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Female and male (?) fronds of the Stephanian Dicksonites pluckenetii(Schl.) Sterz. initially described by Grand'Eury (1905) have been reinvestigated. Seeds were attached abaxially and subapically to strongly reduced linear pinnules of pinnae which are otherwise similar to sterile ones. Associated synangia are of the Pterispermostrobus type. They appear to have occupied marginal or submarginal position on modified pinnules of irregular outlines. The affiliation of D. pluckenetii with the order Callistophytales is supported. Considering that the oldest (Westphalian) members of D. pluckenetii had unmodified seed-bearing fronds, the progressive reduction of fertile fronds in the evolution of the Callistophytales is suggested. Further stages of the process are observed in the Permian family Trichopityaceae (order Peltaspermales). In another lineage of the Callistophytales the fertile fronds were planated and leafless.  相似文献   

在黑龙江省嘉荫县乌云镇古新世乌云植物群中新发现的Woodwardia bureiensis, Dryopteris sp. 和 Osmunda sachalinensis在中国也是新记录。Woodwardia bureiensis Fedotov与其他种的主要区别是小羽片排列紧密且边缘彼此靠合。Osmunda sachalinensis小羽片基部宽楔, 而以前乌云植物群所报道的Osmunda greenlandica小羽片基部平展。  相似文献   

Scolecopteris libera n. sp. is established on partial three-dimensionally preserved materials containing both sterile and fertile fronds collected from the volcanic tuff at the top of the Taiyuan Formation at the Wuda Coalfield, Inner Mongolia, China. It is characterized by tripinnate fronds with rachises over 200 mm in diameter; and long lanceolate or falciform pinnules with thick veins. Pinnules are of the pecopterid-type, with those at the base of the ultimate pinnae usually divided into small lobes. Eight to twelve circular synangia are arranged in two rows along the midvein. Synangia are borne on a short pedicel attached to the middle of lateral veins. A synangium is composed of 7–10 fusiform exannulate sporangia with pointed apices. The sporangia are free among each other beyond the base of synangia. In situ microspores of the Cyclogranisporites leopoldii type differ from all other in situ Paleozoic marattialean spores.  相似文献   

The first Cretaceous representatives of Matoniaceae and Gleicheniaceae in the Antarctic are described from the Albian flora of Alexander Island. Two new species are recognized, one is assigned to Matonia, and another to the emended gleicheniaceous form-genus Gleicheniaceaephyllum. The taxonomy of fossil genera assigned to Gleicheniaceae is problematic, and as an alternative to the invalid genus Gleichenites, we propose that Microphyllopteris be utilised as a form-genus for species that have either an unknown branching pattern or pseudo-dichotomous branching without resting buds; Microphyllopteris is reserved for ferns that cannot be ascribed conclusively to Gleicheniaceae. Alternatively, Gleicheniaceaephyllum should be used for gleicheniaceous material that has a resting bud amongst two to four primary branches. Gleicheniaceaephyllum acutum sp. nov. is preserved as sterile and fertile fronds, pinnae and pinnules. The other new species, Matonia jeffersonii sp. nov., occurs as sterile and fertile pinnae and pinnules, and is aligned to Matoniaceae based on the presence of circular-oval sori with peltate indusia. The two taxa are inferred to have either a pedate or scrambling habit. These morphologies are relatively common at Alexander Island, compared to other high latitude fossil floras, and are interpreted as an adaptation to the high disturbance, polar conditions and unusual photoperiod experienced at Alexander Island during the Early Cretaceous. The theory that angiosperms caused the demise of ferns is discussed in relation to the Matoniaceae and Gleicheniaceae, and there does not appear to be association between angiosperm expansion and the decline of these two fern families.  相似文献   

