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The mathematical dynamic model of oxidative phosphorylation in muscle mitochondria developed previously was used to calculate the flux control coefficients of particular steps of this process in isolated mitochondria at different amounts of hexokinase and oxygen concentrations. The pattern of control was completely different under different conditions. For normoxic concentration, the main controlling steps in state 4, state 3.5 and state 3 were proton leak, ATP usage (hexokinase) and complex III, respectively. The pattern of control in state 4 was not changed at hypoxic oxygen concentration, while in state 3.5 and state 3 much of the control was shifted from other steps to cytochrome oxidase. The implications of the theoretical results obtained for the regulation of oxidative phosphorylation in intact muscle are discussed.  相似文献   

Phosphate (Pi) is a putative cytosolic signaling molecule in the regulation of oxidative phosphorylation. Here, by using a multiparameter monitoring system, we show that Pi controls oxidative phosphorylation in a balanced fashion, modulating both the generation of useful potential energy and the formation of ATP by F1F0-ATPase in heart and skeletal muscle mitochondria. In these studies the effect of Pi was determined on the mitochondria [NADH], NADH generating capacity, matrix pH, membrane potential, oxygen consumption, and cytochrome reduction level. Pi enhanced NADH generation and was obligatory for electron flow under uncoupled conditions. Pi oxidized cytochrome b (cyto-b) and reduced cytochrome c (cyto-c), potentially improving the coupling between the NADH free energy and the proton motive force. The apparent limitation in reducing equivalent flow between cyto-b and cyto-c in the absence of Pi was confirmed in the intact heart by using optical spectroscopic techniques under conditions with low cytosolic [Pi]. These results demonstrate that Pi signaling results in the balanced modulation of oxidative phosphorylation, by influencing both deltaGH+ generation and ATP production, which may contribute to the energy metabolism homeostasis observed in intact systems.  相似文献   

A dynamic computer model of oxidative phosphorylation in oxidative mammalian skeletal muscle was developed. The previously published model of oxidative phosphorylation in isolated skeletal muscle mitochondria was extended by incorporation of the creatine kinase system (creatine kinase plus phosphocreatine/creatine pair), cytosolic proton production/consumption system (proton production/consumption by the creatine kinase-catalysed reaction, efflux/influx of protons), physiological size of the adenine nucleotide pool and some additional minor changes. Theoretical studies performed by means of the extended model demonstrated that the CK system, which allows for large changes in P(i) in relation to isolated mitochondria system, has no significant influence on the kinetic properties of oxidative phosphorylation, as inorganic phosphate only slightly modifies the relationship between the respiration rate and [ADP]. Computer simulations also suggested that the second-order dependence of oxidative phosphorylation on [ADP] proposed in the literature refers only to the ATP synthesis flux, but not to the oxygen consumption flux (the difference between these two fluxes being due to the proton leak). Next, time courses of changes in fluxes and metabolite concentrations during transition between different steady-states were simulated. The model suggests, in accordance with previous theoretical predictions, that activation of oxidative phosphorylation by an increase in [ADP] can (roughly) explain the behaviour of the system only at low work intensities, while at higher work intensities parallel activation of different steps of oxidative phosphorylation is involved.  相似文献   

Regulation of oxidative phosphorylation through parallel activation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
When the mechanical work intensity in muscle increases, the elevated ATP consumption rate must be matched by the rate of ATP production by oxidative phosphorylation in order to avoid a quick exhaustion of ATP. The traditional mechanism of the regulation of oxidative phosphorylation, namely the negative feedback involving [ADP] and [Pi] as regulatory signals, is not sufficient to account for various kinetic properties of the system in intact skeletal muscle and heart in vivo. Theoretical studies conducted using a dynamic computer model of oxidative phosphorylation developed previously strongly suggest the so-called each-step-activation (or parallel activation) mechanism, due to which all oxidative phosphorylation complexes are directly activated by some cytosolic factor/mechanism related to muscle contraction in parallel with the activation of ATP usage and substrate dehydrogenation by calcium ions. The present polemic article reviews and discusses the growing evidence supporting this mechanism and compares it with alternative mechanisms proposed in the literature. It is concluded that only the each-step-activation mechanism is able to explain the rich set of various experimental results used as a reference for estimating the validity and applicability of particular mechanisms.  相似文献   

