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Glycosylation is one of the most complex post-translational modifications (PTMs) of proteins in eukaryotic cells. Glycosylation plays an important role in biological processes ranging from protein folding and subcellular localization, to ligand recognition and cell-cell interactions. Experimental identification of glycosylation sites is expensive and laborious. Hence, there is significant interest in the development of computational methods for reliable prediction of glycosylation sites from amino acid sequences.  相似文献   

Lysine acetylation is an essentially reversible and high regulated post-translational modification which regulates diverse protein properties. Experimental identification of acetylation sites is laborious and expensive. Hence, there is significant interest in the development of computational methods for reliable prediction of acetylation sites from amino acid sequences. In this paper we use an ensemble of support vector machine classifiers to perform this work. The experimentally determined acetylation lysine sites are extracted from Swiss-Prot database and scientific literatures. Experiment results show that an ensemble of support vector machine classifiers outperforms single support vector machine classifier and other computational methods such as PAIL and LysAcet on the problem of predicting acetylation lysine sites. The resulting method has been implemented in EnsemblePail, a web server for lysine acetylation sites prediction available at http://www.aporc.org/EnsemblePail/.  相似文献   

Wang X 《Genomics》2012,99(2):90-95
Two-gene classifiers have attracted a broad interest for their simplicity and practicality. Most existing two-gene classification algorithms were involved in exhaustive search that led to their low time-efficiencies. In this study, we proposed two new two-gene classification algorithms which used simple univariate gene selection strategy and constructed simple classification rules based on optimal cut-points for two genes selected. We detected the optimal cut-point with the information entropy principle. We applied the two-gene classification models to eleven cancer gene expression datasets and compared their classification performance to that of some established two-gene classification models like the top-scoring pairs model and the greedy pairs model, as well as standard methods including Diagonal Linear Discriminant Analysis, k-Nearest Neighbor, Support Vector Machine and Random Forest. These comparisons indicated that the performance of our two-gene classifiers was comparable to or better than that of compared models.  相似文献   

Cascaded multiple classifiers for secondary structure prediction   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
We describe a new classifier for protein secondary structure prediction that is formed by cascading together different types of classifiers using neural networks and linear discrimination. The new classifier achieves an accuracy of 76.7% (assessed by a rigorous full Jack-knife procedure) on a new nonredundant dataset of 496 nonhomologous sequences (obtained from G.J. Barton and J.A. Cuff). This database was especially designed to train and test protein secondary structure prediction methods, and it uses a more stringent definition of homologous sequence than in previous studies. We show that it is possible to design classifiers that can highly discriminate the three classes (H, E, C) with an accuracy of up to 78% for beta-strands, using only a local window and resampling techniques. This indicates that the importance of long-range interactions for the prediction of beta-strands has been probably previously overestimated.  相似文献   

We present a machine learning method (a hierarchical network of k-nearest neighbor classifiers) that uses an RNA sequence alignment in order to predict a consensus RNA secondary structure. The input to the network is the mutual information, the fraction of complementary nucleotides, and a novel consensus RNAfold secondary structure prediction of a pair of alignment columns and its nearest neighbors. Given this input, the network computes a prediction as to whether a particular pair of alignment columns corresponds to a base pair. By using a comprehensive test set of 49 RFAM alignments, the program KNetFold achieves an average Matthews correlation coefficient of 0.81. This is a significant improvement compared with the secondary structure prediction methods PFOLD and RNAalifold. By using the example of archaeal RNase P, we show that the program can also predict pseudoknot interactions.  相似文献   

