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We analyze a model of navigational map formation based oncorrelation-based, temporally asymmetric potentiation anddepression of synapses between hippocampal place cells. We showthat synaptic modification during random exploration of anenvironment shifts the location encoded by place cell activityin such a way that it indicates the direction from any locationto a fixed target avoiding walls and other obstacles. Multiplemaps to different targets can be simultaneously stored if weintroduce target-dependent modulation of place cell activity.Once maps to a number of target locations in a given environmenthave been stored, novel maps to previously unknown targetlocations are automatically constructed by interpolation betweenexisting maps.  相似文献   

Memory for events and their spatial context: models and experiments   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The computational role of the hippocampus in memory has been characterized as: (i) an index to disparate neocortical storage sites; (ii) a time-limited store supporting neocortical long-term memory; and (iii) a content-addressable associative memory. These ideas are reviewed and related to several general aspects of episodic memory, including the differences between episodic, recognition and semantic memory, and whether hippocampal lesions differentially affect recent or remote memories. Some outstanding questions remain, such as: what characterizes episodic retrieval as opposed to other forms of read-out from memory; what triggers the storage of an event memory; and what are the neural mechanisms involved? To address these questions a neural-level model of the medial temporal and parietal roles in retrieval of the spatial context of an event is presented. This model combines the idea that retrieval of the rich context of real-life events is a central characteristic of episodic memory, and the idea that medial temporal allocentric representations are used in long-term storage while parietal egocentric representations are used to imagine, manipulate and re-experience the products of retrieval. The model is consistent with the known neural representation of spatial information in the brain, and provides an explanation for the involvement of Papez''s circuit in both the representation of heading direction and in the recollection of episodic information. Two experiments relating to the model are briefly described. A functional neuroimaging study of memory for the spatial context of life-like events in virtual reality provides support for the model''s functional localization. A neuropsychological experiment suggests that the hippocampus does store an allocentric representation of spatial locations.  相似文献   

The hippocampal system is critical for storage and retrieval of declarative memories, including memories for locations and events that take place at those locations. Spatial memories place high demands on capacity. Memories must be distinct to be recalled without interference and encoding must be fast. Recent studies have indicated that hippocampal networks allow for fast storage of large quantities of uncorrelated spatial information. The aim of the this article is to review and discuss some of this work, taking as a starting point the discovery of multiple functionally specialized cell types of the hippocampal–entorhinal circuit, such as place, grid, and border cells. We will show that grid cells provide the hippocampus with a metric, as well as a putative mechanism for decorrelation of representations, that the formation of environment-specific place maps depends on mechanisms for long-term plasticity in the hippocampus, and that long-term spatiotemporal memory storage may depend on offline consolidation processes related to sharp-wave ripple activity in the hippocampus. The multitude of representations generated through interactions between a variety of functionally specialized cell types in the entorhinal–hippocampal circuit may be at the heart of the mechanism for declarative memory formation.The scientific study of human memory started with Herman Ebbinghaus, who initiated the quantitative investigation of associative memory processes as they take place (Ebbinghaus 1885). Ebbinghaus described the conditions that influence memory formation and he determined several basic principles of encoding and recall, such as the law of frequency and the effect of time on forgetting. With Ebbinghaus, higher mental functions were brought to the laboratory. In parallel with the human learning tradition that Ebbinghaus started, a new generation of experimental psychologists described the laws of associative learning in animals. With behaviorists like Pavlov, Watson, Hull, Skinner, and Tolman, a rigorous program for identifying the laws of animal learning was initiated. By the middle of the 20th century, a language for associative learning processes had been developed, and many of the fundamental relationships between environment and behavior had been described. What was completely missing, though, was an understanding of the neural activity underlying the formation of the memory. The behaviorists had deliberately shied away from physiological explanations because of the intangible nature of neural activity at that time.Then the climate began to change. Karl Lashley had shown that lesions in the cerebral cortex had predictable effects on behavior in animals (Lashley 1929, 1950), and Donald Hebb introduced concepts and ideas to account for complex brain functions at the neural circuit level, many of which have retained a place in modern neuroscience (Hebb 1949). Both Lashley and Hebb searched for the engram, but they found no specific locus for it. A significant turning point was reached when Scoville and Milner (1957) reported severe loss of memory in an epileptic patient, patient H.M., after bilateral surgical removal of the hippocampal formation and the surrounding medial temporal lobe areas. “After operation this young man could no longer recognize the hospital staff nor find his way to the bathroom, and he seemed to recall nothing of the day-to-day events of his hospital life.” This tragic misfortune inspired decades of research on the function of the hippocampus in memory. H.M.’s memory impairment could be reproduced in memory tasks in animals and studies of H.M., as well as laboratory animals, pointed to a critical role for the hippocampus in declarative memory—memory, which, in humans, can be consciously recalled and declared, such as memories of experiences and facts (Milner et al. 1968; Mishkin 1978; Cohen and Squire 1980; Squire 1992; Corkin 2002). What was missing from these early studies, however, was a way to address the neuronal mechanisms that led information to be stored as memory.The aim of this article is to show how studies of hippocampal neuronal activity during the past few decades have brought us to a point at which a mechanistic basis of memory formation is beginning to surface. An early landmark in this series of investigations was the discovery of place cells, cells that fire selectively at one or few locations in the environment. At first, these cells seemed to be part of the animal’s instantaneous representation of location, independent of memory, but gradually, over the course of several decades, it has become clear that place cells express current as well as past and future locations. In many ways, place cells can be used as readouts of the memories that are stored in the hippocampus. More recent work has also shown that place cells are part of a wider network of spatially modulated neurons, including grid, border, and head direction cells, each with distinct roles in the representation of space and spatial memory. In this article, we shall discuss potential mechanisms by which these cell types, particularly place and grid cells, in conjunction with synaptic plasticity, may form the basis of a mammalian system for fast high-capacity declarative memory.  相似文献   

