatured proteins aggregated, the rate increasing with higher concentrations of protein. A derivative of the p53-stabilizing peptide CDB3 significantly slowed down the unfolding rate of the p53 core domain. Drugs such as CDB3, which rescue the conformation of unstable mutants of p53, have to act during or immediately after biosynthesis. They should maintain the mutant protein in a folded conformation and prevent its aggregation, allowing it enough time to reach the nucleus and bind its sequence-specific target DNA or the p53 binding proteins that will stabilize it.  相似文献   

Common cancer mutations of p53 tend either to lower the stability or distort the core domain of the protein or weaken its DNA binding affinity. We have previously analyzed in vitro the effects of mutations on the core domain of p53. Here, we extend those measurements to full-length p53, using either the wild-type protein or a biologically active superstable construct that is more amenable to accurate biophysical measurements to assess the possibilities of rescuing different types of mutations by anticancer drugs. The tetrameric full-length proteins had similar apparent melting temperatures to those of the individual domains, and the structural mutations lowered the melting temperature by similar amounts. The thermodynamic stability of tetrameric p53 is thus dictated by its core domain. We determined that the common contact mutation R273H weakened binding to the gadd45 recognition sequence by approximately 700-1000 times. Many mutants that have lowered melting temperatures should be good drug targets, although the common R273H mutant binds response elements too weakly for simple rescue.  相似文献   

Johnsson N 《FEBS letters》2002,531(2):259-264
Many mutations in the human tumor suppressor p53 affect the function of the protein by destabilizing the structure of its DNA binding domain. To monitor the effects of those mutations in vivo the stability of the DNA binding domain of p53 and some of its mutants was investigated with the split-ubiquitin (split-Ub) method. The split-Ub-derived in vivo data on the relative stability of the mutants roughly correlate with the quantitative data from in vitro denaturation experiments as reported in the literature. A variation of this assay allows visualizing the difference in stability between the wild-type p53 core and the mutant p53(V143A) by a simple growth assay.  相似文献   

The DNA binding domain (DBD) is the most mutated region of p53 in tumors and has proven to be relatively resistant to the generation of specific antibodies. Template assembled synthetic peptide (TASP) synthesis of a peptide derived from the DBD creates a highly immunogenic molecule without the need for large carriers such as keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH). In addition, a rapid means of generating monoclonal antibodies can be achieved through immunization in conjunction with ABL/MYC retrovirus injection into recipient mice. In this paper, we demonstrate that an antibody generated by this means, KH2, reacts specifically with the DBD of p53. To date, this is the first example of a peptide immunogen used successfully in ABL/MYC monoclonal antibody production. KH2 is also the first example of a monospecific antibody that directly binds to and, by definition, assumes the conformation of the DNA binding region of p53.  相似文献   

p53 modulates a large number of cellular response pathways and is critical for the prevention of cancer. Wild-type p53, as well as tumorigenic mutants, exhibits the singular property of spontaneously losing DNA binding activity at 37 degrees C. To understand the molecular basis for this effect, we examine the folding mechanism of the p53 DNA binding domain (DBD) at elevated temperatures. Folding kinetics do not change appreciably from 5 degrees C to 35 degrees C. DBD therefore folds by the same two-channel mechanism at physiological temperature as it does at 10 degrees C. Unfolding rates, however, accelerate by 10,000-fold. Elevated temperatures thus dramatically increase the frequency of cycling between folded and unfolded states. The results suggest that function is lost because a fraction of molecules become trapped in misfolded conformations with each folding-unfolding cycle. In addition, at 37 degrees C, the equilibrium stabilities of the off-pathway species are predicted to rival that of the native state, particularly in the case of destabilized mutants. We propose that it is the presence of these misfolded species, which can aggregate in vitro and may be degraded in the cell, that leads to p53 inactivation.  相似文献   

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