Barenboim M  Masso M  Vaisman II  Jamison DC 《Proteins》2008,71(4):1930-1939
There is substantial interest in methods designed to predict the effect of nonsynonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (nsSNPs) on protein function, given their potential relationship to heritable diseases. Current state-of-the-art supervised machine learning algorithms, such as random forest (RF), train models that classify single amino acid mutations in proteins as either neutral or deleterious to function. However, it is frequently the case that the functional effect of a polymorphism on a protein resides between these two extremes. The utilization of classifiers that incorporate fuzzy logic provides a natural extension in order to account for the spectrum of possible functional consequences. We generated a dataset of single amino acid substitutions in human proteins having known three-dimensional structures. Each variant was uniquely represented as a feature vector that included computational geometry and knowledge-based statistical potential predictors obtained though application of Delaunay tessellation of protein structures. Additional attributes consisted of physicochemical properties of the native and replacement amino acids as well as topological location of the mutated residue position in the solved structure. Classification performance of the RF algorithm was evaluated on a training set consisting of the disease-associated and neutral nsSNPs taken from our dataset, and attributes were ranked according to their relative importance. Similarly, we evaluated the performance of adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). The utility of statistical geometry predictors was compared with that of traditional structural and evolutionary attributes employed by other researchers, revealing an equally effective yet complementary methodology. Among all attributes in our feature set, the statistical geometry predictors were found to be the most highly ranked. On the basis of the AUC (area under the ROC curve) measure of performance, the ANFIS and RF models were equally effective when only statistical geometry features were utilized. Tenfold cross-validation studies evaluating AUC, balanced error rate (BER), and Matthew's correlation coefficient (MCC) showed that our RF model was at least comparable with the well-established methods of SIFT and PolyPhen. The trained RF and ANFIS models were each subsequently used to predict the disease potential of human nsSNPs in our dataset that are currently unclassified (http://rna.gmu.edu/FuzzySnps/).  相似文献   

This paper applies and studies the behavior of three learning algorithms, i.e. the Support Vector machine (SVM), the Radial Basis Function Network (the RBF network), and k-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) for predicting HIV-1 drug resistance from genotype data. In addition, a new algorithm for classifier combination is proposed. The results of comparing the predictive performance of three learning algorithms show that, SVM yields the highest average accuracy, the RBF network gives the highest sensitivity, and k-NN yields the best in specificity. Finally, the comparison of the predictive performance of the composite classifier with three learning algorithms demonstrates that the proposed composite classifier provides the highest average accuracy.  相似文献   

AH Beiki  S Saboor  M Ebrahimi 《PloS one》2012,7(9):e44164
Various methods have been used to identify cultivares of olive trees; herein we used different bioinformatics algorithms to propose new tools to classify 10 cultivares of olive based on RAPD and ISSR genetic markers datasets generated from PCR reactions. Five RAPD markers (OPA0a21, OPD16a, OP01a1, OPD16a1 and OPA0a8) and five ISSR markers (UBC841a4, UBC868a7, UBC841a14, U12BC807a and UBC810a13) selected as the most important markers by all attribute weighting models. K-Medoids unsupervised clustering run on SVM dataset was fully able to cluster each olive cultivar to the right classes. All trees (176) induced by decision tree models generated meaningful trees and UBC841a4 attribute clearly distinguished between foreign and domestic olive cultivars with 100% accuracy. Predictive machine learning algorithms (SVM and Naïve Bayes) were also able to predict the right class of olive cultivares with 100% accuracy. For the first time, our results showed data mining techniques can be effectively used to distinguish between plant cultivares and proposed machine learning based systems in this study can predict new olive cultivars with the best possible accuracy.  相似文献   

There are many instances in genetics in which we wish to determine whether two candidate populations are distinguishable on the basis of their genetic structure. Examples include populations which are geographically separated, case-control studies and quality control (when participants in a study have been genotyped at different laboratories). This latter application is of particular importance in the era of large scale genome wide association studies, when collections of individuals genotyped at different locations are being merged to provide increased power. The traditional method for detecting structure within a population is some form of exploratory technique such as principal components analysis. Such methods, which do not utilise our prior knowledge of the membership of the candidate populations. are termed unsupervised. Supervised methods, on the other hand are able to utilise this prior knowledge when it is available.In this paper we demonstrate that in such cases modern supervised approaches are a more appropriate tool for detecting genetic differences between populations. We apply two such methods, (neural networks and support vector machines) to the classification of three populations (two from Scotland and one from Bulgaria). The sensitivity exhibited by both these methods is considerably higher than that attained by principal components analysis and in fact comfortably exceeds a recently conjectured theoretical limit on the sensitivity of unsupervised methods. In particular, our methods can distinguish between the two Scottish populations, where principal components analysis cannot. We suggest, on the basis of our results that a supervised learning approach should be the method of choice when classifying individuals into pre-defined populations, particularly in quality control for large scale genome wide association studies.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Identifying the destination or localization of proteins is key to understanding their function and facilitating their purification. A number of existing computational prediction methods are based on sequence analysis. However, these methods are limited in scope, accuracy and most particularly breadth of coverage. Rather than using sequence information alone, we have explored the use of database text annotations from homologs and machine learning to substantially improve the prediction of subcellular location. RESULTS: We have constructed five machine-learning classifiers for predicting subcellular localization of proteins from animals, plants, fungi, Gram-negative bacteria and Gram-positive bacteria, which are 81% accurate for fungi and 92-94% accurate for the other four categories. These are the most accurate subcellular predictors across the widest set of organisms ever published. Our predictors are part of the Proteome Analyst web-service.  相似文献   

