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测定了果蝇nasuta亚群7个分类元和外群D.immigrans的核糖体基因转录间隔区(ITS,interanscribed spacer),包括5.8SrDNA和2SrDNA长约1.1kb的DNA片段序列。结果表明:D.pallidifrons、Taxon I、Taxon J享有共同的序列;D.albomicans则与D.s.neonasuta共享1个序列。序列之间存在少量的插入缺失和碱基替代。  相似文献   

果蝇Drosophila nasuta亚群由14个处于不同物种分化阶段的种、亚种和分类元组成。这个亚群的物种有许多进化上的独特之处,使得它在物种分化研究方面倍受关注。然而,在形态学、生殖隔离、染色体和同工酶多态、线粒体DNA RFLP、求偶歌特征以及线粒体和核基因序列分析等方面的研究都未能清楚地阐明这一亚群的系统进化关系。本文综合分析了关于这一亚群的进化遗传学的研究结果,并提出了有待进一步研究的一些问题。  相似文献   

果蝇nasuta亚群求爱歌的种间识别与进化遗传学研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
邵红光  里敦 《遗传学报》1997,24(4):311-321
果蝇nasuta亚群由14个种、亚种和分类群组成,广泛分布于印度-太平洋区域。本文首次记录了nasuta亚群种的求爱歌,测量了脉冲歌时域模式的参数:脉冲串间隔(IBI)、脉冲间隔(IPI)、脉冲串时间长度(PTL)、每个脉冲串的脉冲数(PN)、脉冲时间长度(PL)、波动周期时间长度(CL)。采用计算机声谱分析技术,作出求爱歌信号的三维数字功率谱图,进行频率分析。发现D.pulauna和Taxon-F不发出求爱歌声信号,视觉在交配中可能起重要作用。对其余种、亚种和分类群的求爱歌分析表明,nasuta亚群种的求爱歌分为脉冲歌和正弦歌。对部分种的正反交F1求爱歌分析表明,脉冲歌时域参数,如IPI平均值为X染色体连锁或常染色体多基因控制,正弦歌频率偏向母方。根据不同种、亚种和分类群脉冲歌的时域模式构建nasuta亚群的系统树,对亚群中不同种、亚种和分类群的亲缘关系进行讨论。  相似文献   

正确的系统发生重建对于理解进化事件至关重要.尽管分子系统学对于解决此类问题取得了极大的成功,由于一些诸如密码子使用偏性等的内在约束,来源于DNA的信息可能仍然存在着局限.因为发生在祖先的替代性转换,果蝇Drosophila saltans 5个种亚组由不同基因构建的分子系统树之间存在着冲突(在以往发表的分子系统学研究中,这些种组的每一个种亚组全少有一个代表).本文用40个形态学特征重新分析了这些种组.不同于以前发表的大多数假说,本研究支序分类学的结果表明,果蝇sturtevanti种亚组是一个较早的分支,而剩下的4个亚组形成一个支持度较高的类群;后者又可以再分为两个姐妹群:一个包含cordata和elliptica亚组,另一个包含parasaltans和saltans亚来组.本研究结果修正了果蝇saltans种组的分子进化(密码子使用偏性),并强调形态学对于系统发生重建和理解分子进化现象的重要作用.  相似文献   

正确的系统发生重建对于理解进化事件至关重要。尽管分子系统学对于解决此类问题取得了极大的成功,由于一些诸如密码子使用偏性等的内在约束,来源于DNA的信息可能仍然存在着局限。因为发生在祖先的替代性转换,果蝇Drosophila saltans 5个种亚组由不同基因构建的分子系统树之间存在着冲突(在以往发表的分子系统学研究中,这些种组的每一个种亚组至少有一个代表)。本文用40个形态学特征重新分析了这些种组。不同于以前发表的大多数假说,本研究支序分类学的结果表明,果蝇sturtevanti种亚组是一个较早的分支, 而剩下的4个亚组形成一个支持度较高的类群;后者又可以再分为两个姐妹群:一个包含cordataelliptica 亚组,另一个包含parasaltanssaltans亚组。本研究结果修正了果蝇saltans种组的分子进化(密码子使用偏性),并强调形态学对于系统发生重建和理解分子进化现象的重要作用。  相似文献   

以ND4L和ND4基因为标记探讨黑腹果蝇种组的系统发育关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多年来的形态学、染色体组学以及DNA序列几个方面的研究均没有很好地阐明黑腹果蝇种组内的系统发育关系。本实验测定了33个样品的ND4和31个样品的ND4L基因序列,以D.obscuroides为外群,用最大简约法和Bayesian法分别构建进化树。结果表明两种方法构建的拓扑结构一致,而且大部分支系的支持率较高。整个黑腹果蝇种组分成三大谱系:1)montium种亚组;2)ananssae种亚组;3)Oriental种亚组(melanogaster、ficsphila、eugracilis、elegans、suzukii、takahashii)。montium是最早分化的种亚组。在第三谱系中,melanogaster分化得最早;然后依次是ficsphila,eugracilis,elegans;suzukii与takahashii为姐妹种亚组,最后分化。  相似文献   

