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Ruminant livestock have the ability to produce high-quality human food from feedstuffs of little or no value for humans. Balanced essential amino acid composition of meat and milk from ruminants makes those protein sources valuable adjuncts to human diets. It is anticipated that there will be increasing demand for ruminant proteins in the future. Increasing productivity per animal dilutes out the nutritional and environmental costs of maintenance and rearing dairy animals up to production. A number of nutritional strategies improve production per animal such as ration balancing in smallholder operations and small grain supplements to ruminants fed high-forage diets. Greenhouse gas emission intensity is reduced by increased productivity per animal; recent research has developed at least one effective inhibitor of methane production in the rumen. There is widespread over-feeding of protein to dairy cattle; milk and component yields can be maintained, and sometimes even increased, at lower protein intake. Group feeding dairy cows according to production and feeding diets higher in rumen-undegraded protein can improve milk and protein yield. Supplementing rumen-protected essential amino acids will also improve N efficiency in some cases. Better N utilization reduces urinary N, which is the most environmentally unstable form of excretory N. Employing nutritional models to more accurately meet animal requirements improves nutrient efficiency. Although smallholder enterprises, which are concentrated in tropical and semi-tropical regions of developing countries, are subject to different economic pressures, nutritional biology is similar at all production levels. Rather than milk volume, nutritional strategies should maximize milk component yield, which is proportional to market value as well as food value when milk nutrients are consumed directly by farmers and their families. Moving away from Holsteins toward smaller breeds such as Jerseys, Holstein-Jersey crosses or locally adapted breeds (e.g. Vechur) would also reduce lactose production and improve metabolic, environmental and economic efficiencies. Forages containing condensed tannins or polyphenol oxidase enzymes have reduced rumen protein degradation; ruminants capture this protein more efficiently for meat and milk. Although these forages generally have lower yields and persistence, genetic modification would allow insertion of these traits into more widely cultivated forages. Ruminants will retain their niches because of their ability to produce valuable human food from low value feedstuffs. Employing these emerging strategies will allow improved productive efficiency of ruminants in both developing and developed countries.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in the volume of milk in Norwegian goat dairy farming complicate the production of brand goat cheeses. In the specialised goat dairy farming system most kids are culled shortly after birth without utilising the meat. In this paper the farm economics of an alternative system with altered period of kidding (currently from January to March) combined with the production of meat and cashmere fibre, is examined. May kidding combined with raising the kids for 8 or 20 months yielded the most promising economical return. Raising the kids for 1 year is also profitable when kidding takes place in February while December kidding seems to perform best with the present system of culling the kids right after birth. Cashmere fibre production seems to be profitable on Norwegian dairy goat farms and fibre and meat could become an option in countries seeking to improve incomes on dairy goat farms. Compared to the present system the changes would also be favourable from an animal welfare point of view.  相似文献   

Roots and root-derived C compounds are increasingly recognised as important resources for soil animal food webs. We used 13C-labelled glucose as a model C compound representing root exudates to follow the incorporation of root-derived C into the soil animal food web of a temperate grassland over a period of 52 weeks. We investigated variations in glucose C incorporation with fertilizer addition and sward composition, i.e. variations in plant functional groups. The approach allowed the differentiation of trophic chains based on primary decomposers feeding on litter and phytophagous species feeding on roots (i.e. not incorporating glucose C) from those based on secondary decomposers feeding on microorganisms (thereby assimilating glucose C). Each of the studied soil animal species incorporated glucose C, indicating that the majority of grassland soil animal species rely on microorganisms as food resources with microorganisms being fuelled by root exudates. However, incorporation of glucose C into soil animal species varied markedly with species identity, suggesting that detritivorous microarthropods complement each other in channelling microbial C through soil food webs. Fertilizer addition markedly reduced the concentration of glucose C in most soil animal species as well as the absolute transfer of glucose C into oribatid mites as major secondary decomposers. The results suggest that fertilizer addition shifts the basis of the decomposer food web towards the use of unlabelled resources, presumably roots, i.e. towards a herbivore system, thereby lessening the link between microorganisms and microbial grazers and hampering the propagation of microbial C to higher trophic levels.  相似文献   

