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Oomycetes from the genus Phytophthora are fungus-like plant pathogens that are devastating for agriculture and natural ecosystems. Due to their particular physiological characteristics, no efficient treatments against diseases caused by these microorganisms are presently available. To develop such treatments, it appears essential to dissect the molecular mechanisms that determine the interaction between Phytophthora species and host plants. Available data are scarce, and genomic approaches were mainly developed for the two species, Phytophthora infestans and Phytophthora sojae. However, these two species are exceptions from, rather than representative species for, the genus. P. infestans is a foliar pathogen, and P. sojae infects a narrow range of host plants, while the majority of Phytophthora species are quite unselective, root-infecting pathogens. To represent this majority, Phytophthora parasitica emerges as a model for the genus, and genomic resources for analyzing its interaction with plants are developing. The aim of this review is to assemble current knowledge on cytological and molecular processes that are underlying plant–pathogen interactions involving Phytophthora species and in particular P. parasitica, and to place them into the context of a hypothetical scheme of co-evolution between the pathogen and the host.  相似文献   

The degrees of suppression produced by vermicomposts produced from cattle manure, sheep manure or horse manure and by vermicomposts produced from sewage sludge were compared in greenhouse experiments. The effect of these vermicomposts on the growth and infection of tomato seedlings by Phytophthora nicotianae var. nicotianae was studied. The density of the pathogen and the number of micro-organisms in container media amended with vermicomposts were also analysed. The vermicomposts produced from animal manure significantly reduced the infection of tomato seedlings by the pathogen. The density of P. nicotianae in media which included these vermicomposts was similar to that in infested peat substrate (control treatment). The vermicomposts from sewage sludge did not protect tomato seedlings against P. nicotianae . They also significantly inhibited growth of the plants as well as decreasing the density of the pathogen in container media. In general the vermicomposts had no effect on total number of micro-organisms in potting media compared with control. They only had higher levels of actinomycetes but this did not appear to correspond with their ability to suppress the pathogen.  相似文献   

In this research, distribution of Phytophthora species were determined in Kerman Province (Bam, Shahdad and Arzuiyeh) during 2004–2007. The Phytophthora species were isolated from infected root, crown and soil. Root and crown pieces were washed and cultured on a CMA-PARPH medium. The isolation from infected soil was performed by bating method using citrus leaves. It was identified by morphological and several physiological characteristics. Distribution of species was determined by recording the number of isolates recovered from samples from each city. In this study, from 220 soil samples collected from 52 citrus orchards, 80 isolates of Phytophthora were recovered. Among of all isolates of Phytophthora, P. parasitica and P. citrophthora were the most important species of causal agent of gummosis on Citrus sp. Distribution of P. citrophthora was highest in Arzuiyeh and lowest in Bam and Shahdad cities, while distribution of P. parasitica was highest in Bam and Shahdad cities. The majority of soil samples contained only P. parasitica, but a few of percentage samples containing P. citrophthora alone and both of fungi in cites samples.  相似文献   

Summary Sporangial formation was found restricted within the range of temperature from 20–31° C. Atmospheric humidity of 100 % did not favour very much in developing sporangia. Free water appeared to be essential in sporangial formation. The range of temperature within which the liberation of zoospores took place was even narrower, 19 to 25° C. Temperature from 21 to 23° C appeared to be best condition for maximum liberation of zoospores. Similarly as with sporangial development atmospheric humidity as high as 100 % had very little effect on the liberation of zoospores unless there was condensation of water. The liberated zoospores in free water were found to germinate only within 20–24° C. At about 22° C the germination rate was found optimum.  相似文献   

The diseases Phytophthor a crown and root rot consist of the most important problems in cherry cultivation. In this study, the susceptibility of 30 cherry genotypes to Phytophthora cactorum , P. citrophthora, P. parasitica and P. citricola was evaluated by using excised twig assay, excised shoot method and stem inoculation method. The results showed that all cherry genotypes tested were susceptible to all Phytophthora isolates used. Phytophthora parasitica and P. citrophthora were the most aggressive species. Host specificity of the Phytophthora isolates used in this study was not found although these isolates were from different plant species. In conclusion, because none of the cherry genotype showed a level of resistance to these pathogens, caution should be taken when these genotypes are used in locations, where these diseases are endemic.  相似文献   

