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Microsatellites were used to conduct an extensive analysis of paternity of grey seals from two Scottish breeding colonies at North Rona (n = 1189) and the Isle of May (n = 694), spanning more than a decade. A maximum of 46% of pups at North Rona and 29% of pups at the Isle of May could be allocated a father, even though the majority of candidate males for specific study sites within each colony were believed to have been sampled. Based on the paternities which could be assigned, both colonies showed evidence of reproductive skew, apparently due to the presence of approximately five males who were exceptionally successful. Some males were assigned paternities at least 10 years before, and colleagues 10 years after, being sampled, implying a reproductive lifespan of at least 10 years, and there are indications that the real maximum lies in the range 15-20 years. Male grey seals appear to have at least two breeding strategies they can adopt. On land, some males benefit from a traditionally polygynous system. However, between 50 and 70% of grey seal pups born at a particular colony are not fathered by males who are likely to be sampled by us, implying that these males seldom venture ashore here. We conclude that aquatic mating may play a much larger role in the grey seal than has previously been thought.  相似文献   

Cormorants and other wildlife populations have come in real or perceived conflicts with humans over exploited fish stocks. From gut contents of cormorants, and using an extension of the Catch equation, we estimated the degree of short term competition between great cormorants and coastal fisheries in two areas along the Swedish Baltic Sea. Cormorants consumed 10 and 44%, in respective area, of the fish biomass of six fish species harvested by humans; eel, flounder, herring, perch, pike, and whitefish. On average, cormorants consumed smaller individuals than harvested in fisheries. But for perch, cod and flounder, cormorants consumed harvestable sized fish corresponding >20% of human catches. Our competition model estimated the direct decrease in fisheries catches due to cormorant predation to be <10% for all species except flounder (>30%) and perch (2–20%). When also including the indirect effects of cormorant predation on smaller fish that never reached harvestable size, the estimated decrease in fisheries catches at least doubled for perch (13–34%) and pike (8–19%). Despite large uncertainties, our model indicates that cormorants may locally have a direct impact on human catches of at least flounder, and when incorporating indirect effects also on perch and pike. The study indicates that the degree of competition between cormorants and humans varies substantially between areas. We also included economical values in the model and concluded that for the commercially most important species, eel and cod, the estimated economic impact of cormorants on fisheries was low.  相似文献   

A statistical analysis was made of 2,000 consecutive cases in which prostatic operations were done in the period 1947-1957 at the Southern Pacific General Hospital. The operations included transurethral resections as well as perineal, retropubic and suprapubic prostatectomy.The mortality rates were lowest for transurethral resection and highest for retropubic prostatectomy. Coronary artery disease and pulmonary embolism were the chief causes of death. It was generally felt that preliminary partial vasectomy previous to transurethral resection added very little to successful convalescence. Although distilled water was used routinely for irrigation during transurethral resection, there was no incidence of lower nephron nephrosis.The incidence of recurrence of prostatic obstruction was highest by far after transurethral resection.  相似文献   

The incidence of severe neurologic complications from spinal anesthesia in San Diego County in a series of 32,882 cases in a five-year period was 0.012 per cent. Morbidity of 1 in 10,000 cases compares favorably with morbidity associated with general anesthesia.Meticulous technique and abandonment of continuous spinal anesthesia can further reduce the incidence of complications.More emphasis should be placed on the elimination of preexisting neurologic disease as a contraindication to spinal anesthesia.  相似文献   