Although already William James and, more explicitly, Donald Hebb''s theory of cell assemblies have suggested that activity-dependent rewiring of neuronal networks is the substrate of learning and memory, over the last six decades most theoretical work on memory has focused on plasticity of existing synapses in prewired networks. Research in the last decade has emphasized that structural modification of synaptic connectivity is common in the adult brain and tightly correlated with learning and memory. Here we present a parsimonious computational model for learning by structural plasticity. The basic modeling units are “potential synapses” defined as locations in the network where synapses can potentially grow to connect two neurons. This model generalizes well-known previous models for associative learning based on weight plasticity. Therefore, existing theory can be applied to analyze how many memories and how much information structural plasticity can store in a synapse. Surprisingly, we find that structural plasticity largely outperforms weight plasticity and can achieve a much higher storage capacity per synapse. The effect of structural plasticity on the structure of sparsely connected networks is quite intuitive: Structural plasticity increases the “effectual network connectivity”, that is, the network wiring that specifically supports storage and recall of the memories. Further, this model of structural plasticity produces gradients of effectual connectivity in the course of learning, thereby explaining various cognitive phenomena including graded amnesia, catastrophic forgetting, and the spacing effect.  相似文献   

Observers made a saccade between two fixation markers while a probe was flashed sequentially at two locations on a side screen. The first probe was presented in the far periphery just within the observer''s visual field. This target was extinguished and the observers made a large saccade away from the probe, which would have left it far outside the visual field if it had still been present. The second probe was then presented, displaced from the first in the same direction as the eye movement and by about the same distance as the saccade step. Because both eyes and probes shifted by similar amounts, there was little or no shift between the first and second probe positions on the retina. Nevertheless, subjects reported seeing motion corresponding to the spatial displacement not the retinal displacement. When the second probe was presented, the effective location of the first probe lay outside the visual field demonstrating that apparent motion can be seen from a location outside the visual field to a second location inside the visual field. Recent physiological results suggest that target locations are “remapped” on retinotopic representations to correct for the effects of eye movements. Our results suggest that the representations on which this remapping occurs include locations that fall beyond the limits of the retina.  相似文献   

