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  • 1 Spatial distributions of adults and nymphs of Empoasca vitis were assessed during 3 years inside two adjacent vine plots having considerable intra‐plot variability, diversified natural ground cover and surrounding vegetation, and no insecticide application.
  • 2 Geostatistical analysis confirmed that, in spite of repeated adult migrations, spatial distributions of summer populations were highly aggregated, similar every year and similar between adults and nymphs. Comparison of insect distribution with intra‐plot characteristics, such as vine plant vigour (leaf density and leaf chlorophyll concentration) and phenology, plot topography and surrounding vegetation, revealed that E. vitis clearly aggregates in areas with the most vigorous vine plants.
  • 3 Even though the presence of natural enemies in the surrounding vegetation was confirmed by specific observations, we did not observe significant population decrease at the contiguous plot edges. Natural ground cover, together with the absence of insecticide, might allow the spreading and perennial conservation of E. vitis natural enemies inside the plots.
  • 4 Clear adult aggregations observed along downwind woodlands suggest that this vegetation acts as a barrier and intercepts the adults flying passively across the plot. However, this surrounding vegetation could also serve as an alternative refuge when vine water deficit and vine foliage temperature increase.

Understanding the spatial patterns of species distribution is essential to characterize the structure of communities, to optimize species inventories and to evaluate the impact of biotic and abiotic variables. Here we describe the spatial structure of the distribution of leaf litter ant species, and of biotic factors that could explain it, in a subtropical semi-deciduous forest of the Argentinian Chaco, characterized by a dense understorey of shrubs and terrestrial bromeliads. Environmental variables (leaf litter quantity and ground bromeliad density) were measured and ants were collected in 1 m2 quadrats distributed along two 200 m transects at intervals of 1.25 m. Overall 87 species were collected. Sixteen positive associations and a single negative association were observed between the 11 most frequent species taken pair-wise. Our results suggest that the spatial distribution of leaf litter ants was determined at two different scales. At a small scale (period below 10 m) a periodic spatial structure, likely due to intraspecific competition, produced a succession of peaks of abundance separated by gaps. At a larger scale (period around 50 m), periodically distributed environmental factors induced aggregates of colonies of species responding positively to these factors. A high quantity of leaf litter and, to a lesser extent, a high density of ground bromeliads promoted a high density and a high species richness of ants. Numerically dominant ants being generally positively associated, interspecific competition was apparently weak. All ant species whose abundance was correlated with an environmental factor were not completely spatially structured by it. This suggests that some other factors, such as intraspecific competition, may have counter-effects. Received 14 March 2005; revised 26 April 2005; accepted 10 May 2005.  相似文献   

Phyllosphere bacteria have received little attention despite their important roles in shaping plant performance traits. In this study, we characterize the bacterial communities on leaves of native trees inhabiting sclerophyllous forests in central Chile, one of the world's biodiversity hotspots. Additionally, we provide profiles of bacterial communities on grape leaves and berries of organic and conventional vineyards. Results of 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequence analysis showed that 45% of OTUs were shared across forest leaves, grape leaves, and grape berries. Conventional management had higher number of OTUs shared with forest leaves than organic management. In addition, grape leaves subjected to conventional management had higher alpha diversity than those with organic management, while no significant effect of agricultural management was observed in grape berries. Indicator analysis showed that Bdellovibrio, Beijerinckia, and Spirosoma were typical for forest leaves, whereas Enhydrobacter, Delftia, Proteiniclasticum, Arsenicicoccus, and Alkaliphilus were typical for the vineyard phyllosphere. Regarding agricultural managements, Beijerinckia, Sedimentibacter, Nesterenkonia, Gluconobacter, Conexibacter, and Anaeromyxobacter were typical for conventional grape leaves, whereas no genus‐level indicator was found for organic vineyard leaves. These results provide new insights of the diversity patterns of the phyllosphere microbiome in native and cultivated lands and suggest that both of these microbiomes are connected and integrated systems.  相似文献   

