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We report a multiple time step algorithm applied to an atomistic Brownian dynamics simulation for simulating the long time scale dynamics of biomolecules. The algorithm was based on the original multiple time step method; a short time step was used to keep faster motions in local equilibrium. When applied to a 28-mer # # ! folded peptide, the simulation gave stable trajectories and the computation time was reduced by a factor of 160 compared to a conventional molecular dynamics simulation using explicit water molecules. We applied it for the folding simulation of a 13-mer ! -helical peptide, giving a successful folding simulation. These results indicate that the Brownian dynamics with the multiple time step algorithm is useful for studies of biomolecular motions by long time simulation.  相似文献   

Recognition of cell-surface sialyldisaccharides by influenza A hemagglutinin (HA) triggers the infection process of influenza. The changes in glycosidic torsional linkage and the receptor conformations may alter the binding specificity of HAs to the sialylglycans. In this study, 10-ns molecular dynamics simulations were carried out to examine the structural and dynamic behavior of the HAs bound with sialyldisaccharides Neu5Acα(2–3)Gal (N23G) and Neu5Acα(2–6)Gal (N26G). The analysis of the glycosidic torsional angles and the pair interaction energy between the receptor and the interacting residues of the binding site reveal that N23G has two binding modes for H1 and H5 and a single binding mode for H3 and H9. For N26G, H1 and H3 has two binding modes, and H5 and H9 has a single binding mode. The direct and water-mediated hydrogen bonding interactions between the receptors and HAs play dominant roles in the structural stabilization of the complexes. It is concluded from pair interaction energy and Molecular Mechanic-Poisson-Boltzmann Surface Area calculations that N26G is a better receptor for H1 when compared with N23G. N23G is a better receptor for H5 when compared with N26G. However, H3 and H9 can recognize N23G and N26G in equal binding specificity due to the marginal energy difference (≈2.5 kcal/mol). The order of binding specificity of N23G is H3 > H5 > H9 > H1 and N26G is H1 > H3 > H5 > H9, respectively. The proposed conformational models will be helpful in designing inhibitors for influenza virus.  相似文献   

Spectrin dimer-tetramer interconversion is a critical contributor to red cell membrane stability, but some properties of spectrin tetramer formation cannot be studied effectively using monomeric recombinant domains. To address these limitations, a fused αβ mini-spectrin was produced that forms wild-type divalent tetramer complexes. Using this mini-spectrin, a medium-resolution structure of a seven-repeat bivalent tetramer was produced using homology modeling coupled with chemical cross-linking. Inter- and intramolecular cross-links provided critical distance constraints for evaluating and optimizing the best conformational model and appropriate docking interfaces. The two strands twist around each other to form a super-coiled, rope-like structure with the AB helix face of one strand associating with the opposing AC helix face. Interestingly, two tetramer site hereditary anemia mutations that exhibit wild-type binding in univalent head-to-head assays are located in the interstrand region. This suggests that perturbations of the interstrand region can destabilize spectrin tetramers and the membrane skeleton. The α subunit N-terminal cross-links to multiple sites on both strands, demonstrating that this non-homologous tail remains flexible and forms heterogeneous structures in the tetramer complex. Although no cross-links were observed involving the β subunit non-homologous C-terminal tail, several cross-links were observed only when this domain was present, suggesting it induces subtle conformational changes to the tetramer site region. This medium-resolution model provides a basis for further studies of the bivalent spectrin tetramer site, including analysis of functional consequences of interstrand interactions and mutations located at substantial molecular distances from the tetramer site.  相似文献   

