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Paraffin sections of mouse and rat kidney were stained with a battery of ten lectin-horseradish peroxidase conjugates and lectin binding was correlated with the ultrastructural distribution of periodate-reactive sugar residues as determined by the periodic acid-thiocarbohydrazide-silver proteinate technique. Various segments of the uriniferous tubule in both species showed differential affinity for labelled lectins. Significant differences were also evident between comparable tubular segments in mouse and rat kidneys. Neutral glycoconjugates containing terminal beta-galactose and terminal alpha-N-acetylgalactosamine were prevalent on the luminal surface of the proximal convoluted tubule in the rat, but alpha-N-acetylgalactosamine was absent in this site in the mouse. In both species, terminal N-acetylglucosamine was abundant in the brush border of proximal straight tubules but absent in proximal convolutions. Fucose was demonstrated in both proximal and distal segments of mouse kidney tubules but only in the distal nephron and collecting ducts in the rat. Lectin staining revealed striking heterogeneity in the structure and distribution of cellular glycoconjugates. Such cellular heterogeneity was previously unrecognizable with earlier histochemical methods. The marked cellular heterogeneity observed with several lectin-conjugates in distal convoluted tubules and collecting ducts of both species raises a prospect that lectins can provide specific markers for intercalated and principal cells in the mammalian kidney. Glycoconjugates containing terminal sialic acid and penultimate beta-galactose were present on vascular endothelium in both rodent kidneys, as were terminal alpha-galactose residues; but both species lacked reactivity for Ulex europeus I lectin in contrast to human vascular endothelial cells. The constant binding pattern of lectin conjugates allows convenient and precise differentiation of renal tubular segments and should prove valuable in the study of changes in kidney morphology promoted by experimental manipulation or pathologic changes.  相似文献   

Summary Fragments of mesonephros were taken from chick embryos and studied from the 4th to the 21st day of incubation. A battery of seven different horseradish peroxidase-labelled lectins was used to study the distribution of carbohydrate residues in glycoconjugates along the mesonephric nephron during the period of excretory activity and the period of involution. ConA and WGA reacted at every site of the nephron thus showing the ubiquitous presence of -D-mannose andN-acetyl-d-glucosamine. SBA was a good marker of the proximal tubule. Other lectins, such as PNA and LTA, reacted only for a short time at some sites during the considered period of incubation. The presence of sialic acid was detected in the podocytes, capillary wall and mesangial cells. From the 10th-11th day of incubation changes were noted in the proximal tubule as shown by PNA reactivity. This may be significant as regards the exact stage of incubation during which the involution of mesonephros begins.  相似文献   

Fragments of mesonephros were taken from chick embryos and studied from the 4th to the 21st day of incubation. A battery of seven different horseradish peroxidase-labelled lectins was used to study the distribution of carbohydrate residues in glycoconjugates along the mesonephric nephron during the period of excretory activity and the period of involution. ConA and WGA reacted at every site of the nephron thus showing the ubiquitous presence of alpha-D-mannose and N-acetyl-D-glucosamine. SBA was a good marker of the proximal tubule. Other lectins, such as PNA and LTA, reacted only for a short time at some sites during the considered period of incubation. The presence of sialic acid was detected in the podocytes, capillary wall and mesangial cells. From the 10th-11th day of incubation changes were noted in the proximal tubule as shown by PNA reactivity. This may be significant as regards the exact stage of incubation during which the involution of mesonephros begins.  相似文献   

Summary Mouse salivary glands and pancreases were stained with a battery of ten horseradish peroxidase-conjugated lectins. Lectin staining revealed striking differences in the structure of oligosaccharides of stored intracellular secretory glycoproteins and glycoconjugates associated with the surface of epithelial cells lining excretory ducts. The percentage of acinar cells containing terminal -N-acetylgalactosamine residues varied greatly in submandibular glands of 30 male mice, but all submandibular acinar cells contained oligosaccharides with terminal sialic acid and penultimate -galactose residues. The last named dimer was abundant in secretory glycoprotein of all mucous acinar cells in murine sublingual glands and an additional 20–50% of these cells in all glands contained terminalN-acetylglucosamine residues. In contrast, terminal -N-acetylgalactosamine was abundant in sublingual serous demilune secretions. Serous acinar cells in the exorbital lacrimal gland, posterior lingual gland, parotid gland and pancreas exhibited a staining pattern unique to each organ. In contrast, the apical cytoplasm and surface of striated duct epithelial cells in the submandibular, sublingual, parotid and exorbital lacrimal gland stained similarly. A comparison of staining with conjugated lectins reported biochemically to have very similar carbohydrate binding specificity has revealed some remarkable differences in their reactivity, suggesting different binding specificity for the same terminal sugars having different glycosidic linkages or with different penultimate sugar residues.  相似文献   

