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Bacteriocins from lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are a diverse group of antimicrobial proteins/peptides, offering potential as biopreservatives, and exhibit a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity at low concentrations along with thermal as well as pH stability in foods. High bacteriocin production usually occurs in complex media. However, such media are expensive for an economical production process. For effective use of bacteriocins as food biopreservatives, there is a need to have heat-stable wide spectrum bacteriocins produced with high-specific activity in food-grade medium. The main hurdles concerning the application of bacteriocins as food biopreservatives is their low yield in food-grade medium and time-consuming, expensive purification processes, which are suitable at laboratory scale but not at industrial scale. So, the present review focuses on the bacteriocins production using complex and food-grade media, which mainly emphasizes on the bacteriocin producer strains, media used, different production systems used and effect of different fermentation conditions on the bacteriocin production. In addition, this review emphasizes the purification processes designed for efficient recovery of bacteriocins at small and large scale.  相似文献   

The dynamics of knowledge transmission and acquisition, or how different aspects of culture are passed from one individual to another and how they are acquired and embodied by individuals, are central to understanding cultural evolution. In small-scale societies, cultural knowledge is largely acquired early in life through observation, imitation, and other forms of social learning embedded in daily experiences. However, little is known about the pathways through which such knowledge is transmitted, especially during middle childhood and adolescence. This study presents new empirical data on cultural knowledge transmission during childhood. Data were collected among the Baka, a forager-farmer society in southeastern Cameroon. We conducted structured interviews with children between 5 and 16 years of age (n?=?58 children; 177 interviews, with children being interviewed 1–6 times) about group composition during subsistence activities. Children’s groups were generally diverse, although children tended to perform subsistence activities primarily without adults and with same-sex companions. Group composition varied from one subsistence activity to another, which suggests that the flow of knowledge might also vary according to the activity performed. Analysis of the social composition of children’s subsistence groups shows that vertical and oblique transmission of subsistence-related knowledge might not be predominant during middle childhood and adolescence. Rather, horizontal transmission appears to be the most common knowledge transmission strategy used by Baka children during middle childhood and adolescence, highlighting the importance of other children in the transmission of knowledge.  相似文献   

Global plant trait studies have revealed fundamental trade-offs in plant resource economics. We evaluated such trait trade-offs during secondary succession in two species-rich tropical ecosystems that contrast in precipitation: dry deciduous and wet evergreen forests of Mexico. Species turnover with succession in dry forest largely relates to increasing water availability and in wet forest to decreasing light availability. We hypothesized that while functional trait trade-offs are similar in the two forest systems, the successful plant strategies in these communities will be different, as contrasting filters affect species turnover. Research was carried out in 15 dry secondary forest sites (5-63 years after abandonment) and in 17 wet secondary forest sites (<1-25 years after abandonment). We used 11 functional traits measured on 132 species to make species-trait PCA biplots for dry and wet forest and compare trait trade-offs. We evaluated whether multivariate plant strategies changed during succession, by calculating a ‘Community-Weighted Mean’ plant strategy, based on species scores on the first two PCA-axes. Trait spectra reflected two main trade-off axes that were similar for dry and wet forest species: acquisitive versus conservative species, and drought avoiding species versus evergreen species with large animal-dispersed seeds. These trait associations were consistent when accounting for evolutionary history. Successional changes in the most successful plant strategies reflected different functional trait spectra depending on the forest type. In dry forest the community changed from having drought avoiding strategies early in succession to increased abundance of evergreen strategies with larger seeds late in succession. In wet forest the community changed from species having mainly acquisitive strategies to those with more conservative strategies during succession. These strategy changes were explained by increasing water availability during dry forest succession and increasing light scarcity during wet forest succession. Although similar trait spectra were observed among dry and wet secondary forest species, the consequences for succession were different resulting from contrasting environmental filters.  相似文献   

The IMV envelope protein D8 is an adhesion molecule and a major immunodominant antigen of vaccinia virus (VACV). Here we identified the optimal D8 ligand to be chondroitin sulfate E (CS-E). CS-E is characterized by a disaccharide moiety with two sulfated hydroxyl groups at positions 4′ and 6′ of GalNAc. To study the role of antibodies in preventing D8 adhesion to CS-E, we have used a panel of murine monoclonal antibodies, and tested their ability to compete with CS-E for D8 binding. Among four antibody specificity groups, MAbs of one group (group IV) fully abrogated CS-E binding, while MAbs of a second group (group III) displayed widely varying levels of CS-E blocking. Using EM, we identified the binding site for each antibody specificity group on D8. Recombinant D8 forms a hexameric arrangement, mediated by self-association of a small C-terminal domain of D8. We propose a model in which D8 oligomerization on the IMV would allow VACV to adhere to heterogeneous population of CS, including CS-C and potentially CS-A, while overall increasing binding efficiency to CS-E.  相似文献   