A dynamic computer model of oxidative phosphorylation in intact heart was developed by modifying the model of oxidative phosphorylation in intact skeletal muscle published previously. Next, this model was used for theoretical studies on the regulation of oxidative phosphorylation in intact heart in vivo during transition between different work intensities. It is shown that neither a direct activation of ATP usage alone nor a direct activation of both ATP usage and substrate dehydrogenation, including the calcium-activated tricarboxylate acid cycle dehydrogenases, can account for the constancy of [ADP], [PCr], [P(i)] and [NADH] during a significant increase in oxygen consumption and ATP turnover encountered in intact heart in vivo. Only a direct activation of all oxidative phosphorylation complexes in parallel with a stimulation of ATP usage and substrate dehydrogenation enabled to reproduce the experimental data concerning the constancy of metabolite concentrations. The molecular background of the differences between heart and skeletal muscle in the kinetic behaviour of the oxidative phosphorylation system is also discussed.  相似文献   

It has been postulated previously that a direct activation of all oxidative phosphorylation complexes in parallel with the activation of ATP usage and substrate dehydrogenation (the so-called each-step activation) is the main mechanism responsible for adjusting the rate of ATP production by mitochondria to the current energy demand during rest-to-work transition in intact skeletal muscle in vivo. The present in silico study, using a computer model of oxidative phosphorylation developed previously, analyzes the impact of the each-step-activation mechanism on the distribution of control (defined within Metabolic Control Analysis) over the oxygen consumption flux among the components of the bioenergetic system in intact oxidative skeletal muscle at different energy demands. It is demonstrated that in the absence of each-step activation, the oxidative phosphorylation complexes take over from ATP usage most of the control over the respiration rate and oxidative ATP production at higher (but still physiological) energy demands. This leads to a saturation of oxidative phosphorylation, impossibility of a further acceleration of oxidative ATP synthesis, and dramatic drop in the phosphorylation potential. On the other hand, the each-step-activation mechanism allows maintenance of a high degree of the control exerted by ATP usage over the ATP turnover and oxygen consumption flux even at high energy demands and thus enables a potentially very large increase in ATP turnover. It is also shown that low oxygen concentration shifts the metabolic control from ATP usage to cytochrome oxidase and thus limits the oxidative ATP production. respiration rate; parallel activation; oxidative phosphorylation; metabolic control analysis; flux control coefficient; muscle contraction  相似文献   

Mitochondria in excitable cells are recurrently exposed to pulsatile calcium gradients that activate cell function. Rapid calcium uptake by the mitochondria has previously been shown to cause uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation. To test (i) if periodic nerve firing may cause oscillation of the cytosolic thermodynamic potential of ATP hydrolysis and (ii) if cytosolic adenylate (AK) and creatine kinase (CK) ATP buffering reactions dampen such oscillations, a lumped kinetic model of an excitable cell capturing major aspects of the physiology has been developed. Activation of ATP metabolism by low-frequency calcium pulses caused large oscillation of the cytosolic, but not mitochondrial ATP/ADP, ratio. This outcome was independent of net ATP synthesis or hydrolysis during mitochondrial calcium uptake. The AK/CK ATP buffering reactions dampened the amplitude and rate of cytosolic ATP/ADP changes on a timescale of seconds, but not milliseconds. These model predictions suggest that alternative sources of capacitance in neurons and striated muscles should be considered to protect ATP-free energy-driven cell functions.  相似文献   

