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S Catarsi  P Drapeau 《Neuron》1992,8(2):275-281
Pressure-sensitive (P) neurons contacted by serotonergic Retzius (R) neurons of the leech in culture selectively reduce a protein kinase C (PKC)-dependent cation response to serotonin and are innervated by the inhibitory, Cl(-)-dependent synapse seen in vivo. We have examined whether the reduction of extrasynaptic cation channel modulation is due to changes in sensitivity of the channels to second messenger. In inside-out membrane patches from single, uncontacted P cells in culture, cation channel activity was increased by rat brain PKC and cofactors. In contrast, the activity of cation channels in patches isolated from P cells paired with R cells was unaffected by PKC. These results demonstrate the loss of extrasynaptic channel modulation by PKC during synapse formation.  相似文献   

Serotonergic Retzius (R) neurons of the leech form a Cl-dependent synapse with pressure-sensitive (P) neurons both in vivo and in vitro. However, P cells show an extrasynaptic, cationic response to application of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) which is reduced upon contact between the neurons in culture. We have examined the cellular specificity of the selection of 5-HT responses in the P cell by pairing it in culture with a variety of identified neurons. Non-synaptic sensory cells, non-serotonergic pre- and postsynaptic partners and serotonergic neurons that do not form chemical synapses with the P cell failed to alter its responses to 5-HT. The selective reduction of the extrasynaptic response to 5-HT in the P cell therefore appears to be induced specifically by contact with its only known serotonergic partner during neuronal recognition leading to synapse formation.  相似文献   

We have investigated the development of segmental diversity in an identified leech neuron, the Retzius cell. Retzius cells in the genital segments differ from those in other segments in lacking central axons and contacting different peripheral targets: the genitalia. These differences are not apparent during initial axon outgrowth, when all Retzius cells follow the same morphogenetic pattern. Rather, they first appear about the time the peripheral axons of the genital segment Retzius cells contact the genital primordia. This suggests that the pattern of central and peripheral axonal outgrowth may be modified by an interaction with peripheral targets.  相似文献   

P Drapeau 《Neuron》1990,4(6):875-882
When serotonergic Retzius (R) neurons of the leech contact pressure-sensitive (P) neurons in culture, P cells selectively lose a protein kinase C-dependent cationic response to serotonin and the R cell reforms the inhibitory, chloride-dependent synapse seen in vivo. In P cells not contacted by R cells, cell-attached patches contained single cation channels sensitive to serotonin and phorbol ester with characteristic properties and high incidence (present in about one-half of the patches). P cells paired with R cells had a cation channel with similar biophysical properties and incidence, but channel activity was not stimulated by serotonin and phorbol ester. These results suggest that the early clearing of the non-synaptic (excitatory) response to serotonin is due to the loss of activation by protein kinase C (and not the number) of cation channels as a prelude to inhibitory synapse formation.  相似文献   

Cell Tr2 is a neuron in the subesophageal ganglion of the leech that can trigger swim episodes. In this report, we describe the ability of Tr2 to terminate ongoing swim episodes as well as to trigger swimming. Stimulation of Tr2 terminated ongoing swim episodes in nearly every preparation tested, while Tr2 stimulation triggered swim episodes in only a minority of the preparations. We suggest that the primary role of Tr2 is in the termination rather than the initiation of swimming activity.The swim trigger neuron Tr3 and a swim-gating neuron, cell 21, hyperpolarized during Tr2-induced swim termination. Another swim-gating neuron, cell 204 was sometimes slightly excited, but more often, hyperpolarized during Tr2-induced swim termination. In contrast to these cells, Tr2 stimulation excited another swim-gating neuron, cell 61. The responses of the swimgating cells were variable in amplitude and sometimes not evident during Tr2-induced swim termination. Hence, the effects of Tr2 stimulation on swim-gating neurons seem unlikely to be the direct cause of swim termination.Oscillator cells examined during Tr2-induced swim termination include: 27, 28, 33, 60, 115, and 208. The largest effect seen in an oscillator neuron was in cell 208, which was repolarized by up to 10 mV during Tr2 stimulation. Tr2 stimulation did not produce any obvious synaptic effects in motor neurons DI-1, VI-1, and DE-3. Our findings indicate that other, yet undiscovered, connections are likely to be important in Tr2-induced swim termination. Therefore, we propose that cell Tr2 is probably a member of a distributed neural network involved in swim termination.Abbreviations DP dorsal posterior nerve - Mx midbody ganglion x - Rx neuromere x of the subsesophageal (rostral) ganglion - DE dorsal excitatory motor neuron - DI dorsal inhibitory motor neuron - VI ventral inhibitory motor neuron  相似文献   

