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Colonies of the fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, can survive flood conditions by forming a raft of ants that floats on the water’s surface until the flood recedes or higher ground is found. Having been forced from the protection of their subterranean nests, rafting colonies are totally exposed and are without retreat. I tested the hypothesis that rafting S. invicta colonies would compensate for their elevated vulnerability by increasing their defensiveness. I measured defensiveness using the amount of venom workers delivered per sting (venom dose), since the repellent effects (i.e., pain and tissue damage) of fire-ant venom are dose-dependent. In the laboratory I assayed colony defensiveness before and after flooding colonies from their nests with water. Colonies were consistently and significantly more defensive while rafting (i.e., each colony’s workers delivered higher venom doses when their colony was rafting than they did when it was assayed pre-flood). The larger venom doses of rafting colonies may reduce their chances of being damaged by encounters with other animals by reducing the duration of such encounters through increased repellency. Encounters with S. invicta during flood conditions have the potential to be unusually dangerous; large concentrations of workers are exposed and available for defense, and they deliver significantly larger venom doses when they sting. Received 29 March 2005; revised 20 June 2005; accepted 24 June 2005.  相似文献   

New anthracotheriid remains, discovered by the H-GSP in well-dated localities from the Potwar plateau in the North of Pakistan, between 10.4 and 8.6 Ma, are described and attributed to Merycopotamus medioximus nov. sp. This new species displays an intermediate morphology between the older M. pusillus and the more recent M. dissimilis. These results permit to emend the Merycopotamus diagnosis. To cite this article: F. Lihoreau et al., C. R. Palevol 3 (2004).


Une nouvelle espèce d'Anthracotheriidae, Merycopotamus medioximus nov. sp. du Miocène récent du plateau du Potwar, Pakistan. Des restes d'Anthracotheriidae, découverts par le H-GSP dans des localités bien datées du plateau du Potwar, au Nord du Pakistan, entre 10,4 et 8,6 Ma, sont décrits et attribués à Merycopotamus medioximus nov. sp. Cette nouvelle espèce possède une morphologie intermédiaire entre M. pusillus, espèce plus ancienne, et M. dissimilis, plus récente. Ces résultats permettent en outre d'émender la diagnose du genre Merycopotamus. Pour citer cet article : F. Lihoreau et al., C. R. Palevol 3 (2004).  相似文献   

Newly founded colonies of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta compete intensely by brood raids, which result in a rapid reduction of colony density. Experimental plantings of colonies and analyses of sequential maps were used to examine the importance of spatial pattern in the dynamics of young populations. Colony positions were initially clumped in naturally founded cohorts, but were regular in most mature populations. Incipient colonies planted in clumped patterns were more likely to engage in brood raids than colonies planted in regular hexagonal patterns at the same average density. However, contrary to what would be expected if local crowding increased mortality, no significant increases in spatial regularity were observed during brood raiding either in the experimentally planted populations or in a natural population of more than 1200 incipient colonies. These results show that it may be difficult to infer the degree of past or current competition by passive analysis of spatial data even when field experiments show that the probability of mortality depends on local spacing.  相似文献   

The ecological and evolutionary dynamics of newly introduced invasive species can best be understood by identifying the source population(s) from which they originated, as many species vary behaviorally, morphologically, and genetically across their native landscapes. We attempt to identify the source(s) of the red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) in the southern USA utilizing data from three classes of genetic markers (allozymes, microsatellites, and mitochondrial DNA sequences) and employing Bayesian clustering simulations, assignment and exclusion tests, and phylogenetic and population genetic analyses. We conclude that the Mesopotamia flood plain near Formosa, Argentina represents the most probable source region for introduced S. invicta among the 10 localities sampled across the native South American range. This result confirms previous suspicions that the source population resides in northern Argentina, while adding further doubts to earlier claims that the Pantanal region of Brazil is the source area. Several lines of evidence suggest that S. invicta in the southern USA is derived from a single location rather than being the product of multiple invasions from widely separated source localities. Although finer-scale sampling of northern Argentina and Paraguay combined with the use of additional genetic markers will be necessary to provide a highly precise source population assignment, our current results are of immediate use in directing future sampling and focusing ongoing biological control efforts.  相似文献   