We argue here that ants and bees have a piecemeal representation of familiar terrain. These insects remember no more than what is needed to sustain the separate and parallel strategies that they employ when travelling between their nest and foraging sites. One major strategy is path integration. The insect keeps a running tally of its distance and direction from the nest and so can always return home. This global path integration is enhanced by long-term memories of significant sites that insects store in terms of the coordinates (direction and distance) of these sites relative to the nest. With these memories insects can plan routes that are steered by path integration to such sites. Quite distinct from global path integration are memories associated with familiar routes. Route memories include stored views of landmarks along the route with, in some cases, local vectors linked to them. Local vectors by encoding the direction and/or distance from one landmark to the next, or from one landmark to a goal, help an insect keep to a defined route. We review experiments showing that although local vectors can be recalled by recognising landmarks, the global path integration system is independent of landmark information and that landmarks do not have positional coordinates associated with them. The major function of route landmarks is thus procedural, telling an insect what action to perform next, rather than its location relative to the nest.  相似文献   

Ants are efficient navigators, guided by path integration and visual landmarks. Path integration is the primary strategy in landmark-poor habitats, but landmarks are readily used when available. The landmark panorama provides reliable information about heading direction, routes and specific location. Visual memories for guidance are often acquired along routes or near to significant places. Over what area can such locally acquired memories provide information for reaching a place? This question is unusually approachable in the solitary foraging Australian jack jumper ant, since individual foragers typically travel to one or two nest-specific foraging trees. We find that within 10 m from the nest, ants both with and without home vector information available from path integration return directly to the nest from all compass directions, after briefly scanning the panorama. By reconstructing panoramic views within the successful homing range, we show that in the open woodland habitat of these ants, snapshot memories acquired close to the nest provide sufficient navigational information to determine nest-directed heading direction over a surprisingly large area, including areas that animals may have not visited previously.  相似文献   

Our phenomenal world remains stationary in spite of movements of the eyes, head and body. In addition, we can point or turn to objects in the surroundings whether or not they are in the field of view. In this review, I argue that these two features of experience and behaviour are related. The ability to interact with objects we cannot see implies an internal memory model of the surroundings, available to the motor system. And, because we maintain this ability when we move around, the model must be updated, so that the locations of object memories change continuously to provide accurate directional information. The model thus contains an internal representation of both the surroundings and the motions of the head and body: in other words, a stable representation of space. Recent functional MRI studies have provided strong evidence that this egocentric representation has a location in the precuneus, on the medial surface of the superior parietal cortex. This is a region previously identified with ‘self-centred mental imagery’, so it seems likely that the stable egocentric representation, required by the motor system, is also the source of our conscious percept of a stable world.  相似文献   

Sleep benefits veridical memories, resulting in superior recall relative to off-line intervals spent awake. Sleep also increases false memory recall in the Deese-Roediger-McDermott (DRM) paradigm. Given the suggestion that emotional veridical memories are prioritized for consolidation over sleep, here we examined whether emotion modulates sleep’s effect on false memory formation. Participants listened to semantically related word lists lacking a critical lure representing each list’s “gist.” Free recall was tested after 12 hours containing sleep or wake. The Sleep group recalled more studied words than the Wake group but only for emotionally neutral lists. False memories of both negative and neutral critical lures were greater following sleep relative to wake. Morning and Evening control groups (20-minute delay) did not differ ruling out circadian accounts for these differences. These results support the adaptive function of sleep in both promoting the consolidation of veridical declarative memories and in extracting unifying aspects from memory details.  相似文献   

To date, it has been shown that cognitive map representations based on cartographic visualisations are systematically distorted. The grid is a traditional element of map graphics that has rarely been considered in research on perception-based spatial distortions. Grids do not only support the map reader in finding coordinates or locations of objects, they also provide a systematic structure for clustering visual map information (“spatial chunks”). The aim of this study was to examine whether different cartographic kinds of grids reduce spatial distortions and improve recall memory for object locations. Recall performance was measured as both the percentage of correctly recalled objects (hit rate) and the mean distance errors of correctly recalled objects (spatial accuracy). Different kinds of grids (continuous lines, dashed lines, crosses) were applied to topographic maps. These maps were also varied in their type of characteristic areas (LANDSCAPE) and different information layer compositions (DENSITY) to examine the effects of map complexity. The study involving 144 participants shows that all experimental cartographic factors (GRID, LANDSCAPE, DENSITY) improve recall performance and spatial accuracy of learned object locations. Overlaying a topographic map with a grid significantly reduces the mean distance errors of correctly recalled map objects. The paper includes a discussion of a square grid''s usefulness concerning object location memory, independent of whether the grid is clearly visible (continuous or dashed lines) or only indicated by crosses.  相似文献   