Astrocytes from cortex, cerebellum, and spinal cord responded to isoproterenol and vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) with increases in intracellular cyclic AMP levels. The response to VIP was as great as that to isoproterenol in cortical astrocytes (180-fold and 185-fold, respectively), and the effect of VIP in combination with isoproterenol was partially additive. Spinal cord astrocytes also responded to VIP and isoproterenol with equal potency (seven- to ninefold and eight- to 13-fold, respectively), but the level of response was much smaller than in cortex. Spinal cord astrocytes were synergistic in their response to VIP and isoproterenol. The response to VIP was lowest in cerebellar astrocytes (only threefold), and no additivity was observed when VIP was added together with isoproterenol. A small response to alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH) was also observed in cortex and cerebellum, but not in spinal cord. Somatostatin inhibited the response to isoproterenol in cortex and cerebellum, but had no effect in spinal cord. The results from the above study show that astrocytes obtained from these three regions of the rat CNS express quite different responses to VIP and alpha-MSH and further point to possible astrocyte heterogeneity.  相似文献   

As rates of traditional sources of scientific funding decline, scientists have become increasingly interested in crowdfunding as a means of bringing in new money for research. In fields where crowdfunding has become a major venue for fundraising such as the arts and technology, building an audience for one''s work is key for successful crowdfunding. For science, to what extent does audience building, via engagement and outreach, increase a scientist''s abilities to bring in money via crowdfunding? Here we report on an analysis of the #SciFund Challenge, a crowdfunding experiment in which 159 scientists attempted to crowdfund their research. Using data gathered from a survey of participants, internet metrics, and logs of project donations, we find that public engagement is the key to crowdfunding success. Building an audience or “fanbase” and actively engaging with that audience as well as seeking to broaden the reach of one''s audience indirectly increases levels of funding. Audience size and effort interact to bring in more people to view a scientist''s project proposal, leading to funding. We discuss how projects capable of raising levels of funds commensurate with traditional funding agencies will need to incorporate direct involvement of the public with science. We suggest that if scientists and research institutions wish to tap this new source of funds, they will need to encourage and reward activities that allow scientists to engage with the public.  相似文献   

Hypothyroidism in humans provokes various neuropsychiatric disorders, movement, and cognitive abnormalities that may greatly depend on the mitochondrial energy metabolism. Brain cells contain at least two major populations of mitochondria that include the non-synaptic mitochondria, which originate from neuronal and glial cell bodies (CM), and the synaptic (SM) mitochondria, which primarily originate from the nerve terminals. Several parameters of oxidative stress and other parameters in SM and CM fractions of hippocampus of adult rats were compared among euthyroid (control), hypothyroid (methimazol-treated), and thyroxine (T4)-treated hypothyroid states. nNOS translocation to CM was observed with concomitant increase of mtNOS??s activity in hypothyroid rats. In parallel, oxidation of cytochrome c oxidase and production of peroxides with substrates of complex I (glutamate?+?malate) were enhanced in CM, whereas the activity of aconitase and mitochondrial membrane potential (????m) were decreased. Furthermore, the elevation of mitochondrial hexokinase activity in CM was also found. No differences in these parameters between control and hypothyroid animals were observed in SM. However, in contrast to CM, hypothyroidism increases the level of pro-apoptotic K-Ras and Bad in SM. Our results suggest that hypothyroidism induces moderate and reversible oxidative/nitrosative stress in hippocampal CM, leading to the compensatory elevation of hexokinase activity and aerobic glycolysis. Such adaptive activation in glycolytic metabolism does not occur in SM, suggesting that synaptic mitochondria differ in their sensitivity to the energetic disturbance in hypothyroid conditions.  相似文献   

