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Klinkowski, M.; Mühle, E.; Reinmuth, E.; Bochow, H.; Phytopathologie und Pflanzenschutz 2. Auflage, 820 S., 1. Band, 231 Abb., Berlin: Akademie-Verlag 1973. Reviewed by D. Spaar.

Israilskij, V. P. (Ed.): Rukovodstvo dlja izu?enia bakterialnych boleznei rastenij 3. Aufl. 343 S., 12 Abb., 12 Tab. Moskau: Kolos 1968. Reviewed by D. Spaar.

Vrånceanu, A. V.: Floarea-Soarelui 322 S., 80 Abb. Bucuresti: Editura Academiei Republicii Socialiste, Romania 1974. Reviewed by R. Fritzsche.

Birger, M. O.: Spravo?nik po mikrobiologiěeskim i virusologiěeskim metodam issledovanija. 2. Aufl. 456 S., 6 Abb., 82 Tab. Moskau: Medizin 1973. Reviewed by W. Ficke.

Verderevskaja, T.D.; Lemanova, N.B.; Abramenko, N. M. (Herausgeber): Virusnye bolesni plodovo-jagodnych kultur i vinograda v Moldavii. Band I, 180 S., 9 Abb., Ki?inev: Kartja moldovenjaské 1973. Reviewed by H. Kegler.

Verderevskaja, T. D.; Lemanova, N. B.; Abramenko, N. M. (Herausgeber): Virusnye bolezni plodovo-jagodnych kultur i vinograda v Moldavii. Band II, 144 S., 7 Abb. Ki?inev: Kartja moldovenjaské 1973. Reviewed by H. Kleinhempel.

Wyniger, R.: Insektenzucht. 368 S., 497 Abb. Stuttgart: Eugen Ulmer 1974. Reviewed by W. Lehmann.

Buchanan, R.E.; Gibbons, N. E. (Ed.): Bergey's Manual of Determinative Bacteriology. 8. Aufl., 1268 S., zahlr. Abb. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins 1975. Reviewed by H. Kleinhempel.  相似文献   


Roder, W.; Feyerabend, G.; Rogoll, H.: Landwirtschaftlicher Pflanzenschutz. 560 S., 217 Abb. Berlin: VEB Dt. Landwirtschaftsverlag, 1975. Reviewed by D. Spaar.

Libbert, E. (Hrsg.): Kompendium der allgemeinen Biologie. 1. Aufl. 474 S., 179 Abb., 12 Tab. Jena: VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag, 1976. Reviewed by J. Richter.

Kllinkowski, M.; Mühle, E.; Reinmuth, E.; Bochow, H.: Phytopathologie und Pflanzenschutz. 2., überarbeitete u. erweiterte Aufl. 3. Bd. 914 S., 523 Abb. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1976. Reviewed by D. Spaar.

Börner, H.: Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz. 2., überarb. Aufl., 419 S., 74 Abb. Stuttgart: Eugen Ulmer, 1975. Reviewed by W. Lehmann.  相似文献   


Determination of one century of East Africa's plants, collected by several students (Milchersich R., Romagnoli M., Cappelletti F., Nastasi V., Candusio R., Chiuderi A. Saccardo D., Capuano D., Jannone G. e Previeri O.) in Eritrea, Abyssinia and Italian Somalia during the yars from 1937 to 1951 and preserved in Erbario Coloniale at Florence.  相似文献   