In the rodent hippocampus, a phase precession phenomena of place cell firing with the local field potential (LFP) theta is called “theta phase precession” and is considered to contribute to memory formation with spike time dependent plasticity (STDP). On the other hand, in the primate hippocampus, the existence of theta phase precession is unclear. Our computational studies have demonstrated that theta phase precession dynamics could contribute to primate–hippocampal dependent memory formation, such as object–place association memory. In this paper, we evaluate human theta phase precession by using a theory–experiment combined analysis. Human memory recall of object–place associations was analyzed by an individual hippocampal network simulated by theta phase precession dynamics of human eye movement and EEG data during memory encoding. It was found that the computational recall of the resultant network is significantly correlated with human memory recall performance, while other computational predictors without theta phase precession are not significantly correlated with subsequent memory recall. Moreover the correlation is larger than the correlation between human recall and traditional experimental predictors. These results indicate that theta phase precession dynamics are necessary for the better prediction of human recall performance with eye movement and EEG data. In this analysis, theta phase precession dynamics appear useful for the extraction of memory-dependent components from the spatio–temporal pattern of eye movement and EEG data as an associative network. Theta phase precession may be a common neural dynamic between rodents and humans for the formation of environmental memories.  相似文献   

A high molecular mass complex of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases is readily isolated from a variety of eukaryotes. Although its composition is well characterized, knowledge of its structure and organization is still quite limited. This study uses antibodies directed against prolyl-tRNA synthetase for immunoelectron microscopic localization of the bifunctional glutamyl-/prolyl-tRNA synthetase. This is the first visualization of a specific site within the multisynthetase complex. Images of immunocomplexes are presented in the characteristic views of negatively stained multisynthetase complex from rabbit reticulocytes. As described in terms of a three domain working model of the structure, in "front" views of the particle and "intermediate" views, the primary antibody binding site is near the intersection between the "base" and one "arm." In "side" views, where the particle is rotated about its long axis, the binding site is near the midpoint. "Top" and "bottom" views, which appear as square projections, are also consistent with the central location of the binding site. These data place the glutamyl-/prolyl-tRNA synthetase polypeptide in a defined area of the particle, which encompasses portions of two domains, yet is consistent with the previous structural model.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that people establish allocentric spatial representation after learning a map. However, it is unknown whether people can directly acquire egocentric representation after map learning. In two experiments, the participants learned a distal environment through a map and then performed the egocentric pointing tasks in that environment under three conditions: with the heading aligned with the learning perspective (baseline), after 240° rotation from the baseline (updating), and after disorientation (disorientation). Disorientation disrupted the internal consistency of pointing among objects when the participants learned the sequentially displayed map, on which only one object name was displayed at a time while the location of “self” remained on the screen all the time. However, disorientation did not affect the internal consistency of pointing among objects when the participants learned the simultaneously displayed map. These results suggest that the egocentric representation can be acquired from a sequentially presented map.  相似文献   

