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晚更新世晚期以来昆仑山垭口区的植被与环境   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
昆仑山垭口区小南川剖面和雪水河热水剖面的孢粉分析揭示了该区44000aB.P.以来的植被演替和气候变化。40000aB.P.前,推测昆仑山垭口区为典型的灌木荒漠植被,气候极端干燥。40000-30000aB.P.,气候稍有好转。30000-24000aB.P.为草原荒漠,降水增加。24000-18000aB.P.为末次冰期极盛期,气候干冷。18000-13000aB.P.气候凉偏干。13000-8000aB.P.气候凉干。8000-6000aB.P.为全新世温暖期,但由于植被的滞后现象,本区仍为草原荒漠景观。6000-5000aB.P.,本区可能也存在着中全新世的降温事件。5000-3000aB.P.在全新世大暖期的影响下,小南川附近的植被演变成温性草原植被,并有人类的放牧活动。3000aB.P.以后,气候变凉,草原迅速地演变为灌木和小乔木荒漠植被,其中3000-1000aB.P.为凉干时期,1000aB.P.以后,可能有过一段凉湿时期。  相似文献   

大小兴安岭泥炭的孢粉记录及演变过程研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据3个高位泥炭剖面孢粉分析,揭示大注兴安岭分别于5000aB.P.、2700aB。.P.以来孢粉组合特征和植物群与气候演变过程。小兴安岭北部山地森林疲宣传早分为2个时期,5000-3000aB.P.桦为主落叶阔叶林;3000aB.P.--现今为红松、云冷杉为主,混有少量桦寒温必殖阔叶混交林。气候由温凉偏干向冷偏湿方向发展大兴安岭北部山地,2700~1800aB.P.以来,已构成针叶林为主(樟子松  相似文献   

根据孢粉资料推论长江三角洲地区12000年以来的环境变迁   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
根据长江三角洲地区全新世9个具代表性钻孔的孢粉分析结果讨论了本区约自12000年以来的环境变迁。孢粉序列表明,本区约在距今12000年前就已发育了亚热带性质的落叶常绿阔叶林,约在9000-5000aB.P.常绿阔叶林获得大发展,孢粉序列良好地记录了古季风盛衰的历史,表现在:12000-10800aB.P.较温湿 ,东南季风强度加强,10800(或11000)-10000(或10300)aB.P.偏  相似文献   

根据长江三角洲地区全新世9个具代表性钻孔的孢粉分析结果讨论了本区约自12000年以来的环境变迁。孢粉序列表明:本区约在距今12000年前就已发育了亚热带性质的落叶常绿阔叶林,约在9000—5000aB.P.常绿阔叶林获得大发展。孢粉序列良好地记录了古季风盛衰的历史,表现在:12000—10800aB.P.较温湿,东南季风强度加强;10800(或11000-10000(或10300)aB.P.偏闵干,东南季风强度减弱,对应于新仙女木期;约自10000a.P.起,气候好转,气温明显上升,东南季风强度再次增强,约在9000—5000aB.P.温暖湿润,为东南季风强盛期。此外.还讨论了约在距今11000年前的海侵,全新世下限和哥德堡事件的年代问题,并确定哥德堡事件的年限为11000—1000aB。P。  相似文献   

