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Investigation was made on the process of enteric infection with mouse adenovirus strain K87 in inbred DK1 mice and the intestinal resistance acquired through infection. The cells containing viral antigens were enumerated in most parts of the infected intestinal tract by a fluorescent antibody technique, and the infectivity titer of the virus in each part was examined in mouse kidney tissue culture. The virus was observed to grow in 3~14 days (sometimos 3~21 days) after oral challenge, and infectivity titers reached their peak after 7~14 days, when a number of viral antigen-containing cells and cells with nuclear inclusions were detected. In the mice rechallenged 28 days after the initial challenge, the virus did not grow, and no viral antigen-containing cells were found. From these results it was concluded that the main sites where the virus grows in mice are the cells which are scattered in the epithelial layer of the mucous membrane of the small intestine, and which seem to be the usual epithelial cells and not Paneth's or goblet cells. As for intestinal resistance, experiments with inactivated vaccine and with passive transfer of serum-antibodies were performed in order to find out whether neutralizing antibodies in the serum had any influence on the growth of virus in the intestinal wall, and no influences were indicated. Eighteen days or more after challenge, K87 virus-neutralizing substances were detected in the intestinal wall and in the intestinal contents of the infected mice, but not in the serum-transferred mice, though both groups of mice had equal levels of serum antibodies. The substance continued to be found until 15 weeks after challenge in the intestinal contents, and until later than 34 weeks in the intestinal walls. The nature and the possible role of the substance is discussed, but actual data will be reported in subsequent papers.  相似文献   

The influence of cyclophosphamide (Cy) on the establishment and duration of the intestinal resistance against enteric infection with a mouse adenovirus, strain K87, was examined in inbred mice, strain DK1. When Cy (40 mg/kg/day) was administered to mice for 17 days from the time of virus challenge, a clear prolongation of viral growth and a delayed appearance of neutralizing (NT) antibody in the intestinal wall as well as in the serum were observed. When Cy (40 mg/kg/day, for 14 days) was administered after cessation of viral growth (4 to 6 weeks after virus challenge) and part of the mice were rechallenged with the virus, titers of NT antibody and immunoglobulins became significantly lower than those in control mice not treated with Cy, and regrowth of the virus was observed in eight out of twenty-five Cy-treated mice, regardless of the presence or absence of re-challenge. In this experiment, antibody titers in the intestinal contents of eight virus-positive mice were significantly lower than those of the remaining seventeen virus-negative mice. The time when the decrease of intestinal NT antibody was maximum coincided with the time of the maximal frequency of viral regrowth. It was discussed that these facts might present an evidence to support the idea that the intestinal resistance was acquired through local NT antibody belonging to IgA in the intestinal tract.  相似文献   

Migration of peritoneal exudate cells (PEC), which were prepared from mice immunized against mouse adenovirus (M-Ad), was inhibited upon exposure to the antigenic extract of M-Ad-infected cells. This inhibition was shown to be blocked when infected cells or their extracts were pretreated with antiserum against M-Ad-induced cell surface(s) antigen(s) or with antisera against alloantigens of infected cells. Immune spleen cell-mediated cytolysis of M-Ad-infected cells was also blocked in the presence of anti-S, anti-alloantigen or anti-β2m serum. Immunofluorescent antibody staining of S antigen(s) was blocked when infected cells were pretreated with anti-alloantigen or anti-β2m serum, whereas it was not blocked when they were pretreated with anti-mouse immunoglobulin or anti-Thy-1.2 serum. Conversely, immunofluoresent antibody staining of alloantigens was blocked when infected cells were pretreated with anti-S serum. These findings indicate that S and alloantigens are associated with each other or at least located very close to each other.  相似文献   