A new morphogenus, Korallipteris, is proposed to accommodate fertile or sterile fern fronds possessing essentially Gleichenia-like morphology (e.g., pinnate fronds with small pecopteroid pinnules) but lacking diagnostic features that allow their classification at fern family-level. The aim is thus, to solve an old nomenclatural problem that involves the use of illegitimate genera, such as Gleichenites Goeppert and Microphyllopteris Arber. Several species of Gleichenites described from the Mesozoic of Argentina and Chile, and Microphyllopteris unisora Cantrill and Nagalingum from Antarctica are here reassigned to Korallipteris gen. nov. The proposal of Nagalingum and Cantrill to preserve Gleicheniaceaephyllum Crabtree emend. Nagalingum and Cantrill for true Gleicheniaceous ferns, diagnosed by having an arrested laminar bud, is here accepted.  相似文献   

Old World climbing fern, Lygodium microphyllum, is one of the most serious invasive weeds impacting south Florida and development of biological control is crucial for sustainable management. Larvae of a small moth, Austromusotima camptozonale, were discovered defoliating L. microphyllum in Australia. Preliminary testing suggested this moth was a Lygodium specialist. Laboratory host range testing was conducted on 65 species of test plants, from 31 families, comprising seven Lygodium species, four close relatives, 45 other species of ferns and fern allies, eight agricultural crops and one gymnosperm species plus the primary host L. microphyllum. Significant oviposition occurred only on other species of Lygodium. No eggs were laid on the agricultural crops, or about half the species of non-Lygodium ferns and fern allies tested. Oviposition on the other non-Lygodium ferns was very low, except on Anemia adiantifolia and Blechnum serrulatum, which received modest egg loads, but did not support development to adult. Larval feeding was low to non-existent on all the non-Lygodium species. Larvae developed to adult only on the native, American climbing fern L. palmatum, and to a lesser extent on L. japonicum. Lygodium japonicum is a naturalized invasive weed in the United States. Colonies of A. camptozonale were unable to persist on L. palmatum and died out in two to seven generations. Freezing winter temperatures in states where L. palmatum occurs would be lethal to A. camptozonale. It was concluded that A. camptozonale would pose no threat to native or cultivated plants in North America or the Caribbean and should be considered as a weed biological control agent against L. microphyllum.  相似文献   

Two new genera Petropsis gen. n., and Menatorhis gen. n., and two species, Petropsis rostrata gen. et sp. n. (Ithyceridae) and Perapion menatensis sp. n. (Brentidae), are described from the Paleocene of Menat (France). Petropsis rostrata gen. et sp. n. is similar to Cretocar luzzii Gratshev et Zherikhin (2000) but differs from it in the comparatively short ventrites 1 and 2, almost straight and not dilated metatibiae, short precoxal portion of the prosternum, slightly convex elytra and antennae inserted more closely to the middle of the rostrum. Perapion menatensis sp. n. is similar to Perapion antiquum (Gyllenhal, 1833) but differs from it in the straight rostrum, sparser and finer punctures of the pronotum, and somewhat larger body. The families Ithyceridae and Brentidae are recorded for the first time in the Paleocene of Menat. The systematic positions of Balaninus elegans Piton (1940) (type species of Menatorhis gen. n.) and Hipporhinus ventricosus Piton (1940) are discussed.  相似文献   

Arctostylopids are enigmatic mammals known from the Paleocene and Early Eocene of Asia and North America. Based on molar similarities, they have most often been grouped with the extinct Notoungulata from South and Central America, but tarsal evidence links them to Asian basal gliriforms. Although Palaeostylops is the best-known arctostylopid genus, some points of its content and species level taxonomy remain uncertain. Here we report 255 upper and lower jaw fragments of Palaeostylops, five calcanea, three astragali, as well as the first known arctostylopid distal tibia. This new material was collected from the late Paleocene of the Flaming Cliffs area in Mongolia, in a single lens almost exclusively containing arctostylopid remains. Our study of the morphology and size of the new Palaeostylops dental material confirms the validity of two species, P. iturus and P. macrodon, and illustrates their morphological and biometrical variability and diagnostic differences. The distal tibia of Palaeostylops is relatively unspecialised and resembles the Asian gliriforms Pseudictops and Rhombomylus. We also review the relevance of the historically important genus Palaeostylops in view of other, more recently described but less abundant arctostylopid genera. Palaeostylops remains the reference taxon for the arctostylopid anterior dentition and postcranial morphology. For both anatomical regions, arctostylopids differ significantly from notoungulates, and present a mosaic of characters also seen in basal gliriforms. The notoungulate-like molars of Palaeostylops are highly specialized for arctostylopids and the arctostylopid molar morphotype is therefore better illustrated by the early middle Paleocene Asiostylops. This morphotype does not present any similarities to notoungulates, but shares a number of derived characters with basal gliriforms. Among gliriforms, the primitive arctostylopid morphotype is most similar to Astigale from the early Paleocene of South China, and we suggest that Arctostylopidae may therefore be more closely related to Astigalidae than to any other group.  相似文献   

