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Horizontal transmission has been well documented as a major mechanism for the dissemination of mariner-like elements (MLEs) among species. Less well understood are mechanisms that limit vertical transmission of MLEs resulting in the "spotty" or discontinuous distribution observed in closely related species. In this article we present evidence that the genome of the common ancestor of the melanogaster species subgroup of Drosophila contained an MLE related to the mellifera (honey bee) subfamily. Horizontal transmission, approximately 3-10 MYA, is strongly suggested by the observation that the sequence of the MLE in Drosophila erecta is 97% identical in nucleotide sequence with that of an MLE in the cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis. The D. erecta MLE has a spotty distribution among species in the melanogaster subgroup. The element has a high copy number in D. erecta and D. orena, a moderate copy number in D. teissieri and D. yakuba, and was apparently lost ("stochastic loss") in the lineage leading to D. melanogaster, D. simulans, D. mauritiana, and D. sechellia. In D. erecta, most copies are concentrated in the heterochromatin. Two copies from D. erecta, denoted De12 and De19, were cloned and sequenced, and they appear to be nonfunctional ("vertical inactivation"). It therefore appears that the predominant mode of MLE evolution is vertical inactivation and stochastic loss balanced against occasional reinvasion of lineages by horizontal transmission.   相似文献   

Spatial hypercycle systems can be modelled by means of cellular automata or partial differential equations. In either model, two dimensional spirals or clusters can be formed. Different models give rise to slightly different spatial structures, but the response to parasites is fundamentally different: In cellular automata the hypercycle is resistant to parasites that are fatal in a partial differential equations model. In three dimensions scroll rings correspond to the two dimensional spirals. Numerical simulations on a partial differential equations model indicate that the scroll rings are unstable: The contract by a power law and disappear. Therefore, in three dimensions clusters seem to be the best candidate for the hypercycle resistant to parasites.  相似文献   

Transmission of Helicobacter pylori is thought to occur mainly during childhood, and predominantly within families. However, due to the difficulty of obtaining H. pylori isolates from large population samples and to the extensive genetic diversity between isolates, the transmission and spread of H. pylori remain poorly understood. We studied the genetic relationships of H. pylori isolated from 52 individuals of two large families living in a rural community in South Africa and from 43 individuals of 11 families living in urban settings in the United Kingdom, the United States, Korea, and Colombia. A 3,406 bp multilocus sequence haplotype was determined for a total of 142 H. pylori isolates. Isolates were assigned to biogeographic populations, and recent transmission was measured as the occurrence of non-unique isolates, i.e., isolates whose sequences were identical to those of other isolates. Members of urban families were almost always infected with isolates from the biogeographic population that is common in their location. Non-unique isolates were frequent in urban families, consistent with familial transmission between parents and children or between siblings. In contrast, the diversity of H. pylori in the South African families was much more extensive, and four distinct biogeographic populations circulated in this area. Non-unique isolates were less frequent in South African families, and there was no significant correlation between kinship and similarity of H. pylori sequences. However, individuals who lived in the same household did have an increased probability of carrying the same non-unique isolates of H. pylori, independent of kinship. We conclude that patterns of spread of H. pylori under conditions of high prevalence, such as the rural South African families, differ from those in developed countries. Horizontal transmission occurs frequently between persons who do not belong to a core family, blurring the pattern of familial transmission that is typical of developed countries. Predominantly familial transmission in urban societies is likely a result of modern living conditions with good sanitation and where physical contact between persons outside the core family is limited and regulated by societal rules. The patterns observed in rural South African families may be representative of large parts of the developing world.  相似文献   

How to design an “evolvable” artificial system capable to increase in complexity? Although Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection obviously offers a firm foundation, little hope of success seems to be expected from the explanatory adequacy of modern evolutionary theory, which does a good job at explaining what has already happened but remains practically helpless at predicting what will occur. However, the study of the major transitions in evolution clearly suggests that increases in complexity have occurred on those occasions when the conflicting interests between competing individuals were partly subjugated. This immediately raises the issue about “levels of selection” in evolutionary biology, and the idea that multi-level selection scenarios are required for complexity to emerge. After analyzing the dynamical behaviour of competing replicators within compartments, we show here that a proliferation of differentiated catalysts and/or improvement of catalytic efficiency of ribozymes can potentially evolve in properly designed artificial cells where the strong internal competition between the different species of replicators is somewhat prevented (i.e., by choosing them with equal probability). Experimental evolution in these systems will likely stand as beautiful examples of artificial adaptive systems, and will provide new insights to understand possible evolutionary paths to the evolution of metabolic complexity.  相似文献   