The role of the nuclear-encoded subunit VIa in the regulation of cytochrome oxidase by ATP was investigated in isolated yeast mitochondria. As the subunit VIa-null strain possesses a fully active and assembled cytochrome oxidase, multiple ATP-regulating sites were characterized with respect to their location and their kinetic effect: (a) intra-mitochondrial ATP inhibited the complex IV activity of the null strain, whereas the prevailing effect of ATP on the wild-type strain, at low ionic strength, was activation on the cytosolic side of complex IV, mediated by subunit VIa. However, at physiological ionic strength (i.e. approximately 200 mM), activation by ATP was absent but inhibition was not impaired; (b) in ethanol-respiring mitochondria, when the electron flux was modulated using a protonophoric uncoupler, the redox state of aa3 cytochromes varied with respect to activation (wild-type) or inhibition (null-mutant) of the cytochrome oxidase by ATP; (c) consequently, the control coefficient of cytochrome oxidase on respiratory flux, decreased (wild-type) or increased (null-mutant) in the presence of ATP; (d) considering electron transport from cytochrome c to oxygen, the response of cytochrome oxidase to its thermodynamic driving force was increased by ATP for the wild-type but not for the mutant subunit. Taken together, these findings indicate that at physiological concentration, ATP regulates yeast cytochrome oxidase via subunit-mediated interactions on both sides of the inner membrane, thus subtly tuning the thermodynamic and kinetic control of respiration. This study opens up new prospects for understanding the feedback regulation of the respiratory chain by ATP.  相似文献   

In intact tissues respiratory substrates (glucose, fatty acids) must be activated with the use of ATP before they may be oxidised and used for energy (ATP) production. This activation by product constitutes an example of a typical positive feedback. In the present paper, the influence of substrate activation on the effect of inborn enzyme deficiencies, inhibitors, lowered oxygen tension, respiratory fuel shortage and increased energy demand on respiration and ATP synthesis is studied with the aid of the dynamic computer model of oxidative phosphorylation in isolated mitochondria developed previously. Computer simulations demonstrate that, in the case where oxidative phosphorylation in the whole organism is partially inhibited, the necessity of substrate activation can have significant impact on the relationship between the activity of (particular steps of) oxidative phosphorylation (or the value of energy demand) and the respiration rate. Depending on the sensitivity of ATP usage to ATP concentration, substrate activation may either slightly enhance the effect of the decrease in the oxidative phosphorylation activity (increase in energy demand) or may lead to a non-stability and sudden collapse of the respiration rate and phosphorylation potential below (above) a certain threshold value of oxidative phosphorylation activity (energy demand). This theoretical finding suggests a possible causal relationship between the affinity of ATP usage to [ATP] and the tissue specificity of mitochondrial diseases.  相似文献   

To determine how oxidative ATP synthesis is regulated in the heart, the responses of cardiac mitochondria oxidizing pyruvate to alterations in [ATP], [ADP], and inorganic phosphate ([Pi]) were characterized over a range of steady-state levels of extramitochondrial [ATP], [ADP], and [Pi]. Evolution of the steady states of the measured variables with the flux of respiration shows that: (1) a higher phosphorylation potential is achieved by mitochondria at higher [Pi] for a given flux of respiration; (2) the time hierarchy of oxidative phosphorylation is given by phosphorylation subsystem, electron transport chain, and substrate dehydrogenation subsystems listed in increasing order of their response times; (3) the matrix ATP hydrolysis mass action ratio [ADP] × [Pi]/[ATP] provides feedback to the substrate dehydrogenation flux over the entire range of respiratory flux examined in this study; and finally, (4) contrary to previous models of regulation of oxidative phosphorylation, [Pi] does not modulate the activity of complex III.  相似文献   

1. The influence of a diminished hydrogen supply on the regulation of oxidative phosphorylation of isolated rat liver mitochondria in dependence on the extramitochondrial (ATP)/(ADP) ratio was investigated. 2. The hydrogen supply was diminished by using various (beta-hydroxybutyrate)/(acetoacetate) ratios as a redox buffer and the results were compared with those of experiments using perifusion of immobilized mitochondria with non-saturating substrate concentrations. 3. In both experimental approaches the influence of a diminished hydrogen pressure on the maximum (ATP)/(ADP) ratio at minimum flux was low. An extreme decrease in the (beta-hydroxybutyrate)/(acetoacetate) ratio by more than two orders of magnetitude causes the (APT)/(ADP) ratio to decrease by about 50%. 4. The load capacity of oxidative phosphorylation (maximum flux) is considerably decreased by diminished hydrogen pressure. 5. The borderline cases of purely kinetic and thermodynamic limitations of hydrogen supply were calculated by computer simulation with respect to the regulating behaviour of oxidative phosphorylation and changes in the control strength of adenine nucleotide translocator and hydrogen supply in the overall reaction. 6. A prevalent thermodynamic influence of hydrogen supply on oxidative energy transformation in the cell is discussed in the light of experimental data.  相似文献   

