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Presented here is the development a semi-rational protein engineering approach that uses information from protein structure coupled with established DNA manipulation techniques to design and create multiple crossover libraries from non-homologous genes. The utility of structure-based combinatorial protein engineering (SCOPE) was demonstrated by its application to two distantly related members of the X-family of DNA polymerases: rat DNA polymerase beta (Pol beta) and African swine fever virus DNA polymerase X (Pol X). These proteins share similar folds but have low sequence identity, and differ greatly in both size and activity. "Equivalent" subdomain elements of structure were designed on the basis of the tertiary structure of Pol beta and the corresponding regions of Pol X were inferred from homology modeling and sequence alignment analysis. Libraries of chimeric genes with up to five crossovers were synthesized in a series of PCR reactions by employing hybrid oligonucleotides that code for variable connections between structural elements. Genetic complementation in Escherichia coli enabled identification of several novel DNA polymerases with enhanced phenotypes. Both the composition of structural elements and the manner in which they were linked were shown to be essential for this property, indicating the importance of these aspects of design.  相似文献   

Sialic acid-binding immunoglobulin-like lectins (Siglecs) are receptors believed to be important for regulation of cellular activation and inflammation. Several pathogenic microbes bind specific Siglecs via sialic acid-containing structures at the microbial surface, interactions that may result in modulation of host responses. Recently, it was shown that the group B Streptococcus (GBS) binds to human Siglec-5 (hSiglec-5), an inhibitory receptor expressed on macrophages and neutrophils, via the IgA-binding surface β protein, providing the first example of a protein/protein interaction between a pathogenic microbe and a Siglec. Here we show that the hSiglec-5-binding part of β resides in the N-terminal half of the protein, which also harbors the previously determined IgA-binding region. We constructed bacterial mutants expressing variants of the β protein with non-overlapping deletions in the N-terminal half of the protein. Using these mutants and recombinant β fragments, we showed that the hSiglec-5-binding site is located in the most N-terminal part of β (B6N region; amino acids 1-152) and that the hSiglec-5- and IgA-binding domains in β are completely separate. We showed with BIAcore(TM) analysis that tandem variants of the hSiglec-5- and IgA-binding domains bind to their respective ligands with high affinity. Finally, we showed that the B6N region, but not the IgA-binding region of β, triggers recruitment of the tyrosine phosphatase SHP-2 to hSiglec-5 in U937 monocytes. Taken together, we have identified and isolated the first microbial non-sialic acid Siglec-binding region that can be used as a tool in studies of the β/hSiglec-5 interaction.  相似文献   

Factor VIII-specific affibodies were selected from phage displayed libraries constructed by combinatorial mutagenesis of an alpha helical bacterial receptor domain derived from staphylococcal protein A. Bead-immobilized recombinant human factor VIII (rVIII) (80 and 90 kDa chains) protein was used during competitive biopannings in the presence of free 80-kDa chain protein, resulting in the selection of several binders that showed dissociation constants (Kd) in the range 100-200 nM as determined by biosensor analyses. One variant (Z[rVIII:3], 90-kDa chain specific) was further characterized in small-scale affinity chromatography experiments, and showed efficient and selective recovery of biologically active rVIII from Chinese hamster ovary cell supernatant-derived feed stocks. The purity of the enriched rVIII was comparable with rVIII material purified by immunoaffinity chromatography using a 90-kDa chain-specific monoclonal antibody. Interestingly, epitope mapping showed that the monoclonal antibody and the affibody ligand competed for the same or at least overlapping epitopes on rVIII. In addition, the Z[rVIII:3] variant was produced by peptide synthesis with a C-terminal cysteine to enable directed coupling to solid supports. This 59-residue protein was analyzed by circular dichroism and showed a secondary structure content similar to that of the parental Z domain used as scaffold. In biosensor studies, the synthetic affibody was immobilized recruiting the C-terminal cysteine residue, and demonstrated to bind both recombinantly produced and plasma-derived factor VIII. From a secondary library, constructed by re-randomization of relevant positions identified after alignment of the first-generation variants, a panel of affinity-improved second-generation affibodies were selected of which one clone showed a dissociation constant (Kd) for rVIII of 5 nM. Several of these variants also showed higher apparent binding efficiencies towards rVIII when analyzed as immobilized ligands in biosensor experiments. Taken together, the results suggest that affibody ligands produced by bacterial or synthetic routes could be of interest as an alternative to monoclonal antibodies in purification processes or as diagnostic or monitoring tools.  相似文献   

