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The complete nucleotide sequence of Rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) pepsinogen A (PGA) cDNA was determined from two partially overlapping cDNA clones, covering the whole coding sequence and part of the flanking sequences. The nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences were compared to known PGA sequences from other species. The degree of similarity with human PGA appeared to be 96% at the nucleotide sequence level and 94% at the amino acid sequence level. In the coding region the divergence was highest in the activation peptide. The amino acid sequence similarity between Japanese monkey (Macaca fuscata) PGA and Rhesus monkey PGA was shown to be 99%. Using the cDNA as probe in Southern hybridization of EcoRI-digested human and Rhesus monkey genomic DNAs, PGA patterns with inter-individual differences were observed. The hybridization patterns are compatible with the existence of a PGA multigene family in both species.  相似文献   



Inhibins are dimeric gonadal protein hormones that negatively regulate pituitary FSH synthesis and secretion. Inhibin B is produced by testicular Sertoli cells and is the primary circulating form of inhibin in most adult male mammals. Inhibin B is comprised of the inhibin alpha subunit disulfide-linked to the inhibin/activin betaB subunit. Here we describe the cloning of the cDNAs encoding these subunits from adult rhesus monkey testis RNA.  相似文献   

This study describes the use of mass spectrometry (MS), high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and chemical derivatization techniques for the identification of doxylamine and five rhesus monkey urinary metabolites. The analyses were performed using chemical ionization mass spectrometry with either methane or ammonia as the reagent gas. The confirmation of the structures of two of these urinary metabolites was aided by the synthesis of doxylamine N-oxide and desmethyldoxylamine and by the use of methylation and acetylation derivatization techniques. Doxylamine N-oxide, desmethyldoxylamine, didesmethyldoxylamine, and two metabolites which resulted from the cleavage of the aliphatic tertiary nitrogen side chain to the subsequent 2-[1-phenyl-1-(2-pyridinyl)ethoxy]acetic acid or 2-[1-phenyl-1-(2-pyridinyl)ethoxy]methanol compounds were isolated and identified from rhesus monkey urine. Additional data concerning the mass spectral analysis of derivatization or reaction products from the three chloroformate reactions with doxylamine, and the synthesis and separation techniques which afforded mass spectral identification of the urinary metabolites are also presented.  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y (NPY) is a 36 amino acid peptide that is abundant in the brain and peripheral nervous system. NPY has a variety of effects when administered into the brain including a pronounced feeding effect, anxiolysis, regulation of neuroendocrine axes and inhibition of neurotransmitter release. These effects are mediated by up to 6 G protein coupled receptors designated Y1, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5 and y6. To better understand the phylogeny and pharmacology of NPY in non-human primates, we have cloned and expressed the NPY Y1, Y2 and Y5 receptor subtypes from the Rhesus monkey. No cDNA sequence encoding a Y4 receptor was found suggesting substantial sequence differences when compared to the human sequence. Comparison of these sequences with those from human indicated strong sequence conservation of Y1, Y2 and Y5 between the two species. The displacement of (125)I-PYY binding to the Rhesus monkey and human receptors by various peptides was compared to evaluate the pharmacology of the two species. Similar pharmacologies were noted across the species at the various receptor subtypes. These results indicate the Rhesus monkey and human NPY receptor subtypes have a close amino acid sequence conservation and that the peptide recognition domains are conserved as well.  相似文献   

A series of potent and selective inhibitors of h-MCH-R1 has been developed based on the piperidine glycineamide compounds I and II. These structurally more rigid tetrahydroisoquinolines (III and IV) showed better pharmacokinetics. The highly potent compounds 12d and 12g displayed excellent rat pk.  相似文献   

The synthesis and biological testing of novel classes of potent melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH-R1) antagonists based on pyrazolopiperazinone and pyrrolopiperazinone scaffolds are described.  相似文献   

Hepatic P450s, named M-3 and M-4 were purified from phenobarbitone pretreated rhesus monkey. These demonstrated polypeptide molecular mass of 50 and 52.5 kDa and specific content of 12 and 20 nmol P450/mg protein, respectively. Both the isozymes demonstrated low spin state of heme. Antibodies raised against M-3 inhibited the activity of aminopyrine, erythromycin and ethylmorphine N-demethylase in the microsomes obtained from PB pretreated rhesus monkey by 76, 40 and 35%, respectively. M-4 did the same by 69, 85 and 79%, respectively. These observations indicated M-3 and M-4 to be the members of CYP2C and 3A subfamilies, respectively. These results were substantiated by the observations that M-3 metabolized aminopyrine whereas M-4 metabolized aminopyrine, erythromycin and ethylmorphine in the reconstituted system. Microsomal lipids and cytochrome b5 enhanced the rate of these reactions. Further confirmation to the identity of these isozymes was provided by N-terminal amino acid sequences. The first 10 N-terminal amino acid residues of M-3 were 90% similar to CYP2C20 and 2C9 and that of M-4 were 100 and 90% similar to CYP3A8 and 3A5, respectively. In conclusion, two isozymes of hepatic P450 purified from PB pretreated rhesus monkey belong to CYP2C and 3A subfamilies.  相似文献   