The identification of individuals’ breed of origin has several practical applications in livestock and is useful in different biological contexts such as conservation genetics, breeding and authentication of animal products. In this paper, penalized multinomial regression was applied to identify the minimum number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from high-throughput genotyping data for individual assignment to dairy sheep breeds reared in Sicily. The combined use of penalized multinomial regression and stability selection reduced the number of SNPs required to 48. A final validation step on an independent population was carried out obtaining 100% correctly classified individuals. The results using independent analysis, such as admixture, Fst, principal component analysis and random forest, confirmed the ability of these methods in selecting distinctive markers. The identified SNPs may constitute a starting point for the development of a SNP based identification test as a tool for breed assignment and traceability of animal products.  相似文献   

Cattle are the world’s largest consumers of plant biomass. Digestion of this biomass by ruminants generates high methane emissions that affect global warming. In the last decades, the specialisation of cattle breeds and livestock systems towards either milk or meat has increased the milk production of dairy cows and the carcass weight of slaughtered cattle. At the animal level and farm level, improved animal performance decreases feed use and greenhouse gas emissions per kg of milk or carcass weight, mainly through a dilution of maintenance requirements per unit of product. However, increasing milk production per dairy cow reduces meat production from the dairy sector, as there are fewer dairy cows. More beef cows are then required if one wants to maintain the same meat production level at country scale. Meat produced from the dairy herd has a better feed efficiency (less feed required per kg of carcass weight) and emits less methane than the meat produced by the cow-calf systems, because the intake of lactating cows is largely for milk production and marginally for meat, whereas the intake of beef cows is entirely for meat. Consequently, the benefits of breed specialisation assessed at the animal level and farm level may not hold when milk and meat productions are considered together. Any change in the milk-to-meat production ratio at the country level affects the numbers of beef cows required to produce meat. At the world scale, a broad diversity in feed efficiencies of cattle products is observed. Where both productions of milk per dairy cow and meat per head of cattle are low, the relationship between milk and meat efficiencies is positive. Improved management practices (feed, reproduction, health) increase the feed efficiency of both products. Where milk and meat productivities are high, a trade-off between feed efficiencies of milk and meat can be observed in relation to the share of meat produced in either the dairy sector or the beef sector. As a result, in developing countries, increasing productivities of both dairy and beef cattle herds will increase milk and meat efficiencies, reduce land use and decrease methane emissions. In other regions of the world, increasing meat production from young animals produced by dairy cows is probably a better option to reduce feed use for an unchanged milk-to-meat production ratio.  相似文献   

Efficiency in animal protein production can be defined in different ways, for example the amount of human-digestible essential amino acids (HDEAA) in the feed ration relative to the amount of HDEAA in the animal products. Cattle production systems are characterised by great diversity and a wide variety of feeds and feed ration compositions, due to ruminants’ ability to digest fibrous materials inedible to humans such as roughage and by-products from the food and biofuel industries. This study examined the upgrading of protein quality through cattle by determining the quantity of HDEAA in feeds and animal products and comparing different milk and beef production systems. Four different systems for milk and beef production were designed, a reference production system for milk and beef representing typical Swedish production systems today and three alternative improved systems: (i) intensive cattle production based on maize silage, (ii) intensive systems based on food industry by-products for dairy cows and high-quality forage for beef cattle, and (iii) extensive systems based on forage with only small amounts of concentrate. In all four production systems, the quantity of HDEAA in the products (milk and meat) generally exceeded the quantity of HDEAA in the feeds. The intensive production models for beef calves generally resulted in output of the same magnitude as input for most HDEAA. However, in beef production based on calves from dairy cows, the intensive rearing systems resulted in lower output than input of HDEAA. For the extensive models, the amounts of HDEAA in meat were of the same magnitude as the amounts in the feeds. The extensive models with beef calves from suckler cows resulted in higher output in meat than input in feeds for all HDEAA. It was concluded that feeding cattle plants for production of milk and meat, instead of using the plants directly as human food, generally results in an upgrading of both the quantity and quality of protein, especially when extensive, forage-based production models are used. The results imply that the key to efficiency is the utilisation of human-inedible protein by cattle and justifies their contribution to food production, especially in regions where grasslands and/or forage production has comparative benefits over plant food production. By fine-tuning estimation of the efficiency of conversion from human-edible protein to HDEAA, comparisons of different sources of protein production may be more complete and the magnitude of amino acid upgrading in plants through cattle more obvious.  相似文献   