An expression system designed for cell surface display of hybrid proteins on Staphylococcus carnosus has been evaluated for the display of Staphylococcus aureus protein A (SpA) domains, normally binding to immunoglobulin G (IgG) Fc but here engineered by combinatorial protein chemistry to yield SpA domains, denoted affibodies, with new binding specificities. Such affibodies, with human IgA or IgE binding activity, have previously been selected from a phage library, based on an SpA domain. In this study, these affibodies have been genetically introduced in monomeric or dimeric forms into chimeric proteins expressed on the surface of S. carnosus by using translocation signals from a Staphylococcus hyicus lipase construct together with surface-anchoring regions of SpA. The recombinant surface proteins, containing the IgA- or IgE-specific affibodies, were demonstrated to be expressed as full-length proteins, localized and properly exposed at the cell surface of S. carnosus. Furthermore, these chimeric receptors were found to be functional, since recombinant S. carnosus cells were shown to have gained IgA and IgE binding capacity, respectively. In addition, a positive effect in terms of IgA and IgE reactivity was observed when dimeric versions of the affibodies were present. Potential applications for recombinant bacteria with redirected binding specificity in their surface proteins are discussed.  相似文献   

A method to screen combinatorial libraries for the development of selective ligands for protein affinity chromatographic purification is described. The method is based on the application of parallel combinatorial libraries, and it has several potential advantages. The screening procedure is simple and straightforward, and it does not require the chemical derivatization of the target proteins or even that the target protein be pure. The experiment can also be designed to select binders that are less likely to cause protein denaturation. Feasibility of this approach is demonstrated with a model study of the chromatographic purification of bovine albumin serum (BSA) and Avidin.  相似文献   

Host survival depends on an effective immune system and pathogen survival on the effectiveness of immune evasion mechanisms. Staphylococcus aureus utilizes a number of molecules to modulate host immunity, including the SSL family of which SSL7 binds IgA and inhibits Fcα receptor I (FcαRI)-mediated function. Other Gram-positive bacterial pathogens produce IgA binding proteins, which, similar to SSL7, also bind the Fc at the CH2/CH3 interface (the junction between constant domains 2 and 3 of the heavy chain). The opposing activities of the host FcαRI-IgA receptor ligand pair and the pathogen decoy proteins select for host and pathogen variants, which exert stronger protection or evasion, respectively. Curiously, mouse but not rat IgA contains a putative N-linked glycosylation site in the center of this host receptor and pathogen-binding site. Here, we demonstrate that this site is glycosylated and that the effect of amino acid changes and glycosylation of the CH2/CH3 interface inhibits interaction with the pathogen IgA binding protein SSL7, while maintaining binding of pIgR, essential to the biosynthesis and transport of SIgA.  相似文献   

Cell suspensions of mouse plasma-cell tumours secreting IgA (immunoglobulin A) and IgM (immunoglobulin M) were incubated with radioactive leucine for various periods of time. The secreted immunoglobulins were precipitated from the culture medium with specific rabbit antisera to determine the relative distribution of radioactivity among the different molecular species, and to estimate the fraction of total radioactivity in the J chain. For IgM-secreting cells there is a balanced synthesis of 7S subunits and J chains, and the secreted product is uniformly assembled to the pentamer. In cells secreting IgA, however, the results demonstrate that the pool of intracellular J chain is less than the intracellular IgA pool. The concentration of J chain is therefore limiting and is less than the requirement for complete polymerization. The major factor that determines whether an intracellular monomer is secreted as such or is polymerized with the addition of J chain is therefore the amount of intracellular J chain. When this is limiting, as it is in cells secreting IgA, then monomer will be secreted.  相似文献   

Pooling in directed-evolution experiments will greatly increase the throughput of screening systems, but important parameters such as the number of good mutants created and the activity level increase of the good mutants will depend highly on the protein being engineered. The authors developed and validated a Monte Carlo simulation model of pooling that allows the testing of various scenarios in silico before starting experimentation. Using a simplified test system of 2 enzymes, betagalactosidase (supermutant, or greatly improved enzyme) and beta-glucuronidase (dud, or enzyme with ancestral level of activity), the model accurately predicted the number of supermutants detected in experiments within a factor of 2. Additional simulations using more complex activity distributions show the versatility of the model. Pooling is most suited to cases such as the directed evolution of new function in a protein, where the background level of activity is minimized, making it easier to detect small increases in activity level. Pooling is most successful when a sensitive assay is employed. Using the model will increase the throughput of screening procedures for directed-evolution experiments and thus lead to speedier engineering of proteins.  相似文献   

