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The reproductive biology of Miniopterus schreibersii and M. australis was studied at latitude 28·5°S, in eastern Australia. Comparison was made with material from 23·5°S to 37°S.
Both species are monoestrous and monotocous. Ovulation is from the left ovary and implantation is in the right cornu. At latitude 28·5°S, a "silent heat" precedes behavioural oestrus and fertilization by two months in M. schreibersii and three months in M. australis. In M. schreibersii copulation and fertilization occur in late May and early June, immediately after a relatively short period of spermatogenesis and about one month after the release of sperm to the epididymides. During winter, implantation of the blastocyst stage is delayed. The male accessory glands involute but a store of epididymal sperm is retained. Implantation occurs in August and birth is in December.
M. australis conceives in mid-August, after an extended period of spermatogenesis which ceases four to six weeks prior to copulation. An epididymal sperm store is present some 21/2 months prior to insemination. Implantation has occurred by mid-September and parturition takes place in December.
Comparative data from other latitudes in eastern Australia show no differences in the timing of a reproductive events of M. australis between 23·5°S and 31°S. In M. schreibersii in South Australia (37°S) mating occurs in April and May. Plasticity in the timing of parturition (October to December) and other anomalies of this population are discussed.
The data suggest that evolutionary hypotheses involving extrapolation from one species to the other are questionable and that a more complex and varied adaptive response to climate may exist than has hitherto been supposed.  相似文献   

Starch gel electrophoresis of proteins was used to study geographic variation at 26 gene loci in the Red River pupfish ( Cyprinodon rubrofluviatílís ), a species restricted to west Texas and Oklahoma. Marked differences were detected between populations in the Red and Brazos river drainages, with fixed or nearly fixed differences occurring at five gene loci. In addition, mean heterozygosity was uniformly high for the Red River form ( = 0·076–0·101) while samples of the Brazos River form were genetically depauperate ( =0·00–0·017). Introduced populations in the South Canadian and Colorado river drainages appear to have been derived from the Red River drainage. The presence of alleles diagnostic of the Red and Brazos river forms supports the suggestion from previous work that they may represent cryptic species. Regardless of taxonomy, however, the presence of two genetically distinct forms must be taken into consideration by those concerned with maintenance of biotic diversity.  相似文献   

There was a significant inshore to offshore pattern in grouper species composition and density on Florida Keys coral reefs. Red grouper Epinephelus morio and black grouper Mycteroperca bonaci were most abundant on inshore patch reefs. Graysby Cephalopholis cruentata was most abundant on offshore reef types. Density among sites ranged from 0 to 0·43, 0 to 0·26 and 0 to 1·23 100 m−2 for red grouper, black grouper, and graysby, respectively. Grouper density exhibited no consistency among sites within similar reef types. The densities of red and black grouper were correlated significantly with either physical or biotic habitat parameters. Graysby were observed in microhabitats with whose benthic features differed significantly from the surrounding habitat. This species was observed in high-relief areas with significantly less octocoral species and colony densities. Larger graysby were observed in areas of higher relief and less octocorals than smaller graysby. Habitat was one of several important factors influencing the distribution of groupers among coral reefs types in the Florida Keys.  相似文献   

Reproductive characteristics at high altitude are described based on the reproductive histories of 720 Aymara women, collected in 1998 and 1999 in a group of twelve peasant communities at a mean altitude of 4000 m in the Bolivian Altiplano. The reproductive pattern is shaped by a late onset of childbearing, associated with a rather short reproductive span and large birth intervals. Environmental conditions could explain the particularly late age at menarche of rural girls compared with their urban counterparts, whereas the age at first birth is likely to be under cultural control. The short reproductive span appears to result from a large mean interval between last birth and menopause, which is essentially determined by cultural decisions. The birth intervals, which are longer than in many traditional societies, could be the result of a slower restoration of postpartum fecundability induced by the hard way of life inherent in the Altiplano (including poor sanitary and nutritional conditions and high workload), perhaps aggravated by hypoxia. However, a secular trend in fertility is perceptible, towards earlier menarche, earlier age at first birth, increasing reproductive span and a slight increase in live births and surviving offspring, which is probably the result of a slow improvement in living conditions. The existence of birth control on the one hand, and a total fertility rate averaging six live births among the couples who do not practise contraception on the other, are other arguments against the hypothesis of a low natural fecundity in these Aymara groups.  相似文献   