With the completion of genome sequencing projects, there are a large number of proteins for which we have little or no functional information. Since protein function is closely related to three-dimensional conformation, structural proteomics is one avenue where the role of proteins with unknown function can be investigated. In the present structural project, the structure of MTH187 has been determined by solution-state NMR spectroscopy. This protein of 12.4 kDa is one of the 424 non-membrane proteins that were cloned and purified for the structural proteomic project of Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum [Christendat, D., Yee, A., Dharamsi, A., Kluger, Y., Gerstein, M., Arrowsmith, C.H. and Edwards, A.M. (2000) Prog. Biophys. Mol. Biol., 73, 339–345]. Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum is a thermophilic archaeon that grows optimally at 65 °C. A particular characteristic of this microorganism is its ability to generate methane from carbon dioxide and hydrogen [Smith, D.R., Doucette-Stamm, L.A., Deloughery, C., Lee, H., Dubois, J., Aldredge, T., Bashirzadeh, R., Blakely, D., Cook, R., Gilbert, K., Harrison, D., Hoang, L., Keagle, P., Lumm, W., Pothier, B., Qiu, D., Spadafora, R., Vicaire, R., Wang, Y., Wierzbowski, J., Gibson, R., Jiwani, N., Caruso, A., Bush, D., Reeve, J. N. et al. (1997) J. Bacteriol., 179, 7135–7155].Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users. Structure data have been deposited at PDB (1TE4) and NMR data at BMRB (5629).Olivier Julien and Isabelle Gignac - Both authors contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   


W. I. Agol, I. G. Atabekow, T. I. Tichonenko: Molekularnaja biologia virusov. 1. Aufl. 493 S., 97 Abb., 16 Tabellen, Leinen. Moskau. “Nauka? 1971. Reviewed by D. Spaar.

Decker, H.: Phytonematologie. 526 S., 198 Abb. Leinen. Berlin, VEB Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag 1969. Reviewed by A. Heide.  相似文献   


JOHN D. SUMMERS und STEVEN LESSON: Poultry Nutrition Handbook. Ministry of Agriculture and Food Ontario, O. J., Format: 21×29,5 cm, 133 S., 117 Tab., Preis: 5 Kanad. Dollar  相似文献   


Hahn, E.: Chemische Pflanzenschutzmittel. 2. neubearb. Auflage, 300 S., zahlreiche Abbildungen, Berlin 1970: VEB Dt. Landwirtschafts-Verlag. Reviewed by H.-H. Schmidt.

Ahrens, G.: Die Giftprüfung. Leitfaden zum Ablegen der Prüfung im Umgang mit Giften. 9. neubearbeitete Aufl., 214 S., Leipzig 1971: Johann Ambrosius Barth. Reviewed by H. Reifenstein.

Schuster G.: Virus und Viruskrankheiten. 3., erw. Auflage, 295 S., 152 Abb., Wittenberg 1972: A. Ziemsen Verlag. Reviewed by H. Kleinhempel.

Fritsche, R.; Karl, E.; Lehmann, W.; Proeseler, G.: Tierische Vektoren pflanzenpathogener Viren. 1. Auflage 521 S., 88 Abb., 27 Tab., 27 Taf., Jena 1972: VEB Gustav Fischer Verlag. Reviewed by H. Kleinhempel.

Arlt, K.; Feyerabend, G.: Herbizide und Kulturpflanzen. 1. Aufl., 1. Bd., 170 S., 38 Abb., Berlin 1972: Akademie-Verlag. Reviewed by K. Schuhmann.

Popkova, K. W.: Fitoflora kartofelja. 1. Aufl., 176 S., 9 Abb., Moskau 1972: Kolos. Reviewed by D. Spaar.

Liv?ig, I. Z.; Mitrofanov, V. I.: Kle??i roda Bryobia C. L. Koch, 1S36 (Acariformes, Bryobiidae). Bd. 51, 60 Abb., Jalta 1971. Reviewed by R. Fritzsche.

Kirjanova, E. S.; Krall, E.: Paraziticeskie Nematody Rastenij i mery bor'ba s nimi. 1. Aufl., Band I und II, 447 S. (Bd. I); 522 S. (Bd. II); 357 Abb. (Bd. I); 491 Abb. (Bd. II), Leningrad 1969 (Bd. I), 1971 (Bd. II): Nauka. Reviewed by H. Decker.