Hunter P 《EMBO reports》2011,12(11):1106-1108
New research reveals that long-term memory is not entirely stable and can be modified or potentially erased. These insights open new therapeutic possibilities for a range of memory-related diseases and disorders.There are many popular ideas about human memory serving as the repository of experiences etched into the substance of our brains until they are wiped out through death or disease. As the British writer Oscar Wilde put it, “Memory [...] is the diary that we all carry about with us.” And even if we sometimes cannot remember a particular event or person, we rarely doubt our memories. Friedrich Nietzsche, the German philosopher, placed great faith in memory, noting that, “The existence of forgetting has never been proved: we only know that some things don''t come to mind when we want them.”Despite these popular notions of infallible human memories, our understanding of how long-term memory works has changed dramatically during the past decade: it seems that our memories are not as permanent as we once thought. This has profound implications for both neuroscience and for treating a range of cognitive disorders including PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), drug addiction, chronic pain and even possibly Alzheimer disease....it seems that our memories are not as permanent as we once thoughtFor a long time, neurologists and psychiatrists had assumed that after an initial period of consolidation, during which memories are liable to change or be erased, memories eventually become enshrined and immune to alteration. But since 2000, this memory consolidation theory has gradually been replaced by a new one called reconsolidation, which posits that long-term memories can, at least in some circumstances, be changed. On activation or recall, the memory of an object or event enters an update process during which it can be strengthened, weakened or modified, just as short-term memories can be during the initial consolidation phase. The new reconsolidation theory has created great excitement among cognitive disorder researchers and practitioners. As many disorders are associated with some form of long-term memory malfunction or impairment, a reliable method that can reactivate and amend these memories would have great potential as a treatment; indeed a number of clinical trials to treat PTSD are currently testing this new understanding of memories.As many disorders are associated with some form of long-term memory malfunction or impairment, a reliable method that can reactivate and amend these memories would have great potential as a treatment...As happens so often in science, reconsolidation is actually an old idea that has been reincarnated. The theory first emerged in the 1960s when neurologists found that fear memories in rats could be greatly weakened if they were reactivated on recall (Misanin et al, 1968). Before then, it had been assumed that retrograde amnesia—the inability to access memories formed during or just before a traumatic event or illness—worked backwards in time to affect recently acquired memories. Retrograde amnesia also occurs in humans as a result of head injuries or, sometimes, extreme trauma. The experiments in rats, however, showed that even older memories might be vulnerable if they were in an active state of recall at the time of the trauma, but interest in the research waned because of the lack of any neurological or molecular basis for the theory. This all changed with the publication of a seminal paper in 2000 by Karim Nader at McGill University in Montreal, Canada, who demonstrated the reconsolidation of a fear memory in the lateral amygdala (Nader et al, 2000). This walnut-sized region in the medial temporal lobe of the brain has a key role in emotional memory in that it orchestrates the production of hormones or neurotransmitters such as dopamine, noradrenaline and adrenaline.Various forms of extinction training have long been applied to some disorders, notably PTSD...The work by Nader and Joseph LeDoux at New York University, USA, heralded the beginning of a unification between the previously largely distinct fields of neuroscience and cognitive psychology. Neuroscience had been driven chiefly by animal research to identify the underlying molecular, genetic and neurochemical basis of behaviour, emotion and memory. Cognitive psychology had been based almost entirely on behavioural experiments in humans. This unification process is still in its infancy, but advances in imaging techniques, particularly functional magnetic resonance imaging, promises to combine behavioural experiments in humans with observing changes in brain activity. According to Valérie Doyère, from the Centre of Neurosciences at Paris-Sud University in France, it will help resolve questions about how different regions of the brain interact during memory recall and reconsolidation. “I think the next step is to do neural imaging, as this would help detect at which step in the network the system has been modified or blocked,” Doyère, a pioneer of reconsolidation theory and collaborator of LeDoux and Nader, explained. “That is difficult to know unless you do have some way of analysing the neural network activity to try and see what you update and where.”Even without this insight, a lot of progress has been made in linking molecular events at the neuron level with the reconsolidation process—at least in animals. The starting point was the discovery by Nader and colleagues that reconsolidation in rats involved protein synthesis. They noted from other work that the initial consolidation of fear memories in rats could be inhibited by infusion of the protein synthesis inhibitor anisomycin into the amygdala, shortly after fear training. Such training typically involves traditional methods first used by the Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov (1849–1936) in which an animal is given a so-called conditional stimulus (CS), such as a particular sound, followed shortly by an unconditional stimulus (US), such as an electric shock. The animal learns to associate the two so that exposure to the sound triggers fear: it begins with the activation of the amygdala, which is followed by a signalling cascade that leads to elevated heart and respiratory rates, with an associated increase in glucose production in preparation for the ''fight or flight'' response. The administration of anisomycin shortly after this training process blocks consolidation and prevents the animal from associating the CS signal with the US response.Similarly, Nader found that if the rats were exposed to the CS some days after the initial conditioning, to recall the association between the sound and the electric shock, anisomycin blocked reconsolidation and generated amnesia: the rats ''forgot'' the association between CS and US and had a greatly reduced fear response on exposure to the CS. Nader argued that this must mean the reconsolidation of the memory had been interrupted, because if the rats were given anisomycin after the initial training, but without exposure to the CS sound, they retained their fear conditioning. This link between memory reconsolidation and protein synthesis has also been demonstrated in other animals, including