Large numbers of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) use habitat in tidewater glaciers in Alaska for pupping, breeding, and molting. Glacial fjords are also popular tourist destinations; however, visitation by numerous vessels can result in disturbance of seals during critical life-history phases. We explored factors affecting haul-out behavior of harbor seals at a glacial site frequented by tourism vessels. In 2008-10, we deployed VHF transmitters on 107 seals in Endicott Arm, Alaska. We remotely monitored presence and haul-out behavior of tagged seals and documented vessel presence with time-lapse cameras. We evaluated the influence of environmental and physical factors on the probability of being hauled out, duration of haul-out bouts, and as factors associated with the start and end of a haulout. Location, season, hour, and interactions of location by year, season, hour, and sex significantly influenced haul-out probability, as did ice, weather, and vessels. Seals were more likely to be hauled out with greater ice availability during the middle of the day, and less likely to be hauled out if vessels were present. Cruise ships had the strongest negative effect; however, most vessel types negatively affected haul-out probability. Haul-out duration was longest in association with starting on incoming tides, clear skies, no precipitation, occurring in the middle of the day, and ending in the late afternoon or evening. End of haulouts was associated with increasing cloud cover, low ice availability, and vessel presence; large-sized tourism vessels or all-vessel-types combined were significant predictors of ending a haul-out bout. Probability of being hauled out was highest in June, during pupping season. Potential disturbances of harbor seals could be reduced, enabling longer resting times for seals and fewer interruptions for nursing pups, if vessels focused the majority of visits to glacial habitat to before or after the hours of 08:00-17:00 or, less optimally, 09:00-16:00.  相似文献   

Creationism is a religiously motivated worldview in denial of biological evolution that has been very resistant to change. We performed a textual analysis by examining creationist and pro-evolutionary texts for aspects of “experiential thinking”, a cognitive process different from scientific thought. We observed characteristics of experiential thinking as follows: testimonials (present in 100% of sampled creationist texts), such as quotations, were a major form of proof. Confirmation bias (100% of sampled texts) was represented by ignoring or dismissing information that would contradict the creationist hypothesis. Scientifically irrelevant or flawed information was re-interpreted as relevant for the falsification of evolution (75–90% of sampled texts). Evolutionary theory was associated to moral issues by demonizing scientists and linking evolutionary theory to atrocities (63–93% of sampled texts). Pro-evolutionary rebuttals of creationist claims also contained testimonials (93% of sampled texts) and referred to moral implications (80% of sampled texts) but displayed lower prevalences of stereotypical thinking (47% of sampled texts), confirmation bias (27% of sampled texts) and pseudodiagnostics (7% of sampled texts). The aspects of experiential thinking could also be interpreted as argumentative fallacies. Testimonials lead, for instance, to ad hominem and appeals to authorities. Confirmation bias and simplification of data give rise to hasty generalizations and false dilemmas. Moral issues lead to guilt by association and appeals to consequences. Experiential thinking and fallacies can contribute to false beliefs and the persistence of the claims. We propose that science educators would benefit from the systematic analysis of experiential thinking patterns and fallacies in creationist texts and pro-evolutionary rebuttals in order to concentrate on scientific misconceptions instead of the scientifically irrelevant aspects of the creationist—evolutionist debate.  相似文献   

The results of seal counts performed during the summer–autumn period of the years 1999–2001 in Pil'tun Bay from onboard Zodiak motor boats and Mi-8 and Mi-8MTV helicopters have been analyzed. The information is presented on the density of seals in the bay. The heterogeneous distribution pattern of seals in the bay and the presence of intermittent migrations provide favorable conditions for foraging in young animals.  相似文献   

