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The basic ideas of replication, mutagenesis, and repair have outlined a picture of how point mutations occur that has provided a valuable framework for theory and experiment, much as the Standard Model of particle physics has done for our concept of fundamental particles. However, alternative modes of mutagenesis are being defined that are changing our perspective of the "Standard Model" of mutagenesis, requiring an expanded model. The genome is now envisioned as being in dynamic equilibrium between a multitude of forces for mutational change and forces that counteract such change. By maintaining a delicate balance between these forces, cells avoid unwanted or excessive mutations. Yet, cells allow mutagenesis to occur under certain conditions. We can define an emerging paradigm. Namely, mechanisms exist that can direct point mutations to specific designated genes or regions of genes. In some cases, this is achieved by specific enzymes, and in other cases high mutability is programmed into the sequence of certain genes to help generate diversity. In yet additional cases, general mutability is increased under stress, and selective forces allow the recovery of favorable mutants.  相似文献   

Yeast strains carrying SUP4-o genes that have base-pair substitutions at hotspots for UV or MNNG mutagenesis were treated with these agents. In both cases, the induced mutation frequencies were substantially reduced. Furthermore, specific substitutions at positions in SUP4-o that had not been mutated by MNNG resulted in the recovery of MNNG-induced mutations at these sites. These results demonstrate that base-pair identity is an important factor determining the site-specific mutagenicity of UV and MNNG in yeast. For UV, our findings suggest that the type of lesion that is induced, but not flanking DNA sequences, plays a role in specifying mutability at the sites examined. In contrast, DNA sequence context seems to be an important factor for MNNG mutagenesis.  相似文献   

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae CDC7 gene encodes a protein kinase that functions in DNA replication, repair, and meiotic recombination. The sequence of several temperature-sensitive (ts) cdc7 mutations was determined and correlated with protein kinase consensus domain structure. The positions of these ts alleles suggests some general principles for predicting ts protein kinase mutations. Pedigree segregation lag analysis demonstrated that all of the mutant proteins are less active or less stable than wild-type Cdc7p. Two new mutations were constructed, one by site-directed and the other by insertional mutagenesis. All of the cdc7 mutants were assayed for induced mutagenesis in response to mutagenic agents at the permissive temperature. Some cdc7 mutants were found to be hypomutable, while others are hypermutable. The differences in mutability are observed most clearly when log phase cells are used. Both hypo- and hypermutability are recessive to wild type. Cdc7p may participate in DNA repair by phosphorylating repair enzymes or by altering chromatin structure to allow accessibility to DNA lesions.  相似文献   

Adaptive mutations are mutations that occur in nondividing or very slowly dividing microbial cells during prolonged nonlethal selection and that are specific to the challenge of the selection in the sense that the only mutations that can be detected are those that provide a growth advantage to the cell. The phoPQ genes encode a two-component positively acting regulatory system that controls expression of at least 25 to 30 genes in Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium. PhoPQ responds to a variety of environmental stress signals including Mg2+ starvation and nutritional deprivation. Here I show that disruption of phoP or phoQ by Tn10dCam significantly reduces the adaptive mutation rate to ebgR, indicating that the adaptive mutagenesis machinery is regulated, directly or indirectly, by phoPQ. The finding that it is regulated implies that adaptive mutagenesis does not simply result from a failure of various error correction mechanisms during prolonged starvation.  相似文献   


On UV irradiation of Escherichia coli cells, DNA replication is transiently arrested to allow removal of DNA damage by DNA repair mechanisms. This is followed by a resumption of DNA replication, a major recovery function whose mechanism is poorly understood. During the post-UV irradiation period the SOS stress response is induced, giving rise to a multiplicity of phenomena, including UV mutagenesis. The prevailing model is that UV mutagenesis occurs by the filling in of single-stranded DNA gaps present opposite UV lesions in the irradiated chromosome. These gaps can be formed by the activity of DNA replication or repair on the damaged DNA. The gap filling involves polymerization through UV lesions (also termed bypass synthesis or error-prone repair) by DNA polymerase III. The primary source of mutations is the incorporation of incorrect nucleotides opposite lesions. UV mutagenesis is a genetically regulated process, and it requires the SOS-inducible proteins RecA, UmuD, and UmuC. It may represent a minor repair pathway or a genetic program to accelerate evolution of cells under environmental stress conditions.  相似文献   

