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Summary Membranes of liver peroxisomes from rats fed with clofibrate were purified in a discontinuous gradient using a zonal rotor. The preparation consists of round or oval vesicles mostly devoid of nucleoids with a diameter ranging from 70–700 nm; open sheets are found very infrequently. Mitochondrial profiles as well as vesicles containing cytochemically demonstrable glucose 6-phosphatase are scarce; accordingly, glucose 6-phosphatase is nearly undetectable biochemically. Monoamine oxidase is absent in peroxisomal membranes. Cytochrome b5 is found in a concentration of 0.3 nmoles/mg protein, an order of magnitude comparable to the content of endoplasmic reticulum membranes. Reduction of this cytochrome with palmitoyl-CoA is possible only after recombination of the membranes with the soluble peroxisomal matrix fraction.  相似文献   

The possibility that ubiquinone biosynthesis is present in rat liver peroxisomes was investigated. The specific activity of trans-prenyltransferase was 30% that of microsomes, with a pH optimum of around 8. trans-Geranyl pyrophosphate was required as a substrate and maximum activity was achieved with Mn(2+). Several detergents specifically inactivated the peroxisomal enzyme. The peroxisomal transferase is present in the luminal soluble contents, in contrast to the microsomal enzyme which is a membrane component. The treatment of rats with a number of drugs has demonstrated that the activities in the two organelles are subjected to separate regulation. Nonaprenyl-4-hydroxybenzoate transferase has about the same specific activity in peroxisomes as in microsomes and like the transferase activity, its regulation differs from the microsomal enzyme. The results demonstrate that peroxisomes are involved in ubiquinone biosynthesis, and at least two enzymes of the biosynthetic sequence are present in this organelle.  相似文献   

Carnitine acyltransferases in rat liver peroxisomes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Carnitine acyltransferase activities, as well as acetyl-CoA, octanyl-CoA, and palmityl-CoA hydrolase activities, were assayed in mitochondrial, peroxisomal, and endoplasmic reticulum fractions after isopycnic density sucrose gradient fractionation of rat liver homogenates. Both the forward and reverse assays show that carnitine acetyltransferase and carnitine octanyltransferase are associated with peroxisomes, mitochondria, and endoplasmic reticulum, while carnitine palmityltransferase was detected in mitochondria. Palmityl-CoA and octanyl-CoA hydrolase activities were found in all but the leading edge of the peroxisome peak of the gradient. The palmityl-CoA hydrolase in peroxisomal fractions was due to lysosomal contamination since the activity coincided with the lysosomal marker, acid phosphatase. The substrate specificity for carnitine octanyltransferase activity was maximum with medium-chain-length derivatives (about 20 nmol/ min/mg protein) and decreased as the acyl length increased until very low activity (<1 nmol/min/mg protein) was obtained with palmityl-CoA. When acyltransferases in peroxisomes were assayed by measuring acylcarnitine formation, nearly theoretical amounts of acetylcarnitine and octanylcarnitine were formed, but lesser quantities of 12 and 14 carbon acylcarnitines and very low amounts of palmitylcarnitine were detected. The presence of a broad spectrum of medium-chain and short-chain carnitine acyltransferases in peroxisomes is consistent with a role for carnitine for shuttling short-chain and medium-chain acyl residues out of peroxisomes. Carnitine acyltransferase activity was not detected in peroxisomes from spinach leaves.  相似文献   

Hepatic peroxisomes in human embryos with a menstrual age of 6 and 7 weeks have been examined via catalase cytochemistry. In the younger sample, the organelles show no catalase activity, their matrix being pale and coarsely reticular. In the 7-week specimen, the peroxisome population consists of catalase-positive and catalase-negative organelles. The latter have a morphology identical to that of the 6-week sample and represent 66% of the population. The positive organelles show a pronounced staining hetereogeneity. Together with the simultaneous presence of negative organelles, this might reflect the onset of catalase import into the peroxisomes during this period. Catalase heterogeneity excludes a continuous exchange of matrix contents; moreover, interconnections between peroxisomes have not been observed, and no cluster formation occurs. The data therefore also suggest that catalase is imported into individual, preexisting organelles in embryonic liver. The three peroxisomal -oxidation enzymes become detectable by immunocytochemistry only later during development. Morphological indications for a rapidly dividing population, such as elongated and/or tailed organelles, have not been observed. Morphometry has revealed that, in these early stages, the organelles are significantly smaller than the peroxisomes of fetal and adult human liver.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of dolichol by rat liver peroxisomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ability of peroxisomes and microsomes to synthesize dolichol from [3H]mevalonate, [3H]isopentenyl-P2 or [3H]farnesyl-P2 in vitro was investigated. It was found that isoprenoid biosynthesis also occurs in peroxisomes and that this process demonstrates properties differing from those of isoprenoid biosynthesis by microsomes. The pH optimum in peroxisomes was 8.0 and, in contrast to microsomes, the peroxisomal biosynthesis was largely insensitive to detergents. After treatment with proteolytic enzymes, microsomes lost their capacity to incorporate [3H]mevalonate into dolichol, whereas proteolysis of intact peroxisomes did not influence their corresponding rate of incorporation. The soluble content of peroxisomes was separated from the membranes and found to demonstrate half of the biosynthetic capacity of the intact organelle. Fasting and cholestyramine treatment decreased only the microsomal incorporation of [3H]mevalonate into dolichol, while treatment with clofibrate, di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate or phenobarbital increased microsomal, but decreased peroxisomal labeling. After injection of [3H]mevalonate into the portal vein of rats, high initial labeling of dolichol was recovered both in isolated microsomes and peroxisomes, whereas when [3H]glycerol was administered, peroxisomal phospholipids became labeled later than the corresponding microsomal constituents. These results support the conclusion that dolichol is synthesized both in peroxisomes and the endoplasmic reticulum, but that the biosynthetic processes at these two locations have different properties.  相似文献   