Lenhardt  M.  Cakic  P.  Kolarevic  J.  & Gacic  Z. 《Journal of fish biology》2003,63(S1):252-252
Four species of sturgeons appear in the Yugoslav part of the Danube River. Among them three are anadromous, beluga ( Huso huso ), Russian sturgeon ( Acipenser gueldenstaedtii ) and stellate sturgeon ( Acipenser stellatus ) and migrate to Danube from the Black Sea to spawn. Only sterlet ( Acipenser ruthenus ) is exclusively freshwater. There are obvious differences between vernal and winter races of anadromous sturgeons, due to their different migratory patterns. Russian ichthyologist Berg (1934) claimed that there are two races (morphs) in the starlet population as well. This stimulated long discussion in Russian and Yugoslav literature, and it was the starting point for our research on sterlet in the Yugoslav part of the Danube River.
Morphometric analysis was preformed on 159 individuals caught in Danube River among 1123 and 1173 km, on four localities during September and October 2002. Analysis included 24 morphological and 3 meristic characters. K‐means cluster analysis indicated existence of two different clusters (groups), one with 95 (59·75%) and other with 64 (40·25%) samples. Significant differences were found for preorbital, preoral and prebarbel length. Mean values (in % of head length) for first group were 50·13 ± 1·71, 57·61 ± 1·87, 39·74 ± 2·20 and for second group 53·50 ± 2·46, 62·07 ± 2·20 and 43·30 ± 2·08 respectively. Findings were confirmed by Principal Components & Classification Analysis. These results speak in favour of existence of two morphs in sterlet population, one with long and pointed rostrum (vernal) and other with short rostrum (winter). According to the literature that is probably influenced by different reproductive behaviour (time separation in spawning).  相似文献   

A histological analysis of the gonad of the pelagic crystal goby Crystallogobius linearis , from the coastal central area of the Adriatic Sea, showed it to be a truly semelparous species; after the first spawning the mature gonads of both males and females appeared to have lost the capability for further spawning. Mature females had very low fecundity (200–700 mature oocytes) and small egg size (0·2–0·55 mm) similarly to other progenetic species. This reproductive strategy is compared with that of Aphia minuta , and a possible cause for the post-reproductive mortality of the two gobies is suggested and discussed.  相似文献   

Introduced Gambusia holbrooki in a natural lagoon of southern Spain consisted of two age groups: 1992 cohort, 7-11 months old and 1993 cohort, <4 months old. In the 1992 cohort, females grew even during the gestation period at about 0·30 mm day-1. In the 1993 cohort, females displayed a high growth rate (0·55 mm day-1) and reached reproductive size in a few weeks, but stopped growing when they matured. All the 1992 cohort reproduced from mid-May to mid-June, but only 50% of the 1993 cohort reproduced, from mid-August to mid-September. Reproducing females were significantly larger in the 1992 cohort (39·8 mm) than in the 1993 one (34·8 mm). The largest 1992 females cohort had reproduced previously; the 1993 cohort had not. The mean dry weight of intra-ovarian embryos decreased to a minimum immediately before birth. These metabolic costs represented 29·8 and 31·4% of the initial weights of the 1992 and 1993 embryos, respectively. Mean dry weight of full-term embryo was significantly higher in the 1992 cohort (0·80 ± 0·129 mg; 95% CL) than in the 1993 one (0·70 ± 0·086 mg; 95% CL). With more females in 1992, cohort fecundity was considerably higher (number of embryos=7151; 63%) than in the 1993 (4193; 37%) cohort. The population completed two generations each year (spring and summer). The spring stock grew slower than the summer one but continued to grow during the gestation period, reaching larger final lengths, with more synchronous reproduction and clearer evidence of a second reproductive event. Each reproductive stock displayed its own life-history characteristics, with significant differences between mean length of reproducing females, growth rate, mean brood size, offspring size, standard fecundity and minimum length at reproduction.  相似文献   

