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Rabbit or goat antisera directed to ALL, CLL, AML and CML cells were investigated in cytotoxicity tests with different leukaemia and normal cells as targets. After absorptions with erythrocytes and spleen cells from allogeneic donors the antisera killed only leukaemia cells. There was no reaction with remission leukocytes or blood leukocytes from normal donors. Anti-ALL-Sera reacted in 35 out of 49 tests with ALL cells from 13 patients. Apparently the ALL antisera which were directed to the T cell subtype of ALL preferentially affected ALL cells of this subtype. Cross reactions with cells from CLL, AML and CML were not found. Anti-CLL-sera reacted in 10 out of 12 tests with CLL cells from 4 donors, and in 4 out of 20 tests with ALL cells from 7 donors and also with the cells of a CML patient. AML cells from two patients were not killed. Antisera against AML and CML showed extensive cross reactions with cells of myelocytic and lymphocytic leukaemias. Absorption tests demonstrated the presence of two antibody specificities in AML antisera, one of which being directed to a common antigen of AML and ALL cells and another against an antigen of myelocytic leukaemia cells.  相似文献   

Antisera against human acute myelocytic leukaemias were tested in complement-dependent in-vitro cytotocity tests against leukaemia cells and normal cells as targets. After absorption with erythrocytes and spleen cells from allogeneous donors the antisera reacted with leukaemia cells, but not with leukocytes from bone marrow and the peripheral blood of children in remission, lymphocytes from healthy donors, enriched B-lymphocytes, enriched T-lymphocytes, PHA-induced blasts and cord blood lymphocytes. Extensive cross reactions were obtained in the tests against leukaemia cells. The antisera reacted not only with AML cells, but also with ALL, CLL, and CML cells. It was possible to remove the cross-reactivity with ALL cells through absorption with ALL cells or with fetal tissue, and to remove the cross reactivity with CLL cells through absorption with CLL. A complete absorption of the anti-AML sera was possible with AML and CML cells. After absorption with fetal tissue and CLL cells the antisera showed exclusively specificity for myelocytic leukaemias. Thus, AML cells contain three leukaemia-associated membrane antigen components: an antigen of fetal origin, a "CLL-specific" antigen, and an antigen that occurs on myelocytic leukaemias.  相似文献   

Parietal yolk-sacs of rat embryos at the fifteenth day of gestation were obtained by microdissection. A Reichert's membrane (RM) preparation was isolated by treating the parietal yolk-sacs with the chelating agent tetrasodium salt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) combined with mechanical shaking. Less than 1% of the membrane preparation was DNA and phosphorus contaminants. The membrane purity was also evaluated by electrom microscopic examination. Rabbit Ig G directed against the RM preparation when injected ip into ninth day pregnant rats produced malformations, fetal growth retardation and resorption. Fluorescent-labeled antibody localization studies demonstrated that the teratogenic antibodies localized in RM. It is postulated that RM antibodies induce teratogenesis by interfering with the function of RM.  相似文献   

Heterologous anti-human lymphotoxin (LT) antisera have been employed to investigate the role of LT in mitogen-(Con-A, PHA) induced destruction of murine L-929 cells by human lymphocytes in vitro. These various antisera will effectively neutralize human LT molecules associated with the stable (70 to 90,000 dalton) alpha-LT class of cytotoxin (anti-alpha-LT), the more unstable (35 to 50,000 dalton) beta-LT class of cytotoxins (anti-beta-LT), and antisera which will neutralize all classes of these cytotoxins in vitro, anti-whole supernatant (anti-W.S.). These anti-LT sera will greatly inhibit lysis of L-929 cells by using mitogen-activated human effector lymphocytes in vitro. This blocking was shown to be mediated by whole serum, purified IgG, or IgG-Fab fragments, which had been extensively absorbed with bovine serum, human serum, mitogens, and normal human lymphocytes. Inhibition of lysis was not apparently due to interference with either lymphocyte-target cell contact or lymphocyte activation step(s). The blocking effects of these sera were also shown to occur during the lymphocyte-independent phase of the lytic reaction. These data support the concept that the lymphocyte deposits an LT-like effector molecule on the target-L cell surface during the lymphocyte-dependent phase, which mediates cell lysis at a later time during the lymphocyte-independent phase.  相似文献   