The distribution of (Na+ + K+) ATPase over the plasma membranes of the proximal convoluted tubule from canine renal cortex has been determined. Ultrathin frozen sections of this tissue were stained with rabbit antibodies to this enzyme and ferritin-conjugated goat antirabbit gamma-globulin. It is demonstrated that high concentrations of this enzyme uniformly line the intercellular spaces of this epithelium. The consequences of this observation are discussed in terms of the low resistant tight junctions of these tubules and the isotonic fluid transport which they support. Furthermore, antibodies to (Na+ + K+) ATPase recognize an antigen on the luminal surfaces of the tubules within the brush border. It is proposed that the enzyme is present in this region of the plasma membrane as well, although at much lower concentration. To further substantiate this conclusion, a brush border fraction has been purified from rabbit kidney and been shown to contain significant (Na+ + K+) ATPase. These results contradict earlier conclusions about the location of (Na+ + K+) ATPase in this tissue.  相似文献   

Each olfactory (antennal) lobe of the moth Manduca sexta contains a single serotonin (5-HT) immunoreactive neuron whose processes form tufted arbors in the olfactory glomeruli. To extend our present understanding of the intercellular interactions involved in glomerulus development to the level of an individual, identified antennal lobe neuron, we first studied the morphological development of the 5-HT neuron in the presence and absence of receptor axons. Development of the neuron's glomerular tufts depends, as it does in the case of other multiglomerular neurons, on the presence of receptor axons. Processes of the 5-HT neuron are excluded from the region in which the initial steps of glomerulus construction occur and thus cannot provide a physical scaffolding on which the array of glomeruli is organized. Because the neuron's processes are present in the antennal lobe neuropil throughout postembryonic development, 5-HT could provide signals that influence the pattern of development in the lobe. By surgically producing 5-HT-depleted antennal lobes, we also tested the importance of 5-HT in the construction of olfactory glomeruli. Even in the apparent absence of 5-HT, the glomerular array initiated by the receptor axons was histologically normal, glial cells migrated to form glomerular borders, and receptor axons formed terminal branches in their normal region within each glomerulus. In some cases, 5-HT-immunoreactive processes from abnormal sources entered the lobe and formed the tufted intraglomerular branches typical of most antennal lobe neurons, suggesting that local cues strongly influence the branching patterns of developing antennal lobe neurons. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The response of the gill of Aplysia calfornica Cooper to weak to moderate tactile stimulation of the siphon, the gill-withdrawal response or GWR, has been an important model system for work aimed at understanding the relationship between neural plasticity and simple forms of non-associative and associative learning. Interest in the GWR has been based largely on the hypothesis that the response could be explained adequately by parallel monosynaptic reflex arcs between six parietovisceral ganglion (PVG) gill motor neurons (GMNs) and a cluster of sensory neurons termed the LE cluster. This hypothesis, the Kupfermann-Kandel model, made clear, falsifiable predictions that have stimulated experimental work for many years. Here, we review tests of three predictions of the Kupfermann-Kandel model: (1) that the GWR is a simple, reflexive behaviour graded with stimulus intensity; (2) that central nervous system (CNS) pathways are necessary and sufficient for the GWR; and (3) that activity in six identified GMNs is sufficient to account for the GWR. The available data suggest that (1) a variety of action patterns occur in the context of the GWR; (2) the PVG is not necessary and the diffuse peripheral nervous system (PNS) is sufficient to mediate these action patterns; and (3) the role of any individual GMN in the behaviour varies. Both the control of gill-withdrawal responses, and plasticity in these responses, are broadly distributed across both PNS and CNS pathways. The Kupfermann-Kandel model is inconsistent with the available data and therefore stands rejected. There is, no known causal connection or correlation between the observed plasticity at the identified synapses in this system and behavioural changes during non-associative and associative learning paradigms. Critical examination of these well-studied central pathways suggests that they represent a 'wetware' neural network, architecturally similar to the neural network models of the widely used 'Perceptron' and/or 'Back-propagation' type. Such models may offer a more biologically realistic representation of nervous system organisation than has been thought. In this model, the six parallel GMNs of the CNS correspond to a hidden layer within one module of the gill-control system. That is, the gill-control system appears to be organised as a distributed system with several parallel modules, some of which are neural networks in their own right. A new model is presented here which predicts that the six GMNs serve as components of a 'push-pull' gain control system, along with known but largely unidentified inhibitory motor neurons from the PVG. This 'push-pull' gain control system sets the responsiveness of the peripheral gill motor system. Neither causal nor correlational links between specific forms of neural plasticity and behavioural plasticity have been demonstrated in the GWR model system. However, the GWR model system does provide an opportunity to observe and describe directly the physiological and biochemical mechanisms of distributed representation and parallel processing in a largely identifiable 'wetware' neural network.  相似文献   

