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Transgenic tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum L.) with reduced mRNA levels of AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR 7 (SlARF7) form parthenocarpic fruits with morphological characteristics that seem to be the result of both increased auxin and gibberellin (GA) responses during fruit growth. This paper presents a more detailed analysis of these transgenic lines. Gene expression analysis of auxin-responsive genes show that SlARF7 may regulate only part of the auxin signalling pathway involved in tomato fruit set and development. Also, part of the GA signalling pathway was affected by the reduced levels of SlARF7 mRNA, as morphological and molecular analyses display similarities between GA-induced fruits and fruits formed by the RNAi SlARF7 lines. Nevertheless, the levels of GAs were strongly reduced compared with that in seeded fruits. These findings indicate that SlARF7 acts as a modifier of both auxin and gibberellin responses during tomato fruit set and development.  相似文献   

Unicellular and multicellular tomato trichomes function as mechanical and chemical barriers against herbivores. Auxin treatment increased the formation of II, V and VI type trichomes in tomato leaves. The auxin response factor gene SlARF4, which was highly expressed in II, V and VI type trichomes, positively regulated the auxin‐induced formation of II, V and VI type trichomes in the tomato leaves. SlARF4 overexpression plants with high densities of these trichomes exhibited tolerance to spider mites. Two R2R3 MYB genes, SlTHM1 and SlMYB52, were directly targeted and inhibited by SlARF4. SlTHM1 was specifically expressed in II and VI type trichomes and negatively regulated the auxin‐induced formation of II and VI type trichomes in the tomato leaves. SlTHM1 down‐regulation plants with high densities of II and VI type trichomes also showed tolerance to spider mites. SlMYB52 was specifically expressed in V type trichomes and negatively regulated the auxin‐induced formation of V type trichome in the tomato leaves. The regulation of SlARF4 on the formation of II, V and VI type trichomes depended on SlTHM1 and SlMYB52, which directly targeted cyclin gene SlCycB2 and increased its expression. In conclusion, our data indicates that the R2R3 MYB‐dependent auxin signalling pathway regulates the formation of II, V and VI type trichomes in tomato leaves. Our study provides an effective method for improving the tolerance of tomato to spider mites.  相似文献   

The changes taking place during fruit development in the concentration of the 3 polyamine fractions, i.e. free, perchloric acid-soluble conjugates and perchloric acid-insoluble bound polyamines, were analyzed in tomato fruits ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill, cv. F121) induced to set by either pollination or auxin application. Before the onset of cell division, total polyamines were 50% higher in auxin-treated fruits than in pollinated ones, most of the polyamines being found as perchloric acid-soluble conjugates in both fruit set treatments. At the onset the level of polyamines in both fruit types was 100 times higher than during cell expansion or ripening. The highest polyamine found during cell division was perchloric acid-soluble conjugated spermidine in both fruit set treatments. After cell division, polyamine concentration was similar in both fruit set treatments. The concentration of polyamines in the jelly was similar in pollinated and auxin-induced fruits during cell expansion but not during ripening. At the onset of ripening there was an increase of one order of magnitude in the concentration of perchloric acid-insoluble bound putrescine in the jelly of pollinated fruits. Polyamines were more than 5-fold higher in unpollinated ovaries than in fruits induced to set by either pollination or auxins. It is suggested that pollinated and parthenocarpic fruits differ in their polyamine metabolism during the initial stages of development, but not after cell division. It is also suggested that polyamines undergo rapid turnover during cell division. Perchloric acid-insoluble bound putrescine might play a role in seed formation in tomatoes.  相似文献   

