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The extent of intra- and inter-specific variation in mitochondrial DNA and nuclear ribosomal RNA gene restriction sites was determined for the four sibling species of the Anopheles quadrimaculatus complex. Individual mosquitoes were identified by allozyme analysis according to previously published keys, and the total genomic DNA of these same individuals was then cleaved with restriction enzymes. Restriction maps of mitochondrial DNA, including the positions of variable sites, were constructed for each species. No evidence for interspecific hybridization was found in the populations surveyed. There was little variation in restriction patterns within any given species, but differences occurred among the four. Three restriction enzymes (AvaI, HindIII, and PvuII) yielded species-specific DNA restriction patterns for the mitochondrial DNA, while AvaI and HindIII produced diagnostic patterns for the ribosomal DNA. Thus, restriction patterns were very useful for detecting cryptic species but less appropriate than isozymes for studying genetic structure of populations within species.  相似文献   

Anopheles fluviatilis, a major vector of malaria in India has been described as a complex of three sibling species members, named as S, T and U, based on variations in chromosomal inversions. Also, ribosomal DNA markers (repetitive Internal Transcribed Spacer 2 (ITS2) and 28S D3 region) were described to differentiate these three sibling species members. However, controversies prevail on the genetic isolation status of these cryptic species. Hence, we evaluated this taxonomic incongruence employing DNA barcoding, the well established methodology for species identification, using 60 An. fluviatilis sensu lato specimens, collected from two malaria endemic eastern states of India. These specimens were also subjected to sibling species characterization by ITS2 and D3 DNA markers. The former marker identified 31 specimens among these as An. fluviatilis S and 21 as An. fluviatilis T. Eight specimens amplified DNA fragments specific for both S and T. The D3 marker characterized 39 specimens belonging to species S and 21 to species T. Neither marker identified species U. Neighbor Joining analysis of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase gene 1 sequences (the DNA barcode) categorized all the 60 specimens into a single operational taxonomic unit, their Kimura 2 parameter (K2P) genetic variability being only 0.8%. The genetic differentiation (FST) and gene flow (Nm) estimates were 0.00799 and 62.07, respectively, indicating these two ‘species’ (S & T) as genetically con‐specific intermixing populations with negligible genetic differentiation. Earlier investigations have refuted the existence of species U. Also, this study demonstrated that An. fluviatilis and the closely related An. minimus could be taxonomically differentiated by the DNA Barcode approach (K2P = 5.0%).  相似文献   

This study deals with five species of the Barbirostris Complex of Anopheles subgenus Anopheles that are known to occur in Thailand. Three new species of the complex, A nopheles dissidens sp. nov. , A nopheles saeungae sp. nov. , and A nopheles wejchoochotei sp. nov. , are characterized and compared with Anopheles barbirostris van der Wulp and Anopheles campestris Reid based on specimens of molecularly identified progeny broods. For practical purposes, the five species are essentially isomorphic and can only be unequivocally identified from diagnostic mitochondrial and ribosomal DNA sequences. Based on overall morphological similarity, An. campestris is considered to be a member of the Barbirostris Complex rather than a separate member of the Barbirostris Subgroup. The molecular data, mitotic karyotypes, bionomics, and distributions of the species are reviewed and discussed. It is concluded that integrated molecular epidemiological studies of the complex throughout the Oriental Region are needed to unambiguously elucidate the individual species and their relation to disease. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Anopheles cruzii is a small sylvatic mosquito and primary human Plasmodium vector in Southern Brazil. The distribution of this bromeliad-breeding mosquito follows the Atlantic forest coastal distribution, where bromeliads are abundant. Morphological, genetic, and molecular polymorphisms among different populations have been reported and it has recently been suggested that An. cruzii is a complex of cryptic species. The aim of this work is to analyze the gene flow between different populations of An. cruzii collected in four localities within the geographic distribution range of the species, and to examine if An. cruzii is a complex of cryptic species. The genetic distances show that populations of the states of Santa Catarina, Sao Paulo, and Rio de Janeiro are genetically closer (0.032 to 0.083) than populations of Bahia (0.364 to 0.853) based on profiles from 10 distinct isoenzyme loci. The Fst was lower (0.077) when the Bahia population was excluded than when it was included (0.300) in the analyses. The inferred number of migrants per generation was 2.99 individuals among populations from the states of Santa Catarina, Sao Paulo, and Rio de Janeiro and 0.58 migrants per generation among all populations. Results suggest that An. cruzii is a complex of species and that the specimens of state of Bahia can be considered as belonging to a species that is distinct from other three closely-related populations studied.  相似文献   

Abstract. The adult, pupa, larva and egg of Anopheles {Anopheles) namibien-sis sp.n. from the Kavango district, Namibia (South West Africa), are described and comparisons made with Anopheles (Anopheles) ziemanni Griinberg. A photomap of the polytene chromosomes from the salivary glands of the fourth stage larvae is presented.  相似文献   