primitive invertebrates such as worms, suggesting that this is an evolutionarily conserved adaptation (Rose & Rankin, 2006).Attempts to observe this link between reconsolidation and protein synthesis in humans, however, have remained elusive. “We can''t test whether the mechanisms in humans are mediated by protein synthesis because those drugs would not be approved for human use,” Nader said. “Usually, rodent preps are used to understand the molecular mechanisms, and these seem to generalize to humans.”Indeed, Nader argues that evidence for reconsolidation in humans is now very strong in the light of recent work by LeDoux, demonstrating that the principles of fear extinction training in rats could be applied to humans to weaken the association between a CS trigger and memory of the US (Schiller et al, 2010). Human participants were shown an object and then given a mild electric shock in classical Pavlovian conditioning—the authors tested for the presence of the fear memory by measuring the change in skin electrical conductance in response to seeing the object. Once this fear memory was established, the authors reminded the participants of the object a day later to initiate the reconsolidation process, but then provided information that the same object was now ''safe''—this being called ''extinction training''. A day later, the participants were tested again to see whether the object elicited a fear response.The key point is that extinction training had to be conducted within the reconsolidation window, when the memory was temporarily unstable, to eliminate the fear response. The researchers also showed that rewriting the fear memory was specific to the CS object that was reactivated. If participants had been conditioned to associate several different objects with fear, then extinction training would only work on the specific object used during the training. Participants would continue to associate the other objects with fear, indicating that extinction training is selective.Various forms of extinction training have long been applied to some disorders, notably PTSD—an anxiety disorder that occurs in the aftermath of exposure to a traumatic experience involving death or the threat of death. The victim ingests a trauma memory that is emotionally overwhelming and cannot be resolved in the normal way, often intruding spontaneously into consciousness with a continued state of hypervigilance. The idea of extinction training is to force sufferers to actively recall memories frequently, but success has so far been mixed.The ability to stimulate memory could inspire new treatments for sufferers from memory loss...Although anisomycin cannot be given to PTSD sufferers to edit long-term memories, propranolol is an alternative. It has already been approved to treat hypertension as a so-called beta blocker that blocks the beta andrenergic receptor and diminishes the effect of stress hormones. Having been largely replaced by other drugs for treating high blood pressure, interest in propranolol was revived by its potential for treating PTSD in association with psychotherapy (Brunet et al, 2007). It also triggered research into the role of beta adrenergic receptors in PTSD, notably by Jacek Debiec and colleagues at New York University, who found that adrenergic signalling in the amygdala is involved in the memory consolidation process (Debiec et al, 2011).Drugs such as propranolol seem to suppress memory reconsolidation and thereby weaken the emotions associated with trauma memories. This is the theory, and early evidence of success has attracted significant interest in the USA, where PTSD is a particular problem given the country''s longstanding involvement in armed conflicts and the resulting large number of former soldiers suffering from the syndrome.The US Department of Defense''s standard treatment for PTSD has been cognitive behavioural therapy, in which individuals learn to identify thoughts that make them feel afraid or upset and then try to replace them with less distressing thoughts. But the potential of propanolol to replace or enhance cognitive behavioural therapy has prompted the US National Institutes of Health to conduct a phase II clinical trial, for which it is currently recruiting volunteers.The urgency of finding a more complete cure for PTSD has been increased by recent indications that the disorder not only diminishes quality of life for sufferers and their families, but also has serious long-term effects on physical as well as mental health, including premature ageing and a heightened risk of dementia. This link was confirmed by a recent retrospective study of 181,093 US war veterans aged 55 years or older, 53,155 of whom had PTSD (Yaffe et al, 2010). Kristine Yaffe (University of California, San Francisco and the San Francisco Veterans Affairs Medical Center) and her colleagues found that veterans with PTSD had a 10.6% risk of developing dementia compared with 6.6% among the general elderly population without PTSD. Although this result was statistically significant given that the study was adjusted for other factors such as demographic variation and psychiatric illnesses, it did not entirely preclude other risk factors. The causes of the higher risk of dementia were related to either the physiological stress on the brain with associated inflammation, or the systemic effect of long-term disruption to memory functioning, or probably a combination of both.The emphasis in treating PTSD and addictive disorders is on weakening aspects of long-term memory, but the emerging reconsolidation theory can equally provide clinical benefits by strengthening connections, as LeDoux pointed out. “Memory reconsolidation is not a process of weakening memory from the evolutionary point of view. It is an update mechanism. It allows memories to be changed when new information is available,” he said. “An extreme example from our work is that fear memory can be increased or decreased, depending on how you activate beta-adrenergic receptors. Block these during retrieval and you get a weakening of memory; stimulate these and you get an enhancement.” As happens so often in science, reconsolidation is actually an old idea that has been reincarnatedThe ability to stimulate memory could inspire new treatments for sufferers from memory loss, according to Doyère. “In the case of a disease like Alzheimer''s, it may be possible to reincorporate some elements and recover memory that has been lost. At least it may be possible to delay some of the symptoms,” she explained. Yet, more work is needed to expand on the emerging theory of reconsolidation, particularly in humans, because human memory recall goes beyond what happens in most animals. “Humans have the knowledge of a memory association and that may reactivate the emotional value,” Doyère commented. In other words, humans can better exploit their associated knowledge of events that they recall either wittingly or possibly in dreams, and this can affect the reconsolidation process. Moreover, there is also the role of sleep and dreaming in long-term memory recall and reconsolidation. In any case, it seems that reconsolidation as a unifying theory has both great therapeutic and scientific potential to explore human memory.  相似文献   

