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The majority of characterized cytochrome P450 enzymes in actinomycete secondary metabolic pathways are strictly substrate-, regio-, and stereo-specific. Examples of multifunctional biosynthetic cytochromes P450 with broader substrate and regio-specificity are growing in number and are of particular interest for biosynthetic and chemoenzymatic applications. MycG is among the first P450 monooxygenases characterized that catalyzes both hydroxylation and epoxidation reactions in the final biosynthetic steps, leading to oxidative tailoring of the 16-membered ring macrolide antibiotic mycinamicin II in the actinomycete Micromonospora griseorubida. The ordering of steps to complete the biosynthetic process involves a complex substrate recognition pattern by the enzyme and interplay between three tailoring modifications as follows: glycosylation, methylation, and oxidation. To understand the catalytic properties of MycG, we structurally characterized the ligand-free enzyme and its complexes with three native metabolites. These include substrates mycinamicin IV and V and their biosynthetic precursor mycinamicin III, which carries the monomethoxy sugar javose instead of the dimethoxylated sugar mycinose. The two methoxy groups of mycinose serve as sensors that mediate initial recognition to discriminate between closely related substrates in the post-polyketide oxidative tailoring of mycinamicin metabolites. Because x-ray structures alone did not explain the mechanisms of macrolide hydroxylation and epoxidation, paramagnetic NMR relaxation measurements were conducted. Molecular modeling based on these data indicates that in solution substrate may penetrate the active site sufficiently to place the abstracted hydrogen atom of mycinamicin IV within 6 Å of the heme iron and ∼4 Å of the oxygen of iron-ligated water.  相似文献   

李梅  曾凡荣 《微生物学通报》2008,35(7):1107-1112
链霉菌中存在大量的细胞色素P450,它们在链霉菌次生代谢产物的生物合成和外来化学物质代谢过程中发挥了重要作用.本文综述了链霉菌中发现的细胞色素P450及其功能的研究进展,分析了存在的问题和研究应用前景.  相似文献   

The cytochrome P450 OxyD from the balhimycin glycopeptide antibiotic biosynthetic operon of Amycolatopsis mediterranei is involved in the biosynthesis of the modified amino acid β-R-hydroxytyrosine, an essential precursor for biosynthesis of the vancomycin-type aglycone. OxyD binds the substrate tyrosine not free in solution, but rather covalently linked to the carrier protein (CP) domain of the non-ribosomal peptide synthase BpsD, exhibiting micromolar binding affinity to a tyrosine-loaded carrier protein construct. The crystal structure of OxyD was determined to 2.1-Å resolution, revealing a potential binding site for the carrier protein-bound substrate in a different orientation to that seen with the acyl carrier protein-bound P450BioI (Cryle, M. J., and Schlichting, I. (2008) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 105, 15696–15701). A series of residues were identified across known aminoacyl-CP-oxidizing P450s that are highly conserved and cluster in the active site or potential CP binding site of OxyD. These residues appear to be characteristic for aminoacyl-CP-oxidizing P450s, allowing sequence based identification of P450 function for this subgroup of P450s that play vital roles in the biosyntheses of many important natural products in addition to the vancomycin-type antibiotics. The ability to analyze such P450 function based upon sequence data alone should prove an important tool in the analysis and identification of new medicinally relevant biomolecules.  相似文献   

