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This study describes the identification of Mfsd2a (major facilitator superfamily domain-containing protein 2a), a novel mammalian major facilitator superfamily domain-containing protein, and an additional closely related protein, Mfsd2b. Most intron/exon junctions are conserved between the two genes, suggesting that they are derived from a common ancestor. Mfsd2a and Mfsd2b share a 12 transmembrane alpha-helical domain structure that bears greatest similarity to that of the bacterial Na(+)/melibiose symporters. Confocal microscopy demonstrated that Mfsd2a localizes to the endoplasmic reticulum. Mfsd2a is expressed in many tissues and is highly induced in liver and BAT (brown adipose tissue) during fasting. Mfsd2a displays an oscillatory expression profile in BAT and liver, consistent with a circadian rhythm. Although the basal level of Mfsd2a expression is relatively low in mouse BAT, it is greatly induced during cold-induced thermogenesis and after treatment with betaAR (beta-adrenergic receptor) agonists. This induction is totally abolished in beta-less (betaAR-deficient) mice. These findings indicate that Mfsd2a is greatly up-regulated in BAT during thermogenesis and that its induction is controlled by the betaAR signalling pathway. The observed induction of Mfsd2a expression in cultured BAT cells by dibutyryl-cAMP is in agreement with this conclusion. The present study suggests that Mfsd2a plays a role in adaptive thermogenesis.  相似文献   

A defense-inducible maize gene was discovered through global mRNA profiling analysis. Its mRNA expression is induced by pathogens and defense-related conditions in various tissues involving both resistant and susceptible interactions. These include Cochliobolus heterostrophus and Cochliobolus carbonum infection, ultraviolet light treatment, the Les9 disease lesion mimic background, and plant tissues engineered to express flavonoids or the avirulence gene avrRxv. The gene was named Zm-mfs1 after it was found to encode a protein related to the major facilitator superfamily (MFS) of intregral membrane permeases. It is most closely related to the bacterial multidrug efflux protein family, typified by the Escherichia coli TetA, which are proton motive force antiporters that export antimicrobial drugs and other compounds, but which can be also involved in potassium export/proton import or potassium re-uptake. Other related plant gene sequences in maize, rice, and Arabidopsis were identified, three of which are introduced here. Among this new plant MFS subfamily, the characteristic MFS motif in cytoplasmic TM2-TM3 loop, and the antiporter family motif in transmembrane domain TM5 are both conserved, however the TM7 and the cytoplasmic TM8-TM9 loop are divergent from those of the bacterial multidrug transporters. We hypothesize that Zm-Mfs1 is a prototype of a new class of plant defense-related proteins that could be involved in either of three nonexclusive roles: (1) export of antimicrobial compounds produced by plant pathogens; (2) export of plant-generated antimicrobial compounds; and (3) potassium export and/or re-uptake, as can occur in plant defense reactions.  相似文献   

Several pleiotropic drug sensitivities have been described in yeast. Some involve the loss of putative drug efflux pumps analogous to mammalian P-glycoproteins, others are caused by defects in sterol synthesis resulting in higher plasma membrane permeability. We have constructed a Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain that exhibits a strong crystal violet-sensitive phenotype. By selecting cells of the supersensitive strain for normal sensitivity after transformation with a wild-type yeast genomic library, a complementing 10-kb DNA fragment was isolated, a 3.4-kb subfragment of which was sufficient for complementation. DNA sequence analysis revealed that the complementing fragment comprised the recently sequenced SGE1 gene, a partial multicopy suppressor of gal11 mutations. The supersensitive strain was found to be a sge1 null mutant. Overexpression of SGE1 on a high-copy-number plasmid increased the resistance of the supersensitive strain. Disruption of SGE1 in a wild-type strain increased the sensitivity of the strain. These features of the SGE1 phenotype, as well as sequence homologies of SGE1 at the amino acid level, confirm that the Sge1 protein is a member of the drug-resistance protein family within the major facilitator superfamily (MFS).  相似文献   