Zebrafish have become a useful model for studying behavior and cognitive functions. Recent studies have shown that zebrafish have natural color preference and the ability to form associative memories with visual perception. It is well known that visual perception enhances memory recall in humans, and we suggest that a similar phenomenon occurs in zebrafish. This study proposes that adding a visual perception component to a conventional reward method would enhance memory recall in zebrafish. We found that zebrafish showed greater preference for red cellophane over yellow in the training session but could not remember the preferred place in the memory test. However, the test memory recall was greater when the zebrafish were exposed to the red cellophane with a food reward during the training session, when compared with the use of food reward only. Furthermore, the red cellophane with food reward group showed more predictable memory recall than the food reward only group. These results propose that visual perception can increase memory recall by enhancing the consolidation processes. We suggest that color-cued learning with food reward is a more discriminative method than food reward alone for examining the cognitive changes in the zebrafish.

Abbreviations: WM: working memory; LTM: long-term memory  相似文献   

Summary Pigeons (Columba livia) were trained to find hidden food in a sunken well within a square box. After learning the location, they were tested occasionally with the well and food absent. The resulting search distributions were symmetric about the peak, implying a linear scale of measurement for distance. The spread of the distribution was a constant proportion of the distance to the nearest landmark, supporting Weber's Law. As well, in one test in which a landmark was shifted in a diagonal direction, the pigeons shifted their peak place of search both in the direction of landmark shift and in the direction orthogonal to the direction of landmark shift. This contradicted a pattern found earlier: For landmark shifts along the principal axes of the square box, pigeons only shifted their peak place of search in the direction of landmark shift, not in the orthogonal direction. The vector sum model, which predicts shifts of the peak place of search only in the direction of landmark shift, is disconfirmed and must be revised.  相似文献   