Recently, we reported the spectroscopic and kinetic characterizations of cytochrome P450 compound I in CYP119A1, effectively closing the catalytic cycle of cytochrome P450-mediated hydroxylations. In this minireview, we focus on the developments that made this breakthrough possible. We examine the importance of enzyme purification in the quest for reactive intermediates and report the preparation of compound I in a second P450 (P450ST). In an effort to bring clarity to the field, we also examine the validity of controversial reports claiming the production of P450 compound I through the use of peroxynitrite and laser flash photolysis.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 enzymes primarily catalyze mixed-function oxidation reactions, plus some reductions and rearrangements of oxygenated species, e.g. prostaglandins. Most of these reactions can be rationalized in a paradigm involving Compound I, a high-valent iron-oxygen complex (FeO3+), to explain seemingly unusual reactions, including ring couplings, ring expansion and contraction, and fusion of substrates. Most P450s interact with flavoenzymes or iron-sulfur proteins to receive electrons from NAD(P)H. In some cases, P450s are fused to protein partners. Other P450s catalyze non-redox isomerization reactions. A number of permutations on the P450 theme reveal the diversity of cytochrome P450 form and function.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 CYP121 is essential for the viability of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Studies in vitro show that it can use the cyclodipeptide cyclo(l-Tyr-l-Tyr) (cYY) as a substrate. We report an investigation of the substrate and reaction specificities of CYP121 involving analysis of the interaction between CYP121 and 14 cYY analogues with various modifications of the side chains or the diketopiperazine (DKP) ring. Spectral titration experiments show that CYP121 significantly bound only cyclodipeptides with a conserved DKP ring carrying two aryl side chains in l-configuration. CYP121 did not efficiently or selectively transform any of the cYY analogues tested, indicating a high specificity for cYY. The molecular determinants of this specificity were inferred from both crystal structures of CYP121-analog complexes solved at high resolution and solution NMR spectroscopy of the analogues. Bound cYY or its analogues all displayed a similar set of contacts with CYP121 residues Asn85, Phe168, and Trp182. The propensity of the cYY tyrosyl to point toward Arg386 was dependent on the presence of the DKP ring that limits the conformational freedom of the ligand. The correct positioning of the hydroxyl of this tyrosyl was essential for conversion of cYY. Thus, the specificity of CYP121 results from both a restricted binding specificity and a fine-tuned P450 substrate relationship. These results document the catalytic mechanism of CYP121 and improve our understanding of its function in vivo. This work contributes to progress toward the design of inhibitors of this essential protein of M. tuberculosis that could be used for antituberculosis therapy.  相似文献   

Microsomal cytochrome b5 (cytb5) is a membrane-bound protein that modulates the catalytic activity of its redox partner, cytochrome P4502B4 (cytP450). Here, we report the first structure of full-length rabbit ferric microsomal cytb5 (16 kDa), incorporated in two different membrane mimetics (detergent micelles and lipid bicelles). Differential line broadening of the cytb5 NMR resonances and site-directed mutagenesis data were used to characterize the cytb5 interaction epitope recognized by ferric microsomal cytP450 (56 kDa). Subsequently, a data-driven docking algorithm, HADDOCK (high ambiguity driven biomolecular docking), was used to generate the structure of the complex between cytP4502B4 and cytb5 using experimentally derived restraints from NMR, mutagenesis, and the double mutant cycle data obtained on the full-length proteins. Our docking and experimental results point to the formation of a dynamic electron transfer complex between the acidic convex surface of cytb5 and the concave basic proximal surface of cytP4502B4. The majority of the binding energy for the complex is provided by interactions between residues on the C-helix and β-bulge of cytP450 and residues at the end of helix α4 of cytb5. The structure of the complex allows us to propose an interprotein electron transfer pathway involving the highly conserved Arg-125 on cytP450 serving as a salt bridge between the heme propionates of cytP450 and cytb5. We have also shown that the addition of a substrate to cytP450 likely strengthens the cytb5-cytP450 interaction. This study paves the way to obtaining valuable structural, functional, and dynamic information on membrane-bound complexes.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 monooxygenases (P450s) have enormous potential in the production of oxychemicals, due to their unparalleled regio- and stereoselectivity. The Bacillus megaterium P450 BM3 enzyme is a key model system, with several mutants (many distant from the active site) reported to alter substrate selectivity. It has the highest reported monooxygenase activity of the P450 enzymes, and this catalytic efficiency has inspired protein engineering to enable its exploitation for biotechnologically relevant oxidations with structurally diverse substrates. However, a structural rationale is lacking to explain how these mutations have such effects in the absence of direct change to the active site architecture. Here, we provide the first crystal structures of BM3 mutants in complex with a human drug substrate, the proton pump inhibitor omeprazole. Supported by solution data, these structures reveal how mutation alters the conformational landscape and decreases the free energy barrier for transition to the substrate-bound state. Our data point to the importance of such “gatekeeper” mutations in enabling major changes in substrate recognition. We further demonstrate that these mutants catalyze the same 5-hydroxylation reaction as performed by human CYP2C19, the major human omeprazole-metabolizing P450 enzyme.  相似文献   