A stochastic model equation for nerve membrane depolarization is derived which incorporates properties of synaptic transmission with a Rail-Eccles circuit for a trigger zone. If input processes are Poisson the depolarization is a Markov process for which equations for the moments of the interspike interval can be written down. An analytic result for the mean interval is obtained in a special case. The effect of the excitatory reversal potential is considerable if it is not too far from threshold and if the interspike interval is long. Computer simulations were performed when inhibitory and excitatory inputs are active. A substantial amount of inhibition leads to an exceedingly long tail in the density of the interspike time. With excitation only the interspike interval is often an approximately lognormal random variable. A coefficient of variation greater than one is often a consequence of relatively strong inhibition. Inferences can be made on the nature of the synaptic input from the statistics and density of the time between spikes. The inhibitory reversal potential usually has a relatively small effect except when the frequency of inhibition is large. An appendix contains the model equations in the case of an arbitrary distribution of postsynaptic potential amplitudes.  相似文献   

The most crucial stage in the dynamics of virus infections is the mode of virus transmission. In general, transmission of viruses can occur through two pathways: horizontal and vertical transmission. In horizontal transmission, viruses are transmitted among individuals of the same generation, while vertical transmission occurs from mothers to their offspring. Because of its highly organized social structure and crowded population density, the honey bee colony represents a risky environment for the spread of disease infection. Like other plant and animal viruses, bee viruses use different survival strategies, including utilization of both horizontal and vertical routes, to transmit and maintain levels in a host population. In this review, we explore the current knowledge about the honey bee viruses and transmission routes of bee viruses. In addition, different transmission strategies on the persistence and dynamics of host-pathogen interactions are also discussed.  相似文献   

Transmission plays a central role in the ecology of baculoviruses and the population dynamics of their hosts. Here, we report on the horizontal and vertical transmission dynamics of wild-type Helicoverpa armigera single-nucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (HaSNPV-WT) and a genetically modified variant (HaSNPV-AaIT) with enhanced speed of action through the expression of an insect-selective scorpion toxin (AaIT). In caged field plots, horizontal transmission of both HaSNPV variants was greatest when inoculated 3rd instar larvae were used as infectors, transmission was intermediate with 2nd instar infectors and lowest with 1st instar infectors. Transmission was greater at a higher density of infectors (1 per plant) than at a lower density (1 per 4 plants); however, the transmission coefficient (number of new infections per initial infector) was lower at the higher density of infectors than at the lower density. HaSNPV-AaIT exhibited a significantly lower rate of transmission than HaSNPV-WT in the field cages. This was also the case in open field experiments. In the laboratory, the vertical transmission of HaSNPV-AaIT from infected females to offspring of 16.7+/-2.1% was significantly lower than that of HaSNPV-WT (30.9+/-2.9%). Likewise, in the field, vertical transmission of HaSNPV-AaIT (8.4+/-1.1%) was significantly lower than that of HaSNPV-WT (12.6+/-2.0%). The results indicate that the recombinant virus will be transmitted at lower rates in H. armigera populations than the wild-type virus. This may potentially affect negatively its long-term efficacy as compared to wild-type virus, but contributing positively to its biosafety.  相似文献   