Summary Salivary glands and pancreases from male rats were stained with a battery of ten different lectin-horseradish peroxidase conjugates. Qualitative and quantitative differences were observed in the content of terminal sugar residues in stored secretory glycoproteins in parenchymal cells of glands having a similar histological structure. Heterogeneity in the content of secretory glycoconjugates was also found between cells in the same exocrine glands, which were previously thought to be identical on the basis of classical morphological and histochemical staining studies. Similar differences were observed in the structure of glycoconjugates associated with the apical surface of epithelial cells lining glandular excretory ducts. Intercalated ducts presented a gland specific staining pattern different from that of the glandular secretory cell population, whereas striated duct and interlobular duct epithelial cells stained similarly in all major rat exocrine glands. A comparison of lectin binding patterns in identical histological sites in the mouse, reported in a companion paper, is provided, and the similarities and differences between these two rodent species are discussed. In addition to providing valuable information concerning the localization and structure of tissue complex carbohydrates, a comparison of staining in the same tissue sites with labelled lectins reported biochemically to have similar binding specificity has revealed interesting differences in the binding specificity of these macromolecules.  相似文献   

Several glycoconjugates are thought to bind spermatozoa as they pass through reproductive ducts. Paraffin sections of testis, ductuli efferentes, epididymis, and vas deferens of male mice were stained with ten different lectin-horseradish peroxidase conjugates to localize possible sites of synthesis and secretion of such glycoconjugates, based on the carbohydrate moieties in their constituent oligosaccharide side chains. Principal (columnar) cells lining the efferent ducts, germinal epithelium, and developing and maturing spermatozoa were examined with light microscopy. Staining of the Golgi and apical zones of cells was interpreted as evidence for synthesis and secretion of glycoconjugates. Principal cells synthesized and secreted glycoconjugates with sugar moieties as follows: sialic acid, all regions of the efferent ducts examined; the terminal disaccharide D-galactose- (beta 1----3) -N-acetyl-D-galactosamine, all regions of ducts except epididymis I; terminal alpha-D-galactosamine, some cells in epididymis III-V; N-acetyl-D-galactosamine, ductuli efferentes, epididymis I, II, and some cells in epididymis III-V; alpha-L-fucose, ductuli efferentes, vas deferens, and all regions of the epididymis except IV; N-glycosidic side chains, ductuli efferentes, vas deferens, and epididymis I, IV, and V. All of these sugar residues as well as N-acetyl-D-glucosamine were associated with the acrosomes and tails of spermatozoa throughout the ducts except for alpha-N-acetyl-D-galactosamine in epididymis I, and all occurred during one or more stages of spermiogenesis. The synthesis and secretion of glycoconjugates that bind to spermatozoa appear to involve more regions of the primary reproductive structures than was believed previously.  相似文献   

Synposis The granules of parotid acinar cells and submandibular granular tubule cells of rats contain one or more periodic acid-Schiff positive substances that are extracted during fixation with lipid solvents or acidic solutions or if frozen sections are stained in aqueous solutions. The granules in these cells can be stained by Schmorl's reaction, Luxol Fast Blue and a permanganate-Aldehyde Fuchsin sequence. The results obtained with these stains after a variety of fixation procedures strongly suggest that the secretory granules of these two cell types contain several components and that in parotid acinar and submandibular granular tubule cells, at least one of these components is a lipoidal substance.  相似文献   

