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Monoclonal gammopathies (M.G.) are a group of disorders characterized by the proliferation of a single clone of plasma-cells that produce a Monoclonal Immunoglobulin (M-Ig). The presence of M-Ig can be demonstrated by electrophoresis in the patient' serum and identified by immunoelectrophoresis as a molecule containing two heavy chains of a single class and two light chains of a single type. In M.G. of malignant origin, free light chains (Bence Jones Proteins) can be evidenced in the concentrated urines. The fact that M.G. may be more frequent in certain families show the existence of a familial predisposition of this disease whereas its origin is still unknown. M.G. are often associated with malignant proliferation of B lymphocytes such as multiple myeloma, Waldenstr?m's macroglobulinemia, heavy chain disease as well as some other lymphoproliferative disorders. However, in a certain number of cases, the malignant origin of the M.G. was not proved, because M-Ig can occur in the serum of people apparently in good health and without clinical or hematological features (asymptomatic "benign" M.G.). Asymptomatic benign M.G. have been detected in increasing numbers during the last decade due to use of cellulose acetate electrophoresis for the routine examination of patients or in the course of systemic screening in normal populations such as blood donors. At the present time, a malignant origin of M.G. cannot be proved in more than thirty per cent of case and these "asymptomatic M.G." must be follow-up by a yearly clinical, hematological and electrophoretical check-up in order to detect a possible malignant evolution. In other cases, M.G. can be associated with neoplasms of cells types not known to produce M-Ig, in cold chronic agglutinin disease, and during the course of some auto-immune disorders.  相似文献   

Summary In 42 patients with untreated or treated multiple myeloma (MM) or benign monoclonal gammopathy (BMG) the lymphocytes and T lymphocyte subsets were determined by monoclonal antibodies and other surface markers.In untreated MM, the T cells (1077/l vs 1439/l, P<0.01) and especially the OKT4+ lymphocytes (700/l vs 950/l, P<0.05) were significantly reduced compared with a control group. The OKT8+ cells were slightly but not significantly decreased.In previously treated MM, the loss of T cells was more pronounced than in the untreated group and was primarily caused by a further reduction of OKT4+ cells. Patients with BMG revealed decreased OKT8+ lymphocytes (304/l vs 502/l, P<0.001), whereas the OKT4+ cells were within the normal range. Therefore, the OKT4/OKT8 ratio was significantly elevated compared with that in untreated MM patients and normal controls (3.31 vs 2.06 vs 2.13; P<0.005).To sum up, in MM the results revealed a reduction of T cells, mainly of OKT4+ cells, which is intensified by chemotherapy and persists even after a long therapy-free interval. The different findings of T cell subsets in BMG and MM may be a helpful criterion to differentiate between BMG and MM.  相似文献   

A routine screening of monoclonal gammopathies (M.G.) was performed in the serum from 36, 015 blood donors by cellulose acetate electrophoresis. The incidence of M.G. was estimated to 0.14 per cent. About 86 per cent of cases can be classified as asymptomatic M.G. and 14 per cent as malignant M.G. (myeloma or Waldenstr?m macroglobulinemia). In asymptomatic forms, heavy chain classes are only IgG or IgM with a large predominance of IgG (86,4%). It is suggested that donors in whom M.G. have been detected should not be allowed to give blood. A yearly clinical, hematological and an immunoglobulin check-up is recommended to these patients in order to defect the first sign of a malignant process.  相似文献   

Serum beta 2-microglobulin in patients with monoclonal gammopathies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Beta-2-microglobulin concentrations were determined in serum samples from 45 patients with benign and malignant monoclonal gammopathies. In the group of patients suffering from multiple myeloma or Waldenstr?m macroglobulinemia the mean beta 2-microglobulin level was significantly higher than in the group with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance. Values above 3 mg/L were highly indicative of a neoplastic process and were observed in all the Waldenstr?m patients and in greater than 90% of myeloma patients. No significant correlation was noticed between beta 2-microglobulin and monoclonal protein levels in any of the groups examined.  相似文献   

Amin Nanji 《CMAJ》1982,127(1):32-35
In a group of patients with monoclonal gammopathies a decrease in the serum anion gap was seen with increasing serum concentrations of monoclonal IgG and IgM but not monoclonal IgA. This was probably related to the fact that IgG and IgM are cationic but IgA is a anionic at a physiologic pH. The serum sodium level decreased by 0.7 mmol/l for every increase of 1 g/dl in the serum level of the monoclonal immunoglobulin, likely because of the volume displacement effect of the monoclonal protein.  相似文献   