In an environment with a seasonal food supply, most primate species show birth peaks which precede the peak food period by some two to five months. Sumatran Long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis), however, showed birth peaks during or after the fruit peak. Years of high birth rates and early birth peaks alternated with years of low birth rates and late peaks. The timing of births was strongly influenced by a female's condition, which depends on food supply and her previous reproductive history. Pregnant females were more active than other females, whereas females with young infants were less active.
The unusual timing of births is ascribed to the unpredictability of the height of the annual fruit peak. This hypothesis is supported by the reproductive patterns of other South-east Asian primates and by a model comparing the two types of reproductive timing. Further differences between the two strategies of reproductive timing are predicted.  相似文献   

Hermaphroditism is typically associated with a sedentary existence, whereas dioecy is associated with mobility. This pattern is reflected within flowering plants, as dioecious species commonly possess traits that promote high dispersal. We investigated these associations with three population dynamics models (an individual-based simulation and two mathematical models, one deterministic and the other stochastic) that allowed us to examine competition for space between a hermaphroditic and dioecious species from different perspectives. The competing species are identical in every way but their sexual system. Separation of the sexes increases the variances of pollen import and seed dispersal for the dioecious species. These variances propagate through subsequent reproductive processes and ultimately reduce mean recruitment as a result of nonlinear averaging (Jensen's inequality). A dioecious species could overcome this disadvantage simply by producing more gametes than hermaphrodites; however, in line with the association with mobility, selection on dioecious species should also favor traits that reduce reproductive uncertainty, such as extensive dispersal.  相似文献   

Summary Photosynthetic and water relations characteristics of small juvenile and large reproductive plants were investigated during one growing season for four woody species native to Red Butte Canyon, Utah, USA: Acer negundo, Artemisia tridentata, Chrysothamnus nauseosus, and Salix exigua. For all species, juvenile plants differed from reproductive plants in at least one of the following characters: water potential, stomatal conductance, photosynthetic rate, or water-use efficiency. Late in the growing season, mortality occurred within juvenile plants (apparently due to a lack of water), but not within reproductive plants. The observed differences between juvenile and reproductive classes are discussed in terms of environment, development, and mortality selection.  相似文献   

Female Rhizoprionodon acutus were found to mature between 62 and 74 cm total length ( L T) whereas males matured between 63 and 71 cm L T. The L T at 50% maturity was 64·3 cm for females and 64·7 cm for males. Litter size varied from one to six embryos, and was positively correlated with maternal L T. Female embryos outnumbered males by a ratio of 2·3:1. The size at birth was c . 37 cm L T. Full‐term embryos and post‐partum females were observed during all seasons although their occurrence was highest in spring. Spermatozoa were rarely recorded in the oviducal gland, indicating that this species does not store sperm. It was not possible to generate maturity curves for Iago omanensis but it was evident that females matured by the time they reached 35 cm and males were mature by 31 cm L T. This species displayed a clearly defined reproductive cycle with parturition occurring primarily in spring, after a gestation period of c . 1 year. Maximal embryo size was 19 cm L T while maximal litter size was 24 embryos. The oviducal gland appeared to act as a seminal receptacle and it appeared that females may utilize these stores by not mating every year.  相似文献   

Varying types of reproductive coordination among females have been described for several mammals. Among nonhuman primates, female reproductive coordination has usually been described as breeding seasonality, or in few cases, closer synchrony within the breeding or birth season. We examined birth records from a large captive colony of lion-tailed macaques, Macaca silenus, a nonseasonally breeding species, in order to determine the degree of female reproductive synchrony in this population. Births were nonrandomly distributed over the 10-year study period. Of the total of 28 births, the majority (21 or 75 %) of births occurred in cohorts, in spite of wide variations in interbirth intervals among cohort birth mothers. Cohorts consisted of two to five infants born within a 90-d period or less. Of the remaining 7 “isolated” births, four were in the three years in which only one or two births occurred. The pattern of cohort births was nonrandomly distributed according to mother's parity: three of the isolated births were to primiparous mothers, whereas only one of the 21 cohort births was to a primiparous mother. Estrous synchrony results showed that females in the longer-established of two groups exhibited greater synchrony, suggesting social facilitation of reproductive coordination. It is thus suggested that synchrony in this sample was the result of social rather than ecological mechanisms, as has been hypothesized for some other mammalian species.  相似文献   