The nature of mucins synthetized by the major vestibular glands of normal female calves and animals treated by anabolic drugs was investigated by usual histochemical methods and by lectin conjugate methods: Canavalia ensiformis (Con A), Limulus polyphemus (LPA), Lotus tetragonolobus (LTA), Arachis hypogaea (PNA), Ricinus communis (RCA I), Glycine max (SBA) and Triticum vulgaris (WGA). Two main secretory cell types, i.e. acinar and tubular cells, could be distinguished. The former produced sialomucins, whereas the latter produced neutral mucins. WGA and PNA showed strong binding to all secretory cells while LTA, RCA I and SBA exhibited a weaker affinity. Treatment with anabolic drugs enhanced O-acetyl sialic acid synthesis and we noted de novo synthesis of sulfomucins. However, the staining intensity of LTA was stronger than in control calves. Tubular secretory cells of treated animals revealed an intense secretion of neutral mucins but, in contrast, all tested lectins were less intensively bound. The present study provides additional histochemical information on Bartholin's glands. A shortened procedure is proposed to detect animals treated with anabolic drugs when morphological changes are lacking.  相似文献   

We investigated the binding of five HRP-conjugated lectins to rabbit tooth germs at the cap and late bell stages of development. The results revealed some changes in the glycosylation patterns of the glycoconjugates. Sugar residues, such as α-D-mannose, methyl-D-glucose, N-acetylglucosamine, β-D-galactosamine, D-galactose, and sialic acid, were detectable in some components of the tooth germs. The most conspicuous developmental change was increased binding of Con A and WGA. These lectins showed, at the cap stage, moderate binding to the (pre)-ameloblasts and (pre)-odontoblasts. With further development to the late bell stage, but prior to the achievement of well-defined morphological-functional characteristics, the odontoblasts and ameloblasts displayed considerable amounts of α-D-mannose, α-D-glucose as well as β-D-acetylglucosamine and sialic acid. Appropriate control studies confirmed the specificity of the binding of the lectins. Two lectins (DBA and PNA) with known specificity for N-acetylgalactosamine groups were bound by the basement membranes in tooth germs at the cap stage. A third lectin (RCA) with the same specificity did not produce any detectable staining in the same material. Further studies must be planned to determine the specific functions and significance of lectin-HRP-binding glycoconjugates in odontogenesis. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary Succinic dehydrogenase and triphosphopyridine nucleotide diaphorase were demonstrated histochemically in normal major salivary glands of the mouse, rat, guinea pig, rabbit and dog. Succinic dehydrogenase activity was strong in the intercalated and intralobular ducts except for the rabbit. Acinar cells were moderately reactive. Triphosphopyridine nucleotide diaphorase showed similar localization to that of succinic dehydrogenase, but the degree of activity differed.  相似文献   

Summary In the present study the distribution of various sugar residues in the cells of the male gonad during postnatal organogenesis was examined employing eight lectin-horseradish peroxidase conjugates (BS-I, ConA, DBA, PNA, RCA-I, SBA, UEA-I, WGA) on paraffin-embedded testicular tissue. The tissue was obtained from bull calves and young bulls of recorded age (4, 8, 16, 20, 25, 30, 40 and 52 weeks) and two adult bulls. During the whole observation period, lectin affinity in the developing testicular tubules was restricted to the germ cell line, while the Sertoli cells and their precursors remained completely unstained. DBA, a lectin with specific affinity to -d-GalNAc, served as a selective marker for prespermatogonia (PSG), the only precursors of bovine spermatogonia until the onset of spermatogenesis at week 30. -d-GalNAc, detected in the PSG Golgi zone and its vicinity, seems to play an important role during PSG proliferation and migration in the prepuberal testis. Concomitant with the differentiation of PSG into spermatogonia, the binding intensity of DBA to the Golgi zone of these cells decreased. After the gradual onset of spermatogenesis, the lectins revealed staining of Golgi complexes of most germ cell stages. Glycosylation of the cell components takes place in the Golgi complex, which explains the strong affinity of the lectins to this cell compartment. Inner and outer membrane of the acrosomal complex of spermatids, especially during Golgi and cap phase of spermiogenesis, were intensely stained with PNA, RCA-I and SBA. This staining disappeared in the maturation phase at the latest and indicates a role of terminal d-Gal-(13)-d-GalNAc, d-Gal and d-GalNAc during the formation of the sperm head and intraepithelial orientation of the spermatid. Other parts of the spermatid, such as the anulus and the cytoplasmic droplet, exhibited d-Gal, d-GlcNAc or sialic acid and d-GalNAc. In the intertubular tissue BS-I, RCA-I and UEA-I bound to vascular endothelia. Components of the intertubular extracellular matrix were stained with ConA (-d-Man), RCA-I (d-Gal), UEA-I (-l-Fuc) and WGA (d-GlcNAc or sialic acid).  相似文献   