Yasui Y  Pepe M  Hsu L  Adam BL  Feng Z 《Biometrics》2004,60(1):199-206
Training data in a supervised learning problem consist of the class label and its potential predictors for a set of observations. Constructing effective classifiers from training data is the goal of supervised learning. In biomedical sciences and other scientific applications, class labels may be subject to errors. We consider a setting where there are two classes but observations with labels corresponding to one of the classes may in fact be mislabeled. The application concerns the use of protein mass-spectrometry data to discriminate between serum samples from cancer and noncancer patients. The patients in the training set are classified on the basis of tissue biopsy. Although biopsy is 100% specific in the sense that a tissue that shows itself to have malignant cells is certainly cancer, it is less than 100% sensitive. Reference gold standards that are subject to this special type of misclassification due to imperfect diagnosis certainty arise in many fields. We consider the development of a supervised learning algorithm under these conditions and refer to it as partially supervised learning. Boosting is a supervised learning algorithm geared toward high-dimensional predictor data, such as those generated in protein mass-spectrometry. We propose a modification of the boosting algorithm for partially supervised learning. The proposal is to view the true class membership of the samples that are labeled with the error-prone class label as missing data, and apply an algorithm related to the EM algorithm for minimization of a loss function. To assess the usefulness of the proposed method, we artificially mislabeled a subset of samples and applied the original and EM-modified boosting (EM-Boost) algorithms for comparison. Notable improvements in misclassification rates are observed with EM-Boost.  相似文献   



Virtually all currently available microRNA target site prediction algorithms require the presence of a (conserved) seed match to the 5' end of the microRNA. Recently however, it has been shown that this requirement might be too stringent, leading to a substantial number of missed target sites.  相似文献   

Bayesian networks are knowledge representation tools that model the (in)dependency relationships among variables for probabilistic reasoning. Classification with Bayesian networks aims to compute the class with the highest probability given a case. This special kind is referred to as Bayesian network classifiers. Since learning the Bayesian network structure from a dataset can be viewed as an optimization problem, heuristic search algorithms may be applied to build high-quality networks in medium- or large-scale problems, as exhaustive search is often feasible only for small problems. In this paper, we present our new algorithm, ABC-Miner, and propose several extensions to it. ABC-Miner uses ant colony optimization for learning the structure of Bayesian network classifiers. We report extended computational results comparing the performance of our algorithm with eight other classification algorithms, namely six variations of well-known Bayesian network classifiers, cAnt-Miner for discovering classification rules and a support vector machine algorithm.  相似文献   

Many individuals tested for inherited cancer susceptibility at the BRCA1 gene locus are discovered to have variants of unknown clinical significance (UCVs). Most UCVs cause a single amino acid residue (missense) change in the BRCA1 protein. They can be biochemically assayed, but such evaluations are time-consuming and labor-intensive. Computational methods that classify and suggest explanations for UCV impact on protein function can complement functional tests. Here we describe a supervised learning approach to classification of BRCA1 UCVs. Using a novel combination of 16 predictive features, the algorithms were applied to retrospectively classify the impact of 36 BRCA1 C-terminal (BRCT) domain UCVs biochemically assayed to measure transactivation function and to blindly classify 54 documented UCVs. Majority vote of three supervised learning algorithms is in agreement with the assay for more than 94% of the UCVs. Two UCVs found deleterious by both the assay and the classifiers reveal a previously uncharacterized putative binding site. Clinicians may soon be able to use computational classifiers such as those described here to better inform patients. These classifiers can be adapted to other cancer susceptibility genes and systematically applied to prioritize the growing number of potential causative loci and variants found by large-scale disease association studies.  相似文献   