著: 《生物信息学》2019,26(2):43-52
旨在促进应用“文化景观”概念作为分析和开发阿根廷地域项目的工具。第1部分,力图总结有关文化景观的概念,术语名词的起源、传播以及其所暗含的可能性和矛盾性。第2部分,讨论这个概念成为项目工具的方式。第3部分中,强调了绘图在分析和项目中的核心作用。第4部分,以2个案例研究表明在前3个部分中阐述的问题。结论提出了这种开展项目的方式的潜能、挑战和矛盾。而只有针对地域特性的详细研究才能使找到一种回馈当地发展的管理方式成为可能。  相似文献   

Interaction of the Onderstepoort strain of canine distemper virus (CDV) with three established human neural cells, i.e. IMR-32 neuroblastoma, 118-MGC glioma and KG-1 oligodendroglioma, was examined, and adaptation of CDV to these cells was also attempted. The unadapted virus was found to grow at relatively low titers in the three neural cells inducing moderate to minimal cytopathic effects (CPE). The virus was successfully grown at high titers in these cells after 8 to 10 passages. Biological characteristics such as growth rate, morphology of CPE and plaque size changed after adaptation. Analysis by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, however, failed to show any difference in the molecular weight of component proteins among the unadapted and three adapted viruses. Inbred DDD strain of mice developed clinical signs after intracerebral inoculation with the unadapted virus but most of them survived with histological lesions of encephalitis. Neuroblastoma-adapted virus induced only transient clinical signs in some animals with mild encephalitic lesions in the gray matter. Increases in neurovirulence were found for viruses adapted to glioma and oligodendroglioma cells. Almost all mice inoculated with these two viruses at 3 weeks of age died within 8 days with histological lesions consisting of hyperemia, edema, severe degeneration of nerve cells and a few giant cells. Demyelinating lesions in the absence of inflammatory changes were observed in the cerebellum, pons and medulla oblongata of animals inoculated with oligodendroglioma-adapted virus.  相似文献   

Voles use runways, paths, and trails that may also be used by rabbits and mink. These shared areas could contain the scent marks of conspecifics and heterospecifics. Thus, it is likely that the scent marks of heterospecifics may overlap or be overlapped by those of voles, forming over‐marks. Much is known about how voles respond to over‐marks of two different conspecifics. However, we do not know how they would respond to an opposite‐sex conspecific whose scent marks are in an over‐mark with the scent marks of predator or the scent marks of a non‐predator heterospecifics. We tested the hypothesis that meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus, differ in their response to the scent mark of the opposite‐sex conspecific if the scent mark was overlapped by that of a mink, a vole predator, or rabbit, a vole non‐predator. We found that female but not male voles showed a preference for the scent marks of the opposite‐sex conspecifics that were part of the mink‐vole over‐mark when compared to those of opposite‐sex conspecifics that were not part of the over‐mark. This preference by female voles was independent of whether the male vole was the top‐scent donor or bottom‐scent donor of the over‐mark. Male and female voles showed no preference between the scent marks of the opposite‐sex conspecifics whose marks were part of or not part of the rabbit‐vole over‐mark. Sex differences in the manner that meadow voles respond to rabbit‐vole and mink‐vole over‐marks are discussed.  相似文献   

Public acceptance of evolution in Northeastern U.S. is the highest nationwide, only 59%. Here, we compare perspectives about evolution, creationism, intelligent design (ID), and religiosity between highly educated New England faculty (n = 244; 90% Ph.D. holders in 40 disciplines at 35 colleges/universities) and college students from public secular (n = 161), private secular (n = 298), and religious (n = 185) institutions: 94/3% of the faculty vs. 64/14% of the students admitted to accepting evolution openly and/or privately, and 82/18% of the faculty vs. 58/42% of the students thought that evolution is definitely true or probably true, respectively. Only 3% of the faculty vs. 23% of the students thought that evolution and creationism are in harmony. Although 92% of faculty and students thought that evolution relies on common ancestry, one in every four faculty and one in every three students did not know that humans are apes; 15% of the faculty vs. 34% of the students believed, incorrectly, that the origin of the human mind cannot be explained by evolution, and 30% of the faculty vs. 72% of the students was Lamarckian (believed in inheritance of acquired traits). Notably, 91% of the faculty was very concerned (64%) or somehow concerned (27%) about the controversy evolution vs creationism vs ID and its implications for science education: 96% of the faculty vs. 72% of the students supported the exclusive teaching of evolution while 4% of the faculty vs. 28% of the students favored equal time to evolution, creationism and ID; 92% of the faculty vs. 52% of the students perceived ID as not scientific and proposed to counter evolution or as doctrine consistent with creationism. Although ≈30% of both faculty and students considered religion to be very important in their lives, and ≈20% admitted to praying daily, the faculty was less religious (Religiosity Index faculty = 0.5 and students = 0.75) and, as expected, more knowledgeable about science (Science Index faculty = 2.27 and students = 1.60) and evolution (Evolution Index faculty = 2.48 and students = 1.65) than the students. Because attitudes toward evolution correlate (1) positively with understanding of science/evolution and (2) negatively with religiosity/political ideology, we conclude that science education combined with vigorous public debate should suffice to increase acceptance of naturalistic rationalism and decrease the negative impact of creationism and ID on society’s evolution literacy.  相似文献   