The zygotically active tailless (tll) gene plays a key role in the establishment of nonmetameric domains at the anterior and posterior poles of the Drosophila embryo. We have cloned the tll gene and show that it encodes a protein with striking similarity to steroid hormone receptors in both the DNA binding "finger" and ligand binding domains. tll RNA is initially expressed in embryos in two mirror-image symmetrical domains; this pattern then quickly resolves into a pattern consistent with the mutant phenotype: a posterior cap and an anterior dorsal stripe. That the tll gene may also play a role in the nervous system is suggested by its strong expression in the forming brain and transient expression in the peripheral nervous system.  相似文献   

Several pleiotropic drug sensitivities have been described in yeast. Some involve the loss of putative drug efflux pumps analogous to mammalian P-glycoproteins, others are caused by defects in sterol synthesis resulting in higher plasma membrane permeability. We have constructed a Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain that exhibits a strong crystal violet-sensitive phenotype. By selecting cells of the supersensitive strain for normal sensitivity after transformation with a wild-type yeast genomic library, a complementing 10-kb DNA fragment was isolated, a 3.4-kb subfragment of which was sufficient for complementation. DNA sequence analysis revealed that the complementing fragment comprised the recently sequenced SGE1 gene, a partial multicopy suppressor of gal11 mutations. The supersensitive strain was found to be a sge1 null mutant. Overexpression of SGE1 on a high-copy-number plasmid increased the resistance of the supersensitive strain. Disruption of SGE1 in a wild-type strain increased the sensitivity of the strain. These features of the SGE1 phenotype, as well as sequence homologies of SGE1 at the amino acid level, confirm that the Sge1 protein is a member of the drug-resistance protein family within the major facilitator superfamily (MFS).  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that leptin, in addition to reducing body fat by restraining food intake, reduces body fat through a peripheral mechanism requiring uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1). Leptin was administered to wild-type (WT) mice and mice with a targeted disruption of the UCP1 gene (UCP1 deficient), while vehicle-injected control animals of each genotype were pair-fed to each leptin-treated group. Leptin reduced the size of white adipose tissue (WAT) depots in WT mice but not in UCP1-deficient animals. This was accompanied by a threefold increase in the amount of UCP1 protein and mRNA in the brown adipose tissue (BAT) of WT mice. Leptin also increased UCP2 mRNA in WAT of both WT and UCP1-deficient mice but increased UCP2 and UCP3 mRNA only in BAT from UCP1-deficient mice. These results indicate that leptin reduces WAT through a peripheral mechanism requiring the presence of UCP1, with little or no involvement of UCP2 or UCP3.  相似文献   

Transport proteins of microorganisms may either belong to the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) superfamily or to the major facilitator (MFS)-superfamily. MFS transporters are single-polypeptide membrane transporters that transport small molecules via uniport, symport or antiport mechanisms in response to a chemiosmotic gradient. Although Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a non-siderophore producer, various bacterial and fungal siderophores can be utilized as an iron source. From yeast genome sequencing data six genes of the unknown major facilitator (UMF) family were known of which YEL065w Sce was recently identified as a transporter for the bacterial siderophore ferrioxamine B (Sit1p). The present investigation shows that another UMF gene, YHL047c Sce, encodes a transporter for the fungal siderophore triacetylfusarinine C. The gene YHL047c Sce (designated TAF1) was disrupted using the kanMX disruption module in a fet3 background (strain DEY 1394 fet3), possessing a defect in the high affinity ferrous iron transport. Growth promotion assays and transport experiments with 55Fe-labelled triacetylfusarinine C showed a complete loss of iron utilization and uptake in the disrupted strain, indicating that TAF1 is the gene for the fungal triacetylfusarinine transport in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and possibly in other siderophore producing fungi.  相似文献   