The human cytochrome P450 17A1 (CYP17A1) enzyme operates at a key juncture of human steroidogenesis, controlling the levels of mineralocorticoids influencing blood pressure, glucocorticoids involved in immune and stress responses, and androgens and estrogens involved in development and homeostasis of reproductive tissues. Understanding CYP17A1 multifunctional biochemistry is thus integral to treating prostate and breast cancer, subfertility, blood pressure, and other diseases. CYP17A1 structures with all four physiologically relevant steroid substrates suggest answers to four fundamental aspects of CYP17A1 function. First, all substrates bind in a similar overall orientation, rising ∼60° with respect to the heme. Second, both hydroxylase substrates pregnenolone and progesterone hydrogen bond to Asn202 in orientations consistent with production of 17α-hydroxy major metabolites, but functional and structural evidence for an A105L mutation suggests that a minor conformation may yield the minor 16α-hydroxyprogesterone metabolite. Third, substrate specificity of the subsequent 17,20-lyase reaction may be explained by variation in substrate height above the heme. Although 17α-hydroxyprogesterone is only observed farther from the catalytic iron, 17α-hydroxypregnenolone is also observed closer to the heme. In conjunction with spectroscopic evidence, this suggests that only 17α-hydroxypregnenolone approaches and interacts with the proximal oxygen of the catalytic iron-peroxy intermediate, yielding efficient production of dehydroepiandrosterone as the key intermediate in human testosterone and estrogen synthesis. Fourth, differential positioning of 17α-hydroxypregnenolone offers a mechanism whereby allosteric binding of cytochrome b5 might selectively enhance the lyase reaction. In aggregate, these structures provide a structural basis for understanding multiple key reactions at the heart of human steroidogenesis.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 19A1 (P450 19A1), the aromatase, catalyzes the conversion of androgens to estrogens through a sequential three-step reaction, generating 19-hydroxy and 19-aldehyde intermediates en route to the product estrogen. A procedure for the heterologous expression and purification of P450 19A1 in Escherichia coli was developed (kcat of 0.06 s−1 for the conversion of androstenedione to estrone). Binding of the substrate and intermediates show low micromolar dissociation constants and are at least two-step processes. Rates of reduction of the iron were fast in the presence of substrate, either intermediate, or product. P450 19A1 is a distributive rather than a processive enzyme, with the sequential reaction allowing free dissociation of the intermediates as revealed by pulse-chase experiments. Conversion of androstenedione to estrone (under single turnover conditions) generated a progress curve showing changes in the concentrations of the substrate, intermediates, and product. A minimal kinetic model containing the individual rate constants for the steps in P450 19A1 catalysis was developed to globally fit the time course of the overall reaction, the dissociation constants, the two-step ligand binding, the distributive character, the iron-reduction rates, and the steady-state conversion of the 19-hydroxy androstenedione and 19-aldehyde androstenedione intermediates to estrone.  相似文献   

Received 25 August 2000/ Accepted in revised form 2 October 2000  相似文献   

The polyene macrolide antibiotic filipin is widely used as a probe for cholesterol and a diagnostic tool for type C Niemann-Pick disease. Two position-specific P450 enzymes are involved in the post-polyketide modification of filipin during its biosynthesis, thereby providing molecular diversity to the “filipin complex.” CYP105P1 and CYP105D6 from Streptomyces avermitilis, despite their high sequence similarities, catalyze filipin hydroxylation at different positions, C26 and C1′, respectively. Here, we determined the crystal structure of the CYP105P1-filipin I complex. The distal pocket of CYP105P1 has the second largest size among P450 hydroxylases that act on macrolide substrates. Compared with previously determined substrate-free structures, the FG helices showed significant closing motion on substrate binding. The long BC loop region adopts a unique extended conformation without a B′ helix. The binding site is essentially hydrophobic, but numerous water molecules are involved in recognizing the polyol side of the substrate. Therefore, the distal pocket of CYP105P1 provides a specific environment for the large filipin substrate to bind with its pro-S side of position C26 directed toward the heme iron. The ligand-free CYP105D6 structure was also determined. A small sub-pocket accommodating the long alkyl side chain of filipin I was observed in the CYP105P1 structure but was absent in the CYP105D6 structure, indicating that filipin cannot bind to CYP105D6 with a similar orientation due to steric hindrance. This observation can explain the strict regiospecificity of these enzymes.  相似文献   

