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It is well established that pure and simple microbial competitors cannot coexist at a steady state if their environment is homogeneous. For the case of two microbial populations competing purely and simply in two interconnected chemostats having time-invariant input(s), it is known from the literature that a stable steady state of coexistence arises in domains of the operating parameters space and is attributed to the spatial heterogeneities of the system, which allow a different species to have the competitive advantage in each one of the two sub-environments. This article investigates whether the aforementioned result can be extended to the case of three species competing in three interconnected vessels. By studying all possible alternate configurations of the three-chemostat system, it is shown that coexistence of the three species is impossible, except possibly for some discrete values of the operating parameters. Some potential explanations for the results are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of adding density-dependent migration between nearest neighbour populations of a single discrete-generation species in a chain of habitat fragments is investigated. The larger the population on a particular habitat fragment, the greater the fraction of inhabitants who migrate before reproducing. It has previously been shown for similar models with density-independent migration that coupling populations in this way has no effect on the stability of these populations. Here, it is demonstrated that this effect is also generally true if migration is density-dependent. However, if the migration rate is large enough and has density dependence of the correct form, then the steady state (with all the populations remaining at the same constant value through time) can be destabilised. The conditions for this to occur are obtained analytically. When this “destabilisation” occurs, the system settles down to an alternative steady state where half of the populations take one constant value which is below that of an equivalent isolated system, and the other populations all share a population value which is greater than the steady state of the isolated populations. Once this configuration is reached, the population size on each patch remains constant over time. hence the change might more properly be described as a decrease in homogeneity rather than in stability.  相似文献   

The invasion and coexistence of competing Wolbachia strains   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Keeling MJ  Jiggins FM  Read JM 《Heredity》2003,91(4):382-388
Cytoplasmic incompatibility between arthropods infected with different strains of Wolbachia has been proposed as an important mechanism for speciation. However, a basic requirement for this mechanism is the coexistence of different strains in neighbouring populations. Here we test whether this required coexistence is possible in a spatial context. Continuous-time models for the behaviour of one and two strains of Wolbachia within a single well-mixed population demonstrate the Allee effect and founder control, such that one strain is always driven extinct. In contrast, discretised spatial models show patchy persistence of the two strains although coexistence within the same habitat is rare. A simplified model of such founder control suggests that it is fragmentation of (or barriers within) the habitat rather than space itself that leads to persistence.  相似文献   

Armstrong and McGehee (1980) have shown that two species modeled in continuous time can coexist on a single resource provided that one species oscillates autonomously. This paper demonstrates the parallel result in discrete time. I consider a deterministic model of two asexual types in a single patch competing for a single resource, and show that such systems generically produce oscillatory coexistence or bistability if one of the types displays periodic or chaotic behavior in isolation. The conditions for coexistence or bistability are derived in terms of the convexity of the functions describing fitness as a function of resource availability. I also analyze whether or not a stable type, a type with a stable equilibrium population size when considered in isolation, can invade a periodic orbit of an unstable type, and show that the same convexity condition distinguishes these two cases. The widely considered exponential or Ricker model for population dynamics lies on the boundary between the two cases and is highly degenerate in this context.  相似文献   

It is known from the literature that two microbial populations competing purely and simply for a common substrate in a spatially inhomogeneous environment may under certain conditions coexist in a steady state. This paper studies pure and simple competition between two microbial species in three alternate configurations of two interconnected ideal chemostats and focuses on the effects of the operating parameters-dilution rate, substrate concentration in the feed to the vessels, recycle ratio, and volume ratio of the two vessels, splitting ratio of the external feed to the chemostats-on the coexistence of the two competitors. It is shown that the coexistence steady state is practically feasible in the sense that it occurs in a finite domain of the operating parameters space. Theoretical and numerical results are presented, some of them in the form of operating diagrams projected on the two-dimensional subspace. A comparison of the three possible configurations is offered.  相似文献   

In ecological communities, numerous species coexist and affect each others’ population levels via various types of interspecific interactions. Previous ecological theory explaining multispecies coexistence tended to focus on a single interaction type, such as antagonism, competition, or mutualism, and its consequences on population dynamics. Hence, it remains unclear what, if any, contribution multiple coexisting interaction types have on the multispecies coexistence. Here, we show that the coexistence of multiple interaction types can be essential for multispecies coexistence. We present a simple model in which the exploiter and mutualist adaptively switch between two competing resource species. An adaptive mutualist, which favors the more abundant species, provides a mechanism of majority-advantage and, thus, potentially inhibits the coexistence of resource species. In the absence of an exploiter, an adaptive mutualist leads to competitive exclusion at the resource species level. However, the coexistence of an adaptive exploiter and a mutualist allows the coexistence of all species in the community, because the mutualist-mediated “winner” tends to be suppressed by the adaptive exploiter. The mutualist indirectly increases the abundance of the exploiter through mutualistic interactions, thereby indirectly supporting this coexistence mechanism. In fact, coexistence may occur even if the exploiter or mutualist alone cannot mediate the coexistence of two resources. We conclude that the coexistence of mutualism and antagonism may be the key to the persistence of the four-species module in the presence of adaptive switching.  相似文献   