Glycerolipid synthetic capacity of rat liver peroxisomes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Investigations on rat liver peroxisomal glycerolipid synthetic capability were performed. Highly purified peroxisomal preparations contained dihydroxyacetone-phosphate acyltransferase, acyldihydroxyacetone-phosphate reductase, and fatty acid-CoA ligase activities. Glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase, lysophosphatidic acid acyltransferase, phosphatidic acid phosphatase, diacylglycerol acyltransferase, diacylglycerol cholinephosphotransferase, diacylglycerol ethanolaminephosphotransferase and ethanol acyltransferase activities were low in activity or not detected. These results suggest that the peroxisomes are specialized to contribute to the synthesis of ether-linked glycerolipids. If peroxisomes contribute towards the synthesis of non-ether-linked glycerolipids (i.e., ester-linked) then translocation of acyl glycerophosphatide (acyl dihydroxyacetone phosphatide) from peroxisomes to endoplasmic reticulum would be expected to occur.  相似文献   

Jeynov B  Lay D  Schmidt F  Tahirovic S  Just WW 《FEBS letters》2006,580(25):5917-5924
Analyzing peroxisomal phosphoinositide (PId(#)) synthesis in highly purified rat liver peroxisomes we found synthesis of phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PtdIns4P), PtdIns(4,5)P(2) and PtdIns(3,5)P(2). PtdIns3P was hardly detected in vitro, however, was observed in vivo after [(32)P]-phosphate labeling of primary rat hepatocytes. In comparison with other subcellular organelles peroxisomes revealed a unique PId pattern suggesting peroxisomal specificity of the observed synthesis. Use of phosphatase inhibitors enhanced the amount of PtdIns4P. The results obtained provide evidence that isolated rat liver peroxisomes synthesize PIds and suggest the association of PId 4-kinase and PId 5-kinase and PId 4-phosphatase activities with the peroxisomal membrane.  相似文献   

A proteinase with a pH optimum of 7.6 and Mr of 43 kD has been isolated from rat liver peroxisomes. The peroxisomes were shown to possess an intrinsic mechanism responsible for the degradation of proteins, e.g., catalase. Some physico-chemical properties and turnover parameters of neutral proteinase from peroxisomes (i.e., synthesis rate, lifetime, degradation of the newly synthesized enzyme) were studied. In terms of enzymatic and immunologic properties, the enzyme under study is similar to mitochondrial and cytosolic proteinases responsible for the initial inactivation of catalase in subcellular structures.  相似文献   

Glyoxylate metabolism by isolated rat liver peroxisomes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Detection of an ATPase activity in rat liver peroxisomes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An ATPase co-sedimenting with rat liver peroxisomes has been detected after subcellular fractionation. The activity is Mg2+ dependent, with pH optimum of 7.5 and is inhibited by NEM and DCCD but not by oligomycin. Partial inhibition of the mitochondrial ATPase allows to detect the peroxisomal activity in the gradients. Protease inactivation and solubilization data suggests that the activity resides in a protein of the peroxisomal membrane, exposed to the cytosol.  相似文献   

In this paper we have investigated whether or not superoxide dismutase is localized in peroxisomes from rat liver. Using an improved method to prepare peroxisomes from clofibrate induced rat livers, we identified superoxide dismutase activity in peroxisomes. This activity was found to be predominantly of the copper-zinc type. The finding of superoxide dismutase activity in peroxisomes makes sense since peroxisomes also contain superoxide generating enzyme activities such as xanthine oxidase.  相似文献   