The membrane heme protein cytochrome b5 (b5) can enhance, inhibit, or have no effect on cytochrome P450 (P450) catalysis, depending on the specific P450, substrate, and reaction conditions, but the structural basis remains unclear. Here the interactions between the soluble domain of microsomal b5 and the catalytic domain of the bifunctional steroidogenic cytochrome P450 17A1 (CYP17A1) were investigated. CYP17A1 performs both steroid hydroxylation, which is unaffected by b5, and an androgen-forming lyase reaction that is facilitated 10-fold by b5. NMR chemical shift mapping of b5 titrations with CYP17A1 indicates that the interaction occurs in an intermediate exchange regime and identifies charged surface residues involved in the protein/protein interface. The role of these residues is confirmed by disruption of the complex upon mutagenesis of either the anionic b5 residues (Glu-48 or Glu-49) or the corresponding cationic CYP17A1 residues (Arg-347, Arg-358, or Arg-449). Cytochrome b5 binding to CYP17A1 is also mutually exclusive with binding of NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase. To probe the differential effects of b5 on the two CYP17A1-mediated reactions and, thus, communication between the superficial b5 binding site and the buried CYP17A1 active site, CYP17A1/b5 complex formation was characterized with either hydroxylase or lyase substrates bound to CYP17A1. Significantly, the CYP17A1/b5 interaction is stronger when the hydroxylase substrate pregnenolone is present in the CYP17A1 active site than when the lyase substrate 17α-hydroxypregnenolone is in the active site. These findings form the basis for a clearer understanding of this important interaction by directly measuring the reversible binding of the two proteins, providing evidence of communication between the CYP17A1 active site and the superficial proximal b5 binding site.  相似文献   

The ability of hemoproteins to catalyze epoxidation or hydroxylation reactions is usually associated with a cysteine as the proximal ligand to the heme, as in cytochrome P450 or nitric oxide synthase. Catalase-related allene oxide synthase (cAOS) from the coral Plexaura homomalla, like catalase itself, has tyrosine as the proximal heme ligand. Its natural reaction is to convert 8R-hydroperoxy-eicosatetraenoic acid (8R-HPETE) to an allene epoxide, a reaction activated by the ferric heme, forming product via the Fe(IV)-OH intermediate, Compound II. Here we oxidized cAOS to Compound I (Fe(V)=O) using the oxygen donor iodosylbenzene and investigated the catalytic competence of the enzyme. 8R-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (8R-HETE), the hydroxy analog of the natural substrate, normally unreactive with cAOS, was thereby epoxidized stereospecifically on the 9,10 double bond to form 8R-hydroxy-9R,10R-trans-epoxy-eicosa-5Z,11Z,14Z-trienoic acid as the predominant product; the turnover was 1/s using 100 μm iodosylbenzene. The enantiomer, 8S-HETE, was epoxidized stereospecifically, although with less regiospecificity, and was hydroxylated on the 13- and 16-carbons. Arachidonic acid was converted to two major products, 8R-HETE and 8R,9S-eicosatrienoic acid (8R,9S-EET), plus other chiral monoepoxides and bis-allylic 10S-HETE. Linoleic acid was epoxidized, whereas stearic acid was not metabolized. We conclude that when cAOS is charged with an oxygen donor, it can act as a stereospecific monooxygenase. Our results indicate that in the tyrosine-liganded cAOS, a catalase-related hemoprotein in which a polyunsaturated fatty acid can enter the active site, the enzyme has the potential to mimic the activities of typical P450 epoxygenases and some capabilities of P450 hydroxylases.  相似文献   

All-trans-retinoic acid (atRA), the major active metabolite of vitamin A, plays a role in many biological processes, including maintenance of epithelia, immunity, and fertility and regulation of apoptosis and cell differentiation. atRA is metabolized mainly by CYP26A1, but other P450 enzymes such as CYP2C8 and CYP3As also contribute to atRA 4-hydroxylation. Although the primary metabolite of atRA, 4-OH-RA, possesses a chiral center, the stereochemical course of atRA 4-hydroxylation has not been studied previously. (4S)- and (4R)-OH-RA enantiomers were synthesized and separated by chiral column HPLC. CYP26A1 was found to form predominantly (4S)-OH-RA. This stereoselectivity was rationalized via docking of atRA in the active site of a CYP26A1 homology model. The docked structure showed a well defined niche for atRA within the active site and a specific orientation of the β-ionone ring above the plane of the heme consistent with stereoselective abstraction of the hydrogen atom from the pro-(S)-position. In contrast to CYP26A1, CYP3A4 formed the 4-OH-RA enantiomers in a 1:1 ratio and CYP3A5 preferentially formed (4R)-OH-RA. Interestingly, CYP3A7 and CYP2C8 preferentially formed (4S)-OH-RA from atRA. Both (4S)- and (4R)-OH-RA were substrates of CYP26A1 but (4S)-OH-RA was cleared 3-fold faster than (4R)-OH-RA. In addition, 4-oxo-RA was formed from (4R)-OH-RA but not from (4S)-OH-RA by CYP26A1. Overall, these findings show that (4S)-OH-RA is preferred over (4R)-OH-RA by the enzymes regulating atRA homeostasis. The stereoselectivity observed in CYP26A1 function will aid in better understanding of the active site features of the enzyme and the disposition of biologically active retinoids.  相似文献   

