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Incorporation of 32P-orthophosphate was found in the DNA fraction of aerobically incubated potato discs when examined by methylated albumin kieselguhr column chromatography. The estimation of DNA content of the discs was by a method developed for starchy tissues and showed that the incorporation of 32P was due to net synthesis of DNA. The DNA content of a disc rapidly increased after a lag period of about 12 hours. The increase continued during the entire test period although at a lower rate during the later period of aging. DNA synthesis was further examined by measuring the rate of incorporation of 3H-thymidine. The striking similarity which was found between changes in the rate of DNA accumulation and in the rate of 3H-thymidine incorporation indicates that the incorporation of 3H-thymidine actually represents the net synthesis of DNA. Although the experiments with microautoradiography revealed that DNA synthesis occurred exclusively in nuclei, no signs of cell division were detected by microscopic observation. DNA synthesis in potato discs was further examined by using inhibitors of protein and RNA synthesis and was sensitive to those inhibitors. The significance of the present results is discussed in relation to the role of wounding in the induction of DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Membrane transformations in aging potato tuber slices   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
When potato tuber slices (Solanum tuberosum L.) are incubated with radioactive choline, labeled membrane-bound phospholipids are formed. If potato slices are aged for 0 to 24 hours before exposure to radioactive choline, the distribution of the labeled phospholipids undergoes both quantitative and qualitative changes. Quantitatively, there is a marked increase in the total lipoidal radioactivity with aging time. Qualitatively, there is a shift in the kinds of subcellular fractions that are being labeled. Fresh slices incorporate most of the lipoidal radioactivity in the microsomes. Slices aged for 9 hours incorporate most of the label in a fraction consisting of single membrane-bound cisternae, which are presumed to be dictyosomal fragments. Slices aged for 24 hours before incubation with radioactive choline incorporate the greater portion of the label in this same fraction, but a significant portion of the label is found in a heavier, mitochondria-containing fraction.  相似文献   

Regulation of potato tuber protein accumulation by gibberellic Acid   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Many studies have shown that gibberellic acid (GA3) inhibits tuberization in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). In this study, we have utilized the 40 kilodalton glycoprotein, patatin, as a marker for biochemical events associated with the process of tuberization. To determine the effects of exogenous applications of GA3 on the induction of the accumulation of this major tuber protein, we measured patatin levels in tubers from treated whole plants, petioles from a single-node cutting system with GA3 applied in a lanolin paste, and stolon tips cultured in vitro on an inductive medium supplemented with GA3. In all three systems, GA3 inhibited the accumulation of patatin and the major 15 and 22 kilodalton tuber proteins. This effect appeared to be selective since most of the other proteins were not affected and, in tubers, at least one protein was stimulated by GA3. These results suggest that GA3 can reverse biochemical events of tuberization in tubers as well as prevent the accumulation of the major tuber proteins in other inducible tissues.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase was extracted from potato (Solanum tuberosumL.) tuber discs and the temporal correlation of its activitychange to DNA synthesis in vivo was examined during aging ofthe discs. Most of the DNA polymerase was recovered as a boundform in the 18,000?g precipitate. Reaction with the bound-formenzyme was dependent on the presence of four deoxynucleosidetriphosphates, Mg2+, and a template. "Activated" DNA and heat-denaturedDNA, but not native DNA, were utilized as templates. The polymeraseactivity was sensitive to SH reagents. Fresh discs, which donot synthesize DNA in vivo, contained a significant amount ofDNA polymerase and its activity increased linearly with timeuntil 48 hr after slicing and became four times that of freshdiscs after 72 hr, whereas the activity of DNA synthesis invivo increased with time and decreased after reaching a maximumat 30 hr. Cycloheximide inhibited the enhancement of polymeraseactivity. DNA polymerase from aged and fresh discs had identicalrequirements for deoxynucleotides and a template in their reactions,sensitivity to SH reagent, and affinity to thymidine triphosphate. (Received February 18, 1977; )  相似文献   

Activity changes of several enzymes involved in DNA synthesiswere investigated in potato tuber tissue in which DNA synthesiswas induced by slicing. Nucleoside phosphotransferase activityincreased only slightly during aging of the tissue discs. Thymidinemonophosphate (TMP) kinase activity increased about 36% afteraging for 24 hr. Protein synthesis in an early stage of agingwas necessary for the activity increase. A 2.7-fold increasewas observed in DNA polymerase activity after aging for 36 hr.The activity increase was due to continuous synthesis of enzymeprotein. In vivo examination of TMP synthetase suggests thatits activity does not necessarily increase before full developmentof DNA synthesis. It was concluded that among the enzymes examined,TMP kinase activity may increase shortly after slicing to supporta massive supply of thymidine triphosphate and the increasedactivity of DNA polymerase may contribute to the active synthesisof DNA in aged discs. (Received February 18, 1977; )  相似文献   

