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With the present review, we intend to highlight the importance of considering the age- and development-dependent occurrence of comorbidity in ADHD and to outline distinct trajectories of symptom progression with possible impact on course and outcome of ADHD. The review will focus on introducing the concepts of "developmental epidemiology" and "developmental comorbidity". Psychiatric and non-psychiatric age-dependent comorbidity can be seen in the majority of children, adolescents and adults with ADHD, resulting in a severe impairment of everyday life with considerable functional and psychosocial problems. Concerning the temporal order of occurrence, psychiatric conditions may be present before the appearance of first definite ADHD symptoms ("pre-comorbidity", such as temperament factors, sleep disturbance, autism spectrum disorders and atopic eczema). They may coincide with the time when ADHD symptoms reach a clinically significant level ("simultaneous comorbidity": enuresis, encopresis, developmental dyslexia). The majority of comorbidity, however, appears after the onset of ADHD in the course of disease ("post-comorbidity": tic disorder, depression and suicidality, anxiety disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder, conduct and substance use disorders, obesity and personality disorders). The aetio-pathophysiology of ADHD and its comorbid disorders and also the nature of comorbidity itself being highly heterogeneous, we additionally discuss possible models of comorbidity. In the future, longitudinal data on distinct patterns of symptom and comorbidity progression would help to refine disease classification systems, strengthen the power of future genetic studies and finally allow for more specific treatment strategies.  相似文献   

Despite the growing interest in the diagnosis of ADHD in adults, most of the knowledge in ADHD still relies on research with children and adolescents. Gender differences in adult ADHD patients were neglected for a long time and only few studies have focused this topic. The goal of this study was to investigate differences in ADHD psychopathology in male and female adults. We examined gender differences in ADHD core and associated symptoms and in personality traits in adults with ADHD. In order to discriminate between general and ADHD-specific gender differences, we compared data of adult ADHD patients with two control groups (patients with substance abuse and healthy controls). Regarding differences in ADHD core symptoms-attention problems, hyperactivity, and impulsivity-between male and female subjects, we found inconsistent results depending on the applied diagnostic instruments. Using standardized self-report, there were no gender differences regarding attention problems and hyperactivity but regarding impulsivity. Results of a semi-standardized interview (WRAADDS) according to the Utah criteria of adult ADHD showed no gender differences regarding impulsivity and hyperactivity but regarding attention problems. Moreover, differences were found between female and male healthy controls in the domains "over reactivity" and "hot temper" but not in the group of ADHD patients. Thus, it seems that gender differences in normal population were leveled by the disorder. Concerning general personality traits, some differences between male and female ADHD patients were also present in healthy controls, suggesting no ADHD-specific effect of gender. In conclusion, male and female ADHD patients seem to be more similar than different regarding ADHD-related psychopathology and general personality traits.  相似文献   

This study aimed to elicit patient- and treatment-related factors that can potentially predict treatment adherence in adult ADHD. Subjects who were over 18 and received a diagnosis of ADHD were included in the study. Chart review data of 102 subjects regarding demographics, medications, comorbidities, concomitant medications and domains of functional impairment were collected, and predictors were assessed using a binominal logistical regression model. One hundred and two patients (78.4 % male) with a mean age of 28.8 (SD = 9.8, range = 18–55) years were enrolled in the study. Childhood diagnosis of ADHD, agents used for treatment (MPH or atomoxetine), individual domains of dysfunction and use of additional psychotropic drugs were not found to be related to treatment adherence. Patients with a university education and those referred for family history of ADHD were more likely to adhere to treatment (p = 0.05 and 0.03, respectively). On the other hand, reasons for referral other than ADHD were significantly more frequently related to non-adherence (p = 0.02). Treatment noncompliance remains a significant problem despite therapeutic effects of medications. Identification of predictors of non-adherence can lead to heightened awareness of special populations at risk. We have found that prior awareness on ADHD (via past history/media/friends) leading to self/clinician referral to rule out ADHD and pervasiveness of symptoms across functional domains led to better compliance in our sample. Future research with prospective design utilizing objective tools for adherence is required.  相似文献   

Emotional dysregulation is increasingly recognized as a core feature of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The purpose of the present systematic literature review was to identify published data related to the neuropsychology of emotional dysregulation in children with ADHD. The literature obtained is discussed in the contexts of deficits in emotional control, impairments in executive function, the emotional components of comorbidities, neurophysiological and autonomic correlates of emotional dysregulation, and the significance of multiple neuropsychological pathways of ADHD on emotional dysregulation. These various lines of evidence are used to create a patient-oriented conceptual model framework of the pathway from stimulus to inappropriate internalized (sadness, moodiness) or externalized (anger, aggressiveness) emotional responses. The article concludes by calling for continued research into the development of reliable and universally accepted measures of emotional dysregulation in order to provide children affected with ADHD, and their caregivers, some explanation for their emotional lability and, ultimately, to be used as tools to evaluate potential treatments.  相似文献   

