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Our current ability to detect and predict changes in forest ecosystem productivity is constrained by several limitations. These include a poor understanding of belowground productivity, the short duration of most analyses, and a need for greater examination of species- or community-specific variability in productivity studies. We quantified aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) over 3 years (1999–2001), and both belowground NPP (BNPP) and total NPP over 2 years (2000–2001) in both mesic and xeric site community types of the mixed mesophytic forest of southeastern Kentucky to examine landscape variability in productivity and its relation with soil resource [water and nitrogen (N)] availability. Across sites, ANPP was significantly correlated with N availability (R2 = 0.58, P = 0.028) while BNPP was best predicted by soil moisture content (R2 = 0.72, P = 0.008). Because of these offsetting patterns, total NPP was unrelated to either soil resource. Interannual variability in growing season precipitation during the study resulted in a 50% decline in mesic site litter production, possibly due to a lag effect following a moderate drought year in 1999. As a result, ANPP in mesic sites declined 27% in 2000 compared to 1999, while xeric sites had no aboveground production differences related to precipitation variability. If global climate change produces more frequent occurrences of drought, then the response of mesic sites to prolonged moisture deficiency and the consequences of shifting carbon (C) allocation on C storage will become important questions.  相似文献   

The impact of land management actions such as prescribed fire remains a key uncertainty in understanding the spatiotemporal patterns of carbon cycling in the Western USA. We therefore quantified carbon exchange and aboveground carbon stocks following a prescribed fire in a mountain big sagebrush ecosystem located in the northern Great Basin, USA. Specifically, we examined the changes in plant functional type, leaf area index, standing aboveground carbon stocks, net ecosystem production (NEP), gross ecosystem production (GEP), and ecosystem-level respiration (Reco) for 2 years before and 7 of 9 years after a prescribed fire. Post-burn GEP and Reco exceeded pre-burn GEP and Reco within 2 years and remained elevated. The variation in GEP and Reco provided no evidence of a large and prolonged net efflux of carbon in the 9 years after the fire. Rather, NEP indicated the site was a sink before and after the fire, with little change in sink strength associated with the burn. Re-sprouting and recruitment of grasses and forbs drove the post-burn increase in GEP. Woody shrub growth was the dominant control on aboveground biomass accumulation after fire, with shrub aboveground biomass reaching ~ 11% of pre-burn biomass after 5 years. The rapid recovery of GEP and the growth of mid-successional shrubs suggest ecosystem-level carbon fluxes and stocks can recover rapidly after fire in mesic mountain big sagebrush ecosystems.  相似文献   

Leucine-to-carbon conversion factors (CFs) are needed for converting substrate incorporation into biomass production of heterotrophic bacteria. During 2006 we performed 20 dilution experiments for determining the spatiotemporal variability of empirical CFs in temperate Atlantic coastal waters. Values (0.49 to 1.92 kg C mol Leu−1) showed maxima in autumn to early winter and minima in summer. Spatially averaged CFs were significantly negatively correlated with in situ leucine incorporation rates (r = −0.91) and positively correlated with phosphate concentrations (r = 0.76). These relationships, together with a strong positive covariation between cell-specific leucine incorporation rates and carbon contents (r = 0.85), were interpreted as a strategy to maximize survival through protein synthesis and low growth rates under nutrient limitation (low CFs) until favorable conditions stimulate cell division relative to protein synthesis (high CFs). A multiple regression with in situ leucine incorporation rates and cellular carbon contents explained 96% of CF variance in our ecosystem, suggesting their potential prediction from more easily measurable routine variables. The use of the theoretical CF of 1.55 kg C mol Leu−1 would have resulted in a serious overestimation (73%) of annual bacterial production rates. Our results emphasize the need for considering the temporal scale in CFs for bacterial production studies.Bacterial production (BP) is a key parameter for evaluating the role of heterotrophic bacterioplankton in ocean carbon cycling. However, BP cannot be directly measured and is rather estimated from related metabolic processes. Incorporation of radioactively labeled substrates such as thymidine (TdR) and leucine (Leu) are by far the most widespread approaches. Both methods are based on measuring some aspect of cellular macromolecular synthesis (DNA in the case of TdR and protein in the case of Leu). Substrate incorporation rates are then converted into rates of macromolecular synthesis and eventually into rates of biomass production (i.e., cells or cellular carbon or nitrogen) (17). This final step requires some conversion factor (CF). Since CFs are not easy to measure routinely and since CF determination usually involves the incubation of natural samples for several days, literature values are still often used in spite of strong evidence of their variability (11). The values of these constant CFs are 3.1 or 1.55 kg C mol Leu−1 (assuming an isotope dilution of 2 or no isotope dilution, respectively) (26) and 2 × 1018 cells mol TdR−1 (5).Given the reported high variability in empirically determined CFs in many ecosystems (16), it should always be preferred to estimate them rather than using a fixed theoretical value, especially in low-productivity environments (23), where empirical CFs are usually much lower than the theoretical ones (2). Sources of empirical CF variability include the design of dilution culture incubations and the choice of calculation methods (11), in addition to ecologically relevant characteristics, such as the physiological state of bacteria and the amount and quality of organic and inorganic substrates (24). Recent studies tend to include empirical CFs, but seldom has the seasonal component been taken into account. If this component is significant, there would be uncertainty in quantifications of the role of the bacterioplankton in global carbon cycling.With the aim of determining the spatial and temporal variability of leucine-to-carbon (Leu-to-C) empirical CFs in temperate coastal waters, we conducted an annual cycle of dilution culture experiments at three stations located in the south Bay of Biscay continental shelf. On the one hand, we wanted to assess the ecological implications of this variability for quantifying carbon fluxes through the ecosystem. On the other hand, we also wanted to explore the predictability of the empirical Leu-to-C CFs in this temperate ecosystem from easily and routinely measurable environmental variables such as inorganic nutrient concentrations and bacterial activity and cellular properties.  相似文献   

