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A dominance hierarchy is an important feature of the social organisation of group living animals. Although formal and/or agonistic dominance has been found in captive wolves and free-ranging dogs, applicability of the dominance concept in domestic dogs is highly debated, and quantitative data are scarce. Therefore, we investigated 7 body postures and 24 behaviours in a group of domestic dogs for their suitability as formal status indicators. The results showed that high posture, displayed in most dyadic relationships, and muzzle bite, displayed exclusively by the highest ranking dogs, qualified best as formal dominance indicators. The best formal submission indicator was body tail wag, covering most relationships, and two low postures, covering two-thirds of the relationships. In addition, both mouth lick, as included in Schenkel’s active submission, and pass under head qualified as formal submission indicators but were shown almost exclusively towards the highest ranking dogs. Furthermore, a status assessment based on changes in posture displays, i.e., lowering of posture (LoP) into half-low, low, low-on-back or on-back, was the best status indicator for most relationships as it showed good coverage (91% of the dyads), a nearly linear hierarchy (h’ = 0.94, p<0.003) and strong unidirectionality (DCI = 0.97). The associated steepness of 0.79 (p<0.0001) indicated a tolerant dominance style for this dog group. No significant correlations of rank with age or weight were found. Strong co-variation between LoP, high posture, and body tail wag justified the use of dominance as an intervening variable. Our results are in line with previous findings for captive wolves and free-ranging dogs, for formal dominance with strong linearity based on submission but not aggression. They indicate that the ethogram for dogs is best redefined by distinguishing body postures from behavioural activities. A good insight into dominance hierarchies and its indicators will be helpful in properly interpreting dog-dog relationships and diagnosing problem behaviour in dogs.  相似文献   

We develop a mathematical model of the phage λ lysis/lysogeny switch, taking into account recent experimental evidence demonstrating enhanced cooperativity between the left and right operator regions. Model parameters are estimated from available experimental data. The model is shown to have a single stable steady state for these estimated parameter values, and this steady state corresponds to the lysogenic state. When the CI degradation rate (γcI) is slightly increased from its normal value (γcI 0.0 min−1), two additional steady states appear (through a saddle-node bifurcation) in addition to the lysogenic state. One of these new steady states is stable and corresponds to the lytic state. The other steady state is an (unstable) saddle node. The coexistence these two globally stable steady states (the lytic and lysogenic states) is maintained with further increases of γcI until γcI 0.35 min−1, when the lysogenic steady state and the saddle node collide and vanish (through a reverse saddle node bifurcation) leaving only the lytic state surviving. These results allow us to understand the high degree of stability of the lysogenic state because, normally, it is the only steady state. Further implications of these results for the stability of the phage λ switch are discussed, as well as possible experimental tests of the model.  相似文献   

All-occurrence recording is generally thought to yield unbiased results. However, its accuracy and power to detect real effects may depend on the temporal patterning of the observation periods. Although several studies evaluated the suitability of time-sampling methods (one-zero and instantaneous sampling), there has not been an evaluation of various temporal patterns of the ‘all-occurrence’ method to date. Here we present an empirical comparison of time-sampling and all-occurrence recording methods, based on a large data set, with special reference to various temporal patterns of all-occurrence recording. The three different sampling methods were imposed on raw data protocols. The scores, obtained by the use of each method and temporal pattern, were compared with true values from the corresponding continuous video recordings. The accuracy and power of each method was estimated by comparison of medians and magnitudes of effect (rm), respectively. We were able to confirm results of earlier studies on the suitability of time-sampling methods (one-zero and instantaneous sampling), but we found that different temporal patterns of all-occurrence sampling yielded magnitudes of effect that differed from true value magnitudes. We conclude that behavioural studies may reveal different results, even when all conditions are the same, only because of power differences of different temporal pattern of the observation periods, for example 1 × 15 min versus 15 × 1 min. Recommendations are made about appropriate application of methods.  相似文献   

A protoberberine derivative library was used to search for selective inhibitors against kinases of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades in mammalian cells. Among kinases in mammalian MAPK pathways, we identified a compound (HWY336) that selectively inhibits kinase activity of mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 4 and 7 (MKK4 and MKK7). The IC50 of HWY336 was 6 µM for MKK4 and 10 µM for MKK7 in vitro. HWY336 bound to both kinases reversibly via noncovalent interactions, and inhibited their activity by interfering with access of a protein substrate to its binding site. The binding affinity of HWY336 to MKK4 was measured by surface plasmon resonance to determine a dissociation constant (Kd) of 3.2 µM. When mammalian cells were treated with HWY336, MKK4 and MKK7 were selectively inhibited, resulting in inhibition of c-Jun NH2-terminal protein kinases in vivo. The structural model of HWY336 bound to either MKK4 or MKK7 predicted that HWY336 was docked to the activation loop, which is adjacent to the substrate binding site. This model suggested the importance of the activation loop of MKKs in HWY336 selectivity. We verified this model by mutating three critical residues within this loop of MKK4 to the corresponding residues in MKK3. The mutant MKK4 displayed similar kinase activity as wild-type kinase, but its activity was not inhibited by HWY336 compared to wild-type MKK4. We propose that the specific association of HWY336 to the activation loop of MKK4/MKK7 is responsible for its selective inhibition.  相似文献   