C Ertl  K H Wrobel 《Histochemistry》1992,97(2):161-171
In the present study the distribution of various sugar residues in the cells of the male gonad during postnatal organogenesis was examined employing eight lectin-horseradish peroxidase conjugates (BS-I, ConA, DBA, PNA, RCA-I, SBA, UEA-I, WGA) on paraffin-embedded testicular tissue. The tissue was obtained from bull calves and young bulls of recorded age (4, 8, 16, 20, 25, 30, 40 and 52 weeks) and two adult bulls. During the whole observation period, lectin affinity in the developing testicular tubules was restricted to the germ cell line, while the Sertoli cells and their precursors remained completely unstained. DBA, a lectin with specific affinity to alpha-D-GalNAc, served as a selective marker for prespermatogonia (PSG), the only precursors of bovine spermatogonia until the onset of spermatogenesis at week 30. alpha-D-GalNAc, detected in the PSG Golgi zone and its vicinity, seems to play an important role during PSG proliferation and migration in the prepuberal testis. Concomitant with the differentiation of PSG into spermatogonia, the binding intensity of DBA to the Golgi zone of these cells decreased. After the gradual onset of spermatogenesis, the lectins revealed staining of Golgi complexes of most germ cell stages. Glycosylation of the cell components takes place in the Golgi complex, which explains the strong affinity of the lectins to this cell compartment. Inner and outer membrane of the acrosomal complex of spermatids, especially during Golgi and cap phase of spermiogenesis, were intensely stained with PNA, RCA-I and SBA. This staining disappeared in the maturation phase at the latest and indicates a role of terminal D-Gal-(beta 1----3)-D-GalNAc, D-Gal and D-GalNAc during the formation of the sperm head and intraepithelial orientation of the spermatid. Other parts of the spermatid, such as the anulus and the cytoplasmic droplet, exhibited D-Gal, D-GlcNAc or sialic acid and D-GalNAc. In the intertubular tissue BS-I, RCA-I and UEA-I bound to vascular endothelia. Components of the intertubular extracellular matrix were stained with ConA (alpha-D-Man), RCA-I (D-Gal), UEA-I (alpha-L-Fuc) and WGA (D-GlcNAc or sialic acid).  相似文献   

Summary This study indictes the complexity of cell function in one tissue. Cells of the larval salivary gland produce their secretion both by synthesis of some proteins and extraction of different proteins from the hemolymph by selective uptake and concentration. Uptake and transport are not dependent on de novo protein synthesis, at least for several hours and, as would be expected, are also not immediately dependent on new RNA synthesis. De novo synthesis of secretory proteins by the gland is almost completely inhibited by puromycin but occurs on RNA templates which are stable for at least 12 hr. Both the large cells forming most of the gland and the smaller cells forming the duct and the base of the duct are capable of taking up hemal, proteins, but synthesis of secretory proteins probably occurs only in the large cells.  相似文献   