CERTAIN mutations in Escherichia coli which cause increased sensitivity to ultraviolet light (UV) drastically change the UV mutability of the sensitive strain. Strains lacking the ability to excise pyrimidine dimers, for example, exhibit greatly increased UV mutability, producing induced mutations at doses of UV far smaller than those required to induce mutations in wild type strains1, 2. Mutants owing their UV sensitivity to reduced ability to perform genetic recombination, on the other hand, show reduced mutability in response to UV compared with the wild type and some (recA or exrA strains, for example) are stable to UV, producing no detectable induced mutations at any dose3–5. Analysis of UV mutagenesis in such strains has led to the hypothesis that most UV-induced mutations in E. coli are errors in the recombinational repair of gaps in the daughter-strand which are located opposite unexcised pyrimidine dimers6, 7.  相似文献   

Ig variable (V) region genes are subjected to a somatic hypermutation process as B lymphocytes participate in immune reactions to protein Ags. Although little is known regarding the mechanism of mutagenesis, a consistent hierarchy of trinucleotide target preferences is evident. Analysis of trinucleotide regional distributions predicted and we now empirically confirm the surprising finding that the framework 2 region of kappa V region genes is highly mutable despite its importance to the structural integrity and function of the Ab molecule. Interestingly, much of this mutability appears to be focused on the third codon position where synonymous substitutions are most likely to occur. We also observed a trend for high predicted mutability for codon positions 1 and 2 in complementarity-determining regions. Consequently, amino acid replacements should occur at a higher rate in complementarity-determining regions than in framework regions due to the distribution and subsequent targeting of microsequences by the mutation mechanism. Our results reveal a subtle tier of V region gene evolution in which DNA sequence has been molded to direct mutations to specific base positions within codons in a manner that minimizes damage and maximizes the benefits of the somatic hypermutation process.  相似文献   

Darwinian theory requires that mutations be produced in a nonanticipatory manner; it is nonetheless consistent to suggest that mutations that have repeatedly led to nonviable phenotypes would be introduced less frequently than others—if under appropriate genetic control. Immunoglobulins produced during infection acquire point mutations that are subsequently selected for improved binding to the eliciting antigen. We and others have speculated that an enhancement of mutability in the complementarity-determining regions (CDR; where mutations have a greater chance of being advantageous) and/or decrement of mutability in the framework regions (FR; where mutations are more likely to be lethal) may be accomplished by differential codon usage in concert with the known sequence specificity of the hypermutation mechanism. We have examined 115 nonproductively rearranged human Ig sequences. The mutation patterns in these unexpressed genes are unselected and therefore directly reflect inherent mutation biases. Using a χ2 test, we have shown that the number of mutations in the CDRs is significantly higher than the number of mutations found in the FRs, providing direct evidence for the hypothesis that mutations are preferentially targeted into the CDRs.  相似文献   

Analyzing mutation spectra is a very powerful method to determine the effects of various types of DNA damage and to understand the workings of various DNA repair pathways. However, compiling sequence-specific mutation spectra is laborious; even with modern sequencing technology, it is rare to obtain spectra with more than several hundred data points. Two assay systems are described for yeast, one for insertion/deletion mutations and one for base substitution mutations, that allow determination of specific mutations without the necessity of DNA sequencing. The assay for insertion/deletion mutations uses a variety of different simple repeats placed in frame with URA3 such that insertions or deletions lead to a selectable Ura(-) phenotype; essentially all such mutations are in the simple repeat sequence. The assay for base substitution mutations uses a series of six strains with different mutations in one essential codon of the CYC1 gene. Because only true reversions lead to a selectable phenotype, the bases mutated in any reversion event are known. The advantage of these assays is that they can quantitatively determine over several orders of magnitude the types of mutations that occur under a given set of conditions, without DNA sequencing.  相似文献   