记述了果蝇属Drosophila条纹果蝇亚属Dorsilopaa 1新种,粗齿果蝇Drosophila(Dorsilopha)confertidentata sp.nov..同时包括条纹果蝇亚属4个物种的分布及检索表.  相似文献   

果蝇属拱背果蝇亚属七新种:(双翅目:果蝇科)   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
本文记述果蝇属Drosophila拱背果蝇亚属Lordiphosa在中国的分布,包括七新种:等枝拱背果蝇Drosophila (Lordiphosa) ramipata sp.nov.,不对称拱背果蝇Drosophila (Lordiphosa) acongruens sp.nov.,突弓拱背果蝇Drosophila (Lordiphosa) protrusa sp.nov.,多枝拱背果蝇Drosopkila (Lordiphota) ramosisslma sp.nov.,双突拱背果蝇Drosophila (Lordiphosa) biconvexa sp.nov.,黑拱背果蝇Drosophila (Lordiphosa) picea sp.nov.,和黄拱背果蝇Drosophila (Lordiphosa) flava sp.nov.  相似文献   

凌发瑶  林苏 《动物学研究》1990,11(2):145-146
这两种果蝇隶属果蝇科Drosophilidae果蝇属Drosophila (Sophophora)黑腹果蝇D.melanogaster种组(species group)中的D.takahashii亚组(subgroup)。Bock和Wheeler (1972)在报道新种的文献中,曾记述其有丝分裂中期染色体的形态结构为2对中着丝粒(V形),1对棒状(R)。其中X染色体为棒状,Y染色体稍短。据此,其二倍体染色体数目推测为2n=6。我们观察的结果则与之显然不同。  相似文献   

Male accessory gland secretory proteins in seven members of the Drosophila nasuta subgroup have been analyzed by SDS-PAGE. The study revealed remarkable simplicity in the patterns. The protein fractions, which migrate in three groups, could be categorized as major and minor. The number of major fractions varies from a maximum of eight to a minimum of four. Group I consists of high molecular weight fractions, and group III, low molecular weight fractions. Among different members analyzed, the variation with respect to pattern and the number of fractions are confined largely to group III protein fractions, while group I and II fractions are found to be conserved to a greater extent. These proteins are PAS positive and group III fractions are not sensitive to silver staining. Analysis of these tissue specific proteins in the F1 and F2 of interspecific crosses and backcross progeny as well as volume analysis revealed that a 26-kD fraction in D. n. nasuta follows an autosomal pattern of inheritance, while a 55-kD and a 25-kD fraction in D. n. albomicans and a 24-kD fraction in D. n. kepulauana follow an X-linked pattern of inheritance.  相似文献   

Reciprocal crosses were made between an Indian strain of D. n. nasuta (2n=8) and the Thailand strain of D. n. albomicana (2n=6). Hybrids were fertile. They were inbred for over four years. Later, the karyotypes of the hybrid populations were analysed. In the hybrid progeny of the cross between D. n. nasuta females and D. n. albomicana males, there were six types of kaotypes. Of these, only two types had a diploid content of chromosomes. They were males with 2n=7 and females with 2n= 8 , while others were aneuploids. This hybrid population is designated as Cytorace III. On the other hand, hybrid progeny of the reciprocal cross had 2n-8 in both males and females; and there was no karyotypic variation. This hybrid population is named as Cytorace IV. The composition of these new karyotypes of Cytorace III and IV have been presented and compared with those of Cytorace I and II reported by Ramachandra and Ranganath (1986).  相似文献   

Interracial hybridization between D. n. nasuta (2 n = 8) and D. n.albomicana (2 n = 6) resulted in the formation of two new karyotypic strains denoted Cytorace I and Cytorace II. The karyotypes of each of these Cytoraces include chromosomal elements from both parental races (Ramachandra and Ranganath 1986a). The parental strains and the newly formed Cytoraces I and II were subjected to interspecific competition. The results reveal that all four experimental strains were competitively superior to the D. melanogaster tested strain. The study indicates certain degree of Cytogenetic divergence between parental and newly evolved genomes.  相似文献   

Effects of aging on the circadian rhythm of locomotor activity in males of Drosophila nasuta were investigated. The adult life of males was divided in 1-3 stages according to spontaneous changes in free-running period x in constant darkness (DD): stage 1, days 1-19; stage 2, days 20-36; stage 3, days 37-43. Stage 1 was characterized by a bimodal activity pattern with a short light-induced morning peak and a prolonged evening peak when the flies were entrained to light-dark cycles of 12 hours of light, 12 hours of darkness (LD 12:12). The morning peak had a phase angle difference Ψm (Ψ, the time from lights on in LD 12:12 cycles to the onset of morning peak) of about 0.1h, while Ψe (Ψ of evening peak) was about 9h at stage 1. The transient morning peak was curtailed at the end of stage 1. At stage 2, the Ψe was about 10h, and the activity end was delayed by an addition of about 3h of activity in the scotophase. The changes in W during DD free runs were determined in two groups of flies: flies reared in LD 12:12 and flies reared in DD. In both groups, W increased from about 23h at stage 1 to about 25h at stage 2. Stage 3 was characterized by arrhythmicity associated with highest mean activity level (total number of passes/fly/day) in the entrained and both free-running groups. The mean activity level increased significantly from stage 1 to stage 3 in all three groups of flies.  相似文献   

