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Fine mapping of the FecL locus influencing prolificacy in Lacaune sheep   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the Lacaune sheep population, two major loci influencing ovulation rate are segregating: FecX and FecL . The FecX L mutation is a non-conservative substitution (p.Cys53Tyr) in BMP15 that prevents the processing of the protein. Using a statistical approach, FecL has been shown to be an autosomal major gene. A full genome scan localized the FecL locus on sheep chromosome 11. Fine mapping reduced the interval containing FecL to markers BM17132 and FAM117A , corresponding to a synteny block of 1.1 megabases on human chromosome 17, which encompasses 20 genes. The expression of 16 genes from this interval was observed in tissues of the reproductive axis, but expression was not affected in homozygous FecL L females. In this interval, a unique haplotype was associated with the FecL L mutation. This particular haplotype could be predicted by the DLX3 :c.*803A>G SNP in the 3' UTR sequence of the DLX3 gene. This SNP provided accurate classification of animals (99.5%) as carriers or non-carriers of the mutation and therefore maybe useful in marker assisted selection. A synergistic action of FecL L and FecX L mutations on both ovulation rate and litter size was demonstrated. Until now, all the Fec genes identified in sheep belong to the bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) system. Based on the human orthologous region, none of the 20 genes in the FecL region corresponds to known molecules in the BMP system. The identification of the FecL L mutation could lead to the discovery of a new pathway involved in the regulation of ovulation rate.  相似文献   

Inheritance of the ovulation rate (OR) in the Lacaune meat breed was studied through records from a small nucleus of 36 hyper-prolific ewes screened on farms on the basis of their natural litter size, and from progeny data of three selected Lacaune sires. These sires were chosen at the AI centre according to their breeding values estimated for the mean and the variability of their daughters'' litter size. Non-carrier Lacaune dairy ewes were inseminated to produce 121 F1 daughters and 27 F1 sons. Twelve sons (four from each sire) were used in turn to inseminate non-carrier Lacaune dairy ewes providing 260 BC progeny ewes. F1 and BC progeny were brought from private farms and gathered after weaning on an experimental farm where ovulation rates were recorded in the first and second breeding seasons. With an average of 6.5 records each, the mean OR of hyper-prolific ewes was very high (5.34), and 38.4% of records showed a rate of 6 or more. F1 data showed high repeatability of OR (r = 0.54) within ewe, with significant variability among ewes. High OR (≥ 4) were observed in each family. A segregation analysis provided a significant likelihood ratio and classified the three founders as heterozygous. BC ewes also displayed high repeatability of OR (r = 0.47) and the mean OR varied considerably between families (from 1.24 to 1.78). Seven of the 12 BC families presented high-ovulating ewes (at least one record ≥ 4) and segregation analysis yielded a highly significant likelihood ratio as compared to an empirical test distribution. The high variability of the mean ovulation rate shown by a small group of daughters of BC ewes inseminated by putative carrier F1 rams, and the very high ovulation rate observed for some of these ewe lambs, confirmed the segregation of a major gene with two co-dominant alleles borne by an autosome. The difference between homozygous non-carriers and heterozygous ewes was about one ovulation on the observed scale and 2.2 standard deviations on the underlying scale.  相似文献   

Evidence for a new major gene influencing meat quality in pigs   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
The present investigation primarily deals with the inheritance of a pigmeat quality trait, the Napole technological yield (RTN), a measure of cooked weight to fresh weight. This trait as well as lean percentage at 100 kg liveweight and fattening length from 20 to 100 kg liveweight were recorded on 3459 offspring from 67 sires and 433 dams, and 3052 offspring from 64 sires and 405 dams in Penshire (P66) and Pen Ar Lan (P77) composite lines respectively. The hypothesis of a major 2-allele locus contributing to RTN was tested by use of a segregation analysis method. Highly significant likelihood ratios (mixed vs. polygenic transmission models) lead us to conclude that a major gene RN- exerting an unfavourable effect on RTN is segregating in both lines. Maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters under the hypothesis of mixed (monogenic + polygenic) inheritance show that the difference between the means of the 2 homozygotes amounts to about 3 phenotypic standard deviations of the trait, whereas the complete dominance of RN- cannot be rejected. The frequency of RN- is about 0.6 in both lines. These results are discussed in connection with the previously reported 'Hampshire effect' on pigmeat quality, as the Hampshire breed is a common component of the foundation stock of the 2 composite lines under study.  相似文献   