The kinesin-2 family motor KIF3A/B works together with dynein to bidirectionally transport intraflagellar particles, melanosomes, and neuronal vesicles. Compared with kinesin-1, kinesin-2 is less processive, and its processivity is more sensitive to load, suggesting that processivity may be controlled by different gating mechanisms. We used stopped-flow and steady-state kinetics experiments, along with single-molecule and multimotor assays to characterize the entire kinetic cycle of a KIF3A homodimer that exhibits motility similar to that of full-length KIF3A/B. Upon first encounter with a microtubule, the motor rapidly exchanges both mADP and mATP. When adenosine 5′-[(β,γ)-imido]triphosphate was used to entrap the motor in a two-head-bound state, exchange kinetics were unchanged, indicating that rearward strain in the two-head-bound state does not alter nucleotide binding to the front head. A similar lack of front head gating was found when intramolecular strain was enhanced by shortening the neck linker domain from 17 to 14 residues. In single-molecule assays in ADP, the motor dissociates at 2.1 s−1, 20-fold slower than the stepping rate, demonstrating the presence of rear head gating. In microtubule pelleting assays, the KDMt is similar in ADP and ATP. The data and accompanying simulations suggest that, rather than KIF3A processivity resulting from strain-dependent regulation of nucleotide binding (front head gating), the motor spends a significant fraction of its hydrolysis cycle in a low affinity state but dissociates only slowly from this state. This work provides a mechanism to explain differences in the load-dependent properties of kinesin-1 and kinesin-2.  相似文献   

We investigated the solution structure and dynamics of the human anti-coagulation protein Z (PZ) in the complex with protein Zdependent protease inhibitor (ZPI) to order to understand key structural changes in the presence and absence of Ca(2+). Structural features of the complete complex of PZ-ZPI are poorly understood due to lack of complete atomic model of the PZ-ZPI complex. We have constructed a model of the complete PZ-ZPI complex and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation of the solvated PZ-ZPI complex with and without Ca(2+) was achieved for 100ns. It is consider that the Ω-loop of GLA domains interacts with negatively charged biological membranes in the presence of Ca(2+) ions. The PZ exerts its role as cofactor in a similar way. However, we used solvent-equilibrated dynamics to show structural features of the PZ-ZPI complex in the presence and the absence of Ca(2+)ions. We observed that the distance between the interacting sites of the ZPI with the PZ and the GLA domain decreases in the presence of Ca(2+) ions. Further, we postulated that the calculated distance between the dominant plane of the Ca(2+) ions and Ser196 of the pseudo-catalytic triad of the PZ is similar to the equivalent distance of FXa. This suggests that the central role of the PZ in the blood coagulation may be to align the inhibitory site of the ZPI with the active site of the FXa, which is depends on the interaction of the calcium bound GLA domain of the PZ with the active membrane.  相似文献   

The arsenal of virulence factors deployed by streptococci includes streptococcal collagen-like (Scl) proteins. These proteins, which are characterized by a globular domain and a collagen-like domain, play key roles in host adhesion, host immune defense evasion, and biofilm formation. In this work, we demonstrate that the Scl2.3 protein is expressed on the surface of invasive M3-type strain MGAS315 of Streptococcus pyogenes. We report the crystal structure of Scl2.3 globular domain, the first of any Scl. This structure shows a novel fold among collagen trimerization domains of either bacterial or human origin. Despite there being low sequence identity, we observed that Scl2.3 globular domain structurally resembles the gp41 subunit of the envelope glycoprotein from human immunodeficiency virus type 1, an essential subunit for viral fusion to human T cells. We combined crystallographic data with modeling and molecular dynamics techniques to gather information on the entire lollipop-like Scl2.3 structure. Molecular dynamics data evidence a high flexibility of Scl2.3 with remarkable interdomain motions that are likely instrumental to the protein biological function in mediating adhesive or immune-modulatory functions in host-pathogen interactions. Altogether, our results provide molecular tools for the understanding of Scl-mediated streptococcal pathogenesis and important structural insights for the future design of small molecular inhibitors of streptococcal invasion.  相似文献   

