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Stillbirth is an economically important trait on dairy farms. Knowledge of the consequences of, and the economic losses associated with stillbirth can help the producer when making management decisions. The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of stillbirth on productive and reproductive performance as well as financial losses due to stillbirth incidence in Iranian Holstein dairy farms. Economic and performance data were collected from nine Holstein dairy farms in Isfahan and Khorasan provinces of Iran from March 2008 to December 2013. The final data set included 160 410 calving records from 53 265 cows. A linear mixed model was developed to evaluate the effects of stillbirth on performance of primiparous and multiparous cows separately and overall. An economic model was used to estimate the economic losses due to stillbirth. The incidence of stillbirth cases per cow per year was 4.2% on average (3.4% to 6.8% at herd level). The least square means results showed that a case of stillbirth significantly (P<0.05) reduced 305-day milk production in multiparous cows and overall, but had no significant effects on primiparous cows production performance (P>0.05). Overall, a case of stillbirth reduced 305-day milk yield by 544.0±76.5 kg/cow per lactation. Stillbirth had no significant effects on 305-day fat and protein percentages in either primiparous or multiparous cows. Overall, cows that gave birth to stillborn calves had significantly increased days open by 14.6±2.6 days and the number of inseminations per conception by 0.2 compared with cows that gave birth to live calves (P<0.01). In general, the negative productive and reproductive effects associated with stillbirth were smaller and non-significant for primiparous cows compared with multiparous cows. The financial losses associated with stillbirth incidence averaged US$ 938 per case (range from $US 767 to $US 1189 in the nine investigated farms). The loss of a calf was not the only cost associated with stillbirth, as it accounted for 71.0% of the total cost. The costs of dystocia (7.6%) and culling and replacement expenses (6.3%) were the next most important costs associated with stillbirth. These results can be used to assess the potential return from management strategies to reduce the occurrence of stillbirths.  相似文献   

Finding ways of increasing animal production with low external inputs and without compromising reproductive performances is a key issue of livestock systems sustainability. One way is to take advantage of the diversity and interactions among components within livestock systems. Among studies that investigate the influence of differences in animals’ individual abilities in a herd, few focus on combinations of cow breeds with contrasting features in dairy cattle herds. This study aimed to analyse the performances and management of such multi-breed dairy cattle herds. These herds were composed of two types of dairy breeds: ‘specialist’ (Holstein) and ‘generalist’ (e.g. Montbeliarde, Simmental, etc.). Based on recorded milk data in southern French region, we performed ANOVA: (i) to compare the performances of dairy herds according to breed-type composition: multi-breed, single specialist breed or single generalist breed and (ii) to test the difference of milk performances of specialist and generalist breed cows (n = 10 682) per multi-breed dairy herd within a sample of 22 farms. The sampled farmers were also interviewed to characterise herd management through multivariate analysis. Multi-breed dairy herds had a better trade-off among milk yield, milk fat and protein contents, herd reproduction and concentrate-conversion efficiency than single-breed herds. Conversely, they did not offer advantages in terms of milk prices and udder health. Compared to specialist dairy herds, they produce less milk with the same concentrate-conversion efficiency but have better reproductive performances. Compared to generalist dairy herds, they produce more milk with better concentrate-conversion efficiency but have worse reproductive performances. Within herds, specialist and generalist breed cows significantly differed in milk performances, showing their complementarity. The former produced more milk for a longer lactation length while the latter produced milk with higher protein and fat contents and had a slightly longer lactation rank. Our results also focus on the farmers’ management of multi-breed dairy herds underlying herd performances. Three strategies of management were identified and structured along two main axes. The first differentiates farmers according to their animal-selection practices in relation with their objectives of production: adapting animal to produce milk with low-feeding inputs v. focussing on milk yield trait to intensify milk production. The second refers to the purpose farmers give to multi-breed dairy herds: milk v. milk/meat production. These initial insights on the performances and management of multi-breed dairy herds contribute to better understanding the functioning of ruminant livestock systems based on individual variability.  相似文献   