Although the intensive production system of Lacaune dairy sheep is the only profitable method for producers outside of the French Roquefort area, little is known about this type of systems. This study evaluated yield records of 3677 Lacaune sheep under intensive management between 2005 and 2010 in order to describe the lactation curve of this breed and to investigate the suitability of different mathematical functions for modeling this curve. A total of 7873 complete lactations during a 40-week lactation period corresponding to 201 281 pieces of weekly yield data were used. First, five mathematical functions were evaluated on the basis of the residual mean square, determination coefficient, Durbin Watson and Runs Test values. The two better models were found to be Pollott Additive and fractional polynomial (FP). In the second part of the study, the milk yield, peak of milk yield, day of peak and persistency of the lactations were calculated with Pollot Additive and FP models and compared with the real data. The results indicate that both models gave an extremely accurate fit to Lacaune lactation curves in order to predict milk yields (P = 0.871), with the FP model being the best choice to provide a good fit to an extensive amount of real data and applicable on farm without specific statistical software. On the other hand, the interpretation of the parameters of the Pollott Additive function helps to understand the biology of the udder of the Lacaune sheep. The characteristics of the Lacaune lactation curve and milk yield are affected by lactation number and length. The lactation curves obtained in the present study allow the early identification of ewes with low milk yield potential, which will help to optimize farm profitability.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis for mastitis resistance was studied from two data sets. Firstly, risk factors for different mastitis traits, i.e. culling due to clinical or chronic mastitis and subclinical mastitis predicted from somatic cell count (SCC), were explored using data from 957 first lactation Lacaune ewes of an experimental INRA flock composed of two divergent lines for milk yield. Secondly, genetic parameters for SCC were estimated from 5 272 first lactation Lacaune ewes recorded among 38 flocks, using an animal model. In the experimental flock, the frequency of culling due to clinical mastitis (5%) was lower than that of subclinical mastitis (10%) predicted from SCC. Predicted subclinical mastitis was unfavourably associated with the milk yield level. Such an antagonism was not detected for clinical mastitis, which could result, to some extent, from its low frequency or from the limited amount of data. In practice, however, selection for mastitis resistance could be limited in a first approach to selection against subclinical mastitis using SCC. The heritability estimate of SCC was 0.15 for the lactation mean trait and varied from 0.04 to 0.12 from the first to the fifth test-day. The genetic correlation between lactation SCC and milk yield was slightly positive (0.15) but showed a strong evolution during lactation, i.e. from favourable (-0.48) to antagonistic (0.27). On a lactation basis, our results suggest that selection for mastitis resistance based on SCC is feasible. Patterns for genetic parameters within first lactation, however, require further confirmation and investigation.  相似文献   

The genetic parameters for growth, reproductive and maternal traits in a multibreed meat sheep population were estimated by applying the Average Information Restricted Maximum Likelihood method to an animal model. Data from a flock supported by the Programa de Melhoramento Genético de Caprinos e Ovinos de Corte (GENECOC) were used. The traits studied included birth weight (BW), weaning weight (WW), slaughter weight (SW), yearling weight (YW), weight gain from birth to weaning (GBW), weight gain from weaning to slaughter (GWS), weight gain from weaning to yearling (GWY), age at first lambing (AFL), lambing interval (LI), gestation length (GL), lambing date (LD - number of days between the start of breeding season and lambing), litter weight at birth (LWB) and litter weight at weaning (LWW). The direct heritabilities were 0.35, 0.81, 0.65, 0.49, 0.20, 0.15 and 0.39 for BW, WW, SW, YW, GBW, GWS and GWY, respectively, and 0.04, 0.06, 0.10, 0.05, 0.15 and 0.11 for AFL, LI, GL, LD, LWB and LWW, respectively. Positive genetic correlations were observed among body weights. In contrast, there was a negative genetic correlation between GBW and GWS (-0.49) and GBW and GWY (-0.56). Positive genetic correlations were observed between AFL and LI, LI and GL, and LWB and LWW. These results indicate a strong maternal influence in this herd and the presence of sufficient genetic variation to allow mass selection for growth traits. Additive effects were of little importance for reproductive traits, and other strategies are necessary to improve the performance of these animals.  相似文献   