CD1 proteins mediate the presentation of endogenous and foreign lipids on the cell surface for recognition by T cell receptors. To sample a diverse antigen pool, CD1 proteins are repeatedly internalized and recycled, assisted, in some cases, by lipid transfer proteins such as saposins. The specificity of each CD1 isoform is, therefore, conferred in part by its intracellular pathway but also by distinct structural features of the antigen-binding domain. Crystal structures of CD1-lipid complexes reveal hydrophobic grooves and pockets within these binding domains that appear to be specialized for different lipids. However, the mechanism of lipid loading and release remains to be characterized. Here we gain insights into this mechanism through a meta-analysis of the five human CD1 isoforms, in the lipid-bound and lipid-free states, using all-atom molecular dynamics simulations. Strikingly, for isoforms CD1b through CD1e, our simulations show the near-complete collapse of the hydrophobic cavities in the absence of the antigen. This event results from the spontaneous closure of the binding domain entrance, flanked by two α-helices. Accordingly, we show that the anatomy of the binding cavities is restored if these α-helices are repositioned extrinsically, suggesting that helper proteins encountered during recycling facilitate lipid exchange allosterically. By contrast, we show that the binding cavity of CD1a is largely preserved in the unliganded state because of persistent electrostatic interactions that keep the portal α-helices at a constant separation. The robustness of this binding groove is consistent with the observation that lipid exchange in CD1a is not dependent on cellular internalization.  相似文献   

We present the first in silico model of the weak binding actomyosin in the initial powerstroke state, representing the actin binding-induced major structural changes in myosin. First, we docked an actin trimer to prepowerstroke myosin then relaxed the complex by a 100-ns long unrestrained molecular dynamics. In the first few nanoseconds, actin binding induced an extra primed myosin state, i.e. the further priming of the myosin lever by 18° coupled to a further closure of switch 2 loop. We demonstrated that actin induces the extra primed state of myosin specifically through the actin N terminus-activation loop interaction. The applied in silico methodology was validated by forming rigor structures that perfectly fitted into an experimentally determined EM map of the rigor actomyosin. Our results unveiled the role of actin in the powerstroke by presenting that actin moves the myosin lever to the extra primed state that leads to the effective lever swing.  相似文献   

Virulent enteric pathogens have developed several systems that maintain intracellular pH to survive extreme acidic conditions. One such mechanism is the exchange of arginine (Arg(+)) from the extracellular region with its intracellular decarboxylated form, agmatine (Agm(2+)). The net result of this process is the export of a virtual proton from the cytoplasm per antiport cycle. Crystal structures of the arginine/agmatine antiporter from Escherichia coli, AdiC, have been recently resolved in both the apo and Arg(+)-bound outward-facing conformations, which permit us to assess for the first time the time-resolved mechanisms of interactions that enable the specific antiporter functionality of AdiC. Using data from ~1 μs of molecular dynamics simulations, we show that the protonation of Glu-208 selectively causes the dissociation and release of Agm(2+), but not Arg(+), to the cell exterior. The impact of Glu-208 protonation is transmitted to the substrate binding pocket via the reorientation of Ile-205 carbonyl group at the irregular portion of transmembrane (TM) helix 6. This effect, which takes place only in the subunits where Agm(2+) is released, invites attention to the functional role of the unwound portion of TM helices (TM6 Trp-202-Glu-208 in AdiC) in facilitating substrate translocation, reminiscent of the behavior observed in structurally similar Na(+)-coupled transporters.  相似文献   


Proline-rich peptides are known to adopt preferentially the extended polyproline II (PPII) helical conformation, which is involved in several protein-protein recognition events. By resorting to molecular modelling techniques, we wished to investigate the extent to which PPII helices could be used for the formation of isohelical peptide-DNA complexes leading to the selective recognition of the major groove of B-DNA. For that purpose, we have grafted to a cationic intercalator, 9-amino-acridine, an oligopeptide having the sequence: Pro-Arg-Pro-Pro-Arg-Pro-Pro-Arg-Pro-Pro-Asp-Pro-Pro. Each residue in the sequence was set in the D configuration, to prevent enzymatic hydrolysis, and each Arg residue was designed to target O6/N7 of a guanine base following the intercalation site. The Asp residue was designed to target a cytosine base, whilst simultaneously forming a bidentate complex with the Arg three residues upstream. Energy-minimization, using the JUMNA procedure, led to the following conclusions: 1) major groove binding is favoured over minor groove or exclusive binding to the phosphates by large energy differences, of over 50 and 90 kcal/mole, respectively; 2) the two best bound sequences are those having three successive guanine bases on the same DNA strand, immediately adjacent to the intercalation site. Sequence d(CGGGC G), encountered in the Primer Binding Site of the HIV retrovirus, thus ranks amongst the best-bound sequences; 3) replacement of an individual guanine amongst the three ones upstream of the intercalation site, by an adenine base, weakens by > 6 kcal/mole the binding energetics; 4) the conformational rigidity of the DNA-bound PPII helix should enable for a modulation of the base sequence selectivity, by appropriate replacements of the Arg and Asp residues. Thus sequence CGGCAAG, also encountered in the HIV genome, could be targeted by an oligopeptide having the sequence Pro-Arg-Pro-Pro-Asp-Pro-Pro- Asn-Pro-Pro-Asn-Pro-Pro-Arg-Ala.  相似文献   