Mouse adenovirus type 1 (MAV-1) targets endothelial and monocyte/macrophage cells throughout the mouse. Depending on the strain of mouse and dose or strain of virus, infected mice may survive, become persistently infected, or die. We surveyed inbred mouse strains and found that for the majority tested the 50% lethal doses (LD(50)s) were >10(4.4) PFU. However, SJL/J mice were highly susceptible to MAV-1, with a mean LD(50) of 10(-0.32) PFU. Infected C3H/HeJ (resistant) and SJL/J (susceptible) mice showed only modest differences in histopathology. Susceptible mice had significantly higher viral loads in the brain and spleen at 8 days postinfection than resistant mice. Infection of primary macrophages or mouse embryo fibroblasts from SJL/J and C3H/HeJ mice gave equivalent yields of virus, suggesting that a receptor difference between strains is not responsible for the susceptibility difference. When C3H/HeJ mice were subjected to sublethal doses of gamma irradiation, they became susceptible to MAV-1, with an LD(50) like that of SJL/J mice. Antiviral immunoglobulin G (IgG) levels were measured in susceptible and resistant mice infected by an early region 1A null mutant virus that is less virulent that wild-type virus. The antiviral IgG levels were high and similar in the two strains of mice. Taken together, these results suggest that immune response differences may in part account for differences in susceptibility to MAV-1 infection.  相似文献   

Comparative studies on the virulence of 22 clinical isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa were made by means of intraperitoneal inoculation in mice. The LD50 values of these strains for mice ranged from 105 0 to 107.5 viable cells per mouse and the average was 106.6. The virulence of certain strains was significantly enhanced when these strains were inoculated mixed with mucin. The highly virulent strains were often found among the strains which were serologically untypable though no relationship could be found between the virulence of test strains and their other biological characteristics such as pigments, hemolysins and extracellular enzymes. The facts suggest that pigments and extracellular enzymes play no important role in the pathogenicity of P. aeruginosa for mice. Moreover, no difference was seen on virulence among the strains isolated from the patients and healthy carriers. The susceptibility of ICR, ddN and CF#1 mice for P. aeruginosa was investigated. There was no clear difference in susceptibilities to P. aeruginosa infection.  相似文献   

Eight infants followed longitudinally were found to have enteric adenovirus (EAdv) infections: in 5 infants with diarrhea and in 3 with no accompanying diarrhea. Sequential stool samples prior to EAdv infections were tested for adenovirus antigen, anti-adenoviral IgA and neutralizing antibodies to serotypes 40, 41 and 2 in order to ascertain whether protection from symptoms was due to prior infection. No difference was found in the number of adenoviral infections among infants prior to their EAdv infections with or without accompanying diarrhea. However, in 3 of the 5 infants in whom EAdv infection was accompanied by diarrhea and 2 of 3 control infants, previous EAdv infections had occurred as detected by serotype-specific antibody rises.  相似文献   

本文用双标记免疫细胞化学和双标记免疫电镜技术观察了环磷酰胺处理的BALB/c小鼠及乳鼠实验感染肾综合征出血热病毒后的发病和病毒定位情况,结果发现,免疫功能不成熟或有缺陷的小鼠感染后发病并有规律地死亡,而免疫功能正常鼠只呈隐性感染。在发病的和隐性感染的小鼠之间,病毒定位主要差别在于HFRSV是否感染免疫器官,即HFRSV抗原可见于发病鼠外周血,牌和胸腺的单个核细胞中,而在隐性感染小鼠的这些免疫器官中则为阴性,HFRS病毒颗粒及病毒抗原广泛见于发病鼠的T细胞亚群中,在Thy-1,L3T4和Lyt-2亚群中,双标记阳性细胞百分比分别为24.6+—15.3%,7.5%+—6.1%和17.7+—6.1%。对HFRSV在T细胞中分布的差异还作了动态比较。结果提示:细胞免疫可受HFRSV的直接影响,病毒对宿主免疫系统的感染是HFRSV感染发病的一个关键因素。  相似文献   