The synthesis of kestoses (trisaccharides composed of two fructose units and one glucose unit) by races 0 and 1 of Phytophthora parasitica var. nicotianae is shown. The trisaccharide is found in culture filtrates of isolates grown in liquid media containing 3% sucrose. The utilization of sucrose and trisaccharide formation by the organisms over a 16-day period is described. The kestoses were identified by chemical and enzymatic analysis, and two of three possible isomers were found.  相似文献   

Nuclei isolated from metalaxyl-resistant (MR) protoplasts of Phytophthora parasitica were transferred into chloroneb-resistant (CnR) protoplasts of Phytophthora capsici and vice versa, with an average success rate of 2.6 x 10(-4) (protoplasts with donor nuclei/regenerated protoplasts), using a selective medium containing only the fungicide tolerated by the nuclear donor. No colonies appeared when self-fusion products of donor nuclei or recipient protoplasts were exposed to the selective medium. Colonies produced by the nuclear transfer formed sectors commonly, and differed from the parental types in appearance. All the zoospores produced by the nuclear hybrids were of normal size, and one-fifth of them contained both MR and CnR genes. Since zoospores are mostly uninucleate, these results indicated the occurrence of chromosome re-assortment or mitotic crossing-over following the production of transitory tetraploids, followed by diploidization during zoosporogenesis, thus suggesting the completion of events leading to a parasexual cycle. Hyphal fragment cultures from a nuclear hybrid tested showed considerable variation in growth rate, mycelial morphology, and level of resistance to metalaxyl, indicating uneven distribution and continuous segregation of different types of nuclei in mycelia during vegetative growth.  相似文献   

Epidemic attacks of Phytophthora parasitica on papaya fruits developed during wet, windy weather, but declined rapidly when the weather became dry. During rain, abundant sporangia were liberated from the mycelial mats on infected fruits, but none was trapped in dry air. Collar rots and tree collapse caused by root rot occur irrespective of spray treatments and previous aerial infections on the same tree: they are no more prevalent in blocks with abundant aerial infections than in blocks with none. Basal rots occurred earlier and more frequently on plantings near abandoned diseased fields: they were scattered randomly and appeared before aerial infections. It is suggested that new outbreaks might be initiated from seeds of infected fruit, in which chlamydospores have been found, or from infected nursery seedlings. Drosophila spp. were found to be occasional vectors of sporangia. Control of aerial infections was obtained with maneb, basic copper sulphate, captan or difolatan. Spraying only the upper half of the acropetally developing fruit cluster gave much better control than spraying only the lower fruits.  相似文献   

Metapenaeus ensis was spawned and laboratory cultured untilthe post-larval stage to illustrate and describe its embryonicand larval development. Fecundities ranged between 454 000 and689 000 eggs, and {small tilde}99.2% of spawned eggs hatchedafter 12 h and 40 min at 33.5 p.p.t. and 29.0-29.1°C. Sixnaupliar, three protozoeal, three mysis and one post-larvalstages were noted. A minimum of {small tilde}10 days (249 h20 min) from the time of hatching were required to completethe larval stages by subsisting only on Chaeioceros gracilisand Tetraselmis tetrathele at varying temperature and salinityof 28.1-29.8°C and 33.5—34.5 p.p.t., respectively.The embryonic and larval developmental stages of M.ensis aregenerally similar to those of other known penaeid species, exceptfor the size and structure of diagnostic characters, setationof appendages and duration of metamorphoses.  相似文献   

P. semisulcatus is a commercially important species of the ArabianSea. In the present studies the mature females were broughtfrom the sea to the laboratory for spawning. The spawned eggswere reared in laboratory conditions up to the post larval stage.Five naupliar, three protozoeal, three mysis and first postlarval stages were described. The diagrams were made with thehelp of camera lucida. The measurements were made with a micrometer.  相似文献   