Belly-size ratings or belly scores are frequently used in carnivore research as a method of rating whether and how much an animal has eaten. This method provides only a rough ordinal measure of fullness and does not quantify the amount of food an animal has consumed. Here we present a method for estimating the amount of meat consumed by individual African wild dogs Lycaon pictus. We fed 0.5 kg pieces of meat to wild dogs being temporarily held in enclosures and measured the corresponding change in belly size using lateral side photographs taken perpendicular to the animal. The ratio of belly depth to body length was positively related to the mass of meat consumed and provided a useful estimate of the consumption. Similar relationships could be calculated to determine amounts consumed by other carnivores, thus providing a useful tool in the study of feeding behaviour.  相似文献   

刘业轩  甄霖  胡云锋 《生态学报》2023,43(15):6117-6130
北方农牧交错带是我国典型生态脆弱区之一,恶劣的自然环境和落后的基础条件制约着生产和消费的发展。自2000年起,当地实施了一系列生态工程措施,引导农牧民由粗放型生产经营方式向集约型转变,改善区域生态环境的同时也优化了农牧业生产格局,居民食物消费结构随之改变。由于入户跟踪调查数据较难获取,现有食物消费研究缺少长时间尺度的消费特征变化研究,且农区和牧区的对比研究较少。以赤峰和鄂尔多斯为例,采用基于随机抽样调查方法收集的食物消费面板数据,对比研究2000—2020年典型农牧交错区的食物消费类型、结构及其数量变化。结果表明:生态工程实施以来,农牧居民食物消费种类趋于多样化,但消费结构不尽合理。赤峰趋于传统农区以谷类为主的消费结构,其谷类消费正在稳步减少,其他食物类型的消费增加;鄂尔多斯表现为多粮肉、少果蔬的消费结构,兼具农牧区的消费特点,其谷类和畜肉消费的年际波动较大,体现出传统牧区粗放式经营下产出不稳定的特点。食物消费总量持续增长,截至2020年,农牧居民谷类消费偏多,肉蛋类、豆类和食用油消费较为适度,薯类和果蔬类消费不足,奶类消费涨幅虽十分突出,但仍比我国膳食标准低20倍以上,因此减少谷类消...  相似文献   


The glue of proteins, microbial transglutaminase (MTG) has been adopted in the food processing industries for its broad enzymatic action. Microorganisms such as Streptoverticillium and Streptomyces are the major sources, to decrease the cost of manufacturing animal origin transglutaminase. The net % increase of its demands in the food processing is estimated at 21.9% per year. In fact, MTG is consumed by most food industries, spanning the meat, dairy, seafood and fish, plant proteins, edible film preparation and more. It used to improve gelation and change foaming, emulsification, viscosity, consistency and water-holding capacity properties. This paper presents an overview of the literature that described and explored the recent microbial origins, production media and applications of microbial transglutaminase.  相似文献   