Recent research indicates that viruses are much more prevalent in aquatic environments than previously imagined. We derive a model of competition between two populations of bacteria for a single limiting nutrient in a chemostat where a virus is present. It is assumed that the virus can only infect one of the populations, the population that would be a more efficient consumer of the resource in a virus free environment, in order to determine whether introduction of a virus can result in coexistence of the competing populations. We also analyze the subsystem that results when the resistant competitor is absent. The model takes the form of an SIS epidemic model. Criteria for the global stability of the disease free and endemic steady states are obtained for both the subsystem as well as for the full competition model. However, for certain parameter ranges, bi-stability, and/or multiple periodic orbits is possible and both disease induced oscillations and competition induced oscillations are possible. It is proved that persistence of the vulnerable and resistant populations can occur, but only when the disease is endemic in the population. It is also shown that it is possible to have multiple attracting endemic steady states, oscillatory behavior involving Hopf, saddle-node, and homoclinic bifurcations, and a hysteresis effect. An explicit expression for the basic reproduction number for the epidemic is given in terms of biologically meaningful parameters. Mathematical tools that are used include Lyapunov functions, persistence theory, and bifurcation analysis.  相似文献   

We study a model in which cooperation and defection coexist in a dynamical steady state. In our model, subpopulations of cooperators and defectors inhabit sites on a lattice. The interactions among the individuals at a site, in the form of a prisoner's dilemma (PD) game, determine their fitnesses. The chosen PD payoff allows cooperators, but not defectors, to maintain a homogeneous population. Individuals mutate between types and migrate to neighboring sites with low probabilities. We consider both density-dependent and density-independent versions of the model. The persistence of cooperation in this model can be explained in terms of the life cycle of a population at a site. This life cycle starts when one cooperator establishes a population. Then defectors invade and eventually take over, resulting finally in the death of the population. During this life cycle, single cooperators migrate to empty neighboring sites to found new cooperator populations. The system can reach a steady state where cooperation prevails if the global "birth" rate of populations is equal to their global "death" rate. The dynamic persistence of cooperation ranges over a large section of the model's parameter space. We compare these dynamics to those from other models for the persistence of altruism and to predator-prey models.  相似文献   

Individuals within any species exhibit differences in size, developmental state, or spatial location. These differences coupled with environmental fluctuations in demographic rates can have subtle effects on population persistence and species coexistence. To understand these effects, we provide a general theory for coexistence of structured, interacting species living in a stochastic environment. The theory is applicable to nonlinear, multi species matrix models with stochastically varying parameters. The theory relies on long-term growth rates of species corresponding to the dominant Lyapunov exponents of random matrix products. Our coexistence criterion requires that a convex combination of these long-term growth rates is positive with probability one whenever one or more species are at low density. When this condition holds, the community is stochastically persistent: the fraction of time that a species density goes below \(\delta >0\) approaches zero as \(\delta \) approaches zero. Applications to predator-prey interactions in an autocorrelated environment, a stochastic LPA model, and spatial lottery models are provided. These applications demonstrate that positive autocorrelations in temporal fluctuations can disrupt predator-prey coexistence, fluctuations in log-fecundity can facilitate persistence in structured populations, and long-lived, relatively sedentary competing populations are likely to coexist in spatially and temporally heterogenous environments.  相似文献   

We consider systems with one predator and one prey, or a common predator and two prey species (apparent competitors) in source and sink habitats. In both models, the predator species is vulnerable to extinction, if productivity in the source is insufficient to rescue demographically deficient sink populations. Conversely, in the model with two prey species, if the source is too rich, one of the prey species may be driven extinct by apparent competition, since the predator can maintain a large population because of the alternative prey. Increasing the rate of predator movement from the source population has opposite effects on prey and predator persistence. High emigration rate exposes the predator population to danger of extinction, reducing the number of individuals that breed and produce offspring in the source habitat. This may promote coexistence of prey by relaxing predation pressure and apparent competition between the two prey species. The number of sinks and spatial arrangement of patches, or connectivity between patches, also influence persistence of the species. More sinks favor the prey and fewer sinks are advantageous to the predator. A linear pattern with the source at one end is profitable for the predator, and a centrifugal pattern in which the source is surrounded by sinks is advantageous to the prey. When the dispersal rate is low, effects of the spatial structure may exceed those of the number of sinks. In brief, productivity in patches and patterns of connectivity between patches differentially influence persistence of populations in different trophic levels.  相似文献   