Fetal stem cells possess some intriguing characteristics, which delineate them as promising cellular therapeutics. They are less immunogenic, at lower stage of differentiation and have higher potential for repopulation and migration. Furthermore, the fetal stem cells secrete a set of cytokines and growth factors, which stimulate the regeneration of the recipient tissue. The present study indicated that the adhesive fraction of human fetal liver cells possessed the morphological characteristics of mesenchymal stem cells, as well as potential to differentiate into adipocyte and osteoblast lineages. The immunophenotypic analysis showed that the cells expressed CD13, CD73, CD90 and CD105 (typical for mesenchymal stem cells) and lacked the haematopoietic lineage markers CD34 and CD45. Addressing the issue of the low‐temperature storage of the human fetal liver cells, four different methods for cryopreservation were assessed: conventional slow freezing, program freezing and two vitrification protocols. The obtained results demonstrated that the cells were cryotolerant and maintained their properties and differentiation potential after thawing. Program freezing showed to be the most efficient method for cryopreservation of the investigated cells.  相似文献   

This paper presents characteristics of different polyclonal antisera raised against several steroid and protein antigens: 1/ primary antisera against steroid hormones: estradiol-17beta (anti-E2), estrone (anti-E1), testosterone (anti-T), androstendione (anti-A4), cortisol (anti-F) and corticosterone (anti-B); 2/ primary antisera against porcine luteinizing hormone (anti-pLH) and against different forms of porcine pregnancy associated glycoproteins (anti-pPAG) - proteins produced by chorionic tissue; 3/ secondary monovalent antisera raised against rabbit gamma-globulins (Sm-r); 4/ secondary polyvalent antisera against rabbit, pig and quinea pig gamma-globulins mixed at a ratio 1:1:1 (Sp-rpq). All antisera described in the paper present sufficient quality to be routinely used in various RIA, ELISA or Western determinations in physiological and clinical studies of reproductive processes. The antisera against steroid hormones and pLH are available on request.  相似文献   

Cells producing alpha-fetoprotein in human fetal liver have been studied with specific horseradish peroxidase labeled immunoglobulins. Under light microscopy, the alpha-fetoprotein is strictly localized in the cytoplasm of certain hepatocytes, distributed randomly in the hepatic lobule. Ultrastructural examination of thesame cells shows that the alpha-fetoprotein is present within the cytoplasm. Ultrastructural differences are described in hepatocytes according to whether or not the cell is producing alpha-fetoprotein at the time of sampling. These observations lead to the hypothesis that alpha-fetoprotein may correspond to a particular functional state of the hepatocyte in human fetal liver.  相似文献   

A thymic lymphoblastoid cell line derived from a New Zealand Black mouse produces murine leukemia virus (MuLV) and was used as a target in model systems for the in vitro study of antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC). Several human lymphoblastoid cell lines were investigated as potential effector cells. The most promising (Raji cells) bound to antibody-coated target cells but caused only modest levels of ADCC at 25:1 effector-to-target cell ratio with substantial lysis in the absence of antiserum. Human peripheral lymphocytes were active as effector cells in ADCC at a 5:1 ratio and produced no lysis in the absence of antibody. These cells were used to demonstrate that high dilutions of rabbit antisera to MuLV antigens p30, p15, p12, and p10 were capable of mediating lysis of MuLV-producing target cells but not of a virus-negative murine cell line. A murine antiserum to Thy 1.2 and three caprine antisera to MuLV antigens that were active in complement-mediated cytotoxicity functioned poorly in inducing ADCC; however, rabbit antisera to similar antigens were 16- to 512-fold more efficient in cell-mediated than in complement lysis. The inefficiency of goat antisera was not due to shedding of cell surface antigens or generation of blocking factors but rather to lack of lytic interaction of antibody-coated targets with the effector cells.  相似文献   