Jermoljev, E. H.; Pozděna, J.: Serologie rostlinných patogenu. 261 S., 65 Abb., Praha 1972: Academia. Reviewed by L. Albrechtová.

Brcák, J.: Vztahy rostlinných viru k prenasecum. 318 S., 50 Abb., Praha 1971: Academia. Reviewed by J. Chod.

Kiraly, Z.; Szalay-Marzsó, L. (Editor): Biochemical and Ecological Aspects of Plant-Parasite Relations 1. Auflage, 1. Band. 425 S. Budapest 1971 Akademiaè Kiadó. Reviewed by D. Spaar.

Horváth, J.: Növényvfrusok, vektorok, virusátvitel. 514 S., 89 Abb., 61 Tab., Budapest 1972: Akadémiai Kiadó. Reviewed by R. Fritzsche.

Mededelingen van de faculteit Landbouwwetenschappen Rijksuniversiteit Gent. Heft 35, Nr. 2, 402 S., zahlr. Abb. u. Tab., Gent 1970: Faculteit Landbouwwetenschappen. Reviewed by R. Zielke.

O'Brien, R. D.; Yamamoto, I.: Biochemical Toxicology of Insecticides. 218 S., 35 Abb., 44 Tab., New York, London 1970: Academic Press. Reviewed by H. Beitz.

Nord, E. F. (Ed.): Advances in Enzymology. vol. 33, 595 S., 114 Abb., 52 Tab., New York, London, Sydney, Toronto 1970: Interscience Publishers, a division of John Wiley &; Sons, Inc. Reviewed by H. Hofferek.

Jager, K. W.: Aldrin, Dieldrin, Endrin &; Telodrin. 234 S., 25 Abb., 55 Tab., Amsterdam, London, New York 1970: Elsevier Publishing Company. Reviewed by R. Fritzsche.  相似文献   

Findley, James S.; Harris, Arthur H.; Wilson, Don E.; and Jones, Clyde Mammals of New Mexico Albuquerque: The University of New Mexico Press, 1975 360 pp., $8.50 Reviewed by Vagn Flyger

Piers, Helen Grasshopper and Butterfly New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1975 80 pp., $5.95, library edition $5.72 Reviewed by N. N. Raghuvir

Gergely, Tibor Animals: A Picture Book of Facts and Figures New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1975 47 pp., $5.95, library edition $5.72 Reviewed by Theodore W. Munch

Johnsgard, Paul A. Waterfowl of North America Bloomington, Indiana University Press 1975,575 pp. Reviewed by Kate Curry Vahle

Jacobson, Daniel The Fishermen (Indians of North America) New York: Franklin Watts, Inc., 1975 87 pp., $4.90 Reviewed by Robert W. Boenig

Janzen, Daniel H. Ecology of Plants in the Tropics (The Institute of Biology's Studies in Biology, No. 58) London: Edward Arnold (Distributed by Crane, Russak &; Co., New York), 1975 65 pp., $3.75 Reviewed by Rex E. Kerstetter

London, Carolyn The Hospital Doctors, Nurses and Mystery Workers New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1976 86 pp., $5.72 Library Edition Reviewed by Philip C. Anderson

Buxton, Ralph Nature's Gliders Chicago: Children's Press, 1975 32 pp., individuals $6.60, institutions $4.95 Reviewed by Sue Hall

Clarke, H. T. (revised by B. Haynes) A Handbook of Organic Analysis: Qualitative and Quantitative (fifth edition) New York: Crane, Russak &; Co., 1975 291 pp., cloth $35.00, paper $16.00 Reviewed by Lawrence Powell Eblin

Simon, Seymour Discovering What Garter Snakes Do New York: McGraw-Hill Junior Books, 1975 48 pp., $4.72 Reviewed by Carl Gans

Dobbs, Austen, ed. The Birds of Nottinghamshire: Past and Present North Pomfret, Vt.: David &; Charles, 1975 226 pp., $17.00 Reviewed by Gerald R. Rising