Efferent reproductive ducts of male mice, including ductuli efferentes, epididymis, and vas deferens, were fixed and embedded in paraffin, and sections were stained with a battery of lectin-horseradish peroxidase conjugates to localize specific sugars or sugar sequences in glycoconjugates. Cilia and the apical surfaces of ciliated cells in the ductuli efferentes stained intensely with lectin specific for sialic acid and terminal alpha-N-acetyl-D-galactosamine. Flask cells and clear cells in the epididymis reacted positively and similarly with most lectins used, providing evidence that these cell types are related. In contrast, disparities in lectin staining suggest that flask cells and clear cells are a cell type distinct from principal cells. Basal cells were not present in the ductuli efferentes but formed a continuous layer in the epididymis and vas deferens. Basal cells contained oligosaccharides terminated by sialic acid and alpha-D-galactose and varying amounts of terminal beta-D-galactose and alpha-N-acetyl-D-galactosamine. Basal cells also stained variably with lectins specific for the core region of complex type N-glycosidic side chains. The basal cells varied structurally, having long spinous apical processes approaching or reaching the lumen in region I of the epididymis and being low cuboidal or squamoid and lacking apical processes in epididymal regions II-V and in the vas deferens. The contiguous nature of the basal cells and the presence of glycoconjugates bearing terminal alpha-galactosyl residues in all basal cells suggest a possible role for these cells in a regulatory influence on transepithelial movement of fluid and/or ions in the epididymis and vas deferens.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure of human labial salivary glands. I. Acinar secretory cells   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The structure of human labial salivary gland acini was studied by light and electron microscopy. Contrary to previous reports, these glands were pure mucous in nature; no serous elements were present. The acinar cells were found in all stages of maturation. Immature cells were characterized by an extensive and highly organized rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum. The Golgi complex was extremely prominent, consisting of stacks of flattened cisternae and swarms of small vesicles. Mucous droplets were almost completely absent. As secretory activity progressed, the endoplasmic reticulum involuted, while the Golgi cisternae became distended and formed many vacuoles. In mature mucous cells, the apical cytoplasm was filled with membrane-bounded mucous droplets, and the nucleus was displaced basally. The droplets frequently showed great variation in density from cell to cell, and even within the same cell they sometimes were quite heterogeneous. They were liberated from the acinar cells by an apocrine process, so that droplets with intact limiting membranes were often observed in the acinar lumen. These droplets soon lysed, their contents fusing into streams of mucus. Occasionally during apocrine secretion a mucous cell failed to reconstitute its apical surface, and its entire contents spilled into the acinar lumen. Unusual cytoplasmic inclusions were present in many of the acinar cells. These inclusions, which were surrounded by a single membrane, consisted of lipid droplets closely associated with bundles of fine filaments.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate differences of cAMP-PDE activity in human salivary glands, between a control group and some different benign tumours groups and, where present, with 2 malignant tumors groups. The value of the enzymatic activity in the groups analysed was 50% lower than control samples. The differences between the control group (82 +/- 7.9 nmols/mg of protein) and the 3 pathologic groups (Benign A: 44 +/- 6.2; Malignant A: 40 +/- 16; Benign B: 40 +/- 14.2; Malign A: 9.1; Benign C: 22 nmols/mg of protein) are statistically significant.  相似文献   

The work is dedicated to complex histological studies of the secreting cells in the gastric fundal glands, in their comparative aspect. In the representatives of Amphibia, Reptilians and birds, histochemical differentiation of oxyntopeptic cells was demonstrated to be independent on the peculiarities of the animal nutrition. In mammals, histochemical characteristic of the carbohydrate component in the glandular secreting cells depends on the type of nutrition.  相似文献   

Although feline salivary glands have been used in investigations on secretion and microlithiasis and both processes involve calcium, nothing is known about its distribution in these glands. Therefore we have demonstrated the presence of calcium by a histochemical technique using glyoxal bis(2-hydroxyanil) and a biochemical technique using dry ashing. The histochemical technique stained serous acinar cells weakly and rarely found mucous acinar cells strongly in the parotid gland, mucous acinar cells moderately to strongly and serous acinar cells weakly in the sublingual gland, and central and demilunar acinar cells moderately to strongly in the submandibular gland. The biochemical technique revealed less calcium in the parotid than in the submandibular and sublingual glands. Both techniques revealed a decrease of calcium in submandibular and sublingual glands following parasympathetic stimulation. The histochemical distribution of calcium, which corresponds to that of acinar secretory glycoprotein, and the loss of calcium following parasympathetic stimulation, which causes release of secretory granules, indicate the presence of calcium in secretory granules. The concentration of calcium in the different types of acinar cell corresponds to the acidity of the secretory glycoprotein and suggests that calcium is present as a cationic shield to allow the condensation of polyionic glycoprotein in secretory granules.  相似文献   

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