An expression library was created and 2304 clones sequenced from a monogyne colony of Solenopsis invicta. The primary intention of the project was to utilize homologous gene identification to facilitate discovery of viruses infecting this ant pest that could potentially be used in pest management. Additional genes were identified from the ant host and associated pathogens that serve as an important resource for studying these organisms. After assembly and removal of mitochondrial and poor quality sequences, 1054 unique sequences were yielded and deposited into the GenBank database under Accession Nos. EH412746 through EH413799. At least nine expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were identified as possessing microsatellite motifs and 15 ESTs exhibited significant homology with microsporidian genes. These sequences most likely originated from Thelohania solenopsae, a well-characterized microsporidian that infects S. invicta. Six ESTs exhibited significant homology with single-stranded RNA viruses (3B4, 3F6, 11F1, 12G12, 14D5, and 24C10). Subsequent analysis of these putative viral ESTs revealed that 3B4 was most likely a ribosomal gene of S. invicta, 11F1 was a single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) virus contaminant introduced into the colony from the cricket food source, 12G12 appeared to be a plant-infecting tenuivirus also introduced into the colony as a field contaminant, and 3F6, 14D5, and 24C10 were all from a unique ssRNA virus found to infect S. invicta. The sequencing project illustrates the utility of this method for discovery of viruses and pathogens that may otherwise go undiscovered.  相似文献   

Chaerilus julietteae sp. n. is described from a coastal massif of southern Vietnam. The new species is totally distinct morphologically from Chaerilus petrzelkai Kova?ík, also described from the South Vietnam: it shows more affinities with Chaerilus pictus (Pocock, 1890), described from Bangladesh. An attempt to divide the genus Chaerilus into species-groups is also proposed.  相似文献   

The new genus and species Ahytherium aureum (Mammalia, Xenarthra, Megalonychidae) from the Quaternary of Poço Azul (Bahia, Brazil) is described. It is the first Brazilian megalonychid known from reasonably complete and well-preserved remains. Purported Brazilian megalonychids described in the past, such as Ocnopus gracilis and Xenocnus cearesis, are noted as belonging to other sloth clades, and the acceptance by past paleontologists of the existence of ‘strange’ megalonychids in Brazil is shown to be erroneous. Ahytherium aureum, in fact, exhibits typical megalonychid morphology. It differs from other known members of Megalonychidae in several characters, including a markedly shortened, but high rostral region, with dorsally inflated frontals, wide zygomatic processes of the frontal, narrow, blade-like and anterolaterally oriented lacrimals, curved, slender and oval caniniforms, gracile humerus with less developed deltopectoral shelf, and relatively distal position of the greater trochanter of the femur. A second specimen from São Paolo state is tentatively assigned to the new genus and species.  相似文献   

This article reports a new record of the greater noctule Nyctalus lasiopterus (Schreber, 1780) in the Late Pleistocene of Europe. A fragment of a left mandible from this species was collected in Layer O (around 55 ka) from the Abric Romaní rock shelter, providing evidence of the presence of the greater noctule in north-eastern Spain during the latest Late Pleistocene. The relevance of this new record, which is geographically not reported up to now in the area, is discussed in terms of environmental changes.  相似文献   

For a long time, the highly aberrant crinoid Scoliocrinus was known only from the Lower Givetian Eifel area (western Rhenish Massif) as a single oblique calyx with only two out of five radials having an arm facet. Several almost complete crowns of a new species in the Middle Givetian Finnentrop area (eastern Rhenish Massif) have two fan-like arms (in the A and E rays), and a horizontal large anal tube. The probable mode of life of Scoliocrinus is analysed by (a) functional morphology mainly of the arms, (b) criteria of minimised faecal recycling, (c) biostratinomic association with two new species of another aberrant, but four-armed new crinoid genus thus suggesting original syntopy with Scoliocrinus. It is concluded that the construction of Scoliocrinus is probably an adaptation to prevailing unidirectional (tidal?) currents in biostromal reef biotopes. This is supported by rather similar crinoid occurrences in a Lower Givetian biostromal reef-related region in the western Rhenish Massif, with the genotype of Scoliocrinus and a newly assigned third species of Scoliocrinus (arm and probable part of the calyx), as well as four-armed species. The new forms are described as Scoliocrinus ubaghsi nov. sp., Scoliocrinus gerolsteinensis nov. sp., Trapezocrinus scheeri nov. gen., nov. sp., and Trapezocrinus hilperti nov. gen., nov. sp.  相似文献   