目的:建立鼠伤寒沙门氏菌诱导昆明小鼠肠道感染模型。方法:先用5 mg/mL链霉素预处理2 d,提高小鼠对鼠伤寒沙门氏菌的敏感性,然后正常饲养1 d,攻毒前禁水禁食4 h,再分别以不同剂量灌胃攻毒2次,间隔24 h。观察小鼠临床症状,并通过组织病理切片、透射电镜和免疫组织化学的方法,分别观察小鼠肠道组织病理变化、小肠上皮细胞超微结构变化及肠道淋巴细胞增殖状况。结果:攻毒后昆明小鼠会出现昏睡、食欲不振、寒颤,甚至死亡的现象,解剖后发现小鼠肠道充血膨胀。组织病理切片显示小鼠肠粘膜受损,小肠绒毛肿胀,排列杂乱,炎性细胞浸润;透射电镜观察超微结构显示小肠上皮细胞线粒体空泡化,嵴和膜发生融合消失,粗面内质网发生扩张;免疫组织化学的方法显示肠道感染后,淋巴结肿大,T淋巴细胞大量增殖。结论:该模型对探索鼠伤寒沙门氏菌引发肠炎的发病机制、病理生理、免疫等方面作用具有重要意义,并为特异性卵黄抗体被动免疫保护效果的后续评价奠定基础。  相似文献   

In situ nucleic acid hybridization and immunohistochemistry were used to determine the histological localization of mouse adenovirus type 1 (MAV-1) during acute infection of adult mice infected either intraperitoneally or intranasally with 1,000 PFU of wild-type virus. Organ samples were collected from days 1 to 17 postinfection for the intraperitoneally infected mice and from days 1 to 13 for the intranasally infected mice. Endothelial cells of the brain and spinal cord showed extensive evidence of MAV-1 infection. Endothelial cells in lungs, kidneys, and other organs were also positive for MAV-1, indicating a widespread involvement of the systemic circulation. The presence of viral nucleic acid and/or antigen was also demonstrated in lymphoid tissue. The spleens, Peyer’s patches, and peripheral lymph nodes showed positive staining at various times postinfection in mice infected by either route. Virus-infected cells in the spleen exhibited a stellate shape and were localized to the red pulp and germinal centers, suggesting that they are cells of the mononuclear phagocytic system.  相似文献   

目的研究肠道病毒71型经不同途径感染不同日龄ICR小鼠后的感染状况,了解肠道病毒71型的感染特点,为了解EV71小鼠感染机制和模型制备提供实验信息和技术支撑。方法分别通过口腔途径、颅腔途径、肌肉途径及腹腔途径感染1日龄、7日龄及3~4周龄SPF级ICR小鼠,定期安乐动物,采集各器官组织进行病原学诊断,确定EV71病毒感染情况;同时建立一步RT-PCR、病毒分离、IFA及IEA等方法。结果经腹腔途径感染成年鼠出现竖毛、弓背、消瘦症状,其他各途径感染小鼠感染后未见竖毛、弓背、觅食减少、体重减轻、精神呆滞及神经系统症状。颅腔注射3~4周龄ICR小鼠能在脑组织检测到病毒RNA,腹腔注射和肌肉注射1日龄乳鼠能在肌肉组织和肠道检测到病毒RNA,其中,肌肉组织病毒分离可检测到活病毒。本研究同时建立了分子生物学、血清学方法,为今后研究其它适合EV71的动物模型奠定了基础。结论临床分离的EV71毒株通过口腔接种、颅腔、肌肉、腹腔注射途径感染1日龄、7日龄及3~4周龄SPF级ICR小鼠的疾病程度和病毒检出不同,ICR乳鼠及成年鼠可作为该病毒感染机制、病毒体内分布等基础研究,但用作EV71动物模型应用,感染程度尚不十分理想。  相似文献   