腾格里沙漠晚更新世孢粉植物群与气候环境演变   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
根据腾格里沙漠断头梁人工开挖剖面距今约42000~23000aBP(晚更新世)的孢粉分析结果,可将该期植被和气候演化划分为5个阶段(组合带):阶段Ⅰ,约42000~38000aBP,此段孢粉组合特征显示出,在现今为戈壁荒漠的山地丘陵上,当时发育着针阔混交林,在古湖边缘上发育着杨柳林和草原,气候较温暖湿润;阶段Ⅱ,约38000~31000aBP,气候温暖湿润,地带性植被为以温带、暖温带阔叶林为主的针阔混交林,湖畔河边发育着草甸植被;阶段Ⅲ,约31000~30000aBP,为针叶林和寒温性高山柳丛大发展时期,气候寒温,为一冷期;阶段Ⅳ,约30000~28000aBP,为冷期过后的升温期,也是湖面扩大期,孢粉组合中藻类含量高,为草甸和沼泽植被;阶段Ⅴ,28000~23000aBP,孢粉组合显示出丘陵山地上发育温带柏和桦为主的针阔混交林,平原上生长着草原植被,湖畔、河边有柳林分布,气候较温暖湿润,但较阶段Ⅰ略干。此剖面孢粉组合所反映的气候变化特征与古里雅及格陵兰冰芯δ18O所记录的同期气候变化特征具有良好的可比性。  相似文献   

根据孢粉分析论青藏高原西部和北部全新世环境变化   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
通过对青藏高原西部班公湖钻孔和北部中昆仑山3个湖相剖面的孢粉研究,揭示青藏高原西部和北部地区全新世1万年期间植被的演替和气候变化,西部在全新世早期9900-7800yr.B.P.植被由荒漠转为草原,气候好转;中期7800-3500yr.B.P.,草原发展,气候较适宜,以7200-6300yr.B.P.为高温湿期,5500yr.B.P.和3500yr.B.P.出现干旱,晚期从3500yr.B.P.至今植被为荒漠,气候干旱,其中700yr.B.P.气候恶化。北部地区全新世时期为荒漠植被,当气候温湿时,蒿和禾本科,莎草科成份增加,藜科减少,气候干旱时则相反,北部全新世的气候分期和干湿波动与西部相近,两地在晚期气候朝干旱化发展。  相似文献   

西藏佩枯错13000—5000aB.P.植物被与环境   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
黄翡 《古生物学报》2000,39(3):441-448
青藏高原的强烈上升对北半球大气环流起重要作用并控制东亚季风的形成和发展。西藏佩枯错13kg-5kgB.P.高密度样品孢粉分析表明:约12500aB.P.湿度加强,区域性植被中雪松占优势,莎草草原大发展;约10760aB.P.气候冷干,莎草草原分布范围减少。雪松成分降低,可能与欧洲Younger Dryas事件相当;10000aB.P.左右是本区气候变化的转折点,湿度迅速增加,沙棘增多,雪松林占优势  相似文献   

若尔盖地区25万年以来的植被与气候   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
本文根据RM孔上部60m210个样品的花粉分析结果,探讨了若尔盖地区25万年以来的植被演替和气候变化。研究结果表明,若尔盖地区过去25万年的植被演替和气候变化可划分为7个阶段。在约250-195KaB.P.(7阶段),植被以亚高山莎草草甸为主,气温和降水与现在接近。在195-128KaB.P.(6阶段)和32-11KaB.P.(2阶段),植被主要是荒漠草原,反映寒冷干旱的冰期气候,年平均气温比现在低5-6℃,年降水量仅为现在的60-80%左右。128-71KaB.P.(5阶段)是过去25万年中水热条件最好的时期,植被主要是亚高山暗针叶林和亚高山草甸,大部分时间的气温比现在高1℃左右,降水量稍高于现在;但在此阶段的气温和降水仍有较大的波动,5e、5c和5a阶段的气温和降水高于5b和5d阶段。71-58KaB.P.(4阶段)的植被主要是高山草甸为主,年平均气温比今低3-5℃,年降水量约为现在的80%,在58-32KaB.P.(3阶段),早期植被以亚高山暗针叶林和草甸为主,晚期主要是亚高山禾草草甸,气温和降水均明显高于4阶段,在晚期气温呈非线性逐渐下降的趋势。  相似文献   