The present article briefly summarizes the theoretical studies made by the authors and co-workers on the effect of inborn enzyme deficiencies on oxidative phosphorylation in intact tissues and on the genesis of mitochondrial diseases. The dynamic computer model of oxidative phosphorylation developed previously allowed to extrapolate experimental data (especially: threshold curves describing the dependence of oxygen consumption and ATP turnover on activities/concentrations of particular oxidative phosphorylation enzymes) obtained for isolated muscle mitochondria in state 3 at saturating oxygen concentrations to more physiological conditions prevailing in intact tissues. In particular, theoretical studies demonstrated that the threshold value of the relative activity/concentration of a given mitochondrial complex, below which a significant decrease in the respiration rate takes place, increases with an increase in energy demand. This fact was proposed as a possible explanation of the tissue specificity of mitochondrial diseases. Additionally, a decreased oxygen concentration was shown to increase the threshold value (and flux control coefficient) for cytochrome oxidase. We subsequently developed a model called binary mitochondria heteroplasmy, in which there are only two subpopulations of mitochondria: one wild-type and one containing only defected molecules of a given enzyme. In this model we show that a defect has a pronounced effect on oxidative phosphorylation, significantly increasing the threshold value. It was also proposed that a parallel activation in the ATP supply-demand system during an increased energy demand significantly lessens the effect of enzyme deficiencies on oxidative phosphorylation (decreases the threshold value). Finally, the necessity of substrate activation may lead to an instability in the system and to appearance of a second threshold, below which respiration suddenly drops to zero, which is equivalent to the energetic death of a cell.  相似文献   

A potential kinetic impact of parallel activation of different steps during an increased energy demand on the effect of inborn enzyme deficiencies, physiological inhibitors, external poisons and substrate shortage on oxidative phosphorylation was studied in the theoretical way. Numerical simulations were performed with the aid of the previously developed computer model of oxidative phosphorylation. It was demonstrated that the parallel activation mechanism diminishes significantly changes in fluxes and metabolite concentrations occurring at a given degree of inactivation of the system by one of the above-mentioned factors. It was also shown that parallel activation decreases greatly the threshold value of the relative activity of oxidative phosphorylation, below which the oxygen consumption flux and ATP turnover flux become significantly affected. Finally, computer simulations predicted that parallel activation leads to a considerable increase in the apparent affinity of oxidative phosphorylation to oxygen, which delays the effect of inhibitors and poisons competing with oxygen for the active centre of cytochrome oxidase. It is concluded that one of possible functions of parallel direct activation of different steps of oxidative phosphorylation is to increase the resistance of the system to a decrease in the concentration/activity of different oxidative phosphorylation complexes.  相似文献   

