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朊病毒病即海绵状脑病,是人和动物中的一类致死性中央神经系统疾病,近几年来在朊病毒病的致病机制及其诊断技术和防治策略方面取得了很大的研究进展.  相似文献   


朊病毒疾病即海绵状脑病,是人的动物中的一类致死性中央神经系统疾病,介绍了朊病毒疾病的诊断技术,病理诊断,基因诊断,免疫诊断和血液检测。  相似文献   

The Neurochemistry of Prion Diseases   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

朊病毒病是一组蛋白质折叠异常的蛋白质构象病,由正常朊蛋白PrP^C转化为具蛋白酶抗性的异常朊蛋白PrP^Sc并在中枢神经系统聚集引起.其主要的病理变化为神经元的丢失,脑组织的海绵样变及神经胶质细胞增生.目前认为其神经元丢失的主要原因为凋亡及自噬等,而神经元的凋亡涉及多种因素及途径,机制较为复杂.对神经元凋亡的研究将有助于揭示朊病毒病的发病机制.  相似文献   


Considerable progress has been made deciphering the role of an abnormal isoform of the prion protein (PrP) in scrapie of animals and Gerstmann-Sträussler syndrome (GSS) of humans. Some transgenic (Tg) mouse (Mo) lines that carry and express a Syrian hamster (Ha) PrP gene developed scrapie 75 d after inoculation with Ha prions; non-Tg mice failed to show symptoms after 500 d. Brains of these infected Tg(HaPrP) mice featured protease-resistant HaPrPsc, amyloid plaques characteristic for Ha scrapie, and 109 ID50 units of Ha-specific prions upon bioassay. Studies on Syrian, Armenian, and Chinese hamsters suggest that the domain of the PrP molecule between codons 100 and 120 controls both the length of the incubation time and the deposition of PrP in amyloid plaques. Ataxic GSS in families shows genetic linkage to a mutation in the PrP gene, leading to the substitution of Leu for Pro at codon 102. Discovery of a point mutation in the Prp gene from humans with GSS established that GSS is unique among human diseases it is both genetic and infectious. These results have revised thinking about sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, suggesting it may arise from a somatic mutation. These findings combined with those from many other studies assert that PrPsc is a component of the transmissible particle, and the PrP amino acid sequence controls the neuropathology and species specificity of prion infectivity. The precise mechanism of PrP& formation remains to be established. Attempts to demonstrate a scrapie-specific nucleic acid within highly purified preparations of prions have been unrewarding to date. Whether transmissible prions are composed only of PrPsc molecules or do they also contain a second component such as small polynucleotide remains uncertain.  相似文献   



Prion diseases are a family of rare, progressive, neurodegenerative disorders that affect humans and animals. The most common form of human prion disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), occurs worldwide. Variant CJD (vCJD), a recently emerged human prion disease, is a zoonotic foodborne disorder that occurs almost exclusively in countries with outbreaks of bovine spongiform encephalopathy.This study describes the occurrence and epidemiology of CJD and vCJD in the United States.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Analysis of CJD and vCJD deaths using death certificates of US residents for 1979–2006, and those identified through other surveillance mechanisms during 1996–2008. Since CJD is invariably fatal and illness duration is usually less than one year, the CJD incidence is estimated as the death rate. During 1979 through 2006, an estimated 6,917 deaths with CJD as a cause of death were reported in the United States, an annual average of approximately 247 deaths (range 172–304 deaths). The average annual age-adjusted incidence for CJD was 0.97 per 1,000,000 persons. Most (61.8%) of the CJD deaths occurred among persons ≥65 years of age for an average annual incidence of 4.8 per 1,000,000 persons in this population. Most deaths were among whites (94.6%); the age-adjusted incidence for whites was 2.7 times higher than that for blacks (1.04 and 0.40, respectively). Three patients who died since 2004 were reported with vCJD; epidemiologic evidence indicated that their infection was acquired outside of the United States.


