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We have prepared a selectively deuterated dihydrofolate reductase in which all the aromatic protons except the C(2) protons of tryptophan have been replaced by deuterium and have examined the 1H NMR spectra of its complexes with folate, trimethoprim, methotrexate, NADP+, and NADPH. One of the four Trp C(2)-proton resonance signals (signal P at 3.66 ppm from dioxane) has been assigned to Trp-21 by examining the NMR spectrum of a selectively deuterated N-bromosuccinimide-modified dihydrofolate reductase. This signal is not perturbed by NADPH, indicating that the coenzyme is not binding close to the 2 position of Trp-21. This contrasts markedly with the 19F shift (2.7 ppm) observed for the 19F signal of Trp-21 in the NADPH complex with the 6-fluorotryptophan-labeled enzyme. In fact the crystal structure of the enzyme . methotrexate . NADPH shows that the carboxamide group of the reduced nicotinamide ring is near to the 6 position of Trp-21 but remote from its 2 position. The nonadditivity of the 1H chemical-shift contributions for signals tentatively assigned to Trp-5 and -133 indicates that these residues are influenced by ligand-induced conformational changes.  相似文献   

The 1H-nmr spectra of co-oligopeptides of tryptophan and glycine with structure H-Gly-Trp-(Gly)n-Trp-Gly-OH (n = 0–2) and those of several di- and tripeptides have been recorded at 360 MHz with CD3OD solutions containing 0.1N NaOD. The assignment of resonance signals was generally possible by comparing the spectra of structurally related peptides with each other. In order to solve the remaining ambiguities in the assignment, H-(αL,βS)(α,β-d2)Trp-OH, H-Trp-(αL,βS)(α,β-d2)Trp-OH, and H-Trp-(δ12232-d5)Trp-OH have been prepared and their spectra compared with those of the undeuterated compounds. The distribution of rotamers around the χ1 and (in two cases) χ2 torsion angles of the side chains has been obtained from the vicinal coupling constants 3J and from the long-range coupling constants 4J. These data and an analysis of the chemical shifts of the Gly-Cα protons suggest that the orientation of the aromatic side chain is influenced by the following order of decreasing interaction with the functional groups at N- and C-side: -NH2 > –NHCO– > –CONH–> –COO?. This rule does not hold for the second Trp residue of di- and tripeptides containing the -Trp-Trp- sequence, which has tentatively been attributed to steric effects.  相似文献   

The binding of oligopeptides Lys-Trp-Gly-Lys OtBu, Lys-Gly-Trp-Lys OtBu and Lys-Trp-Lys to Polyadenylic, Polycytidylic and Polyuridylic acid has been studied by Proton NMR at 90 MHz and 500 MHz at oligopeptide/Polynucleotide ratios ranging from 0.01 to 0.20 at 275-365 K. Downfield shift of 0.01-0.2 ppm at 296 K of the H2, H8 and H1' resonances of Poly A due to binding with oligopeptides is accompanied by a marked narrowing of resonance lines of Poly A. The ring protons of tryptophan shift upfield by 0.3-0.6 ppm at 296 K on binding to Poly A. Changes in chemical shift of both adenine and tryptophan protons on binding are much smaller at 355 K than that at 275 K. These observations are ascribed to intercalation of the tryptophan ring in the adenine bases resulting in partial destacking of adenine bases in Poly A. Using the magnetic anisotropy ring current shifts, an overlap geometry of tryptophan ring in the adenine has been proposed. Addition of oligopeptides to Poly C and Poly U, on the other hand, suggests that tryptophan ring does not stack in Poly U and Poly C.  相似文献   

Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy has been employed to study the solution conformation of three cleavage fragments of troponin-C, each containing a single Ca(II)-binding site and corresponding to different regions in the primary sequence; viz. CB8 (residues 46–77), CB9 (residues 85–134) and TH2 (residues 121–159). Although all three peptides lack a well-defined tertiary fold in the absence of metal ions, several spectral features indicate the presence of local conformational constraints in each apopeptide. Ca(II) binding led to spectral changes consistent with increased restriction of backbone motility and the adoption of a more compact conformation. Studies using paramagnetic ions as conformational probes support current views concerning the nature of the ligands at the metal binding sites.The nature and kinetics of the structural influence of metal binding suggest that the conformational constraints existing in the CB8 apo-peptide provide an adequate Ca(II)-binding configuration. In contrast, the CB9 and TH2 peptides exhibit spectral changes consistent with an increased local structure in the region of helix E (residues 94–102) in the case of CB9 and helix H (residues 148–159) in the case of TH2. In CB9, conformation changes also appear to be transmitted to a portion of the sequence (residues 87–93) preceding helix E, a putative site of interaction between troponin-C and troponin-I. These data are discussed with reference to the contribution of long-range (interdomain) interactions within troponin-C and the modulation of troponin subunit protein-protein interactions by Ca(II) binding.  相似文献   

Bradykinin (BK) is a peptide hormone with sequence Arg1-Pro2-Pro3-Gly4-Phe5-Ser6-Pro7-Phe8-Arg9 and has been implicated in a multitude of pathophysiological processes such as the ability to lower systemic blood pressure and stimulate pain. BK analogues having bulky, β-branched D -aliphatic residues at position 7 combined with bulky L -aliphatic residues at position 8 have now been observed to be strong antagonists. Conformational studies based on two-dimensional nmr experiments in methanol/water (80/20 v/v) were carried out on several such active antagonists in a polar solvent. Included in this study were the very active antagonists, [D -Arg0, Hyp3, Thi5, D -Cpg7, Cpg8]-BK [Cpg: α-cyclo-pentyl-glycine; Hyp: trans-4-hydroxy-L -proline; Thi: β-(2-thienyl)-L -alanine] ( I ), [D -Arg0, Hyp3, D -Cpg7, Cpg8] -BK ( II ), as well as its variant with D -Cpg7 replaced by Cpg7, namely [D -Arg0, Hyp3, Cpg7, Cpg8]-BK ( III ). A turn-like structure, which coexists with the extended conformation, was observed between residues 2 and 5 for the most active antagonists I and II , in direct correlation with the peptide activities. No turn-like structure was found for residues 6–9. In peptide III , a turn-like structure was not identified. The existence of a turn at the C-terminal end of bradykinin and its analogues has been predicted by empirical calculations and supported by nmr measurements. But the present nmr study on the most active antagonists ( I , II ) does not support this hypothesis. Instead, the data suggest that a turn-like structure between residues 2 and 5 could be important for antagonist activity. Finally, one weak inhibitor [D -Cpg7]-BK ( IV ) showed no defined secondary structure. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Proton magnetic resonance spectra of ubiquinone-10 and ubiquinone-10 dispersed with dipalmitoylglycerophosphocholine or egg phosphatidylcholine in aqueous medium have been obtained. The dispersions are in the form of multilamellar liposomes as judged by 31P-NMR spectra and the thermal history of the samples have ensured that ubiquinone not incorporated into the phospholipid structure only gives rise to a broad-line NMR proton spectrum. A high-resolution proton spectrum of ubiquinone is observed with upfield shifts of the O-methyl protons of the benzoquinone rings, indicating close proximity of the molecules but with an arrangement different from the pure liquid ubiquinone. Spectra obtained in the presence of the lanthanide shift reagents, dysprosium fluorooctanedionate and Dy(NO3)3, which have a preferred location in the hydrophobic and hydrophilic domains, respectively, of ubiquinone/phospholipid codispersions, are consistent with the partitioning of ubiquinone into a hydrophobic phospholipid environment remote from the aqueous phase. The type of arrangements of ubiquinone that could be accommodated within bilayers of phospholipid are discussed.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the effect of single amino acid substitutions on the conformation of the tryptophan synthase alpha-subunit from Escherichia coli in solution, 1H NMR spectra of the wild-type and mutant proteins were measured at various pHs. Two of the four His C2-proton resonances of the alpha-subunit were assigned to two His residues at positions 92 and 146 by using a mutant protein with Thr substituted for the His at position 92. The replacement did not affect the conformation of the protein significantly. The proton resonances of all the Tyr residues in the aromatic region could be picked up from other resonance peaks, employing the wild-type alpha-subunit deuterated at all of the Phe residues. On comparison of the spectra of the wild-type protein with those of the mutant protein with Met substituted for the Glu at position 49, it was concluded that the substitution affects only the residues close to the substituted residue at acidic pH but that a larger part of the protein is affected at alkaline pH. NOE experiments showed that the five Tyr residues, four of which are located in the proximity of position 49, are close to one another. The present results are discussed in the light of the conformational stability of the protein.  相似文献   

