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Citrate is an important component of metal processing effluents such as chemical mechanical planarization wastewaters of the semiconductor industry. Citrate can serve as an electron donor for sulfate reduction applied to promote the removal of metals, and it can also potentially be used by methanogens that coexist in anaerobic biofilms. The objective of this study was to evaluate the degradation of citrate with sulfate-reducing and methanogenic biofilms. During batch bioassays, the citrate, acetate, methane and sulfide concentrations were monitored. The results indicate that independent of the biofilm or incubation conditions used, citrate was rapidly fermented with specific rates ranging from 566 to 720 mg chemical oxygen demand (COD) consumed per gram volatile suspended solids per day. Acetate was found to be the main fermentation product of citrate degradation, which was later degraded completely under either methanogenic or sulfate reducing conditions. However, if either sulfate reduction or methanogenesis was infeasible due to specific inhibitors (2-bromoethane sulfonate), absence of sulfate or lack of adequate microorganisms in the biofilm, acetate accumulated to levels accounting for 90–100% of the citrate-COD consumed. Based on carbon balances measured in phosphate buffered bioassays, acetate, CO2 and hydrogen are the main products of citrate fermentation, with a molar ratio of 2:2:1 per mol of citrate, respectively. In bicarbonate buffered bioassays, acetogenesis of H2 and CO2 increased the yield of acetate. The results taken as a whole suggest that in anaerobic biofilm systems, citrate is metabolized via the formation of acetate as the main metabolic intermediate prior to methanogenesis or sulfate reduction. Sulfate reducing consortia must be enriched to utilize acetate as an electron donor in order to utilize the majority of the electron-equivalents in citrate.  相似文献   

Abstract Increasing the incubation temperature of two swamp slurries from 2°C to37°C resulted in a 8- to 18-fold increase in the H2 partial pressure. The concentration of volatile fatty acids remained fairly constant except for butyrate, which decreased with increasing temperature. Calculation of Gibbs free energies of syntrophic degradation of butyrate and propionate, and of methanogenesis from acetate and H2 revealed that these reactions were exergonic after the slurries had stabilized at the incubation temperatures. The changes in H2 partial pressure and butyrate concentration with temperature were found important to render the processes exergonic within the tested temperature range.  相似文献   

Wong BT  Lee DJ 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(3):2427-2432
The effects of sulfide on nitrate reduction and methanogenesis using butyrate as a carbon source were investigated in a mixed mesophilic, methanogenic culture. In the sulfide-free medium, 25-75 mg l−1 nitrate markedly inhibited the efficiencies of acetogenesis and methanogenesis processes. Adding 25 mg-S l−1 increased methane production in nitrate-amended medium. Low sulfide levels shifted the nitrate reduction pathway from denitrification to dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonia (DNRA), thereby reducing the amounts of toxic nitric oxide and nitrous oxide produced that inhibit methanogenesis. The dose of 25 mg l−1 sulfide was oxidized completely, during which heterotrophic DNRA predominated. The oxidized forms of sulfide reformed, limiting induction of the heterotrophic denitrification pathway. The actions of heterotrophic and autotrophic DNRA bacteria, denitrifiers, sulfate-reducing bacteria and methanogens mitigate nitrate toxicity during methanogenesis in an anaerobic process.  相似文献   

The relative importance of methanogenesis and sulfate reduction in freshwater sediment supplemented with acetate was investigated. Addition of acetate stimulated both methane formation and sulfate reduction, indicating that an active aceticlastic population of methanogens and sulfate reducers was present in the sediment. Sulfate reducers were most important in the consumption of acetate. However, when sulfate reducers were inhibited, acetate was metabolised at a similar rate by methanogens. Acetate, propionate and valerate accumulated only when both processes were inhibited by the combined addition of 2-bromo-ethane sulfonate and molybdate. The relative amounts of acetate, propionate and valerate were 93, 6 and 1 mol%, respectively. These results demonstrate the role of acetate as a key intermediate in the terminal step of organic matter mineralisation in the sediment. Addition of chloroform inhibited both methanogenesis and sulfate reduction. We studied the inhibitory effect of CHCl(3) on homoacetogenic bacteria, sulfate-reducing bacteria and methanogens. The results showed that inhibition by CHCl(3) correlates with microorganisms, which operate the acetyl-CoA cleavage pathway. We propose that chloroform can be used to elucidate the role of different metabolic types of sulfate reducers to sulfate reduction in natural environments.  相似文献   