A geographically-resolved, multi-level Bayesian model is used to analyze the data presented in the U.S. Police-Shooting Database (USPSD) in order to investigate the extent of racial bias in the shooting of American civilians by police officers in recent years. In contrast to previous work that relied on the FBI’s Supplemental Homicide Reports that were constructed from self-reported cases of police-involved homicide, this data set is less likely to be biased by police reporting practices. County-specific relative risk outcomes of being shot by police are estimated as a function of the interaction of: 1) whether suspects/civilians were armed or unarmed, and 2) the race/ethnicity of the suspects/civilians. The results provide evidence of a significant bias in the killing of unarmed black Americans relative to unarmed white Americans, in that the probability of being {black, unarmed, and shot by police} is about 3.49 times the probability of being {white, unarmed, and shot by police} on average. Furthermore, the results of multi-level modeling show that there exists significant heterogeneity across counties in the extent of racial bias in police shootings, with some counties showing relative risk ratios of 20 to 1 or more. Finally, analysis of police shooting data as a function of county-level predictors suggests that racial bias in police shootings is most likely to emerge in police departments in larger metropolitan counties with low median incomes and a sizable portion of black residents, especially when there is high financial inequality in that county. There is no relationship between county-level racial bias in police shootings and crime rates (even race-specific crime rates), meaning that the racial bias observed in police shootings in this data set is not explainable as a response to local-level crime rates.  相似文献   

Harbor seals in the wild live in a stimulating environment; therefore, nonhuman-animal caretakers have increasingly been using environmental enrichment to improve the well being of seals under human care. The purpose of this study was to evaluate an object-based environmental enrichment program during a four-month period on stimulating exploration and play and improving conspecific social interactions and human–animal relationships (HAR). Zoo staff conducted the environmental enrichment program as part of the animal care program. Seals were given objects haphazardly and were observed for 20 minutes, and seals’ responsiveness during training sessions before and after enrichment was assessed. Seals showed interest in objects throughout the study and interacted more times per session with objects during the later months. Seals showed preferences for objects that were suspended in the water column (e.g., rope). Seals did not show more affiliative behavior but did show some aggressive behavior during enrichment sessions in comparison with free-swimming sessions. One seal showed better responsiveness to trainers in training sessions that followed an enrichment session than in other trainings sessions. Overall, the enrichment program was successful in increasing intrinsically motivated behaviors and showed that object-based enrichment has the potential to improve HAR between seals and their trainers.  相似文献   

Rubusoside derivatives by transgalactosylation of various β-galactosidases were isolated and their structures were analyzed. Escherichia coli β-galactosidase produced mainly 13-O-β-d-glucosyl-19-O-[β-d-galactosyl-(1→6)-β-d-glucosyl]-steviol (RGal-2). Bacillus circulans β-galactosidase produced mainly 13-O-β-d-glucosyl-19-O-[β-d-galactosyl-(1→4)-β-d-glucosyl]-steviol (RGal-1a) in the early stage of the reaction and then produced 13-O-[β-d-galactosyl-(1→4)-β-d-glucosyl]-19-O-β-d-glucosyl-steviol (RGal-1b). With decreasing the amount of these products (RGal-1a and RGal-1b), RGal-2 was produced.  相似文献   

Blanding’s turtle, Emys blandingii, is a globally endangered species with a range centred on the Great Lakes of North America. Several disjunct populations also occur along the East Coast of North America. Previous studies suggest that the Great Lakes portion of the species’ range exhibits panmixia. However, E. blandingii is restricted to relatively small populations in many areas around the Great Lakes. Therefore, panmixia across large geographic distances in this area is unlikely. Here, we apply Bayesian analyses of population structure to samples collected across southern Ontario (N = 97) to test a null hypothesis of panmixia and assess possible management units (MUs), and to estimate rates of gene flow across the study area. Sampled sites in Ontario represent a minimum of four distinct genetic clusters of E. blandingii, which we recommend should be considered as independent MUs. Preliminary evidence suggests that further structure may be present in less robustly sampled areas, which deserve further consideration. Genetic diversity at sampled sites is comparable to that reported for other freshwater turtles. Our comparison between this study and previous work confirms that genetic diversity in E. blandingii is reduced in disjunct eastern populations compared to populations centred on the Great Lakes. Genetic diversity in E. blandingii is not correlated with latitude, and instead may reflect post-glacial dispersal of this species from multiple Pleistocene glacial refugia.  相似文献   



