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Pierce’s Disease (PD) of grapevines, caused by Xylella fastidiosa subsp. fastidiosa (Xf), is a limiting factor in the cultivation of grapevines in the US. There are presently no effective control methods to prevent or treat PD. The therapeutic and prophylactic efficacy of a phage cocktail composed of four virulent (lytic) phages was evaluated for control of PD. Xf levels in grapevines were significantly reduced in therapeutically or prophylactically treated grapevines. PD symptoms ceased to progress one week post-therapeutic treatment and symptoms were not observed in prophylactically treated grapevines. Cocktail phage levels increased in grapevines in the presence of the host. No in planta phage-resistant Xf isolates were obtained. Moreover, Xf mutants selected for phage resistance in vitro did not cause PD symptoms. Our results indicate that phages have great potential for biocontrol of PD and other economically important diseases caused by Xylella.  相似文献   

Pierce's disease (PD, Xylella fastidiosa) of grapevine is the primary pathogen limiting vinifera grape production in Florida and other regions of the southeastern United States. Quick and accurate detection of PD strains is essential for PD studies and control. A unique random amplified polymorphic DNA (PD1-1-2) was isolated from a PD strain from Florida. Fragment PD1-1-2 was cloned, sequenced, and found to be 1005 bp in length. PCR primers were designed to utilize these sequence data for PD strain detection. One primer set (XF176f–XF954r) amplified a 779-bp DNA fragment from 34 PD strains including seven pathotypes of X. fastidiosa, but not from strains of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris, Xan. vesicatoria or Escherichia coli. A second primer set (XF176f and XF686r) amplified a 511-bp fragment specific to 98 PD strains, but not from strains of citrus variegated chlorosis, mulberry leaf scorch, oak leaf scorch, periwinkle wilt, phony peach, or plum leaf scald. Sequence analysis indicated that RAPD fragment PD1-1-2 contains a Ser-tRNA gene. The PD-specific region includes a TaqI restriction site (TCGA) and is 150 bp downstream of the Ser-tRNA gene. Received: 1 March 1999 / Accepted: 5 April 1999  相似文献   

A postembedding staining method is presented for ultrastructural visualization of amyloid deposits in brain sections from patients with Alzheimer's disease. Methenamine silver stain is applied to thin sections of tissue embedded in the acrylic resin LR Gold. Senile plaques are easily labeled by silver granules and the ultrastructural detail is well preserved. When staining time is prolonged, silver precipitate also is deposited on neuronal paired helical filaments. This method overcomes the drawbacks of previously reported applications of the stain on Vibra-tome and Epon sections. Thin sections from the same tissue block can be immunostained with antibodies to various plaque components, thus allowing comparative studies at the electron microscope level.  相似文献   

Abstract: The changes in cellular structures that occur in cambial cell derivatives during xylogenesis were examined in Populus trichocarpa Torr et Gray. During dormancy, the cells of the vascular cambium are characterised by dense cytoplasm, many small vacuoles and lipid bodies. During cambial activation, cambial cells are highly vacuolated, the cytoplasm is rich in organelles and the nucleus contains distinctly enlarged nucleoli. The plasma membrane forms vesicle-filled invaginations which mediate uptake of vesicular material into the vacuole. The mitotic patterns in dividing fusiform cells are fragmentary due to their strong vacuolisation. During cell enlargement, cambial cell derivatives remain strongly vacuolated and cytoplasmic structures are similar to active fusiform cells. From the beginning of secondary cell wall formation many changes in cytoplasmic structures occur in newly-formed fibres and vessels. In fibres, the cytoplasm is characterised by components of secondary cell wall synthesis, as indicated by increased amounts of endoplasmic reticulum, vesicle-producing dictyosomes and microtubules. In contrast, vessels show a more or less distinct occurrence of these components and remain more strongly vacuolated than fibres. Similar to cambial cells, a distinct flow of vesicular material into the vacuole through invaginations of the plasma membrane is apparent in fibres, as well as in vessels. After completion of the secondary cell walls, the loss of tonoplast integrity causes the collapse of the vacuole and initiates cell death in vessels and fibres. In vessels the tonoplast exhibits unusually strong staining prior to the collapse of the vacuole, indicating subsequent cell death. Overall, our results indicate an important role for the vacuole in the xylogen differentiation of cambial derivatives.  相似文献   