沙漠/黄土过渡带13 Ka BP以来季风演化的古植被记录   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
利用花粉分析结果并结合有机碳δ^13C及高精度^14C测年等资料,阐明沙漠/黄土过渡区13ka BP以来古植被记录的季风气候事件。古植被经历了荒漠草原-干草原-半荒漠-湿润草原-荒漠-疏林草原-荒漠草原-草原-荒漠草原9个阶段。冰后期的半荒漠-湿润草原-荒漠对应于其中冷干-凉湿-冷干的Younger Dryas事件,全新世气候适宜期以及4.5-3.5ka BP的另一气候料适宜期等在研究区均有明显表  相似文献   

新疆乌伦古湖全新世以来高分辨率的孢粉记录与环境变迁   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
根据新疆乌伦古湖钻孔剖面高分辨率的孢粉研究,得出全新世以来研究区的气候经历了四个大的阶段:约9.99~7.72cal.kaBP期间,气候温暖干旱;7.72—3.62cal.kaBP,气候由温和偏湿逐渐转向温暖偏干;3.62—1.24cal.kaBP,气候由寒冷干旱逐渐转向寒冷偏湿到温和湿润;1.24cal.kaBP至今,气候总体上温和干旱。在这四个大阶段的气候背景下,还存在8.90cal.kaBP和8.35cal.kaBP左右、3.62—2.80cal.kaBP期间、0.82—0.45cal.kaBP期间和约0.23cal.kaBP时的突然变冷事件。本剖面的孢粉组合在约9.99—7.72cal.kaBP期间反映的是湖区的植被,早期为以芦苇为主的水生植物群落,随后演替成以黑三棱为主的水生植物群落;自7.72cal.kaBP以后,孢粉组合反映的是区域植被,与气候相应的区域植被依次经历了荒漠草原→荒漠→荒漠草原→草原或荒漠草原→草原→荒漠→荒漠草原的多次演替。  相似文献   

Qinghai Lake is the largest inland saline lake in China. it is situated in the northeastern part of the Qinghai Xizang Plateau. This paper is based on the information of the sporo-pollen assemblages of 47 samples from the drill core and surface samples. The general treads of vegetational and climatic changes since 11,000 years B. P. may be subdivided in ascending order as follows: In the first stage which corresponds to zone Ⅰ of the sporo-pollen assemlage, the vegetation during the past of 11,000–10,000 years was represented by a temperate shrub, semi-shrub and steppe, consisting of Chenopodiaceae. Artemisia, Nitraria, Ephedra and Gramineae were predominant. At the same time, some subalpine conifers, Pinus, Picea and Betula, would grow by the side of rivers and lakes, the climate was warmer and wetter than that of the Late Pleistocene. Due to the rising temperature in this zone, the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary might be estimated at about 11,000 years B. P.. The vegetation of the first stage belonges to temperate steppe with a few trees: In the second stage (ZoneⅡ of pollen), the vegetation was characterized by a temperate forest steppe during this period of 10,000 to 8,000 years B. P. Forest area apparently increased and some broadleaf deciduous and need leaf evergretn trees, such as Quercus, Betula, Pinus and Picea, grew by lakes and on mountains. At this time, the climate was warmer and wetter than that of the first stage. In the third stage (Zone Ⅲ) between B,000 and 3,500 years B. P, The vegetation was composed of a temperate mixed broad-leaf deciduous and needle-leaf evtrgreen forest. The needle-leaf evergreen forest consisting of Picea, Pinus, Abies, Betula grew in temperate zone mountains. The climate was relatively warm and wet. The fouth stage (zone IV), the vegetation was dominated by shrub semishrub, dwarf semishrubs, steppe and semi-arbors. Some trees consisting of Betula, Picea, and Pinus decreased in number in the lake regions. Some subalpine cold temperature evergreen trees, such as Abies and picea disappeared from the lake region. This indicated that the climate was warmer and drier during the past 3500–1500 years B. P. than the third zone. In the fifth stage (pollen zone V), the vegetation comprised steppe and desert from 1500 years ago to the present time. Some arborealtrus such as Betula and Pinus were less increased about 500 years B. P. at this time the temperate and wet slightly, rose up. From the above analysis, it is clear that the Qinghai lake region has been confronted with the vegetational and climatic changes since ll,000 years B. P. Therefore, the palynoflora of the Qinghai lake has its significance in Geography and vegetational history.  相似文献   