Anopheles bellator is a small silvatic bromelia-breeding mosquito and is a primary human malaria vector species in Southern Brazil. The bromelia-breeding habitat of the species should accompany the Atlantic forest coastal distribution, where bromeliads are abundant. Nonetheless, records on An. bellator collections show a gap in the species geographical distribution. An. bellator has been recorded in Southern Brazil and in the Brazilian states of Bahia and Paraíba. It appears again in the island of Trinidad, in Trinidad and Tobago. The aim of this work was to measure gene flow between different populations of An. bellator collected in the northern and southern extremes of the geographic distribution of this species. Mosquitoes were captured in forest borders in Santa Catarina, S?o Paulo, and Bahia states in Brazil and in the island of Trinidad in Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. Genetic distances varied between 0.076 and 0.680, based on enzymatic profiles from 11 distinct isoenzymes. Results indicate the existence of low-level gene flow between Brazilian populations of An. bellator, and a gene flow was even lower between the Brazilian and the Trinidad populations. This finding lead us to hypothesize that An. bellator did not spread along the coast, but reached northeastern areas through inland routes.  相似文献   

Intra‐ and interspecific molecular variation were investigated in four members of the Minimus Group of Anopheles subgenus Cellia: An. aconitus, An. varuna, An. minimus A and An. minimus C. DNA sequence divergence between these species at a mitochondrial locus (cytochrome oxidase II) and at three nuclear loci (ITS2 and D3 regions of rDNA and guanylate cyclase) is reported. The data confirm the presence of two cryptic species, A and C, within An. minimus and provide evidence for the existence of a third species. Anopheles minimus A and C are estimated to have diverged 0.57–1.5 million years ago. The discrepancy observed using the guanylate cyclase intron, which is the fastest evolving region known in the Gambiae Complex but is relatively slowly evolving in the Minimus Group, is discussed. The long‐term effective population sizes of An. minimus A and C are estimated to be in their millions, with that of species A being approximately twice the size of species C. This implies that An. minimus C has a much wider distribution than currently recognized, with possible widespread implications for vector control. No evidence was found for population structuring in either species A or C: there was greater variation of mitochondrial haplotypes within than among localities. The phylogenetic relationships of Oriental members of the Myzomyia Series are reconstructed.  相似文献   

Anopheles darlingi is an important vector of human malaria in the Amazon. Adult females of this mosquito species require a blood meal to develop eggs, preferring humans to other blood sources. Although gonotrophic concordance has been described as the norm for An. darlingi, here we report An. darlingi female mosquitoes taking two or more blood meals within their first gonotrophic cycle. Only half of field‐captured adult females fed one blood meal developed follicles to Christophers' stage V. This outcome is dependent on larval nutrition, as 88% of laboratory‐raised well‐nourished females completed the first gonotrophic cycle with only one blood meal, while less nourished females needed additional blood meals. Half of the field‐captured blood‐seeking An. darlingi females had follicles in intermediate (IIIa and IIIb) and final (V) stages of the gonotrophic cycle, supporting the conclusion that An. darlingi blood feed more than once during a gonotrophic cycle. Additionally, we observed females attempting to blood feed a second time during the same day. Additional studies of An. darlingi biting behavior are necessary to accurately estimate Plasmodium sp. entomologic inoculation rates throughout the An. darlingi vast geographical distribution.  相似文献   

We cloned and sequenced the rDNA internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) of 4 species belonging to the neotropical Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) albitarsis complex, that is, A. albitarsis; A. albitarsis B; Anopheles marajoara, a proven malaria vector; and Anopheles deaneorum, a suspected vector. Even though the ITS2 sequences of these species were very similar (< or =1.17% divergence), we found differences suitable for species identification and intragenomic variation of possible consequence in phylogenetic reconstruction. Variation came from 2 microsatellite regions and a number of indels and base substitutions. The existence of partially correlated subsets of clones in A. albitarsis is hypothesized either to be separate rDNA loci or to be semi-independently evolving portions of a single rDNA locus. No differences were found between males and females, suggesting that similar rDNA arrays exist on both the X and Y chromosomes. In addition, highly variant clones, possibly pseudogenes, were found in A. marajoara from Venezuela.  相似文献   

对采自尼日利亚南部城市阿贝奥库塔冈比亚按蚊复合体Anopheles gambiae complex的形态特征进行了研究。依据2005年8月至2006年7月灯诱捕获的364个冈比亚按蚊复合体标本,分别对它们的触角、翅、喙、前足、中足和后足6个部位的长度进行了测量,对月平均值进行回归分析,同时利用差异系数(co-efficient of difference,CD)进行近缘分析。分析显示,各特征的长度平均值雨季大于旱季,但是回归分析表明长度变化与季节不显著相关(P>0.05)。差异系数分析结果表明,仅触角长度和翅长显示此复合体为两个不同的种群(CD>1.28),而其他特征值表明为同一种群。因此,该研究结果提示触角长度及翅长对冈比亚按蚊复合体近缘种的区分有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