In apurinic acid, a single-stranded polydeoxyribonucleotide easily obtained upon depurination of DNA, the proton resonances arising from thymine and cytosine are readily observable in aqueous solution of 25°C. Two methyl thymine resonances, centered at 1.88 ppm and separated by 0.045 ppm, are observed. We attribute the downfield methyl resonance to thymines with no pyrimidine nearest neighbors and the upfield methyl resonance to thymines having pyrimidine neighbors in the 3′ and/or 5′ positions. Upon ultraviolet irradiation, the upfield methyl and thymine H-6 resonances decrease in amplitude and two methyl resoances appear at 1.63 and 1.52 ppm, corresponding, respectively, to cytosine-thymine and thymine-thymine cyclobutane dimers. Photoreversal eliminates these two minor methyl resonances from the pmr spectrum. We conclude that apurinic acid provides a suitable model system for pmr studies of chemically modified pyrimidine bases in DNA.  相似文献   

Pulsed Fourier transform proton magnetic resonance was used to study alpha-ketoglutaramic, and several other alpha-keto acids in aqueous solutions as a function of pH. Most alpha-keto acids were found to exist in equilibrium with the hydrate (gem-doil). The equilibrium position favors the nonhydrated alphs-keto acid at neutral pH, but at low pH values (below the pKa of the alpha-carboxylic acid group) the hydrate predominates. We found evidence that alpha-ketoglutaric acid exists in a third equilibrium form which is assigned to the lactol. alpha-Ketoglutaramic acid (the alpha-keto acid analog of glutamine) which is known to exist predominantly in a cyclic form at pH 7.0 was shown to exist as a cyclic structure over a wide pH range. However, the cyclic form is an equilibrium mixture of 2-pyrrolidone-5-hydroxy-5-carboxylic and 1-pyrrolin-2-one-5-carboxylic acids.  相似文献   

Proton nuclear magnetic resonance studies of mast cell histamine   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The state of histamine in mast cells was studied by 1H NMR spectroscopy. Spectra were measured for histamine in situ in intact mast cells, for histamine in suspensions of mast cell granule matrices that had been stripped of their membranes, and for histamine in solutions of heparin. The 1H NMR spectrum of intact mast cells is relatively simple, consisting predominantly of resonances for intracellular histamine superimposed on a weaker background of resonances from heparin and proteins of the cells. All of the intracellular histamine contributes to the NMR signals, indicating it must be relatively mobile and not rigidly associated with the negatively charged granule matrix. Spectra for intracellular histamine and for histamine in granule matrices are similar, indicating the latter to be a reasonable model for the in situ situation. The dynamics of binding of histamine by granule matrices and by heparin are considerably different; exchange of histamine between the bulk water and the granule matrices is slow on the 1H NMR time scale, whereas exchange between the free and bound forms in heparin solution is fast. The chemical shifts of resonances for histamine in mast cells are pH dependent, decreasing as the intragranule pH increases without splitting or broadening. The results are interpreted to indicate that histamine in mast cells is relatively labile, with rapid exchange between bound histamine and pools of free histamine in water compartments confined in the granule matrix.  相似文献   

Proton magnetic resonance studies of Desulfovibrio cytochromes c3   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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