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油樟油细胞和粘液细胞的发育解剖学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用薄切片法对油樟茎叶油细胞和粘液细胞发育的研究结果表明,油细胞最早发生于第二叶原基以及茎端皮层和髓的基本分生组织中。未出现油细胞以前,在上述器官的基本分生组织和原分生组织中,难以区分油细胞的原始细胞与周围细胞,当油细胞原始细胞呈现出体积较大,液泡化程度较低,细胞核大而明显的特征才明显可辨,以后经过液泡融合,油细胞成熟和油细胞的细胞质解体阶段而成为一贮油的囊,而且油囊连接在杯形构造上,粘液细胞的早期发育过程与油细胞的相同,而在细胞液泡化的后期,靠近大液泡的细胞质中产生粘液物质。并扩散到大液泡中,粘液物质不断产生,变浓,占据整个细胞腔,细胞质解体后而成为完全成熟的粘液细胞,因此可见,油细胞和粘液细胞是同源的,也可能粘液细胞是由油细胞转化而来的。  相似文献   

鹅掌楸油细胞的发育解剖学研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
鹅掌楸油细胞比相邻组织细胞分化,因而在叶肉细胞未完全分化的叶原基、幼叶以及未完全分化的幼茎中,都可看到已分化的油细胞。通常,在第二叶原基中可发现油细胞原始细胞,由于其染色深、细胞核大而易与周围组织的细胞相区别。以后,油细胞逐步液泡化,直至形成一个大的液泡,此时,细胞核呈扁平状,并与细胞质一起成为一薄层围绕着大液泡。当油细胞发育成熟后,细胞质及核开始解体,整个油细胞的腔由大液泡充满,成为油囊,在部分  相似文献   

瑞香试管苗的玻璃化受到细胞分裂素浓度和茎尖外植体大小的影响,细胞分裂素浓度越高,茎尖外植体越小,产生的玻璃苗越多。玻璃苗与正常试管苗的茎尖在形态结构上有明明显差别,主要表现为顶端分生组织原体原套结构异常和细胞的明显液泡化。  相似文献   

某些因素对玻璃苗形成的影响和玻璃苗在形态解剖上的特点   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
瑞香试管苗的玻璃化受到细胞分裂素浓度和茎尖外植体划、的影响,细胞分裂素浓度越高,茎尖外植体越小,产生的玻璃苗越多,玻璃苗与正常试管苗的茎尖在形态结构上有明显差别,主要表现为顶端分生组织原体原套结构异常和细胞的明显液泡化。  相似文献   

慈菇匍匐茎中分泌道的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
慈茹匍蔔茎的分泌道是裂生的胞间道,分布于匍匐茎的基本组织中。单个分泌道原始细胞起始于离茎端约1毫米处的基本分生组织中,原始细胞经分裂形成5—7个上皮细胞包围着中央的裂生腔隙,成为管道系统。上皮细胞无鞘细胞包围。上皮细胞中高尔基体和内质网发达,并溢出小囊泡向着分泌道腔隙面壁的质膜附近迁移,乳汁中亦存在大量完整的小囊泡。上皮细胞和外围薄壁细胞之间的壁层具有大量胞间连丝,小囊泡和内质网的膜结构与胞间连丝末端相接,同时可见上皮细胞的质膜在数处反折内陷,形成袋状结构,在与上皮细胞相对的薄壁细胞内也有同样现象出现,袋状结构内含小形颗粒或囊泡,并在结构上显示出上皮细胞与相邻薄壁细胞间存在着活跃的物质交流。由此认为。代谢物质以整体小囊泡的形式经胞间连丝或内陷的质膜向分泌道迁移是物质运输和分泌的可能方式之一。在电镜下观察,液泡中的积聚物与乳汁十分相似,液泡可能是乳汁的贮存场所之一。  相似文献   

锦橙汁囊的超微结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用常规电镜方法观察了锦橙[Citrussinensis (L.) Osb.]汁囊从原始细胞到发育为一个具柄的成熟汁囊的过程中,汁囊构成细胞超微结构的变化。锦橙汁囊原始细胞及发育为球状体时的构成细胞以及柱状结构顶端的细胞都是一种典型的分生组织细胞。在细胞质中有包括线粒体、质体、内质网、核糖体等丰富的细胞器,但没有观察到高尔基体。这些分生细胞分裂一段时期后就停止活动,逐渐分化为适应贮藏功能的液泡化薄壁细胞。分生细胞开始分化时,在细胞中出现许多小液泡和高尔基体。这些小液泡逐渐地融合,同时细胞质变少,最后形成一个有中央大液泡的薄壁细胞,在紧贴细胞膜的薄薄的一层细胞质中有线粒体、质体、高尔基体以及含有许多脂滴的杂色体。但成熟果实中汁囊的薄壁细胞中几乎没有任何细胞器。  相似文献   