Adult attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a valid and impairing psychiatric disorder. In this article, we review the diagnosis of ADHD in adults, focusing on symptom presentation differences between pediatric and adult ADHD as well as the importance of assessing functional impairments. Differentiating ADHD from other clinical disorders is often the most difficult part of making an ADHD diagnosis in adults. Psychiatric comorbidities are also described and discussed as potential impact factors upon not only diagnosing ADHD but also treatment of adult ADHD. Especially in those adults with psychiatric comorbidities, treatments need to be multimodal and include both pharmacotherapy and psychosocial interventions.  相似文献   

Intolerance of uncertainty (IU) has often been studied in the context of internalizing disorders, but no studies to our knowledge have explored the relation between IU and externalizing disorders. Given the proposed link between IU and emotion regulation, the current study sought to examine levels of IU in an externalizing clinical population with known emotion regulation difficulties—attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). IU levels in this population were compared to a clinical population known to experience elevated levels of IU. Participants in present study were ninety-three children (36 anxiety disorder, 28 ADHD, 29 unaffected children) ages 7–13, who completed the Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale—Short Version (IUS). Responses on the IUS were converted to total IU, prospective IU, and inhibitory IU. A linear mixed model analysis of covariance was conducted while controlling for age, sex, and ADHD medications. A significant interaction was observed between diagnostic status and IU scale. Planned contrasts indicated that children with anxiety disorders and ADHD reported significantly higher levels of IU relative to unaffected children, and children with ADHD reported comparable levels of inhibitory IU relative to children with anxiety disorders. The current results contribute to a growing literature on the link between IU and psychopathology. IU appears to be a transdiagnostic construct present among children with internalizing and externalizing disorders, and may be broadly associated with emotion regulation deficits rather than specific disorder symptoms.  相似文献   

Lower levels of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids, particularly omega-3 fatty acids, in blood have repeatedly been associated with a variety of behavioral disorders including attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The exact nature of this relationship is not yet clear. We have studied children with ADHD who exhibited skin and thirst symptoms classically associated with essential fatty acid (EFA) deficiency, altered plasma and red blood cell fatty acid profiles, and dietary intake patterns that do not differ significantly from controls. This led us to focus on a potential metabolic insufficiency as the cause for the altered fatty acid phenotype. Here we review previous work and present new data expanding our observations into the young adult population. The frequency of thirst and skin symptoms was greater in newly diagnosed individuals with ADHD (n = 35) versus control individuals without behavioral problems (n = 112) drawn from the Purdue student population. A follow up case-control study with participants willing to provide a blood sample, a urine sample, a questionnaire about their general health, and dietary intake records was conducted with balancing based on gender, age, body mass index, smoking and ethnicity. A number of biochemical measures were analyzed including status markers for several nutrients and antioxidants, markers of oxidative stress, inflammation markers, and fatty acid profiles in the blood. The proportion of omega-3 fatty acids was found to be significantly lower in plasma phospholipids and erythrocytes in the ADHD group versus controls whereas saturated fatty acid proportions were higher. Intake of saturated fat was 30% higher in the ADHD group, but intake of all other nutrients was not different. Surprisingly, no evidence of elevated oxidative stress was found based on analysis of blood and urine samples. Indeed, serum ferritin, magnesium, and ascorbate concentrations were higher in the ADHD group, but iron, zinc, and vitamin B6 were not different. Our brief survey of biochemical and nutritional parameters did not give us any insight into the etiology of lower omega-3 fatty acids, but considering the consistency of the observation in multiple ADHD populations continued research in this field is encouraged.  相似文献   

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is characterized by attention deficit, hyperactivity, impulsivity, and learning and memory impairment. Although the pathogenesis of learning and memory impairment is still unknown, some studies have suggested an association with hippocampus dysfunction. We aimed to explore the role of miRNAs in the learning and memory impairments observed in ADHD. Differentially expressed hippocampal micro-ribonucleic acids (miRNAs) in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs) and Wistar-Kyoto rats (WKYs) were detected on an Illumina HiSeq. 2000 genome analyzer. A total of 25 differentially expressed miRNAs (fold-change ≥ 2 and P-value < 0.05) were identified. The target genes of these differentially expressed miRNAs were predicted using online tools (TargetScan and miRDB). Gene ontology and pathway analysis of the predicted target genes were carried out to assess their putative biological functions. Meanwhile, quantitative real-time PCR was used to validate the HiSeq results, revealing that three miRNAs (miR-1-b, miR-741-3p, and miR-206-3p) were upregulated and four (miR-182, miR-471-5p, miR-183-5p, and miR-211-5p) were downregulated in the SHR group compared with the WKY group. In addition, we confirmed that Dyrk1a is regulated by miR-211-5p. These results help us understand the contribution of miRNAs in the hippocampus to ADHD and provide new insights into the pathogenesis of this condition.  相似文献   