A total of 1048 specimens of Siganus rivulatus and Siganus luridus were collected from the Batrun area of the Mediterranean Sea from January 1999 to August 2000. The sex-ratio in both species did not differ significantly from 1 : 1 between size classes or months. For S. rivulatus , the estimated mean length at first maturity ( L T50) was 132·5 mm for males and 136·5 mm for females, and 139·0 and 142·0 mm, respectively, for male and female S. luridus . Spawning occurred in June in S. rivulatus and from May to July in S. luridus . High temperature in summer appeared to be a limiting factor in the gonadal development of both siganid species, which have reduced their breeding seasons on the Lebanese coast compared to their native Red Sea.  相似文献   

The AMBIS is a system which can determine the relationships between microbial strains by comparing the profiles produced after their radiolabelled intracellular proteins are subjected to SDS PAGE. This system was used to compare the profiles of strains representing the five biovars of Pseudomonas fluorescens , a species implicated in food spoilage. The three strains of biovar I, three strains of biovar III and two strains of biovar IV segregated into three distinct clusters with correlation coefficients (cc) of 0·85, 0·85 and 0·87 respectively. Although two of the biovar II strains studied clustered together (cc = 0·74) one of the remaining biovar II strains linked (cc = 0·83) with the cluster of biovar IV strains while the other was linked with biovar I and V strains (cc = 0·68). Biovar V strains (three in total) also failed to form a single cluster which was expected since this biovar is known to be heterogeneous. The findings are in substantial agreement with more comprehensive taxonomic studies of this species. AMBIS may be a useful tool in taxonomic studies of micro-organisms.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic imaging was used to determine the spawning population structure and develop a fecundity estimation model for a red hind Epinephelus guttatus spawning aggregation within the Red Hind Bank Marine Conservation District, St Thomas, U.S.V.I. The spawning population showed considerable within‐month and between‐month variation in population size‐ and sex‐structure. In the spawning season studied, males appeared to arrive at the aggregation site first in December although females represented a large proportion of the catch early in the aggregation periods in January and February. Spawning occurred in January and February, and size frequency distributions suggested that an influx of small females occurred during the second spawning month. An overall sex ratio of 2·9 : 1 (female : male) was recorded for the whole reproductive season. The sex ratio, however, differed between months and days within months. More females per male were recorded in January than in February when the sex ratio was male biased. Fecundity estimates for this species predicted very high potential fecundities (2·4 × 105−2·4 × 106 oocytes). The ultrasound model also illustrated a rapid increase in potential female fecundity with total length. Ultrasonic imaging may prove a valuable tool in population assessment for many species and locations in which invasive fishing methods are clearly undesirable.  相似文献   

The polymorphism of 23 microsatellites in the four main cattle breeds in Belgium (Holstein Friesian, Belgian Blue, Belgian Red Pied and East Flemish) was analysed. Heterozygosity, polymorphism information content, the effective number of alleles, exclusion probability and the probability of genotypic identity for two random individuals were calculated for all microsatellites and all breeds. The Belgian Blue breed is generally a little less polymorphic in comparison with the other three breeds. Estimates of the genetic distances between these breeds confirmed the widely accepted proposition that the Belgian Blue is the most genetically distinct of these breeds. The three other breeds are likely to become one population, given current breeding strategies. Exclusion probabilities in parentage control cases are >0·9999 in all four breeds when all 23 microsatellites are used and >0·98 with only the two most polymorphic multiplexes.  相似文献   