Purification of membrane polypeptides of rat liver peroxisomes   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Peroxisomes were obtained by sucrose density gradient centrifugation from the livers of di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate-fed rats, and the membranes were prepared by carbonate extraction (Fujiki, Y., Fowler, S., Shio, H., Hubbard, A.L., & Lazarow, P.B. (1982) J. Cell Biol. 93, 103-110). The integrated membrane polypeptides were solubilized with sodium dodecyl sulfate, and purified by repeated polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. Separation of 70 and 68 kDa polypeptides was not attempted in the present study because of their close migration in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Other polypeptides with apparent molecular masses of 41, 27, 26, and 22 kDa were purified to near homogeneity. Antibodies were raised against these purified preparations. The 68 kDa polypeptide is suggested to be produced by the proteolytic modification of 70 kDa polypeptide, since the former increased concomitantly with decrease of the latter when the liver homogenate was incubated, and this change was prevented in the presence of leupeptin during the incubation. The 41 kDa polypeptide was a minor component. The 70 and 68 kDa polypeptides and 41 kDa polypeptide and their antibodies were cross-reactive, but the relation of these polypeptides was not clear. The 27 and 26 kDa polypeptides seemed to be another species of membrane polypeptides, although the relationship of these two polypeptides remains to be clarified. The 22 kDa polypeptide is not related to other membrane polypeptides. The results of immunoblot analysis of subcellular fractions of the liver and an electron microscopic immunocytochemical study to locate the antigenic sites with protein A-gold complex suggest that all of these polypeptides are localized on peroxisomal membranes. On proliferation of rat liver peroxisomes by administration of di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate, a peroxisome proliferator, all of these polypeptides were markedly increased.  相似文献   

Biosynthesis of membrane polypeptides of rat liver peroxisomes   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The biosynthesis of three major peroxisomal membrane polypeptides of rat liver was investigated. Total hepatic RNA extracted by the guanidinium/CsCl method from three control and three di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (a peroxisomal proliferator)-fed rats was translated in vitro in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate protein-synthesizing system. Translation products were immunoprecipitated by the antibodies against peroxisomal membrane polypeptides, subjected to sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and analyzed by fluorography. The in vitro translation products of 70, 26, and 22 kDa peroxisomal membrane polypeptides were apparently of the same size as the respective mature polypeptides. The ratio of translatable mRNA levels for the 70, 26, and 22 kDa polypeptides in di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate-fed rats to those in control rats were 5.4, 11.4, and 2.7, respectively. The synthesis of these three polypeptides with the free polysome fraction from di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate-fed rats was more active than that with the membrane-bound polysome fraction, whereas the synthesis of albumin with the free polysome fraction was 27% of that with the membrane-bound polysome fraction. These results indicate that the peroxisomal major membrane polypeptides are synthesized on free polysomes and transported to peroxisomal membrane without any apparent proteolytic processing, and that the induction of these polypeptides by administration of a peroxisomal proliferator corresponds well to the induction of the peroxisomal beta-oxidation enzymes. The data also support the idea that peroxisomes are organized from pre-existing peroxisomes.  相似文献   

Recent data suggest that rat liver peroxisomes play a critical role in cholesterol synthesis. Specifically, peroxisomes contain a number of enzymes required for cholesterol synthesis as well as sterol carrier protein-2. Furthermore, peroxisomes are involved in the in vitro synthesis of cholesterol from mevalonate and contain significant levels of apolipoprotein E, a major constituent of several classes of plasma lipoproteins. In this study we have investigated the subcellular localization of mevalonate kinase (EC; ATP:mevalonate-5-phosphotransferase). Mevalonate kinase is believed to be a cytosolic enzyme and catalyzes the phosphorylation of mevalonate to form mevalonate 5-phosphate. Mevalonate kinase has been purified from rat liver cytosol and a cDNA clone coding for rat mevalonate kinase has also been isolated and characterized. In this study, utilizing monoclonal antibodies made against the purified rat mevalonate kinase, we demonstrate the presence of mevalonate kinase in rat liver peroxisomes and in the cytosol. Each of these compartments contained a different form of the protein. The pI and the Mr of the peroxisomal protein is 6.2 and 42,000, respectively. The pI and Mr of the cytosolic protein is 6.9 and 40,000, respectively. The peroxisomal protein was also significantly induced by a number of different hypolipidemic drugs. In addition, we present evidence for the unexpected finding that the purified mevalonate kinase (isolated from the cytosol and assumed to be a cytosolic protein) is actually a peroxisomal protein.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural localization of uricase (urate: oxygen oxidoreductase, E.C. in rat liver parenchymal cells has been studied with the cerium technique. The cerous ions react with H2O2 generated by the activity of the enzyme in the presence of urate, forming the electron-dense reaction product of cerous perhydroxide. Tissue fixation is carried out by perfusion for 5 min with a low concentration (0.25%) of glutaraldehyde. Since in a biochemical assay it was found that the activity of uricase determined in Trismaleate buffer is substantially weaker than in the Pipes buffer, the classical medium of Briggs et al. (6) was modified, and the latter buffer was substituted for the Trismaleate. Vibratome sectons are incubated at 37 degrees C for 60 min in 0.1 M Pipes buffer, pH 7.8, containing 3 mM cerium chloride and 0.1 mM sodium urate. Under these conditions, the reaction product is localized in the crystalline cores of hepatic peroxisomes. The intensity of the staining is dependent on the concentration of the substrate and the incubation time. In control preparations incubated without urate or with 2,6,8-trichloropurine, a specific inhibitor of uricase, staining is almost completely abolished. In sections incubated with 5 mM cerium and 0.1 mM sodium urate, fine granules with a distribution corresponding to peroxisomes are also visible at the light microscopic level. This latter observation is invaluable for correlative light and electron microscopic studies.  相似文献   