Surveillance continues to show an annual CJD incidence rate of about 1 case per 1,000,000 persons and marked differences in CJD rates by age and race in the United States. Ongoing surveillance remains important for monitoring the stability of the CJD incidence rates, and detecting occurrences of vCJD and possibly other novel prion diseases in the United States.  相似文献   

Abnormalities in Stress Proteins in Prion Diseases   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. Prion diseases include kuru, Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (CJD), Gerstmann–Sträussler–Scheinker disease (GSS), and fatal familia insomnia (FFI) of humans, as well as scrapie and bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) of animals.2. All these disorders involve conversion of the normal, cellular prion protein (PrPC) into the corresponding scrapie isoform (PrPSc). PrPC adopts a structure rich in -helices and devoid of -sheet, in contrast to PrPSc, which has a high -sheet content and is resistant to limited digestion by proteases. That a conformational transition features in the conversion of PrPC into PrPSc implies that prion diseases are disorders of protein conformation.3. This concept has been extended by our studies with heat shock proteins (Hsp), many of which are thought to function as molecular chaperones. We found that the induction of some Hsps but not others was profoundly altered in scrapie-infected cells and that the distribution of Hsp73 is unusual in these cells.4. Whether the conversion of PrPC into PrPSc is assisted by molecular chaperones, or if the accumulation of the abnormally folded PrPSc is complexed with Hsps remains to be established.  相似文献   

朊病毒病是一类具有致死性、传染性和进行性的神经退行性疾病。目前研究发现许多因子都参与了疾病的发生发展过程,包括细胞因子、激酶和一些离子,其中钙离子及相关激酶在朊病毒病致病机制中的研究报道较少,为了探究朊病毒感染中钙调蛋白相关下游激酶的含量变化情况,本研究利用多种检测方法对朊病毒感染细胞系及小鼠脑组织进行了分析。结果显示朊病毒感染后,钙离子和钙调蛋白(CaM)的表达水平升高,下游Ca2+/CaM复合物依赖性激酶CaMKIα和CaMKIV表达水平下降,同时这些激酶的上游激酶CaMKKα含量降低,提示朊病毒感染后神经元中钙离子和相关激酶稳态失衡,这种异常变化很可能影响下游多种转录因子合成,这些结果为解释朊病毒感染后神经元大量丢失提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

The purpose of my chapter in this issue of Neuroscience Reviews dedicated to Dr. Lawrence Eng is to summarize my contributions to understanding the mechanisms of neurodegeneration in prion diseases. I explain that I was able to advance the field of prion disease neuropathology largely because of the foundation of neurochemistry and immunohistochemistry that I learned while working 5 years in Dr. Engs laboratory. In my review, I relate how my Neuropathology Research Laboratory began as a collaboration with Dr. Stanley Prusiner 20 years ago that led from immunohistochemical staining of amyloid plaques in rodent and human brains using prion protein-specific antibodies to molecular evidence that the abnormal prion protein, PrPSc, is the cause of the clinically relevant neuropathological changes in animal and human prion diseases.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Lawrence F. Eng.  相似文献   

In prion diseases, synapse dysfunction, axon retraction and loss of neuronal polarity precede neuronal death. The mechanisms driving such polarization defects, however, remain unclear. Here, we examined the contribution of RhoA-associated coiled-coil containing kinases (ROCK), key players in neuritogenesis, to prion diseases. We found that overactivation of ROCK signaling occurred in neuronal stem cells infected by pathogenic prions (PrPSc) and impaired the sprouting of neurites. In reconstructed networks of mature neurons, PrPSc-induced ROCK overactivation provoked synapse disconnection and dendrite/axon degeneration. This overactivation of ROCK also disturbed overall neurotransmitter-associated functions. Importantly, we demonstrated that beyond its impact on neuronal polarity ROCK overactivity favored the production of PrPSc through a ROCK-dependent control of 3-phosphoinositide-dependent kinase 1 (PDK1) activity. In non-infectious conditions, ROCK and PDK1 associated within a complex and ROCK phosphorylated PDK1, conferring basal activity to PDK1. In prion-infected neurons, exacerbated ROCK activity increased the pool of PDK1 molecules physically interacting with and phosphorylated by ROCK. ROCK-induced PDK1 overstimulation then canceled the neuroprotective α-cleavage of normal cellular prion protein PrPC by TACE α-secretase, which physiologically precludes PrPSc production. In prion-infected cells, inhibition of ROCK rescued neurite sprouting, preserved neuronal architecture, restored neuronal functions and reduced the amount of PrPSc. In mice challenged with prions, inhibition of ROCK also lowered brain PrPSc accumulation, reduced motor impairment and extended survival. We conclude that ROCK overactivation exerts a double detrimental effect in prion diseases by altering neuronal polarity and triggering PrPSc accumulation. Eventually ROCK emerges as therapeutic target to combat prion diseases.  相似文献   

