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The Cre/lox site-specific recombination system was used to activate a transgene in a tissue-specific manner. Cre-mediated activation of a beta-glucuronidase marker gene, by removal of a lox-bounded blocking fragment, allowed the visualization of the activation process. By using seed-specific promoters, the timing and efficiency of gene activation could be followed within the developing tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) embryo. To serve as a basis for analyzing gene expression after-Cre-mediated activation, the timing and patterns of expression of the promoters of the genes encoding French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) beta-phaseolin and the alpha' subunit of soybean (Glycine max) beta-conglycinin, as well as the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter, were studied in developing transgenic tobacco embryos using the same visual marker. These seed-specific promoters were expressed earlier than anticipated. The 35S promoter was expressed earlier than the seed-specific promoters, but not in globular-stage embryos. Cre-mediated gene activation occurred approximately 1 d after promoter activation, based on developmental staging, and spread progressively throughout the embryo. The timing of gene activation was varied by altering Cre expression. Efficient Cre expression ultimately directed gene activation throughout the model tissue, whereas inefficient Cre expression resulted in mosaic tissue. Limited gene activation provides a system for cell lineage and developmental analyses.  相似文献   



The growing need for functional studies of genes has set the stage for the development of versatile tools for genetic manipulations.  相似文献   

去除选择标记基因的Cre/lox重组系统在植物中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
获得无选择标记基因的转基因植物越来越受到研究者的重视。目前,应用得较广泛的去除选择标记基因的方法有共转化法和位点特异性重组法,其中位点特异性重组系统中Cre/lox重组系统研究最多。以下介绍了Cre/lox位点特异性重组系统的原理、特点及其近几年在植物中的应用,针对本实验室在这一领域的研究情况,重点阐述了Cre/lox系统的应用前景。随着植物反应器研究领域的不断壮大,去除筛选标记基因是植物反应器研究的必然趋势。  相似文献   

Cre/lox位点特异性重组系统在高等真核生物中的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Long DP  Tan B  Zhao AC  Xu LX  Xiang ZH 《遗传》2012,34(2):177-189
来自于P1噬菌体的Cre/lox系统通过位点特异性重组可以迅速而有效地实现各种生理环境下的基因定点插入、删除、替换和倒位等操作。Cre/lox系统作为目前基因打靶技术的核心工具,已被广泛应用于拟南芥、水稻、小鼠、果蝇、斑马鱼等高等真核模式生物。文章较为全面地介绍了Cre/lox系统的基本概况及其在高等真核生物中的应用,讨论了Cre/lox系统在研究中存在的主要问题和今后的发展方向,为利用该系统在不同高等生物中进行基因操作提供有用的参考。  相似文献   

We have developed a fast and accurate method to engineer the Bacillus subtilis genome that involves fusing by PCR two flanking homology regions with an antibiotic resistance gene cassette bordered by two mutant lox sites (lox71 and lox66). The resulting PCR products were used directly to transform B. subtilis, and then transient Cre recombinase expression in the transformants was used to recombine lox71 and lox66 into a double-mutant lox72 site, thereby excising the marker gene. The mutation process could also be accomplished in 2 days by using a strain containing a cre isopropyl-beta-d-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG)-inducible expression cassette in the chromosome as the recipient or using the lox site-flanked cassette containing both the cre IPTG-inducible expression cassette and resistance marker. The in vivo recombination efficiencies of different lox pairs were compared; the lox72 site that remains in the chromosome after Cre recombination had a low affinity for Cre and did not interfere with subsequent rounds of Cre/lox mutagenesis. We used this method to inactivate a specific gene, to delete a long fragment, to realize the in-frame deletion of a target gene, to introduce a gene of interest, and to carry out multiple manipulations in the same background. Furthermore, it should also be applicable to large genome rearrangement.  相似文献   