The red imported fire ant Solenopsis invicta Buren (RIFA), an invasive pest that has diverse detrimental impacts on the communities it invades, was recently discovered in China and has the potential to colonize numerous other regions. Using the model of Korzukhin et al. as modified by Morrison et al. and the biological and ecological characteristics of RIFA, we show that Jiangsu Province is a potentially suitable establishment area of RIFA. An isotherm map made by ArcMap, a Geographic Information System, indicated that several regions of Jiangsu Province (Changzhou, Liyang, Wuxian Dongshan, Nanjing and Lvsi) are at higher risk of S. invicta infestation, especially from late July and early August. Quarantine officials should be vigilant for any accidental introductions of this pest in the susceptible regions and time.  相似文献   

A new baurusuchid, Wargosuchus australis gen. et sp. nov., coming from the Bajo de La Carpa Formation, Neuquén Province (Argentina), is described. This new taxon is based on a fragment of snout and a portion of the cranial roof. Wargosuchus differs from other crocodyliforms by possessing a deep median groove on the frontals, a contact between nasals and frontals extremely reduced, a large depression for the olfactory bulbs, three large foramina surrounding the large, smooth perinarial depression, and a hypertrophied, conical last premaxillary tooth followed by a large paracanine fossa. The finding of Wargosuchus in Patagonia (Argentina), a taxon with a strong resemblance to Brazilian baurusuchids, reinforces the hypothesis of a similar biota between both regions by the Late Cretaceous. Wargosuchus and Cynodontosuchus represent the only Argentinian mesoeucrocodylians to be included within Baurusuchidae. This finding extends the number of crocodyliforms from the Bajo de la Carpa Formation, which, in turn, corresponds to the most taxonomically diverse one in Argentina.  相似文献   

Bacteria were isolated and cultured from the red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) midgut. The small-subunit ribosomal RNA gene, (16s rRNA gene, approximately 1500 bp) was amplified from bacterial genomic DNA using the polymerase chain reaction and consensus sequence primers. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis revealed 10 unique profiles, indicating that at least 10 different bacteria are present in red imported fire ant midguts. The 16s rRNA gene sequence was determined for these isolates and queried against the NCBI genetic database. The results identified all isolates to at least the genus level. Antibiotic resistance profiles and biochemical activities were also determined for these species. This work provides the basis for a wider characterization of bacterial distributions in fire ant colonies and provides strains suitable for genetic manipulation to develop novel methods of fire ant control.  相似文献   

For the first time unequivocal fossil remains of a green toad (Bufo viridis s.l.) are described in the Iberian Peninsula. The fossils come from the Cueva Victoria site, a late Early Pleistocene (ca. 1.1–1.2 Ma) karstic filling in semi-arid southeastern Spain (Murcia region). By extension, other remains from two other Early Pleistocene Spanish localities, Barranco León D (ca. 1.3 Ma) and Almenara-Casablanca 3 (ca. 1.1 Ma), are cautiously attributed to the group B. viridis. The B. viridis group was previously reported with some uncertainty to the west of its current distribution area in Western Europe (Spain and France) in the Pliocene (Bufo cf. viridis) and less probably in the Early Miocene (Bufo aff. viridis). Since no osteological differences have been established between the recently described extant species of B. viridis s.l. (e.g. Bufo balearicus, Bufo siculus, Bufo boulengeri, B. viridis sensu stricto and Bufo variabilis) no precise palaeobiogeographical relationships can be drawn for the Spanish fossils. However, the occurrence of a third species of bufonid toad during the Pleistocene in the South of the Iberian Peninsula raises some interesting ecological questions in relation to the local disappearance of the green toad, which can be hypothetically linked to the intensification of the Pleistocene glacial/interglacial climate dynamic or to probable competition with another toad, Bufo calamita.  相似文献   

A Middle Cambrian edrioasteroid belonging to the genus Cambraster is described from the Middle Cambrian Murero biota (Cadenas Ibéricas, NE Spain). Up to now, this genus was known only from Australia and France. This represents the first record of the class Edrioasteroidea in the Cambrian of Spain. Moreover, preliminary results on the diversity and biostratigraphic position of Cincta, Eocrinoidea and Edrioasteroidea from this area are reported.  相似文献   