Norwegian Red bulls, selected in Norway, have been used for crossbreeding with Israeli Holstein on commercial farms. The aim of this project was to investigate Norwegian Red×Israeli Holstein (NRX) performance to see how the daughters perform in a different environment than the one their sires were selected in. This was done by comparing health and fertility of NRX with their Israeli Holstein (HO) counterparts. The data consisted of 71 911 HO records and 10 595 NRX records from 33 855 cows in 23 Israeli dairy herds. Calving events took place between 2006 and 2016. Five postpartum disorders (mean frequency in HO v. NRX, %) recorded by veterinarians were analyzed: anestrus (37.4 v. 41.2), metritis (40.1 v. 28.6), ketosis (11.9 v. 7.1), lameness (7.1 v. 3.1) and retained placenta (6.2 v. 4.0). The incidence of abortions was also analyzed; HO had a mean frequency of 9.9% and NRX 8.2%. These traits were defined as binary traits, with ‘1’ indicating that the disorder was present and a treatment took place at least once, or ‘0’ if the cow did not show signs of that disorder. Days open (i.e. the number of days from calving to conception), body condition score (BCS) recorded on a 1 to 5 scale and changes in BCS from calving to peak lactation were also analyzed. A logistic model was used for the health traits, while days open and BCS were analyzed with linear models. The model included breed group, herd-year of calving, birth year and parity as fixed effects. There was a significantly higher risk (odds ratio for HO v. NRX in parentheses) of ketosis (1.46), metritis (1.78), lameness (2.07), retained placenta (1.41) and abortion (1.13) in HO compared with NRX. Israeli Holstein heifers and cows in parity 3 to 6 had fewer cases of anestrus than NRX but no differences were found between the groups in parities 1 and 2. Body condition score was higher for NRX than HO and there was less change in BCS from calving to peak lactation in NRX compared with HO. Likewise, NRX had fewer days open than HO. Results indicate that crossbreeding can produce cows with better fertility that are less susceptible to postpartum disorders.  相似文献   

Runs of homozygosity (ROH) are widely used as predictors of whole-genome inbreeding levels in cattle. They identify regions that have an unfavorable effect on a phenotype when homozygous, but also identify the genes associated with traits of economic interest present in these regions. Here, the distribution of ROH islands and enriched genes within these regions in four dairy cattle breeds were investigated. Cinisara (71), Modicana (72), Reggiana (168) and Italian Holstein (96) individuals were genotyped using the 50K v2 Illumina BeadChip. The genomic regions most commonly associated with ROHs were identified by selecting the top 1% of the single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) most commonly observed in the ROH of each breed. In total, 11 genomic regions were identified in Cinisara and Italian Holstein, and eight in Modicana and Reggiana, indicating an increased ROH frequency level. Generally, ROH islands differed between breeds. The most homozygous region (>45% of individuals with ROH) was found in Modicana on chromosome 6 within a quantitative trail locus affecting milk fat and protein concentrations. We identified between 126 and 347 genes within ROH islands, which are involved in multiple signaling and signal transduction pathways in a wide variety of biological processes. The gene ontology enrichment provided information on possible molecular functions, biological processes and cellular components under selection related to milk production, reproduction, immune response and resistance/susceptibility to infection and diseases. Thus, scanning the genome for ROH could be an alternative strategy to detect genomic regions and genes related to important economic traits.  相似文献   

The demand for special breeding programmes for organic pig meat production is based on the assumption that pigs kept under organic conditions need different biological properties compared with conventionally kept pigs in order to achieve a good performance. This would mean that genotype-environment interactions exist. Therefore, 682 pigs of seven different genotypes were tested for growth performance and carcass quality under conventional and organic environments at two testing stations to verify genotype-environment interactions. All genotypes achieved significantly better results within the conventional environment and there were significant interactions between genotype and environment for all the criteria of growth performance and carcass quality. The interactions are mainly caused by varying differences between organic and conventional systems within genotypes, but for all traits, except weight gain, no major shift of the ranking order within environment between genotypes. Although statistically significant genotype-environment interactions exist, the modern genotypes selected under conventional conditions are also superior to indigenous breeds under organic conditions in economically important traits. Hence, it can be concluded from these results that no special breeding programme is necessary for organic production systems.  相似文献   