Adenoviruses are DNA viruses that infect a number of vertebrate hosts and are associated with both sporadic and epidemic disease in humans. We previously identified a novel adenovirus, titi monkey adenovirus (TMAdV), as the cause of a fulminant pneumonia outbreak in a colony of titi monkeys (Callicebus cupreus) at a national primate center in 2009. Serological evidence of infection by TMAdV was also found in a human researcher at the facility and household family member, raising concerns for potential cross-species transmission of the virus. Here we present experimental evidence of cross-species TMAdV infection in common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus). Nasal inoculation of a cell cultured-adapted TMAdV strain into three marmosets produced an acute, mild respiratory illness characterized by low-grade fever, reduced activity, anorexia, and sneezing. An increase in virus-specific neutralization antibody titers accompanied the development of clinical signs. Although serially collected nasal swabs were positive for TMAdV for at least 8 days, all 3 infected marmosets spontaneously recovered by day 12 post-inoculation, and persistence of the virus in tissues could not be established. Thus, the pathogenesis of experimental inoculation of TMAdV in common marmosets resembled the mild, self-limiting respiratory infection typically seen in immunocompetent human hosts rather than the rapidly progressive, fatal pneumonia observed in 19 of 23 titi monkeys during the prior 2009 outbreak. These findings further establish the potential for adenovirus cross-species transmission and provide the basis for development of a monkey model useful for assessing the zoonotic potential of adenoviruses.  相似文献   