Rhesus monkey alpha 1-antitrypsin (n = 144) was examined for heterogeneity by acid starch gel electrophoresis, isoelectric focusing in agarose and agarose gel electrophoresis. In contrast to other studies, no heterogeneity of Rhesus monkey alpha 1-antitrypsin could be documented using specific antisera. Rhesus monkey alpha 1-antitrypsin contained a reactive thiol. The pIs of the major isoforms of Rhesus monkey alpha 1-antitrypsin were 4.63, 4.69, 4.84 and 4.86 at 4 degrees C. No deficiency state of Rhesus monkey alpha 1-antitrypsin was detected. The six protease inhibitors in Rhesus monkey sera cross-reacted with antisera to the six human protease inhibitors.  相似文献   

Collection and quality of rhesus monkey semen   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Electroejaculation is an accepted method of semen collection from nonhuman primates. Although both penile and rectal probe stimulation techniques have been used, there has been a general lack of consistency and detail regarding their application. This report describes the collection, processing, and evaluation of rhesus monkey semen contrasting two methods of penile electroejaculation: 1) a constant-voltage method where stimulus current is a variable and 2) a constant-current method where stimulus current is operator-controlled. The constant-current method was the more efficient procedure, requiring a lower stimulus current for successful electroejaculation. The influence on semen quality of potentially toxic agents used in the procedure, surgical glove powder and electrolyte cream, was tested; both were detrimental as measured by motility loss. No correlation was found between coagula volume and sperm numbers. The intra- and interanimal variability in semen samples from six monkeys was also evaluated. Penile electroejaculation, combined with control of stimulus current, provides a consistent, successful, and humane method for the collection of semen in the rhesus monkey.  相似文献   

A 15-year-old female rhesus monkey was observed to have bilaterally thinned and prominently curved corneas. Slit lamp observations, pachymetry, keratometry, and corneoscopy were consistent with a diagnosis of keratoconus, a relatively common corneal dystrophy in humans heretofore not described in a subhuman primate.  相似文献   

Murine endothelial differentiation-related factor (mEDF-1) encodes a basic intracellular protein of 148 amino acids which is highly homologous to the human and rat polypeptides. mEDF-1 is expressed in most murine tissues tested and is evolutionary conserved. mEDF-1 expression is modulated in mouse development, since its expression is high early in development and decreases thereafter. Because EDF-1 has been isolated as a gene differentially expressed by exposure of endothelial cells to the Tat protein of HIV, we evaluated mEDF-1 expression in different cell lines derived from tumors which spontaneously develop in Tat transgenic mice. Cells isolated from adenocarcinomas and leiomyosarcomas express very high amounts of EDF-1, independently from their capability to secrete Tat. Tat transgenic mice also develop skin lesions which closely resemble human Kaposi's sarcoma. Since Kaposi spindle cells, which are the proliferative component of the sarcoma, differentiate from an endothelial precursor, it is noteworthy that spindle cells derived from Kaposi-like lesions of the Tat transgenic mice downregulate EDF-1 when compared to microvascular endothelial cells isolated from the same tissue.  相似文献   

Cholesterol metabolism in rhesus monkey, squirrel monkey, and baboon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The metabolism of cholesterol was studied in baboons, rhesus monkeys, and squirrel monkeys while they were being fed either a low fat, low cholesterol (basal) diet or the basal diet supplemented with saturated fat and cholesterol (atherogenic diet). When the diet was changed from basal to atherogenic, the mean total serum cholesterol concentration increased from 70 to 180 mg/dl in the baboon, from 168 to 283 mg/dl in the squirrel monkey, and from 144 to 608 mg/dl in the rhesus monkey. In animals fed the atherogenic diet, the percentage of dietary cholesterol absorbed was greatest in the rhesus monkey and least in the baboon. The fraction of the total body pool of cholesterol that was derived from the diet was greatest in the squirrel monkey and least in the baboon. The turnover of the body pool of cholesterol was several times faster in the squirrel monkey than in the baboon or the rhesus monkey when either dict was fed. The mean total fecal excretion of endogenous cholesterol and bile acid increased in all species on transition to the atherogenic diet; however, the relative contributions of the neutral and acidic fractions to the increase in total excretion differed among species. The difference in percentage of dietary cholesterol absorbed may, in part, account for the large differences in serum cholesterol during the atherogenic diet period. Comparison with other published results indicates that of these species cholesterol metabolism in the baboon is most like that in the human.  相似文献   

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