Some mutations (or ‘major genes’) have a desirable effect in heterozygous carriers but an undesirable effect in homozygous carriers. When these mutations affect a trait of significant economic importance, their eradication, depending on their effect and frequency, may be counterproductive. This is especially the case of major genes affecting the ovulation rate and thus the prolificacy in meat sheep populations. To manage such situations, a mating design based on the major genotypes of reproducers has to be optimized. Both the effect of the major gene and the cost of genotyping candidates at this locus influence the expected genetic progress and profitability of the breeding plan. The aim of this study was to determine the optimal combination of matings that maximizes profitability at the level of the whole population (nucleus + commercial flocks). A deterministic model was developed and, using sequential quadratic programming methodology, the optimal strategy (optimal combination of matings) that maximized the economic gain achieved by the population across a range of genotype effects and genotyping costs was determined. The optimal strategy was compared with simpler and more practical strategies based on a limited number of parental genotype mating types. Depending on the genotype effect and genotyping costs, the optimal strategy varied, such that either the heterozygous frequency and/or polygenic gain was maximized with a large number of animals genotyped, or when genotyping costs were higher, the optimization led to lower heterozygous frequency and/or polygenic gain with fewer animals genotyped. Comparisons showed that some simpler strategies were close to the optimal strategy. An overlapping model was then derived as an application of the real case of the French Lacaune meat sheep OVI-TEST breeding program. Results showed that a practical strategy based on mating non-carriers to heterozygous carriers was only slightly less effective than the optimal strategy, with a reduction in efficiency from 3% to 8%, depending on the genotyping costs. Based on only two different parental genotype mating types, this strategy would be easy to implement.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine whether the genetic variants of CAPN1 developed in several cattle populations can be applied for Hanwoo, regarding genetic effects on meat traits. The traits were examined for 286 purebred Hanwoo steers with genotypes classified by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis. The nucleotide positions of primers and previously identified genetic variants were based on sequences of the calpain 1 (CAPN1) gene with GenBank accession numbers (AF252504, AF248054, and AY639597). The analysis of genetic distribution estimated levels of minor allele frequencies ranged from 0.165 to 0.392, showing no significant departures from Hardy–Weinberg Equilibrium for all markers. Overall averages of heterozygosites (He) and polymorphic information contents (PICs) for all markers were calculated to 0.503 and 0.429, respectively, and the g.4558G>A marker showed the lowest He (0.425) and PIC (0.367). Animals from 29 months of age were slaughtered to measure Warner–Bratzler shear force (WBSF), cooking loss, water-holding capacity, pH, fat, and moisture. All the CAPN1 markers explained variations of WBSF, showing significant additive effects except g.5709G>A. A significant marginal mean difference in genotypes of g.6545C>T (P = 0.046) was found in moisture with additive effects. From the result it may be possible to use three calpain markers (g.4558G>A, g.4685C>T, and g.6545C>T) classified by RFLP and SSCP analysis in marker assisted selection programs to improve WBSF as meat tenderness in Hanwoo.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the possible effects of the seasonal and physiological variations on the Cu, Zn, Mg, Fe, Se, Ca, K, Na, Cl, and P concentrations and their relationships with the estradiol and progesterone levels in Sakiz-Ivesi sheep. For this purpose 34 healthy Sakiz-Ivesi crossbreed sheep were divided into two groups. The first group (n=22) was mated and the second group (n=12) was not mated. They were raised under pasture conditions and without any dietary supplementation. Their serum samples were collected four times a year at each season and under each physiologic condition. The periods are 1=early pregnancy (October), 2=late pregnancy (January), 3=lactation (April), and 4=dry season (July). The results of this study indicated that (1) Mg concentrations in serum vary with seasonal variations but not physiological variations, (2) Fe and K concentrations in serum vary only with physiological variations, (3) the Cu concentration changes not only pregnancy but also through some other hormonal changes not caused by pregnancy, (4) Ca, P, and Se concentrations could vary with both physiologic and seasonal variations, (5) Zn, Na, and Cl were almost identical for both groups and altered depending on neither season of the year nor the physiologic status, (6) both increased estradiol level and increased progesterone level can raise Cu levels in serum, and (7) increased serum Ca concentrations are related with increased estradiol and decreased P and Mg levels. These observations suggest that seasonal and physiologic variations and sexual cycle have to be taken into consideration for a correct ***DIRECT SUPPORT *** A02Q2015 00006 interpretation of elements status. If sheep are maintained at pasture conditions, the nutritional requirements must be supplemented during certain periods. Otherwise, it is apparent that this will cause a decline in the total performance of sheep and, consequently, economic lost.  相似文献   