Although most inbred mouse strains are highly susceptible to mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) infection, the inbred SJL line of mice is highly resistant to its infection. The principal receptor for MHV is murine CEACAM1 (mCEACAM1). Susceptible strains of mice are homozygous for the 1a allele of mCeacam1, while SJL mice are homozygous for the 1b allele. mCEACAM1a (1a) has a 10- to 100-fold-higher receptor activity than does mCEACAM1b (1b). To explore the hypothesis that MHV susceptibility is due to the different MHV receptor activities of 1a and 1b, we established a chimeric C57BL/6 mouse (cB61ba) in which a part of the N-terminal immunoglobulin (Ig)-like domain of the mCeacam1a (1a) gene, which is responsible for MHV receptor function, is replaced by the corresponding region of mCeacam1b (1b). We compared the MHV susceptibility of these chimeric mice to that of SJL and B6 mice. B6 mice that are homozygous for 1a are highly susceptible to MHV-A59 infection, with a 50% lethal dose (LD50) of 102.5 PFU, while chimeric cB61ba mice and SJL mice homozygous for 1ba and 1b, respectively, survived following inoculation with 105 PFU. Unexpectedly, cB61ba mice were more resistant to MHV-A59 infection than SJL mice as measured by virus replication in target organs, including liver and brain. No infectious virus or viral RNA was detected in the organs of cB61ba mice, while viral RNA and infectious virus were detected in target organs of SJL mice. Furthermore, SJL mice produced antiviral antibodies after MHV-A59 inoculation with 105 PFU, but cB61ba mice did not. Thus, cB61ba mice are apparently completely resistant to MHV-A59 infection, while SJL mice permit low levels of MHV-A59 virus replication during self-limited, asymptomatic infection. When expressed on cultured BHK cells, the mCEACAM1b and mCEACAM1ba proteins had similar levels of MHV-A59 receptor activity. These results strongly support the hypothesis that although alleles of mCEACAM1 are the principal determinants of mouse susceptibility to MHV-A59, other as-yet-unidentified murine genes may also play a role in susceptibility to MHV.Differences in susceptibility to a number of viral infections have been documented among inbred mouse strains (20). These differences have been studied as models for the various degrees of susceptibility of individual humans to some viral infections. Numerous host factors have been found to be involved in such differences (2, 15). For example, allelic variations in the virus receptor and coreceptor for HIV-1 are important host factors influencing susceptibility to HIV-1 infection (36).A virus receptor is a molecule with which the virus interacts at an initial step of infection. Therefore, receptors are crucial host determinants of virus susceptibility (15, 16). A variety of receptor proteins has been identified for many different viruses, including the murine coronavirus mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) (12, 50). The principal receptor for MHV is murine carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 1 (mCEACAM1; previously called Bgp or MHVR [3]), which is in the immunoglobulin (Ig) superfamily (12, 50). Four isoforms of mCEACAM1a (1a) are expressed on the plasma membranes of a variety of murine cells and tissues (14). The two mCEACAM1 isoforms with a molecular mass of 100 to 120 kDa are composed of four Ig-like ectodomains, a transmembrane (TM) domain, and either a long or a short cytoplasmic tail (Cy) (3, 22). Two other isoforms consist of two Ig-like domains, with either long or short Cy (3, 22). The N-terminal (N) domain is responsible for virus binding (10, 24), the induction of conformational changes in the viral spike protein (S), and membrane fusion during virus entry and syncytium formation (13, 24). The replacement of the N-terminal domain of mCEACAM1a with that of the murine homolog of the poliovirus receptor (PVR) yields a functional receptor for MHV (10), and Ceacam1a-knockout mice are completely resistant to infection with the hepatotropic A59 strain of MHV (17, 25).Wild mice have two alleles of the mCeacam1 gene, called mCeacam1a and mCeacam1b. Inbred mouse strains that are homozygous for mCeacam1a, including BALB/c, C57BL/6 (B6), C3H, and A/J mice, etc., are highly susceptible to infection with strains of MHV. In contrast, the SJL line of inbred mice, which is resistant to death from MHV infection, is homozygous for the mCeacam1b allele (5, 11, 50). The most extensive differences in amino acid sequence between mCEACAM1a and mCEACAM1b are found in the N-terminal domain, where the virus-binding region is located (21, 22, 32). It was initially reported by Boyle et al. that mCEACAM1a proteins had MHV-A59 virus-binding activity in a virus overlay protein blot, while mCEACAM1b did not (5). Those authors speculated that the different viral affinities of these mCEACAM1 proteins may account for the various MHV-A59 susceptibilities of BALB/c mice compared to those of SJL mice (49). However, Yokomori and Lai (53) and Dveksler et al. (11) previously showed that when recombinant CEACAM1a and CEACAM1b proteins are expressed at high levels on cultured cells, both proteins have MHV-A59 receptor activity. Yokomori and Lai suggested that the difference in MHV susceptibility between BALB/c and SJL mice does not depend solely upon the interaction of the virus with mCEACAM1 proteins (52, 53). Dveksler et al. suggested that small differences in MHV-A59 receptor activity between mCEACAM1a and mCEACAM1b could result in very large biological differences during multiple cycles of infection in in vivo infection (11). We then quantitatively showed that recombinant mCEACAM1a expressed in BHK cells has 10- to 30-times-higher MHV-binding activity than mCEACAM1b (31). Similar results were observed in other laboratories (7, 32). Because the mCeacam1 gene is located on chromosome 7 (34) and the gene controlling MHV-A59 susceptibility and the resistance of BALB/c mice versus SJL mice is also located on chromosome 7 close to the mCeacam1 gene (40), we speculated that the mCeacam1 gene is identical to the gene that determines the susceptibility and/or resistance of mice to MHV-A59 and MHV-JHM infection.To examine the above-described hypothesis, we used progeny mice produced by crossing BALB/c and SJL mice. F2 mice and F1 mice backcrossed to SJL mice were examined for the mCeacam1 genotype and for MHV-JHM susceptibility (30). Mice homozygous for mCeacam1a (1a/1a) and heterozygous mice (1a/1b) were susceptible to lethal MHV-JHM infection, while mice homozygous for mCeacam1b (1b/1b) were not killed by inoculation with MHV-JHM. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that the susceptibility of mice to MHV is determined by the mCeacam1a allele (30). However, this classical genetic analysis could not prove that mCeacam1 alone determines the susceptibility or resistance of mice to MHV-JHM infection, because this methodology cannot rule out the possibility that a different unknown host gene located close to mCeacam1 on chromosome 7 could also affect MHV-JHM susceptibility. Therefore, we used gene replacement in B6 embryonic stem (ES) cells to create a mouse strain in which the exon encoding the N-terminal part of the N-terminal Ig domain of mCeacam1a was replaced with the corresponding region of mCeacam1b from SLJ mice. We bred the chimeric mCeacam1 gene on the B6 background (called B6 chimeric mCeacam1ba, or cB61ba). We compared these mice, wild-type B6 mice, and SJL mice for their susceptibilities to MHV-A59 infection. We confirmed that the expression of mCEACAM1a makes mice susceptible to lethal infection with MHV-A59. However, surprisingly, we found that cB61ba mice were profoundly resistant to MHV-A59 infection, while the virus could replicate at low levels in SJL mice in a self-limited, unapparent infection. Our results suggest that one or more as-yet-unidentified murine genes may also contribute to murine susceptibility and/or resistance to MHV-A59 infection.  相似文献   