The microbial decomposition respiration of plant litter generates a major CO2 efflux from terrestrial ecosystems that plays a critical role in the regulation of carbon cycling on regional and global scales. However, the respiration from root litter decomposition and its sensitivity to temperature changes are unclear in current models of carbon turnover in forest soils. Thus, we examined seasonal changes in the temperature sensitivity and decomposition rates of fine root litter of two diameter classes (0–0.5 and 0.5–2.0 mm) of Quercus serrata and Ilex pedunculosa in a deciduous broad-leaved forest. During the study period, fine root litter of both diameter classes and species decreased approximately exponentially over time. The Q10 values of microbial respiration rates of root litter for the two classes were 1.59–3.31 and 1.28–6.27 for Q. serrata and 1.36–6.31 and 1.65–5.86 for I. pedunculosa. A significant difference in Q10 was observed between the diameter classes, indicating that root diameter represents the initial substrate quality, which may determine the magnitude of Q10 value of microbial respiration. Changes in these Q10 values were related to seasonal soil temperature patterns; the values were higher in winter than in summer. Moreover, seasonal variations in Q10 were larger during the 2-year decomposition period than the 1-year period. These results showed that the Q10 values of fine root litter of 0–0.5 and 0.5–2.0 mm have been shown to increase with lower temperatures and with the higher recalcitrance pool of the decomposed substrate during 2 years of decomposition. Thus, the temperature sensitivity of microbial respiration in root litter showed distinct patterns according to the decay period and season because of the temperature acclimation and adaptation of the microbial decomposer communities in root litter.  相似文献   

森林群落呼吸量的研究方法及其应用的探讨   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
依据树木的形态特征和森林的结构特点,论述了森林群落呼吸量的研究方法和原理,利用北京山地3种典型森林群落,即:油松(PrinustabulaeformisCarr.)、白桦(BetulaplatyphyllaSuk.)和辽乐栎(QuercusliaotungensisKoidz.)的实测结果,说明了它的应用,并讨论了这3种典型群落呼吸量的差异。按以下4个步骤估算森林群呼吸量:(1)建立非同化器官的直  相似文献   