We describe an electrostatic model of the gramicidin A channel that allows protein atoms to move in response to the presence of a permeating ion. To do this, molecular dynamics simulations are carried out with a permeating ion at various positions within the channel. Then an ensemble of atomic coordinates taken from the simulations are used to construct energy profiles using macroscopic electrostatic calculations. The energy profiles constructed are compared to experimentally-determined conductance data by inserting them into Brownian dynamics simulations. We find that the energy landscape seen by a permeating ion changes significantly when we allow the protein atoms to move rather than using a rigid protein structure. However, the model developed cannot satisfactorily reproduce all of the experimental data. Thus, even when protein atoms are allowed to move, the dielectric model used in our electrostatic calculations breaks down when modeling the gramicidin channel.  相似文献   

Regulators of G protein signaling (RGS) proteins of the R7 subfamily limit signaling by neurotransmitters in the brain and by light in the retina. They form obligate complexes with the Gβ5 protein that are subject to proteolysis to control their abundance and alter signaling. The mechanisms that regulate this proteolysis, however, remain unclear. We used genetic screens to find mutations in Gβ5 that selectively destabilize one of the R7 RGS proteins in Caenorhabditis elegans. These mutations cluster at the binding interface between Gβ5 and the N terminus of R7 RGS proteins. Equivalent mutations within mammalian Gβ5 allowed the interface to still bind the N-terminal DEP domain of R7 RGS proteins, and mutant Gβ5-R7 RGS complexes initially formed in cells but were then rapidly degraded by proteolysis. Molecular dynamics simulations suggest the mutations weaken the Gβ5-DEP interface, thus promoting dynamic opening of the complex to expose determinants of proteolysis known to exist on the DEP domain. We propose that conformational rearrangements at the Gβ5-DEP interface are key to controlling the stability of R7 RGS protein complexes.  相似文献   

Variable (V) domains of antibodies are essential for antigen recognition by our adaptive immune system. However, some variants of the light chain V domains (VL) form pathogenic amyloid fibrils in patients. It is so far unclear which residues play a key role in governing these processes. Here, we show that the conserved residue 2 of VL domains is crucial for controlling its thermodynamic stability and fibril formation. Hydrophobic side chains at position 2 stabilize the domain, whereas charged residues destabilize and lead to amyloid fibril formation. NMR experiments identified several segments within the core of the VL domain to be affected by changes in residue 2. Furthermore, molecular dynamic simulations showed that hydrophobic side chains at position 2 remain buried in a hydrophobic pocket, and charged side chains show a high flexibility. This results in a predicted difference in the dissociation free energy of ∼10 kJ mol−1, which is in excellent agreement with our experimental values. Interestingly, this switch point is found only in VL domains of the κ family and not in VLλ or in VH domains, despite a highly similar domain architecture. Our results reveal novel insight into the architecture of variable domains and the prerequisites for formation of amyloid fibrils. This might also contribute to the rational design of stable variable antibody domains.  相似文献   