Intrinsic and extrinsic uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
This article reviews parameters of extrinsic uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation (OxPhos) in mitochondria, based on induction of a proton leak across the inner membrane. The effects of classical uncouplers, fatty acids, uncoupling proteins (UCP1-UCP5) and thyroid hormones on the efficiency of OxPhos are described. Furthermore, the present knowledge on intrinsic uncoupling of cytochrome c oxidase (decrease of H(+)/e(-) stoichiometry=slip) is reviewed. Among the three proton pumps of the respiratory chain of mitochondria and bacteria, only cytochrome c oxidase is known to exhibit a slip of proton pumping. Intrinsic uncoupling was shown after chemical modification, by site-directed mutagenesis of the bacterial enzyme, at high membrane potential DeltaPsi, and in a tissue-specific manner to increase thermogenesis in heart and skeletal muscle by high ATP/ADP ratios, and in non-skeletal muscle tissues by palmitate. In addition, two mechanisms of respiratory control are described. The first occurs through the membrane potential DeltaPsi and maintains high DeltaPsi values (150-200 mV). The second occurs only in mitochondria, is suggested to keep DeltaPsi at low levels (100-150 mV) through the potential dependence of the ATP synthase and the allosteric ATP inhibition of cytochrome c oxidase at high ATP/ADP ratios, and is reversibly switched on by cAMP-dependent phosphorylation. Finally, the regulation of DeltaPsi and the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in mitochondria at high DeltaPsi values (150-200 mV) are discussed.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial metabolism in developing embryos of Brassica napus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The metabolism of developing plant seeds is directed toward transforming primary assimilatory products (sugars and amino acids) into seed storage compounds. To understand the role of mitochondria in this metabolism, metabolic fluxes were determined in developing embryos of Brassica napus. After labeling with [1,2-(13)C2]glucose + [U-(13)C6]glucose, [U-(13)C3]alanine, [U-(13)C5]glutamine, [(15)N]alanine, (amino)-[(15)N]glutamine, or (amide)-[(15)N]glutamine, the resulting labeling patterns in protein amino acids and in fatty acids were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Fluxes through mitochondrial metabolism were quantified using a steady state flux model. Labeling information from experiments using different labeled substrates was essential for model validation and reliable flux estimation. The resulting flux map shows that mitochondrial metabolism in these developing seeds is very different from that in either heterotrophic or autotrophic plant tissues or in most other organisms: (i) flux around the tricarboxylic acid cycle is absent and the small fluxes through oxidative reactions in the mitochondrion can generate (via oxidative phosphorylation) at most 22% of the ATP needed for biosynthesis; (ii) isocitrate dehydrogenase is reversible in vivo; (iii) about 40% of mitochondrial pyruvate is produced by malic enzyme rather than being imported from the cytosol; (iv) mitochondrial flux is largely devoted to providing precursors for cytosolic fatty acid elongation; and (v) the uptake of amino acids rather than anaplerosis via PEP carboxylase determines carbon flow into storage proteins.  相似文献   