Ashworth, J. M., and Dee, Jennifer The Biology of Slime Moulds (The Institute of Biology's Studies in Biology, No. 56) New York: Crane, Russak &; Co., Inc., 1975 67 pp., $3.75 Reviewed by Emanuel D. Rudolph

Exline, Joseph D. Individualized Techniques for Teaching Earth Science West Nyack, N.Y.: Parker Publishing Co., 1975 230 pp., $10.95 Reviewed by Waring B. Hill

Stadtfeld, Curtis K. Whitetail Deer: A Year's Cycle New York: The Dial Press, 1975 163 pp., $7.95 Reviewed by Paul F. Connor

Carrier, Rick Fly: The Complete Book of Sky Sailing New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1975 128 pp., $7.95 Reviewed by A.D. Goddard

Duncan, Wilbur H. Woody Vines of the Southeastern United States Athens: The University of Georgia Press, 1975 76 pp., $2.50 Reviewed by A. J. Sharp

Barnes, R. S. K. Estuarine Biology (The Institute of Biology's Studies in Biology no. 49) New York: Crane, Russak &; Co., 1975 76 pp., $3.25 Reviewed by Brother G. Nicholas

Bendick, Jeanne How Heredity Works: Why Living Things Are As They Are (Finding-out books) New York: Parent's Magazine Press, 1975 64 pp., $4.59 Reviewed by Donald J. Nash  相似文献   

The absolute configuration of betaenone D (1), a metabolite of Phoma Betae Fr., was determined by the application of the CD exciton chirality method to the benzoate derived from betaenone D.  相似文献   


Michael C. Dawson, BEHIND THE MULE: RACE AND CLASS IN AFRICAN‐AMERICAN POLITICS, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1994, xii + 234pp., (paper) npl.

Paula D. McClain and Joseph Stewart Jr., ’CAN WE ALL GET ALONG?’: RACIAL AND ETHNIC MINORITIES IN AMERICAN POLITICS, Boulder, CO: Westview, 1995, xv + 208pp., £33.50 and £9.50 (paper).

Joe E. Feagin and Hernán Vera, WHITE RACISM: THE BASICS, New York: Routledge, 1995, xiv + 230pp., £12.99 (paper).  相似文献   


Ch. D. Scott (Herausgeber): Second Symposium on Biotechnology in Energy Production and Conservation. John Wiley & Sons, New York 1980. 354 S., 110 Tab., 149 Abb., Format: 15 × 22,5 cm. Reviewed by A. Hennig.  相似文献   

Book review     
Lillie, R. D. Histopathologic Tcehnic and Practical Histochemistry. 3rd ed., 715 pages, 86 tables, 3 illustrations, 9 × 6 inches, hard covers. The Blakiston Div., McGraw-Hill Book Co., 330 West 42nd St., New York, N. Y. 10036. $13.95. 1965.  相似文献   

One new Bolivian species (Borreria pazensis) and three new varieties (Borreria densiflora var.minima, Richardia, scabra var.chacoensis andStaelia virgata var.killeenii) are described and illustrated. The genusDiodella, with three species (D. apiculata comb. nov., D. radula comb. nov., andD. teres), is reported for the first time.Borreria limae, B. wunschmannii, B. scabiosoides var.scabiosoides, andB. scabiosoides var.anderssonii are also reported as new to Bolivia.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(2):245-270

Diphyscium mucronifolium Mitt., D. involutum Mitt. and D. malayense M. G. Manuel sp. nov. are reported from Malaya. The Malayan record of D. rupestre Dozy &; Molk. is shown to be incorrect.  相似文献   


Raymond J. Shamberger: Biochemistry of Selenium. Plenum Press New York und London 1983. 334 S., 12 Tab., 6 Abb., 1103 Lit., 239,90 M Reviewed by A. Hennig.