As currently defined, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) encompasses a broad constellation of behavioural and learning problems and its definition and diagnosis remain controversial. The aetiology of ADHD is acknowledged to be both complex and multifactorial. The proposal considered here is that at least some features of ADHD may reflect an underlying abnormality of fatty acid metabolism. Clinical and biochemical evidence is discussed which suggests that a functional deficiency of certain long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids could contribute to many of the features associated with this condition. The implications in terms of fatty acid treatment proposals are also discussed; such a form of treatment is relatively safe compared to existing pharmacological interventions, although further studies are still needed in order to evaluate its potential efficacy in the management of ADHD symptoms.  相似文献   

To investigate whether ADHD-related sleep-onset insomnia (SOI) is a circadian rhythm disorder, we compared actigraphic sleep estimates, the circadian rest-activity rhythm, and dim light melatonin onset (DLMO) in ADHD children having chronic idiopathic SOI with that in ADHD children without sleep problems. Participants were 87 psychotropic-medication-na?ve children, aged 6 to 12 yrs, with rigorously diagnosed ADHD and SOI (ADHD-SOI) and 33 children with ADHD without SOI (ADHD-noSOI) referred from community mental health institutions and pediatric departments of non-academic hospitals in The Netherlands. Measurements were 1 wk, 24 h actigraphy recordings and salivary DLMO. The mean (+/-SD) sleep onset time was 21:38 +/- 0:54 h in ADHD-SOI, which was significantly (p < 0.001) later than that of 20:49 +/- 0:49 h in ADHD-noSOI. DLMO was significantly later in ADHD-SOI (20:32 +/- 0:55 h), compared with ADHD-noSOI (19:47 +/- 0:49 h; p < 0.001). Wake-up time in ADHD-SOI was later than in ADHD-noSOI (p = 0.002). There were no significant between-group differences in sleep maintenance, as estimated by number of wake bouts and activity level in the least active 5 h period, or inter- and intradaily rhythm variability. We conclude that children with ADHD and chronic idiopathic sleep-onset insomnia show a delayed sleep phase and delayed DLMO, compared with ADHD children without SOI.  相似文献   

Recently, research on olfactory functions in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has become prominent, whereas gustation has never been investigated. Increased odor sensitivity was found in medication-na?ve children with ADHD, but not in adult ADHD, which might be due to a dopaminergic dysregulation presumed to underlie this disorder. Taste sensitivity, in particular bitter sensitivity as a hereditary trait, also might be altered in ADHD. To examine olfactory and gustatory functions in adult ADHD patients, we assessed odor sensitivity by Sniffin' Sticks, taste sensitivity by taste strips, and bitter sensitivity by the one-solution test in women with ADHD (n = 12), Bulimia Nervosa (n = 12), and healthy control women (n = 12). Bulimia Nervosa as second patient group was included to control for effects of impulsivity. Preliminary results indicate that ADHD patients were significantly more often classified as tasters, i.e. perceived the bitter taste as more intense, compared to both bulimic patients and healthy controls. No group differences were found with regard to general odor and taste sensitivity. It is proposed that the higher frequency of tasters in ADHD patients might underlie a genetic variation of the bitter receptor-dependent signaling pathway associated with ADHD.  相似文献   

Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common heritable disorder with a childhood onset. Molecular genetic studies of ADHD have previously focused on examining the roles of specific candidate genes, primarily those involved in dopaminergic pathways. We have performed the first systematic genomewide linkage scan for loci influencing ADHD in 126 affected sib pairs, using a approximately 10-cM grid of microsatellite markers. Allele-sharing linkage methods enabled us to exclude any loci with a lambda(s) of > or =3 from 96% of the genome and those with a lambda(s) of > or =2.5 from 91%, indicating that there is unlikely to be a major gene involved in ADHD susceptibility in our sample. Under a strict diagnostic scheme we could exclude all screened regions of the X chromosome for a locus-specific lambda(s) of >/=2 in brother-brother pairs, demonstrating that the excess of affected males with ADHD is probably not attributable to a major X-linked effect. Qualitative trait maximum LOD score analyses pointed to a number of chromosomal sites that may contain genetic risk factors of moderate effect. None exceeded genomewide significance thresholds, but LOD scores were >1.5 for regions on 5p12, 10q26, 12q23, and 16p13. Quantitative-trait analysis of ADHD symptom counts implicated a region on 12p13 (maximum LOD 2.6) that also yielded a LOD >1 when qualitative methods were used. A survey of regions containing 36 genes that have been proposed as candidates for ADHD indicated that 29 of these genes, including DRD4 and DAT1, could be excluded for a lambda(s) of 2. Only three of the candidates-DRD5, 5HTT, and CALCYON-coincided with sites of positive linkage identified by our screen. Two of the regions highlighted in the present study, 2q24 and 16p13, coincided with the top linkage peaks reported by a recent genome-scan study of autistic sib pairs.  相似文献   

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a common behavioural disorder that affects not only children and adolescents but also adults; however, diagnosis of adult ADHD is difficult because patients seem to have reduced externalized behaviour. ADHD is a multifactorial disorder in which many genes, all with small effects, are thought to cause the disorder in the presence of unfavourable environmental conditions. Therefore, in this pilot study, we explored the expression profile of a list of previously established candidate genes in peripheral blood samples from adult ADHD subjects (n = 108) and compared these results with those of healthy controls (n = 35). We demonstrate that combining the gene expression levels of dopamine transporter (SLC6A3), dopamine D5 receptor, tryptophan hydroxylase-1, and SNAP25 as predictors in a regression model resulted in sensitivity and specificity of over 80 % (ROC: max R(2) = 0.587, AUC = 0.917, P < 0.001, 95 % CI: 0.900-0.985). In conclusion, the combination of these four genes could represent a potential method for estimating risk and could be of diagnostic value for ADHD. Nevertheless, further investigation in a larger independent population including different subtypes of ADHD (inattentive, hyperactive, or combined type) patients is required to obtain more specific sets of biomarkers for each subtype as well as to differentiate between child, adolescent, and adulthood forms.  相似文献   

This study aims to describe the 24-hour activity rhythm in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). A total of 18 ADHD patients and 37 healthy controls (HCs) wore an actigraph for 7 days. ADHD patients showed higher motor activity than HCs at 4:00, 6:00, 15:00 and 16:00 hour. Within the theoretical framework of the two-process model of sleep regulation, the observed data may be explained by lower homeostatic sleep pressure in ADHD. This could lead to an increase in motor activity in the second half of the night, when sleep need decreases more rapidly, and in the first half of the afternoon, when patients do not experience the typical post-lunch dip.  相似文献   

Clinical trials have suggested that neurofeedback may be efficient in treating attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). We compared the effects of a 3-month electroencephalographic feedback program providing reinforcement contingent on the production of cortical sensorimotor rhythm (12–15 Hz) and beta1 activity (15–18 Hz) with stimulant medication. Participants were N = 34 children aged 8–12 years, 22 of which were assigned to the neurofeedback group and 12 to the methylphenidate group according to their parents' preference. Both neurofeedback and methylphenidate were associated with improvements on all subscales of the Test of Variables of Attention, and on the speed and accuracy measures of the d2 Attention Endurance Test. Furthermore, behaviors related to the disorder were rated as significantly reduced in both groups by both teachers and parents on the IOWA-Conners Behavior Rating Scale. These findings suggest that neurofeedback was efficient in improving some of the behavioral concomitants of ADHD in children whose parents favored a nonpharmacological treatment.  相似文献   

Ecological momentary assessment is an excellent tool for the measurement of different day-to-day domains in patients and capturing real-world and real-time data. The purpose of this review is to evaluate feasibility in current ecological momentary assessment studies on emotional and behavioral functioning, functional impairments, and quality of life patients with an attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder diagnosis. This systematic review follows the recommendation of Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines selecting articles published from January 1, 1990, up to the latest access on May 2018, identifying a pool of 23 eligible studies. Twenty-three studies demonstrate the validity of ecological momentary assessment methodology in evaluating different aspects of patients with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Fifteen studies focus on the child’s or adolescent’s daily behavior, while eight studies only focus on adults. The studies presented in this review monitored patients and their families over a maximum period of 28 days. We can conclude that ecological momentary assessment can be successfully implemented with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder patients to evaluate diverse backgrounds. However, more studies are needed with a longer monitoring period, especially in adolescents, to determine the effectiveness of ecological momentary assessment on patients with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.  相似文献   

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