When fresh potato tuber slices were incubated with [1-14C]-sodium acetate, cycloartenol was heavily labelled but no radioactivity was recovered in 24-methylene cycloartanol and free sterols. If potato slices were aged for 0–24 hr before feeding with radioactive acetate, a rapid increase of the label in the sterol precursors and the free sterols was observed. The free sterol content was 5 × higher after ageing for 24 hr. Isofucosterol synthesis was especially stimulated. The synthesis of sterols during the ageing process seems to be related to the appearance of a cycloartenol C24-methylase and may be linked to a biogenesis of membranes.Nomenclature: (1) 4,4,14α-trimethyl 9β, 19β-cyclo-5α-cholest-24-en 3β-ol; (2) 4,4,14α-trimethyl 9β, 19β-cyclo-5α-ergost-24(28)-en 3β-ol; (3) 4α,14α-dimethyl 9β,19β-cyclo 5α-ergost 24(28)-en 3β-ol; (4) 4α, 14α-dimethyl 5α-ergosta 8.24(28)-dien 3β-ol; (5) 4α-methyl 5α-ergosta 7,24(28)-dien 3β-ol; (6) ergosta 5,24(28)-dien 3β-ol; (7) stigmasta 5,Z-24(28)-dien 3β-ol; (8) (24R)-24 methyl cholest 5-en 3β-ol; (9) (24R)-24 ethyl cholest 5-en 3β-ol; (10) (24S)-24 ethyl cholesta 5,E-22(23)-dien 3β-ol; (11) cholest 5-en 3β-ol.  相似文献   

Functional stability of messenger RNA to potato tuber slices   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Phospholipid synthesis in aging potato tuber tissue   总被引:9,自引:8,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The effect of activation (“aging”) of potato tuber slices on their phospholipid metabolism was investigated. Aged slices were incubated with 14C labeled choline, ethanolamine, methionine, serine, and acetate. In all cases, the incorporation of radioactivity into the lipid fraction increased with the length of time the slices were aged. This incorporation was shown to be true synthesis and not exchange between precursors and existing phospholipids.

The increased incorporation of labeled choline into lipids was mainly due to an increase in its uptake by the tissue, the presence of actidione during aging prevented this increased uptake. The increase in the incorporation of labeled acetate into lipids resulted from the development of a fatty acid synthetase during aging. In the case of ethanolamine, both its uptake into the tissue and its incorporation into the lipid fraction increased.

The phospholipids formed from these precursors were identified by paper and thin-layer chromatography. The major compound formed from choline was lecithin, while phosphatidylethanolamine and a small amount of lecithin were formed from ethanolamine.


Osmotically permeabilized potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tuber slices were used to study the biosynthesis of starch under semi in vivo conditions. Criteria to distinguish the various enzymes involved in starch biosynthesis were developed based on the characteristics of the enzymes in in vitro experiments. Branching enzyme activity was inhibited at pH 8.5 or higher, while the starch synthases functioned optimally between pH 8.8 and 9.1. Unprimed soluble starch synthase activity was only apparent in the presence of sodium citrate (0.4 molar or higher). Granulebound and primed soluble starch synthase were active in the absence of sodium citrate. Primed soluble starch synthase activity was susceptible to inhibition by 10 millimolar zinc sulfate, while granule-bound starch synthase activity was not. The incorporation of the Glc moiety of ADP-Glc into starch in tissue slices by the various starch synthases was consistent with in vitro data with respect to the affinity of the enzymes for substrate, the pH profile, the stimulation by citrate, and the inhibition by zinc sulfate. These data were used to determine the activity of each of the starch synthases in tissue slices: granule-bound and soluble starch synthase transferred 37 and 55 picomoles ADP-Glc per hour per milligram fresh weight into starch of permeabilized tissue slices at 30°C and pH 9.1. In the presence of 0.5 molar sodium citrate, at least 40 picomoles ADP-Glc per hour per milligram fresh weight as transferred into starch by unprimed soluble starch synthase activity.  相似文献   

Several aspects of wound healing in tuber tissue of potato (Solanum tuberosum var. Kennebec), known to require protein synthesis, are inhibited by 2,4-dichlorobenzyltributylphosphonium chloride (Phosphon D). Cell division was completely blocked by 60 mum Phosphon and markedly reduced by concentrations as low as 3 mum. When applied at the time of wounding, 0.25mm Phosphon completely prevented the wound-induced respiratory increase. Application at 15 hours after wounding arrested respiration at the rate present at that time. The same concentrations of Phosphon inhibited auxin-induced cell expansion of the tissue, protein synthesis as measured by the incorporation of leucine-(14)C into the trichloroacetic acid-insoluble fraction of tissue disks, and the appearance of wound-induced peroxidase isozymes. None of these inhibitory effects of Phosphon could be prevented or reversed by the application of gibberellic acid. All wound-induced processes inhibited by Phosphon are also inhibited by cycloheximide. It is suggested that inhibitory effects of Phosphon on wound healing in potato and on other developmental processes in excised plant tissues which cannot be reversed by gibberellin are due to interference with protein synthesis.  相似文献   