草原畜牧业温室气体排放现状、问题及展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
庄明浩  贡布泽仁  张静  李文军 《生态学报》2021,41(24):9970-9977
草原畜牧业生产系统是一个涉及环境、经济、社会多层面、且系统内部气候-土壤-草地-家畜-管理之间相互作用的复杂的社会生态系统。草原不仅为人类提供所需要的肉奶,也提供了多种生态系统服务。然而,草原畜牧业也是主要的温室气体排放源之一。减缓畜牧业温室气体排放的研究已成为当前气候变化科学研究关注的焦点。综述了国内外草原畜牧业温室气体排放研究现状,指出现有研究的不足主要集中在以下3个方面:(1)虽然生命周期评价方法广泛应用于草原畜牧业温室气体排放研究,但是存在诸多问题,导致目前的研究框架体系尚不完善,特别体现在以下几方面:是否考虑外部输入、是否考虑土壤有机碳、畜牧业温室气体排放强度指标的选择等;(2)缺乏单一环节减缓措施对草原畜牧业整体温室气体减排效果的研究;(3)目前对影响草原畜牧业温室气体排放强度的因素主要集中在生态系统层面的分析,忽略了社会系统的作用,无法反映社会系统与生态系统的相互反馈机制,导致机制阐释不完善。综上所述,未来仍需从以下三方面开展研究:(1)完善草原畜牧业研究框架体系及提升研究方法;(2)加强对单一环节减缓措施对草原畜牧业温室气体整体减排效果的综合评价;(3)基于社会生态系统的角度深入研究影响草原畜牧业温室气体排放强度差异的机制。一方面,这有助于深入理解草原畜牧业温室气体排放强度情况,也为低碳型草原畜牧业发展政策的制定提供思路借鉴;另一方面对于科学合理的可持续利用草场和恢复草地生态环境均具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Feed production is a significant source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from dairy production and demands large arable and pasture acreage. This study analysed how regional conditions influence GHG emissions of dairy feed rations in a life cycle perspective, that is the carbon footprint (CF) and the land area required. Factors assessed included regional climate variations, grass/clover silage nutrient quality, feedstuff availability, crop yield and feed losses. Using the Nordic feed evaluation model NorFor, rations were optimised for different phases of lactation, dry and growing periods for older cows, first calvers and heifers by regional feed advisors and combined to annual herd rations. Feed production data at farm level were based on national statistics and studies. CF estimates followed standards for life cycle assessment and used emissions factors provided by IPCC. The functional unit was ‘feed consumption to produce 1 kg energy corrected milk (ECM) from a cow with annual milk yield of 9 900 kg ECM including replacement animals and feed losses’. Feed ration CF varied from 417 to 531 g CO2 e/kg ECM. Grass/clover silage contributed more than 50% of total GHG emissions. Use of higher quality silage increased ration CF by up to 5% as a result of an additional cut and increased rates of synthetic N-fertiliser. Domestically produced horse bean (Vicia faba), by-products from the sugar industry and maize silage were included in the rations with the lowest CF, but horse bean significantly increased ration land requirement. Rations required between 1.4 to 2 m2 cropland and 0.1 to 0.2 m2/kg semi-natural grassland per kg ECM and year. Higher yield levels reduced ration total CF. Inclusion of GHG emissions from land use change associated with Brazilian soya feed significantly increased ration CF. Ration CF and land use depended on ration composition, which was highly influenced by the regional availability and production of feedstuffs. The impact of individual feedstuffs on ration CF varies due to, for example, cultivation practices and climate conditions and feedstuffs should therefore be assessed in a ration and regional perspective before being used to decrease milk CF. Land use efficiency should be considered together with ration CF, as these can generate goal conflicts.  相似文献   

Energy balance and protein gain contribute significantly to an animal’s survival. Although data are available for certain species in captive settings, there is little information on these factors for primates living in their natural environments. In this preliminary study, we combined detailed behavioral, phonological, and chemical data for a well habituated chimpanzee community from the Taï National Park, Côte d’Ivoire, with estimates of energy gain and expenditure from captive chimpanzees and humans to investigate how energy balance and protein gain across age-sex categories are affected by seasonal variations in food availability and how chimpanzees correspondingly alter their feeding and daily journey length (DJL). Comparisons between fruiting seasons characterized by varying quantities and qualities of available food revealed that food quality had the largest effect on individual energy balance and protein gain. Within given fruit seasons, energy balance and protein gain did not vary among age-sex categories. However, there was, variation across seasons among adult males and young of both sexes, but not among adult females. Our study revealed important effects of periods of food scarcity to which chimpanzees reacted by reducing their DJL and increasing their feeding time.  相似文献   