The liver is an important site for thiamin metabolism, utilization, and storage. Little is known about the mechanism of thiamin uptake by the human liver. In this study, we examined cellular and molecular aspects of the human liver thiamin uptake process using the human-derived liver HepG2 cells as a model system. Our studies showed that the initial rate of thiamin uptake to be: (1) Na(+)-independent and occurs with no detectable metabolic alterations in the transported substrate, (2) highly pH-dependent with diminished uptake upon decreasing incubation buffer pH from 8.0 to 5.0, (3) higher following cell acidification compared to unacidified control cells, (4) saturable as a function of concentration with an apparent K(m) of 7.7+/-1.6 microM, (5) inhibited by the thiamin structural analogues oxythiamin and amprolium but not by the unrelated organic cations tetraethylammonium (TEA) and N-methylnicotinamide (NMN), and (6) inhibited in a concentration-dependent manner by the membrane transport inhibitor amiloride. Both of the recently cloned human thiamin transporters, i.e., SLC19A2 and SLC19A3, were found to be expressed in liver HepG2 cells with the former being the predominant form. High promoter activity of the predominant form, i.e., SLC19A2, was detected in HepG2 cells, and the minimal region of the SLC19A2 promoter required for its basal activity in these cells was found to be encoded in a sequence between -356 and -36 and has multiple putative cis-regulatory elements. Mutation of a number of these putative cis-elements diminished promoter activity of the SLC19A2 minimal region. These results show the involvement of a specialized carrier-mediated mechanism for thiamin uptake by human liver HepG2 cells. In addition, SLC19A2 was found to be the predominant thiamin uptake carrier expressed in these cells and its promoter displays a high level of activity in them.  相似文献   

Rabbit antibodies were obtained to nonhistone protein--DNA complexes (dehistonized chromatin) prepared from two human lymphoblastoid cell lines: the Conception line from an American Burkitt lymphoma and NC-37 from a nonmalignant source. Both antisera showed a high degree of specificity for nuclear proteins of their respective cell lines. This specificity was evident in the reactivity of both whole chromatin and dehistonized chromatin using a quantitative micro-complement fixation assay. The results presented here suggest that DNA present in the antigen is necessary for maintaining the structure of the antigenic site.  相似文献   

Large quantities of viable human islet tissue (beta cells) are required for transplant and for investigations of the autoimmune basis of Type I diabetes. Fetal pancreas offers a potential advantage over other possible sources of beta cells in that it retains some capacity for growth in vitro. We have cultured a total of 45 human pancreata from fetuses of gestational ages from 18 to 23 weeks. Each pancreas was obtained within minutes after delivery and usually cultured within 30 minutes. Pancreata were dispersed and cultured for up to 32 days. Maintenance and growth of the beta cells was assessed by the content of insulin in extracts of cultured tissue. As has been reported by others, fetal human beta cells survived in vitro for over 4 weeks. In three experiments in which a direct comparison was made, collagenase digestion of the fetal pancreas resulted in a significantly greater loss of insulin content compared to minced tissue cultured without digestion. Storage of three pancreata in medium overnight at 4 degrees C significantly reduced the insulin content of the pancreas compared to pancreata cultured immediately. During culture, the majority of the beta cells (based on insulin content) were found in small, macroscopic clumps attached to the surface of the culture dish, and surrounded by a nearly confluent monolayer of fibroblastoid cells. There was a marked decrease in the insulin content of the tissue during culture, most of it (to less than 25% of the original) occurring over the first 4-6 days of culture.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Normal human sera are capable of causing complement-mediated lysis of normal human skin cells grown in tissue culture. This lytic reactivity can be completely removed by absorption with first trimester fetal tissue. Absorption with a variety of normal adult human tissues including lymphocytes, decidua, skin, and muscle are incapable of absorbing reactivity. Absorption of reactivity by fetal tissue is specific and not due to the introduction of anti-complementary or other nonspecific factors, as evidenced by the inability of simultaneous fetal absorption to remove reactivity from antisera with specificity for HLA antigens. Similarly, absorption of lytic sera with fetal calf serum proteins was incapable of removing reactivity against normal cells in tissue culture. It thus appears that normal human cells in tissue culture express antigens shared by the first trimester human fetus, but not present on a variety of adult human tissues. This "neoantigen" present on normal human cells when grown in tissue culture is a potential source of confusion and must be accounted for in searching for human tumor-specific antigens utilizing tissue culture cells.  相似文献   

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