Ecosystem respiration (ER) is an important but poorly understood part of the carbon (C) budget of peatlands and is controlled primarily by the thermal and hydrologic regimes. To establish the relative importance of these two controls for a large ombrotrophic bog near Ottawa, Canada, we analyzed ER from measurements of nighttime net ecosystem exchange of carbon dioxide (CO2) determined by eddy covariance technique. Measurements were made from May to October over five years, 1998 to 2002. Ecosystem respiration ranged from less than 1 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1 in spring (May) and fall (late October) to 2–4 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1 during mid-summer (July-August). As anticipated, there was a strong relationship between ER and peat temperatures (r2 = 0.62). Q10 between 5° to 15°C varied from 2.2 to 4.2 depending upon the choice of depth where temperature was measured and location within a hummock or hollow. There was only a weak relationship between ER and water-table depth (r2 = 0.11). A laboratory incubation of peat cores at different moisture contents showed that CO2 production was reduced by drying in the surface samples, but there was little decrease in production due to drying from below a depth of 30 cm. We postulate that the weak correlation between ER and water table position in this peatland is primarily a function of the bog being relatively dry, with water table varying between 30 and 75 cm below the hummock tops. The dryness gives rise to a complex ER response to water table involving i) compensations between production of CO2 in the upper and lower peat profile as the water table falls and ii) the importance of autotrophic respiration, which is relatively independent of water-table position.  相似文献   

Adjustment of Forest Ecosystem Root Respiration as Temperature Warms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Adjustment of ecosystem root respiration to warmer climatic conditions can alter the autotrophic portion of soil respiration and influence the amount of carbon available for biomass production. We examined 44 published values of annual forest root respiration and found an increase in ecosystem root respiration with increasing mean annual temperature (MAT),but the rate of this cross-ecosystem increase (Q10 = 1.6) is less than published values for short-term responses of root respiration to temperature within ecosystems (Q10 = 2-3). When specific root respiration rates and root biomass values were examined, there was a clear trend for decreasing root metabolic capacity (respiration rate at a standard temperature) with increasing MAT. There also were tradeoffs between root metabolic capacity and root system biomass, such that there were no instances of high growing season respiration rates and high root biomass occurring together. We also examined specific root respiration rates at three soil warming experiments at Harvard Forest, USA, and found decreases in metabolic capacity for roots from the heated plots. This decline could be due to either physiological acclimation or to the effects of co-occurring drier soils on the measurement date. Regardless of the cause, these findings clearly suggest that modeling efforts that allow root respiration to increase exponentially with temperature, with Qt0 values of 2 or more, may over-predict root contributions to ecosystem CO2 efflux for future climates and underestimate the amount of C available for other uses,including net primary productivity.  相似文献   

Lake Verevi (12.6 ha, maximum depth 11.0 m, mean depth 3.6 m) is a strongly eutrophic and stratified lake. Planktothrix agardhii is the most characteristic phytoplankton species in summer and autumn, while photosynthesizing sulphur bacteria can occur massively in the metalimnion. Primary production (PP) and chlorophyll a concentration (Chl a) were seasonally studied in 1991, 1993, 2000, and 2001. Vertical distribution of PP was rather complex, having usually two peaks, one at or near the surface (0–1 m), and another deeper (at 3–7 m) in the metalimnion. The values of dark fixation of CO2 in the metalimnion were in most cases higher than those in the upper water layer. Considering the average daily PP 896 mg C m−2 and yearly PP 162 mg C m−2, Secchi depth 2.34 m, and epilimnetic concentrations of chlorophyll a (19.6 mg m−3), total nitrogen and total phosphorus (TP, 52 mg m−3) in 2000, L. Verevi is a eutrophic lake of a ‘good’ status. Considering the total amounts of nutrients stored in the hypolimnion, the average potential concentrations in the whole water column could achieve 1885 mg m−3 of TN and 170 mg m−3 of TP reflecting hypertrophic conditions and a ‚bad’ status. Improvement of the epilimnetic water quality from the 1990s to the 2000s may have resulted from incomplete spring mixing and might not reflect the real improvement. A decreased nutrient concentration in the epilimnion has supported the establishment of a ‘clear epilimnion state’ allowing light to penetrate into the nutrient-rich metalimnion and sustaining a high production of cyanobacteria and phototrophic sulphur bacteria.  相似文献   