For several decades, breeding goals in dairy cattle focussed on increased milk production. However, many functional traits have negative genetic correlations with milk yield, and reductions in genetic merit for health and fitness have been observed. Herd management has been challenged to compensate for these effects and to balance fertility, udder health and metabolic diseases against increased production to maximize profit without compromising welfare. Functional traits, such as direct information on cow health, have also become more important because of growing concern about animal well-being and consumer demands for healthy and natural products. There are major concerns about the impact of drugs used in veterinary medicine on the spread of antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria that can negatively impact human health. Sustainability and efficiency are also increasingly important because of the growing competition for high-quality, plant-based sources of energy and protein. Disruptions to global environments because of climate change may encourage yet more emphasis on these traits. To be successful, it is vital that there be a balance between the effort required for data recording and subsequent benefits. The motivation of farmers and other stakeholders involved in documentation and recording is essential to ensure good data quality. To keep labour costs reasonable, existing data sources should be used as much as possible. Examples include the use of milk composition data to provide additional information about the metabolic status or energy balance of the animals. Recent advances in the use of mid-infrared spectroscopy to measure milk have shown considerable promise, and may provide cost-effective alternative phenotypes for difficult or expensive-to-measure traits, such as feed efficiency. There are other valuable data sources in countries that have compulsory documentation of veterinary treatments and drug use. Additional sources of data outside of the farm include, for example, slaughter houses (meat composition and quality) and veterinary labs (specific pathogens, viral loads). At the farm level, many data are available from automated and semi-automated milking and management systems. Electronic devices measuring physiological status or activity parameters can be used to predict events such as oestrus, and also behavioural traits. Challenges concerning the predictive biology of indicator traits or standardization need to be solved. To develop effective selection programmes for new traits, the development of large databases is necessary so that high-reliability breeding values can be estimated. For expensive-to-record traits, extensive phenotyping in combination with genotyping of females is a possibility.  相似文献   

Associations of two alleles of the bovine major histocompatibility complex DRB3 gene (BoLA-DRB3) with lowered somatic cell score (SCS) and occurrence of disease (BoLA-DRB3.2* 16 and *23, respectively) have previously been documented. The objective of this study was to evaluate potential relationships between BoLA-DRB3 alleles with production traits, namely 305-day milk, milk fat and milk protein yield, in a population of Canadian dairy cattle (Holstein, n = 835 and Jersey, n = 66) over the course of two lactations. No significant associations were detected between BoLA alleles and production traits in Jerseys. In Holsteins, alleles *16 and *23 also did not show associations with production traits but allele *8 was significantly associated with increased 305-day milk, fat and protein yields in the previous lactation (the lactation prior to immunization with a gram negative core antigen vaccine), and with increased protein production in the subsequent (with reference to the time of immunization) lactation. Allele *22 was associated with decreased milk and protein yield in both previous and subsequent lactations. Therefore, it can be concluded that increasing or decreasing the frequency of BoLA alleles *16 and *23 to reduce SCS or increase resistance to mastitis in this population would not have adverse effects on production in this population, and that certain BoLA alleles (*8 and *22) are associated with altered production traits in Canadian Holsteins.  相似文献   