To determine if the age-dependent increase of adiposity is directly related to altered obese (ob) and fatty acid synthase (FAS) gene expression, we assessed an adiposity index, leptin and FAS mRNA levels, FAS activity in perirenal adipose tissue and serum leptin concentration in rats aged 1, 2, 3, 6 and 20 months. The results indicate that there are two distinct phases of changes in perirenal white adipose tissue leptin mRNA level and serum leptin concentration. The first phase, between 1 and 3 months of the animals' lives, was characterized by a strong positive correlation between adiposity index and leptin mRNA level as well as serum leptin concentration. In the second phase (over 3 months) no significant changes of leptin mRNA and serum concentration occurred. A close correlation between the age-induced increase of leptin mRNA abundance and serum leptin concentration and the age-induced suppression of FAS gene expression in the same tissue was observed. This suggests that the changes of FAS gene expression occur in response to serum leptin concentration and that in mature rats the high level of ob gene expression and consequently the high leptin concentration protect the white adipose tissue cells against fat overload by two independent mechanisms: (a) preventing an increase of food intake through the leptin action on the hypothalamus; (b) inhibiting FAS gene expression and consequently decreasing the rate of lipogenesis.  相似文献   

Recessive lethal mutations in the fat locus of Drosophila cause hyperplastic, tumor-like overgrowth of larval imaginal discs, defects in differentiation and morphogenesis, and death during the pupal stage. Clones of mutant cells induced by mitotic recombination demonstrate that the overgrowth phenotype is cell autonomous. Here we show that the fat locus encodes a novel member of the cadherin gene superfamily: an enormous transmembrane protein of over 5000 amino acids with a putative signal sequence, 34 tandem cadherin domains, four EGF-like repeats, a transmembrane domain, and a novel cytoplasmic domain. Two recessive lethal alleles contain alterations in the fat coding sequence, and the dominant fat allele, Gull, contains an insertion of a transposable element in the 33rd cadherin domain. Thus, this novel member of the cadherin gene superfamily functions as a tumor suppressor gene and is required for correct morphogenesis.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated a marked upregulation in the bone morphogenic protein (BMP)/growth differentiation factor (GDF) family member, GDF5, which is capable of promoting brown adipogenesis, in brown adipose tissue (BAT) of obese mice. In this study, we identified other GDF family members, besides GDF5 that are responsive to different obesogenic signals in BAT using inborn and acquired obesity animal models. In BAT from leptin-deficient ob/ob mice, GDF1 expression was preferentially downregulated, whereas the expression of several other genes in the BMP/GDF family, including GDF5, was upregulated. Moreover, in cultured brown adipocytes exposed to tunicamycin and hydrogen peroxide, at concentrations not affecting cellular viability, GDF1 expression was significantly downregulated. Recombinant GDF1 failed to significantly alter brown adipogenesis, despite the promoted phosphorylation of Smad1/5/8 in cultured brown adipocytes, but accelerated Smad1/5/8 phosphorylation with a concomitant increase in the number of migrating cells during exposure in a manner sensitive to activin-like kinase inhibitors in macrophagic RAW264.7 cells. Similarly, accelerated migration was observed in murine peritoneal macrophages exposed to GDF1. These results indicate that obesity could lead to predominant downregulation of GDF1 expression in BAT, which can modulate cellular migration through a mechanism relevant to activation of the downstream Smad signaling pathway in adjacent macrophages.  相似文献   

The major facilitator superfamily represents the largest group of secondary active membrane transporters in the cell. The 3.3A resolution structure of a member of this protein superfamily, the glycerol-3-phosphate transporter from the Escherichia coli inner membrane, reveals two domains connected by a long central loop. These N- and C-terminal domains, each containing a six-helix bundle, are related by pseudo-twofold symmetry. A substrate translocation pore is located between the two domains and is open to the cytoplasm. Two arginines at the closed end of the pore comprise the substrate-binding site. Biochemical experiments show that, upon substrate binding, the protein adopts a more compact conformation. The crystal structure suggests that the transporter operates through a single binding site, alternating access mechanism via a rocker-switch type of movement of the N- and C-terminal domains. The structure and mechanism of the glycerol-3-phosphate transporter form a paradigm for other members of the major facilitator superfamily.  相似文献   