Infection of the root system in tomato by the root-knot nematodewas found to alter the gibberellins and cytokinina extractedfrom root tissue and xylum exudate. Gibberellins from the roottissue and xylem exudate of healthy plants occurred in the neutral,acidic, and aqueous fractions. With increasing levels of infection,gibberellins were primarily extracted in the slightly acidicfraction. Gibberellin activity in the neutral, acidic, and aqueousfractions was decreased in diseased plants. Cytokinins, whichwere also extracted from root tissue and xylem exudate, werelower in diseased plants than in uninfected plants.  相似文献   

Strains of Xylella fastidiosa isolated from grape, almond, maple, and oleander were characterized by enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus sequence-, repetitive extragenic palindromic element (REP)-, and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)-PCR; contour-clamped homogeneous electric field (CHEF) gel electrophoresis; plasmid content; and sequencing of the 16S-23S rRNA spacer region. Combining methods gave greater resolution of strain groupings than any single method. Strains isolated from grape with Pierce's disease (PD) from California, Florida, and Georgia showed greater than previously reported genetic variability, including plasmid contents, but formed a cluster based on analysis of RAPD-PCR products, NotI and SpeI genomic DNA fingerprints, and 16S-23S rRNA spacer region sequence. Two groupings of almond leaf scorch (ALS) strains were distinguished by RAPD-PCR and CHEF gel electrophoresis, but some ALS isolates were clustered within the PD group. RAPD-PCR, CHEF gel electrophoresis, and 16S-23S rRNA sequence analysis produced the same groupings of strains, with RAPD-PCR resolving the greatest genetic differences. Oleander strains, phony peach disease (PP), and oak leaf scorch (OLS) strains were distinct from other strains. DNA profiles constructed by REP-PCR analysis were the same or very similar among all grape strains and most almond strains but different among some almond strains and all other strains tested. Eight of 12 ALS strains and 4 of 14 PD strains of X. fastidiosa isolated in California contained plasmids. All oleander strains carried the same-sized plasmid; all OLS strains carried the same-sized plasmid. A plum leaf scald strain contained three plasmids, two of which were the same sizes as those found in PP strains. These findings support a division of X. fastidiosa at the subspecies or pathovar level.  相似文献   

Characteristic symptoms of Pierce's disease (PD) in grapevines (Vitis vinifera L.) were observed in 2002 in the major grape production fields of central Taiwan. Disease severity in vineyards varied, and all investigated grape cultivars were affected. Diseased tissues were collected from fields for subsequent isolation and characterization of the causal agent of the disease (Xylella fastidiosa). Koch's postulates were fulfilled by artificially inoculating two purified PD bacteria to grape cultivars Kyoho, Honey Red and Golden Muscat. The inoculated plants developed typical leaf‐scorching symptoms, and similar disease severity developed in the three cultivars from which the bacterium was readily re‐isolated, proving that the leaf scorch of grapevines in Taiwan is caused by the fastidious X. fastidiosa. This confirmed PD of grapevines is also the first report from the Asian Continent. Phylogenetic analyses were performed by comparing the 16S rRNA gene and 16S‐23S rRNA internal transcribed spacer region (16S‐23S ITS) of 12 PD strains from Taiwan with the sequences of 13 X. fastidiosa strains from different hosts and different geographical areas. Results showed that the PD strains of Taiwan were closely related to the American X. fastidiosa grape strains but not to the pear strains of Taiwan, suggesting that the X. fastidiosa grape and pear strains of Taiwan may have evolved independently from each other.  相似文献   

1. The terminal shoot (or current-year shoot), as one of the most active parts on a woody plant, is a basic unit determining plant height and is potentially influenced by a variety of environmental factors. It has been predicted that tissues amount and their allocation in plant stems may play a critical role in determining plant size in alpine regions. The primary structure in terminal shoots is a key to our understanding treeline formation. The existing theories on treeline formation, however, are still largely lacking of evidence at the species level, much less from anatomy for the terminal shoot.2. The primary structures within terminal shoot were measured quantitatively for 100 species from four elevation zones along the eastern slope of Gongga Mountain, southwestern China; one group was sampled from above the treeline. An allometric approach was employed to examine scaling relationships interspecifically, and a principal components analysis (PCA) was performed to test the relation among primary xylem, ground tissue, species growth form and altitude.3. The results showed that xylem tissue size was closely correlated with ground tissue size isometrically across species, while undergoing significant y- or/and x-intercept shift in response to altitudinal belts. Further, a conspicuous characteristic of terminal shoot was its allocation of contrasting tissues between primary xylem and ground tissues with increasing elevation. The result of the PCA showed correlations between anatomical variation, species growth form/height classes and environment.4. The current study presents a comparative assessment of the allocation of tissue in terminal shoot across phylogenically and ecologically diverse species, and analyzes tissue, function and climate associations with plant growth forms and height classes among species. The interspecific connection between primary xylem ratio and plant size along an elevation gradient suggests the importance of primary xylem in explaining the treeline formation.  相似文献   