黄菊  郝莉  刘愫  李林  张文霞  戴灼华 《遗传学报》2002,29(5):417-423
果蝇immigrans种组中的curviceps种亚组是1992年新建立的中国特有果蝇类群。该种亚组中的物种主要分布在中国大陆和台湾。目前除了形态学水平的研究外,还没有其他证据支持建立该种亚组的合理性及其起源和种系发生地位。为了在DNA分子水平上探讨果蝇curviceps种亚组在果蝇immigrans种组中的种系发生地位,从而为今后更深入地研究中国特有果蝇,甚至为果蝇亚属的进化遗传学提供理论依据,测定了immigrans种组5个种亚组(nasuta、immigrans、hypocausta、quadrilineata、curviceps)中12个代表物种的rDNA的ITS1和部分Adh基因的序列。其中ITS1序列的长度为513-587bp,共有191个信息位点;Adh基因片段的长度在714-747bp之间,共99个信息位点。考虑到单个分子提供的信息较少,将两个分子的序列综合起来,组成一个较长的复合序列。分别根据ITS1,Adh和两个分子的复合序列排比(Alignment)结果,和最大简约法和邻接法构建分子系统树,其中根据复合序列构建的系统树与形态学研究结果最为一致。分子树显示curviceps种亚组的特种确定单独形成一个分枝,为种亚组级的分类阶元,支持了形态学将其建立为一个新种亚组。根据Kimura距离,估算了复合分子的替换速率约为每百万年1.48%,进而计算出5个种亚组的分 歧年代。结合各物种的地理分布,推测了immigrans种组的进化历史:curviceps种亚组与quadrilineata种亚组的亲缘关系最近,主要分布在中国南部的温带地区。它们之间的分歧时间大约为3.4百万年,是最年轻的两个种亚组。主要分布在苏门答腊及附近的热带地区的hypocausta种亚组的物种是最早分化出来的,与其他种亚组的分歧时间约为9.2百万年。该结果与形态学和生物地理学研究相吻合。值得一提是的,目前归属仍存在争议的物种D.neohypocausta,在分子系统树中与hypocausta种亚组的物种相距较远,而与immiagrasn种亚组的关系较近,但分枝置信度较低(<50%)。由于还缺乏其他方面的证据,因此D.neohypocausta的归属有待今后的研究来作定论。  相似文献   

In this study, the region corresponding to the Thr–Gly region of the period (per) gene in the Drosophila nasuta subgroup of species was sequenced. The results showed that this region was highly conserved in the D. nasuta subgroup. There were only nine variable sites found in this 300-bp-long region, all located in two small regions highly variable among Drosophila species. No length variation was observed either within this subgroup or in the Yunnan (YN) population of D. albomicans. The deduced amino acid sequences were identical for all 14 taxa in the D. nasuta subgroup, and a stretch of alternating Thr–Gly pairs was not observed in this subgroup. A phylogenetic tree was constructed. The clustering of some species was in general agreement with previous works, but it also raised some question on the phylogenetic relationship between the nasuta species. The data did not implicate the Thr–Gly region playing a role in behavioral isolation in this subgroup of Drosophila. Received: 8 February 1999 / Accepted: 22 April 1999  相似文献   

Molecular evolution of the histone multigene family was studied by cloning and sequencing regions of the histone 3 gene in the Drosophila melanogaster species subgroup. Analysis of the nucleotide substitution pattern showed that in the coding region synonymous changes occurred more frequently to A or T in contrast to the GC-rich base composition, while in the 3' region the nucleotide substitutions were most likely in equilibrium. These results suggested that the base composition at the third codon position of the H3 gene, i.e., codon usage, has been changing to A or T in the Drosophila melanogaster species subgroup.  相似文献   

In this study the limitations of the RAPD technique for phylogenetic analysis of very closely related and less related species of Drosophila are examined. In addition, assumptions of positional homology of amplified fragments in different species are examined by cross-hybridization of RAPD fragments. It is demonstrated that in Drosophila the use of RAPD markers is very efficient in identification of species. For assessment of phylogenetic relationships, however, the method is limited to sibling species, and reliable measures for genetic distances cannot be obtained. Hybridization experiments demonstrate that fragments of similar length amplified from different species are not always derived from corresponding loci, and that not all RAPD fragments within the same amplification pattern are independent.  相似文献   

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