【目的】尼古丁是茄科植物的重要生物碱,本文首次确定了硫酸烟碱对假眼小绿叶蝉Empoasca vitis G?the的驱避作用和田间防效,以及不同浓度硫酸烟碱对茶尺蠖Ectropis obliqua Prout的拒食作用。【方法】使用Y形嗅觉仪和T形观测室研究了假眼小绿叶蝉对硫酸烟碱的行为反应,使用叶碟法测试了硫酸烟碱对茶尺蠖的拒食作用。【结果】硫酸烟碱600倍稀释液和800倍稀释液处理茶梢分别对叶蝉若虫的寄主选择行为和雌成虫的产卵具有显著的驱避作用;田间喷施硫酸烟碱对假眼小绿叶蝉的防治效果较好。此外,硫酸烟碱对茶尺蠖幼虫具有拒食作用,并且拒食作用随着取食时间的延长而增强,取食8 d以后,死亡率显著高于对照。【结论】本研究结果为开发茶树害虫的植物源忌避(拒食)剂提供一定的科学参考。  相似文献   

利用"T"形室观察了茶假眼小绿叶蝉Empoasca vitis Gthe对4种茶香精和3种寄主植物的趋性反应。结果表明,假眼小绿叶蝉对不同茶香精粉和寄主植物的趋性反应不同。叶蝉对绿茶和乌龙茶A香精有明显的趋向反应,而对乌龙茶B香精即铁观音茶香精则有明显的忌避反应,对红茶香精则无反应。假眼小绿叶蝉对茶梢和青菜的趋性反应无显著差异,而对茶梢和大豆的趋性反应有差异,表现出更喜好趋向茶梢。  相似文献   

  • 1 The Anagrusatomus’ parasitoid group (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), associated with Empoasca vitis (Göthe) (Homoptera: Cicadellidae), overwinters on vegetation surrounding vineyards. The emergence of parasitoid adults from grapevine leaves in autumn was studied in north‐eastern Italy, both in relation to the E. vitis egg‐laying period and to the presence of leafhoppers overwintering as eggs on Rubus bushes.
  • 2 Autumnal peaks of Anagrus captured using yellow sticky traps were observed first on grapevines and then on brambles. Parasitoid captures in vineyards were observed for more than 1 month after the last first‐instar nymphs of the grape leafhoppers were noticed. Two species belonging to the A. ‘atomus’ group, Anagrus atomus and Anagrus ustulatus, were captured both on grapevines and brambles.
  • 3 Parasitoids of the A.atomus’ group can emerge from third‐generation grape leafhopper eggs in accordance with two different development time patterns (i.e. normal or delayed). Individuals with delayed emergence required up to 2.2‐fold more time to develop from an egg to adult than individuals with normal emergence. This meant that some parasitoid adults emerged in autumn from eggs of grape leafhopper laid in August.
  • 4 A delayed emergence as a result of a slower development ensures that the A.atomus’ parasitoid group is synchronized with the egg‐laying of leafhoppers that overwinter as eggs on Rubus spp.
  • 5 Consequently, leafhoppers overwintering as eggs on brambles play a key role in the ecology of the relationship between grape leafhoppers and the A.atomus’ parasitoid group.

区县域尺度土壤全氮的空间分布格局分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李龙  秦富仓  姜丽娜  姚雪玲 《生态学报》2020,40(5):1572-1579
以赤峰市敖汉旗为研究对象,以实测数据为基础,采用地统计学与典范对应分析相结合的方法研究县域尺度土壤全氮的空间分布格局及其影响因素。结果表明:0—100 cm深度土壤全氮含量在0.43—0.68 g/kg范围变化,土壤全氮平均含量随着土壤深度的增加而降低,其水平分布均呈现为南高北低的分布特征,低值区集中呈片状分布在研究区的东北部,高值区呈岛状分散于研究区的南部区域。各层土壤全氮均属于中等强度的空间相关性,随着土壤深度的增加,随机因素对全氮空间变异的影响作用逐渐减弱,其空间最大自相关距离也随着土壤深度的增加而逐渐减小。各环境因素对土壤全氮含量的影响程度由高到低表现为海拔>NDVI>粘粒含量>土壤容重>坡度,土壤粘粒和NDVI与表层土壤的相关性更高,海拔对60 cm以下土壤全氮的影响更加显著。  相似文献   