Bovine placental lactogen (bPL) is structurally related to prolactin (PRL) and growth hormone (GH). In synergism with steroid and thyroid hormones, bPL is crucial in stimulating the development of the mammary gland, mammary cell differentiation and function. To further explore whether bPL gene is associated with milk production traits, we herein analyzed single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within eight regions of bPL gene, which are potentially associated with five milk production traits on 1028 Chinese Holstein cows. Among these, two SNPs, NT7409(T-C) and Nt11246(G-A), were identified. The former is within exon 2; it induces an alteration of amino acid from Val to Ala. The later is within exon 4. It is a synonymous mutation. We found that there were significant associations between NT7409(T-C) and milk and protein yield. Cows of the AA genotype yielded less milk (P = 0.001) and less protein (P = 0.003) than those of genotypes AB and BB. However, on the NT11246(G-A) locus, no significant association was observed in the five milk production traits studied. In addition, bPL has been localized near markers RM185 and CC549051 with a distance of 23.2 cR on BTA 23. It is at the same position as the region including quantitative trait loci (QTLs) affecting milk and protein yields by previous linkage analysis. In summary, our findings demonstrated that the SNP within exon 2 of bPL (NT7409(T-C)) is associated with two milk production traits, and this provided further evidence that bPL could be a major gene-controlling milk production trait in Holstein dairy cattle.  相似文献   

Animal health planning activities are not always providing a satisfactory positive impact on herd health and welfare. Moreover, evaluating the impact of advisory programmes is complex due to multiple interacting elements that influence its outcome. Therefore, measuring solely health outcomes is not sufficient: the whole process of the implementation and use of such programmes should be evaluated. In order to evaluate the impact of an intervention with a Herd Health and Production Management (HHPM) programme a process evaluation framework was designed and used. The intervention involved 20 organic dairy cattle farmers and their advisors, in both France and Sweden. In both countries 20 organic dairy farms were selected as control herds. The evaluation of the HHPM programme was based on: (a) the compliance to the programme; (b) the programme’s functions influencing herd health management practices and stimulating dialogue between farmers and advisors; (c) its effectiveness in terms of improving herd health compared with control farms. Complete compliance to the programme was fulfilled by 21 out of 40 farmers–advisors. Results from a questionnaire showed that the programme functioned as intended (e.g. by allowing early identification of herd health problems), stimulated change in farmers’ herd health management practices and farmer–advisor dialogue. Even though the majority of the users perceived that the programme contributed to herd health improvements, no significant differences in health outcomes were found when compared with control farms 12 months after the start of the intervention. The programme allowed creating an environment promoting the exchange of information between farmers and advisors, necessary to define pertinent advice in a farm-specific situation. Future research should aim at improving methods for the evaluation of the effect of advisory programmes, by identifying early indicators for effective advice and developing methods to evaluate the quality of advisory situations without interfering with them.  相似文献   

Sensory quality of pork is a complex phenotype determined by interactions between genetic and environmental factors. This study aimed at describing the respective influences of breed and production system on the development of pork quality. Plasma stress indicators and Longissimus muscle (LM) composition, physicochemical and sensory quality traits were determined in two contrasted breeds – the conventional Large White (LW, n=40) and the French local Basque (B, n=60). Pigs were reared in either a conventional (C; n=20 per breed), alternative (A; sawdust bedding and outdoor area, n=20 per breed) or extensive system (E; free-range, n=20 B). All the pigs from A and C systems were slaughtered at the same slaughterhouse, whereas B pigs from the E system were slaughtered at a local commercial abattoir. Major breed differences were found for almost all traits under study. LM from B pigs exhibited higher lipid, lower water and collagen concentrations, as well as lower collagen thermal solubility (P<0.001). Although plasma stress indicators at slaughter did not differ between breeds, except lower (P<0.05) lactate levels in B pigs, they exhibited higher LM pH1 and pHu values, and lower meat lightness, hue angle, water (drip, thawing and cooking) losses, glycolytic potential and shear force. Sensory analyses highlighted higher redness, marbling, tenderness, juiciness and flavour scores (P<0.01) of meat from B compared with LW pigs. Within both LW and B breeds, compared with C, the A system did not (P>0.05) influence plasma stress indicators, LM chemical composition and physicochemical or sensory traits of pork. In contrast, within the B pigs, the E system affected the meat quality more. Lower plasma cortisol levels (P<0.05), but higher plasma lactate, creatine kinase and lactate dehydrogenase activities, and more skin lesions (P<0.05), indicating higher muscular activity during pre-slaughter handling, were found in pigs produced in the E compared with the C system. E pigs exhibited higher meat pH1 and pHu values and shear force (P<0.01) and exhibited lower lightness, hue angle and drip and thawing losses (P<0.01) compared with the C pigs, whereas LM lipid, protein or collagen concentrations were not affected. Regarding sensory traits, the E system produced redder meat, but did not impact the eating quality of pork. Altogether, this study demonstrates that differences in meat quality between B and LW breeds can be modulated by extensive pig production system.  相似文献   