贯叶连翘分泌结构的发育及其内含物积累的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
胡正海  吕洪飞 《西北植物学报》2001,21(2):287-292,T008,T009
应用半薄切片和组织化学观察结果表明,贯叶连翘植物内具有分泌囊和分泌细胞团,叶片,萼片,花瓣中都存在2种分泌结构,分泌囊尚存在于果壁内,而分泌细胞团还在花药和茎棱中 ,2种分泌结构均起源于幼叶的基本分生组织内,其原始细胞形态相似,都垂周分裂为2子细胞,接着分别以不同分裂方式形成原始细胞群,并分化出鞘细胞,以后分 囊原始细胞群以裂生方式发育成由1层鞘细胞,1层上皮细胞包围着分泌腔组成的分泌囊,而分泌细胞团原始细胞群则继续增加细胞数目和体积发育成2-4层鞘细胞包围紧密排列的分泌细胞组成的分泌细胞团,其中给终未出现分泌腔,组织[化学试验表明,前者产生和贮存油类物质,而后者产生和贮存金丝桃素类物质。  相似文献   

毛青藤茎的发育解剖学研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
毛青藤茎顶端的原生分生组织由原套和原体组成,其行生细胞形成初生分生组织──原表皮、原形成层和基本分生组织。初生分生组织的衍生细胞分化形成茎的初生结构,包括表皮、皮层、维管束和髓。随着茎的继续发育,维管形成层开始活动,由束中形成层产生次生韧皮部和次生木质部分子,而束间形成层仅产生薄壁组织细胞形成宽的射线。在原生韧皮部筛管分化成熟的过程中,韧应部外方仍保留1—2层原形成层细胞,以后,它们分裂为多层纤维原始细胞,在次生结构形成时,这些细胞的细胞壁加厚,形成初生初皮纤维。茎始终未产生用皮。  相似文献   

喜树原形成层到形成层转化的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
观察了枣树茎中原形成层到形成层的转化过程。距茎端0.5mm处,节间开始伸长之前,横切面上4—5个原形成束及束间的分生组织组成原形成层环。径向切面观,原形成层环呈现出较均一的结构。随着节间开始伸长,由于原形成层细胞发生假横向分裂,出现了长短两类细胞,长细胞多数端壁倾斜,短细胞多数端壁平截。以后,长细胞发育为纺缍状原始细胞,短细胞发育为射线原始细胞,部分射线原始细胞可以伸长井侵入生长而转化为纺缍状原始细胞。在节间伸长将停止时,此种转化基本完成。喜树为非叠生形成层,纺缍状原始细胞和射线原始细胞都有多核现象发生。  相似文献   

液泡是很多植物细胞的显著特征和重要组成部分。在所有的重要陆生植物成熟细胞和许多真菌、藻类(原核细胞除外)中都有液泡,但幼年植物的分生组织细胞和动物细胞都无液泡。在成熟的植物细胞中,液泡可占据细胞体积的90%。  相似文献   

An interesting anatomic feature of Rauwolfia is the occurrence of a remarkable type of sclereid in the stem and root. The initials of the sclereids in the stem arise in the ground tissue element of the pith in a region between 50 and 70μ below the surface of the shoot apex. This region of the shoot remains surrounded by a whorl of either 3 or 4 leaves. Sclereids initiate in succession in association with each whorl of leaves. Thus, the sclereids are restricted to the nodes. The sclereids in the stem arise as a primary element of the shoot from the ground tissue of the pith. In the root, they differentiate from the cells of the phelloderm and are secondary in origin. Morphologically, the sclereids in these 2 organs are basically the same, except that the sclereids in the stem are larger in size than those in the root. A solitary cell, or 2 to several cells in a longitudinal cell file (originated from a single mother cell), may differentiate into sclereid initials. The growth of the sclereids through relatively compact ground tissue of the pith is possibly accomplished by a combination of gliding growth and apical intrusive process. The sclereid initials grow rapidly and force their way between the parenchymatous cells. As a result, the neighboring cells lose their original surface contacts. Sclereids increase in size rapidly, and, therefore, very enlarged sclereids with thin primary walls may be observed in the second node. They mature progressively in basipetal direction in the subjacent nodes. In the fifth or sixth node, mature sclereids with massive secondary walls are most common. The secondary walls of sclereids contain much lignin as determined by the phloroglucinol-HCl test. The walls of sclereids at maturity show a variable number of lamellae ranging from 10 to 15 in the lateral walls. A remarkable feature of the sclereids is their canal-like pits in the secondary walls. Two adjacent pits may coalesce uniquely to form a Y-like configuration directed centrifugally from the lumen of the sclereids. The sclereids are ventrically symmetrical, joined end-to-end by their transverse walls like 2 superimposed young fibers.  相似文献   