DHURANDHAR, NIKHIL V, PUSHPA R KULKARNI, SHARAD M AJINKYA, ABHAYA A SHERIKAR, RICHARD L ATKINSON. Association of adenovirus infection with human obesity. We previously reported that chickens infected with the avian adenovirus SMAM-1 developed a unique syndrome characterized by excessive intra-abdominal fat deposition accompanied by paradoxically low serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels. There have been no previous reports of avian adenoviruses infecting humans. We screened the serum of 52 humans with obesity in Bombay, India, for antibodies against SMAM-1 virus using the agar gel precipitation test (AGPT) method. Bodyweights and serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels were compared in SMAM-1-positive (P-AGPT) and SMAM-1-negative (N-AGPT) groups. Ten subjects were positive for antibodies to SMAM-1, and 42 subjects did not have antibodies. The P-AGPT group had a significantly higher bodyweight (p<0.02) and body mass index (p<0.001) (95.1 ± 2.1 kg and 35.3 ± 1.5 kg/m2, respectively) compared with the N-AGPT group (80.1 ± 0.6 kg and 30.7 ± 0.6 kg/m2, respectively). Also, the P-AGPT group had significantly lower serum cholesterol (p<0.02) and triglyceride (p<0.001) values (4.65 mmol/L and 1.45 mmol/L, respectively) compared with the N-AGPT group (5.51 mmol/L and 2.44 mmol/L, respectively). Two subjects positive for SMAM-1 antibodies had antibodies against each others' serum, suggesting the presence of antigens in one or both. When these two serum samples were inoculated into chicken embryos, macroscopic lesions compatible with SMAM-1 infection developed. The inoculation of serum from N-AGPT subjects did not produce such lesions. The presence of increased obesity, antibodies to SMAM-1, reduced levels of blood lipids, and viremia that produces a typical infection in chicken embryos suggests that SMAM-1, or a serologically similar human virus, may be involved in the cause of obesity in some humans.  相似文献   



The intestinal microbiota protect the host against enteric pathogens through a defense mechanism termed colonization resistance. Antibiotics excreted into the intestinal tract may disrupt colonization resistance and alter normal metabolic functions of the microbiota. We used a mouse model to test the hypothesis that alterations in levels of bacterial metabolites in fecal specimens could provide useful biomarkers indicating disrupted or intact colonization resistance after antibiotic treatment.


To assess in vivo colonization resistance, mice were challenged with oral vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus or Clostridium difficile spores at varying time points after treatment with the lincosamide antibiotic clindamycin. For concurrent groups of antibiotic-treated mice, stool samples were analyzed using quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction to assess changes in the microbiota and using non-targeted metabolic profiling. To assess whether the findings were applicable to another antibiotic class that suppresses intestinal anaerobes, similar experiments were conducted with piperacillin/tazobactam.