When monoclonal gammopathies arise in persons without evidence of plasma cell malignancy or lymphoproliferative disease, the term monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance (MGUS) can be used. MGUS is believed to be the preneoplastic phase of lymphoproliferative diseases because many of these patients eventually develop malignant disease, mainly multiple myeloma. We have previously identified human papillomavirus (HPV) in a chronic benign plasma cell tumor of the cervix and in the bone marrow of multiple-myeloma patients. In the following study, we expanded upon our initial observation by analyzing 14 patients with MGUS. Bone marrow biopsies of the patients were analyzed for HPV sequences using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and in situ hybridization. Normal controls included 26 bone marrow specimens, 24 analyzed by PCR and two by in situ hybridization. A significant association was found to exist between HPV and MGUS (p=0.001). Among 14 patients iwth MGUS, HPV sequences have been identified in 10 of the bone marrow biopsies. These results suggest that HPV can reside in the bone marrow of a premalignant lymphoproliferative disease.  相似文献   

A clonal analysis has been made of the murine BALB/C response to lactose-containing immunogens with respect to the affinity restriction in IgM expression. Monoclonal IgM and IgG antibodies were prepared from antilactosyl hybridomas generated from mice immunized with p-aminophenyl-beta-lactoside (PAPL) coupled to BGG or with a vaccine of Streptococcus faecalis (Strain N). Association constants for the binding of monovalent derivatives of PAPL were measured by quenching fluorescence. These derivatives carried a probe (2,4-dinitrophenyl or 1-dimethylaminonaphthalene-5-sulfonyl) that served to quench the protein fluorescence when the ligand was complexed with the protein. The central finding was that with both immunogens a restriction in the affinity of IgM was demonstrated since the highest values exhibited by IgG antibody exceeded by at least a factor of 50 the highest comparable values of the association constants for IgM antibody. It is suggested that the hypothesis of germ-line restriction, previously proposed as the basis for the affinity restriction of IgM, may also be applicable to the T cell receptor since its distinctive properties parallel those of IgM antibody.  相似文献   

Two-bicistronic vectors for the production of recombinant IgM monoclonal antibodies in the DG44 DHFR-negative cell line have been designed. We used tandem vectors, in which one bicistronic unit encoded the immunoglobulin light chain and DHFR and the other encoded the heavy chain and EGFP. The construct structure presumes that green cells surviving selection would be capable of producing both immunoglobulin chains. We found that the agglutinating IgM antibodies could be secreted in the absence of J-peptide. It was shown that the germinal leader peptide plays a key role in the expression of the genes for the light and heavy chains. A comparison of the chromatin regulatory elements demonstrated that construct-flanking 2xHS4 insulators stabilized the biosynthesis of the recombinant antibodies, whereas the 5′-MARLyz matrix attachment region proved to be less efficient. The strategy for obtaining a DG44-based producer cell line should include the following consecutive steps: selection on the medium without nucleoside → amplification of the inserted gene → cloning of transfectants → selection of high-productive clones. An attempt to clone before amplification and to amplify individual clones failed to result in effective producers. Cloning on a medium without selection pressure allows a more adequate assessment of the stability of the antibody production.  相似文献   

One of the hallmarks of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the production of high titers of rheumatoid factor (RF) antibody directed against the Fc portion of IgG. Anti-Id that recognize the majority of monoclonal RF from patients with B cell dyscrasias are reactive with only 1 to 2% of these polyclonal RF from RA patients. We describe a new monoclonal anti-Id, 4C9, that recognizes a L chain determinant on polyclonal IgM RF from patients with RA but does not recognize a panel of monoclonal RF from patients with B cell malignancies. 4C9 reactivity is found in the serum of 34/43 RF-positive RA patients and in 12/12 RF-positive synovial fluids, but in only 1/14 RF-negative sera from RA patients and 1/22 sera containing monoclonal IgM RF. 4C9 reactivity is highly enriched in purified IgM RF from nine RA patients and represents a variable percentage of total IgM RF up to a maximum of 23%. Furthermore, 4C9 reactivity is enriched in the synovial fluid of three of five RA patients compared with serum, suggesting that 4C9-reactive IgM RF are synthesized within the joint. IgG RF from RA synovial fluids are not 4C9 reactive, indicating either that different genes are used to encode IgM and IgG RF in RA patients, or that IgG RF have somatically mutated away from idiotypic reactivity.  相似文献   