Deuterium depletions between stem water and source water have been observed in coastal halophyte plants and in multiple species under greenhouse conditions. However, the location(s) of the isotope fractionation is not clear yet and it is uncertain whether deuterium fractionation appears in other natural environments. In this study, through two extensive field campaigns utilizing a common dryland riparian tree species Populus euphratica Oliv., we showed that no significant δ18O differences were found between water source and various plant components, in accord with previous studies. We also found that no deuterium fractionation occurred during P. euphratica water uptake by comparing the deuterium composition (δD) of groundwater and xylem sap. However, remarkable δD differences (up to 26.4‰) between xylem sap and twig water, root water and core water provided direct evidence that deuterium fractionation occurred between xylem sap and root or stem tissue water. This study indicates that deuterium fractionation could be a common phenomenon in drylands, which has important implications in plant water source identification, palaeoclimate reconstruction based on wood cellulose and evapotranspiration partitioning using δD of stem water.  相似文献   

通过同时测定葡萄木质部导管液流平均流量和流速,应用变形的哈根-泊萧叶方程,研究了测定葡萄木质部压力梯度的新方法。结果表明,在直径分别为7mm的葡萄茎段和4mm的葡萄叶柄上,用此新方法测得的木质部压力梯度与实际加在其上的压力梯度吻合的很好,说明此新方法可用于连续、实时测定葡萄木质部压力梯度。用此新方法在离体葡萄枝上测定发现,随光照强度增强,其木质部压力梯度成线性正相关增加。  相似文献   

Tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum‘Samsun’) havebeen grown with an antisense CAD (cinnamyl alcohol dehydrogenase)gene. This modifies lignin production, resulting in lignin witha greater aldehyde content which is easier to extract chemically.This lignin probably has a reduced crosslink density. The changedproperties of the lignin affect the longitudinal tensile modulusof the xylem tissue (wood), reducing it by one third, from 2.8GPa to 1.9 GPa. Tobacco xylem tissue cell walls are more sensitiveto changes in the properties of the matrix than can be predictedusing current cell wall mechanical models.Copyright 1998 Annalsof Botany Company Tobacco,Nicotiana tabacum, xylem tissue, Young's modulus, matrix polymer connectivity, plant biomechanics.  相似文献   

The cells of the ovarian transmitting tissue of Lilium regaleare papilla shaped and form and epithelium on the placenta.Their ultrastructural organization and differentiation from1 d before to 7 d after anthesis is presented. These placentacells are typical transfer cells with a prominent secretionzone similar to that known from stylar canal cells. After anthesisthe secretion zone continues to grow by addition of vesiclefrom the numerous dictyosomes. Maximum depth of this zone isreached by day 4 after anthesis. The outer surface of the cellwall is distinctly rugged on cell maturation and the outermostlayer is corroded. The ER system undergoes transition from asmooth to a granular condition. Before anthesis there is a centralvacuole which at anthesis is reduced to a system of small vauoles.These are supplemented by autophagic vacuoles formed from theER. Such vacuoles are found near the secretion zone and mayalso fuse with the plasmalemma. The cuticle is sloughed andsecretion commences before anthesis. Accumulations of vesiclesfound in the nucleus and occasional connections between suchvesicles and the inner membrane of the nuclear envelope indicatethe presence of a nuclear network. Protein crystals are presentin the cytoplasm and the nucleus. The starch grains in the plastidsare digested after anthesis, but new ones are formed by days6 and 7.Copyright 1995, 1999 Academic Press Lilium regale, transmitting tissue, placenta, secretion, nuclear reticulum, transfer cells  相似文献   