A double-sandwich enzyme immunoassay method was developed for determination of serum immunoglobulin A (S-IgA) and mucosal secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA) in duodenal brush samples obtained via endoscopy and the relationship between enteric mucosal sIgA, salivary sIgA and S-IgA in dogs was examined. Twenty healthy dogs underwent routine endoscopy. A brush sample from the duodenal mucosa was obtained and washed in PBS, with a serum sample being taken concurrently. A saliva sample was collected from twelve of these dogs. S-IgA and sIgA with total protein concentrations in the duodenal washings and saliva samples were determined. A significant negative correlation (r = -0.64, P = 0.0059) was found between duodenal sIgA/protein ratios and S-IgA concentrations. Saliva sIgA/protein ratios did not correlate with sIgA/protein ratios of duodenal samples. The method described here allows for direct assessment of duodenal IgA; therefore indirect measures based on serum IgA or salivary IgA can be avoided. In addition, these indirect measures appear to be poor indicators of duodenal sIgA competence in dogs.  相似文献   

Three bacterial strains of Bifidobacterium and Clostridium sp. from patients with inflammatory bowel disease (I.B.D.) and Streptococcus pneumoniae from a patient with pneumonia were identified to produce extracellular proteases cleaving IgA into Fab and Fc fragments. Although the proteases from the Bifidobacterium and the Streptococcus pneumoniae showed the characteristics of typical IgA1 proteases, cleaving the IgA of only the IgA1 subclass, the protease from Clostridium sp. revealed a dual substrate specificity, in that it cleaved both IgA1 and IgA2 of the A2m(1) allotype. The latter protease, however, did not show any activity with respect to the IgA2 of the A2m(2) allotype. Fc fragments isolated from the IgA1 and the IgA2 A2m(1) by digestion with the Clostridium sp. protease were identified to have an identical amino terminal residue of valine. The site of cleavage in both the alpha 1 and the alpha 2 of A2m(1) by the protease was assumed to be an identical peptide bond at Pro(221)-Val(222), which is a common one present just before the hinge of both the alpha 1 and the alpha 2 of the A2m(1) but not of the alpha 2 of the A2m(2). The protease was sensitive to ethylene-diamino tetraacetic acid, a chelating agent, similar to other already reported IgA1 proteases.  相似文献   

Mouse myeloma cells secreting 19S IgM (immunoglobulin M) (MOPC 104E and TEPC 183) or monomer and polymer IgA (immunoglobulin A) (MOPC 315) were incubated with radioactive leucine and the intracellular and secreted immunoglobulins and immunoglobulin subunits were prepared by preparative sucrose-density-gradient centrifugation. Samples were reduced in the presence or absence of isolated J chain, passed over Sephadex G-25 and then incubated at 37 degrees C for 30min with or without a source of disulphide-interchange enzyme. The extent of reassembly of reduced subunits was then evaluated by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels. Provided that J chain and the disulphide-interchange enzyme were supplied, both IgM and IgA could be assembled from their respective subunits, obtained by reductive cleavage of polymeric forms. Under similar conditions, assembly of polymeric forms from intracellular or secreted 7S monomer subunits also occurred. Under these conditions polymerization was total, there being no residue of the monomeric form. Reassembly did not occur in the absence of either J chain or the enzyme. All of the J chain released from IgM by reductive cleavage was incorporated back into the reassembled polymer. The J chain is therefore likely to be an essential structural requirement for polymeric immunoglobulins. A variety of controls ruled out non-specific interactions, and further suggested that the amino acid sequence of polypeptide chains determines the specificity of polymerization. The fact that intracellular IgA and IgM monomer subunits known to be deficient in galactose and fucose can be completely polymerized suggests that the addition of carbohydrate does not control polymerization.  相似文献   

The involvement of human lectins (galectins) in disease progression accounts for the interest to design potent inhibitors. Three fully randomized hexa(glyco)peptide libraries were prepared using the portion mixing method combined with ladder synthesis. On-bead screening with fluorescently labelled galectin-1 and -3 yielded a series of lead structures, whose inhibitory activity on carbohydrate-dependent galectin binding was tested in solution by solid-phase and cell assays. The various data obtained define the library approach as a facile route for the discovery of selective (glyco)peptide-based galectin inhibitors.  相似文献   