Bone resorption by osteoclasts is required for normal bone remodeling and reshaping of growing bones. Excessive resorption is an important pathologic feature of many diseases, including osteoporosis, arthritis, and periodontitis [Abu-Amer, Y. (2005). Advances in osteoclast differentiation and function. Curr. Drug Targets. Immune. Endocr. Metabol. Disord. 5, 347-355]. On the other hand, deficient resorption leads to osteopetrosis which is characterized by increased bone mass and may lead to bone deformities or in severe cases to death [Blair, H.C., Athanasou, N.A. 2004. Recent advances in osteoclast biology and pathological bone ddresorption. Histol. Histopathol. 19, 189-199; Del Fattore, A., Peruzzi, B., Rucci, N., Recchia, I., Cappariello, A., Longo, M., Fortunati, D., Ballanti, P., Iacobini, M., Luciani, M., Devito, R., Pinto, R., Caniglia, M., Lanino, E., Messina, C., Cesaro, S., Letizia, C., Bianchini, G., Fryssira, H., Grabowski, P., Shaw, N., Bishop, N., Hughes, D., Kapur, R.P., Datta, H.K., Taranta, A., Fornari, R., Migliaccio, S., and Teti, A. 2006. Clinical, genetic, and cellular analysis of 49 osteopetrotic patients: implications for diagnosis and treatment. J. Med. Genet. 43, 315--325]. Recently, we identified a gene, nha-oc/NHA2, which is strongly up regulated during RANKL-induced osteoclast differentiation in vitro and in vivo. nha-oc/NHA2 encodes a novel cation/proton exchanger that is strongly expressed in osteoclasts. The purpose of this work was to further validate the restricted expression of nha-oc/NHA2 in osteoclasts by in situ hybridization. Our results showed that nha-oc is expressed predominantly in bone. In the head, expression was found in the supraoccipitale bone, calvarium, mandible, and maxilla. Furthermore, nha-oc positive cells co-express the osteoclast markers TRAP and cathepsin k, confirming nha-oc/NHA2 osteoclast localization. However, only a subset of cathepsin k-expressing cells is positive for nha-oc/NHA2, suggesting that nha-oc is expressed by terminally differentiated osteoclasts.  相似文献   

Energy balance results from the coordination of multiple pathways affecting energy expenditure and food intake. Candidate neuropeptides involved in energy balance are the melanocortins. Several species, including Siberian hamsters studied here, decrease and increase food intake in response to stimulation and blockade of the melanocortin 4-receptor (MC4-R). In addition, central application of the MC3/4-R agonist melanotan-II decreases body fat (increases lipolysis) beyond that accounted for by its ability to decrease food intake. Because an increase in the sympathetic nervous system drive to white adipose tissue (WAT) is the principal initiator of lipolysis, we tested whether the sympathetic outflow circuitry from brain to WAT contained MC4-R mRNA expressing cells. This was accomplished by labeling the sympathetic outflow to inguinal WAT using the pseudorabies virus (PRV), a transneuronal retrograde viral tract tracer, and then processing the brain for colocalization of PRV immunoreactivity with MC4-R mRNA, the latter assessed by in situ hybridization. MC4-R mRNA was impressively colocalized in PRV-labeled cells (approximately greater than 60%) in many brain areas across the neuroaxis, including those typically implicated in lipid mobilization (e.g., hypothalamic paraventricular, suprachiasmatic, arcuate and dorsomedial nuclei, lateral hypothalamic area), as well as those not traditionally identified with lipolysis (e.g., preoptic area, subzona incerta of the lateral hypothalamus, periaqueductal gray, solitary nucleus). These data provide compelling neuroanatomical evidence that could underlie a direct central modulation of the sympathetic outflow to WAT by the melanocortins through the MC4-Rs resulting in changes in lipid mobilization and adiposity.  相似文献   