Within a large carnivore guild, subordinate competitors (African wild dog, Lycaon pictus, and cheetah, Acinonyx jubatus) might reduce the limiting effects of dominant competitors (lion, Panthera leo, and spotted hyena, Crocuta crocuta) by avoiding them in space, in time, or through patterns of prey selection. Understanding how these competitors cope with one other can inform strategies for their conservation. We tested how mechanisms of niche partitioning promote coexistence by quantifying patterns of prey selection and the use of space and time by all members of the large carnivore guild within Liuwa Plain National Park in western Zambia. Lions and hyenas specialized on wildebeest, whereas wild dogs and cheetahs selected broader diets including smaller and less abundant prey. Spatially, cheetahs showed no detectable avoidance of areas heavily used by dominant competitors, but wild dogs avoided areas heavily used by lions. Temporally, the proportion of kills by lions and hyenas did not detectably differ across four time periods (day, crepuscular, early night, and late night), but wild dogs and especially cheetahs concentrated on time windows that avoided nighttime hunting by lions and hyenas. Our results provide new insight into the conditions under which partitioning may not allow for coexistence for one subordinate species, the African wild dog, while it does for cheetah. Because of differences in responses to dominant competitors, African wild dogs may be more prone to competitive exclusion (local extirpation), particularly in open, uniform ecosystems with simple (often wildebeest dominated) prey communities, where spatial avoidance is difficult.  相似文献   


Migration of a fibroblast along a collagen fiber can be regarded as cell locomotion in one-dimension (1D). In this process, a cell protrudes forward, forms a new adhesion, produces traction forces, and releases its rear adhesion in order to advance itself along a path. However, how a cell coordinates its adhesion formation, traction forces, and rear release in 1D migration is unclear. Here, we studied fibroblasts migrating along a line of microposts. We found that when the front of a cell protruded onto a new micropost, the traction force produced at its front increased steadily, but did so without a temporal correlation in the force at its rear. Instead, the force at the front coordinated with a decrease in force at the micropost behind the front. A similar correlation in traction forces also occurred at the rear of a cell, where a decrease in force due to adhesion detachment corresponded to an increase in force at the micropost ahead of the rear. Analysis with a bio-chemo-mechanical model for traction forces and adhesion dynamics indicated that the observed relationship between traction forces at the front and back of a cell is possible only when cellular elasticity is lower than the elasticity of the cellular environment.  相似文献   

  1. Traditional vineyards are generally intensive monocultures with high pesticide usage. Viticulture is one of the fastest-growing sectors of English agriculture, although there is currently limited research on habitat management practices.
  2. In a vineyard in East Sussex, England, we tested five inter-row ground cover treatments on their potential in supporting beneficial insects: two commercially available seed mixes (meadow mix and pollen and nectar mix), a wild bee seed mix (formulated based on pollinator foraging preferences), natural regeneration, and regularly mowed grass.
  3. Over two years, from May to August, we conducted monthly floral surveys and insect surveys using transect walks and pan traps.
  4. The abundance and richness of flowers in the natural regeneration treatment were twice that of the regularly mown inter-row treatment. By year 2, the abundance of “total insects” sampled was significantly higher in the wild bee mix compared to mown. Likewise, there was a significant effect of treatment type on pollinator richness, with a higher mean richness found in wild bee mix. Solitary wasp family richness was highest in the natural regeneration treatment and lowest in the mown treatment.
  5. Given the rapid growth and lack of specific environmental recommendations for British viticulture, we demonstrate a simple and effective approach for supporting beneficial insects and ecosystem services. Promotion of perennial wildflowers through sowing or allowing natural regeneration in inter-row ground cover in vineyards has the potential to boost biodiversity in vineyards on a large scale if widely adopted.