In a flock of highly prolific Romney ewes obtained from industry flocks, one ewe (A281), with a production record of 33 lambs born in 11 lambings, produced a number of female descendants with high ovulation rates. The mode of inheritance of this trait was determined in a series of four progeny tests of male descendants of this ewe. The first progeny test produced strong evidence for a new major gene affecting ovulation rate in this family line; this finding was supported by two subsequent progeny tests. The fourth progeny test was designed to test the hypothesis that this gene is carried on the X chromosome. The results showed that six sons of a carrier ram did not inherit the gene, but it was passed on to three of his five maternal grandsons. This finding, together with evidence of genetic segregation in the progeny of carrier females, demonstrates for the first time the presence of a major gene for prolificacy specifically located on the X chromosome. The effect of the gene is to increase ovulation rate by about one additional egg per ewe.  相似文献   

A genetically linked marker locus is sought for the Booroola gene (FecB), a major gene which confers increased prolificacy in sheep. We examined 18 polymorphic proteins in sheep and found 10 to be informative in half-sib families where the Booroola gene was segregating. Recombination was observed between each of the protein loci and the Booroola gene. The loci and exclusion distance for each (calculated as the recombination fraction where the lod score was equal to -2.0) are as follows: NADH diaphorase, DIA1 (9.2 cM); arylesterase, EsA (11.9 cM); haemoglobin beta chain, HBB (17.5 cM); leucine amino peptidase, LAP (19.7 cM); malic enzyme, ME1 (14.8 cM); ovine plasminogen antigen, OPA (12.6 cM); alpha-1-protease inhibitor, PI2 (5.7 cM), erythrocyte 'X' protein, Prot-X (25.3 cM); post transferrin, PTF (2.2 cM); transferrin, TF (33.8 cM).  相似文献   

Zhou H  Hickford JG  Fang Q 《Immunogenetics》2005,57(6):453-457
Genetic variation in immunoglobulin A, the most abundant immunoglobulin in mammalian cells, has not been reported in ruminants. In this study, variation in the immunoglobulin heavy alpha chain constant gene (IGHA) of sheep was investigated by amplification of a fragment that included the hinge coding sequence, followed by single-strand conformational polymorphism (SSCP) analysis and DNA sequencing. Three novel sequences, each characterized by unique SSCP banding patterns, were identified. One or two sequences were detected in individual sheep and all the sequences identified shared high homology to the published ovine and bovine IGHA sequences, suggesting that these sequences represent allelic variants of the IGHA gene in sheep. Sequence alignment showed that these sequences differed mainly in the 3′ end of exon 1 and in the coding sequence of the hinge region. There was either a deletion or an insertion of two codons in the hinge coding region in these allelic variants. Codon usage in the hinge coding region was quite different from that in the non-hinge coding regions of the gene, suggesting different evolution of the IGHA hinge sequence. Three novel amino acid sequences of ovine IGHA were also predicted, and variation in these sequences might not only affect antigen recognition but also susceptibility to cleavage by bacterial or parasitic proteases. Nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the NCBI GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession nos. AY956424–AY956426.  相似文献   