龙定沛  谭兵  赵爱春  许龙霞  向仲怀 《遗传》2012,34(2):177-189
来自于P1噬菌体的Cre/lox系统通过位点特异性重组可以迅速而有效地实现各种生理环境下的基因定点插入、删除、替换和倒位等操作。Cre/lox系统作为目前基因打靶技术的核心工具, 已被广泛应用于拟南芥、水稻、小鼠、果蝇、斑马鱼等高等真核模式生物。文章较为全面地介绍了Cre/lox系统的基本概况及其在高等真核生物中的应用, 讨论了Cre/lox系统在研究中存在的主要问题和今后的发展方向, 为利用该系统在不同高等生物中进行基因操作提供有用的参考。  相似文献   

Antibiotic and herbicide resistance genes have been used in transgene technology as powerful selection tools. Nonetheless, once transgenic events have been obtained their presence is no longer needed and can even be undesirable. In this work, we have developed a system to excise the selectable marker and the cre recombinase genes from transgenic banana cv. ‘Grande Naine’ (Musa AAA). To achieve this, the embryo specific REG-2 promoter was isolated from rice and its expression pattern in banana cell clumps, somatic embryos and regenerated plantlets was characterized by using a pREG2::uidA fusion construct. Subsequently, the REG-2 promoter was placed upstream of the cre gene, conferring Cre functionality in somatic embryos and recombination of lox sites resulting in excision of the selectable marker and cre genes. PCR analysis revealed that 41.7 % of the analysed transgenic plants were completely marker free, results that were thereafter confirmed by Southern blot hybridization. These results demonstrate the feasibility of using developmentally controlled promoters to mediate marker excision in banana. This system does not require any extra handling compared to the conventional transformation procedure and might be useful in other species regenerating through somatic embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Cre recombinase is a commonly-used genome editing tool suitable for site-specific integrations in mammalian genomes; however, the efficiency of transgenic swapping events compared to excision remains limited. Here we sought to identify important parameters and limiting factors that influence swapping propensity in this system, especially when using one wild-type loxP site. To modulate and increase the occurrence of swapping events, we identified two novel parameters. First, we identified the loxFAS-loxP pairing, a sequence never before used in mammalian systems, as the best choice for increasing swapping events in human cell lines. Second, for the first time we implicate the importance of delayed introduction of Cre DNA for optimal swapping efficiency. This same modification could potentially be of use to other systems catalyzing trimolecular reactions such as ΦC31 integrase and FLP recombinase where we hypothesize that transport of the exchange cassette is likewise initially rate limiting. The total number of recombination events, but not the ratio of swapping to excision, was found to be influenced by the quantity of Cre DNA transfected. Through this study, we were able to obtain Cre-mediated swapping frequencies of 8-12% without antibiotic enrichment, which represents nearly an order of magnitude increase over prior reports in the literature.  相似文献   

With current plant transformation methods ( Agrobacterium, biolistics and protoplast fusion), insertion of DNA into the genome occurs randomly and in many instances at multiple sites. Associated position effects, copy number differences and multigene interactions can make gene expression experiments difficult to interpret and plant phenotypes less predictable. An alternative approach to random integration of large DNA fragments into plants is to utilize one of several site-specific recombination (SSR) systems, such as Cre/ lox. Cre has been shown in numerous instances to mediate lox site-specific recombination in animal and plant cells. By incorporating the Cre/ lox SSR system into a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) vector, a more precise evaluation of large DNA inserts for genetic complementation should be possible. Site-specific insertion of DNA into predefined sites in the genome may eliminate unwanted 'position effects' caused by the random integration of exogenously introduced DNA. In an effort to make the Cre/ lox system an effective tool for site-directed integration of large DNAs, we constructed and tested a new vector potentially capable of integrating large DNA inserts into plant and fungal genomes. In this study, we present the construction of a new BAC vector, pBACwich, for the system and the use of this vector to demonstrate SSR of large DNA inserts (up to 230 kb) into plant and fungal genomes.  相似文献   