It is shown that partial phenotypic suppression of two ochre mutations (argE3 andlacZU118) and an amber mutation (inargE) by sublethal concentrations of streptomycin in anrpsL + (streptomycin-sensitive) derivative of theEscherichia coli strain AB1157 greatly enhances their adaptive mutability under selection. Streptomycin also increases adaptive mutability brought about by theppm mutation described earlier. Inactivation ofrecA affects neither phenotypic suppression by streptomycin nor replication-associated mutagenesis but abolishes adaptive mutagenesis. These results indicate a causal relationship between allele leakiness and adaptive mutability.  相似文献   

Adaptive (or stationary-phase) mutation is a group of phenomena in which mutations appear to occur more often when selected than when not. They may represent cellular responses to the environment in which the genome is altered to allow survival. The best-characterized assay system and mechanism is reversion of a lac allele on an F' sex plasmid in Escherichia coli, in which the stationary-phase mutability requires homologous recombination functions. A key issue has concerned whether the recombination-dependent mutation mechanism is F' specific or is general. Hypermutation of chromosomal genes occurs in association with adaptive Lac(+) mutation. Here we present evidence that the chromosomal hypermutation is promoted by recombination. Hyperrecombinagenic recD cells show elevated chromosomal hypermutation. Further, recG mutation, which promotes accumulation of recombination intermediates proposed to prime replication and mutation, also stimulates chromosomal hypermutation. The coincident mutations at lac (on the F') and chromosomal genes behave as independent events, whereas coincident mutations at lac and other F-linked sites do not. This implies that transient covalent linkage of F' and chromosomal DNA (Hfr formation) does not underlie chromosomal mutation. The data suggest that recombinational stationary-phase mutation occurs in the bacterial chromosome and thus can be a general strategy for programmed genetic change.  相似文献   

A B Devin  N A Koltovaia 《Genetika》1986,22(12):2768-2774
Different combinations of modifying genes which enhance the rho- mutability of haploid yeast cells are shown to be suppressible by the srm1, srm2, srm3 mutations and by the disomy for chromosome IV. The srm1 mutation leads to dramatic decrease in both the spontaneous and ethidium-bromide induced rho- mutability. Other srm mutations studied and the disomy appear to cause relatively moderate quantitative changes in the spontaneous rho- mutation rate and to have no significant effect on mutation induction by ethidium bromide. Neither additivity nor synergism was revealed by the analysis of the interaction between the srm mutations. We suggest that in Saccharomyces an efficient mechanism of the rho- mutagenesis operates which can be directly affected by the srm1 mutation and more or less modified by other srm mutations under study and by the disomy for chromosome IV.  相似文献   

Thymineless Mutagenesis in Escherichia coli   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
To clarify the relationship between thymineless death and thymineless mutagenesis, the induction of arginine revertants of Escherichia coli TAU-bar by thymine starvation was examined in physiological terms. Induced revertants were detectable both on minimal medium lacking arginine and minimal medium supplemented with 1 mug of arginine per ml. Substantial thymineless mutagenesis occurred during the period before the onset of thymineless death. Mutagenesis and loss of viability were observed upon incubation in medium lacking thymine and arginine, and both were inhibited upon incubation in medium lacking thymine and uracil. Mutagenesis also occurred during thymine starvation at 25 C, where there was relatively little loss of viability. At 37 C thymineless mutagenesis did not require complete thymine starvation, and the induction of revertants appeared to be initiated at the same suboptimal thymine concentration at which lethality was first detectable. Mutagenesis was found not to occur preferentially at the growing point of deoxyribonucleic acid replication. These results suggest that thymineless mutagenesis does not involve simply errors in base pairing due to the absence of thymine. The data also suggest that the induction of mutations and thymineless death are due to the same primary event but that mutagenesis is the more sensitive response.  相似文献   