西藏羊湖地区近1.4万年以来孢粉植物群及古气候研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对西藏羊湖地区ZK1和卡拉苏代牙剖面(IP16)的孢粉分析和总有机碳(TOC)、元素含量分析等,建立了羊湖地区近1.4万年以来的孢粉组合带、重建当时的植被类型及古气候演变序列。结果显示:该时期经历了5次植被类型的更替,即草原型→疏林草原型→草原型→疏林草原型→草原型,与之相对应的气候经历了5次波动(2个半旋回), 即11 220 a.B.P.左右的第一气候旋回:由干旱→半干旱半湿润转化;8 970a.B.P.左右的第二气候旋回,同样由干旱→半干旱半湿润转化,然后进入半个气候旋回,即干旱气候期,推测今后有可能进入半干旱半湿润气候期。  相似文献   

本文依据哈尔滨地区不同地貌单元内三个钻孔和三个自然剖面孢粉分析资料,结合古地磁测试,热释光和放射性碳素年令测定,进行钻孔和剖面间对比,初步建立起哈尔滨地区第四纪孢粉组合特征,进而讨论了哈尔滨地区第四纪以来植物群发展和气候变化。  相似文献   

西北干旱区石羊河流域全新世早期植被与环境演化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
西北干旱区石羊河流域终闾湖泊边缘三角城剖面湖相沉积物(10.0-6.3ka.B.P.)高分辨率(每样平均40-50a左右)孢粉分析揭示该流域全新世早期植被与气候环境变化过程是:全新世初期(10-9.8ka.B.P.),温度、湿度开始上升,山上针叶林发育,该期持续较短时间后,温度、湿度下降(9.8-9.2ka.B.P.),山上森林萎缩,山下荒漠范围扩大;此后是一个持续时间较长、波动的温度、湿度上升、植被发育状况逐步好转的过程(9.2-7.75ka.B.P.);随后又是短暂的气候冷干、植被亚化阶段(7.75-7.25ka.B.P.)和一个相对持续时间较长,植被发育较好的暖湿期(7.25-6.3ka.B.P.)。石河流域全新世早期气候环境变化具有较强的不稳定性,每个相对暧湿期和冷干期中都有多个次一级的冷干、暖湿波动,植被也相应地随之变化。  相似文献   

The concept of an arid pleniglacial in the Middle East depends primarily on the interpretation of pollen diagrams including those of Lake Zeribar in the Zagros Mountains of western Iran. It has been assumed that Lake Zeribar was surrounded by a Chenopodiaceae-Artemisia steppe and that the climate was therefore dry. Both assumptions are questioned. The environment of Pleistocene Lake Zeribar may have been similar to the tragacanthic or alpine zone of the modern Zagros Mountains. The dominance by pollen of Chenopodiaceae and Artemisia is explained by low pollen production of high-altitude vegetation, preferential incorporation of pollen of late-blooming plants into the sediments, and high production and long-distance transport of lowland pollen. In any case, high percentages of Chenopodiaceae and Artemisia pollen do not necessarily indicate low annual precipitation but a highly seasonal climate with cold winters and hot, dry summers. Such a climatic regime was in effect continuous except for a period beginning about 10600 B. P. during which summer rainfall or reduced summer drought occurred. This change in seasonality resulted in the dominance of Poaceae pollen and the initial increase in arboreal pollen. A moisture curve based on the ratio between Chenopodiaceae and Artemisia pollen indicates a pleniglacial climate with wet winters and a late-glacial and early-Holocene climate with periods of intense aridity. The climatic history presented here is compatible with non-palynological evidence of regional late Pleistocene climates and with seasonality changes suggested by climatic modelling based on orbital parameters.Abbreviations C/A Chenopodiaceae-Artemisia ratio  相似文献   