Mice carrying two or more transgenes are used frequently to evaluate oncogene interactions during carcinogenesis. However, neoplastic transformation typically results in reduced expression both of differentiation-specific genes and of transgenes that use their promoters. In contrast, the more widely expressed metallothionein (MT) gene remains expressed at a high level in certain neoplasms, including those developing in pancreas. We have developed a system to maintain high-level, tissue-specific transgene expression during pancreatic carcinogenesis that uses Cre recombinase and a lox site-containing target transgene. Cre was expressed in pancreatic acinar cells under control of the elastase promoter (EL). Cre-mediated target transgene recombination placed a previously silent open-reading frame, encoding rat transforming growth factor alpha (TGFalpha), under control of the MT gene promoter. As long as DNA rearrangement does not occur in other cell types that express MT, TGFalpha expression will be restricted to acinar cells. Development of an effective target transgenic mouse required evaluation of multiple lineages to identify one with sufficient TGFalpha expression to induce pancreatic lesions after transgene rearrangement.  相似文献   

The Cre-lox system is an important tool for genetic manipulation. To promote integrative reactions, two strategies using mutant lox sites have been developed. One is the left element/right element (LE/RE)-mutant strategy and the other is the cassette exchange strategy using heterospecific lox sites such as lox511 or lox2272. We compared the recombination efficiencies using these mutant lox sites in embryonic stem (ES) cells, and found that the combination of the LE/RE mutant and lox2272 showed high recombination efficiency and stability of the recombined structure. Taking advantage of this stability, we successfully integrated the cre gene into the mutant lox sites by Cre-mediated recombination. Germ line chimeric mice were produced from the cre-integrated ES cell clones, and Cre-expressing mouse lines were established. The inserted cre gene was stably maintained through the generations. This cre knock-in system using the LE/RE-lox2272 combination should be useful for the production of various cre mice for gene targeting or gene trapping.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that localization of lox site between the right border of T-DNA and promoterless bar gene (RB-lox-bar-) led to its highly efficient expression in transgenic plants of Nicotiana tabacum and N. africana. Plasmid vectors used in gene integration experiments contained neomycin phosphotransferase II (npt II) gene under nos promoter as well. Transgenic plants were selected according to their capacity to grow on the medium with kanamycin and then they were tested on the selective medium containing phosphinothricin. 80% of transgenic plants expressed bar gene at the level similar to that in plants transformed with the bar gene under widely used constitutive promoter. Transformation of plants with the plasmid vector containing only promoterless bar gene near T-DNA right border (RB-bar-) and with the vector containing lox site and promoterless bar gene in the middle of the construction (-lox-bar-) led to obtaining no more than 4.5% of transgenic plants resistant to phosphinothricin. PCR analyses confirmed both the absence of tandem repeats and of plasmid recombination resulting in transference of bar gene under promoter in plasmid vector. Nos-terminator situated between the lox site and the right border of T-DNA did not decrease bar gene expression.  相似文献   

位点特异重组系统由重组酶和相应的重组酶识别位点组成,通过两者间的相互作用,实现外源基因精确整合与切除等一系列遗传操作.主要可分为Cre/lox系统、FLP/frt系统、R/RS系统和Gin/gix系统.目前,研究最充分应用最广泛的位点特异重组系统为Cre/lox系统.此系统为位点特异重组系统家族中的一员,由38.5kDCre重组酶和34bplox位点组成,最早被应用于动物转基因研究,包括基因敲除、基因激活、基因易位等.近年来,随着研究的深入,Cre/lox系统被逐步应用到植物研究中,并在诸多领域取得重大进展.本文总结归纳了Cre/lox系统在定点整合、定点切除以及叶绿体转化等方面的最新研究成果,旨在为利用Cre/lox系统构建环境安全和高效表达的植物遗传转化体系提供参考.  相似文献   

