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Evaluation of T lymphocyte subpopulations was performed on peripheral blood of patients affected by idiopathic or associated autoimmune haemolytic anaemia. A marked reduction of absolute number of T gamma and T mu cells was observed in 11 of 16 patients; a decrease of both OKT4+ and OKT8+ cells was found in 8 of 10 patients. Circulating cytotoxic antibodies against autologous and allogenic T lymphocytes and/or thymocytes were found in almost all the cases. T lymphocyte subsets depletion, probably connected to antibodies against T lymphocytes and their thymic precursors, could play a role in autoimmunity because of T3+/T4+ cell depletion.  相似文献   

Summary In vivo and in vitro humoral and cell-mediated immunological defects have been described in untreated patients with Hodgkin's disease (HD). The cellular basis of the recently described in vitro reduction of mitogen-induced immunoglobulin synthesis has not been elucidated so far. In this study, we attempted to dissect T and B lymphocyte function in untreated HD patients. Mitogen-induced in vitro immunoglobulin synthesis was assessed in the presence of pokeweed mitogen, the mitogenic anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody OKT3 and the relatively T-cell-independent B cell mitogenNocardia opaca delipidated mitogen (NDCM). Mitogen-induced Ig synthesis by HD peripheral blood mononuclear cells was significantly reduced compared to that in control peripheral blood mononuclear cells. In coculture assays, T cells of HD patients exerted an adequate helper function to control B cells. However, normal donor T cells did not restore Ig synthesis by B cells of HD patients. Finally, B cells of HD patients were unresponsive to NDCM, which is able to induce Ig synthesis in control B cells even in the absence of T cells. These data provide evidence for an intrinsic functional B lymphocyte defect in HD patients, and suggest that increased activation of suppressor HD T lymphocytes may not play a significant role in the suppression of in vitro Ig synthesisThis work was supported in part by the Cilly Weill Stiftung and the Carl Riese Stiftung  相似文献   

Patients suffering from lymphogranulomatosis were studied with respect to cellular immune deficiencies. For this purpose, mononuclear cells from venous blood were separated and subjected to analysis of lymphocyte markers. T-lymphocytes were enumerated by means of the sheep erythrocyte (SE) rosette test. T cell subpopulations were determined using enzyme cytochemical staining for dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DP IV) and unspecific acid alphanaphthylacetate esterase (ANAE). In 18 patients with M. Hodgkin a significant reduction in the T lymphocyte count in peripheral blood was found. This T cell defect is due to a selective decrease in the TM-subpopulation as identified by enzyme cytochemical markers DP IV and ANAE (focal reaction). From these results it is concluded that patients with lymphogranulomatosis have characteristic abnormalities in the immune system in the sense of a disturbed equilibrium of immune regulatory cells.  相似文献   

Chemical mutagenesis of Caenorhabditis elegans has relied primarily on EMS to produce missense mutations. The drawback of EMS mutagenesis is that the molecular lesions are primarily G/C --> A/T transitions. ENU has been shown to produce a different spectrum of mutations, but its greater toxicity to C. elegans makes it a difficult mutagen to use. We describe here methods for minimizing ENU toxicity in C. elegans. Methods include preparing ENU stocks in absolute ethanol and storing stock solutions for not more than 2 weeks at -20 degrees C. To maintain reasonable brood sizes of mutagenized animals, mutagenic solutions should not exceed 1.0mM ENU. We provide data which suggest ENU is degraded or altered to more toxic products in aqueous solution, but less so in solvents such as absolute ethanol.  相似文献   

Summary Patients with bad prognosis malignant lymphomas were treated by a combination of radiotherapy and polychemotherapy. After complete remission they were randomized: one group was treated by BCG in dermic scarification, the other one was not treated. The results do not ascertain BCG efficiency but justify the intensive reductive treatment.Immuno-oncology week, Paris, June 27, 1975  相似文献   