Class II major histocompatibility complex genes of the sheep   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The class II genes of the sheep major histocompatibility complex (MHC) have been cloned from two unrelated heterozygous sheep into cosmid vectors. By restriction mapping and hybridization with a number of class II probes of human and mouse origin, the cloned genetic material has been assigned to seven distinct alpha genes, 10 distinct beta genes and 14 beta-related sequences. It was difficult to identify homologues of specific HLA class II genes because of a tendency for the ovine genes to cross-hybridize between HLA probes representing different loci. Such cross-hybridization was especially marked among the beta genes. While DQ and DR homologues have been tentatively identified by several criteria, no genes corresponding to DP have been identified. Cosmids containing class II alpha and beta genes have been transfected into mouse LTK- cells, and surface expression of a sheep class II molecule has been obtained.  相似文献   

Summary The cystic fibrosis (CF) gene deletion F508 was studied in a Belgian population of 74 families and their 83 CF children. The haplotypes for CF and normal chromosomes had previously been determined with several linked DNA probes. In our CF population, the gene deletion F508 was found in 76% of the mutant alleles. Of the deletion F508, 97% segregated with the highest risk haplotype for the CF carrier status. Some 61% of our families were found to be homozygous for this major CF mutation. Each of our three pancreatic sufficiency patients (two of whom were siblings) was heterozygote for the F508 deletion.  相似文献   

A pneumonia epidemic reduced bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) survival and recruitment during 1997-2000 in a population comprised of three interconnected wintering herds (Kenosha Mountains, Sugarloaf Mountain, Twin Eagles) that inhabited the Kenosha and Tarryall Mountain ranges in central Colorado, USA. The onset of this epidemic coincided temporally and spatially with the appearance of a single domestic sheep (Ovis aires) on the Sugarloaf Mountain herd's winter range in December 1997. Although only bighorns in the Sugarloaf Mountain herd were affected in 1997-98, cases also occurred during 1998-99 in the other two wintering herds, likely after the epidemic spread via established seasonal movements of male bighorns. In all, we located 86 bighorn carcasses during 1997-2000. Three species of Pasteurella were isolated in various combinations from affected lung tissues from 20 bighorn carcasses where tissues were available and suitable for diagnostic evaluation; with one exception, beta-hemolytic mannheimia (Pasteurella) haemolytica (primarily reported as biogroup 1(G) or 1(alphaG)) was isolated from lung tissues of cases evaluated during winter 1997-98. The epidemic dramatically lowered adult bighorn monthly survival in all three herds; a model that included an acute epidemic effect, differing between sexes and with vaccination status, that diminished linearly over the next 12 mo best represented field data. In addition to the direct mortality associated with epidemics in these three herds, lamb recruitment in years following the pneumonia epidemic also was depressed as compared to years prior to the epidemic. Based on observations presented here, pasteurellosis epidemics in free-ranging bighorn sheep can arise through incursion of domestic sheep onto native ranges, and thus minimizing contact between domestic and bighorn sheep appears to be a logical principle for bighorn sheep conservation.  相似文献   

Paraquat resistance in an annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum Gaud.) population (AFLR1) has been attributed to reduced paraquat translocation. Genetic inheritance of paraquat resistance in this population was investigated in the present study. The paraquat dose response of progeny from 8 F1 families was more similar to that of the resistant than the susceptible parent, while the equivalent data for a further three families were intermediate compared to those of the parental populations. No significant differences in dose response were observed between reciprocal crosses of specific F1 families. These results suggest that paraquat resistance in AFLR1 is inherited as a dominant or partially dominant nuclear-encoded trait. Pseudo-F2 (ψ-F2) generation seedlings were treated with multiple dose rates sufficient to control the susceptible parental population, and observed segregation ratios in all instances conformed to a 3:1 (resistant:susceptible) segregation ratio, and this ratio was further confirmed by individual phenotyping of cloned plant genotypes. A single major nuclear gene is hence apparently responsible for evolved paraquat resistance in AFLR1.  相似文献   

An analytical model describing incidence of mating in Ixodes ricinus (L.) is constructed and incorporated in a simple population model which predicts proportional growth rates of Ixodes populations as a function of host and parasite densities. The sensitivity of the population model to changes in parameter values is examined, and it is shown that there exists an optimum host population size for each of the Ixodes population sizes chosen. The significance of the results is discussed with respect to the spatial distribution of sheep tick populations.  相似文献   

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