The transposable elementmariner has been found in many species ofDrosophilidae, several groups of Arthropods, and more recently in Platyhelminthes as well as in a phytopathogenic fungus. In the familyDrosophilidae, the distribution ofmariner among species shows many gaps, and its geographical distribution among endemic species is restricted to Asia and Africa. Amongmariner elements in species within and outside theDrosophilidae, the similarities in nucleotide sequence and the amino acid sequence of the putative transposase reveal many phylogenetic inconsistencies compared with the conventional phylogeny of the host species. This paper discusses the contrasting hypotheses of horizontal transfer versus ancestral origin proposed to explain these results.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that virulent parasites cannot be maintained at high prevalence if they are only vertically transmitted. However, parasites with high rates of vertical transmission that cause severe reduction in host fitness have been reported. Atkinsonella hypoxylon is a fungal pathogen capable of both vertical and horizontal transmission that drastically reduces its host''s fitness. In contrast with theoretical predictions, field and laboratory observations suggested that the primary mechanism of transmission was vertical. Using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA markers, we investigated the effective contribution of vertical and horizontal transmission to the genetic structure of three natural populations of A. hypoxylon. We found high genotypic diversity and low linkage disequilibrium, indicating that most established genotypes are derived from horizontally transmitted, sexual spores. The low contribution of vertical transmission to the parasite''s fitness despite its high potential might be due to lower establishment of cleistogamous seeds (through which vertical transmission occurs) or lower vigour of vertically transmitted fungal genotypes. Low establishment of vertically infected hosts might explain the persistence of virulent parasites with high apparent vertical transmission. Our results suggest that caution must be taken when using the potential for vertical transmission to make predictions about the evolution of parasite virulence.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1.  Wolbachia bacteria are reproductive parasites of arthropods and infect an estimated 20% of all insect species worldwide. In order to understand patterns of Wolbachia infection, it is necessary to determine how infections are gained or lost. Wolbachia transmission is mainly vertical, but horizontal transmission between different host species can result in new infections, although its ecological context is poorly understood. Horizontal transmission is often inferred from molecular phylogenies, but could be confounded by recombination between different Wolbachia strains.
2. This study addressed these issues by using three genes: wsp , ftsZ , and groE , to study Wolbachia infections in fruit- and fungus-feeding Drosophila communities in Berkshire, U.K.
3. Identical sequences were found for all three genes in Drosophila ambigua and Drosophila tristis. This suggests horizontal transmission of Wolbachia between these two previously unstudied Drosophila species, which may be the result of the two host species sharing the same food substrates or parasites.
4.  Wolbachia infections might be lost from species due to curing by naturally occurring antibiotics and the presence of these is likely to vary between larval food substrates.
5. It was investigated whether Wolbachia incidence was lower in fungus-feeding than in fruit-feeding Drosophila species, but no significant difference based on food substrate was found.  相似文献   

The transmission dynamics of the human-pig zoonotic cestode Taenia solium are explored with both deterministic and stochastic versions of a modified Reed-Frost model. This model, originally developed for microparasitic infections (i.e. bacteria, viruses and protozoa), assumes that random contacts occur between hosts and that hosts can be either susceptible, infected or 'recovered and presumed immune'. Transmission between humans and pigs is modelled as susceptible roaming pigs scavenging on human faeces infected with T. solium eggs. Transmission from pigs to humans is modelled as susceptible humans eating under-cooked pork meat harbouring T. solium metacestodes. Deterministic models of each scenario were first run, followed by stochastic versions of the models to assess the likelihood of infection elimination in the small population modelled. The effects of three groups of interventions were investigated using the model: (i) interventions affecting the transmission parameters such as use of latrines, meat inspection, and cooking habits; (ii) routine interventions including rapid detection and treatment of human carriers or pig vaccination; and (iii) treatment interventions of either humans or pigs. It is concluded that mass-treatment can result in a short term dramatic reduction in prevalence, whereas interventions targeting interruption of the life cycle lead to long-term reduction in prevalence.  相似文献   

In sexual reproductive systems, the number of sexes is generally binary, viz. male and female. Several theoretical studies have shown that the evolution of this system is possibly related to cytoplasmic DNA, including deleterious cytoplasmic symbionts. When organisms are infected by a symbiont that is transmitted vertically to offspring via gametes, the exclusion or degeneration of the latter may evolve as a characteristic of those organisms. If this necessarily results in the elimination of organelle DNA in gametes, a reciprocal preference between individuals, one transmitting organelles and the other not, may be favored. In this theoretical study, factors affecting such an evolutionary process, in which the symbiont is considered as a parasite infecting vertically, horizontally and naturally, are considered. In addition, host individuals are assumed to recover from the infection to some degree. According to the analysis, a binary sex system can evolve only when uninfected and infected host individuals co-exist in a single host population. This condition can be satisfied only if natural infection occurs. Although recovery from infection has both positive and negative effects on binary sex evolution, the latter is promoted only when natural infection exists. Accordingly, if natural infection does not exist, the evolution of binary sex system is unlikely with respect to deleterious cytoplasmic symbionts, in absent of heterozogotic advantage in vertical transmission.  相似文献   