P-glycoprotein (Pgp) is one of the most biomedically relevant transporters in the ATP binding cassette (ABC) superfamily due to its involvement in developing multidrug resistance in cancer cells. Employing molecular dynamics simulations and double electron-electron resonance spectroscopy, we have investigated the structural dynamics of membrane-bound Pgp in the inward-facing state and found that Pgp adopts an unexpectedly wide range of conformations, highlighted by the degree of separation between the two nucleotide-binding domains (NBDs). The distance between the two NBDs in the equilibrium simulations covers a range of at least 20 Å, including, both, more open and more closed NBD configurations than the crystal structure. The double electron-electron resonance measurements on spin-labeled Pgp mutants also show wide distributions covering both longer and shorter distances than those observed in the crystal structure. Based on structural and sequence analyses, we propose that the transmembrane domains of Pgp might be more flexible than other structurally known ABC exporters. The structural flexibility of Pgp demonstrated here is not only in close agreement with, but also helps rationalize, the reported high NBD fluctuations in several ABC exporters and possibly represents a fundamental difference in the transport mechanism between ABC exporters and ABC importers. In addition, during the simulations we have captured partial entrance of a lipid molecule from the bilayer into the lumen of Pgp, reaching the putative drug binding site. The location of the protruding lipid suggests a putative pathway for direct drug recruitment from the membrane.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli K1, the most common cause of meningitis in neonates, has been shown to interact with GlcNAc1–4GlcNAc epitopes of Ecgp96 on human brain microvascular endothelial cells (HBMECs) via OmpA (outer membrane protein A). However, the precise domains of extracellular loops of OmpA interacting with the chitobiose epitopes have not been elucidated. We report the loop-barrel model of these OmpA interactions with the carbohydrate moieties of Ecgp96 predicted from molecular modeling. To test this model experimentally, we generated E. coli K1 strains expressing OmpA with mutations of residues predicted to be critical for interaction with the HBMEC and tested E. coli invasion efficiency. For these same mutations, we predicted the interaction free energies (including explicit calculation of the entropy) from molecular dynamics (MD), finding excellent correlation (R2 = 90%) with experimental invasion efficiency. Particularly important is that mutating specific residues in loops 1, 2, and 4 to alanines resulted in significant inhibition of E. coli K1 invasion in HBMECs, which is consistent with the complete lack of binding found in the MD simulations for these two cases. These studies suggest that inhibition of the interactions of these residues of Loop 1, 2, and 4 with Ecgp96 could provide a therapeutic strategy to prevent neonatal meningitis due to E. coli K1.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) undergo dynamic transitions between active and inactive conformations. Usually, these conversions are triggered when the receptor detects an external signal, but some so-called constitutively activating mutations, or CAMs, induce a GPCR to bind and activate G proteins in the absence of external stimulation, in ways still not fully understood. Here, we investigated how a CAM alters the structure of a GPCR and the dynamics involved as the receptor transitions between different conformations. Our approach used site-directed fluorescence labeling (SDFL) spectroscopy to compare opsin, the ligand-free form of the GPCR rhodopsin, with opsin containing the CAM M257Y, focusing specifically on key movements that occur in the sixth transmembrane helix (TM6) during GPCR activation. The site-directed fluorescence labeling data indicate opsin is constrained to an inactive conformation both in detergent micelles and lipid membranes, but when it contains the M257Y CAM, opsin is more dynamic and can interact with a G protein mimetic. Further study of these receptors using tryptophan-induced quenching (TrIQ) methods indicates that in detergent, the CAM significantly increases the population of receptors in the active state, but not in lipids. Subsequent Arrhenius analysis of the TrIQ data suggests that, both in detergent and lipids, the CAM lowers the energy barrier for TM6 movement, a key transition required for conversion between the inactive and active conformations. Together, these data suggest that the lowered energy barrier is a primary effect of the CAM on the receptor dynamics and energetics.  相似文献   

Pigs can act as intermediate hosts by which reassorted influenza A virus (IAV) strains can be transmitted to humans and cause pandemic influenza outbreaks. The innate host defense component surfactant protein D (SP-D) interacts with glycans on the hemagglutinin of IAV and contributes to protection against IAV infection in mammals. This study shows that a recombinant trimeric neck lectin fragment derived from porcine SP-D (pSP-D) exhibits profound inhibitory activity against IAV, in contrast to comparable fragments derived from human SP-D. Crystallographic analysis of the pSP-D fragment complexed with a viral sugar component shows that a unique tripeptide loop alters the lectin site conformation of pSP-D. Molecular dynamics simulations highlight the role of this flexible loop, which adopts a more stable conformation upon sugar binding and may facilitate binding to viral glycans through contact with distal portions of the branched mannoside. The combined data demonstrate that porcine-specific structural features of SP-D contribute significantly to its distinct anti-IAV activity. These findings could help explain why pigs serve as important reservoirs for newly emerging pathogenic IAV strains.  相似文献   