Twenty-four lactating Holstein dairy cows (12 first lactation and 12 multiparous; day in milk = 11 ± 5 days) were allotted to a randomised complete block design in a 2 × 3 factorial with four replicates per treatment to evaluate the effects of two methods of alfalfa feeding (dry and reconstituted to achieve a theoretical dry matter (DM) content of 350 g/kg) and three geometric mean (GM) particle sizes of alfalfa (9.13, 4.51 and 1.20 mm) on performance of dairy cows for a period of 28 days. Diets were offered for ad libitum intake as total mixed rations (TMR). The GM particle size, its standard deviation, and the values of physical effectiveness factor of alfalfa and TMR decreased as alfalfa particle size decreased. Reduction of particle size and reconstitution of alfalfa increased the bulk density and the functional specific gravity of alfalfa and rations. Reduction of particle size decreased insoluble dry matter, water-holding capacity, and hydration rate of alfalfa. As particle size decreased, the amount of physically effective NDF in the ration (g/kg) decreased but the daily intake of physically effective NDF (kg/day) increased. Reduction of particle size and reconstitution increased dry matter intake (DMI) and ruminal passage rate, but reduced NDF and ash digestibilities, ruminal pH, N-NH3, milk fat, total chewing activity, rumination and eating time, total and ruminal mean retention time, and time delay of marker. Increased functional specific gravity, from reduced forage particle size and the reconstitution of alfalfa, was the most important factor influencing DMI, milk composition, and chewing activity.  相似文献   

Three feeding trials with different dietary treatments were conducted to evaluate predictions of dry matter intake and average daily gain of Chinese local beef cattle by Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System (CNCPS) version 5.0. In Trial 1, 60 growing Jin Nan yellow steers (local yellow cattle breed originated from Shanxi Province) were assigned to two treatments with five pens in each treatment and six animals in each pen. Trial 2 was conducted with 72 Lu Xi yellow growing steers (local yellow cattle breed originated from Shandong Province) in 12 conventional pens. These animals were assigned to four treatments with six animals in each pen. In Trial 3, 60 Lu Xi yellow steers were allocated to four treatments with five animals in each pen. Average daily dry matter intake (DMI) for each steer was measured as a mean of each pen. All the data about animals, environment, management and feeds required by the CNCPS model were collected, and model predictions were generated for animals of each pen. Model predictions were evaluated by mean bias, mean square prediction error (MSPE) and regression between the observed and predicted values. Animals in 9 of 10 treatments showed a very close model-predicted DMI values to the observed. In another treatment, animals had a mean bias of −0.72 kg DM/day (TRT 10 in Trial 3). With overall data included, the regression equation between observed and predicted DMI was: YOBS = 1.10XCNCPS − 0.78 (R2 = 0.82; P<0.0001), with an intercept not different (P=0.32) from zero, but a slope still different (P<0.0001) from 1. Although the model-predicted ADG values were very close to the observed values in all trials, most of the predicted values were always lower than the observed values with absolute mean bias less than 0.2. When all data were pooled, the regression equation between observed and predicted ADG was: YOBS = 1.07XCNCPS + 0.02 (R2 = 0.73; P<0.0001), with an intercept not different from zero (P=0.88), but a slope that differed from unity (P<0.0001). Results suggest that the CNCPS model is an acceptable model to predict dietary DM intake and average daily gain of Chinese local beef cattle breeds. Further studies are warranted to introduce model adjustment for Chinese conditions.  相似文献   