本文列举并梳理了有关北京猿人生存环境研究的各种不同观点,发现以往研究主要根据孢粉、动物群和沉积物三方面证据进行,通过论证作者在每方面都指出了自己支持的观点,并探讨了第7层环境研究中出现的问题,最后将三种要素反映的北京猿人生存环境变化情况基本统一。  相似文献   

The pollen analytical investigations of a 101 m deep CK2022 drilling core from Bieletan of the Qarhan saline lake have been carried out. The Qarhan saline lake is situated at the Qaidam Basin. The climate is cold and dry. Annual mean temperature is about 0.1 ℃, and annual precipitation is 28–40 mm. The vegetation is of desert type, mainly composed of Chenopodiaceae, Compositae, Tamaricaceac, Cruciferae, Zygophyllaceae, Leguminosae and Gramineae. Gymnospermae are very poorly represented e. g. Ephedra and Sabina. Ferns are even scanty. Based on the characteristics of CK2022 drilling core sporopollen assemblages 32,000 4,000 years ago five zones may be subdivided in ascending order as follows: 1. In the first zone, the vegetation during the past 31, 000–25, 600 years was represented by a temperate shrub and semi-shrub desert plants, such as Chenopodiaceae, Artemisia and Nitraria were predominant. The hydrophytes, such as Typha and Pediastrum boryanum, apparently increased. The climate was wet and rather warm. By this time, lakes and bogs were better developed in this area. 2. In the second zone (Ⅱ), green algae was very flourishing, which indicates a shallow, stagnant and more or less mesotrophic fresh water habitat. The climate was wet and cold, The lakes and bogs were better developed. 3 . In the third zone (Ⅲ), the vegetation consisted of Ephedra, Chenopodiaceae, Artemisia and Nitraria. At the same time subalpine conifer and Betula may have grown by rivers. The climate was warmer and drier than before. 4. In the fourth zone (Ⅳ), Shrubby and semi-shrubby deserts were better developed, but trees, ferns and algae were obviously reduced 18, 000–11, 000 years ago. The climate was very dry and cold. 5. In the fifth zone (Ⅴ), Ephedra, Chenopodiaceae, Artemisia and Nitratia were still flourishing. Hydrophytes, some trees and mesophytes plants and Polypodiaceae appeared again. Due to the increased temperature at this zone, the Pleistocene Holocene boundary should be demarcated at about 11000 years. BP Since 30000 years age there were alternation of dilution and salinization once and again.  相似文献   

The dry cold climate in the highland of the eastern Kunlun Mountains in Qinghai Province, north‐western part of China supports the establishment of alpine grassland, consisting of Poaceae and Cyperaceae species and dwarf shrub communities dominated by Potentilla and Krascheninnikovia shrubs. The phytosociological vegetation studies carried out around Lake Heihai (36°00′N/93°26′E, 4446 m a.s.l.) reveals a complex pattern of high mountainous vegetation, including three major vegetation communities. A Polygonum sibiricum community occupies wet and slightly saline sites close to the Heihai lake shoreline and Kobresia robusta and Poa pachyantha communities are characteristic for the drier slopes. These communities differ in ecological conditions, exposure and several characteristic species that form local subunits. Main ecological factors influencing plant growth are moisture coming from glacial melt water and the composition and texture of the surface sediments. The atmospheric circulation (i.e. monsoonal wind system) and the different amount of insolation of the southern and northern slopes are of minor importance for the establishment of the different communities. The reflection of the vegetation composition in the modern pollen rain is generally poor, since the pollen spectrum is highly influenced by the local appearance of taxa. Though the vegetation unit of a alpine steppe can be detected. (© 2013 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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