This study examined whether the soya phyto-oestrogen genistein would have an effect on spermatozoa quality and in vitro fertilization capacity in mature channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus or walleye Sander vitreus . For both species, motility time and motility rank were significantly different among treatment groups and control, with higher genistein concentrations producing significantly lower motility time and motility rank ( P ≤ 0·01). Walleye and channel catfish ATP content was significantly lower compared to control treatments at several incubation concentrations and was significantly related to fertilization rate. Fertilization rate was significantly dependant on genistein incubation concentrations ( P ≤ 0·01). Additionally, logistic regression showed a significant negative relation between genistein concentration and fertilization in channel catfish ( P ≤ 0·01). These results establish that genistein could play a role in reproductive performance within aquaculture species. In addition, these findings warrant further examination of the impact of phyto-oestrogens in broodstock feeds.  相似文献   

Microsatellite genetic markers are becoming increasing important tools in the investigation of alternate reproductive strategies in wild plants and animals, and in the implementation of optimal breeding programs for endangered species, and managed cultured populations. Overall, little attention is paid to the frequency and impact of scoring errors and mutations on the resolution and accuracy of such analyses. Here, parentage of 792 Atlantic salmon ( Salmo salar ) reared communally were determined using di- and tetranucleotide microsatellites. Over 99·5% of the offspring could be unambiguously matched to one set of parents in the original 12 (1 × 1) experimental cross (each of 12 males uniquely crossed to one of 12 females) and in a simulated 36 (1 × 1) cross (involving additional parents), and over 80% in a 12 × 12 cross (all 12 males crossed to all 12 females). Mutations were rare (≈3·4 × 10−−4), though scoring errors were relatively common (2–3% per allele scored), with the rate of error varying among loci. Approximately 90% of scoring errors (or mutations) are expected to be detected in this analysis, and of those that are not, fewer than 0·5% should lead to a false or incorrect determinations of parentage. Based on several indices, we expect that greater than 99·7% of offspring assayed were matched to their true parents.  相似文献   

Interactions were investigated among five xerophilic fungi, Polypaecilum pisce, Basipetospora halophila, Eurotium rubrum, Aspergillus wentii and A. penicillioides, isolated from Indonesian dried salted fish. A range of water activities ( a w) (0·98, 0·95, 0·90 and 0·84) and temperatures (15°, 25° and 30°C) were studied on agar media in Petri dishes, and with dried fish as a substrate at 0·90 and 0·84 a w at 30°C. Generally, the fungi exhibited one of two interaction types: mutual inhibition on contact, or inhibition of one or both species on contact, with the inhibited species continuing to grow at a significantly reduced rate. On glucose-based agar media A. wentii and E. rubrum were most competitive at all a w values and temperatures studied, while on NaCl media P. pisce and B. halophila were usually most competitive. The Petri dish system was a useful model, but did not completely simulate the interactions observed on dried fish. Polypaecilum pisce and B. halophila were able to compete more strongly on fish than on agar media, especially at 0·90 a w. This study provides some evidence that each species examined had a niche in which it was dominant, and that species interactions as well as environmental factors are important in determining the dominant fungal species on dried salted fish.  相似文献   

Javan gibbons (Hylobates moloch) are one of the most endangered gibbon species in the world. Data on the reproductive biology of the species are almost nonexistent, and a general understanding of the female reproductive biology of this species is important for both ex situ and in situ conservation. Using 18 years of data from 11 captive individuals, we provide new information on the reproductive biology of Javan gibbons based on sexual swelling and menstrual bleeding, including reproductive development, interbirth intervals, and ovarian cycle lengths. Menarche and the onset of sexual swelling occurred at 6.2 and 6.5 years respectively, followed by a period of adolescent sterility of about 1.5 years. Average age at first birth was 8.8 years, and interbirth intervals were about 2.3 years, decreasing to 1.0 year during cases of infant mortality at or shortly after birth. Ovarian cyclicity was measured through periods between menstrual bleeding and sexual swelling. Menstrual bleeding indicates the start of a new ovarian cycle, while sexual swelling normally occurs near the time of ovulation. Menstrual bleeding intervals gave a cycle length of 25.6 days, while sexual swelling intervals gave a cycle length of 27.3 days. These both correspond closely to cycle lengths in other gibbon species, as well as hormonal studies in Javan gibbons. In particular, observing the presence/absence of swellings was found to be a useful and easy method to monitor female ovarian cycles, and could be a practical noninvasive technique for caretakers and researchers. Zoo Biol 29:449–456, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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