In 2008, over 300,000 women died during pregnancy or childbirth, mostly in poor countries. While there are proven interventions to make childbirth safer, there is uncertainty about the best way to deliver these at large scale. In particular, there is currently a debate about whether maternal deaths are more likely to be prevented by delivering effective interventions through scaled up facilities or via community-based services. To inform this debate, we examined delivery location and attendance and the reasons women report for giving birth at home.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We conducted a secondary analysis of maternal delivery data from Demographic and Health Surveys in 48 developing countries from 2003 to the present. We stratified reported delivery locations by wealth quintile for each country and created weighted regional summaries. For sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), where death rates are highest, we conducted a subsample analysis of motivations for giving birth at home. In SSA, South Asia, and Southeast Asia, more than 70% of all births in the lowest two wealth quintiles occurred at home. In SSA, 54.1% of the richest women reported using public facilities compared with only 17.7% of the poorest women. Among home births in SSA, 56% in the poorest quintile were unattended while 41% were attended by a traditional birth attendant (TBA); 40% in the wealthiest quintile were unattended, while 33% were attended by a TBA. Seven per cent of the poorest women reported cost as a reason for not delivering in a facility, while 27% reported lack of access as a reason. The most common reason given by both the poorest and richest women for not delivering in a facility was that it was deemed “not necessary” by a household decision maker. Among the poorest women, “not necessary” was given as a reason by 68% of women whose births were unattended and by 66% of women whose births were attended.


In developing countries, most poor women deliver at home. This suggests that, at least in the near term, efforts to reduce maternal deaths should prioritize community-based interventions aimed at making home births safer.  相似文献   

This study investigated veterinarians’ attitudes toward euthanasia of companion animals in Japan. A nationwide survey was conducted with 932 veterinarians in small animal practices. It examined the number of times they administered euthanasia, their moral criteria for choosing euthanasia for animals, and their behavioral criteria for suggesting euthanasia to owners. According to the data analyses, on average the veterinarians administered euthanasia 2.48 times a year. For many veterinarians, two conditions were necessary to justify euthanasia for animals: “the animals are incurable and suffering” and “the owners request to euthanize the animals.” In the absence of either condition, the veterinarians were inclined to disapprove of choosing euthanasia. If the owners requested further treatment, 67% showed clear disapproval of choosing euthanasia for animals with serious medical conditions. Meanwhile, more than 76% showed clear disapproval of euthanizing healthy animals when the owners requested it. These results indicate that the owners’ request takes precedence over the animals’ condition for suffering animals, but not for healthy animals. For animals with serious medical conditions, 56% of the veterinarians answered that they would or might suggest euthanasia to the owners even though the owners requested further treatment. In this situation, for some veterinarians, the animals’ condition rather than the owners’ request might become a determinant in suggesting euthanasia to owners, even if their moral judgments were against choosing euthanasia for the animals. A decrease in the owners’ or the animals’ quality of life and the owners’ inability to pay were not primary factors in choosing or suggesting euthanasia. Having an experience of euthanizing their own animals was a key factor for the veterinarians which increased not only the number of times they administered euthanasia but also the degree of their moral approval of choosing euthanasia and their behavioral willingness to suggest it to owners.  相似文献   

Eighty wood samples representing 51 taxa in 33 genera of Leguminosae were collected in the Sinnamary River Basin in Northern French Guiana and evaluated for their fauna of longhorned beetles (Cerambycidae) and their phytochemical constituents. The cerambycid fauna was assessed using cut branches and trunks that were continuously observed for emerging beetles. Phytochemical patterns were determined in partially purified methanolic extracts that were obtained from wood and bark of the same branches and trunks using thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). It was found that small groups of taxonomically related and often phytochemically similar plant species serve as host plants for small and well-defined longicorn guilds. Members of longicorn guilds are usually not taxonomically related. Host-plant chemistry appears to play a role in resource allocation among longicorn guilds in this lowland neotropical rainforest. These findings are discussed in reference to theories on coevolution and adaptive radiation in plant-insect associations.  相似文献   



Acute otitis media (AOM) is one of the most common forms of bacterial infection and cause for clinic visits in children. The incidence of AOM was 0.9–1.2 episodes per person-year during the first 2 years of life in previous reports conducted before 2000. The aim of this study was to 1) evaluate the latest AOM incidence in pediatric outpatients and 2) identify the bacterial pathogens from these patients and ascertain their serotypes and resistance.