O. Siegmann: Kompendium der Geflügelkrankheiten. Verlag M. u. S. Schaper Hannover (4. Aufl.) 1983. 219., 33 Abb., 66 Tab., Preis 38.—M Reviewed by D. Ebner.  相似文献   

Richardson, David Vanishing Lichens New York: Macmillan, 1975 231 pp., $12.00. Reviewed by Emanuel D. Rudolph

Van Emden, H. F. Ecology of Pest Control (The Institute of Biology's Studies in Biology No. 50) New York: Crane, Russak &; Co., 1975 59 pp., $2.75 paper. Reviewed by W. L. Gojmerac

Behrens, June Look at the Sea Animals (An Elk Grove Book) Chicago: Children's Press, 1975 38 pp., $4.50. Reviewed by Harriet S. Gussin

Bok, Bart J., and Bok, Priscilla F. The Milky Way, 4th ed. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1974 273 pp., $15.00. Reviewed by Arnold Heiser

Schneider, Herman, and Schneider, Nina Science Fun with a Flashlight New York: McGraw-Hill, 1975 42 pp., $5.72. Reviewed by Van E. Neie

Behrens, June True Book of Metric Measurement Chicago: Children's Press, 1975 46 pp., $3.95. Reviewed by Sue Hall  相似文献   

BackgroundVitamin D deficiency is common in pregnant women, but an optimal serum vitamin D level during pregnancy has not been determined and remains an area of active research. Vitamin D data from large populations of pregnant Chinese women are still limited.ObjectiveTo evaluate the vitamin D status of women in Eastern China during the second trimester of pregnancy.MethodsA hospital-based, cross-sectional, observational study. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] concentration was measured in samples from 5823 pregnant women in Wuxi City, China (latitude: 31.5o N), from January 2011 to June 2012.ResultsThe median serum 25(OH)D concentration was 34.0 nmol/L [2.5 nmol/L 25(OH)D = 1 ng/mL 25(OH)D]. Vitamin D deficiency [defined as 25(OH)D < 30 nmol/L according to the Institute of Medicine (National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., USA)] or inadequacy [25(OH)D of 30–49.9 nmol/L] was identified in 40.7% and 38.0% of the women, respectively. Only 0.9% had a 25(OH)D level ≥ 80.0 nmol/L, which is the concentration recommended as adequate by the Endocrine Society (Washington, D.C., USA). Compared with older women, younger women were more likely to be deficient in vitamin D. There were significant differences in the 25(OH)D levels according to season. The 25(OH)D levels reached peak values in September and were correlated with (r = 0.337, P < 0.001), and fluctuated with, average monthly air temperatures.ConclusionsThere is a high prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency among pregnant Chinese women, and 25(OH)D levels varied according to season and air temperature. The results of this study also suggest that currently there is a big gap between the levels of Vitamin D detected in pregnant Chinese women and the levels recommended by the Endocrine Society.  相似文献   