Regulation of the oxidative phosphorylation rate in the intact cell   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The mechanisms that underlie the balance between the consumption and oxidative generation of ATP in the intact cell are not well-defined. Cytosolic inorganic phosphate (Pi) and ADP levels, the cytosolic ATP/ADP ratio, and the cytosolic phosphorylation potential (PP) have all been proposed as major regulatory variables, the latter as a component of a "near-equilibrium" thermodynamic regulatory scheme. Therefore, the potential regulatory roles of these variables in the intact cell were evaluated with 31P NMR and Langendorff perfused rat hearts; in this preparation, the tissue oxygen consumption rate (MVO2) can be varied over a wide range. When the exogenous carbon source was varied, none of the proposed regulatory parameters, i.e., the ATP/ADP ratio, PP, or cytosolic ADP level, were found to be uniquely related to MVO2. Rather, ADP levels at a given MVO2 decreased progressively for the exogenous carbon sources in the following order: glucose, glucose + insulin, palmitate + glucose, lactate, pyruvate + glucose, and octanoate + glucose. In the octanoate and pyruvate groups, MVO2(-1) was linearly dependent upon [ADP]-1 with apparent Km values being in the range previously observed in isolated mitochondria. A similar trend was observed in the MVO2-[Pi] relationship. The present findings suggest that exogenous carbon sources which effectuate deregulation of intramitochondrial NADH generation lower cytosolic ADP and Pi to levels which are limiting to the rate of oxidative phosphorylation. For other carbon sources, the processes controlling the rate of NADH generation also participate in determining the rate of oxidative ATP synthesis. However, this control must be exerted kinetically rather than through a near-equilibrium thermodynamic mechanism as indicated by the present data and prior kinetic studies of the ATP synthetic process in both isolated mitochondria and intact myocardium [La Noue, K. F., et al. (1986) Biochemistry 25, 7667-7675; Kingsley-Hickman, P., et al. (1987) Biochemistry 26, 7501-7510].  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to show how the quantitative definition of the different parameters involved in mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation makes it possible to characterize the mechanisms by which the yield of ATP synthesis is affected. Three different factors have to be considered: (i) the size of the different forces involved (free energy of redox reactions and ATP synthesis, proton electrochemical difference); (ii) the physical properties of the inner mitochondrial membrane in terms of leaks (H+ and cations); and finally (iii) the properties of the different proton pumps involved in this system (kinetic properties, regulation, modification of intrinsic stoichiometry).The data presented different situations where one or more of these parameters are affected, leading to a different yield of oxidative phosphorylation.(1) By manipulating the actual flux through each of the respiratory chain units at constant protonmotive force in yeast mitochondria, we show that the ATP/O ratio decreases when the flux increases. Moreover, the highest efficiency was obtained when the respiratory rate was low and almost entirely controlled by the electron supply. (2) By using almitrine in different kinds of mitochondria, we show that this drug leads to a decrease in ATP synthesis efficiency by increasing the H+/ATP stoichiometry of ATP synthase (Rigoulet M et al. Biochim Biophys Acta 1018: 91-97, 1990). Since this enzyme is reversible, it was possible to test the effect of this drug on the reverse reaction of the enzyme i.e. extrusion of protons catalyzed by ATP hydrolysis. Hence, we are able to prove that, in this case, the decrease in efficiency of oxidative phosphorylation is due to a change in the mechanistic stoichiometry of this proton pump. To our knowledge, this is the first example of a modification in oxidative phosphorylation yield by a change in mechanistic stoichiometry of one of the proton pumps involved. (3) In a model of polyunsaturated fatty acid deficiency in rat, it was found that non-ohmic proton leak was increased, while ohmic leak was unchanged. Moreover, an increase in redox slipping was also involved, leading to a complex picture. However, the respective role of these two mechanisms may be deduced from their intrinsic properties. For each steady state condition, the quantitative effect of these two mechanisms in the decrease of oxidative phosphorylation efficiency depends on the values of different fluxes or forces involved. (4) Finally the comparison of the thermokinetic data in view of the three dimensional-structure of some pumps (X-ray diffraction) also gives some information concerning the putative mechanism of coupling (i.e. redox loop or proton pump) and their kinetic control versus regulation of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Modular kinetic analysis reveals that the environmental pollutant 2,2',5,5'-tetrachlorobiphenyl (2,2',5,5'-TCB) affects a large number of steps in oxidative phosphorylation in rat liver mitochondria. 2,2',5,5'-TCB increases membrane permeability to ions, and inhibits NADH dehydrogenase, cytochrome bc1, cytochrome oxidase (all in the respiratory chain) and ATP-synthase (in the phosphorylation subsystem). Surprisingly, flux control distribution does not change. A kinetic model for oxidative phosphorylation was used to simulate these findings, and it was found that combined large changes in the processes indicated indeed left the flux control largely unchanged. In addition, computational analysis with the model indicated that the adenine nucleotide translocator might be inhibited by 2,2',5,5'-TCB.  相似文献   

The mathematical dynamic model of oxidative phosphorylation developed previously and in the accompanying paper was modified to involve isolated mitochondria conditions; it was also used to simulate state 4 --> state 3 transition in rat liver mitochondria incubated with succinate as respiratory substrate and glucose-hexokinase as an ADP-regenerating system. Changes in the respiration rate, protonmotive force and reduction level of ubiquinone and cytochrome c as well as the internal (i) and external (e) ATP/ADP ratio between state 4 and state 3 were calculated and compared with the experimental data. Flux control coefficients with respect to oxygen consumption flux for different reactions and processes of oxidative phosphorylation were simulated for different values of the respiration rate (state 4, state 3 and intermediate states). Flux control coefficients for the oxidation, phosphorylation and proton leak subsystems with respect to the oxidation, phosphorylation and proton leak fluxes for different values of the respiration rate were also calculated. These theoretical data were compared with the experimental results obtained in the frame of metabolic control analysis and the 'top-down' approach to this analysis. A good agreement was obtained. Simulated time courses of the respiration rate, the protonmotive force (Deltap) and other parameters after addition of a small amount of ADP to mitochondria in state 4 mimicked at least semiquantitatively the experimentally measured time courses of these parameters. It was concluded, therefore, that in the present stage, the model is able to reflect different properties of the oxidative phosphorylation system in a broad range of conditions fairly well, allows deeper insight into the mechanisms responsible for control and regulation of this process, and can be used for simulation of new experiments, thus inspiring experimental verification of the theoretical predictions.  相似文献   

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