The synthesis, molecular size, and coding properties of polysome-associatedpolyadenylated RNA[poly(A)(+)RNA]and non-polyadenylated RNA[poly(A)(–)RNA] were investigated in potato tuber discsduring the early stage of aging. Tissue discs were labeled for6 hr with 3H-uridine in the presence of 5-fluorouracil to suppressrRNA synthesis, and polysomal RNA was isolated from the discs.Poly(A)(+)RNA accounted for 70% of the radioactivity in polysomalRNA and had a molecular size ranging from 6S to 30S with a peakat about 15S, when measured by formamide-polyacrylamide gelelectrophoresis. The rest of the radioactivity was in poly(A)(–)RNAwhich had nearly the same range in molecular size, but had noconspicuous peaks on the gel. The polysomal RNA could programthe synthesis of a wide variety of polypeptides in a cell-freetranslation system of wheat germ. Seventy percent of the translationalcapacity of polysomal RNA was attributed to poly(A)(+)RNA. Theelectrophoretic behaviour of the majority of the products frompoly(A)(+)RNA was similar to that of products from poly(A)(–)RNA,but the former could program the synthesis of five polypeptidesin addition to those translated from the latter. There was atendency for poly(A)(–)RNA to be a more efficient messengerfor large polypeptides. 1Present address: Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Facultyof Horticulture, Chiba University, Matsudo 271, Japan. (Received November 16, 1979; )  相似文献   

Evidence is presented for the view that the potato tuber tissue contains an unstable enzyme capable of hydroxylation of dehydroepiandrosterone and its acetate in low yield. The products of hydroxylation were isolated and identified. The possibility is discussed that auto-oxidation is a simultaneous reaction.  相似文献   

Two metabolites have been isolated from potato tuber tissue slices or cell suspension cultures that have been incubated with labeled solanidine. Initially glucosyl solanidine is formed which subsequently is glycosylated to a diglucosyl solanidine.  相似文献   

Inhibition of RNA and protein synthesis by chloral in potato slices.   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
G G Laties 《Plant physiology》1965,40(6):1237-1241

Summary The involvement of free and conjugated polyamines in tuber formation was studied in in vitro cultured node explants ofSolanum tuberosum cv. Superior. Tubers developed from the axillary buds in 100% of the explants cultured in MS medium containing high sucrose levels and supplemented with kinetin (Kin) and chlorocholine chloride (CCC). The addition of growth regulators was not essential for tuber formation, although smaller tubers were formed in the medium devoid of Kin and CCC. Tuber formation was inhibited in about 75% of node explants treated with 0.5 mM difluoromethylornithine (DFMO), a specific and irreversible inhibitor of ornithine decarboxylase. The inhibitory effect of DFMO was almost completely reversed by putrescine addition. Addition of difluoromethylarginine (DFMA), the analogous inhibitor of arginine decarboxylase, had no effect on tuber formation. DFMO, but not DFMA, also inhibited the development of axillary buds into shoots in light-grown node explants. Aminooxyphenylpropionic acid (0.1 to 0.25 mM), an inhibitor of phenylalanine ammonia lyase, caused a sharp reduction in cinnamoyl putrescines, but had no effect on tuber formation. Our results suggest that hydroxycinnamic acids are not causal in tuber formation but may serve as polyamine storage pools. Our findings support the hypothesis that polyamines derived via the ornithine decarboxylase-mediated pathway are necessary for tuber formation in vitro, probably at the early phase of morphogenesis involving active cell division.  相似文献   

Wielgat B 《Plant physiology》1979,64(5):863-866
As part of a more detailed study on plant tumorigenesis, the action of gibberellic acid (GA3) in wounded potato tuber tissues as a model system has been evaluated. GA3 stimulates total RNA synthesis in wounded tissues, the optimal concentration being 0.1 micromolar. The responsiveness of the tissue toward the hormone develops with time after wounding. Whereas freshly wounded tissue does not respond at all to the hormone, it becomes competent after about 6 hours, the competence being maximal after 1 day of wound healing.  相似文献   

Synthesis of fatty acids has been studied in aged potato slices. Formation of the very long chain fatty acids was inhibited by the presence of fluoride or by high incubation temperatures. Arsenite caused an increase in the percentage incorporation of radioactivity from acetate-[14C] into palmitic acid, apparently by inhibiting further elongation. The results indicate that the aged potato contains at least three enzymes responsible for saturated fatty acid synthesis, At short incubation times, the newly formed fatty acids were mainly unesterified but later become incorporated into phospholipids. Phosphatidylcholine contained the greatest proportion of radioactive fatty acids. Newly formed polyenoic fatty acids were principally transacylated into phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylethanolamines. The very long chain fatty acids, on the other hand, were mainly located in the wax ester and unesterified fatty acid fractions, from which they can easily be converted into suberin components.  相似文献   

Differential expression of potato tuber protein genes   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

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