We report here the discovery of madtsoiid snake remains from the early Paleocene Khadro Formation (Ranikot Group, Sindh, Southern Pakistan). These specimens consist of vertebrae and are referred to Gigantophis. This is the first report of Gigantophis from outside of Africa. The problem of the generic distinction between Gigantophis and Madtsoia is stressed. The specimens from Pakistan slightly differ from the single species (Ggarstini) referred to the genus Gigantophis, but the available material does not allow further considerations and the fossil is referred to as Gigantophis sp. However, Gigantophis sp. from the Khadro Formation is more closely related to Ggarstini, that is known only from the middle and late Eocene of northern Africa, than to any other species, thus suggesting dispersal between these two areas during the Paleocene or earlier. These results are consistent with the hypothesis of intermittent dispersals between the Indo-Pakistan Plate and Africa suggested by other fossil evidences.  相似文献   

In situ spores of the fern Klukia tyganensis Krassil. from the coal-bearing deposits on the right bank of the Tyrma River (Berriassian, Bureya River Basin, Tyrma Depression) have been examined using light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The spores of K. tyganensis are demonstrated to be similar in the ultrastructure of sporoderm to that of some species of the extant genus Anemia and to differ from the spores of Lygodium in the ultrastructure of perispore and exospore.  相似文献   

Old World climbing fern, Lygodium microphyllum, is a serious invasive weed in south Florida. Development of biological control is vital for sustainable management of L. microphyllum. Neomusotima conspurcatalis was discovered in Hong Kong in 1997 and was subsequently found causing feeding damage on L. microphyllum in much of its native range in Asia. Quarantine testing of N. conspurcatalis used 37 non-Lygodium fern species representative of New World genera of cultivated ferns and fern allies, one gymnosperm, three crop species, six Lygodium species, and the primary host L. microphyllum. No significant oviposition or feeding was observed on any of the 41 non-Lygodium species evaluated. Oviposition and feeding occurred on all Lygodium species, but amounts were low and usually significantly less than observed on L. microphyllum. The exception was L. japonicum, which was preferred as an oviposition host. Neomusotima conspurcatalis was only able to complete development on L. japonicum and L. palmatum, but survival on these species was only half that occurring on L. microphyllum. Neomusotima conspurcatalis is a Lygodium specialist. Lygodium japonicum is an invasive weed in the United States. Lygodium palmatum is restricted to areas of the United States where freezing winter temperatures would be lethal to N. conspurcatalis. It was concluded that N. conspurcatalis would pose no threat to native or cultivated plants in North America or the Caribbean and should be considered for biocontrol of L. microphyllum. A release petition was submitted in 2005. An USDA-APHIS release permit for N. conspurcatalis was issued in 2007.  相似文献   

The Callistophytales nov. order is proposed for a small family of Pennsylvanian and possibly Permian pteridosperms. Plants conform to two species of Callistophyton and their reproductive organs. The small, eustelic sporophytes have a scrambling, shrub-like habit, profuse branching, adventitious roots and pinnately compound fern-like leaves with sphenopterid pinnules. Reproductive organs are borne on the abaxial surface of the pinnules, and consist of cardiocarpalean ovules and synangiate pollen organs with saccate pollen. Gametophyte development and reproductive biology conform closely to those of extant gymnosperms in the Coniferales. Anatomically preserved reproductive organs of the major groups of Paleozoic gymnosperms are compared, and a closer than currently recognized relationship of Paleozoic seed plants is proposed.  相似文献   