As an initial step in constructing a quantitative biomechanical model of the medicinal leech (Hirudo medicinalis), we determined the passive properties of its body wall over the physiological range of dimensions. The major results of this study were:
  1. The ellipsoidal cross section of resting leeches is maintained by tonic muscle activation as well as forces inherent in the structure of the body wall (i.e., residual stress).
  2. The forces required for longitudinal and circumferential stretch to maximum physiological dimensions were similar in magnitude. Cutting out pieces of body wall did not affect the passive longitudinal or circumferential properties of body wall away from the edges of the cut.
  3. The strain (i.e., the percentage change in dimension) of different body segments when subject to the same force was identical, despite differences in muscle crosssections.
  4. Serotonin, a known modulator of tension in leech muscles, affected passive forces at all physiological muscle lengths. This suggests that the longitudinal muscle is responsible for at least part of the passive tension of the body wall.
  5. We propose a simple viscoelastic model of the body wall. This model captures the dynamics of the passive responses of the leech body wall to imposed step changes in length. Using steady-state passive tensions predicted by the viscoelastic model we estimate the forces required to maintain the leech at any given length over the physiological range.

Dopamine in an identified neuron of Planorbus corneus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Postinhibitory rebound (PIR) is an intrinsic property often exhibited by neurons involved in generating rhythmic motor behaviors. Cell DE-3, a dorsal excitatory motor neuron in the medicinal leech exhibits PIR responses that persist for several seconds following the offset of hyperpolarizing stimuli and are suppressed in reduced Na+ solutions or by Ca2+ channel blockers. The long duration and Na+ dependence of PIR suggest a possible role for persistent Na+ current (I NaP). In vertebrate neurons, the neuroprotective agent riluzole can produce a selective block of I NaP. This study demonstrates that riluzole inhibits cell DE-3 PIR in a concentration- and Ca2+-dependent manner. In 1.8 mM Ca2+ solution, 50–100 µM riluzole selectively blocked the late phase of PIR, an effect similar to that of the neuromodulator serotonin. However, 200 µM riluzole blocked both the early and late phases of PIR. Increasing extracellular Ca2+ to 10 mM strengthened PIR, but high riluzole concentrations continued to suppress both phases of PIR. These results indicate that riluzole may suppress PIR via a nonspecific inhibition of Ca2+ conductances and suggest that a Ca2+-activated nonspecific current (I CAN), rather than I NaP, may underlie the Na+-dependent component of PIR.  相似文献   

The cellular colocalization of LOX2 protein and small cardioactive peptide (SCP)-like immunoreactivity was studied in the nerve cord of the glossiphoniid leech Helobdella triserialis. Of the six neurons that express SCP in the midbody segments 7 to 17, only one, the MPS neuron, expresses LOX2 protein. The medial paired SCP (MPS) neurons are segmentally repeated and can be divided into three contiguous segmental domains according to cell body size and the timing and level of SCP expression. MPS neurons located in the anterior and middle segmental domains express LOX2 protein. In the middle domain, large MPS neurons begin to accumulate SCP shortly after the end of embryonic development, whereas in the anterior domain the MPS neurons are smaller and begin to express SCP at a later stage. In the posterior domain the MPS neurons exhibit a third phenotype—they have large cell bodies, express low levels of SCP starting from the midjuvenile stage, and do not show detectable LOX2 expression. Lineage tracer injections showed that the MPS neurons arise from a stereotyped cell lineage and are descended from the O teloblast stem cell. In midbody ganglia 2 to 6 and 18 to 21, there are lineally homologous neurons that do not express either LOX2 protein or SCP. Thus, the boundaries of LOX2 expression coincide precisely with two of the segmental boundaries of MPS differentiation, suggesting that expression of Lox2 at the level of this single identified neuron governs some, but not all, aspects of the neuron's segmental diversification. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Retrograde signaling from target tissues has been shown to influence many aspects of neuronal development in a number of developmental systems. In these experiments using embryonic leeches (Hirudo medicinalis), we examined how depriving a neuron of contact with its peripheral target affects the development of the cell's central arborization. We focused our attention on the motor neuron cell 3, which normally stimulates dorsal longitudinal muscle fibers to contract. At different locations in the periphery and in embryos of several different stages, we cut the nerve containing the growing axon of cell 3. This surgery led to dramatic overgrowth of cell 3's central dendritic branches, which normally accept synaptic contacts from other neurons, including the inhibitory motor neuron cell 1. When cell 3's peripheral axon was cut relatively early in development, its overgrown central branches eventually retracted. However, cells that were disrupted later in development retained their overextended branches into adulthood. In addition, if the axon was cut close to the ganglion early in development, depriving the cell of contact with any dorsal tissues, the central branches failed to retract and were instead retained into adulthood. Unlike cell 3, the central branches of cell 1, which has the same peripheral target muscles as cell 3, remained unchanged following all axotomy protocols. These results suggest that in at least some neurons contact with peripheral targets can influence development of the central processes that normally mediate synaptic contacts.  相似文献   