Colonization resistance began to recover within 5 days and was intact by 12 days after clindamycin treatment, coinciding with the recovery bacteria from the families Lachnospiraceae and Ruminococcaceae, both part of the phylum Firmicutes. Clindamycin treatment caused marked changes in metabolites present in fecal specimens. Of 484 compounds analyzed, 146 (30%) exhibited a significant increase or decrease in concentration during clindamycin treatment followed by recovery to baseline that coincided with restoration of in vivo colonization resistance. Identified as potential biomarkers of colonization resistance, these compounds included intermediates in carbohydrate or protein metabolism that increased (pentitols, gamma-glutamyl amino acids and inositol metabolites) or decreased (pentoses, dipeptides) with clindamycin treatment. Piperacillin/tazobactam treatment caused similar alterations in the intestinal microbiota and fecal metabolites.


Recovery of colonization resistance after antibiotic treatment coincided with restoration of several fecal bacterial metabolites. These metabolites could provide useful biomarkers indicating intact or disrupted colonization resistance during and after antibiotic treatment.  相似文献   

A mouse model was established for the study of acute myocarditis that occurs during influenza infection. Challenge with more than 10 LD50 of mouse-adapted influenza A2 virus (H2N2) induced myocarditis macroscopically discernible as white, irregularly shaped lesions which were shown by histological examination to consist of necrotic myofibers surrounded by infiltrating mononuclear inflammatory cells. After challenge with 10 LD50 of the virus, macroscopic myocarditis was found to advance in a progressive manner up to the 7th day, while the virus titer in the heart reached its peak on the 2nd day and began to decrease on the 5th day of infection. However, development of myocarditis was significantly suppressed in mice which were irradiated with 400 R of X-rays before infection. In addition, myocarditis did not develop in congenitally athymic nude mice. These data indicate that myocarditis was not brought about by viral action directly, but that it was mediated by some function of the host against viral in-vasion, which was abolished by X-irradiation. The data also suggest that T cells played a key role in the development of myocarditis.  相似文献   

本文通过念珠状链杆菌(Streptobacilusmoniliformis,S.m.)实验感染昆明、C57BL/6J、BALB/c、ICR、NIH、DBA共6个品系小鼠,观察其对S.m.敏感性的差异。其中昆明、C57BL/6J两个品系在腹腔接种后表现出明显的临床、病理改变。昆明小鼠发病率和死亡率分别为92%和80%;C57BL/6J分别是80%和12%。昆明小鼠较之C57BL/6J小鼠起病急、病情严重,多数动物死于感染的急性期。其余品系的发病率为:NIH8%、BALB/c和DBA4%,没有动物死亡;ICR在接种后无任何临床病理改变。在实验感染后临床病理改变方面,昆明小鼠和C57BL/6J小鼠间有较大不同。昆明小鼠以末梢血管淤血、四肢尾部水肿、关节炎、截瘫、腹泻为主,而C57BL/6J小鼠则以注射部位和其它部位皮下脓肿、化脓性关节炎为主。本研究提示,中国昆明小鼠对S.m.敏感性最高,可以将其作为“哨兵动物”用于实验大鼠S.m.的常规监测;不同品系小鼠不仅对实验感染S.m.的敏感性不同,而且表现出不同的临床病理改变。  相似文献   

潜在腺病毒感染的肺泡上皮细胞模型的构建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了探讨腺病毒潜伏感染对正常气道上皮细胞生理功能的影响以及与呼吸道疾病发生、发展的关系,构建了含腺病毒最主要效应蛋白E1A的高效真核表达载体,转染正常大鼠肺泡上皮细胞(CCL149),经过长期抗性筛选获得多个抗性细胞克隆,应用PCR、RT-PCR、Western印记和免疫组化的方法对抗性克隆进行鉴定,最终获得不同E1A蛋白表达强度的阳性细胞克隆。通过细胞增殖曲线和周期分析,观察E1A基因对细胞基本功能的影响。结果显示,E1A基因明显抑制细胞增殖周期,引起细胞S期比例下降,G1期延长,同时E1A能明显增强TNFα诱导下的细胞凋亡。  相似文献   

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