The CRISPR/Cas9 system has been implemented in a variety of model organisms to mediate site-directed mutagenesis. A wide range of mutation rates has been reported, but at a limited number of genomic target sites. To uncover the rules that govern effective Cas9-mediated mutagenesis in zebrafish, we targeted over a hundred genomic loci for mutagenesis using a streamlined and cloning-free method. We generated mutations in 85% of target genes with mutation rates varying across several orders of magnitude, and identified sequence composition rules that influence mutagenesis. We increased rates of mutagenesis by implementing several novel approaches. The activities of poor or unsuccessful single-guide RNAs (sgRNAs) initiating with a 5′ adenine were improved by rescuing 5′ end homogeneity of the sgRNA. In some cases, direct injection of Cas9 protein/sgRNA complex further increased mutagenic activity. We also observed that low diversity of mutant alleles led to repeated failure to obtain frame-shift mutations. This limitation was overcome by knock-in of a stop codon cassette that ensured coding frame truncation. Our improved methods and detailed protocols make Cas9-mediated mutagenesis an attractive approach for labs of all sizes.  相似文献   


Molecular models describing intermediates that may lead to proflavin-induced 1 bp deletions during in vitro polymerization by E. coli DNA polymerase I Klenow fragment are proposed. The models provide structural explanations for the fact that the induced frameshifts always occur opposite template bases that are adjacent to 5′ pyrimidines and are based on the underlying hypothesis that the deletions arise because the polymerase passes by a template base without copying it. Because the most frequent mutations are opposite Pu in the template sequence 5′ Py Pu 3′, a single-strand loop-out model was constructed for this sequence and proflavin was added, using structures found in crystalline oligonucleotides and their complexes with proflavin. The model seeks to rationalize the roles of the 5′ pyrimidine and proflavin in facilitating the bypass. Four potential roles for proflavin in mutagenesis are described: 1) stacking on the looped-out base; 2) stacking on the base pair immediately preceding the site of mutation; 3) hydrogen bonding with the 5′ pyrimidine; 4) hydrogen bonding with the phosphate backbone. These models point to the possibility that a number of proflavin-DNA interactions may be involved. In contrast, modeling does not suggest a role for classically intercalated proflavin in frameshift mutagenesis arising during in vitro DNA polymerization.  相似文献   

Misrepair Mutagenesis in Bacteriophage T4   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
The T4 mutations px, y and 1206 inactivate an error-prone recombination-like repair system, reducing or abolishing mutagenesis by UV irradiation, MMS, and white light irradiation in the presence of the photosensitizer 8MOP. Both px and y increase some spontaneous mutation rates and slightly enhance proflavin mutagenesis; neither mutation affects thymineless or 2AP mutagenesis appreciably, but both mildly enhance 5BU mutagenesis. The mutation hm promotes UV, MMS, photodynamic, thymineless, and base analog mutagenesis, in addition to spontaneous base pair substitution mutation. It does not, however, markedly affect proflavin mutagenesis. The px mutation maps in the vicinity of genes 41-56, and the hm mutation maps in the vicinity of genes rI-v.  相似文献   

The major outer membrane porin (PorB) of Neisseria gonorrhoeae is an essential protein that mediates ion exchange between the organism and its environment and also plays multiple roles in human host pathogenesis. To facilitate structure-function studies of porin''s multiple roles, we performed saturating mutagenesis at the porB locus and used deep sequencing to identify essential versus mutable residues. Random mutations in porB were generated in a plasmid vector, and mutant gene pools were transformed into N. gonorrhoeae to select for alleles that maintained bacterial viability. Deep sequencing of the input plasmid pools and the output N. gonorrhoeae genomic DNA pools identified mutations present in each, and the mutations in both pools were compared to determine which changes could be tolerated by the organism. We examined the mutability of 328 amino acids in the mature PorB protein and found that 308 of them were likely to be mutable and that 20 amino acids were likely to be nonmutable. A subset of these predictions was validated experimentally. This approach to identifying essential amino acids in a protein of interest introduces an additional application for next-generation sequencing technology and provides a template for future studies of both porin and other essential bacterial genes.  相似文献   

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