For decades, the productivity of tropical montane cloud forests (TMCF) has been assumed to be lower than in tropical lowland forests due to nutrient limitation, lower temperatures, and frequent cloud immersion, although actual estimates of gross primary productivity (GPP) are very scarce. Here, we present the results of a process-based modeling estimate of GPP, using a soil–plant–atmosphere model, of a high elevation Peruvian TMCF. The model was parameterized with field-measured physiological and structural vegetation variables, and driven with meteorological data from the site. Modeled transpiration corroborated well with measured sap flow, and simulated GPP added up to 16.2 ± SE 1.6 Mg C ha?1 y?1. Dry season GPP was significantly lower than wet season GPP, although this difference was 17% and not caused by drought stress. The strongest environmental controls on simulated GPP were variation of photosynthetic active radiation and air temperature (T air). Their relative importance likely varies with elevation and the local prevalence of cloud cover. Photosynthetic parameters (V cmax and J max) and leaf area index were the most important non-environmental controls on GPP. We additionally compared the modeled results with a recent estimate of GPP of the same Peruvian TMCF derived by the summing of ecosystem respiration and net productivity terms, which added up to 26 Mg C ha?1 y?1. Despite the uncertainties in modeling GPP we conclude that at this altitude GPP is, conservatively estimated, 30–40% lower than in lowland rainforest and this difference is driven mostly by cooler temperatures than changes in other parameters.  相似文献   

The frequency and extent of water limitation to aboveground net primary production (ANPP) in a mesic grassland in NE Kansas (Konza Prairie, USA) was assessed with an 8-year irrigation experiment. Since 1991, transects spanning upland and lowland sites in annually burned, ungrazed tallgrass prairie were provided with supplemental water to satisfy evapotranspirational demands. This protocol minimized water limitations during the growing season, as well as interannual variability in water stress. Irrigation of this mesic grassland increased ANPP in 6 of 8 years by an average of 26% when compared to control transects. Although interannual variation in ANPP was greater in uplands than lowlands at nominal levels of precipitation, reducing interannual variability in water availability via irrigation eliminated topographic differences; the irrigation protocol also reduced interannual variability in ANPP by as much as 40%. The addition of supplemental water enabled us to extend the relationship between annual precipitation and ANPP in grasslands to precipitation levels (average, 1153 mm; maximum, 1346 mm) similar to those experienced by more mesic grasslands that today exist only as remnants several hundred kilometers east of Kansas. This relationship was linear (r 2= 0.81), with maximum ANPP (738 g/m2) similar to values reported for sites in Illinois and Wisconsin. After 8 years of irrigation, production of the C3 forb component was twice that in control sites. These results indicate that water limitations in grasslands at the western edge of the presettlement extent of tallgrass prairie affect ANPP in most years and that this high frequency of water limitation may lead to greater dominance of the C4 grasses than is seen in more eastern grassland sites. Received 18 January 2000; accepted 19 July 2000.  相似文献   

Biometric based carbon flux measurements were conducted over 5 years (1999–2003) in a temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest of the AsiaFlux network to estimate net ecosystem production (NEP). Biometric based NEP, as measured by the balance between net primary production (including NPP of canopy trees and of forest floor dwarf bamboo) and heterotrophic respiration (RH), clarified the contribution of various biological processes to the ecosystem carbon budget, and also showed where and how the forest is storing C. The mean NPP of the trees was 5.4 ± 1.07 t C ha−1 y−1, including biomass increment (0.3 ± 0.82 t C ha−1 y−1), tree mortality (1.0 ± 0.61 t C ha−1 y−1), aboveground detritus production (2.3 ± 0.39 t C ha−1 y−1) and belowground fine root production (1.8 ± 0.31 t C ha−1 y−1). Annual biomass increment was rather small because of high tree mortality during the 5 years. Total NPP at the site was 6.5 ± 1.07 t C ha−1 y−1, including the NPP of the forest floor community (1.1 ± 0.06 t C ha−1 y−1). The soil surface CO2 efflux (RS) was averaged across the 5 years of record using open-flow chambers. The mean estimated annual RS amounted to 7.1 ± 0.44 t C ha−1, and the decomposition of soil organic matter (SOM) was estimated at 3.9 ± 0.24 t C ha−1. RH was estimated at 4.4 ± 0.32 t C ha−1 y−1, which included decomposition of coarse woody debris. Biometric NEP in the forest was estimated at 2.1 ± 1.15 t C ha−1 y−1, which agreed well with the eddy-covariance based net ecosystem exchange (NEE). The contribution of woody increment (Δbiomass + mortality) of the canopy trees to NEP was rather small, and thus the SOM pool played an important role in carbon storage in the temperate forest. These results suggested that the dense forest floor of dwarf bamboo might have a critical role in soil carbon sequestration in temperate East Asian deciduous forests.  相似文献   