A molecular model of a mammalian membrane-bound cytochrome P450, rat P450 2B1, was constructed in order to elucidate its mode of attachment to the endoplasmic reticulum and the structural basis of substrate specificity. The model was primarily derived from the structure of P450BM-3, which as a class II P450 is the most functionally similar P450 of known structure. However, model development was also guided by the conserved core regions of P450cam and P450terp. To optimally align the P450 2B1 and P450BM-3 sequences, multiple alignment was performed using sequences of five P450s in the II family, followed by minor adjustments on the basis of secondary structure predictions. The resulting P450 2B1 homology model structure was refined by molecular dynamics heating, equilibration, simulation, and energy minimization. The model suggests that the F–G loop serves as both a hydrophobic membrane anchor and entrance channel for hydrophobic substrates from the membrane to the P450 active site. To assess the mode of substrate binding, benzphetamine, testosterone, and benzo[a]pyrene were docked into the active site. The hydrophobic substrate-binding pocket is consistent with the preferences of this P450 toward hydrophobic substrates, while the presence of an acidic Glu-105 in this pocket is consistent with the preference of this P450 for the cationic substrate benzphetamine. This model is thus consistent with several known experimental properties of this P450, such as membrane attachment and substrate selectivity.  相似文献   

细胞色素单加氧酶是一类广泛分布在生物体内的重要酶系,在生物体内广泛分布,CYP450参与多种外源性化合物的代谢,内源性物质的合成,在生物体起到十分重要的作用,对P450的研究已从最开始的功能与定位深入到了它的分子机制和多样性等的研究,就P450的多样性、介导抗性的机制和分离方法作一综述。  相似文献   


Earlier W.-H. Schunck et al. [1] have prepared a water soluble enzymatically active fragment of cytochrome P450 52A3 (CYP52A3) which is lack of 66 amino acid residues, existed as a dimer in aqueous solution. Now we propose 3D structure of the fragment, which is based on multiple sequence alignment of the CYP52A3 with its homologues proteins of known 3D structure: CYP101, 102, 107A1 and 108. The structural model have been optimised and used as a prototype for computer simulation of point mutations. These mutations should bring some changes in the surface properties, interfering dimer formation. For this aim the point of 22 hydrophobic amino acid residues have been sequentially replaced with that of charged amino acids (GLU, ASP, ARG and LYS). The scoring of “mutants” was conducted based on the changes of protein surface hydrophobicity and protein-solvent interaction energy. An analysis of the surface hydrophobicity and protein-solvent interactions permit to select most sensitive three sites (171, 352 and particularly 164 amino acid residues). The dimerization of the following “mutant” fragments must be investigated experimentally.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR) is a diflavin enzyme that transfers electrons to many protein partners. Electron transfer from CPR to cyt c has been extensively used as a model reaction to assess the redox activity of CPR. CPR is composed of multiple domains, among which the FMN binding domain (FBD) is the direct electron donor to cyt c. Here, electron transfer and complex formation between FBD and cyt c are investigated. Electron transfer from FBD to cyt c occurs at distinct rates that are dependent on the redox states of FBD. When compared with full-length CPR, FBD reduces cyt c at a higher rate in both the semiquinone and hydroquinone states. The NMR titration experiments reveal the formation of dynamic complexes between FBD and cyt c on a fast exchange time scale. Chemical shift mapping identified residues of FBD involved in the binding interface with cyt c, most of which are located in proximity to the solvent-exposed edge of the FMN cofactor along with other residues distributed around the surface of FBD. The structural model of the FBD-cyt c complex indicates two possible orientations of complex formation. The major complex structure shows a salt bridge formation between Glu-213/Glu-214 of FBD and Lys-87 of cyt c, which may be essential for the formation of the complex, and a predicted electron transfer pathway mediated by Lys-13 of cyt c. The findings provide insights into the function of CPR and CPR-cyt c interaction on a structural basis.  相似文献   

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