This paper presents for the first time the inventory of the Paleocene and Lower Eocene foraminifers located in the North Pyrenean trough, between the Atlantic Ocean and the neighbourhood of the town Pau. They have been studied from three outcrops. The Bidart Beach section shows the Lasseube Formation from the Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary to the base of the P 3a zone. The Loubieng Quarry section, near Orthez, represents the upper P 3a zone and the lower P 3b zone as well as the Lasseube Formation / Pont Labau Formation boundary. The interval between the upper part of the P 3b zone and the upperest part of the P 5 zone crops out along the Gan - Rébénacq road with a hiatus located at the Paleocene / Eocene boundary, the whole interval belonging to the Pont Labau Formation. 394 taxons of foraminifers are present in this formations: 349 benthic and 45 planktonic species. The Velasco type benthic foraminifers show a middle bathyal depositional environment, with a paleobathymetry included between 500-600 m and 1000 m: Nuttallides truempyi, Osangularia velascoensis, Bulimina trinitatensis. The Midway type species which were transported by the turbidite currents from the lower to middle neritic environments are frequent as well as the Cretaceous reworked species. The species number is low: 29 in the iridium layer of the Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary (P 0 zone). Fauna grows rich quickly in the Pα zone reaching 129 species. The diversity grows up progressively from P α to the P 4a zone (NP 8). The disappearances are rare until his horizon, but their number is bigger than the number of appearances from the P 4b zone. It reaches their maximum between the P 4c zone and the P 5 zone. It shows that the decline of the Paleocene fauna begins around 2 million years before the thermal event of the Paleocene / Eocene boundary in the Aquitaine sections. The disappearances stay important in the Lower Eocene - Ypresian, but the appearance of lots of Eocene species show that the fauna renewal is located in this stage. The Cretaceous taxa dominate in the Paleocene benthonic fauna. The appearance or the disappearance of some species has a stratigraphic value in the Aquitaine region: the disappearance of Coryphostoma incrassata in the P 1b zone, the appearances of Plectina dalmatina, Elongobula grata (P α); Bulimina tuxpamensis (P 2); Tritaxilina cubensis, Thalmannita madrugaensis (P 3a); Svenia bulbosa (P 3b); Discorbis perovalis (P 4a/NP 7); Elongobula pulchra, E. pupa, Asterigerina bartoniana, Neorotalia gr. tuberculata (P 4a/NP 8); Bigenerina pannonica, Pentellina pseudosaxorum (P 5/NP 9-10).  相似文献   

Gyrogonites of charophytes from two localities of the Oudiksou syncline (Middle Atlas, Morocco) are studied. The Irbzer formation in the Achlouj-2 site yielded charophytes (Feistiella oblonga, F. globosa, Strobilochara apiculata, S. diademata) that suggest a Campanian-Maastrichtian age; this result is consistent with all previously published biochronological studies. The overlying Bekrit-Timahdit formation, supposed to be Thanetian to Lutetian in age, without paleontological evidence, yielded charophytes in the Saf locality (Peckichara cf. llobregatensis, Feistiella sp. 1, Maedleriella sp.). This association indicates a Paleocene age for the middle member of this formation.  相似文献   