Climate change has profound influences on plant community composition and ecosystem functions. However, its effects on plant community composition and biomass production are not well understood. A four-year field experiment was conducted to examine the effects of warming, nitrogen (N) addition, and their interactions on plant community composition and biomass production in a temperate meadow ecosystem in northeast China. Experimental warming had no significant effect on plant species richness, evenness, and diversity, while N addition highly reduced the species richness and diversity. Warming tended to reduce the importance value of graminoid species but increased the value of forbs, while N addition had the opposite effect. Warming tended to increase the belowground biomass, but had an opposite tendency to decrease the aboveground biomass. The influences of warming on aboveground production were dependent upon precipitation. Experimental warming had little effect on aboveground biomass in the years with higher precipitation, but significantly suppressed aboveground biomass in dry years. Our results suggest that warming had indirect effects on plant production via its effect on the water availability. Nitrogen addition significantly increased above- and below-ground production, suggesting that N is one of the most important limiting factors determining plant productivity in the studied meadow steppe. Significant interactive effects of warming plus N addition on belowground biomass were also detected. Our observations revealed that environmental changes (warming and N deposition) play significant roles in regulating plant community composition and biomass production in temperate meadow steppe ecosystem in northeast China.  相似文献   

Basic knowledge of the previous forest types or ecosystem present in an area ought to be an essential part of all landscape restoration. Here, we present a detailed study of forest and land use history over the past 2,000 years, from a large estate in southernmost Sweden, which is currently undergoing a restoration program. In particular, the aim was to identify areas with long continuity of important tree species and open woodland conditions. We employed a multidisciplinary approach using paleoecological analyses (regional and local pollen, plant macrofossil, tree ring) and historical sources (taxation documents, land surveys, forest inventories). The estate has been dominated by temperate broad‐leaved trees over most of the studied period. When a forest type of Tilia, Corylus, and Quercus started to decline circa 1,000 years ago, it was largely replaced by Fagus. Even though extensive planting of Picea started in mid‐nineteenth century, Fagus and Quercus have remained rather common on the estate up to present time. Both species show continuity on different parts of the estate from eighteenth century up to present time, but in some stands, for the entire 2,000 years. Our suggestions for restoration do not aim for previous “natural” conditions but to maintain the spatial vegetational pattern created by the historical land use. This study gives an example of the spatial and temporal variation of the vegetation that has historically occurred within one area and emphasizes that information from one methodological technique provides only limited information about an area’s vegetation history.  相似文献   

Understanding spatial patterns of net primary production (NPP) is central to the study of terrestrial ecosystems, but efforts are frequently hampered by a lack of spatial information regarding factors such as nitrogen availability and site history. Here, we examined the degree to which canopy nitrogen can serve as an indicator of patterns of NPP at the Bartlett Experimental Forest in New Hampshire by linking canopy nitrogen estimates from two high spectral resolution remote sensing instruments with field measurements and an ecosystem model. Predicted NPP across the study area ranged from less than 700 g m−2 year−1 to greater than 1300 g m−2 year−1 with a mean of 951 g m−2 year−1. Spatial patterns corresponded with elevation, species composition and historical forest management, all of which were reflected in patterns of canopy nitrogen. The relationship between production and elevation was nonlinear, with an increase from low- to mid-elevation deciduous stands, followed by a decline in upper-elevation areas dominated by evergreens. This pattern was also evident in field measurements and mirrored an elevational trend in foliar N concentrations. The increase in production from low-to mid-elevation deciduous stands runs counter to the generally accepted pattern for the northeastern U.S. region, and suggests an importance of moisture limitations in lower-elevation forests. Field measurements of foliar N, wood production and leaf litterfall were also used to evaluate sources of error in model estimates and to determine how predictions are affected by different methods of acquiring foliar N input data. The accuracy of predictions generated from remotely sensed foliar N approached that of predictions driven by field-measured foliar N. Predictions based on the more common approach of using aggregated foliar N for individual cover types showed reasonable agreement in terms of the overall mean, but were in poor agreement on a plot-by-plot basis. Collectively, these results suggest that variation in foliar N exerts an important control on landscape-level spatial patterns and can serve as an integrator of other underlying factors that influence forest growth rates.  相似文献   