The shoot apex of Dennstaedtia cicutaria consists of three zones—a zone of surface initials, a zone of subsurface initials, and a cup-shaped zone that is subdivided into a peripheral region and central region. A diffuse primary thickening meristem, which is continuous with the peripheral region of the cup-shaped zone, gives rise to a broad cortex. The roots occurring on the rhizomes are initiated very near the shoot apex in the outer derivatives of the primary thickening meristem. The roots that occur on the leaf bases also differentiate from cortical cells. Eventually, those cortical cells situated between the newly formed root apical cell and the rhizome procambium (or leaf trace) differentiate into the procambium of the root trace, thus establishing procambial continuity with that of the rhizome or leaf trace. Parenchymatous root gaps are formed in the rhizome stele and leaf traces when a few of their procambial cells located directly above the juncture of the root trace procambium differentiate into parenchyma. As the rhizome procambium or leaf trace continues to elongate, the parenchyma cells of the gap randomly divide and enlarge, thus extending the gap.  相似文献   

Tolbert , Robert J. (West Virginia U., Morgantown.) A seasonal study of the vegetative shoot apex and the pattern of pith development in Hibiscus syriacus. Amer. Jour. Bot. 48(3): 249–255. Illus. 1961.—The shoot apex of Hibiscus syriacus L. is described as having a cytohistological zonation superimposed on a tunica-corpus configuration. The apex is flat-topped or may have a saddle-back or concave appearance as seen in median longitudinal section. The metrameristem, consisting of the tunica and corpus initials, is comprised of large, light-staining, vacuolate cells that have thick cell walls and exhibit much dark-staining intercellular substance. Surrounding the metrameristem is the flanking meristem, which is responsible for the outer layers of the shoot, and from which the leaf primordia arise. The pith rib meristem lies below the metrameristem and consists of files of cells that are responsible for the pith. There are no major seasonal changes in the structure of the apex during the yearly cycle. The pith displays a long-shoot type of development with the cells remaining in distinct files during the first flush of growth in the spring. As growth slows and internode elongation is gradually reduced, the pith displays the characteristic short-shoot type of development, consisting of a spongy tissue of rounded cells with many intercellular spaces and no distinct files of cells. A crown is differentiated across the top of the pith at the end of the growth period. This consists of a band of cells with thick, dark-staining cell walls, which separates by the apex from the last year's growth. In contrast to many gymnosperms, this crown is dispersed by renewed cell activity the following spring.  相似文献   

Anatomical observations were made on 1-, 2-, and 3-yr-old plants of Yucca whipplei Torr, ssp. percursa Haines grown from seed collected from a single parent in Refugio Canyon, Santa Barbara, California. The primary body of the vegetative stem consists of cortex and central cylinder with a central pith. Parenchyma cells in the ground tissue are arranged in anticlinal cell files continuous from beneath the leaf bases, through the cortex and central cylinder to the pith. Individual vascular bundles in the primary body have a collateral arrangement of xylem and phloem. The parenchyma cells of the ground tissue of the secondary body are also arranged in files continuous with those of the primary parenchyma. Secondary vascular bundles have an amphivasal arrangement and an undulating path with frequent anastomoses. Primary and secondary vascular bundles are longitudinally continuous. The primary thickening meristem (PTM) is longitudinally continuous with the secondary thickening meristem (STM). Axillary buds initiated during primary growth were observed in the leaf axils. The STM becomes more active prior to and during root initiation. Layers of secondary vascular bundles are associated with root formation.  相似文献   

Excised shoot apices of Osmunda claytoniana were grown under controlled sterile conditions. Histological examination of the normal shoot apex shows that it is comprised of: (1) a promeristem, which possesses 1 or more apical initiating cells at its center; (2) a prestelar tissue consisting of an incipient vascular tissue which flanks the pith-mother-cell zone; the pith-mother-cell zone gives rise to the pith rib meristem and subsequently to the fundamental parenchyma of the pith; (3) the fundamental parenchyma of the cortex and the fundamental parenchyma of the dermal system both arising from flank cells of the promeristem. Apical initial cells of meristems irradiated with a 127,000 rad acute exposure of a deuteron beam having a diameter of 25μ, histologically examined at 7-day intervals for a 12-week period, as early as 3 weeks’ postirradiation, showed the apical initiating cell(s) together with certain of the cells of the pith-mother-cell zone to be destroyed. A wound response develops peripherally to the destroyed initials. In addition, an isolated, organized growth center is observed to develop from normal promeristem cells. Incipient vascular tissue and a new pith-mother-cell zone are also observed to develop in association with the new center of growth. Implications of the role of the interrelationships between apical initiating cell(s) and other cells of the meristem and the role they may play in maintenance of meristematic integrity within the shoot meristem are discussed.  相似文献   