Summary Circulating immune complexes (CICs) have been detected in the sera of patients with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL), Hodgkin's disease, chronic myeloid leukemia, and acute lymphoblastic leukemia by using C1q-binding and L1210-binding assays. Both assays gave broadly similar patterns of reactivity in terms of frequency and magnitude, though there are some differences. Significantly elevated CIC levels were observed in all pathologic groups. However, sera from NHL patients with an unfavorable prognosis consistently exhibited the highest frequency of positive values and mean CIC levels in both these assays.The two tests showed concordance in 66.6% of the NHL patients' sera and were significantly correlated. Of the sera from NHL patients 12.7% were positive in the C1q-binding assay only and 15.9% in the L1210-binding assay only. Both the assays gave positive results in some patients, and a degree of overlap indicates the presence of different types of CIC in cancer patients' sera. The combined use of two methods for detecting CICs may be useful for evaluation of the activity, the extent, and the prognosis of the malignant disease.  相似文献   

A new method of dual-color immunofluorescence is presented for analysis of surface antigen distribution among heterogeneous cell suspensions. It involves flow cytometric analysis of cells stained with a biotinylated first monoclonal antibody and/or with an unlabeled second monoclonal antibody. After addition of streptavidin-phycoerythrin and/or fluoresceinated goat antimouse immunoglobulin antibody, single-cell fluorescence intensities are measured and biparametric graphic representations are obtained, allowing one to determine the percentage of cells stained by each of the monoclonal antibodies or both. The validity of the method was assessed on human peripheral blood mononuclear cells by using three sets of two monoclonal antibodies: CD8 and CD5, CD3 and CD4, CD11 and HLA-DR. The results showed that dual staining did not induce significant quenching or competition between pairs of antibodies. The procedure is simple and sensitive. It requires only minute amounts of monoclonal antibodies. It is readily applicable to the screening of hybridoma supernatants and to the characterization of new antibodies to cell surface antigens with respect to well-defined markers.  相似文献   

Nine monoclonal antibodies to rabbit T cells and B subpopulations have been generated from three separate fusions of spleen cells from mice immunized with fractionated populations of rabbit lymphocytes. These monoclonal antibodies, as well as a previously described rabbit T cell monoclonal antibody, 9AE10, have been analyzed by immunofluorescence staining on frozen tissue sections of rabbit thymus, spleen, and appendix. This screening method permits rapid identification of the lymphocyte subdomains in each tissue which is not possible by other screening methods. Each monoclonal antibody selected has a unique tissue staining pattern. Flow cytometric analysis of these monoclonal antibodies, using indirect immunofluorescence techniques on thymocytes, splenocytes, and PBL, revealed varying percentages of positive cells and individual mean fluorescence intensities indicating different epitope densities for each antigen. These monoclonal antibodies are now being used to characterize normal lymphocyte function and the role of specific lymphocyte subpopulations in experimental disease models in the rabbit.  相似文献   

A staging laparotomy and splenectomy were performed in 41 patients with Hodgkin''s disease and 11 with other malignant lymphomas. There was a significant correlation (P = 0.025) between the presence of unexplained anemia and involvement of the spleen or abdominal lymph nodes by tumour. The anemias were of mild degree; hemolysis was documented in three and iron deficiency in four, while 21 cases were unexplained. Bone marrow was not involved by lymphoma in this series. The complication rate in exploratory laparotomy was higher than previously reported. Severe complications were observed in 17% of these patients while another 15% had minor complications. The association we have discovered may be helpful in the staging of patients who cannot tolerate an operative procedure. The absence of infradiaphragmatic involvement is suggested in the presence of normal hemoglobin concentrations.  相似文献   

Cellular and humoral immunity was examined in Hodgkin's disease and non Hodgkin lymphoma (33) patients and compared with a normal group. Mixed lymphocyte cultures (MLC) were used as parameter for cell mediated immunity and anti-Epstein Barr virus (EBV) antibodies for specific humoral immunity. High stimulation indices coincided with low anti-VCA and anti-EBNA titers in the control group (r = -0.343). This negative correlation was not found in non Hodgkin lymphomas and was substantially lower (r = -0.142) in Hodgkin's disease. The alterations in immunoregulatory mechanisms in these patients are discussed.  相似文献   