A total of 1922 first generation crossbred cows born between 2005 and 2012 produced by inseminating purebred Israeli Holstein cows with Norwegian Red semen, and 7487 purebred Israeli Holstein cows of the same age in the same 50 herds were analyzed for production, calving traits, fertility, calving diseases, body condition score, abortion rate and survival under intensive commercial management conditions. Holstein cows were higher than crossbreds for 305-day milk, fat and protein production. Differences were 764, 1244, 1231 for kg milk; 23.4, 37.4, 35.6 for kg fat, and 16.7, 29.8, 29.8 for kg protein; for parities 1 through 3. Differences for fat concentration were not significant; while crossbred cows were higher for protein concentration by 0.06% to 0.08%. Differences for somatic cells counts were not significant. Milk production persistency was higher for Holstein cows by 5, 8.3 and 8% in parities 1 through 3. Crossbred cows were higher for conception status by 3.1, 3.6 and 4.7% in parities 1 through 3. Rates of metritis for Holsteins were higher than the crossbred cows by 7.8, 4.6 and 3.4% in parities 1 to 3. Differences for incidence of abortion, dystocia, ketosis and milk fever were not significant. Holstein cows were lower than crossbred cows for body condition score for all three parities, with differences of 0.2 to 0.4 units. Contrary to comparisons in other countries, herd-life was higher for Holsteins by 79 days. A total of 6321 Holstein cows born between 2007 and 2011 were higher than 765 progeny of crossbred cows backcrossed to Israeli Holsteins of the same ages for milk, fat and protein production. Differences were 279, 537, 542 kg milk; 10.5, 17.7, 17.0 kg fat and 6.2, 12.9, 13.2 kg protein for parities 1 through 3. Differences for fat concentration were not significant, while backcross cows were higher for protein percentage by 0.02% to 0.04%. The differences for somatic cell score, conception rate, and calving diseases other than metritis, were not significant. Holstein cows were lower than backcross cows by 1.5% to 2.5% for conception status in parities 1 to 3 and lower for body condition score for parities 1 and 2, with differences in the range of 0.06 to 0.09 units. Culling rates were higher, and herd-life lower for the crossbred cows. The gains obtained in secondary traits for crossbred cows did not compensate for the major reduction in production.  相似文献   

中国荷斯坦牛CVM的基因检测及其与产奶性状的关联分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
初芹  张毅  孙东晓  俞英  王雅春  张沅 《遗传》2010,32(7):732-736
脊椎畸形综合征(Complex vertebral malformation, CVM)是由位于牛第3号染色体(BTA3)的SLC35A3基因外显子4的一个单碱基突变(G559T)所致。该致病基因在世界许多国家的荷斯坦牛群中都有一定的比例。文章对北京地区38头优秀种公牛进行分析, 发现了4头携带者, 进而检测了这些携带者公牛的555头女儿的基因型, 其中携带者占检测母牛数的44.0%。此外, 关联分析结果表明, 携带者母牛与非携带者母牛的生产性能之间存在显著差异(P<0.01)。携带者母牛的5个产奶性状育种值均显著高于非携带者, 泌乳持续力和体细胞评分SCS的育种值也比非携带者略高。CVM致病基因可能与BTA3上影响产奶性状的QTL或基因连锁。因此, 建议生产中对CVM携带者进行逐步淘汰  相似文献   

