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RNAi技术及在植物功能基因组研究中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
RNAi,即RNA干扰,是通过外源或内源性的双链RNA在细胞内诱导同源序列的基因表达受抑的现象,自RNAi现象在上世纪90年代中期被发现以来,它就被利用到基因组功能的分析研究之中,成为分子生物学研究的热点。本文简要阐述了RNAi的作用机制,并通过将RNAi方法与其他功能基因组研究方法的对比,阐述了RNAi作为高通量植物功能基因组研究方法的优点,同时综述了利用RNAi技术在植物功能基因组研究中的应用进展。  相似文献   

Izrailev S  Farnum MA 《Proteins》2004,57(4):711-724
The problem of assigning a biochemical function to newly discovered proteins has been traditionally approached by expert enzymological analysis, sequence analysis, and structural modeling. In recent years, the appearance of databases containing protein-ligand interaction data for large numbers of protein classes and chemical compounds have provided new ways of investigating proteins for which the biochemical function is not completely understood. In this work, we introduce a method that utilizes ligand-binding data for functional classification of enzymes. The method makes use of the existing Enzyme Commission (EC) classification scheme and the data on interactions of small molecules with enzymes from the BRENDA database. A set of ligands that binds to an enzyme with unknown biochemical function serves as a query to search a protein-ligand interaction database for enzyme classes that are known to interact with a similar set of ligands. These classes provide hypotheses of the query enzyme's function and complement other computational annotations that take advantage of sequence and structural information. Similarity between sets of ligands is computed using point set similarity measures based upon similarity between individual compounds. We present the statistics of classification of the enzymes in the database by a cross-validation procedure and illustrate the application of the method on several examples.  相似文献   

With the sequencing of the human genome and the genomes of most major model organisms completed, the systematic characterisation of gene functions remains a key challenge. During the past few years, RNA interference (RNAi) has become a powerful tool to silence the expression of genes and analyse their loss-of-function phenotype when mutant alleles are not available. Genome-wide RNAi screens against all predicted genes have been successfully used to dissect a variety of biological processes in Caenorhabditis elegans. Recently, a genome-wide library of double-stranded RNAs, that target every gene in the Drosophila genome and that is suitable for high throughput cell-based assays, was published. In this paper, recent advances will be summarised. Screening strategies and applications as a route to comprehensively characterising gene function will be discussed.  相似文献   

Structural and functional genomics initiatives significantly improved cloning methods over the past few years. Although recombinational cloning is highly efficient, its costs urged us to search for an alternative high throughput (HTP) cloning method. We implemented a modified Enzyme Free Cloning (EFC) procedure, a PCR-only method that eliminates all variables other than PCR efficiency by circumventing enzymatic treatments. We compared the cloning efficiency of EFC with that of Ligation Independent Cloning (LIC). Both methods are well suited for HTP cloning, but EFC yields three times more transformants and a cloning efficiency of 91%, comparable with recombinational cloning methods and significantly better than LIC (79%). EFC requires only nanogram amounts of both vector and insert, does not require highly competent cells and is, in contrast to LIC, largely insensitive to variations in PCR product concentration. Automated protein expression screening of expression strains directly transformed with EFC reactions showed, that the traditional preceding step via a cloning strain can be circumvented. EFC proves an efficient and robust HTP cloning method, that is compatible with existing Ligation Independent Cloning vectors, and highly suitable for automation.  相似文献   

Abstract: Genomics adds a new dimension to genetic analysis, shifting the focus from the study of a single gene to the whole genome. We have successfully applied the genomics approach based on microarray to the study of genes involved in barley responses to cold stress. About 900 EST clones from barley were obtained from a cDNA library of cold acclimatized leaves of cv. Nure and arrayed, and gene expression analysis done on cold acclimatized vs. control plants. The system allowed for reliable detection of differences in mRNA expression levels, and was confirmed by the finding that numerous previously reported cold-related genes were differentially expressed in treated and untreated plants when evaluated in our arrays. The expression profiles of a sample of genes analysed by the array were confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR.
Previously, identification of novel plant genes was achieved considering a few genes at a time; now many genes can be found as up- or down-regulated based on a one step procedure. Many of the genes we found to be up- or down-regulated do not have an assigned function. This includes 15 of the 78 up-regulated and 8 of the 45 down-regulated clones. Our results add new genes to the group of cold-regulated genes and provide the opportunity to better understand the complex mechanism of stress tolerance.  相似文献   