The study was conducted in a closed population, involving all pediatricians and otolaryngologists in Sado Island allowing accurate determination of AOM incidence. In each month, one week was assigned as “surveillance week”, and all outpatients with acute illness aged 0–18 years examined during the surveillance weeks were enrolled. AOM was diagnosed on the basis of otoscopic findings and clinical symptoms were recorded. Specimens were collected from the nasopharynx or middle ear cavity of AOM patients and examined for bacteria. Antimicrobial susceptibilities, serotypes, and molecular typing for resistance were determined among Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae.


In total, 8,283 clinic visits were conducted, and 354 episodes (4.3%, 95% CI: 3.9–4.7%) among 312 children were diagnosed as AOM. The incidence of AOM was highest in children of 1 year of age (0.54 episodes/child/year, 95% CI: 0.44–0.64). Serotype coverage of 7- and 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccines in this study were 38.0% (95% CI: 29.3–47.3) and 62.8% (95% CI: 53.6–71.4), respectively. Of 122 H.influenzae isolates available for typing, 120 were nontypeable and 2 were type b. A high proportion of S. pneumoniae isolates (46%) showed resistance to penicillin. Approximately half of H. influenzae isolates had genetic markers for beta-lactamase-negative ampicillin-resistance.


Approximately 4–5% of pediatric outpatients, even without AOM-related symptoms, had AOM in our study. Pediatricians as well as otolaryngologists should check the tympanic membrane findings of all pediatric outpatients.  相似文献   



Despite the increasing incidence of melanoma little is known about patients'' emotional distress associated with this disease. Supplemented by the problem list (PL), the distress thermometer (DT) is a recommended screening instrument to measure psychosocial distress in cancer patients. Our objective was to explore the acceptance and the feasibility of the DT and PL as a concise screening tool in an ambulatory setting for routine care and to elucidate determinants of distress in melanoma patients with regard to sociodemographic and clinical variables.


Consecutive melanoma outpatients were asked to complete the DT with the PL prior to their scheduled consultation. Demographic and clinical data were obtained from the patients'' charts. Clinical data included melanoma stage, time since diagnosis, previous treatment, current treatment, and other cancer disease.


Out of 734 patients recruited into the study, 520 patients (71%) completed both the DT and the PL. Forty-seven percent met the ≥5 cut-off score for distress. Younger and employed patients reported higher distress than older and retired patients. A cut-off score of ≥5 was closely associated with self-reported emotional sources of distress, with practical problems, especially at work, family problems (dealing with the partner), and physical problems like pain, appearance, getting around, and nausea. Apart from higher distress under current systemic treatment, no associations were found between distress and clinical data.


The DT together with the PL seems to be an economically reasonable screening tool to measure psychosocial distress in melanoma patients. In particular, younger melanoma patients who are currently employed are prone to experience distress at some point after diagnosis, but there appears to be almost no association between clinical data and the extent of distress. To characterize the impact of distress on disease outcome and quality of life in melanoma patients, further research is needed.  相似文献   

1. Lineweaver-Burk plots revealed the presence of high (uptake 1) and low (uptake 2) affinity reuptake components for serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine in the cerebral and in the visceral ganglia of M. edulis.2. The Km, affinity value for norepinephrine was 5 times greater in the visceral ganglia than in the cerebral ganglia, a finding which demonstrates ganglionic variations in norepinephrine uptake.3. The rank order of monoamine affinity for the uptake 1 system is serotonin > norepinephrine > dopamine in the cerebral ganglia, whereas in the visceral it is norepinephrine > serotonin > dopamine.4. A Michaelis-Menten analysis of the uptake data revealed that at low monoamine concentrations uptake 1 contributes more than uptake 2 to the total amount of amine accumulated, while at higher concentrations the reverse is true.  相似文献   