《Marine Micropaleontology》1997,29(2):105-127
The development of benthic foraminiferal assemblages from the Paleocene outcrops of the El Haria Formation near El Kef, Tunisia is discussed qualitatively and quantitatively. The aim of the study is to reconstruct the paleoenvironmental evolution between the K/Pg boundary interval and the late Paleocene event, and to compare this evolution with results from other sites along the southern Tethyan margin. Eighty-four samples, covering virtually the entire Paleocene, provide a dataset that allows detailed qualitative and multivariate analysis. The benthic foraminiferal faunas indicate a complex pattern of environmental changes during the Paleocene, marked by the succession of different benthic associations. Following the K/Pg boundary event, community restoration was characterized by the gradual build-up of faunal diversity. Decreasing dominance and the entry of taxa common to normal marine, outer neritic to upper bathyal environments indicate the completion of the ecosystem restoration in Zone Plb. A highly diverse benthic foraminiferal assemblage persisted throughout the remainder of the early Paleocene into the earliest late Paleocene. At the P3a-P3b zonal transition relative sea-level lowering is evidenced by the sudden disappearance or decreasing abundance of deeper-water taxa (e.g. Anomalinoides affinis, A. susanaensis, Gavelinella beccariiformis). Neritic deposition continued into Zone P4, when trophic levels at the seafloor increased as indicated by the entry and increasing dominance of species such as Anomalinoides cf. aegyptiacus, Bulimina midwayensis, and B. strobila, which we consider to be sensitive to eutrophication. The combined effect of shallowing and the subsequent eutrophication led to the establishment of assemblages similar to late Paleocene benthic foraminiferal assemblages from Egyptian sections, some of which record the latest Paleocene extinction event. These assemblages were interpreted to be indicative of a middle neritic, highly eutrophic environment. Enhanced vertical fluxes of organic matter along the southern Tethyan margin may have resulted from intensified upwelling. This eventually led to oxygen deficiency at the seafloor. It appears that oxygen-deficient, high-productivity shelves were a common feature of the southern Tethyan margin during the latest Paleocene.  相似文献   

Benthic foraminifers in the size-fraction greater than 0.073 mm were studied in 88 Paleocene to Pleistocene samples from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 525 (Hole 525A, Walvis Ridge, eastern south Atlantic). Clustering of the samples on the basis of the 86 most abundant foraminifers (in total, 331 taxa were identified) allowed separating two major assemblage zones: the Paleocene to Eocene interval, and the Oligocene to Pleistocene interval. Each of these, in turn, were subdivided into three minor subzones as follows: lower upper Paleocene (approx. 62.4 to 57.8 Ma); upper upper Paleocene (56.6 to 56.2 Ma); lower and middle Eocene (55.3 to 46.8 Ma); upper Oligocene to middle Miocene (25.3 to 16 Ma); middle Miocene to Pliocene (15.7 to 4.2 Ma); and lower Pleistocene (0.4 to 0.02 Ma), with only minor differences with the previous zone. Some very abundant taxa span most of the column studies (Bolivina huneri, Cassidulina subglobosa, Eponides bradyi, E. weddellensis, Gavelinella micra, Oridorsalis umbonatus, etc.). Several of the faunal breaks recorded coincide with conspicuous minima in the specific diversity curve, thus suggesting that the corresponding turnovers signal the final stages of periods of faunal impoverishment. At least one major bottom-water temperature drop (as derived from δ18O data) is synchronous with a decrease in the foraminiferal specific diversity. On the other hand, a specific diversity maximum in the middle Miocene might be associated with a δ13C increase at approx. 16 to 12 Ma. Highest foraminiferal abundances (up to 600–800 individuals per gram of dry sediment) occurred in the late Paleocene and in the early Pleistocene, in coincidence with the lowest diversity figures calculated. The magnitude of the most important faunal turnover recorded, between the middle Eocene and the late Oligocene, is magnified in our data set by the large hiatus which separates the middle Eocene from the upper Oligocene sediments. Considerably smaller overturns occurred within the late Paleocene (in coincidence with changes in the specific diversity, absolute abundance of foraminiferal tests, and δ13C), and in the middle Miocene (in coincidence with a specific diversity maximum and a δ13C excursion). New information on the morphology and the stratigraphic ranges of several species is furnished. For all the taxa recorded the number of occurrences, total number of individuals identified and first and last appearances are listed.  相似文献   