Abstract Serial dilutions of methanogenic sludges in propionate medium gave a methanogenic non-acetoclastic enrichment degrading 1 mol of propionate to 1.6 mol of acetate and 0.17 mol of methane, with a transient accumulation of butyrate. NMR recordings showed the conversion of [2-13C]- and [3-13C]-propionate to [3-13C]- and [4-13C]-butyrate, respectively, thus demonstrating a reductive carboxylation of propionate to butyrate. The labelling found in the accumulated acetate and fermentation balances also suggested that reductive carboxylation was the major pathway involved in propionate conversion to acetate.  相似文献   

Biotechnological intensification of biogas production   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The importance of syntrophic relationships among microorganisms participating in biogas formation has been emphasized, and the regulatory role of in situ hydrogen production has been recognized. It was assumed that the availability of hydrogen may be a limiting factor for hydrogenotrophic methanogens. This hypothesis was tested under laboratory and field conditions by adding a mesophilic (Enterobacter cloacae) or thermophilic hydrogen-producing (Caldicellulosyruptor saccharolyticus) strain to natural biogas-producing consortia. The substrates were waste water sludge, dried plant biomass from Jerusalem artichoke, and pig manure. In all cases, a significant intensification of biogas production was observed. The composition of the generated biogas did not noticeably change. In addition to being a good hydrogen producer, C. saccharolyticus has cellulolytic activity; hence, it is particularly suitable when cellulose-containing biomass is fermented. The process was tested in a 5-m3 thermophilic biogas digester using pig manure slurry as a substrate. Biogas formation increased at least 160–170% upon addition of the hydrogen-producing bacteria as compared to the biogas production of the spontaneously formed microbial consortium. Using the hydrogenase-minus control strain provided evidence that the observed enhancement was due to interspecies hydrogen transfer. The on-going presence of C. saccharolyticus was demonstrated after several months of semicontinuous operation.  相似文献   

Phosphogypsum (CaSO4), a primary by-product of phosphoric acid production, is accumulated in large stockpiles and occupies vast areas of land. It poses a severe threat to the quality of water and land in countries producing phosphoric acid. In this study, the potential of sulfate-reducing bacteria for biodegradation of this sulfur-rich industrial solid waste was assessed. The effect of phosphogypsum concentration, carbon and nitrogen sources, temperature, pH and stirring on the growth of sulfate-reducing bacteria was investigated. Growth of sulfate-reducing bacteria was monitored by measuring sulfide production. Phosphogypsum was shown to be a good source of sulfate, albeit that the addition of organic carbon was necessary for bacterial growth. Biogenic sulfide production occurred with phosphogypsum up to a concentration of 40 g L−1, above which no growth of sulfate-reducing bacteria was observed. Optimal growth was obtained at 10 g L−1 phosphogypsum. Both the gas mixture H2/CO2 and lactate supported high amounts of H2S formation (19 and 11 mM, respectively). The best source of nitrogen for sulfate-reducing bacteria was yeast extract, followed by ammonium chloride. The presence of nitrate had an inhibitory effect on the process of sulfate reduction. Stirring the culture at 150 rpm slightly stimulated H2S formation, probably by improving sulfate solubility.  相似文献   

Abstract Acetate turnover was measured in slurries of anoxic methanogenic paddy soil after addition of carrier-free [2-14C]-acetate. Acetate concentrations stayed fairly constant for about 1–2 days indicating steady state between production and consumption reactions. Depending on the experiment, acetate concentrations were between 100 and 3000 μM. Turnover rates were determined from the logarithmic decrease of [2-14C]-acetate or from the accumulation of acetate in the presence of chloroform resulting in similar values, i.e. 12–13 nmol h−1g−1d.w. soil at 17°C and 36–88 nmol h−1g−1d.w. at 30°C. Acetate consumption was completely inhibited by chloroform. The respiratory index (RI) was < 0.27. Hence, acetate was apparently consumed by methanogenic bacteria. About 80–90% of the CH4 produced originated from the methyl group of acetate. The role of homoacetogenesis for acetate production was studied by measuring the incorporation of radioactive bicarbonate into acetate. In different experiments, CO2 incorporation accounted for fractions of 1–60% of the acetate produced, about 10% being the most likely value for steady-state conditions. The fraction increased at high H2 concentrations and decreased at high acetate concentrations. The rate of H2 production that was required for chemolithotrophic acetate production from CO2 was two orders of magnitude higher than the actually measured rate. Hence, most of the CO2 incorporation into acetate was caused by electron donors other than H2 (e.g., carbohydrates) and/or by exchange reactions.  相似文献   