Hypersaline microbial mat communities have recently been shown to be more diverse than once thought. The variability in community composition of hypersaline mats, both in terms of spatial and temporal dimensions, is still poorly understood. Because this information is essential to understanding the complex biotic and abiotic interactions within these communities, terminal restriction fragment analysis and 16S rRNA gene sequencing were used to characterize the near-surface community of a hypersaline microbial mat in Guerrero Negro, Mexico. Core samples were analyzed to assay community variability over large regional scales (centimeter to kilometer) and to track depth-related changes in population distribution at 250-μm intervals over a diel period. Significant changes in total species diversity were observed at increasing distances across the mat surface; however, key species (e.g. Microcoleus sp.) were identified throughout the mat. The vertical position and abundance of >50% of the 60 peaks detected varied dramatically over a diel cycle, including Beggiatoa sp., cyanobacteria, Chloroflexus sp., Halochromatium sp., Bacteroidetes sp. and several as-yet-identified bacteria. Many of these migrations correlated strongly with diel changes in redox conditions within the mat, contributing to strong day–night community structure differences.  相似文献   

The spatio‐temporal dynamics of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), was investigated to evaluate the effect of the landscape elements and host plants on pest distribution, in an agricultural landscape of 500 ha located in Central Italy. Two farms (farm 1 and farm 2) are located in the experimental area, composing mixed fruit orchards and surrounded by hedgerows, small woodlots, private gardens and cereal fields. Ceratitis capitata population fluctuation was monitored, from 2006 to 2008, using traps baited with trimedlure. Geostatistical methods such as Inverse distance squared weighted were used to obtain distributional maps of adults, mainly males. Results showed that the adult Mediterranean fruit flies were primarily distributed inside farm 1, with the maximum density found in the months of September and October. Away from the principal host plants, particularly in cereal fields, the number of trapped individuals was always low or zero. In both farms, flies were caught sequentially in traps located on host plants (i.e. peach, apple, pear, oriental persimmon and prickly pear) at varying times of maturation, especially when fruits remained on the trees. Distributional maps provided evidence that allowed to identify habitats in which the fly developed early in the season (mixed peach orchards) and afterwards during the periodic flights.  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial distributions of flying Diptera have been studied using suction traps hung at three levels and two distances from an emergent hedgerow tree. Most families were far more abundant in 1987 than in 1986, but patterns of spatial and temporal abundance were basically the same. Most families showed a marked concentration close to the tree. Scatopsidae accumulated away from the tree in large numbers. Most families concentrated at the mid-level, except the Anisopodidae and Mycetophilidae (top and bottom levels, respectively). Vertical distributions showed discontinuities for almost all families. It is suggested that the emergent hedgerow tree plays a very important part in the life of flying insects.  相似文献   

Herbivores are usually distributed unevenly across the landscape often because of variation in resource availability. We used zero-inflated generalised additive models (to account for data with a high number of zeros) that include georeferences to predict winter distribution of a large herbivore (moose Alces alces). Moose distribution was analysed in relation to forage availability and distance to neighbouring sites. Our results showed that the ability to explain moose distribution indexed by pellet count data at a local scale increased when spatial information (longitude and latitude) was added to the model compared to the model only including food availability. By using the relationship between moose and forage distribution, and the spatial information, we predicted patch choice by moose reasonably well in 2 out of 4?years. However, the distribution of moose was also influenced by weather conditions, as it was most clumped in the year with most snow. In conclusion, our study lends support for a non-linear approach using georeferences for a comprehensive understanding of herbivore distribution at a small scale. This result also indicates that the use of a certain patch by moose not only depends on the selected patch itself but is also influenced by the neighbouring patch and factors at a larger spatial scale, such as moose management influencing the density above moose home range level. The relatively high proportion of unexplained variation suggests that the use of a certain patch is also influenced by other factors such as topography, predation, competition, weather conditions, and wildlife management strategies.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal distribution of fish and zooplankton in a shallow lake   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary 1. We performed both a large- and a small-scale echo sounding study on the spatial and temporal distribution of fish (mainly roach, Rutilus rutilus and perch, Perca fluviatlis ), as well as a small-scale study of zooplankton distribution in the small, shallow and eutrophic Lake Hanebjerg in Denmark. In the small-scale study, sampling was conducted in open water as well as in the edge zone immediately outside two different types of vegetation.
2. Fish daytime abundances differed between the northern and the southern parts of the lake and, on a small scale, small fish aggregated in the edge zones during day, preferably outside dense emergent vegetation. Copepods avoided emergent vegetation, while cladocerans showed no habitat preference. Both small fish and cladoceran numbers were found to be higher during night than day.
3. The relative abundance (number per sample) of cladocerans in the edge zone immediately outside vegetation was negatively correlated with the relative abundance of fish in that zone. There was no correlation between cladoceran and fish abundance in open water, or between the relative abundance of copepods and fish.
4. The presence of pelagic piscivores in combination with avoidance behaviour of both fish and zooplankton is a likely explanation for the observed distribution of small fish and cladocerans in Lake Hanebjerg. Both small- and large-scale distribution patterns may be dependent on the type and distribution of complex structure in the lake. Even in a small lake, large-scale patterns may affect the interpretation of small-scale data.  相似文献   