《Global Change Biology》2018,24(8):3368-3389
Enteric methane (CH4) production from cattle contributes to global greenhouse gas emissions. Measurement of enteric CH4 is complex, expensive, and impractical at large scales; therefore, models are commonly used to predict CH4 production. However, building robust prediction models requires extensive data from animals under different management systems worldwide. The objectives of this study were to (1) collate a global database of enteric CH4 production from individual lactating dairy cattle; (2) determine the availability of key variables for predicting enteric CH4 production (g/day per cow), yield [g/kg dry matter intake (DMI)], and intensity (g/kg energy corrected milk) and their respective relationships; (3) develop intercontinental and regional models and cross‐validate their performance; and (4) assess the trade‐off between availability of on‐farm inputs and CH4 prediction accuracy. The intercontinental database covered Europe (EU), the United States (US), and Australia (AU). A sequential approach was taken by incrementally adding key variables to develop models with increasing complexity. Methane emissions were predicted by fitting linear mixed models. Within model categories, an intercontinental model with the most available independent variables performed best with root mean square prediction error (RMSPE) as a percentage of mean observed value of 16.6%, 14.7%, and 19.8% for intercontinental, EU, and United States regions, respectively. Less complex models requiring only DMI had predictive ability comparable to complex models. Enteric CH4 production, yield, and intensity prediction models developed on an intercontinental basis had similar performance across regions, however, intercepts and slopes were different with implications for prediction. Revised CH4 emission conversion factors for specific regions are required to improve CH4 production estimates in national inventories. In conclusion, information on DMI is required for good prediction, and other factors such as dietary neutral detergent fiber (NDF) concentration, improve the prediction. For enteric CH4 yield and intensity prediction, information on milk yield and composition is required for better estimation.  相似文献   

Aims:  To assess whether conventional and organic dairy management practices are associated with differences in the susceptibility of Staphylococcus to antimicrobial agents.
Methods and Results:  Staphylococcus was isolated from milk samples collected from conventional and organic dairies in west-central Minnesota. Isolates were categorized as (1) coagulase-positive, (2) novobiocin-sensitive coagulase-negative or (3) novobiocin-resistant coagulase-negative. Novobiocin-resistant coagulase-negative Staphylococcus (CNS) was more common on conventional farms and novobiocin-sensitive CNS predominated the isolates from organic farms. Overall, a larger proportion of isolates from organic rather than conventional farms were susceptible to erythromycin, pirlimycin and tetracycline. However, for pirlimycin and tetracycline, different patterns of susceptibility were observed among Staphylococcus categories.
Conclusion:  In this study, organic dairy management was associated with more overall antimicrobial susceptibility among Staphylococcus than was conventional management. However, different patterns of susceptibility among Staphylococcus categories suggest that multiple management practices, including some unrelated to antimicrobial use, may contribute to the observed differences in susceptibility.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  This study adds to our understanding of the implications of dairy management choices.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the prion protein gene locus (PRNP) in Chios sheep. PRNP is linked with scrapie resistance in small ruminants. Here, its impact on milk production (test-day and total lactation yield) and reproduction (age at first lambing, conception rate at first service, and prolificacy) was assessed. Genotyping at codons 136, 154 and 171 (classical scrapie) and 141 (atypical scrapie) was performed using DNA from milk somatic cells and PCR-RFLP analysis. A total of 1013 Chios ewes raised in 23 flocks were used. This constituted a random sample of the national breeding population. A total of 15 genotypes and 6 alleles linked to codons 136, 154 and 171 were detected. All animals were homozygous for the leucine allele at codon 141. Linear mixed models were used to assess the impact of PRNP genotypes and alleles on milk production and reproduction traits. The TRQ allele, whose association with such traits was assessed for the first time, had an adverse effect on age at first lambing. All other PRNP alleles, including ARR, which is associated with increased resistance to classical scrapie, had no significant effect on the traits studied. No significant associations of the PRNP genotypes with production and reproduction traits were observed. It was concluded that selection for scrapie-resistant sheep is not expected to affect the ongoing breeding programme that aims to enhance the milk yield and reproduction of the Chios breed.  相似文献   

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