Abstract In the dense microbial aggregates usually found in methanogenic waste water treatment systems, hydrogen has to diffuse from producers to consumers at considerable rates. The ensuing hydrogen gradients dissipate part of the potential energy that would otherwise be available to the hydrogen-consuming organisms. The present paper evaluates the energetic consequences of this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Sulfate reduction by a syntrophic propionate-oxidizing bacterium   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The syntrophic propionate-oxidizing bacterium MPOB was able to grow in the absence of methanogens by coupling the oxidation of propionate to the reduction of sulfate. Growth on propionate plus sulfate was very slow (=0.024 day–1). An average growth yield was found of 1.5 g (dry weight) per mol of propionate. MPOB grew even slower than other sulfate-reducing syntrophic propionate-oxidizing bacteria. The growth rates and yields of strict sulfate-reducing bacteria (Desulfobulbus sp.) grown on propionate plus sulfate are considerably higher.  相似文献   

Abstract The products of anaerobic and micro-aerobic (0.8% O2) metabolism of the sapropelic ciliate Trimyema compressum strain N were studied. Under anaerobic conditions ethanol was formed in large amounts representing 44% of the total carbon excreted. Acetate, lactate, formate, CO2 and H2 were minor products, while succinate was formed in hardly detectable amounts. Under micro-aerobic conditions O2 was consumed, CO2 and formate were produced as major end products and no H2, ethanol and succinate were formed.  相似文献   

A new species of anaerobic bacterium that degrades the even-numbered carbon fatty acids, butyrate, caproate and caprylate, to acetate and H2 and the odd-numbered carbon fatty acids, valerate and heptanoate, to acetate, propionate and H2 was obtained in coculture with either an H2-utilizing methanogen or H2-utilizing desulfovibrio. The organism could be grown only in syntrophic association with the H2-utilizer and no other energy sources or combination of electron donor and acceptors were utilized. It was a Gram-negative helical rod with 2 to 8 flagella, about 20 nm in diameter, inserted in a linear fashion about 130 nm or more apart along the concave side of the cell. It grew with a generation time of 84 h in co-culture with Methanospirillum hungatii and was present in numbers of at least 4.5×10-6 per g of anaerobic digestor sludge.  相似文献   

Abstract In a mineral medium containing sulfate as terminal electron acceptor, the sulfate-reducing bacterium Desulfovibrio alcoholovorans oxidized stoichiometrically 1 mol glycerol to 1 mol acetate and 1 mol 1,3-propanediol to 1 mol acetate with the concomitant reduction of 0.75 and 1 mol sulfate, respectively; 1 mol 1,2-propanediol was degraded to 0.8 mol acetate and 0.1 mol proprionate, with the reduction of approximately 1 mol sulfate. The maximum specific growth rates (μmax in h−1) were 0.22, 0.086 and 0.09 with glycerol, 1,3-propanediol and 1,2-propanediol, respectively. The growth yields were 12.7 g, 11.1 g and 7.2 g dry weight/mol 1,3-propanediol, glycerol and 1,2-propanediol degraded, respectively. The growth yields and maximum specific growth rates of the H2-transferring associations were also calculated. In the absense of sulfate, all these reduced substrates were degraded to acids and methane when D. alcoholovorans was cocultured with Methanospirillum hungatei . Changes in the metabolic pathway were observed in the degradation of 1,2- and 1,3-propanediol. The metabolic efficiency of D. alcoholovorans to degrade glycerol, 1.2- and 1,3-propanediol is discussed.  相似文献   

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