A greater understanding of the rate at which emerging disease advances spatially has both ecological and applied significance. Analyzing the spread of vector-borne disease can be relatively complex when the vector's acquisition of a pathogen and subsequent transmission to a host occur in different life stages. A contemporary example is Lyme disease. A long-lived tick vector acquires infection during the larval blood meal and transmits it as a nymph. We present a reaction-diffusion model for the ecological dynamics governing the velocity of the current epidemic's spread. We find that the equilibrium density of infectious tick nymphs (hence the risk of human disease) can depend on density-independent survival interacting with biotic effects on the tick's stage structure. The local risk of infection reaches a maximum at an intermediate level of adult tick mortality and at an intermediate rate of juvenile tick attacks on mammalian hosts. If the juvenile tick attack rate is low, an increase generates both a greater density of infectious nymphs and an increased spatial velocity. However, if the juvenile attack rate is relatively high, nymph density may decline while the epidemic's velocity still increases. Velocities of simulated two-dimensional epidemics correlate with the model pathogen's basic reproductive number (R0), but calculating R0 involves parameters of both host infection dynamics and the vector's stage-structured dynamics.  相似文献   

Deterministic differential equation models indicate that partnership concurrency and non-homogeneous mixing patterns play an important role in the spread of sexually transmitted infections. Stochastic discrete-individual simulation studies arrive at similar conclusions, but from a very different modeling perspective. This paper presents a stochastic discrete-individual infection model that helps to unify these two approaches to infection modeling. The model allows for both partnership concurrency, as well as the infection, recovery, and reinfection of an individual from repeated contact with a partner, as occurs with many mucosal infections. The simplest form of the model is a network-valued Markov chain, where the network's nodes are individuals and arcs represent partnerships. Connections between the differential equation and discrete-individual approaches are constructed with large-population limits that approximate endemic levels and equilibrium probability distributions that describe partnership concurrency. A more general form of the discrete-individual model that allows for semi-Markovian dynamics and heterogeneous contact patterns is implemented in simulation software. Analytical and simulation results indicate that the basic reproduction number R(0) increases when reinfection is possible, and the epidemic rate of rise and endemic levels are not related by 1-1/R(0), when partnerships are not point-time processes.  相似文献   

In vertebrate hosts, malaria parasites face a tradeoff between replicating and the production of transmission stages that can be passed onto mosquitoes. This tradeoff is analogous to growth‐reproduction tradeoffs in multicellular organisms. We use a mathematical model tailored to the life cycle and dynamics of malaria parasites to identify allocation strategies that maximize cumulative transmission potential to mosquitoes. We show that plastic strategies can substantially outperform fixed allocation because parasites can achieve greater fitness by investing in proliferation early and delaying the production of transmission stages. Parasites should further benefit from restraining transmission investment later in infection, because such a strategy can help maintain parasite numbers in the face of resource depletion. Early allocation decisions are predicted to have the greatest impact on parasite fitness. If the immune response saturates as parasite numbers increase, parasites should benefit from even longer delays prior to transmission investment. The presence of a competing strain selects for consistently lower levels of transmission investment and dramatically increased exploitation of the red blood cell resource. While we provide a detailed analysis of tradeoffs pertaining to malaria life history, our approach for identifying optimal plastic allocation strategies may be broadly applicable.  相似文献   

Direct non-insect-vector transmission of Leishmania parasites in mice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Animal to animal non-vector transmission of Leishmania major was investigated in Balb/c mice, a strain known for its susceptibility to this parasite. Both overt or inapparent infection (documented by positive spleen cultures) was possible after prolonged contact with infected animals. Similarly transmission of infection from infected mothers to their offspring was documented.  相似文献   

The distribution of phenotypes in space will be a compromise between adaptive plasticity and local adaptation increasing the fit of phenotypes to local conditions and gene flow reducing that fit. Theoretical models on the evolution of quantitative characters on spatially explicit landscapes have only considered scenarios where optimum trait values change as deterministic functions of space. Here, these models are extended to include stochastic spatially autocorrelated aspects to the environment, and consequently the optimal phenotype. Under these conditions, the regression of phenotype on the environmental variable becomes steeper as the spatial scale on which populations are sampled becomes larger. Under certain deterministic models – such as linear clines – the regression is constant. The way in which the regression changes with spatial scale is informative about the degree of phenotypic plasticity, the relative scale of effective gene flow and the environmental dependency of selection. Connections to temporal models are discussed.  相似文献   

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