Palisade tissue chloroplasts (P-Chlts) and spongy tissue chloroplasts(S-Chlts) were separately isolated from spinach leaves, andtheir photosynthetic properties were compared. The followingresults were obtained: (1) At saturating light, the activities of overall electrontransport and CO2 fixation in P-Chlts were respectively 1.6–2.0and 2.5–3.0 times higher than those in S-Chlts on a Chlbasis. (2) The contents of PS I and PS II reaction centers (P700 and47 kDa polypeptide, respectively) were slightly higher in P-Chltsthan in S-Chlts, while the contents of plastoquinone, Cyt f,plastocyanin, ferredoxin, ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase, couplingfactor and ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase were 1.6–2.2times higher in P-Chlts than in S-Chlts on a Chl basis. (3) Electron microscopic examination of chloroplast ultrastructureshowed that S-Chlts have highly stacked grana accompanied byhigher proportion of appressed thylakoids relative to non-appressedthylakoids, while P-Chlts have poorly stacked grana. The volumeratio of thylakoids to stroma was higher in S-Chlts than inP-Chlts. These results indicate that mesophyll chloroplasts adapt tothe light environment within a leaf in a similar way that thesun and shade plant chloroplasts adapt to the light environmentwithin a canopy. (Received July 19, 1984; Accepted October 13, 1984)  相似文献   

The anatomical structure of the wood of Bretschneidera sinensis Hemsl. was studied with both light and scanning electron microscopy. The main characters of the secondary xylem are as follows: (1) The wood is diffuse porous with distinct growth ring. (2) Most vessel elements possess simple perforation plates, only a few are with scalariform perforation plates, but both of them have spiral thickenings on their secondary walls. (3) Tracheids, fiber-tracheids and libriform fibers all exist and the libriform fibers may or may not have septa. (4) Wood parenchyma is mainly of terminal distribution type. (5) Wood ray is heterogenous belonging to the Krib′s heterogenous IIB type. (6) Tylosis, resin canal and secretory cell are absent. Based on the present study and other data derived from external morphology, bark anatomy, chromosome study, palynology and embryogenetic study, the systematic position of Bretschneidera sinensis was analysed and discussed. The authors agree that the genus should be elevated to the level of a monotypic family—Bretschneideraceae, belonging to the order of Sapindales; also it is closely related to other primitive families of the same order such as Staphyleaceae, Sabiaceae and Connaraceae.  相似文献   

Xylella fastidiosa causes diseases on a growing list of economically important plants. An understanding of how xylellae diseases originated and evolved is important for disease prevention and management. In this study, we evaluated the phylogenetic relationships of X. fastidiosa strains from citrus, grapevine, and mulberry through the analyses of random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs) and conserved 16S rDNA genes. RAPD analysis emphasized the vigorous genome-wide divergence of X. fastidiosa and detected three clonal groups of strains that cause Pierce's disease (PD) of grapevine, citrus variegated chlorosis (CVC), and mulberry leaf scorch (MLS). Analysis of 16S rDNA sequences also identified the PD and CVC groups, but with a less stable evolutionary tree. MLS strains were included in the PD group by the 16S rDNA analysis. The Asiatic origins of the major commercial grape and citrus cultivars suggest the recent evolution of both PD and CVC disease in North and South America, respectively, since X. fastidiosa is a New World organism. In order to prevent the development of new diseases caused by X. fastidiosa, it is important to understand the diversity of X. fastidiosa strains, how strains of X. fastidiosa select their hosts, and their ecological roles in the native vegetation. Received: 7 February 2002 / Accepted: 7 March 2002  相似文献   

东北刺人参茎次生木质部结构植物学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
东北刺人参为五加科植物,本文对其茎次生木质部进行结构植物学研究,发现其为环孔材,射线为异形Ⅱ型。在离析材料中,发现其导管分子穿孔板有单穿孔板和梯状穿孔板2种。具不同穿孔板的导管分子可分为8种。还有维管管胞、纤维管胞和韧型木纤维。8种导管分子是只有中央具1个单穿孔的导管;中央有2个穿孔的导管,其中一个孔是单穿孔,另一个是梯状穿孔;一端是梯状穿孔板,另一端为孔纹增厚的导管;一端是单穿孔。另一端是孔纹增厚的导管;一端为单穿孔板。另一端为梯状穿孔板的导管;两端都是梯状穿孔板的导管;侧壁具有3个穿孔的导管;两端都具单穿孔的导管。在东北刺人参的个体发育中重演了系统发育过程中导管分子穿孔板的演化过程。  相似文献   

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