Cre/lox系统介导的位点特异性重组技术及其应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Cre/lox系统是源于P1噬菌体的一个DNA重组体系,它能导致在特定的DNA序列(loxP位点)处发生定点重组。该系统以将外源基因定点整合到染色体上或将特定DNA片段删除;这种定位重组系统在遗传操作中发挥了重要的作用。  相似文献   

A Mack  B Sauer  K Abremski    R Hoess 《Nucleic acids research》1992,20(17):4451-4455
The site-specific recombinase Cre from bacteriophage P1 binds and carries out recombination at a 34 bp lox site. The lox site consists of two 13 bp inverted repeats, separated by an 8 bp spacer region. Both the palindromic nature of the site and the results of footprinting and band shift experiments suggest that a minimum of two Cre molecules bind to a lox site. We report here experiments that demonstrate the absolute stoichiometry of the Cre-lox complex to be one molecule of Cre bound per inverted repeat, or two molecules per lox site.  相似文献   

CREB-binding protein (CBP) is a multifunctional cofactor implicated in many intracellular signal transduction pathways. We aimed to investigate the involvement of CBP in the cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB)-mediated pathway. The point mutation Tyr658Ala in the CREB-binding domain (CBD) was shown to abolish the binding activity of CBP to phospho-CREB, the activated form of CREB. By using a mutant Cre/loxP recombination system, this point mutation was aimed to be generated in the mouse genome in a tissue- and time-specific manner. A targeting construct in which CBD exon 5 and inverted exon 5* containing the point mutation flanked by two mutant loxP sites (lox66 and lox71) oriented in a head-to-head position was generated. When Cre recombinase is present, the DNA flanked by the two mutant loxP sites is inverted, forming one loxP and one double mutated loxP site. As the double mutated loxP site shows low affinity for Cre recombinase, the favorable reaction leads to a product where the mutated exon 5* is placed into the position to be correctly transcribed and spliced. Inversion was observed to be complete in both bacteria and mouse embryonic stem cells. Our results indicate that this Cre- mediated inversion method is a valuable tool to introduce point mutations in the mouse genome in a regulatable manner.  相似文献   

设计了一种新的诱导型Cre/lox系统,并在转基因烟草(Nicotianatabacum L.)中进行了验证.在诱导剂的作用下,位于同向lox位点之间的选择标记基因(hpt)和重组酶基因(Cre)在烟草愈伤组织中被删除.在该系统中,Cre基因在玉米乙酰苯胺类化合物诱导启动子(In5-2)的控制下表达.对转基因后代的分子检测结果表明,不论是否加入了诱导剂,目的基因(gus)均被整合到烟草基因组中;在诱导剂处理的48株转基因烟草To代中,45株的hpt基因被删除了.该系统只使用一个载体,克服了二次转化系统带来的问题.  相似文献   

一种新的用于删除选择标记基因的Cre/lox系统   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
设计了一种新的诱导型Cre/lox系统,并在转基因烟草(NicotianatabacumL.)中进行了验证。在诱导剂的作用下,位于同向lox位点之间的选择标记基因(hpt)和重组酶基因(Cre)在烟草愈伤组织中被删除。在该系统中,Cre基因在玉米乙酰苯胺类化合物诱导启动子(In5-2)的控制下表达。对转基因后代的分子检测结果表明,不论是否加入了诱导剂,目的基因(gus)均被整合到烟草基因组中;在诱导剂处理的48株转基因烟草T0代中,45株的hpt基因被删除了。该系统只使用一个载体,克服了二次转化系统带来的问题。  相似文献   

Cre/lox位点特异重组系统是植物基因工程中的重要工具,利用其可以在转基因植物中对目的基因实现精确删除和定点整合。概述Cre/lox系统的基本结构及作用方式,并以基因删除和定点整合为重点,详细介绍该系统在这两方面的应用。  相似文献   

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