The specific activity of hepatic microsomal and peroxisomal 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase (HMG-CoA reductase) was determined at different times during a 24 hour cycle from cholestyramine treated rats. The microsomal HMG-CoA reductase activity displayed a peak at D-6 (6th hour of the dark cycle) as previously reported, whereas, the peroxisomal HMG-CoA reductase activity was the highest at L-2 (2nd hour of the light cycle). Immunoblots of the peroxisomal HMG-CoA reductase suggest that the increase in enzyme activity at L-2 is due to changes in enzyme mass. The different cyclic variations observed in microsomal and peroxisomal HMG-CoA reductase activity may suggest different mechanisms of regulation.  相似文献   

Subcellular distribution of pentose-phosphate cycle enzymes in rat liver was investigated, using differential and isopycnic centrifugation. The activities of the NADP+-dependent dehydrogenases of the pentose-phosphate pathway (glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and phosphogluconate dehydrogenase) were detected in the purified peroxisomal fraction as well as in the cytosol. Both dehydrogenases were localized in the peroxisomal matrix. Chronic administration of the hypolipidemic drug clofibrate (ethyl-alpha-p-chlorophenoxyisobutyrate) caused a 1.5-2.5-fold increase in the amount of glucose-6-phosphate and phosphogluconate dehydrogenases in the purified peroxisomes. Clofibrate decreased the phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, but did not alter glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity in the cytosolic fraction. The results obtained indicate that the enzymes of the non-oxidative segment of the pentose cycle (transketolase, transaldolase, triosephosphate isomerase and glucose-phosphate isomerase) are present only in a soluble form in the cytosol, but not in the peroxisomes or other particles, and that ionogenic interaction of the enzymes with the mitochondrial and other membranes takes place during homogenization of the tissue in 0.25 M sucrose. Similar to catalase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and phosphogluconate dehydrogenase are present in the intact peroxisomes in a latent form. The enzymes have Km values for their substrates in the millimolar range (0.2 mM for glucose-6-phosphate and 0.10-0.12 mM for 6-phosphogluconate). NADP+, but not NAD+, serves as a coenzyme for both enzymes. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase was inhibited by palmitoyl-CoA, and to a lesser extent by NADPH. Peroxisomal glucose-6-phosphate and phosphogluconate dehydrogenases have molecular mass of 280 kDa and 96 kDa, respectively. The putative functional role of pentose-phosphate cycle dehydrogenases in rat liver peroxisomes is discussed.  相似文献   

A cyanide insensitive fatty acid oxidation system is detected in human liver and is shown to be localized in peroxisomes by subcellular fractionation in Metrizamide continuous density gradients. Fatty acyl-CoA oxidase, its characteristic enzyme, acts maximally on C12–C18 saturated fatty acids and on oleoyl-CoA and requires FAD. These results, together with the already established properties of the system in rat liver, support its potential contribution to lipid metabolism and to the hypolipidemic effect of Clofibrate and related drugs in humans.  相似文献   

Oxygen uptake with succinate or palmitoyl-CoA as substrates can be measured in rat liver mitochondria that have been isolated by sucrose density gradient centrifugation providing the fractions are diluted with a 30 mM phosphate buffer rather than with an isotonic medium. Separate assay procedures were used to measure peroxisomal and mitochondrial β-oxidation of palmitoyl-CoA in the fractions of a sucrose gradient used to separate these organelles. A preliminary estimate of the ratio of palmitoyl-CoA oxidation by the mitochondrial fraction relative to the surviving peroxisomes from livers of male rats was 3.2.  相似文献   

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