净生态系统生产力(net ecosystem production,NEP)是生态系统净的碳积累速率,可以指示生态系统碳汇/碳源的状态,当NEP为正值时指征生态系统为碳汇,反之则为碳源。在全球环境变化背景下,NEP已作为生态系统碳循环的核心概念被深入研究。本文以NEP为出发点,综述了5个主要非生物环境因子(水分、温度、氮沉降、大气CO2浓度增加和时空尺度)对森林生态系统NEP的影响。从文献分析表明NEP受生态系统本身性质和各环境影响因子及其之间相互作用的调控。本文最后指出,合理运用Meta分析、生态学联网研究、设计和开展长期观测、多尺度与多因子的科学试验在未来研究中的重要性和必要性,相关研究的开展将有利于全面理解和正确评估环境因子对净生态系统生产力的影响,对研究和预测全球变化对陆地生态系统碳循环的影响具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Ecosystems - The magnitude and frequency of soil frost events might increase in northern temperate regions in response to climate warming due to reduced insulation caused by declining snow cover....  相似文献   

We measured the concentrations and isotopic values (14C and 13C) of dissolved inorganic, dissolved organic, and particulate organic carbon (DIC, DOC, and POC, respectively) in the Parker River watershed and estuary in Massachusetts, USA, to determine the age of carbon (C) entering the estuary and how estuarine processing affects the quantity and apparent age of C transported to the Gulf of Maine. The watershed measurements indicated the transport of 14C-enriched modern DIC and DOC and variably aged POC from the watershed to the estuary. The transport of organic matter from the watershed was dominated by DOC transport, with POC making up less than 10% of the total. Surveys within the watershed aimed at determining which land-use type dominated the DOC export indicated that wetlands, although they made up only around 20% of the land use, could be responsible for approximately 75% of the DOC export. We therefore conclude that the wetland land uses of the Parker River watershed are exporting mainly 14C-enriched modern DOC. DIC isotopes indicate that the source of DIC in the Parker River watershed is dominated by the weathering of noncarbonate parent material by 14C-enriched carbon dioxide (CO2) originating from the respiration of young organic matter in soils. Transects in the estuary displayed net additions of all C species. For DOC and DIC, the export of this internally added DOC and DIC was approximately equal to the amount being exported from the watershed, showing the importance of focusing on estuaries when estimating the export of C to the coastal ocean. With respect to DIC, the total input is even larger when the atmospheric exchange of excess pCO2 is calculated. The 14C-DOC and 14C-DIC transects indicate that the internally added DOC and DIC is 14C-enriched modern material. The source of this material is the fringing marshes and estuarine phytoplankton, with the relative importance of these two sources changing over time. Taken together, the bulk C and 14C measurements show that the estuary is adding significant quantities of young DOC despite the presence of vast quantities of old marsh peat flanking the entire estuary. Furthermore, the DIC data indicate that 14C-enriched modern material is what is fueling the majority of heterotrophic respiration within the system.  相似文献   

Gross Primary Production (GPP) is the largest flux in the global carbon cycle. However, large uncertainties in current global estimations persist. In this study, we examined the performance of a process-based model (Integrated BIosphere Simulator, IBIS) at 62 eddy covariance sites around the world. Our results indicated that the IBIS model explained 60% of the observed variation in daily GPP at all validation sites. Comparison with a satellite-based vegetation model (Eddy Covariance-Light Use Efficiency, EC-LUE) revealed that the IBIS simulations yielded comparable GPP results as the EC-LUE model. Global mean GPP estimated by the IBIS model was 107.50±1.37 Pg C year−1 (mean value ± standard deviation) across the vegetated area for the period 2000–2006, consistent with the results of the EC-LUE model (109.39±1.48 Pg C year−1). To evaluate the uncertainty introduced by the parameter Vcmax, which represents the maximum photosynthetic capacity, we inversed Vcmax using Markov Chain-Monte Carlo (MCMC) procedures. Using the inversed Vcmax values, the simulated global GPP increased by 16.5 Pg C year−1, indicating that IBIS model is sensitive to Vcmax, and large uncertainty exists in model parameterization.  相似文献   

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