Clostridium perfringens is a common contaminant of grains and meals used for animal feeding and its presence in feedstuffs has been implicated in outbreaks of foodborne poisoning in farm animals. In order to evaluate a new rapid procedure for C. perfringens isolation and identification, we examined qualitatively 120 duplicate samples of feedstuffs used for farm animal and poultry feeding, using the Lactose-Sulfite broth (LS) proposed for rapid C. perfringens detection and the conventional Cooked Meat Medium (CMM). The results suggest that LS medium is fairly successful in the detection of C. perfringens vegetative cells and spores, despite the presence of the bacterial and fungal flora normally found in animal feedstuffs.  相似文献   

Increasing input self-sufficiency is often viewed as a target to improve sustainability of dairy farms. However, few studies have specifically analysed input self-sufficiency, by including several technical inputs and without only focussing on animal feeding, in order to explore its impact on farm sustainability. To address this gap, our work has three objectives as follows: (1) identifying the structural characteristics required by specialised dairy farms located in the grassland area to be self-sufficient; (2) analysing the relationships between input self-sufficiency, environmental and economic sustainability; and (3) studying how the farms react to a decrease in milk price according to their self-sufficiency degree. Based on farm accounting databases, we categorised 335 Walloon specialised conventional dairy farms into four classes according to their level of input self-sufficiency. To this end, we used as proxy the indicator of economic autonomy – that is, the ratio between costs of inputs related to animal production, crop production and energy use and the total gross product. Classes were then compared using multiple comparison tests and canonical discriminant analysis. A total of 30 organic farms – among which 63% had a high level of economic autonomy – were considered separately and compared with the most autonomous class. We showed that a high degree of economic autonomy is associated, in conventional farms, with a high proportion of permanent grassland in the agricultural area. The most autonomous farms used less input – especially animal feeding – for a same output level, and therefore combined good environmental and economic performances. Our results also underlined that, in a situation of decrease in milk price, the least autonomous farms had more latitude to decrease their input-related costs without decreasing milk production. Their incomes per work unit were, therefore, less impacted by falling prices, but remained lower than those of more autonomous farms. In such a situation, organic farms kept stable incomes, because of a slighter decrease in organic milk price. Our results pave the way to study the role of increasing input self-sufficiency in the transition of dairy farming systems towards sustainability. Further research is required to study a wide range of systems and agro-ecological contexts, as well as to consider the evolution of farm sustainability in the long term.  相似文献   

The feeding industry is still faced with finding an answer to the most fundamental question, ‘how much energy is available in feedstuffs?’. The Agassiz chick bioassay is designed to improve the sensitivity of bioassay measurements by including an assessment of the bird's physiological and anatomical response to a feedstuff. The bioassay compares identical feeds with and without supplemental enzyme, at two different ages, using excreta and ileal digesta collection methods. Differences in energy value determined with these different methods will help us identify those factors in cereals which influence digestibility.The bioassay samples will be used by other laboratories to validate their lab-bench procedures for measuring feeding value of cereals. These lab-bench procedures (near-infra-red, carbohydrate profiling, etc.) would allow feed manufacturers to identify individual cereal feeding value quickly, pay accordingly and/or make necessary adjustments (e.g. add specific quantities and types of enzymes or employ different processing methods) to improve feeding value. Rapid assessment of feeding value of cereal grains will allow accurate feed formulation, which will, in turn, reduce the need to over-formulate. Reductions in over-formulation of nutrients will reduce input costs and excretion of undigested nutrients which potentially increase environmental pollution. Similarly, rapid procedures of identifying feeding value will be a useful tool by plant breeders in selecting new cultivars of cereals.  相似文献   