Long-term memories are thought to depend upon the coordinated activation of a broad network of cortical and subcortical brain regions. However, the distributed nature of this representation has made it challenging to define the neural elements of the memory trace, and lesion and electrophysiological approaches provide only a narrow window into what is appreciated a much more global network. Here we used a global mapping approach to identify networks of brain regions activated following recall of long-term fear memories in mice. Analysis of Fos expression across 84 brain regions allowed us to identify regions that were co-active following memory recall. These analyses revealed that the functional organization of long-term fear memories depends on memory age and is altered in mutant mice that exhibit premature forgetting. Most importantly, these analyses indicate that long-term memory recall engages a network that has a distinct thalamic-hippocampal-cortical signature. This network is concurrently integrated and segregated and therefore has small-world properties, and contains hub-like regions in the prefrontal cortex and thalamus that may play privileged roles in memory expression.  相似文献   

An implicit mapping of number to space via a “mental number line” occurs automatically in adulthood. Here, we systematically explore the influence of differing representations of quantity (no quantity, non-symbolic magnitudes, and symbolic numbers) and directional flow of stimuli (random flow, left-to-right, or right-to-left) on learning and attention via a match-to-sample working memory task. When recalling a cognitively demanding string of spatial locations, subjects performed best when information was presented right-to-left. When non-symbolic or symbolic numerical arrays were embedded in these spatial locations, and mental number line congruency prompted, this effect was attenuated and in some cases reversed. In particular, low-performing female participants who viewed increasing non-symbolic number arrays paired with the spatial locations exhibited better recall for left-to-right directional flow information relative to right-to-left, and better processing for the left side of space relative to the right side of space. The presence of symbolic number during spatial learning enhanced recall to a greater degree than non-symbolic number—especially for female participants, and especially when cognitive load is high—and this difference was independent of directional flow of information. We conclude that quantity representations have the potential to scaffold spatial memory, but this potential is subtle, and mediated by the nature of the quantity and the gender and performance level of the learner.  相似文献   

Previous studies have produced inconsistent results concerning the two components of autobiographical memory-personal semantic memory and episodic memory. Results in subjects with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia of Alzheimer's type (DAT) have varied concerning the existence of a temporal gradient in retrograde amnesia. These results have important theoretical implications regarding multiple trace theory versus standard consolidation models of long-term memory (LTM). We investigated whether this variability arises from differences in the methods used in assessing autobiographical memory. We examined patterns of memory impairment in 20 healthy elderly controls, 20 MCI subjects, and 10 DAT subjects using the Autobiographical Memory Interview (AMI) of Kopelman and the Autobiographical Interview (AI) of Levine. Both the AMI and AI were modified to allow for the test scores to be derived from a single interview without fatiguing the subjects. On the AMI, DAT subjects were significantly impaired on both components of autobiographical memory-episodic memory and personal semantics-with episodic memory showing a significant though gentle temporal gradient sparing childhood memories. Using the AI test, subjects with DAT showed impaired recall of episodic details (but not personal semantics), again with a gentle temporal gradient. Differences between the two interview methods (fewer epochs in the AMI; fewer memories per epoch in the AI) were found to have a significant impact on the pattern of findings; fewer epochs in the AMI brought out the temporal gradient, and fewer memories per epoch (in the AI) diminished it. These data show the importance of technical details of the different tests in favouring one versus another LTM theory. The data are not purely compatible with either theory. ? 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Corbett JE  Carrasco M 《PloS one》2011,6(9):e24470
Performance in most visual discrimination tasks is better along the horizontal than the vertical meridian (Horizontal-Vertical Anisotropy, HVA), and along the lower than the upper vertical meridian (Vertical Meridian Asymmetry, VMA), with intermediate performance at intercardinal locations. As these inhomogeneities are prevalent throughout visual tasks, it is important to understand the perceptual consequences of dissociating spatial reference frames. In all studies of performance fields so far, allocentric environmental references and egocentric observer reference frames were aligned. Here we quantified the effects of manipulating head-centric and retinotopic coordinates on the shape of visual performance fields. When observers viewed briefly presented radial arrays of Gabors and discriminated the tilt of a target relative to homogeneously oriented distractors, performance fields shifted with head tilt (Experiment 1), and fixation (Experiment 2). These results show that performance fields shift in-line with egocentric referents, corresponding to the retinal location of the stimulus.  相似文献   

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