While the distribution patterns of cold-water corals, such as Paragorgia arborea, have received increasing attention in recent studies, little is known about their in situ activity patterns. In this paper, we examine polyp activity in P. arborea using machine learning techniques to analyze high-resolution time series data and photographs obtained from an autonomous lander cluster deployed in the Stjernsund, Norway. An interactive illustration of the models derived in this paper is provided online as supplementary material.We find that the best predictor of the degree of extension of the coral polyps is current direction with a lag of three hours. Other variables that are not directly associated with water currents, such as temperature and salinity, offer much less information concerning polyp activity. Interestingly, the degree of polyp extension can be predicted more reliably by sampling the laminar flows in the water column above the measurement site than by sampling the more turbulent flows in the direct vicinity of the corals.Our results show that the activity patterns of the P. arborea polyps are governed by the strong tidal current regime of the Stjernsund. It appears that P. arborea does not react to shorter changes in the ambient current regime but instead adjusts its behavior in accordance with the large-scale pattern of the tidal cycle itself in order to optimize nutrient uptake.  相似文献   

Advances in digital technologies have allowed us to generate more images than ever. Images of scanned documents are examples of these images that form a vital part in digital libraries and archives. Scanned degraded documents contain background noise and varying contrast and illumination, therefore, document image binarisation must be performed in order to separate foreground from background layers. Image binarisation is performed using either local adaptive thresholding or global thresholding; with local thresholding being generally considered as more successful. This paper presents a novel method to global thresholding, where a neural network is trained using local threshold values of an image in order to determine an optimum global threshold value which is used to binarise the whole image. The proposed method is compared with five local thresholding methods, and the experimental results indicate that our method is computationally cost-effective and capable of binarising scanned degraded documents with superior results.  相似文献   

Recently, several classifiers that combine primary tumor data, like gene expression data, and secondary data sources, such as protein-protein interaction networks, have been proposed for predicting outcome in breast cancer. In these approaches, new composite features are typically constructed by aggregating the expression levels of several genes. The secondary data sources are employed to guide this aggregation. Although many studies claim that these approaches improve classification performance over single genes classifiers, the gain in performance is difficult to assess. This stems mainly from the fact that different breast cancer data sets and validation procedures are employed to assess the performance. Here we address these issues by employing a large cohort of six breast cancer data sets as benchmark set and by performing an unbiased evaluation of the classification accuracies of the different approaches. Contrary to previous claims, we find that composite feature classifiers do not outperform simple single genes classifiers. We investigate the effect of (1) the number of selected features; (2) the specific gene set from which features are selected; (3) the size of the training set and (4) the heterogeneity of the data set on the performance of composite feature and single genes classifiers. Strikingly, we find that randomization of secondary data sources, which destroys all biological information in these sources, does not result in a deterioration in performance of composite feature classifiers. Finally, we show that when a proper correction for gene set size is performed, the stability of single genes sets is similar to the stability of composite feature sets. Based on these results there is currently no reason to prefer prognostic classifiers based on composite features over single genes classifiers for predicting outcome in breast cancer.  相似文献   

The spread of drug resistance through malaria parasite populations calls for the development of new therapeutic strategies. However, the seemingly promising genomics-driven target identification paradigm is hampered by the weak annotation coverage. To identify potentially important yet uncharacterized proteins, we apply support vector machines using profile kernels, a supervised discriminative machine learning technique for remote homology detection, as a complement to the traditional alignment based algorithms. In this study, we focus on the prediction of proteases, which have long been considered attractive drug targets because of their indispensable roles in parasite development and infection. Our analysis demonstrates that an abundant and complex repertoire is conserved in five Plasmodium parasite species. Several putative proteases may be important components in networks that mediate cellular processes, including hemoglobin digestion, invasion, trafficking, cell cycle fate, and signal transduction. This catalog of proteases provides a short list of targets for functional characterization and rational inhibitor design. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Rui Kuang and Jianying Gu have contributed equally to this work. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

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