The authors derived early and late populations of fruit flies showing increased incidence of emergence during morning or evening hours by imposing selection for timing of emergence under 12:12?h light/dark (LD) cycles. From previous studies, it was clear that the increased incidence of adult emergence during morning and evening hours in early and late populations was a result of evolution of divergent and characteristic emergence waveforms in these populations. Such characteristic waveforms are henceforth referred to as “evolved emergence waveforms” (EEWs). The early and late populations also evolved different circadian clocks, which is evident from the divergence in their clock period (τ) and photic phase response curve (PRC). Although correlation between emergence waveforms and clock properties suggests functional significance of circadian clocks, τ and PRCs do not satisfactorily explain the early and late emergence phenotypes. In order to understand the functional significance of the PRC for early and late emergence phenotypes, the authors investigated whether circadian clocks of these flies exhibit any difference in photosensitivity under entrained conditions. Such differences would suggest that the light requirement for circadian entrainment of the emergence rhythm in early and late populations is different. To test this, they examined if early and late flies differ in their light utilization behavior, first by assaying their emergence rhythm under complete photoperiod and then in three different skeleton photoperiods. The results showed that early and late populations require different durations of light during the morning and evening to achieve their EEWs, suggesting that for the circadian entrainment of the emergence rhythm, early and late flies utilize light from different parts of the day. (Author correspondence: or )  相似文献   