The main lymphocyte subpopulations (T-, B-, T mu-, T gamma, and L-lymphocytes), serum immunoglobulins (A, M, G), and specific antibodies have been analyzed at different periods of the development of acute brucellosis. The heterogeneous pattern of changes in the main characteristics of both humoral and cell-mediated immunity has been revealed. A definite interrelation of cell-mediated and humoral reactions in the immunological process in brucellosis has been established.  相似文献   

Abstract. Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against epithelial cells were prepared by immunization of rats with lyophilized murine epithelia. Screening against tissue sections and epithelial cell suspensions permitted identification of mAbs against surface molecules that are expressed early in cell differentiation. Staining with These mAbs followed by fluorescence-activated cell sorting enabled isolation of subpopulations of basal epithelial cells. Staining these subpopulations with antibodies against known differentiation markers (cytokeratins and bullous pemphigoid antigen) and measurements of cell size indicated that they represented fractions of the basal cell population in sequential stages of early differentiation. Labeling mice with bromodeoxyuridine at various limes prior to cell isolation showed that the least-differentiated basal cells cycle more slowly than those at later stages, data which support the concept of a differentiation-related, hierarchical pattern of organization of the proliferative compartment.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoid receptors (GR) were investigated in subpopulations of lymphocytes identified by monoclonal antibodies. Purified T (OKT3+) and non-T lymphocyte subpopulations were isolated from human peripheral blood using Degalan bead columns coated with rabbit anti-human IgG. Purified subpopulations of OKT4+ and OKT8+ lymphocytes were obtained by coating the nonadherent population (T cells) from the first column with OKT4+ or OKT8+ and pouring it into a second Degalan column, coated with goat anti-mouse IgG. GR content and affinity were analyzed by a whole cell assay with [3H]dexamethasone as tracer. The numbers of GR in lymphocyte subpopulations (OKT3+ cells, non-T cells, OKT4+, and OKT8+ cells) were nearly equal. It is concluded that the differential effects of glucocorticoids on the circulatory kinetics of OKT4+ and OKT8+ cells probably are not related to differences in glucocorticoid receptors of these T-cell subpopulations.  相似文献   

The functional properties of cytotoxic lymphocytes from patients with Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease ( VKH ) specific for human melanoma cells (P-36 melanoma cell line established from a patient with malignant melanoma) were investigated by using monoclonal antibodies specific for human T cell subsets. Peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) from patients with VKH showed significant cytotoxic activity against the P-36 (SK-MEL-28) human melanoma cell line, but not against a human cervical carcinoma of the uterus cell line (HeLa-S3 cell line) or against a mouse melanoma cell line (B-16 cell line) originating from a C57BL/6 strain mouse or against the EL-4 mouse lymphoma cell line from a C57BL/6 mouse. The cytotoxic activity of the patients' PBL against the P-36 melanoma cell line was markedly reduced by pretreatment of the PBL with monoclonal anti-human Leu-1 antibody plus rabbit complement, but it was reduced to much less extent by pretreatment with either monoclonal anti-human Leu-2a or Leu-3a antibody plus rabbit complement. The specific cytotoxic activity of the patients' PBL against the P-36 human melanoma cell line is, therefore, mediated by T cells bearing Leu-1+ Leu-2a+ or Leu-1+ Leu-3a+ antigens. Furthermore, the cytotoxic activity was shown to be blocked not only by anti-Leu-2a antibody specific to human cytotoxic/suppressor T cells but also unexpectedly by anti-Leu-3a antibody which has previously been considered to be specific to human inducer/helper T cells. The results of this study suggest that at least two distinct subpopulations of cytotoxic T cells specific for P-36 human melanoma cells are present in the peripheral blood of VKH patients. These cytotoxic T cells have different surface antigens, Leu-2a and Leu-3a.  相似文献   

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