Remains of a large-bodied species of endemic nesomyid rodent, Macrotarsomys petteri Goodman and Soarimalala, 2005, were identified from subfossil deposits recovered from Andrahomana Cave in extreme southeastern Madagascar. This recently described extant species was previously only known from a single specimen collected at a site about 450 km northwest of Andrahomana and with distinctly different forest habitat than currently found in the vicinity of the cave. Radiocarbon dating of remains of M. petteri from the cave site indicates that it persisted in the region subsequent to human settlement. Previous reports of a large member of Macrotarsomys from other Quaternary sites in southern Madagascar are almost certainly of M. petteri. It is proposed that this species once had a broad distribution across the southern portion of the island during a more mesic period and subsequent aridification of the region has led to its local extirpation across most of its former range. To cite this article: S.M. Goodman et al., C. R. Palevol 5 (2006).  相似文献   

We studied the behaviour of the invasive African myrmicine ant, Pheidole megacephala, when confronted with colonies of other common ant species in Cameroon, a part of its native range, and in Mexico, where it has been introduced. P. megacephala raided the nests of the other ants in both cases. Eleven species out of 12 put up a rather strong resistance to raiding P. megacephala workers in Cameroon compared to only three species out of 11 in Mexico, where only colonies of Solenopsis geminata, Dorymyrmex pyramicus and Dolichoderus bispinosus resisted these raids. We conclude that P. megacephala's heightened ability to successfully raid colonies of competing ants may help explain its success and the decline of native ants in areas where it has been introduced.  相似文献   

An overview of the palaeoneuroanatomy (brain and spinal cord) of the sauropod dinosaur Brachiosaurus is given. Although having a flexed brain configuration, Brachiosaurus presents on the whole a rather moderately derived neuroanatomical pattern. As other sauropods, Brachiosaurus shows an enlargement of the spinal cord in the sacral area. New Encephalization Quotients are calculated and found to be about 0.62 or 0.79 (depending on the body volume taken into consideration) when Hurlburt's formula is used. This suggests that Brachiosaurus, although it may not have been as a low encephalized taxon (by reptilian standards) as previously believed, did have an undersized relative brain volume.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to assess the risk of poisoning due to consumption of the puffer fish Lagocephalus lagocephalus collected along the Tunisian coast. Wistar rats were daily intraperitoneally injected, for 10 days, with acidic extracts of liver or flesh (muscles + skin) of L. lagocephalus. Control rats received injections of NaCl (0.9%). No mortality and no evident signs of neurotoxicity were recorded in treated rats. Conversely, treatment led to: (1) diarrhoea and body and organ (liver, kidney) weights loss; (2) oxidative stress evidenced by an increase in lipid peroxidation (TBARS) and conversely a decrease in antioxidant enzyme activities (SOD, catalase, GSH-Px) in tissues (blood cells, liver, kidneys); (3) a decrease in alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activities in blood plasma.  相似文献   

Study of undescribed material from Dor-El-Talha (Libya, Upper Eocene) reveals the existence of at least three different crocodilian taxa at this locality: a gavialid, a tomistomine and a mesosuchian represented by just one amphicoelous vertebra. Most of this material is fragmentary and it includes mainly fragments of snouts and lower jaws. The crocodilian fauna from this locality shows similarities with that from the contemporaneous El Fayum locality (Egypt).


L’étude du matériel inédit provenant de Dor-El-Talha (Libye, Éocène supérieur) indique l’existence d’au moins trois taxons différents de crocodiliens : un gavialidé, un tomistomine et un mésosuchien représenté par une seule vertèbre amphicoele. La plupart de ces matériaux est fragmentaire et elle comprend principalement des fragments de museaux et mandibules. La faune crocodilienne de ce gisement montre des ressemblances avec celle provenant du gisement contemporain du Fayum (Egypte).  相似文献   

Fossil teeth and bones of aardvarks are relatively common at Langebaanweg, an Early Pliocene site in western Cape Province, South Africa. The remains are compatible in size and most details of morphology to extant Orycteropus afer, and are the earliest fossils attributed to this species. Other Late Miocene to Early Pliocene localities in Africa have yielded smaller species of aardvarks, suggesting that the extant lineage evolved in southern Africa. Morphologically the genus Orycteropus has been remarkably conservative since at least the Early Miocene but it witnessed an overall increase in size through the Neogene. The species O. afer has been morphometrically stable since the Early Pliocene. These observations indicate that the evolutionary process in aardvarks is extremely bradytelic. To cite this article: M. Pickford, C. R. Palevol 4 (2005).  相似文献   

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