We report the first fossil pollen from South America of the lineage that includes the recently discovered, extremely rare Australian Wollemi Pine, Wollemia nobilis (Araucariaceae). The grains are from the late Paleocene to early middle Eocene Ligorio Márquez Formation of Santa Cruz, Patagonia, Argentina, and are assigned to Dilwynites, the fossil pollen type that closely resembles the pollen of modern Wollemia and some species of its Australasian sister genus, Agathis. Dilwynites was formerly known only from Australia, New Zealand, and East Antarctica. The Patagonian Dilwynites occurs with several taxa of Podocarpaceae and a diverse range of cryptogams and angiosperms, but not Nothofagus. The fossils greatly extend the known geographic range of Dilwynites and provide important new evidence for the Antarctic region as an early Paleogene portal for biotic interchange between Australasia and South America.  相似文献   

Quantifying Rhythmic Movements of Albizzia julibrissin Pinnules   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Koukkari WL 《Plant physiology》1973,51(6):1084-1088
The cosinor technique, previously applied to studies of animal rhythms, is used to assess the circadian rhythm in pinnule movement of Albizzia julibrissin. The method provides a quantitative approach for studying rhythm properties of either intact or excised pinnules. Phase shifting in A. julibrissin, as compared to the usually slower phase shifts of various circadian phenomena in the insect, bird, and mammal, occurs within 1 day or two. Rhythm adjustment in the pinnules takes place more rapidly when the lighting regiment is advanced than when it is delayed.  相似文献   

The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) is correlated with the first occurrences of earliest modern mammals in the Northern Hemisphere. The latest Paleocene Clarkforkian North American Land Mammal Age, that has yielded rodents and carnivorans, is the only exception to this rule. However, until now no pre-PETM localities have yielded modern mammals in Europe or Asia. We report the first Clarkforkian equivalent Land Mammal Age in the latest Paleocene deposits of the basal Sparnacian facies at Rivecourt, in the north-central part of the Paris Basin. The new terrestrial vertebrate and macroflora assemblages are analyzed through a multidisciplinary study including sedimentologic, stratigraphic, isotopic, and palynological aspects in order to reconstruct the paleoenvironment and to evaluate biochronologic and paleogeographic implications. The mammals are moderately diverse and not abundant, contrary to turtles and champsosaurs. The macroflora is exceptional in preservation and diversity with numerous angiosperms represented by flowers, fruits, seeds and wood preserved as lignite material, revealing an abundance of Arecaceae, Betulaceae, Icacinaceae, Menispermaceae, Vitaceae and probably Cornaceae. Results indicate a Late Paleocene age based on carbon isotope data, palynology and vertebrate occurrences such as the choristoderan Champsosaurus, the arctocyonid Arctocyon, and the plesiadapid Plesiadapis tricuspidens. However, several mammal species compare better with the earliest Eocene. Among these, the particular louisinid Teilhardimys musculus, also recorded from the latest Paleocene of the Spanish Pyrenees, suggests a younger age than the typical MP6 reference level. Nevertheless, the most important aspect of the Rivecourt fauna is the presence of dental remains of a rodent and a “miacid” carnivoran, attesting to the presence of two modern mammalian orders in the latest Paleocene of Europe. Interestingly, these two groups are also the only modern groups recorded from the latest Paleocene of North America, making Rivecourt the first direct equivalent to the Clarkforkian Land Mammal Age outside of North America.  相似文献   

Bergisuchus dietrichbergi Kuhn is redescribed as a member of its own family, Bergisuchidae n. fam., within the Sebecosuchia. At present, two fragmentary specimens ofBergisuchus are known: the holotype ofBergisuchus, a partial rostrum, comes from the lower part of the Middle Eocene of the Messel pit, near Darmstadt; and a recently discovered fragmentary mandible from the middle part of the Middle Eocene of Geiseltal in an opencast coal-mining pit near Halle (Saale).Bergisuchus shows similarities with species ofSebecus which are known from the Paleocene to Miocene from South America. All palaeoecological and biomechanical data support the hypothesis ofBergisuchus as a small, mainly terrestrial crocodile, which did not build its nests near either of the fossil localities from which it has been collected.  相似文献   

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