The structure, growth and mitotic activity of 211 shoot apices of developing sprouts of Syringa oblata var. affinis Lingelsh. in longitudinal sections and 67 in transverse sections have been studied with the view to understanding the nature of zonation patterns and cytogenesis of the apical meristems during a double plastochron. The external morphology and the anatomical structure of the apices in 4 plastochronic stage-early, middle, late Ⅰ and late Ⅱ stages are described. In the shoot apices examined, especially those at late plastochronic stage, the following zones may be delimited: Zone of tunica initials, zone of corpus initials, peripheral zone and zone of rib meristem. The location and orientation of mitotic figures observed in longisections of the apices in 4 plastochronic stages are plotted in diagrams and the mitotic frequency has been calculated. Information obtained from these investigations reveals that the tunica and corpus inititals constitute an active region of the apex, but their mitotic activity changes periodically within the double plastochron. In the middle plastochronic stage when the apex is at its minimal area and the cells of peripheral zone and rib meristem zone have been completely transformed into constituent parts of foliar primordia and the subjacent tissues of the stem and the pith mother cells respectively, the mitotic frequency of the initials is at its maximium and its intensity of mitotic activity is not much lower than that of any other meristematic zone at any stage. When the apical dome is reformed by the activity of these initials in late plastochronic stages, the mitotic frequency of the initials gradually drops and the region of high mitotic frequency shifts to the flank of the apex, the peripheral zone. Anticlinal divisions are predominant in this zone. On the other hand, those cells directly left behind by the corpus initials, which constitute the rib meristem, are vacuolated and marked by the pre- dominance of transverse divisions. Thus the entire zonation pattern reappears. In the next early plastochronic stage, the mitotic frequency of the tunica and corpus initials drops to its mimimium, but other regions of the apex still maintain a high mitotic frequency. It may be concluded that the tunica and corpus initials form a cytogenerative center of the shoot, and the cytohistological zonation is actually a result of the fact that different regions of apical meristems are different in mitotic activety, different in state of cell differentiation and different in their function in morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Results of histochemical tests for cytochrome oxidase activityin four species of Rauwolfia have been reported. The cells beneaththe terminal shoot meristem constitute the pith. Histochemicaltests showed intensified enzymatic activity in those cells ofthe pith which would differentiate as sclereid initials. Similarcytochrome oxidase activity also occurred in the sclereid initialsand the developing sclereids. The cytochrome oxidase activitywas associated with two types of particulate formation, thegranular and rod-shaped. The ground parenchymatous cells ofthe pith and the leaf-base showed very little enzymatic activityof cytochrome oxidase. The characteristic indophenol blue colorationdue to cytochrome oxidase activity did not appear in controlsections. Physiological changes correlated with morphogeneticexpression of some pith cells demonstrate that the physiologicalchanges occur before the initiation of sclereids in the morphologicallyhomogeneous parenchymatous cells of the pith. Intensified cytochromeoxidase activity was also recorded in the meristematic tissuesof shoot apex, procambium, axillary buds and the laticiferouscells of Rauwolfia.  相似文献   

The structures of the three Myb -related genes Hv1 , Hv5 and Hv33 from barley were determined. They contain a single intron located in the second repeat unit of the Myb -related domain. By analogy to the animal MYB oncoproteins this conserved region of the gene product was shown by filter-binding experiments to exhibit nucleic acid-binding activity. Tobacco plants transgenic for chimeric Myb promoter/ Gus genes express the enzyme in a developmentally controlled and tissue-specific manner. During germination and early stages of plant growth, GUS activity is seen in the root cap and adjacent meristematic tissue. At later stages of plant development, GUS activity is predominantly observed in the shoot apical meristem, the roots and the nodal regions of the stem. Within the stem at stages of secondary growth, Myb promoters are active in defined cell types. In the internode low GUS activity is displayed by the innermost cell layer of the cortex, the starch sheath, that surrounds the vascular cylinder of secondary xylem and phloem tissue, as well as in pith rays originating from vascular cambium initials. In the nodal region Myb promoter-controlled Gus expression is mainly confined to the abaxial starch sheath of the leaf trace, to the branch traces and to internal strands of primary phloem. It is suggested that in addition to their activity in meristematically active plant tissues Myb genes are expressed in conductive tissues that are closely associated with vascular bundles.  相似文献   

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