To analyse trends in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from production and consumption of animal products in Sweden, life cycle emissions were calculated for the average production of pork, chicken meat, beef, dairy and eggs in 1990 and 2005. The calculated average emissions were used together with food consumption statistics and literature data on imported products to estimate trends in per capita emissions from animal food consumption. Total life cycle emissions from the Swedish livestock production were around 8.5 Mt carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e) in 1990 and emissions decreased to 7.3 Mt CO2e in 2005 (14% reduction). Around two-thirds of the emission cut was explained by more efficient production (less GHG emission per product unit) and one-third was due to a reduced animal production. The average GHG emissions per product unit until the farm-gate were reduced by 20% for dairy, 15% for pork and 23% for chicken meat, unchanged for eggs and increased by 10% for beef. A larger share of the average beef was produced from suckler cows in cow–calf systems in 2005 due to the decreasing dairy cow herd, which explains the increased emissions for the average beef in 2005. The overall emission cuts from the livestock sector were a result of several measures taken in farm production, for example increased milk yield per cow, lowered use of synthetic nitrogen fertilisers in grasslands, reduced losses of ammonia from manure and a switch to biofuels for heating in chicken houses. In contrast to production, total GHG emissions from the Swedish consumption of animal products increased by around 22% between 1990 and 2005. This was explained by strong growth in meat consumption based mainly on imports, where growth in beef consumption especially was responsible for most emission increase over the 15-year period. Swedish GHG emissions caused by consumption of animal products reached around 1.1 t CO2e per capita in 2005. The emission cuts necessary for meeting a global temperature-increase target of 2° might imply a severe constraint on the long-term global consumption of animal food. Due to the relatively limited potential for reducing food-related emissions by higher productivity and technological means, structural changes in food consumption towards less emission-intensive food might be required for meeting the 2° target.  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss the hypothesis, proposed by some authors, that man is a habitual meat-eater. Gut measurements of primate species do not support the contention that human digestive tract is specialized for meat-eating, especially when taking into account allometric factors and their variations between folivores, frugivores and meat-eaters. The dietary status of the human species is that of an unspecialised frugivore, having a flexible diet that includes seeds and meat (omnivorous diet). Throughout the various time periods, our human ancestors could have mostly consumed either vegetable, or large amounts of animal matter (with fat and/or carbohydrates as a supplement), depending on the availability and nutrient content of food resources. Some formerly adaptive traits (e.g. the “thrifty genotype”) could have resulted from selective pressure during transitory variations of feeding behaviour linked to environmental constraints existing in the past.  相似文献   

The rapid detection of pathogenic microbial species in feed is of paramount importance considering its implications for animal production and food safety. More sensitive and rapid detection of contaminated feedstuffs may lead to more selective and therefore less expensive treatment of feeds, reduced rates of transmission to a poultry host and reduced carcass contamination. In order to interrupt the cycle of Salmonella spp. transmission from feed to poultry to the consumer, more rapid detection methods to monitor these sources are needed that provide conclusive results within the time frame of feed mixing or broiler processing. Within the last decade, new variations of selective media have been investigated to increase selectivity without reducing Salmonella spp. recovery. Immunological assay methods may also decrease assay time from 96 h to within 24–30 h. But all commercially available methods still require 16 to 57 h for preenrichment, enrichment, and in some cases, postenrichment to recover sublethally injured cells before the assay can be performed. Among the molecular methods that are currently available, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) represents a tremendous potential for the detection of low levels of pathogenic bacteria. Once optimized, rapid methods may be used to quickly, reliably and inexpensively screen a variety of feedstuffs and feed components for the presence of Salmonella spp., with the goal of minimizing both the cost of feed treatment and the horizontal transmission of Salmonella spp. from feed to poultry.  相似文献   

D. W. YALDEN 《Ibis》1986,128(1):23-36
The diet of the Common Sandpiper, as studied by faecal analysis, includes a wide variety of prey, the majority of which are of terrestrial rather than of aquatic origin. Observation of feeding activity confirms that much time is spent feeding in grassland, although shingly river edges are also important. The feeding activity of young chicks is also largely confined to wet grassy areas, but older chicks feed almost entirely along the  相似文献   

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