A novel immunoglobulin superfamily (Igsf) protein gene was discovered by computational analysis of human draft genomic DNA, and multiple cDNA clones were obtained. The protein encoded by this gene contains five Ig domains, one transmembrane domain, and an intracellular domain. It has significant similarity with several known Igsf proteins, including Drosophila RST (irregular chiasm C-roughest) protein and mammalian KIRREL (kin of irregular chiasm C-roughest), NEPH1, and NPHS1 (nephrin) proteins. All these proteins have multiple Ig domains, possess properties of cell adhesion molecules, and play important roles in organ development. RT-PCR and Northern blot results indicate this gene is predominantly expressed in pancreas, and public sequence databases indicate there is also expression in the nervous system. We have named this gene Kirrel2 (kin of irregular chiasm-like 2), to reflect its similarity to irregular chiasm C-roughest and Kirrel. Four splice forms of Kirrel2 were observed, including two that we cloned from pancreas mRNA as well as two GenBank entries, one from the brain and one from a retinoblastoma cell line. A partial cDNA clone of the mouse orthologue was obtained by RT-PCR from mouse brain, and the inferred protein sequence has 85% sequence identity to the human protein. Immunohistochemical staining results indicate that the KIRREL2 protein is conserved from rodents to primates, and it is highly expressed in pancreatic islets. RT-PCR results on mouse pancreatic cell lines indicate that expression in the pancreas is restricted to beta cells. Thus, KIRREL2 protein is a beta-cell-expressed Ig domain protein and may be involved in pancreas development or beta cell function.  相似文献   

FGF-10 is a mesenchymal factor affecting epithelial cells during pattern formation. However, the expression and physiological role of FGF-10 in adults remains to be elucidated. We examined the expression of FGF-10 mRNA in a variety of adult rat tissues, and found to be most abundant in white adipose tissue. In white adipose tissue, FGF-10 mRNA was expressed in preadipocytes but not in mature adipocytes. The expression in white adipose tissue during postnatal development was also examined. The expression level was low at postnatal day 10 (P10). However, FGF-10 mRNA was abundantly detected later on (P28 and P48) when white adipose tissue growth was stimulated. We also examined the activity of recombinant FGF-10 for primary rat preadipocytes. FGF-10 showed significant mitogenic activity for primary preadipocytes, but did not affect the differentiation of preadipocytes. The expression profile of FGF-10 mRNA and the activity of FGF-10 reported here indicate that FGF-10, a unique secreted factor produced in white adipose tissue, acts as a growth factor for preadipocytes in white adipose tissues.  相似文献   

We previously identified two conjugated bile acid transporters, CbsT1 and CbsT2, in Lactobacillus johnsonii 100-100 and Lactobacillus acidophilus KS-13 that are gene duplicates encoded in tandem with a conjugated bile salt hydrolase (BSH) [Elkins and Savage, J. Bacteriol. 180:4344-4349, 1998; Elkins et al., Microbiology 147: 3403-3412, 2001]. CbsT2 from 100-100 was shown to increase taurocholic acid (TCA) uptake in Escherichia coli; however, higher levels were achieved when an extracellular factor (EF) from 100-100 was present in the assay medium (spent medium from 100-100, pH 4.2). We continued this study here to determine the role of EF in this transport system. Kinetic studies revealed that the previously observed CbsT2- and EF-mediated TCA accumulation is rapid (< 15 s) but not saturable, suggesting that EF is limiting. In addition, uptake of TCA by E. coli expressing CbsT2 was insensitive to ionophores, 2,4-dinitrophenol and carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone, and thus, is independent of the proton motive force. Since BSH converts [24-(14)C]TCA to [24-(14)C]cholic acid (CA), we measured net radiolabel uptake in E. coli cells expressing transporter(s) and BSH. Interestingly, such cells accumulated less 14C radiolabel (by approximately half) than cells expressing CbsT2 alone. These data can be explained if CA diffuses out of E. coli through the transporter(s). We, therefore, added exogenous, unlabeled CA to EF-spent media, which under our assay conditions, performed similarly to EF+ culture supernatant in TCA and CA uptake assays. Thus, unlabeled CA (a protonated, neutral lipophile) can partition directly into E. coli cells especially at low pH. These findings were validated in uptake assays with [3H]TCA, which yields [3H]taurine (a hydrophilic moiety) upon hydrolysis by the BSH. Amounts of cell-associated 3H radiolabel remained similar in cells expressing CbsT2 and BSH versus cells expressing only CbsT2, both of which were higher than in cells expressing BSH alone. Our data support a hypothesis that these transporters, which comprise a new subfamily of the major facilitator superfamily, facilitate antiport of TCA and CA.  相似文献   

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