Ion mobility coupled to mass spectrometry has been an important tool in the fields of chemical physics and analytical chemistry for decades, but its potential for interrogating the structure of proteins and multiprotein complexes has only recently begun to be realized. Today, ion mobility–mass spectrometry is often applied to the structural elucidation of protein assemblies that have failed high-throughput crystallization or NMR spectroscopy screens. Here, we highlight the technology, approaches and data that have led to this dramatic shift in use, including emerging trends such as the integration of ion mobility–mass spectrometry data with more classical (e.g., ‘bottom-up’) proteomics approaches for the rapid structural characterization of protein networks.  相似文献   

(4,3)D, (5,3)D and (5,2)D GFT triple resonance NMR experiments are presented for polypeptide backbone and (13)C(beta) resonance assignment of (15)N/(13)C labeled proteins. The joint sampling of m = 2, 3 or 4 indirect chemical shift evolution periods of 4D and 5D NMR experiments yields the measurement of 2(m) - 1 linear combinations of shifts. To obtain sequential assignments, these are matched in corresponding experiments delineating either intra or interresidue correlations. Hence, an increased set of matches is registered when compared to conventional approaches, and the 4D or 5D information allows one to efficiently break chemical shift degeneracy. Moreover, comparison of single-quantum chemical shifts obtained after a least squares fit using either the intra or the interresidue data demonstrates that GFT NMR warrants highly accurate shift measurements. The new features of GFT NMR based resonance assignment strategies promise to be of particular value for establishing automated protocols.  相似文献   

RIKEN Structural Genomics Beamlines, BL26B1 & BL26B2 at the SPring-8, have been constructed for the structural genomics research. The main feature of the beamline is full automation of the successive data collections to maximize the beam-time efficiency. The beamline optics adopted a standard design commonly used for the SPring-8 bending magnet beamlines. Beamline instruments are operated by centralized control system through the computer network to achieve the automatic operation. The core part of the beamline development is a sample management system composed of sample changer robots for laboratory and beamline, and a networked sample database. BL26B1 has started user operation, and the automatic operation with the sample management system has been implemented at BL26B2.  相似文献   

We have compared four different vectors for expression of proteins with N- or C-terminal hexahistidine (His6) tags in Escherichia coli by testing these on 20 human proteins. We looked at a total recombinant protein production levels per gram dry cell weight, solubility of the target proteins, and yield of soluble and total protein when purified by immobilized metal ion affinity purification. It was found that, in general, both N- and C-terminal His6 tags have a noticeable negative affect on protein solubility, but the effect is target protein specific. A solubilizing fusion tag was able to partly counteract this negative effect. Most target proteins could be purified under denaturing conditions and about half of the proteins could be purified under physiological conditions. The highest protein production levels and yield of purified protein were obtained from a construct with C-terminal His tag. We also observe a large variation in cell growth rate, which we determined to be partly caused by the expression vectors and partly by the targets. This variation was found to be independent of the production level, solubility and tertiary structure content of the target proteins.  相似文献   

The aims of high-throughput (HTP) protein production systems are to obtain well-expressed and highly soluble proteins, which are preferred candidates for use in structure-function studies. Here, we describe the development of an efficient and inexpensive method for parallel cloning, induction, and cell lysis to produce multiple fusion proteins in Escherichia coli using a 96-well format. Molecular cloning procedures, used in this HTP system, require no restriction digestion of the PCR products. All target genes can be directionally cloned into eight different fusion protein expression vectors using two universal restriction sites and with high efficiency (>95%). To screen for well-expressed soluble fusion protein, total cell lysates of bacteria culture ( approximately 1.5 mL) were subjected to high-speed centrifugation in a 96-tube format and analyzed by multiwell denaturing SDS-PAGE. Our results thus far show that 80% of the genes screened show high levels of expression of soluble products in at least one of the eight fusion protein constructs. The method is well suited for automation and is applicable for the production of large numbers of proteins for genome-wide analysis.  相似文献   

The availability of genomic resources has already had a tremendous impact on biomedical research. In this review, we describe how whole genome sequence and high-throughput functional genomics projects have facilitated the identification and characterization of important genes in lipid metabolism and disease. We review key approaches and lipid genes identified in the first years of this century and discuss how genomic resources are likely to streamline gene identification and functional characterization in the future.  相似文献   