Theoretical studies indicate that a single population under an Allee effect will decline to extinction if reduced below a particular threshold, but the existence of multiple local populations connected by random dispersal improves persistence of the global population. An additional process that can facilitate persistence is the existence of habitat selection by dispersers. Using analytic and simulation models of population change, I found that when habitat patches exhibiting Allee effects are connected by dispersing individuals, habitat selection by these dispersers increases the likelihood that patches persist at high densities, relative to results expected by random settlement. Populations exhibiting habitat selection also attain equilibrium more quickly than randomly dispersing populations. These effects are particularly important when Allee effects are large and more than two patches exist. Integrating habitat selection into population dynamics may help address why some studies have failed to find extinction thresholds in populations, despite well-known Allee effects in many species.  相似文献   

Many populations live in ‘advective’ media, such as rivers, where flow is biased in one direction. In these environments, populations face the possibility of extinction by being washed out of the system, even if the net reproductive rate (R) is greater than one. We propose a formal condition for population persistence in advective systems: a population can persist at any location in a homogeneous habitat if and only if it can invade upstream. This leads to a remarkably simple recipe for calculating the minimal value for the net reproductive rate for population persistence. We apply this criterion to discrete-time models of a semelparous population where dispersal is characterized by a mechanistically derived kernel. We demonstrate that persistence depends strongly on the form of the kernel’s ‘tail’, a result consistent with previous literature on the speed of spread of invasions. We apply our theory to models of stream invertebrates with a biphasic life cycle, and relate our results to the ‘colonization cycle’ hypothesis where bias in downstream drift is offset by upstream bias in adult dispersal. In the absence of bias in adult dispersal, variability in the duration of the larval stage and in oviposition sites have a large effect of the persistence condition. The minimization calculations required in our approach are very straightforward, indicating the feasibility of future applications to life history theory.  相似文献   

Models that explain the sustainability of an exploiter–victim ecosystem admit, generally, a coexistence state of both species in the well-mixed limit. Even if this state is unstable, the extinction-prone system may acquire stability on spatial domains where different patches oscillate incoherently around the coexistence state. New experiments, however, suggest that a spatially segregated system may be stable even in the absence of such a coexistence state. Here we revisit the hawk–dove (case 3) model of Durrett and Levin, which has been shown to support persistent population for system of interacting particles. It turns out that this model does not admit a (stable or unstable) coexistence state on a single habitat. We analyze the peculiar mechanism that leads to persistence in this case and the role of demographic stochasticity with and without self-interaction, using numerical simulations and exact solutions in the infinite diffusion limit.  相似文献   

To study evolution of conditional dispersal, a Lotka-Volterra reaction-diffusion-advection model for two competing species in a heterogeneous environment is proposed and investigated. The two species are assumed to be identical except their dispersal strategies: both species disperse by random diffusion and advection along environmental gradients, but one species has stronger biased movement (i.e., advection along the environmental gradients) than the other one. It is shown that at least two scenarios can occur: if only one species has a strong tendency to move upward the environmental gradients, the two species can coexist since one species mainly pursues resources at places of locally most favorable environments while the other relies on resources from other parts of the habitat; if both species have such strong biased movements, it can lead to overcrowding of the whole population at places of locally most favorable environments, which causes the extinction of the species with stronger biased movement. These results provide a new mechanism for the coexistence of competing species, and they also imply that selection is against excessive advection along environmental gradients, and an intermediate biased movement rate may evolve.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation and population extinction of birds   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
DANIEL SIMBERLOFF 《Ibis》1995,137(S1):S105-S111
It has not been established that a major cause of extinction in birds or any other taxa is failure of metapopulation dynamics: the collapse of a network of ephemeral but discrete populations as movement between them becomes increasingly infrequent. The few data on who goes where and who mates with whom suggest that most species are structured as either a single large population or a small set of source populations and a larger set of sinks. The extinction of the latter is irrelevant to the persistence of the species. However, regional decline of a species in the face of habitat destruction and fragmentation can mimic a failure of metapopulation dynamics, because distinct aggregations of individuals will disappear much as they would if populations in an interacting network were eliminated one by one. Any species with highly restricted range is at great risk of extinction from spatially localized forces, such as cyclones or deforestation. Restricted range rather than inherent weakness is the main reason that so many island species have gone extinct or are endangered. Species with small populations in contact with much larger heterospecific ones with which they are interfertile are threatened with extinction by hybridization. Finally, the disappearance of a species from a site may be due to subtle habitat change, even if this observation seems superficially consistent with some general population theory, such as the dynamic equilibrium theory of island biogeography. Current theory is an inadequate substitute for intensive field studies as a means to address the conservation problems of individual species.  相似文献   