The Asian decapodHemigrapsus penicillatus (de Haan, 1835) was first recorded in European waters in 1994. The first specimens were collected in the estuary of Charente Maritime on the west coast of France close to La Rochelle. The current range in Europe covers Spanish shallow water habitats of the Bay of Biscay to areas north of La Rochelle (France). Densities of up to 20 specimens per square metre occur. This species has a high temperature and salinity tolerace and will expand its distribution in European waters. It is not clear whether this crab was introduced by shipping in ballast water or as a fouling organism. Based on a study of ship hull fouling in German dry docks this account provides evidence that hull fouling is a likely vector for the introduction of this crab. In August 1993, six juvenile specimens ofH. penicillatus were removed from the hull of a car-carrier. After its journey from Japan into European waters this vessel docked in the port of Bremerhaven (Germany) for a routine inspection and coating with antifouling paint.  相似文献   

Abstract:The genus Lethariicola is shown to be a synonym of Odontotrema. Fifteen lichenicolous species are recognized: O. bryoriae sp. nov. (on Bryoria), O. cuculare comb. nov. (on Parmeliopsishyperopta), O. figulinum comb. nov. (on Lecanorapolytropa), O. intermedium sp. nov. (on Thamnolia), O. lecanorae sp. nov. (on Lecanora), O. melaneliae sp. nov. (on Melanelia), O. ochrolechiae sp. nov. (on Ochrolechia), O. pertusariae sp. nov. (onPertusariahymenea ), O. rhizocarpicola sp. nov. (on Rhizocarpon), O. santessonii sp. nov. (on Thamnolia), O. sipei comb. nov. (on Letharia), O. thamnoliae sp. nov. (onThamnolia ), and three undescribed species on Lecanora, Mycoblastus and Usnea. The type ofO. cuculare has two distinct lichenicolous species of Odontotrema, and the name is lectotypified on the species growing on Parmeliopsis. A key is given to all lichenicolous species of Odontotrema andParalethariicola .  相似文献   

Gravid females of Penaeus semisulcatus were spawned in the laboratory by natural means. The embryos were documented and the larvae were reared from hatching to postlarval stage at 28.2–30.0 °C and 33.5–34.5 g kg−1 salinity for about 10 days (223 h 55 min). Six naupliar stages, three protozoea stages, three mysis stages and the first postlarval stage were described and illustrated. The larvae were fed only with microalgae Tetraselmis tetrathele and Chaetoceros gracilis from first protozoea until the second mysis, with about 90% survival rate; from the third mysis until the first postlarva they were fed with similar microalgae coupled with rotifer Brachionus plicatilis and Artemia nauplii. The embryonic and larval stages of P. semisulcatus are generally similar to those of other closely related species in the family Penaeidae, such as Melicertus canaliculatus, Fenneropenaeus merguiensis, and Marsupenaeus japonicus, except for the size and structure of diagnostic characters, setation of appendages and duration of metamorphoses. The change in the feeding habit during ontogeny was related to morphological transformation of the feeding apparatus of larvae and postlarvae. This paper is the first comprehensive and complete account of the early developmental stages of P. semisulcatus.  相似文献   

Hemigrapsus sanguineus is an invasive species of crab (family: Grapsidae) in the north Atlantic basin. The species has spread rapidly since it was first discovered in North America in the late 1980s; however, the mechanisms of this range expansion remain unclear. This study attempts to predict the vertical distribution and, thus, ultimate transport of H. sanguineus larvae by examining larval responses to gravity and pressure. Geotaxis was determined by measuring the response of individual larvae to gravity in the absence of other tactic stimuli. Barokinesis was determined by measuring changes in swimming speed of larvae upon step-wise changes in pressure. Geotactic response of the larvae changes ontogenetically; early stage larvae are negatively geotactic (orienting towards the surface), while late stage larvae are positively geotactic (orienting towards the bottom). Larvae show a response to pressure that would aid in depth regulation. Early-stage larvae increase activity upon a change in pressure and orient their movement to gravity. However, the larvae show a relatively low sensitivity to pressure change. The evidence predicts an export-and-return model of larval transport, similar to that of Uca spp. in the Middle Atlantic Bight. This model supports the hypothesis that H. sanguineus larvae have the potential for high dispersal and will continue to invade new regions through larval transport.  相似文献   