The availability of comprehensive protein-protein interaction maps will significantly enhance medical research and aid the functional characterisation of novel genes. To date, the largest scale studies of protein-protein interactions have used the yeast two hybrid method. In this review we take a closer look at the different approaches used in these studies and discuss some key considerations that should be taken into account when designing high throughput interaction mapping projects.  相似文献   

Theoretical Microscopic Titration Curves (THEMATICS) may be used to identify chemically important residues in active sites of enzymes by characteristic deviations from the normal, sigmoidal Henderson-Hasselbalch titration behavior. Clusters of such deviant residues in physical proximity constitute reliable predictors of the location of the active site. Originally the residues with deviant predicted behavior were identified by human observation of the computed titration curves. However, it is preferable to select the unusual residues by mathematically well-defined criteria, in order to reduce the chance of error, eliminate any possible biases, and substantially speed up the selection process. Here we present some simple statistical tests that constitute such selection criteria. The first derivatives of the predicted titration curves resemble distribution functions and are normalized. The moments of these first derivative functions are computed. It is shown that the third and fourth moments, measures of asymmetry and kurtosis, respectively, are good measures of the deviations from normal behavior. Results are presented for 44 different enzymes. Detailed results are given for 4 enzymes with 4 different types of chemistry: arginine kinase from Limulus polyphemus (horseshoe crab); beta-lactamase from Escherichia coli; glutamate racemase from Aquifex pyrophilus; and 3-isopropylmalate dehydrogenase from Thiobacillus ferrooxidans. The relationship between the statistical measures of nonsigmoidal behavior in the predicted titration curves and the catalytic activity of the residue is discussed.  相似文献   

ADP核糖基化因子-GTP酶活化蛋白(ARF GAP)是重要的细胞内物质转运调节分子.在22周孕龄人胎肝cDNA文库中发现一种新基因,其编码的氨基酸序列与大鼠ARF1 GAP有32%同源性.将这种新基因命名为“ARFGAP3”,对其进行功能研究,利用逆转录-聚合酶链式反应(RT-PCR),从人胎盘总RNA中扩增ARFGAP3全长cDNA序列,并将其亚克隆到pGEM-T载体;采用RNA印迹法和斑点杂交法,检测其组织表达谱,发现在多种腺体和睾丸中有很高水平ARFGAP3基因转录,并且只有一种约2.7 kb的转录本.利用基因重组技术,构建表达质粒pBAD/Thio-ARFGAP3,在大肠杆菌中表达,采用亲和层析法纯化表达产物,利用肠激酶切除重组融合蛋白N端引导序列.检测重组ARFGAP3的生化活性,证实ARFGAP3对ARF1具有GAP活性,促进ARF1结合的GTP水解为GDP,磷脂酰肌醇二磷酸(PIP2)增强其GAP活性,而磷脂酰胆碱(PC)抑制其GAP活性.  相似文献   

Protein, peptide and small molecule microarrays are valuable tools in biological research. In the last decade, substantial progress has been achieved to make these powerful technologies more reliable and available for researchers. This review describes chemical preparation methods for these microarrays with focus on site‐selective and bioorthogonal immobilization reactions, particularly the Staudinger ligation and the thiol‐ene reaction. In addition, the application of peptide microarrays, which were prepared by Staudinger ligation, to substrate specificity mapping is illustrated. Copyright © 2009 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A number of fundamental technical developments like the evolvement of oligonucleotide microarrays, new sequencing technologies and gene synthesis have considerably changed the character of genomic biological resource centres in recent years. While genomic biological resource centres traditionally served mainly as providers of sparsely characterized cDNA clones and clone sets, there is nowadays a clear tendency towards well-characterized, high-quality clones. In addition, major new service units like microarray services have developed, which are completely independent of clone collections, reflecting the co-evolution of data generation and technology development. The new technologies require an increasingly higher degree of specialization, data integration and quality standards. Altogether, these developments result in spin-offs of highly specialized biotech companies, some of which will take a prominent position in translational medicine.  相似文献   

Protein structure prediction in genomics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As the number of completely sequenced genomes rapidly increases, including now the complete Human Genome sequence, the post-genomic problems of genome-scale protein structure determination and the issue of gene function identification become ever more pressing. In fact, these problems can be seen as interrelated in that experimentally determining or predicting or the structure of proteins encoded by genes of interest is one possible means to glean subtle hints as to the functions of these genes. The applicability of this approach to gene characterisation is reviewed, along with a brief survey of the reliability of large-scale protein structure prediction methods and the prospects for the development of new prediction methods.  相似文献   

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