Four satellite DNAs in the Anopheles stephensi genome have been defined on the basis of their banding properties in Hoechst 33258-CsCl density gradients. Two of these satellites, satellites I and II, are visible on neutral CsCl density gradients as a light density peak forming approximately 15% of total cellular DNA. Hoechst-CsCl density gradient profiles of DNA extracted from polytene tissues indicates that these satellites are underreplicated in larval salivary gland cells and adult female Malpighian tubules and possibly also in ovarian nurse cells. The chromosomal location of satellite I on mitotic and polytene chromosomes has been determined by in situ hybridisation. Sequences complementary to satellite I are present in approximately equal amounts on a heterochromatic arm of the X and Y chromosomes and are also present, in smaller amounts, at the centromere of chromosome 3. A quantitative analysis of the in situ hybridisation experiments indicates that sequences complementary to satellite I at these two sites differ in their replicative behaviour during polytenisation: heterosomal satellite I sequences are under-replicated relative to chromosome 3 sequences in polytene larval salivary gland and ovarian nurse cell nuclei.  相似文献   

记述采自云南思茅市水塘内按蚊1新种,讨论了新种与近缘种的鉴别特征。模式标本保存于云南省寄生虫病防治所。  相似文献   

Two largely independent studies of chromosomes from natural populations of Anopheles maculatus provide evidence for several genetic species within the taxon. (1) Polytene chromosome variation shows four different rearrangements of arm 2 and three rearrangements of the X chromosome. There is strong evidence for three species. Two allopatric populations represent either dramatic geographic variation for two independent inversion systems within one of the genetic species, or represent two additional species. Their species status remains unresolved by this work. (2) Heterochromatic variation occurs in both X and Y chromosomes as revealed by Giemsa-banding of mitotic chromosomes from larval brains. The distribution and association of these various sex chromosomes give further evidence of a species complex. A preliminary correlation of these two kinds of chromosomal variation is given.  相似文献   

Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) albitarsis sensu lato is an important malaria vector in Brazil, especially in the Brazilian Amazon region. Chromosome preparations of fourth-instar larvae of A. albitarsis from Iranduba and Coari (AM) and Ilha Comprida (SP) were analyzed for karyotype determination and to improve cytogenetic identification of this species. Anopheles albitarsis possesses 2n = 6 chromosomes, with two pairs (submetacentric and metacentric) of autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes, with X-Y dimorphism. The sex pair is homomorphic and acrocentric in females and heteromorphic in males, with a punctiform Y chromosome. Somatic pairing was detected in the prometaphase and metaphase chromosomes of the three A. albitarsis populations. Apparently, sex chromosome evolution in the Culicidae does not function as does evolution in the Culicidae, since it occurs in the subfamily Anophelinae, which possesses heteromorphic sex chromosomes and is regarded as primitive, based on several criteria. These karyotype data on the albitarsis complex reinforce the hypothesis that sex chromosome evolution in the subfamily Anophelinae is conserved, and the variation revealed in the mean size of chromosomes in three populations indicates that selective pressure in these populations is occurring only at a genetic level.  相似文献   

In the present study, we used morphological characters to estimate phylogenetic relationships among members of the subgenus Anopheles Meigen. Phylogenetic analyses were carried out for 36 species of Anopheles (Anopheles). An. (Stethomyia) kompi Edwards, An. (Lophopodomyia) gilesi (Peryassú), Bironella hollandi Taylor, An. (Nyssorhynchus) oswaldoi (Peryassú) and An. (Cellia) maculatus Theobald were employed as outgroups. One hundred one characters of the external morphology of the adult male, adult female, fourth-instar larva, and pupa were scored and analyzed under the parsimony criterion in PAUP. Phylogenetic relationships among the series and several species informal groups of Anopheles (Anopheles) were hypothesized. The results suggest that Anopheles (Anopheles) is monophyletic. Additionally, most species groups included in the analysis were demonstrated to be monophyletic.  相似文献   

The Australasian Anopheles annulipes complex contains at least ten sibling species, some of which are important vectors of myxomatosis in rabbits. We aimed to establish how many species occurred among specimens from 61 sites throughout Australia, scored for 32 putative allozyme loci. We compared the number of species predicted from tree-based clustering of operational taxonomic units (OTUs) with that from a novel model-based Bayesian clustering approach for individual genotypes. We rejected the hypothesis of conspecificity of OTUs if they differed by at least 20% fixed differences and 0.300 Nei's standard genetic distance D . According to these criteria, 18–25 species occur, making this the most species-rich anopheline complex known to date. A conservative estimate from the Bayesian analysis was 15–20 species. There was large overlap in the assignment of individuals to clusters inferred from the Bayesian and tree-based analyses. The genetic clustering of northern and southern distributed species and an apparent cline in alleles of the enzyme glucose phosphate isomerase suggest that a latitude-dependent factor, such as temperature, may have played a role in speciation and the subsequent distribution of species. Ecological niche modelling of clusters predicted that none occur in New Guinea, emphasizing that additional, as yet unsampled, species may occur.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 523–539.  相似文献   

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