Plant responses to auxin and phosphate (Pi) starvation are closely linked. However, the underlying mechanisms connecting auxin to phosphate starvation (?Pi) responses are largely unclear. Here, we show that OsARF16, an auxin response factor, functions in both auxin and ?Pi responses in rice (Oryza sativa L.). The knockout of OsARF16 led to primary roots (PR), lateral roots (LR) and root hair losing sensitivity to auxin and ?Pi response. OsARF16 expression and OsARF16::GUS staining in PR and LR of rice Nipponbare (NIP) were induced by indole acetic acid and ?Pi treatments. In ?Pi conditions, the shoot biomass of osarf16 was slightly reduced, and neither root growth nor iron content was induced, indicating that the knockout of OsARF16 led to loss of response to Pi deficiency in rice. Six phosphate starvation‐induced genes (PSIs) were less induced by ?Pi in osarf16 and these trends were similar to a knockdown mutant of OsPHR2 or AtPHR1, which was a key regulator under ?Pi. These data first reveal the biological function of OsARF16, provide novel evidence of a linkage between auxin and ?Pi responses and facilitate the development of new strategies for the efficient utilization of Pi in rice.  相似文献   

After fruit development has been triggered by pollination, the abscission zone (AZ) in the pedicel strengthens its adhesion to keep the fruit attached. Unpollinated flowers are shed at their respective AZs, whereas an enlargement of the same tissue is observed in pollinated flowers. After the fruit has developed and is fully ripened, shedding occurs easily at the AZ, indicating an acceleration of abscission. Cell wall degradation and synthesis may play important roles in these processes; however, little is understood. In this report, we have visualized changes in polysaccharide distribution in the AZs of pollinated versus unpollinated flowers and in the ripened fruits using immunohistochemistry. During floral abscission, a large increase was observed in LM15 labeling of xyloglucan specifically at the AZ in the abscising pedicel. LM5 and LM6 labeling of galactan and arabinan, respectively, also increased—LM5 throughout the pedicel and LM6 at the basal side of the AZ. The results suggest that xyloglucan, pectic galactan and arabinan play key roles in the abscission process. During fruit abscission, unlike in floral abscission, no AZ-specific cell wall polysaccharide deposition was observed; however, high autofluorescence was seen in the AZ of over-ripe fruit pedicels, suggesting secondary cell wall synthesis and lignification of the AZ prior to fruit abscission.  相似文献   

Plant Growth Regulation - The CONSTITUTIVE PHOTOMORPHOGENIC (COP) 1LIKE is a regulatory protein and repressor of photomorphogenesis; which control many processes of development in plants. Here, the...  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Boron (B) toxicity triggers the formation of reactive oxygen species in plant tissues. However, there is still a lack of knowledge as to how B toxicity affects the plant antioxidant defence system. It has been suggested that ascorbate could be important against B stress, although existing information is limited in this respect. The objective of this study was to analyse how ascorbate and some other components of the antioxidant network respond to B toxicity. METHODS: Two tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) cultivars ('Kosaco' and 'Josefina') were subjected to 0.05 (control), 0.5 and 2 mm B. The following were studied in leaves: dry weight; relative leaf growth rate; total and free B; H(2)O(2); malondialdehyde; ascorbate; glutathione; sugars; total non-enzymatic antioxidant activity, and the activity of superoxide dismutase, catalase, ascorbate peroxidase, monodehydroascorbate reductase, dehydroascorbate reductase, glutathione reductase, ascorbate oxidase and l-galactose dehydrogenase. KEY RESULTS: The B-toxicity treatments diminished growth and boosted the amount of B, malondialdehyde and H(2)O(2) in the leaves of the two cultivars, these trends being more pronounced in 'Josefina' than in 'Kosaco'. B toxicity increased ascorbate concentration in both cultivars and increased glutathione only in 'Kosaco'. Activities of antioxidant- and ascorbate-metabolizing enzymes were also induced. CONCLUSIONS: High B concentration in the culture medium provokes oxidative damage in tomato leaves and induces a general increase in antioxidant enzyme activity. In particular, B toxicity increased ascorbate pool size. It also increased the activity of l-galactose dehydrogenase, an enzyme involved in ascorbate biosynthesis, and the activity of enzymes of the Halliwell-Asada cycle. This work therefore provides a starting point towards a better understanding of the role of ascorbate in the plant response against B stress.  相似文献   

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