An identified serotonergic neuron (C1) in the cerebral ganglion of Helisoma trivolvis sprouts following axotomy and rapidly (seven to eight days) regenerates to recover its regulation of feeding motor output from neurons of the buccal ganglia. The morphologies of normal and regenerated neurons C1 were compared. Intracellular injection of the fluorescent dye, Lucifer Yellow, into neuron C1 was compared with serotonin immunofluorescent staining of the cerebral and buccal ganglia. The two techniques revealed different and complimentary representations of the morphology of neuron C1. Lucifer Yellow provided optimal staining of the soma, major axon branches, and dendritic arborization. Immunocytochemical staining revealed terminal axon branches on distant targets and showed an extensive plexus of fine fibers in the sheaths of ganglia and nerve trunks. In addition to C1, serotonin-like immunoreactivity was localized in approximately 30 other neurons in each of the paired cerebral ganglia. Only cerebral neurons C1 had axons projecting to the buccal ganglia. No neuronal somata in the buccal ganglia displayed serotonin-like immunoreactivity. Observations of regenerating neurons C1 demonstrated: Actively growing neurites, both in situ and in cell culture, displayed serotonin-like immunoreactivity; severed distal axons of C1 retained serotonin-like immunoreactivity for up to 28 days; axotomized neurons C1 regenerated to restore functional control over the feeding motor program.  相似文献   

Because accurate neuronal dimensions are essential for mathematical modeling of neuronal properties, the effects of a number of salines and fixative procedures on neuronal size were compared, including the non-chemical, freeze substitution method. Using an identified neuron we compared diameters and found some of the fixative-saline combinations caused shrinkage by as much as a factor of four from our best estimates of the in vivo size from the quick frozen preparations. A glutaraldehyde based fixation procedure was found which gives results in good agreement with the frozen tissue.  相似文献   

The two largest cells in a typical ganglion of the leech (Hirudo medicinalis) nervous system are the colossal cells of Retzius. These cells show a positive chromaffin reaction, and it has been suggested that they contain 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT). In this study, the presence of 5-HT in the colossal cells was confirmed by microspectrofluorometry and by thin-layer chromatography and spectrofluorometry of extracts of individually dissected and pooled colossal cell bodies. A single colossal cell body was found to contain, on the average, 3.8 x 10-10 g (6mM) 5-HT. Electron microscopy shows that the colossal cells are distinguished by the presence of 1000 A granules with irregular, electron-opaque cores. Since the granules are distributed in the same pattern as the 5-HT fluorescence, we have suggested that they contain 5-HT. Furthermore, a chromaffin reaction modified for the electron microscope provides evidence that 5-HT is present in the granule cores. These data can now serve as a basis for further studies on the metabolism, distribution, and function of 5-HT in these identified neurons.  相似文献   

Method of intracellular staining with cobalt was used for detailed study of processes branching of the giant cell in the left parietal ganglion of the snail Helix lucorum L. Dendritic and axonal branches are described and quantitatively characterized. Terminals of axonal collaterals of this neurone innervating presumed neurosecretory bodies are described in the tissue surrounding the ganglion.  相似文献   

Serotonin is a conspicuous neuromodulator in the nervous system of many vertebrates and invertebrates. In previous experiments performed in the leech nervous system, we compared the effect of the amine released from endogenous sources [using selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), e.g. fluoxetine] with that of bath-applied serotonin. The results suggested that the amine does not reach all its targets in a uniform way, but produces the activation of an interneuronal pathway that generated specific synaptic responses on different neurons. Taking into account that the release of the amine is often regulated at the presynaptic level, we have investigated whether autoreceptor antagonists mimic the SSRIs effect. We found that methiothepin (100 microM) produced similar effects than fluoxetine. To further test the hypothesis that endogenous serotonin produce its effect by acting locally at specific sites, we analyzed the effect of iontophoretic applications of serotonin. We found a site in the neuropil of the leech ganglia where serotonin application mimicked the effect of the SSRIs and the 5-HT antagonist. The results further support the view that the effect of serotonin exhibits a spatial specificity that can be relevant to understand its modulatory actions.  相似文献   

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