The use of parsimony (or the principle of simplicity) in phylogenetic inference is reviewed. The major problem in using parsimony for phylogenetic reconstruction is that neither a single solution for a given set of data nor the most parsimonious tree could be provided. Therefore, based on recognition and judgement of similarity of organisms by Hennig's advanced character (1965) and some particular principles from evolutionary theory of Darwinism accepted by many systematists as general truths (Bonde 1977; Wiley 1975; Gaffrey 1979), the author has developed a new method, Elimination Series through Median Selection (Median Elimination Series, MES for short), for phylogenetic analysis. In addition to using the advanced characters for understanding the relationships between taxa, MES emphasizes that the mosaic characters including both primitive and advanced in an array of characters play an important part in determining the nodes or branches and distinguishing the taxa.The author considers median units as ancestors in a phylogenetic tree like Farris, but the concept and algorithm of “median” differ from Farris' (1970) in: (1) The author's median involves the top taxon and unplaced one, but Farris' median does the top taxon, its ancestor as well as unplaced one; (2) The median taken by the author is of common value or the least one among the associated characters of two taxa. However, the median taken by Farris is median numerical value among the three (3) The median or median unit called by the author is the numerical value of the relatively primitive character or taxon between the advanced characters or the taxa stood apart from the original position. Farris' one is the median position or number in the center of three taxa or its associated characters. The author recognizes that reversion of characters is possible and obtains the knowledge of it from observation and analysis of characters of organisms or scientific experiment and distinguished through analysis of morphocline and co-variation in a series of taxa, but not from induction only by mathematical model based on the principle of simplicity. The author divides co-variation into 4 types: 1. Progressive co-variation. Transformation series of characters A and a is as follows: A → A' a → a' reversed co-variation. Transformation series of characters A and a is as follows: A ← A' a ← a' 3. Progression-reversion co-variation. Transformation series of characters A and a is follows: A → A' a ← a' 4. Reversion-progression co-variation. Transformation series of characters A and a is as follows: A ← A' a → a' The characters next to the arrows should be advanced. Co-variation for most of the species of Cissus from China belongs to the type 1 and that for C. repanda Vahl. to the type 3, without types 2 and 4. In determining the progressive co-variation, reverse evolution of character could be distinguished through the analysis of morphocline and co-variation. The author has recognized two types of cyclic polarity, including unidirectional and bidirectional ones. For the former, the character may return back to the original state through more than one step. In fact, this is a complex reversion. For the latter, the character may reach a advanced state from the original one via two different ways. In fact, this is special progressive transformation series and it may often occur in complex reticulate evolution as a small net, for example, in evolution of leaf fragment and others of angiosperms (Meyen 1973). The cyclic polarity in C. repanda Vahl. is bidirectional (see transformation series 11 of the characters in Cissus). Transformation series of All the characters have been determined on the basis of analysis of morphocline, co-variation and cyclic polarity. In this paper, the three steps of understanding phylogenetic system are developed: (1) recognition of homologous characters; (2) discovery of internal relationships between homologous characters in order to obtain transformation series or phylogeny of homologous characters; (3) discovery of internal relationships between phylogenies of homologous characters in order to get a phylogenetic system of organisms or approaching understanding essence of evolution. The result inferred by MES is based on some principles of evolution from Darwin and Hennig but not judged by the principle of simplicity or parsimony from Popper (1960, 1968). The statement in this paper attempts to show that if a dilemma in modern cladistics could be solved, its principles must be reconsidered. Decontaminated thianthrene disproportion. 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