The locomotor activity of adult Penaeus semisulcatus (de Haan) and P. monodon (Fabricius) has been studied. The former was reared entirely, and the latter partly under artificial conditions. Both species display circadian activity rhythms in response to light entrainment. Light appears to be a major synchronizer, although the results indicate that feeding also has a certain synchronizing effect in starved prawns.The expression of endogenous activity rhythms in both species is affected by their substratum requirements and burrowing habits. Choice experiments show that both P. semisulcatus and P. monodon select a fine grade sand for burrowing, although the burrowing frequency of the latter species is always low. In a non-choice situation, P. semisulcatus will readily enter a coarse substratum whereas P. monodon will very seldom do so.The effects of various light regimes on the activity patterns of P. semisulcatus and P. monodon were examined and the results show that for both species an imposed long photoperiod regime (18:6 LD) induced 6-h periods of brief but intense activity, alternating with 18-h periods of almost complete inactivity. This activity pattern is discussed in relation to feeding and energy expenditure.  相似文献   

G A Howe  J Lightner  J Browse    C A Ryan 《The Plant cell》1996,8(11):2067-2077
The activation of defense genes in tomato plants has been shown to be mediated by an octadecanoic acid-based signaling pathway in response to herbivore attack or other mechanical wounding. We report here that a tomato mutant (JL5) deficient in the activation of would-inducible defense genes is also compromised in resistance toward the lepidopteran predator Manduca sexta (tobacco hornworm). Thus we propose the name defenseless1 (def1) for the mutation in the JL5 line that mediates this altered defense response. In experiments designed to define the normal function of DEF1, we found that def1 plants are defective in defense gene signaling initiated by prosystemin overexpression in transgenic plants as well as by oligosaccharide (chitosan and polygalacturonide) and polypeptide (systemin) elicitors. Supplementation of plants through their cut stems with intermediates of the octadecanoid pathway indicates that def1 plants are affected in octadecanoid metabolism between the synthesis of hydroperoxylinolenic acid and 12-oxo-phytodienoic acid. Consistent with this defect, def1 plants are also compromised in their ability to accumulate jasmonic acid, the end product of the pathway, in response to wounding and the aforementioned elicitors. Taken together, these results show that octadecanoid metabolism plays an essential role in the transduction of upstream would signals to the activation of antiherbivore plant defenses.  相似文献   

在pH8.09、水温28℃±1℃、盐度5‰条件下,进行了氨氮对不同生长阶段的弧边招潮急性毒性试验。结果显示:氨氮对全甲宽小于1.5cm、1.5cm、1.5cm至2.5cm之间3个生长阶段的弧边招潮96h的半数致死浓度(LC50)分别为47.28mg·L-1、71.49mg·L-1和90.57mg·L-1,三者之间差异极显著(P<0.01),对应的非离子氨浓度为3.71mg·L-1、5.61mg·L-1和7.11mg·L-1;氨氮的安全浓度分别为4.73mg·L-1、7.15mg·L-1和9.06mg·L-1,对应的非离子氨浓度为0.37mg·L-1、0.56mg·L-1和0.71mg·L-1。结果表明,氨氮对弧边招潮的毒性与氨氮浓度和中毒时间呈正相关。3个生长阶段弧边招潮对氨氮的耐受性大小次序为:全甲宽1.5cm至2.5cm之间>全甲宽1.5cm>全甲宽小于1.5cm。  相似文献   

A quantitative survey of the populations of ghost crabs on several beaches of varying exposure at Watamu, Kenya, indicates that Ocypode ceratophthalmus (Pallas) prefers more sheltered beaches and occurs lower on the shore than O. kuhlii de Haan.  相似文献   

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