In gynodioecious populations of flowering plants females and hermaphrodites coexist. Gynodioecy is widespread and occurs in both asexual and sexual species but does not admit a satisfactory explanation from classical sex ratio theory. In sexual populations male fertility restoring genes have evolved to counter non-nuclear male sterility mutations. In pseudogamous asexual populations pollen retention and increased self-fertilization can make male sterility costly. Both of these mechanisms can promote coexistence. However, it remains unclear how either of these mechanisms could evolve if coexistence was not initially possible. In the absence of these adaptations non-spatial models predict that females either fail to invade hermaphrodite populations or else displace them until pollen shortage drives the population to extinction. We develop a pair approximation to a probabilistic cellular automata model in which females and hermaphrodites interact on a regular lattice. The model features independent pollination and colonization processes which take place on different timescales. The timescale separation is exploited to obtain, with perturbation methods, a more manageable aggregated pair approximation. We present both the mean field model which recreates the classical non-spatial predictions and the pair approximation, which strikingly predicts different invasion criteria and coexistence under a wide range of parameters. The pair approximation is shown to correspond well qualitatively with simulation behaviour.  相似文献   

Models of metapopulations have often ignored local community dynamics and spatial heterogeneity among patches. However, persistence of a community as a whole depends both on the local interactions and the rates of dispersal between patches. We study a mathematical model of a metacommunity with two consumers exploiting a resource in a habitat of two different patches. They are the exploitative competitors or the competing predators indirectly competing through depletion of the shared resource. We show that they can potentially coexist, even if one species is sufficiently inferior to be driven extinct in both patches in isolation, when these patches are connected through diffusive dispersal. Thus, dispersal can mediate coexistence of competitors, even if both patches are local sinks for one species because of the interactions with the other species. The spatial asynchrony and the competition-colonization trade-off are usual mechanisms to facilitate regional coexistence. However, in our case, two consumers can coexist either in synchronous oscillation between patches or in equilibrium. The higher dispersal rate of the superior prompts rather than suppresses the inferior. Since differences in the carrying capacity between two patches generate flows from the more productive patch to the less productive, loss of the superior by emigration relaxes competition in the former, and depletion of the resource by subsidized consumers decouples the local community in the latter.  相似文献   

Interactions between two species competing for space were studied using stochastic spatially explicit lattice-based simulations as well as pair approximations. The two species differed only in their dispersal strategies, which were characterized by the proportion of reproductive effort allocated to long-distance (far) dispersal versus short-distance (near) dispersal to adjacent sites. All population dynamics took place on landscapes with spatially clustered distributions of suitable habitat, described by two parameters specifying the amount and the local spatial autocorrelation of suitable habitat. Whereas previous results indicated that coexistence between pure near and far dispersers was very rare, taking place over only a very small region of the landscape parameter space, when mixed strategies are allowed, multiple strategies can coexist over a much wider variety of landscapes. On such spatially structured landscapes, the populations can partition the habitat according to local conditions, with one species using pure near dispersal to exploit large contiguous patches of suitable habitat, and another species using mixed dispersal to colonize isolated smaller patches (via far dispersal) and then rapidly exploit those patches (via near dispersal). An improved mean-field approximation which incorporates the spatially clustered habitat distribution is developed for modeling a single species on these landscapes, along with an improved Monte Carlo algorithm for generating spatially clustered habitat distributions.   相似文献   

A model of two competing species is presented in which each species is able to disperse over a single spatial axis. The spatial axis is composed of two intervals with different carrying capacities. We ask the question: If species one is alone and at population dynamic equilibrium, then when can species two successfully invade when rare? We say that an interval is “suitable” if the interval can be invaded by species two in the absence of dispersal by both species, and we say an interval is “unsuitable” if the interval cannot be invaded by species two in the absence of dispersal by both species. We offer three findings: (I) If one interval is suitable and the other is unsuitable, then the success of invasion depends upon the length of the suitable interval. Invasion succeeds if the suitable interval is larger than a threshold minimum and fails otherwise. (II) It is possible for species two to invade even though both intervals are unsuitable. (III) It is possible for species two to fail to invade even though both intervals are suitable.  相似文献   

While non-spatial models predict that like species cannot stably coexist, empirical studies suggest that similar species have similar distributions due to shared habitat requirements. A model is developed to discuss competition and coexistence in subdivided but locally stable habitats. The model predicts that in some cases it is possible for one species to exclude the other species from a geographic region, while in other cases two competing species can stably coexist. The equilibrium level and the fraction of doubly occupied patches, if there is coexistence, are determined by the strength of competition on colonization and exclusion in such a system. Also, it is possible for two ecologically identical species to stably coexist, and two asymmetrically competing species can coexist when there is a trade-off between local competition ability and invasion ability. When rescue effects are considered, the stable region at internal equilibrium point would be reduced, but the fraction of doubly occupied patches would be enlarged.  相似文献   

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