朊病毒病,即传染性海绵状脑病(transmissible spongiform encephalopathies,TSEs),是一类致死性的神经退行性疾病,存在散发性、感染性和遗传性3种形式。在朊病毒病的病理过程中,细胞正常朊蛋白PrPc(cellular PrP)转化为异常构象的PrP^Sc(scrapie PrP)是至关重要的,但是朊病毒的增殖如何导致神经元凋亡仍不清楚。PrPc的胞内运输在朊病毒病中发挥重要作用,朊病毒感染后PrP^C转化为PrP^Sc,及遗传性朊病毒病中PrP突变可能影响PrP的生物合成、亚细胞定位及转运过程,通过干扰PrP^C的正常功能或产生毒性中间体而导致神经系统病变。现对近年来关于PrP胞内运输在朊病毒病中的作用进行综述。  相似文献   



The definitive diagnosis of genetic prion diseases (gPrD) requires pathological confirmation. To date, diagnosis has relied upon the finding of the biomarkers 14-3-3 protein and total tau (t-tau) protein in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), but many researchers have reported that these markers are not sufficiently elevated in gPrD, especially in Gerstmann-Sträussler-Scheinker syndrome (GSS). We recently developed a new in vitro amplification technology, designated “real-time quaking-induced conversion (RT-QUIC)”, to detect the abnormal form of prion protein in CSF from sporadic Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (sCJD) patients. In the present study, we aimed to investigate the presence of biomarkers and evaluate RT-QUIC assay in patients with gPrD, as the utility of RT-QUIC as a diagnostic tool in gPrD has yet to be determined.

Method/Principal Findings

56 CSF samples were obtained from gPrD patients, including 20 cases of GSS with P102L mutation, 12 cases of fatal familial insomnia (FFI; D178N), and 24 cases of genetic CJD (gCJD), comprising 22 cases with E200K mutation and 2 with V203I mutation. We subjected all CSF samples to RT-QUIC assay, analyzed 14-3-3 protein by Western blotting, and measured t-tau protein using an ELISA kit. The detection sensitivities of RT-QUIC were as follows: GSS (78%), FFI (100%), gCJD E200K (87%), and gCJD V203I (100%). On the other hand the detection sensitivities of biomarkers were considerably lower: GSS (11%), FFI (0%), gCJD E200K (73%), and gCJD V203I (67%). Thus, RT-QUIC had a much higher detection sensitivity compared with testing for biomarkers, especially in patients with GSS and FFI.


RT-QUIC assay is more sensitive than testing for biomarkers in gPrD patients. RT-QUIC method would thus be useful as a diagnostic tool when the patient or the patient''s family does not agree to genetic testing, or to confirm the diagnosis in the presence of a positive result for genetic testing.  相似文献   

The prion protein can exist both in a normal cellular isoform and in a pathogenic conformational isoform. The latter is responsible for the development of different neurodegenerative diseases, for example Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease or fatal familial insomnia. To convert the native benign state of the protein into a highly ordered fibrillar aggregate, large-scale rearrangements of the tertiary structure are necessary during the conversion process and intermediates that are at least partially unfolded are present during fibril formation. In addition to the sporadic conversion into the pathogenic isoform, more than 20 familial diseases are known that are caused by single point mutations increasing the probability of aggregation and neurodegeneration. Here, we demonstrate that the chemically denatured states of the mouse and human prion proteins have very similar structural and dynamic characteristics. Initial studies on the single point mutants E196K, F198S, V203I and R208H of the oxidized mouse construct, which are related to human prion diseases, reveal significant differences in the rate of aggregation. Aggregation for mutants V203I and R208H is slower than it is for the wild type, and the constructs E196K and F198S show accelerated aggregation. These differences in aggregation behaviour are not correlated with the thermal stability of the mutants, indicating different mechanisms promoting the conformational conversion process.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that prion infection is due solely to a protein i.e. the protein-only hypothesis. The essential constituent of infectious prions is the scrapie prion protein (PrPSc) which is chemically indistinguishable from the normal, cellular protein (PrPC) but exhibits distinct secondary and tertiary structure. This very unusual feature seems to be in contradiction with a major paradigm of present structural biology stated by Anfinsen: a protein folds to the most stable conformation, this means only one structure.In order to reconcile the results obtained on prions with the biophysics of protein folding, a model is proposed. It is based on the hypothesis that a thermodynamically irreversible step is involved in protein folding. The model is then extended to chaperone-assisted protein folding. It is shown that, under certain conditions, the transitory secondary structure formed during the earlier step of folding could interact with chaperone. Analysis shows that chaperone may help the protein to find correct conformation. On the other hand, analysis reveals the possibility that more than one structure may form from a single polypeptide chain. Under these conditions, the behaviour of chaperones resembles the characteristics of prion diseases.  相似文献   

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