The availability of highly pure animal antibodies is critical in the production of diagnostic tools and biosensors. The peptoid PL16, previously isolated from an ensemble of peptoid variants of the IgG-binding peptide HWRGWV, was utilized in this work as affinity ligand on WorkBeads resin for the purification of immunoglobulin G (IgG) from a variety of mammalian sources and chicken immunoglobulin Y (IgY). The chromatographic protocol initially optimized for murine serum and ascites was subsequently employed for processing rabbit, goat and sheep, donkey, llama, and chicken sera. The PL16-WorkBeads resin proved able to recover all antibody targets with values of yield between 50 and 90%, and purity consistently above 90%. Notably, PL16 not only binds a broader spectrum of animal immunoglobulins than the reference ligands Protein A and G, but it also binds equally well with all their subclasses. Unlike the protein ligands, in fact, PL16 afforded excellent values of yield and purity of mammalian polyclonal IgG, namely murine (47 and 94%), rabbit (66.5 and 91.7%), caprine IgG (63 and 91–95%), donkey, and llama (93 and 97%), as well as chicken IgY (42 and 92%). Of notice, it is also the ability of PL16 to target monomeric IgG without binding aggregated IgG; when challenged with a mixture of monomeric and aggregated murine IgG, PL16 eluted <3% of fed aggregates, against 11–13% eluted by Protein A and G. Collectively, these results prove the potential of the proposed peptoid ligand for large-scale purification of animal immunoglobulins.  相似文献   

在遗传信息从DNA到蛋白质流动的过程中,tRNA携带特异的氨基酸参与蛋白质合成,对于维持蛋白质翻译的忠实性起着非常重要的作用。生物体内共有20种氨酰tRNA合成酶,每一种均对应于一种氨基酸和一个tRNA类型。但是这种翻译过程仅仅限于20种天然氨基酸,因此在进行传统的蛋白质工程研究时常常受到限制。事实上,在蛋白质工程中借助于校正tRNA定点掺入非天然氨基酸可以提供蛋白质的结构信息,改进蛋白质检测与分离的方法,甚至赋予蛋白质某些新的特性。随着生物技术的发展和完善,tRNA介导蛋白质工程将不仅在蛋白质工程中发挥潜能,而且在研制新型生物材料和疾病诊断及药物治疗方面起到推动作用。  相似文献   

Staphylococcal protein A (SPA) is a bacterial membrane protein that possesses, in addition to its Fc gamma-binding activity, a distinct specificity for the Fab region of some IgM, IgA, IgG, and IgE. The Fab site that binds to SPA has been localized to the V region of the Ig H chain. In a previous study of human monoclonal and polyclonal IgM, we demonstrated that binding to SPA was highly restricted to molecules of the VHIII subgroup, and that nearly all VHIII IgM were able to bind SPA. The present study examines the VH composition of SPA-binding and SPA-nonbinding fractions of purified human polyclonal IgA, and IgG F(ab')2 fragments. We found that 22% of the IgA and 15% of the IgG F(ab')2 bound to SPA-agarose. Analysis with VH subgroup-specific antisera indicated that the SPA-binding fraction of IgA was dominated by the VHIII subgroup, and the SPA-binding fraction of IgG F(ab')2 contained only VHIII molecules. Furthermore, substantial portions of the total VHIII protein in IgA and in IgG F(ab')2 bound to SPA. We conclude that Fab binding to SPA is both restricted to and highly prevalent among human VHIII molecules, regardless of Ig class. These results suggest that protein A is an Ig superantigen.  相似文献   

Rational design and combinatorial chemistry were utilized to search for lead protein L (PpL) mimetics for application as affinity ligands for the purification of antibodies and small fragments, such as Fab and scFv, and as potential diagnostic or therapeutic agents. Inspection of the key structural features of the complex between PpL and human Fab prompted the de novo design and combinatorial synthesis of a 169-membered solid-phase ligand library, which was assessed for binding to human IgG and subsequent selectivity for the Fab fragment. Eight ligands were selected, chemically characterized and compared with a commercial PpL-adsorbent for binding pure immunoglobulin fractions. The most promising lead, ligand 8/7, when immobilized on an agarose support, behaved in a similar fashion to PpL in isolating Fab fragments from papain digests of human IgG to a final purity of 97%.  相似文献   

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