Monoclonal Abs 21 and 132 were raised against human functionally inactive rIL-18, and plasma IL-18 levels were determined by the sandwich ELISA established with these mABS: Plasma IL-18, designated type 2, was detected by this ELISA, and the levels found were not consistent with those obtained with the commercially available kit for determination of functionally active IL-18 (type 1). Type 1 was detected in all volunteers, whereas type 2 was detected in approximately 30% of healthy subjects, and the levels of type 2 in their blood plasma were high (25-100 ng/ml) compared with those of type 1 (0.05-0.3 ng/ml). We purified IL-18 type 2 from blood plasma of volunteers with high IL-18 type 2 concentrations, and its M(r) was determined to be 800 kDa by SDS-PAGE and molecular sieve HPLC. The purified 800-kDa protein, either caspase-1-treated or untreated, expressed no or marginal IL-18 function in terms of potentiation of NK-mediated cytolysis and IFN-gamma induction, and it barely bound IL-18R-positive cells. N-terminal amino acid analysis indicated that the purified protein was IgM containing a minimal amount of IL-18 proform and its fragment. Again, the purified IgM from IL-18 type2-positive volunteers exhibited cross-reaction with mAb 21 against IL-18. This band was not detected with 125-2H, an mAb against functionally active IL-18. Hence, human IgM carries functionally inactive IL-18 forming a disulfide-bridged complex, and this IL-18 moiety is from 10- to 100-fold higher than the conventional type 1 IL-18 in blood circulation in approximately 30% normal subjects.  相似文献   

Direct measurement of monoclonal plasma cell mass in bone marrow biopsies may be a useful parameter to establish in plasma cell dyscrasia. In this study monoclonal plasma cells/mm in light chain immunoglobulin immunostained archival bone marrow sections from 22 patients in whom a diagnosis of multiple myeloma (MM) had been excluded but who had monoclonal proteins were counted by two observers at light microscopic level. There was good correlation between the counts of the two observers. The levels of monoclonal plasma cells/mm in biopsies were not related to the % counts in the aspirates taken at the same time as the biopsies. Three of seven patients with biopsy levels in excess of the polyclonal levels in patients without plasma cell dyscrasia developed progressive MM within the observation time. Monoclonal plasma cell levels/mm of bone marrow biopsies can be measured and they provide a useful parameter for the assessment of patients with low volume plasma cell dyscrasia.  相似文献   

Determination of "m" invariant cannot lead to an absolute measurement of plasmatic viscosity, because "m" increases with temperature. It allows however to compare data determined in various conditions.  相似文献   

Temperature has a direct effect at the cellular level on an organism. For instance, in the case of biomembranes, cooling causes lipids to lose entropy and pack closely together. Reducing temperature should, in the absence of other factors, increase the viscosity of a lipid membrane. We have investigated the effect of temperature variation on plasma membrane (PM) viscosity. We used dispersion tracking of photoactivated green fluorescent protein (GFP) and fluorescence recovery after photobleaching in wild-type and desaturase mutant Arabidopsis thaliana plants along with membrane lipid saturation analysis to monitor the effect of temperature and membrane lipid composition on PM viscosity. Plasma membrane viscosity in A. thaliana is negatively correlated with ambient temperature only under constant-temperature conditions. In the more natural environment of temperature cycles, plants actively manage PM viscosity to counteract the direct effects of temperature. Plasma membrane viscosity is regulated by altering the proportion of desaturated fatty acids. In cold conditions, cell membranes accumulate desaturated fatty acids, which decreases membrane viscosity and vice versa. Moreover, we show that control of fatty acid desaturase 2 (FAD2)-dependent lipid desaturation is essential for this homeostasis of membrane viscosity. Finally, a lack of FAD2 function results in aberrant temperature responses.  相似文献   

A human monoclonal IgM lambda antibody, directed against MAG, obtained from a patient with polyneuropathy associated with a gammopathy, was used as an immunogen to generate mouse monoclonal anti-idiotype antibodies. One hybridoma antibody, designated A8F2, reacts uniquely with the M-IgM of the patient, shows high affinity binding to the patient's M-IgM, and dose-dependently inhibits binding of the patient's M-IgM to its specific antigen MAG. Thus, A8F2 is a monoclonal anti-idiotype antibody that recognizes a region of the MAG binding site of the patient's IgM. Use of this anti-idiotype antibody in a competition RIA revealed the presence of naturally occurring anti-idiotype in the patient's serum. Because anti-idiotype antibodies may be part of a mechanism for down-regulation of antibody production, the use of A8F2 to induce a specific immunosuppression should be considered.  相似文献   

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