Many enzymes have buried active sites. The properties of the tunnels connecting the active site with bulk solvent affect ligand binding and unbinding and also the catalytic properties. Here, we investigate ligand passage in the haloalkane dehalogenase enzyme LinB and the effect of replacing leucine by a bulky tryptophan at a tunnel-lining position. Transient kinetic experiments show that the mutation significantly slows down the rate of product release. Moreover, the mechanism of bromide ion release is changed from a one-step process in the wild type enzyme to a two-step process in the mutant. The rate constant of bromide ion release corresponds to the overall steady-state turnover rate constant, suggesting that product release became the rate-limiting step of catalysis in the mutant. We explain the experimental findings by investigating the molecular details of the process computationally. Analysis of trajectories from molecular dynamics simulations with a tunnel detection software reveals differences in the tunnels available for ligand egress. Corresponding differences are seen in simulations of product egress using a specialized enhanced sampling technique. The differences in the free energy barriers for egress of a bromide ion obtained using potential of mean force calculations are in good agreement with the differences in rates obtained from the transient kinetic experiments. Interactions of the bromide ion with the introduced tryptophan are shown to affect the free energy barrier for its passage. The study demonstrates how the mechanism of an enzymatic catalytic cycle and reaction kinetics can be engineered by modification of protein tunnels.  相似文献   

DNA segregation in bacteria is mediated most frequently by proteins of the ParA superfamily that transport DNA molecules attached via the segrosome nucleoprotein complex. Segregation is governed by a cycle of ATP-induced polymerization and subsequent depolymerization of the ParA factor. Here, we establish that hyperactive ATPase variants of the ParA homolog ParF display altered segrosome dynamics that block accurate DNA segregation. An arginine finger-like motif in the ParG centromere-binding factor augments ParF ATPase activity but is ineffective in stimulating nucleotide hydrolysis by the hyperactive proteins. Moreover, whereas polymerization of wild-type ParF is accelerated by ATP and inhibited by ADP, filamentation of the mutated proteins is blocked indiscriminately by nucleotides. The mutations affect a triplet of conserved residues that are situated neither in canonical nucleotide binding and hydrolysis motifs in the ParF tertiary structure nor at interfaces implicated in ParF polymerization. Instead the residues are involved in shaping the contours of the binding pocket so that nucleotide binding locks the mutant proteins into a configuration that is refractory to polymerization. Thus, the architecture of the pocket not only is crucial for optimal ATPase kinetics but also plays a key role in the polymerization dynamics of ParA proteins that drive DNA segregation ubiquitously in procaryotes.  相似文献   

Boron clusters with silicon self-interstitials have been implicated in the phenomenon of transient enhanced diffusion (TED) following ion implantation of boron and subsequent annealing steps. This paper explores possible dissolution mechanisms for boron-interstitial clusters during the simulation of a typical annealing process. Using tight-binding molecular dynamics (TBMD) and employing a Goodwin-Skinner-Pettifor sp-based TB model, we have been able to observe the complete dissolution of a B 4 I 4 cluster into the surrounding crystalline silicon matrix. Many unsuccessful attempts to observe dissolution are also presented, highlighting the effect of cluster stability, temperature and the role of vacancies in cluster dissolution. Though we can make no unambiguous statements on the definitive dissolution mechanism of boron-defect clusters based on one successful dissolution event, we can hint at key events that appear to be important, such as the diffusion of self-interstitials (presciently predicted by Pelaz et al. ), the "stranding" of boron atoms in their wake, and the importance of mobile boron-self-interstitial (B-I) pairs. The intrinsic diffusivity of boron in a c-Si lattice and its retardation of the diffusivity of Si self-interstitials is also discussed.  相似文献   

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