Previously it demonstrated that in the absence of Ca2+ entry, evoked secretion occurs neither by membrane depolarization, induction of [Ca2+] i rise, nor by both combined (Ashery, U., Weiss, C., Sela, D., Spira, M. E., and Atlas, D. (1993). Receptors Channels 1:217–220.). These studies designate Ca2+ entry as opposed to [Ca2+] i rise, essential for exocytosis. It led us to propose that the channel acts as the Ca2+ sensor and modulates secretion through a physical and functional contact with the synaptic proteins. This view was supported by protein–protein interactions reconstituted in the Xenopus oocytes expression system and release experiments in pancreatic cells (Barg, S., Ma, X., Elliasson, L., Galvanovskis, J., Gopel, S. O., Obermuller, S., Platzer, J., Renstrom, E., Trus, M., Atlas, D., Streissnig, G., and Rorsman, P. (2001). Biophys. J.; Wiser, O., Bennett, M. K., and Atlas, D. (1996). EMBO J. 15:4100–4110; Wiser, O., Trus, M., Hernandez, A., Renström, E., Barg, S., Rorsman, P., and Atlas, D. (1999). Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 96:248–253). The kinetics of Cav1.2 (Lc-type) and Cav2.2 (N-type) Ca2+ channels were modified in oocytes injected with cRNA encoding syntaxin 1A and SNAP-25. Conserved cysteines (Cys271, Cys272) within the syntaxin 1A transmembrane domain are essential. Synaptotagmin I, a vesicle-associated protein, accelerated the activation kinetics indicating Cav2.2 coupling to the vesicle. The unique modifications of Cav1.2 and Cav2.2 kinetics by syntaxin 1A, SNAP-25, and synaptotagmin combined implied excitosome formation, a primed fusion complex of the channel with synaptic proteins. The Cav1.2 cytosolic domain Lc753–893, acted as a dominant negative modulator, competitively inhibiting insulin release of channel-associated vesicles (CAV), the readily releasable pool of vesicles (RRP) in islet cells. A molecular mechanism is offered to explain fast secretion of vesicles tethered to SNAREs-associated Ca2+ channel. The tight arrangement facilitates the propagation of conformational changes induced during depolarization and Ca2+-binding at the channel, to the SNAREs to trigger secretion. The results imply a rapid Ca2+-dependent CAV (RRP) release, initiated by the binding of Ca2+ to the channel, upstream to intracellular Ca2+ sensor thus establishing the Ca2+ channel as the Ca2+ sensor of neurotransmitter release.  相似文献   

Thomas B. Edsall and Mary D. Edsall, CHAIN REACTION: THE IMPACT OF RACE, RIGHTS AND TAXES ON AMERICAN POLITICS, London and New York: Norton, 1992, ix + 343pp., $10.95 and £7.95 (paper).

Nicholas Lemann, THE PROMISED LAND: GREAT MIGRATION AND HOW IT CHANGED AMERICA, New York: Knopf, 1991, 410pp., $24.95 (cloth).

Alphonso Pinkney, BLACK AMERICANS, Fourth Edition, Englewood Cliffs, CT: Prentice Hall, 1993, vii + 246pp., npl.

Lee Sigelman and Susan Welch, BLACK AMERICANS’ VIEWS OF RACIAL INEQUALITY: THE DREAM DEFERRED, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994, ix + 225pp., £13.95 and $15.95 (paper).

Raphael J. Sonenshein, POLITICS IN BLACK AND WHITE: RACE AND POWER IN LOS ANGELES, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1993, xxii + 301pp., $14.95 (paper).

Gerald Suttles, THE MAN‐MADE CITY: THE LAND USE CONFIDENCE GAME IN CHICAGO, London and Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1990, xiii + 312pp., $24.95 and £19.95 (cloth).

William J. Wilson (ed.), THE GHETTO UNDERCLASS: SOCIAL SCIENCE PERSPECTIVES, updated edn., London and Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1993, 201pp., $18.50 (paper).  相似文献   

A modified version of a previously developed mathematical model [Obeyesekere et al., Cell Prolif. (1997)] of the G1-phase of the cell cycle is presented. This model describes the regulation of the G1-phase that includes the interactions of the nuclear proteins, RB, cyclin E, cyclin D, cdk2, cdk4 and E2F. The effects of the growth factors on cyclin D synthesis under saturated or unsaturated growth factor conditions are investigated based on this model. The solutions to this model (a system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations) are discussed with respect to existing experiments. Predictions based on mathematical analysis of this model are presented. In particular, results are presented on the existence of two stablesolutions, i. e., bistability within the G1-phase. It is shown that this bistability exists under unsaturated growth factor concentration levels. This phenomenon is very noticeable if the efficiency of the signal transduction, initiated by the growth factors leading to cyclin D synthesis, is low. The biological significance of this result as well as possible experimental designs to test these predictions are presented.  相似文献   

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