The distribution of the deposit-feeding, orbiniid polychaete, Scoloplos fragilis (Verrill, 1873), was examined in relation to differences in elevation along-shore and down-shore from August 1976 to April 1977. The sand flat at Cape Henlopen, Lewes, Delaware U.S.A., is characterized by swash bars extending perpendicular to the shore, which undergo annual vertical and lateral fluctuations and have marked differences in elevations. Six stations were monitored on a single swash bar. Three sites were sampled monthly at an area on the swash bar near the beach berm (high-tide zone) and at an area near the water's edge (low-tide zone). The sites were the swash bar ridge, its depositional slope and the adjacent trough.Distribution patterns of S. fragilis were not associated with elevational gradients or a particular tidal level. Highest numbers were found on the slopes, lowest numbers on the high-tide ridge, and second lowest numbers in the low-tide trough. On the high-tide ridge, the sediments were too unstable for habitation by S. fragilis. In the low-tide trough, predation and other biological interactions apparently keep numbers of S. fragilis low. Wave and wind activity may have concentrated S. fragilis at slope stations, where sediment deposition occurs.Mean body size of S. fragilis varied spatially and temporally. Within each tidal level, mean sizes increased significantly from ridge to trough. Body sizes were significantly larger in the high-tide zone than in the low-tide zone and varied significantly with time. Reproductive maturity appears to occur after two years and at least three age-classes are present.  相似文献   

A polyclonal antibody has been prepared that specifically recognises a nuclear protein antigen in Drosophila embryos. During development, the antigen appears initially to be uniformly distributed but by nuclear division cycle 10 is seen to accumulate in nuclei in a manner suggesting that it is destroyed or becomes modified upon transition from S- to M phase of the nuclear division cycle. This conclusion is supported by the observed disappearance of the antigen from the postblastoderm nuclei in a manner that reflects the pattern of the first asynchronous postblastoderm cell division and persistence in the polyploid nuclei of the amnioserosa that do not undergo further cell or nuclear division. In Western blot experiments, the antibody detects specifically a 105 kDa nuclear protein that probably corresponds to the antigen detected in embryos by immunocytochemical means.  相似文献   

白背飞虱在稻田内空 间结构的分析   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
周强  张润杰  古德祥 《昆虫学报》2003,46(2):171-177
白背飞虱Sogatella furcifera(Horvth)是我国重要的水稻害虫,有着复杂的空间结构。运用地统计学中的半方差函数对不同季度种植的水稻及其不同生长期中白背飞虱若虫的空间结构进行了分析。结果表明:白背飞虱迁入稻田后,其空间分布为聚集型,且聚集的范围随水稻的生长而增加;白背飞虱田间种群空间结构的局部不连续程度较小,空间相关范围为17.3?m到60?m,或大于样地直径。白背飞虱在早稻田中的种群密度和空间相关范围小于晚稻田。空间分布模拟图能较好地反映白背飞虱若虫在田间的具体分布情况。  相似文献   

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