The monophyly of Rodentia has repeatedly been challenged based on several studies of molecular sequence data. Most recently, D'Erchia et al. (1996) analyzed complete mtDNA sequences of 16 mammals and concluded that rodents are not monophyletic. We have reanalyzed these data using maximum-likelihood methods. We use two methods to test for significance of differences among alternative topologies and show that (1) models that incorporate variation in evolutionary rates across sites fit the data dramatically better than models used in the original analyses, (2) the mtDNA data fail to refute rodent monophyly, and (3) the original interpretation of strong support for nonmonophyly results from systematic error associated with an oversimplified model of sequence evolution. These analyses illustrate the importance of incorporating recent theoretical advances into molecular phylogenetic analyses, especially when results of these analyses conflict with classical hypotheses of relationships.  相似文献   

We review the findings of a longitudinal study of transmission of the intracellular tick-borne bacterium Anaplasma phagocytophilum from sheep to Ixodes ricinus ticks under natural conditions of tick attachment in the UK. In this study, sheep-to-tick transmission efficiency varied in a quadratic relationship with the number of adult ticks that were feeding on the sheep. We raise the hypothesis that this relationship may be due to conflicting effects of the density of ticks on bacterial survival and target cell (neutrophil) fluxes at the tick-host interface: in the same sheep at the same time, resistance to ticks was progressively inhibited with increasing number of feeding adult ticks, and investigation of serological responses to tick antigens suggesting loss of resistance may be associated with polarisation of host Th1 to Th2 type responses to ticks. We also raise the hypothesis that these properties, with superimposed effects on tick survival, may mean that variation in tick density is an important causal factor of observed variations in the force of A. phagocytophilum infection amongst different geographic foci. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Reconciliation is the most extensively studied conflict resolution mechanism in animal societies. However, despite the extensive literature on this topic, behaviors considered to represent postconflict affiliation have not been consistent across studies of reconciliation. Critically, reconciliation is usually defined as postconflict contact affiliation, e.g., grooming, and the importance of including interopponent distance regulation is often neglected. Moreover, to date, no study has simultaneously investigated different behavioral forms of reconciliation. We tested in two groups of wild Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus) the relative importance of postconflict close proximity and grooming in the mediation of two important costs of aggression: damage to the opponent’s social relationship and elevated postconflict anxiety. We provide evidence that close-proximity approaches function to resolve conflicts: Close-proximity approaches reduced the victim’s postconflict anxiety and were predicted by the quality of the social relationship with the opponent. Moreover, postconflict grooming alone, although predicted by the quality of the opponent’s social relationship, did not influence the victim’s elevated postconflict anxiety. Our results suggest that interopponent distance regulation plays an important role in reconciling the costs of aggression in Barbary macaques. We advocate that further efforts should be made to test which behaviors play a role in conflict resolution in different species. This is important because even closely related species may differ in the function of behaviors that superficially appear to be rather similar. Moreover, the choice of behaviors used to study conflict resolution determines the frequency with which reconciliation is observed and can thus bias comparisons across species.  相似文献   

Among a crowd of distractor faces, threatening or angry target faces are identified more quickly and accurately than are nonthreatening or happy target faces, a finding known as the “face in the crowd effect.” Two perceptual explanations of the effect have been proposed: (1) the “target orienting” hypothesis (i.e., threatening targets orient attention more quickly than do nonthreatening targets and (2) the “distractor processing” hypothesis (i.e., nonthreatening distractors paired with a threatening target are processed more efficiently than vice versa, leading to quicker detection of threatening targets). Using a task, with real faces and multiple identities, the current study replicated the face in the crowd effect and then, via eye tracking, found greater support for the target orienting hypothesis. Across both the classical search asymmetry paradigm (i.e., one happy target in a crowd of angry distractors vs. one angry target in a crowd of happy distractors) and the constant distractor paradigm (i.e., one happy target in a crowd of neutral distractors vs. one angry target in a crowd of neutral distractors), fewer distractors were fixated before first fixating angry targets relative to happy targets, with no difference in the processing efficiency of distractors. These results suggest that the face in the crowd effect on this task is supported to a greater degree by attentional patterns associated with properties of target rather those of the crowd.  相似文献   

豆科植物在中国草原生态系统中的地位及其生理生态研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
豆科(Leguminosae)植物在改良土壤肥力、保持水土、提供多种经济产品方面功能显著,但我国干旱、半干旱草原区草场的退化使豆科植物资源受到严重破坏,有的面临灭绝的危险.本文明确了豆科植物在草原生态系统中的重要性,并综述了其光合、固氮等重要生理过程的研究进展,总结出自然生态系统中豆科植物的高光合机理和环境胁迫对固氮特性的影响,同时指出在豆科植物的适生机制和固氮潜能的发挥等还有很大的研究前景,在生产实践中,播种豆科灌木和豆科牧草是解决大面积人工林、草场"氮缺乏"的有效措施.  相似文献   

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