Under sulfur deprivation conditions, the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii produces hydrogen in the light in a sustainable manner thanks to the contribution of two pathways, direct and indirect. In the direct pathway, photosystem II (PSII) supplies electrons to hydrogenase through the photosynthetic electron transport chain, while in the indirect pathway, hydrogen is produced in the absence of PSII through a photosystem I-dependent process. Starch metabolism has been proposed to contribute to both pathways by feeding respiration and maintaining anoxia during the direct pathway and by supplying reductants to the plastoquinone pool during the indirect pathway. At variance with this scheme, we report that a mutant lacking starch (defective for sta6) produces similar hydrogen amounts as the parental strain in conditions of sulfur deprivation. However, when PSII is inhibited by 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea, conditions where hydrogen is produced by the indirect pathway, hydrogen production is strongly reduced in the starch-deficient mutant. We conclude that starch breakdown contributes to the indirect pathway by feeding electrons to the plastoquinone pool but is dispensable for operation of the direct pathway that prevails in the absence of DCMU. While hydrogenase induction was strongly impaired in the starch-deficient mutant under dark anaerobic conditions, wild-type-like induction was observed in the light. Because this light-driven hydrogenase induction is DCMU insensitive and strongly inhibited by carbonyl cyanide-p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone or 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone, we conclude that this process is regulated by the proton gradient generated by cyclic electron flow around PSI.In the context of economical and environmental concerns around fossil fuel depletion and global warming, the interest in hydrogen as an energy carrier for the future has considerably grown. Because molecular hydrogen is scarce on our planet, the development of a hydrogen economy strongly depends on our ability to propose clean and sustainable technologies of hydrogen production. In this context, the ability of some photosynthetic microorganisms, and particularly cyanobacteria and microalgae, to convert solar energy into hydrogen has been considered as very promising (Ghirardi et al., 2000; Rupprecht et al., 2006). When cells of the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii are illuminated after adaptation to anaerobic conditions, electrons originating from water splitting at PSII are driven by the photosynthetic electron transport chain to ferredoxin and to a reversible iron hydrogenase, thereby enabling the production of molecular hydrogen from water and solar energy. Because both hydrogenase activity and expression are highly sensitive to the presence of O2 (Happe et al., 1994; Ghirardi et al., 1997; Happe and Kaminski, 2002) and because O2 is produced at PSII, hydrogen photoproduction stops after a few minutes of illumination. Melis et al. (2000) proposed an experimental protocol based on sulfur (S) deprivation, allowing long-term hydrogen production. This protocol relies on a two-stage process: during a first stage, oxygenic photosynthesis drives production of biomass and carbohydrate stores, and during a second anaerobic stage, the hydrogenase is induced and hydrogen is produced. Sulfur starvation has two important effects regarding hydrogen production: (1) a massive accumulation of starch that defines a common response to nutrient starvation and (2) a gradual drop in PSII activity (Wykoff et al., 1998). Once the rate of photosynthetic O2 evolution drops below the rate of respiration, anaerobic conditions are reached, enabling the induction of hydrogenase and the production of significant amounts of hydrogen for several days. In parallel to hydrogen production, starch is degraded (Melis et al., 2000; Melis, 2007).The importance of starch fermentation in hydrogen production has been recognized early from the pioneering work of Gibbs and coworkers (Gfeller and Gibbs, 1984; Gibbs et al., 1986). Based on the observation that starchless C. reinhardtii mutants sta6 and sta7 are strongly affected in their ability to produce hydrogen, Posewitz et al. (2004) proposed that starch metabolism plays a central role in C. reinhardtii hydrogen production. Actually, two different pathways can supply reductants (i.e. reduced ferredoxin) for hydrogen production in the light, a direct pathway involving PSII and an indirect PSII-independent pathway that relies on a nonphotochemical reduction of plastoquinones (PQs; Fouchard et al., 2005; Melis, 2007). Starch catabolism was proposed to play a role in both pathways (Melis, 2007) by (1) sustaining mitochondrial respiration and allowing the maintenance of anaerobic conditions for the PSII-dependent direct pathway and (2) by supplying electrons to the chlororespiratory pathway and to the hydrogenase through a PSI-dependent process during the indirect pathway (Fouchard et al., 2005; Mus et al., 2005; Melis, 2007). Such a dual role of starch was first confirmed by the study of a Rubisco-deficient mutant (CC2653), unable to accumulate starch and to produce hydrogen in conditions of S deprivation (White and Melis, 2006), but was recently challenged by the study of another Rubisco-less mutant (CC2803), which was reported to produce significant amounts of hydrogen in S starvation conditions, although not accumulating starch (Hemschemeier et al., 2008). These conflicting results obtained on two different Rubisco-deficient mutants prompted us to reexamine the contribution of starch to both direct and indirect pathways of hydrogen production. For this purpose, we complemented the initial work of Posewitz et al. (2004) by revisiting the ability of C. reinhardtii mutants deficient in starch metabolism to produce hydrogen. We thus tested the ability to produce hydrogen in a starchless strain carrying defect in the structural gene encoding the small subunit of ADP-Glc pyrophosphorylase (AGPase; sta6; Zabawinski et al., 2001). We found that sta6 mutant produces significant hydrogen amounts in condition of S deprivation but shows a strongly reduced PSII-independent hydrogen production. We conclude that while the PSII-independent hydrogen production pathway strictly relies on starch catabolism, the PSII-dependent pathway may require either starch or acetate as a respiratory substrate to maintain anaerobiosis.  相似文献   

Restriction analysis of plasmids pTFK1 and pTFK2 of theAcidithiobacillus ferrooxidans strain TFBk was carried out, and the sizes of these plasmids were determined (13.5 and 30 kb, respectively). A macrorestriction map was built for plasmid pTFK1. DNA–DNA hybridization revealed that the plasmids contained homologous nucleotide sequences. Plasmid pTFK2 labeled with 32P was used as a probe for Southern hybridization with blots of XbaI-generated fragments of the chromosomal DNA of A. ferrooxidans strains grown on a medium containing Fe2+ or adapted to different oxidation substrates. Low-intensity hybridization signals were observed for many fragments of the chromosomal DNA of the strains studied. In the process of adaptation to new oxidation substrates, the localization of bands producing the low-intensity hybridization signals changed in a number of cases. Certain fragments of the chromosomal DNA of the strains adapted to different oxidation substrates produced strong hybridization signals with pTFK2. The data obtained are discussed in terms of the possible role of IST elements and plasmids in the adaptation of A. ferrooxidans to new energy substrates, microevolution, and strain polymorphism.  相似文献   

海洋多羟基甾醇硫酸酯钠盐及其生物活性研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据结构特点进行分类,本文综述了海洋生物中存在的多羟基甾醇硫酸酯钠盐化合物及其生理活性的研究进展。  相似文献   

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